Why was it forgotten?

Why was it forgotten?

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I think you need to take your pills because it wasn't forgotten, we talk about it almost daily here



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As soon as it can be emulated everyone know it's a shit game.

He's talking about the europoor version.

is that a real wikipedia article

Yeah, but we're talking about the masses. You nintendofaggots love to talk about all of your games daily and usually melt if there aren't five smash threads up at any given time.

A updated one yes

This list makes me irrationally angry.

Why? All of those are fantastic games, the only thing wrong with it is FF7 being higher than FF6 & Chrono Trigger


lol that box art. Why does Nintendo think Europeans are homosexuals?

BOTW has been emulatable for like a year now, if not more.

because all these open-world sandbox "games" are the same, they all run together.

Because they are?

Good thing reviewers only play the the first third of a game or they would have found almost a third of Dark Souls is awful.

It's been almost 3 years

I played it over a year ago, liked it, and don't really see a need to discuss it anymore. It's you retards who complain about it that won't let the game die. There are 3 threads about BoTW on Yea Forums right now and all 3 are negative. It would be forgotten if you didn't let it stay rent free in your head 24/7

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tl;dr you little nigger. nobody cares. we only shitpost.

It’s still top 10 on the npd.

You cared enough to respond so I win

daily? more like every few seconds