Is it really THAT bad?

Is it really THAT bad?

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It's just dull really
I haven't played it in years after putting in a couple of hours. I would like to finish it though.
Fuck TLOU2, that lesbian shit tarnished any credibility the series had

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No. But it's not that good either.

No, it's not bad at all. It's a good game, just unbelievably overrated. There are some memorable scenes and the story is great. Gameplay is mediocre, but not bad.

only the intro is any good

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It's a passable Resident Evil. Some good storytelling beats, some that fall flat. A good thought with the AI companion, but mediocre execution. Not a bad game, maybe 7/10.

This game was pretty good I played it for free

Yes, the AI really was bad.

Gameplay was solid imo

Always thought the gameplay was awful while the story was pretty good
Then I played through it again on Grounded and realized I'm a big baby and the gameplay is fuckin' solid and actually a lot of fun (if terribly frustrating)

No, it's a solid 8/10. But there's no way in fucking hell that it deserves to be as highly praised and called "the Citizen Kane" of video games like people think it is. That's ridiculously pathetic. It gets way more credit than it deserves like every Sony exclusive.

>"the Citizen Kane" of video games
What could even hold that title?

Crystal Castles, if you could prove it was extremely influencial to other developers.
It was one of the first games to have a real ending.

I played it on youtube. Fun, but the ending sucked.

Probably Super Mario 64 or Ico.

I don't too much care for this

You're right, /ll/ is way better.


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No, just mediocre.
The reason it's shit on so had is because it got entirely too much praise and was treated as the second coming of Jesus just for console wars.

Dark Souls


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Based and stealthpilled

Played about half of it a year ago. Is it worth going back?


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Is Sarah the cunny queen of Yea Forums?

>tfw d just sits out most of the game

No and the multiplayer was fun, too. Bashing heads in with a friend was good shit.

It was kino but needed another 6 months of development time IMO. Still, what they did given the timeframe they had was very impressive

Spot on actually. Especially the A.I. part. Too many times where I'll be trying to sneak past clickers when suddenly Ellies dumbass runs right up to me and just stands there



Neck yourself you fucking zoomer.

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>I'm a retard into the lowest denominator of value

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Literally no one claims TLoU is bad except lonely Yea Forumsirgins

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The game was ok, gameplay not so good, you'll know when people are shitposting about "the amazing combat" when they post webms of melee animations that are just button mashing.
You'll never want to play it again after it ends. but that's usually the case with movie games.

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Replace Super Metroid with Nier: Automata.

replace super metroid with FFVII you cockbite

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Only Yea Forums (unfuckable, unhappy, incels) don't like this is a fact


No its actually a really decent 3rd person stealth/shooter but console war mouth breathers and contrarians will just ruin any chance of a rational discussion.



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This triggers me so much but it’s right

What kind of degenerates take screenshots without highlighting the spoilers, I keep seeing it


This game had Breaking Bad syndrome where I got so fucking sick of people telling me I HAD to play it I just blacklisted it forever bc it started to feel like a chore. Plus it's a Meaty Man Simulator and the color grey. It can't be good.

blog post over

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hey I'm playing sotn for the first time ever right now and it's pretty good take that back ya big ol' meanie


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It's a good game but not great. Which means it's overrated but that also means the backlash to it is going to be ridiculous especially on Yea Forums.

>and the color grey
Honestly the transition from grey to green was one of the things the game did best, it was an actual cool moment.