Will we ever get another good Godzilla game?

Will we ever get another good Godzilla game?

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Another GOOD one? Debatable. Another one in general? Probably.

Yes, when Toei starts mass producing Godzilla movies again it'll come together with a game as part of their multi-media project

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That's a huge bitch

Bitches at the time were huge dude

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Another destroy all monsters would be dope

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If there was a Godzilla ArkSys fighter, where would your favorite kaiju be on the tier list?

Goji would be high or mid for sure. But instead of an awesome idea like that, ArkSys is busy working on fucking Granblue.

Needs to be done by people who actually give a shit about the character first of all.

>2D fighter
Absolutely disgusting, fuck off with that gay shit. Godzilla games need to focus on big destructible cities.

id assume mid to high tier

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I wish I could resurrect the developers of War of the Monsters and have them make a kaiju fighter with licensed Toho monsters.

Another good game? What was the first good one?

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godzillas walk among us

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I remember that Ray Harryhausen movie.

Why do you think all of them are shit?

mecha instead of kaiju, but override was pretty similar. dead as fuck though

>tfw you were lucky enough to find a PS4 copy of Godzilla at gamestop
>tfw they didn’t realize how much the price on that sucker had gone up
>tfw still pop it in and play it for some god tier Godzilla simulations and glorious Fatzilla action


big boy

Absolute unit.

I post my Transformers Devastation style Godzilla game every thread and nobody likes it


The game honestly gets more crap than it deserves. It’s got a grind, but it’s a fun, replayable game with a great sense of place.

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The reviews were awful and missed the point completely. It plays like a mecha game but with Kaiju. The game was balanced for shit and could be unfair online, but when it comes to a Godzilla sim I don’t think there’s another game that does it better. It’s also neat how in the single player your destruction affects the politics surrounding your attacks.

Obviously S-Tier being one of the few monsters that regularly almost beats godzilla

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My idea for a game like that sorry

>Platinum style action game
>Playable Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, Anguirus, and King Caesar, each with a distinct fighting style
>Kamacuras, the Space Amoeba trio, Mutos, giant Meganulon, and Showa era Mogeras are the generic enemies
>Gigan, Megalon, Biolante, Destroyah, Mechagodzilla, and Orga are all bosses
>Biollante is the first boss in true Platinum game fashion
>Gigan and Megalon are the goofy comic relief villains
>King Ghidorah is the final boss with Kaizer Ghidorah being his second form
>Plot is like a late Showa era Godzilla movie, the Xilians invade so Godzilla and co. escape from Monster Island to take care of the problem, story is told by military following Godzilla
>Final level takes place in space with a remix of this youtube.com/watch?v=4F7MnU2ZIc8

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I'd play it.

>It plays like a mecha game but with Kaiju
YES that’s what it is about the game. The heavy tank controls, the slow attacks, it lends that same weight to the monsters that it does for mech games. Shit, time to reinstall.

Destroy All Monsters Melee

Low tier but I'd still main him

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>still no first person survival horror game where you are just a regular person in the middle of a kaiju attack

I’m still amazed we haven’t seen a Cloverfield like vidya. About the closest we have is R.A.D. and City Shrouded in Shadow, the second being more of an interactive choose your own story with highly scripted monster fights.


That was some surprisingly good animation and slapstick.

Please don't show my son being hurt

hopefully they still have the option to reinstall it. Bamco went pretty hard about scrubbing it from the psn.

>Alligators can run at 20mph
>"Let's walk close to it and take videos"

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Th-that’s an edit yeah?
That’s kind of adorable.

Google “Big Mike alligator”

It’s like they are turning prehistoric again


>He start's playing Anguirus like a cello.

how have we not gotten one since that shit godzilla sim

If only the monsters moved and acted more dynamically, and there was stuff like Godzilla and Gamera interacting with each other. Still a really cool game.

if toho stopped being cowards, yeah.

When you found that “safe spot” and just watched the kaiju go back and forth with the same canned animations it really killed any sense of tension.

It reckon making a kaiju game from the perspective of a random survivor wouldn’t be easy though. You could either easily avoid the monster by seeing the chaos way off in the distance and just choosing to go another direction, or if you were in a building that the monster just happened to crash into the death would feel unfair.

Wouldn't necessarily have to be unfair about getting you in the action. You could be trying to rescue someone or get something important out of the area, and the monsters don't have to be gunning specifically for you, just rampaging. Have the controls be like DMC-style dodging and context-sensitive actions.

>DMC style dodging
I don’t see it, that works for an action game but I dunno how you’d use that against a HUGE monster
>context sensitive action
The less scripted sequences the better, City Shrouded in Shadow has that.

Gameplay wise I’d go either REmake, or FPS survival with light combat elements for thugs and maybe smaller monster (Shin Godzilla 2 style)

Going in to rescue somebody might work (ie:cloverfield) or you could do something where early in the game you are introduced to some pheromone that rubs off on you and makes the monster more likely to seek you out if you’re near it.

Still dunno how you’d deal with damage if you’re in a random building that just happened to get knocked over by a monster.

Probably not high on a tier list objectively, but he's so obscure of a pick no one is prepared for him. Anti-meta, so to say.

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at first when shin godzilla got no game cross promotion I thought they were saving it for king of the monsters but now that it came and went I am shocked not even a fucking mobile game

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They abandoned Shin Godzilla for a monsterverse, though I don’t know if that means they are rebooting him again, or if they’ll go off the 2014 movie as the nips really liked KotM(which they should).

Honestly, I’m kind of glad we aren’t getting a Shin sequel. The direction Anno was going to take it with hoards of mini Godzilla humanoids didn’t sound too good imo.

For the giant monsters you'd be dodging the debris they knock around and what's falling on you, and some stealth segments to sneak past or wait until they move on. For smaller things like the Legion soldiers, Meganula, Clover parasites, aggregate Destoroyah, etc you could have direct interactions with them. Plus much better vehicle segments with high-speed driving and dodging.

At least we got the Godzilla x Evangelion 4-D ride.


Regardless of mini zillas i like Shin not getting a sequel 'cause it just feels like the kind of movie that should be a standalone, GMK also kind of feels that way to me, maybe it's a pattern when they make super evil Godzillas?

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I finally got to see King of the Monsters the other day and I really didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would based on the reviews from Godzilla fans I know and things the director has said in interviews and online that really establish him as someone who appreciates and understands Godzilla and kaiju films in general. Despite all of that, it was just a kind of bad disaster movie with really fucking excellent monster scenes cut into it. Every kaiju was characterized wonderfully, but it didn't really amount to much, because they were just a backdrop in their own movie. I guess I'm never going to enjoy a modern Godzilla movie until they stop making them focus on trite, shallow human characters. At least the lady in Shin was fucking adorable.

the thing about it is when it was suits it paid more to have the monsters in the main focus now thats it cgi thats actually the opposite

Damn, that does explain it. CGI really did ruin everything.

Sounds like you want more of a fast paced almost action game where as I want a slow, methodical survival horror but with a massive scale.
which is fine considering kaiju flicks are different for different people.
Curse japan and their awesome 4D rides we only get cam footage of! I did like all the Eva x Zilla crap that came from shin.
Yeah, it was definitely up there with the best. First Godzilla flick in a long time that made him a horrifying force of nature again, and probably the only one since 1954 that did it well.

I think people really overestimate how much "focus" Godzilla had on older movies, King of The Monsters didn't feel that much different from a Heisei movie to me and it focused a lot more on Godzilla compared to some of the Showa movies that could have been any kind of movie but just happen to have mosnters in them

You literally copypasted your post from an /m/ thread, didn't you?

The monsters had as much focus in it as they do in the Toho films, at least KOTM had a lot more monster action than 2014 and while the cutting to the humans during the battles was still there it was a lot less and often the monsters were going at it in the same frame while the humans were advancing the plot.

I want a game with both elements.

the difference is the length of time of the films the longer the film the more it feels like godzilla is not the focus.

Godzilla 2014 was shit because the godzilla scenes were lame but he had the same amount of screen time as most showa series but the movie was like 40 minutes longer then most showa films

Eh, I thought the human drama was pretty solid compared to past Godzilla flicks. I like how the characters were directly impacted by Godzilla’s first appearance and went in drastically different directions (the father hating “titans” for his son’s death and the mother almost worshiping them to find meaning in her son’s death). A lot of other Showa and Heisei flicks have inconsequential human drama that REALLY feels like filler till the fights.

Hmm, yeah i can see length being a problem, it's actually a complaint i have with Final Wars despite all the crazy shit that goes on in that movie, and i definitively won't be defending 2014's antics, but as far as KotM goes i think it maintains a good pace for most of the movie, i'd say the weakest part was after the Oxygen Destroyer since not only it has the most length between the monsters scenes but it's also when the little girl and mother plot starts to lose me, but fortunately Serizawa's scene happens and it was great

Funny you say that, because the Godzilla films that everyone praise as masterpieces barely had Godzilla in them. Look how little screen time he has in DAM, Gojira, and Mothra vs Godzilla.

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all I see in that picture is Brad Pitt

Be nice, Brad's pretty sensitive about how he's aged.

Mothra is a B-Tier fighter but S+ Assist.

Kinda surprising Tokyo S.O.S doesn't have that much Goji considering the climax of that movie starts before the walfway point

Toei? The fuck you on? Toho makes the Godzilla movies and Bandai has all the game rights

It's pretty damn obvious he meant Toho but typed Toei out of habit.

God fucking damnit, i made special care not to confuse the twos that time, i guess it backfired

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The rest of the comment implies otherwise

A lot of that climax focuses on Mothra, her larvae, Kiryu, and the JDF, though.

I think people who have trouble with the human drama really should go back and watch some of the older movies. Not knocking on the films or people who might think the human drama was bad, but I’d say it’s probably the best the human aspect of a Godzilla film has been handled in a while. Really the only others I enjoyed when it came to the human characters were 1954, OG Mecha Godzilla (though mostly for how silly it all was), and Biollante. I’d say 1854 still is the best film all around though. Practically everything about that film is timeless.

I have experienced many climaxes that focus on Mothra.

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I've learned not to ask for much when it comes to the human stuff in Godzillas, all i ask for is that the human plot is related to some Godzilla in some way so his presence on the movie is felt even when he's not on screen, i mean i enjoy Ebirah since i can still see myself enjoying it if you remove the crab and the lizard, but removing them would be so easy it makes me wonder why the hell is it a Godzilla movie in the first place

>tfw you can’t read Japanese
>tfw you can’t enjoy the amazing anime prequel novels

I've been waiting for something like that ever since this came out alongside Shin Godzilla.

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See, take that and fucking expand on it and I’d buy 2 copies. That would be the most intense vidya experience in years.

>knew that Bear had gotten the rights for some Ifukube themes for KOTM but had no idea which ones
>watching it in the theater
>when both of these started thundering from the speakers I was sitting there with jaw dropped and ears orgasming

>tfw spoiled myself on the music 'cause i was weak
I hate myself for this

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The best part was when Old Rivals some one paired it up with the Comic Con/ Imax footage and it went perfectly, which is where it happened in the movie.

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I hope we get to see more of the other Titans in Godzilla vs Kong. I really like the designs of Behemoth, Scylla, and Methuselah, sucks that we don't get much in the way of good looks as them, especially Methuselah.

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They have a really bizarre director on GvK, the execs may also listen to all the bad press over the fans for the next movie, so I’m not really holding my breath. I think KotM was sort of a weird Hollywood fluke where somehow just the right director ended up at just the right place to get just the right IP that he was actually passionate about.

>Missed the point completely

Reminds of how KOTM 2019 was not sparred by "film" critics.

I'm 95% sure the critics were paid off by Disney. Some critics gave Endgame a pass for shit they criticized KotM over.

Why do critics exist, again? What purpose does someone telling you what they thought of a movie serve?

Who's directing GvK? And I hope not, which is likely considering the retarded things the "critics" whined about.

>five years ago they complained about too little Godzilla, now they're complaining that there was too much Godzilla
>irrelevant nonsense like "Mothra was so ugly she made it hard to watch the movie" and shitting on the soundtrack
>many of the critics attacked the Toho films for no reason at all
>the one guy who said Godzilla's beam should be coming out of his ass to symbolize how bad the movie was

Also this. It was much too coordinated and the majority of the critics had the exact same shit, like they were reading from a script.

I honestly think they were triggered
>bad guys champion overpopulation and putting the group before the individual
>father figure wasn’t an idiot and turned out being competent
>stronk mother turned out being a traitor and was treated as such
Their own ego

>>irrelevant nonsense like "Mothra was so ugly she made it hard to watch the movie" and shitting on the soundtrack
No fucking way this is real

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Adam Wingard, responsible for such hits as Death Note Netflix Edition and Blair Witch 2016

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I popped a boner in the theater every time Mothra was onscreen.

It's as real as you are.

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....Well it's a shame GvK will end up being a massive shit with no chance of redemption, but i liked KotM and at the end of the day i guess that's all i really needed from our american brethren

That’s pretty much how I feel about it. KotM was a huge love letter with a good budget, and if all the future movies are likely shit at least we got that.

>Adam Wingard
Oh jesus christ no, please let this be a one in a million event and the movie ends up being good.

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>tfw the time has long passed for there to be a Godzilla vs Avengers movie

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Basedboys need someone to tell them what to think


>lol giant monsters so dumb

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Maybe we'll get lucky but I think it'll be mediocre. Apparently Micheal Dougherty was helping out a bit with the script and general direction of the movie while KotM was in post because i'm pretty sure he was worried too.

Long as the monster action is great and there's a minimum of stupid humor I'll be happy.

>Apparently Micheal Dougherty was helping out a bit with the script and general direction of the movie while KotM was in post
So he made sure Godzilla wins right?

Nah, he made sure they team up against Mecha-Ghidora

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>confusing one shit company with another shit company

Fuck Toho for gimpin Criterion

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They're literally unnecessary

My top 3 films this year were DBS: Broly, John Wicke 3, and Godzilla KotM. Fuck film critics.

Are you the same asswipe who was sperggin deliriously about that new game that never happened months back?

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>Adam Wingard
My gif of '54 Godzilla being skeletonized by the Oxygen Destroyer exceeds the filesize limit, but pretend I posted it.

Team up is pretty much a given at this point as it's the trend for "good guy vs good guy" scenarios, but there should still be a clear winner. And the winner should be Goji, Kong needs to learn who's really king.

So critics didn't like John 3? I mean yeah the plot was pretty autism but fuck me the action was really good and some of the shots were amazing
I'm sure an argument can be made about writing being more important than action, but when 80% of the movie is people punching eachother in the dick it's kinda easy to tell what are their priorities

Gimme Destroyah or Biollante

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It gave us hope in a world with none

If the conspiracy theory of the mouse cycling over Kotm and the critics annotations for GvK being based on the most misguided ones, safe to say then, GvK is FUCKED

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it could work

What did you originally type?


Your post got cucked, huh

Man i was pissed when i bought the PS3 game and read how much shit the PS4 version had, like, actual content. Unfortunately i don't own one.

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Gojira is an anomaly which shouldn't be relied on too heavily, because it was disproportionately funded compared to other Godzilla films, it had a much more film-credible cast and a coherent theme that a lot of the "just for fun" Godzilla films didn't. That it became a classic and Eborah didn't isn't a matter of the percentage of time spent with Godzilla.

While on average you're correct, there are also incredibly highly-praised films with very high Godzilla percentiles, Hedorah and Destroyah most obviously.