She did nothing wrong

She did nothing wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:

She did everything wrong, even in her own route where she's significantly less insane.

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How can you defend literal genocide

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idk ask America

I'm not interested in any game whose concept art is literally drawn in children's television cartoon style AKA "anime".

So despite this series' apparently MASSIVE popularity, I can take pride in knowing that my tastes are far more refined. I am a discerning lover of quality entertainment and I do not wish to associate with the lowest common denominator (You)

I forgot to mention that I have no idea who this "Edelgard" is.

You just want attention?

of non-humans? who cares

She did it all for teacher-pussy. Wouldn't you do the same?

Where are the doujins for this game? I am very disappointed

Best girl.

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The look on Byleth's face when she gave her the chop chop was great.

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Why is the concept of a girl becoming a genocidal dictator just to score some gay nookie so funny to me?

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Edelgard is Daenerys done right

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It's Fire Emblem so it will never exist.

Poor timing with comiket.

Everything she did was to get Sensei all for herself.

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>only /u/ art
fuck the police

Literally every route in the game proves her right, since they all end with reform coming about as a result of every single power structure in the continent being smashed except whichever one you sided with.

Fuck off, BlunZ. Seeing your waifu shit pop up whenever I search for Fire Emblem videos is irritating.

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I'm on NG+ and I'm going to turn this retard into a Fortress and possible Great Knight.

Also, seems like BE characters have the least amount of supports with other houses. Nobody likes these faggots. Except Ferdinand and the Slut.

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Is it just me or does everyone hate each other in this game?


People keep using this word and I don’t think they know what it means.

War =\= genocide

>Fuck off, BlunZ.

>be Sylvain
>son of major house of Kingdom
>go to prestige school to learn combat to better defend your nation and family
>betray everyone first day because teacher is hot
this nigger

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Honestly at this point I'm just content with a Fire Emblem protagonist actually proactively trying to do things and not just reacting to "bad guy doing stuff" or falling assbackwards into "here's the people and items/legendary weapons we need to solve the game's main conflict" which in this sense makes her unique among Fire Emblem main characters.
In her own route, she makes a concentrated effort to perform surgical strikes to cripple the other factions' war efforts.
Beyond that, her own actions instantly topple the stagnant status quo and provide fertile ground for whoever's left standing in the end to create a better society for the continent.

Nothing is going to happen without her fucking up existing power structures. Dimitri's PTSD and Claude's dickassery(Claude himself basically being an example of another FE MC that just trips into convenience with stuff like Hubert telling him where the Slithers were) wasn't going to accomplish shit without Edelgard crossing the Rubicon.

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Remember people, Edelgard is OK with Sothis and worshiping Her. She just hates the Church, not the people in it.

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Is Edelgard x Sensei the most pure love in Fire Emblem?

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>all of those A supports Ferdinand has
Truly the peoples' noble. Amazing dodgetank too.

Nah Hanneman proves her wrong, his technology leads to bigger social changes than anything else. The war delayed his research actually

I was planning to make him a Wyvern Lord.

They had two options with the plot. Either TWSITD take center stage as the villains all the way through which would have been BORING or one of the three nations has to drive the plot forward with conflict. Edelgard drew the short straw in that regard and just makes the most of it narrative wise

>Nothing is going to happen without her fucking up existing power structures. Dimitri's PTSD and Claude's dickassery(Claude himself basically being an example of another FE MC that just trips into convenience with stuff like Hubert telling him where the Slithers were) wasn't going to accomplish shit without Edelgard crossing the Rubicon.

Nope. Her war accomplished jack shit. All the people who want to make changes are going to get into power, and the crest problem literally solves itself as the bloodlines die

Is this the first Fire Emblem where Hero is kinda shit?

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maybe not, but you certainly did something wrong by making yet another three houses thread.

Don't care about genocide bitch, busy bonding with my father.

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Literally every single prominent leader, including Rhea, wanted to bring about the changes she wanted.

Edelgard is the hottest, purest character with the strongest lust for power. Clearly, the patrician choice.

No you don’t understand the church would’ve prevented Ferdinand from proving education to commoners because fan fiction

that's absolute bullshit. rhea wanted the exact opposite of what edelgard wanted.

>Rhea didn't want to start a war killing thousands of people

Dimitri would have gone nuclear either way it just would have been on the molemen if el didnt turn into hitler

She keeps being bisexual, greedy bitch.

She gets over it.

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Same. Wyvern Lord or something like swordmaster seems best for him.

>Her S support where she's almost suicidal over the idea of the war being started due to her 1000 year's long deceit.

Except she was planning to step down after failing to get mommy back

>no mention of impregnating her
shit end

idk, you tell me, Rheafag.

She lost.

>entire continent has humans in it
A real holocaust that one

This is said in all routes, I don't get how the Beagles only's forget this part.

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Fucking lost it

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She wanted sothis back, everything from their stance on Crests to the church were just a bandaid fix to give her enough, time and influence without people realizing you could get magic super powers by cracking open her skull like a watermelon. Once byleth enters the picture all of that is done.

*dabs on Edelgard*

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>Rhea's race was genocided except for her and a few descendants of her people
>humans dominate the world
What was that post supposed to mean?

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Wtf even on BL route she wants to fuck the teacher?

>Edelgard gives the Adrestian throne on some literal who and fucks off with Byleth out of nowhere
>Claude fucks off back to Almyra
>King Dimitri officially marries the church Archbishop Byleth after he propose to her
Claude and Edelgard's S-rank support with Byleth is underwhelming compared to Dimitri.

She is in love with Byleth in all routes. She's the true cuck of Fodlan.

>posts non BE Edelgard who had already gone mad

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I started her route first. Is there any other routes where you don't kill her? I don't want to kill my waifu in my ng+.

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Mole Niggers hate all "beasts." Which includes the children of "beasts."

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Yep, she’s in love with Sensei on all routes

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No. Her route is the only different one

Maybe wait for the "no one has to die" hugbox DLC route.

Edelgard was a fucking riot in BL

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Who is this fag? I only finished BL and just started BE.

That's because it's the localization version. Apparently in the Japanese version, Edelgard will marry you while still on the throne. I don't get why they change it.

>if you don't want a dumb outfit for byleth buy the season pass that could have literally anything on if

She and Dimitri only live on their own routes. Claude can live in all 4

She's an obsessed beta femcel orbiter.

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Without the upheaval, the crest problem isn't just going to go away in one or two generations and nobody is going to sacrifice a potential advantage otherwise which is why everyone is jockeying for space at the crest table during any stalemate.

Just some random slitherer, he's only there because you killed all of the other leaders without realising it

It’s kinda horseshit how little skin in the game Claude has that he can just fuck off with no real repercussions

This bait is not funny, even if it try.

The Azura of 3H

Nintendo's localization teams are and have been cancer for a solid 15 years. They make changes for the sake of change, and almost ALWAYS for the worse.

Do not open

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>Awakening had day 1 DLC, cost more than the base game
>Fates had day 1 DLC, cost more than the base game
>Echoes had day 1 DLC, cost more than the base game

>3H has waves of DLC with pointless shit like "auxiliary maps" and "items" long after everyone has already beaten the game
>new story route not out until 8 fucking months from now

For what purpose?

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>the crest problem isn't just going to go away in one or two generations
Actually it is due to technology from people like Hanneman and linhardt.

Amazing right?
It's like some muv-luv shit.

reminder based japan has the perfect taste

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Rhea marries the shit out of you, green proposal ring too.

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What happened to her nose?

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I prefer the endings where I just go live a happy and quiet life with my wife instead of being the HOLY ARCHBISHOP OF HOLINESS

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this is the worst fire emblem game ever tbqh

Professor, what if the flame emperor turned out to be a really cute girl? Do you think you could fall in love with her? Not that I know anything about him or anything, just a thought, haha

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what the fuck

I don't fucking get it. It's like they're encouraging people not to play the game. They won't even say what the story route FUCKING IS

I just her route. Which one to do next if I only want to do one more?

A small nose for a small girl.

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>64% Women
user, I'm not going to say without women, she would have been in first place, but come on, if the number were equal, I guarantee your otome bait wouldn't have been in 1st place.

Golden Deer so you can learn she's full of shite.

I recruited everyone from Eagles with the sole exception of Bernie so I could kill her.

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Blue Lions gives more info on Edelgard and Dimitri.

Golden Deer gives more info about the wub-wub molemen and the game's backstory.

Church is similar to Golden Deer except you can marry/fuck the big-tiddy and wide-hipped Rhea

GD for the lore.
Nothing actually happens in BL. It's just generic FE plot of "prince kicked out of his country and must take it back from the big bad meanie"

Would you date a girl with an eating disorder or BPD?

cope stinky edeltard

That doesn't sound very heterosexual.

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>nothing happens
It’s focused on the central antagonist. The molemen are jobbing losers, literally get dealt with accidentally and off screen in one paragraph

>That's because it's the localization version. Apparently in the Japanese version, Edelgard will marry you while still on the throne
Source or bullshit. I see no reason why the localization team would fuck up Edelgard's S-rank support end with Byleth when half of her possible endings is she actually married and remained in power.
Ferdinand even gave her multiple kids, fuck.

>fire emblem fans whine about fe games either having no morally grey characters or executing it horribly (like in fates)
>3h comes out and has two lords that are morally grey, edelgard and dimitri, and are done amazingly well by fire emblem standards
>fanbase shits their pants, either calling them hitler (edelgard) or whitewashes anything bad the character could do because he is husbando material (dimitri)

You faggots are legitimately too retarded for morally grey characters.

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>virgin magazine poll vs chad in-game statistics

Face it, BE won

It’s bullshit user, it’s a Japanese word with multiple meanings and they choose spouse due to their bias

>He said this as I'm right
Also, again, Edelgard would have not been in first, it's would have been Dark Spike or Bear in first.

Marianne and Byleth has everyone beat.

When everyone who thinks you're wrong is dead you get to be right. Case in point, she did nothing wrong.

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Forcing Annette to commit patricide!

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So what will the story content be? It seems like in every route somebody winds up insane and dead. Is it the Sothis route, or does she get fleshed out more in the church route (which I've yet to do but Edelgard still winds up crazy and stupid and dead in that one)?

Those are biased.
Sorry for Reddit, but here's the explanation.
>And in Japanese,
"At times, the two left the palace to go on honeymoon (intimate) trips together. However, how they spent those moments (loving each other) is unknown to everyone but them."

>morally gray

Edelgard is never crazy, Dimitri goes crazy, Rhea goes crazy, Edelgard doesn’t


Edelgard sucks your cock while Rhea rims your butthole.

Sothis shows up in her adult body with all her memories and tells people to stop being retarded.
She makes crests disappears. Nukes the slithers. Reforms the church. Everyone lives happily ever after

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I'm only talking about FE3H's lords.

no one fucking knows, for all we know it's fucking AU bullshit where they all play tin pin slammer

This, Edelgard is straight up evil.

>Edelgard is morally grey

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Can we at least agree Byleth is the best avatar/myunit in FE series?

For democracy.

scan when

My bet is on a story set in a different time.

Fuck off.


>Professor... I don't want anymore tea...

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Well, Byleth is silent. What reason would anyone have to dislike them?

People dislike Corrin because she talks and spouts retarded shit and has an infuriating personality.
Robin is plain mcFaggot know-it-all who gets his dick sucked endlessly.

Byleth? It's just the MC and nods alongside what happens in the story.

Time for Choir then

>Edelcucks are redditors
Who would have thought?

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cope edelfag

No but I do.

This. Yea Forums has shit tastes and want their main characters to be as bland as possible, not taking any initiative, just reacting to world domination plans.

prove it


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Edelgard now follows in the tradition of other female protagonists in the series where a vocal minority condenses any and all character and nuance they might have had into a single buzzword.

Behold the Grand History of Female Protagonist:

Celica is an idiot

Lyn is boring

Eirika is stupid

Micaiah is a Mary Sue

Lucina is boring

And now finally:

Edelgard is a monster
Congratulations Edelgard you've made it into the big leagues! Forget about nuanced writing or morally grey characters. Nah, senpai let's go back to the good old days where I didn't have to think about complex motivations, how environments and the situational context of their time shape characters as well as their actions, and how my own biases and privileges prevent me from relating and empathizing with certain characters.

If you can't act with 100% logic and complete knowledge that you shouldn't have 100% of the time you're objectively a bad character.

How is Dimitri an otome bait aside from being handsome?

what in the fuck is that picture

Hero hasn't been relevant as a final class since GBA FE.

>Shareable snacks

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Motherfuckers, I just look up "edelgard ending in Japanese" and click on the first thing I see. Seriously, who fucking cares? If you can provide a source without using reddit, I will gladly follow by, but if not, don't talk shit if you can't back yourself up.

>a character is morally grey because she has a sob story and a pair of tits
When will this meme end?

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>tragic character that needs healing

It's Boyleth topless and muscled. Is it that hard to understand?

>Sothis sounds like an angry grandma in JP
>this is completely lost over in English

I wonder what the dlc true ending will be like...?

Post girls who are objectively better than Edelgard.

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How far would she go to get Sensei on her side?

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is it possible to think edelgard is

1. a morally dark character
2. a well written character
3. a person you don't like

at the same time?

>Hedgemon Edelgard exclusively attacks Dimitri and Dimitri's highest level support character
Who was the obsessed one again?

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How about you start with someone that doesn’t take horse dick

>Claude straight up agrees with Edelgard’s overall ideology
>Dimitri disagrees, but at least understands where she’s coming from

The issue both of them have with Edelgard is the methods she uses, and in BE route she is significantly more reined in due to the emotional support of having both the professor and her classmates around. Yet some of you assclowns think shes fucking Ashnard tier

what? He practically screams otome hero.

only if you're retarded

I agree with this because Byleth isn't overcentralizing the way past MUs have been and all the lords are the heroes of their own stories. I mean in Blue Lions all the Byleth shit isn't even relevant, since it's so focused on the war.

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It’s precisely the fact that EVERYONE agrees with her that makes her evil, user

>>this is completely lost over in English
That's your average US dub.
All the same tone with no accent whatsoever so it's perfectly ineligible but also without flavor.

Nevermind Dimitri, Ingrid is the biggest otome self insert I can fucking imagine in the history of this series

Edelgard is a dark gray trying too hard to be morally white and as said before the GD route tells you that Edelgard's motives were shit

what is it

You're not fooling anyone, Hubert.

>Yet some of you assclowns think shes fucking Ashnard tier
She literally is worse than Ashnard. Ashnard doesn't have his head up his own ass for one.

after targeting Dimitri once, she attacks opportunistically like any other AI.

she lost and has the argumentative ability of a 3 year old

Perfection. Annette and Rhea are great too.

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Sothis route since she barely gets any shit in the game. Maybe it's a route where she gains her memories earlier and try solve every problems(rhea mommy issues/edel temper tantrum/molepeople/church lies).

She even looks great after the time skip.

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Purging heretics with Catherine!

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Holy fuck no we can't. Removing customization was a huge mistake, but even just taking the default MUs, Robin is far superior.

It's flat out said.

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She doesn't. Gloomy eyes gave her charm

Dimitri snapped out of reality when Rodrigue died.



Time traveling baby units.

>finished BE as my first route
>100 hours put into it because I play awfully slow and want to savor it
>now on NG+ with GD
>already miss Edelgard and my BE bros
I know I can recruit them but still

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>second coming of saint Cethleann
Isn't that implied in Linhardt's support as well?

This was weird because Dorothea was lvl 30 and had 25 avoid and Dimitri had 60 avoid + 35 def

Coincidence that on my run she just happened to attack Dimitri's bride-to-be, every turn then. Regardless, the fact that she wastes one of her shots on Dimitri every turn, even if it will do 0 damage even if it makes the 20% hit chance, makes her utterly obsessed.

This makes no fucking sense.

Edelgard’s methods are a no bullshit, A to B operation. She feels the short term loss of life and disorder in Fodlan is worth severing the change of a power structure built on a lie in order to manipulate the populace for their own selfish purposes, which Rhea HERSELF admits.

Obviously there is disagreement in regards to how much bloodshed this causes, at the same time it’s not an mustache twirling level of villainy either

Whoever designed Annette's paralogue can suck my fucking scrotum, fuck that garbage.

>Dear diary...

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Dimitri is also the most overtly romantic lord with Byleth to the point it's awkward to read some of his dialogue with male Byleth.

Just get Caspar so you can do Mercedes' paralogue.

It's a step up from Corrin but
>arbitrarily pseudo-silent protagonist
>everybody gravitates to them almost arbitrarily
>boring voicelines, no real fun lines like Robin's war game-themed stuff like "tip the scales" or "checkmate", barely any "class/school-themed" lines(did they use them all up on Vaike)

>maintains good cast dynamics without deviantArt-tier implementation(e.g. FE12's)
>figures of authority do not randomly and arbitrarily compromise their agency in their presence(Lol just let Corrin do it)

It's like on a chart if you had to rank their positive qualities they do some stuff better than Robin but also worse than Robin and just sort of end up tying for first place.

Lucina and Lyn are boring though. Nothing would really change if you removed them from the game. I honestly don't blame the Warriors devs for needing Nintendo to force them to include Lucina.

This was an actual legit reddit post. Way to plagarize fucking reddit of all things because you can't defend your shitty lords yourself, holy shit. Female Lord fuckers are pathetic.

It's tough. Especially because of the memes. I know what happens to poor Bernie if I don't recruit her.

She literally is the Saint Cethleann

>100 fucking hours on your first route
You're going to burn out user. Go play something else first.

>Muh girl hitler
Just replay BE, we don't want you.

In Seteth and Flayn's A support they straight up use their real names

Judging her actions based out background information she couldn’t possibly have known in GD is unfair. Going off the information/knowledge she posses in her own right her thought process is sound.

History is filled with tragic misunderstandings from a lack of perspective from the other side. Even then, still doesn’t totally excuse the Church’s actions

What? Why is Ingrid a self-insert when we have a mute Female avatar who can fuck all the main characters in this game?

Everyone agrees with her, user. The war had no purpose

>were your hands always so warm?
Jesus that shit was straight out of a junior high girls fanfic

They chose that word because it makes Blyat her spouse, but doesn't raise him/her to rank of emperor. Blyat is her spouse, but Edelgard is the sole head of state.

Anyway, she remains the ruler, but they occasionally take trips to fuck.

It's hinted at in his supports yeah, Claude's too. Flat out said in her A Support with Seteth, and convos with her uncles.

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I agree. It was really nice seeing her with hope for the future.

Woudn't know. Benched her.

Enjoy being melted by mages

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R*ddit isn't a source, you're full of shit.

Ashnard wanted a place where the strong ruled and was proud of it, Edelgard has a plan to erase the crests by any means necessary and when she's asked why she goes "Y-you don't understand the suffering of the people" followed by using civilians in the Enbarr siege

You're probably gonna REALLY miss golden deers then once you're done with them cause they have a really good cast.

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take solace in the fact that GD has the best final boss and actually solves the dubstep problem on screen

>Seteth doesn't like the crest system
>Dimitri doesn't like the system
>Claude doesn't like the system
>Rhea was planning on stepping down and giving Byleth her job


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No you can’t really excuse her because part of her character is her inability to trust others but why trust the words of previous emperors especially when you are wary of unfit and corrupt nobility

Is she making the same sounds as Lys in that one?

If he doesn't finish it ASAP he'll get spoiled to death just like me

Ashnard is one of the most generic villains in a series chock full of generic villains, let’s not kid ourselves now

You’re not changing any of the fundamental problems in Fodlan without a massive upheaval of the status quo, and the war on the church of Seiros is exactly that.

Please explain to me in what possible way that could have been resolved in a remotely peaceful matter. We had to have a large scale conflict at some point

They should have added Landsknecht or Doppelsoldner as a logical master class upgrade to hero.
Kept the Sword/Axe proficiency and add a unique skill that makes you two hand these weapons increasing weapon power by 30% but at the cost of accessory/shield slot.

Master tier is severely lacking in foot soldier upgrades in general. It is to be noted that classes are flexibile, but people still like progression.

Her VA is whispering, the "quiet Uncle" part is a in pleading tone.

Sylvain outright says in one of his supports with Mercedes that he hates crests and wishes that they never existed. I'm 100% convinced the story DLC is going to revolve around the three houses learning to communicate and work with each other instead of edelgard's unnecessary war.

>Ashnard doesn't have his head up his own ass for one.

Attached: I had a fucking byleth and edelgard laughing girls variant but I can't find it so have this ren (1024x1024, 130K)


Non-BE Edelgard is a desperate hypocrite backed into a corner, this is not a surprise to anyone

It's rough. I just finished BL route, and it was awful. The route itself was fun, but knowing you're fighting for the wrong side the entire time, while hearing Dimitri give half-baked speeches about meaningless ideals, sucks. It wouldn't be so bad if they at least proved that being ruled over by immortals who treat human history as their plaything isn't actually bad, but instead it's nothing but blind obedience.

I'm hoping GD route is better, since they at least go after Slitherers.

Dimitri was only like that in his own route, while Edelgard still fawns over sensei even in non-BE routes.

Imagine performing experiments 11 times to bring your mommy back, only for your 12th and latest experiment that had finally awoken mommy's power to tell you to go eat shit.

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>for the wrong side the entire time

I need a pathetic edit of this

Thanks for proving my point.

You mean awakens to fuck you

And they're raiding the tomb of your family again to make super weapons for war.

>morally grey
Really tired of this meme
Her vision for the future is morally grey, yes. But the way she goes about achieving it is pure evil. Arvis is more morally grey if anything, since at least at the end of FE4 he admits he fucked up and atones, Edelgard is a self-righteous bitch until the very end.
Dimitri isn't morally grey at all, he's just fucking insane for the first half of Part 2. Dude doesn't even think he's king material when he comes to his senses, he only takes the position because that's what everyone else wants. In BE he's slightly less insane and slightly more grey, but everyone in BE is conveniently a dick to make Edelgard look good.

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>shill posts gameplay image today after i called him out for using the same PR image every thread
oh no no no no no

Without the war Dimitri was looking into who caused the Duscur tragedy, he was onto who did it too. If Edelgard didn't rush into a war he probably would have taken care of it since that is where his investigation would have taken him. Edelgard just jumps into things too fast before the other lords can do anything. It isn't a case of only her being proactive on it. More like she moved before Claude and Dimitri could do anything.

>the prime minister doesn’t like the system
>two of the most important military houses in the kingdom don’t like the system
>minister of military affairs in the empire doesn’t like the system
>crest scholars like Hanneman and linhardt (another high ranking imperial noble) doesn’t like the system
>the most important military family in the alliance doesn’t like the system
>the next heir to house Gloucester doesn’t like the system
>the vessel for the goddess herself doesn’t like the system
>random minor nobles like Mercedes, Ingrid, Marianne don’t like the system

is he referring to the children of sothis?

Even with her power structure built on a lie for self-serving reasons, Rhea still helps a shitload of people. Offering protection from bandits, taking in refugees and offering work.

Her lie would be mostly beneficial to Fodlan if nobles accepted her authority, save for the isolationism.

Thank you based user

Imagine falling in love with the new Professor only for him to kill you and with a straight face

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user, Dimitri also has quotes about not wanting to fight you AND appears as a ghost only to you in the Church route. He's always fawning over you, too.

You’re delusional
The entire social order wants the same thing

But user, she admits she's being self-righteous. That means it's OK if you admit it.

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I love the interactions Seteth has with the saints. Especially when he thanks Indech for going easy on them and him answering that he's just too weak to really wreck shit now.

>went straight for the kill instead of sparing randolph from torture
>bashed edelgard's skull without any hesitation

Calm down ashen demon.

i think im in love with edelgard

Well shit, I'm ready to slam

Hanneman canonically sides with BE though.

Shut up Professor

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In BL he operates the traps in that one level, didn't see him in GD.

“Mostly” is doing a lot of work here. We just gonna ignore the either social hierachy the crest system propogrates that has caused untold amounts of suffering, as evidenced by like half of the damn playable cast?

And, similar to Attack on Titan, just accepting their lives as chattel to a very morally suspect being seems ripe for disaster. Who’s to say Rhea doesn’t suffer from a combination of further stress from her failed attempts to resurrect her dead mother accelerating her dragon degeneration?

Edelgard was not insane to think just uprooting everything wholesale and giving humanity a clean slate was a bad idea

God why is she so perfect?

Dad Seteth offering some life tips.

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There is no canon in Fire Emblem. Multiverse has been confirmed since ages ago and every save file of fire emblem thee houses is it's own universe. For example, Heroes makes note of this too and even recently, when they added Queen Camilla to the game, which only happens in BR.

>ok, let's blackmail all those nobles. they won't be there for long
>que next scene
>kyaaah, a rat

the Silver maiden? because Hubert appeared there for me

wait a second... that dagger

Then I guess arguing about how Edelgard is on BL is moot because she objectively isn't evil on BE.

he appears there as the trap master NPC if you don't recruit him.

Imagine being so cucked you’d willingly accept a church with a false (well, dead) god manipulating the history of an entire continent, stagnating your progress as a society as a whole and consider isolating yourselves from the world as a good thing

What the hell are you talking about with fighting for the wrong side?

Along with Hanneman and Manuela.

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he gets replaced by npc´s if you don't recruit him

Manuela shows up as an assassin there if you don't recruit her. Nearly spit out my drink the first time I saw it.

does she appear as the other section of the map where that one enemy is at that keeps spawning reinforcements on the far right?

>have sylvain as wyvern rider
>hes overpowered but dark knight seems more interesting and axes look gay

About to hit the timeskip, can I make the switch and have him still be viable?

Easy to say Edelgard isn't evil when you aren't one of the corpses she's stepping on to accomplish her delusional goals.

Why did he joined the empire if his entire backstory is leaving the empire and start traveling until he ended up in the Garreg monastery

>he fell for Edelgards lies
I'll save you the trouble user, Edelgard was wrong and misinformed, BL doesn't really get into it but once you play Church or GD you will learn the truth of it and you were on the right side on BL


BL isn't obedient to the church though? They just want to stop Edelsharts war because it's fucking killing their countrymen. It doesn't even matter in the end anyways because Byleth gets full control of the church, so muh ebil church broblem is completely solved in his hands.

>it's the only way sensei
>have you tried literally anything else Edelgard?
Gotta have a war in a war game anons, no point in arguing about plot contrivances

>social hierachy the crest system propogrates that has caused untold amounts of suffering, as evidenced by like half of the damn playable cast?

The church has absolutely nothing to do with this. Nothing. It does literally not one single thing to perpetuate the system. The fact that you believe this reflects badly on your own intelligence. The church is not forcing noble families to behave the way they do, noble families have their own reasons.

What perpetuates the crest system is the sheer utility of crests/relic weapons, and the nobility itself. If edelgard wanted to be a true revolutionary, she should’ve mass executed all nobility, and create some form of representative government.
>just accepting their lives as chattel to a very morally suspect being seems ripe for disaster
Like someone who starts the worst war in the continents history to solve a problem that will solve itself. Bloodlines will disappear, extremely self-aware nobles are coming into power, and crestology is a new science that will develop an alternative.

Well user, they're not delusional if they're canon in her route, right? You said it yourself. :^)

otomeshitters get so triggered by this post lmao

They're demons! Edelgard is a gotdamn demon!

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>Shows up as an assassin
>"How can you live with yourself after letting Dimitri rip out Bernie's spine with his bare hands"

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>as evidenced by like half of the damn playable cast?
So are we going to ignore these people are going to fill the most powerful positions on the continent?

I wasn't even the user you were talking to. But whatever makes you feel better, Edeltard.

Cause it's wrong, just like when you have a little accident whenever someone calls your waifu an aids tard that loves slithering dick.

Alex Jones DLC when bros?

It's really funny how you guys get so riled up by the mere suggestion that Edelgard didn't do literally everything wrong.

seethe harder

All your former students from the opposing faction doesn't really wanna fight you either. It's not even comparable with Edelgard's confession to Byleth while she's about to split her skull in half lmao.

Whatever helps you feel better, little guy.

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Its even funnier when literally anyone says Edelshit is wrong and her beta orbiters come in to defend her.

Edelgard definitely did nothing wrong, but I feel like Byleth may have made a few mistakes here.

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The timeskip start map is a pain in the dick as golden deers.
I want my overpowered angry boar back

Edelgard's route would have been better if they'd actually dealt with Arundel and the dubsteppers instead of the ending going
>and then the empire dealt with the dubsteppers but that's a story for another day

How would you write them fighting the slitherers though

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If Edelgard spent any time talking to just about any of the other students, even ones in her own class, she could have realized that they all agree with her and she can work with them all together to help reform the system. She is so caught up in her own plan and is blinded to other possibilities due to her need to control things.
Personally I think this makes her a good, realistic character. However she is absolutely wrong in starting the war and it is in no ways justifiable.

>Just used Ignatz and Lorenz as adjutants instead of actually fielding them
>they show up together and my best units show up last
Mistakes were made.

Are you going to post it in every thread?

>The church has absolutely nothing to do with this. Nothing. It does literally not one single thing to perpetuate the system.

Yes it fucking does. By lying about the origins of crests and making them seem like some divine blessing from the goddess rather than the truth of them being stolen by selfish humans indirectly propogates the class system between nobles in commoners by the populace being deceived into thinking it some high value divine blessing.

I’m sorry the game doesn’t spoon feed this shit to you but it’s fairly fucking obvious by reading between the lines.

This is why Edelgard’s ideology is so attractive to people like Lysithea and Sylvain in BE

But she did do things wrong. Literally any suggestion that she wasn't pure evil makes you seethe though. Notice how you came to this bait thread to cry about how mean she was.

>milquetoast anti hero gets this much backlash and panties twisted

Gamers really aren't ready to play as actual villains in games.

I am missing my Lions pretty bad. My deer units are probably better unit wise, but I only like Hilda and Lorenz as characters so playing through kinda sucks.

Have hubert actually mention he knows where they are instead of pawning it off to claude

>at the start of the map only Claude was a killer and Byleth was only okay
>the two characters I didn't really use show up together and would have died if it wasn't for Ragnarok still being powerful on a low level Lorenz
>all of the powerhouses show up late
Yeah it was pretty rough

She’s the right though in that the only way to completely destroy the social order is through war. Any other half assed reform is just going to result in the system surviving in some shape or form. As long as the alliance and faerghus lords/church of seiros was around, it would’ve continued and as dimitri’s ending shows nothing really changes

Yeah, they have to be able to accept that they've villains and stop idolizing them.

I thought I laid out my opinions and reasoning pretty clearly, but I'll re-iterate:

BE route tells you that dragons are evil and controlling the world, with no regard for human lives. Rhea going completely insane seems to support this.

GL does absolutely nothing to disprove Edelgard's claims. Instead, you spend the entire time fighting against what seems to be a just cause for no particular given reason. Dimitri's justifications for why Edelgard is wrong aren't, "Actually, you're wrong about the dragons and crests and all that, and here's why:" it's, "I don't have any ideals of my own, but I know I disagree with yours so we must fight now!"

From what other anons have said, I have to assume that GD or Church routes give an explanation for why Edelgard is wrong, but after two full playthroughs I haven't seen anything yet. And even if Edelgard is proven wrong, that doesn't change the fact that Dimitri's reasons for fighting are pathetic and nonsensical.

>Dimitri can basically solo the whole map as an unstoppable boar of war dodging everything and slaughtering thieves with a single sheev spin counterattack

>Claude gets hit by 3 thieves and is nearly dead

Fuck this

You haven't played the game, Dimitri invents democracy

It's only because she's a woman.
It's the same manufactured outrage as the Ghostbusters remake and all those comic book movies with women in them.
No one would give a shit if she was a dude.

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You really think convincing a few students is equivalent to convincing all the actual Lords, Knights, Rhea, etc, etc?

Until it stops being shocking or funny.

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A few more chapters where they infiltrate the base after arundel goes mwahaha and tries to assassinate edelgard at the wars end

Fucking love it.

>there was an investigation under way and it would all have been taken care of
Getting some deja vu here...

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>These are the shitters that think 3H is the best in the series

Edelgard is literally Hitler in BL. Without Byleth shes absolutely the most needlessly destructive faction other than the molefags

>Actual villains
Edelgard would be a good villain if she didn't try to say stuff like "i'm going to stop bloodshed by starting a war" and then when she's loosing going "Y-you don't understand"


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I haven't gotten anyone to show up. Byleth or Claude dies on the first turn.
Byleth is underleveled since I tried to rely on students more. Ahhh.
Honestly thinking of going to normal.
I like the chemistry between the golden deers. They seem like actual students/friends. Probably because they have the least baggage. Felix is still my favorite character.
Not a fan.
Dimitri can solo any map except the last one and his parlogue I think. He was great.
Claude actually gets hit and misses. And doesn't crit every attack while screaming bloody murder.

just one, and she's dealt with in every ending. If you can't see why Dimitri wouldn't support starting a continental war for an "implacable just cause," then you didn't read properly. Dimitri's goals are as generically heroic as they come

But I still love my dearest Empress Edelgard even though I disagree with most of her methods and views.


All of the endings for blue lions make it clear the church was only soft reformed with the dragons alive and every noble in the house just ended up succeeding their parents and doing the same shit they did. Yeah things got mildly better for the common people but a few generations can undo all that progress easily with soft reform

A few generations aren't going to do anything, in case you forgot Byleth is immortal

I think that Rhea was in the right back in the day after the gods where killed. Would have caused more havoc if folks knew specific people wielded the power of gods. I like how all parties agree it's time for change, but damn I can't accept Edelgard's methods and ideology.

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>Edelgard is literally Hitler in BL.
Can you give one example of how Edelgard is like Hitler? Who are the jews in this analogy?

Edelgard came out of BL looking a hell of a lot better than Rhea did in BE. Even when backed into a corner and turning into a monster, she kept her ideals and sanity.

It's undoubtedly a Revelations-lite, I'm sure. One where you snag everyone and everything ends hunky dory after you curbstomp the moles.

How do you play through BL and not know what Dimitri's ideals are? Edelgard doesn't bring up dragons at all in her talk with him or at all in BL. Did you not play the route? How are they nonsensical as well? You have made this argument before and have been proven wrong every single time. The fact that you are still at this means you are either trolling or braindead.

Like I said. It speaks of your low intelligence.

The entire notion is laughable. Fuck superhuman strength and boosted magic capabilities, fuck land ownership, fuck capital, fuck the ability to muster soldiers, fuck basic education (and higher education, fuck super powerful relics, fuck connections to other groups that have all this as well, fuck the fact they work in their own interests to make sure these benefits stay to themselves. None of that matters, what matters is the church called their ancestors heroes a millennia ago. That’s the REAL source of disparity. You’re a fucking braindead chimp.

>Claude actually gets hit and misses
Maybe your Claude got screwed in some way because that guy carried me the entire game and was the only one who could fight the overpowered boss in his paralogue.

thanks for the mario, man
i needed that

I'm not the only one who loves the controversial shit in this game, right? The endless discussion is fantastic compared to the shit in Fates

Why do BEagles always say dragons, plural? Seteth and Flayn clearly don't have the same goals as Seiros, and can't transform anymore. It's just one crazy dragon, unless you count her weird thralls that only show up at the end of the Church route

Her methods may be cruel as fuck, but her ideology is mostly correct and honestly I don't think things would have ever changed if she didn't do shit. Not sure about BL (though it sounds like Slitherers only were taken care of because Edelgard instigated war) but in GD they literally only find out about the wub wubs because of Hubert. The Empire was a necessary evil.

This is some basic ass shit, wtf media have you retards been consuming your whole life where you are THIS shook by ends vs. means arguments?

I guess real life isn't just like your Japanese animes.

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>every noble in the house just ended up succeeding their parents and doing the same shit they did
That happens in literally every single fucking route including BE

There's honestly nothing enjoyable about these circular arguments besides watching anons shit themselves over their respective favorite not being 100% in the right.

When it's actually engaging and not just a 15 year old/manchild memeing about their waifu/husbando being the totally cool and better one, yes.

>she kept her ideals and sanity.
edelgard was always completely insane, you actually think declaring war on everyone who wants what you want to be sane

Maybe. I dunno. If he hits them he always kills them. But he is squishy and dies quickly.
Hilda has been my MVP so far. And Raphael.

>The church has absolutely nothing to do with this. Nothing. It does literally not one single thing to perpetuate the system.

Yes it fucking does. By lying about the origins of crests and making them seem like some divine blessing from the goddess rather than the truth of them being stolen by selfish humans indirectly propogates the class system between nobles in commoners by the populace being deceived into thinking it some high value divine blessing.

I’m sorry the game doesn’t spoon feed this shit to you but it’s fairly fucking obvious by reading between the lines.

This is why Edelgard’s ideology is so attractive to people like Lysithea and Sylvain in BE

>Edelgard doesn't bring up dragons at all in her talk with him or at all in BL.
I never said she did. If I had played BL first, I would have wondered why she started the war. Her reasoning in BL seems just as nonsensical as Dimitri's (and to be fair, probably a big part of why Dimitri's are nonsensical is because he can't argue back against the nonsense Edelgard is spouting in BL route). But if I then played BE, I would learn the reason why she did it.

As it is, I played BE first and learned her reasoning, then played BL.

Same can be said for what Edelgard did, but it's going to happen in half the time because like hell an unprovoked world war, subjugation of independent nations, and dismantling of the continent's major religion leads to "lasting peace"

If Edelgard wasn't a female romance option you would see a lot less people stanning her.

>worked with the slitherers
>the people that killed students and turn them into monsters on her orders
>literally tries to kill you when she storms the church
>also has the fucking death knight at her beck and call
>still twitter is full of keyboard mashing egirls talking about how cute edelgard x byleth is

At least we know the continent's name, I definitely wasn't expecting the amount of effort that went into to the story for this one. Not sure if the story benefited much from split routes though, seems like stuff is artificially left out of some paths to give others more plot

>I don’t think things would’ve changed if everyone single prominent political position on the continent was filled with people wanting reform

nah yeah nah she dogged the boys mate.

You mean all the heirs to the most powerful houses in the realm who will inherit soon. Yes, I do think that.

I don't get as much chemistry between them and I don't really like how gimmicky they come off. So far they are all at their B supports with one another as I am pretimeskip. But honestly I like the Ferdinand I recruited more than half the GD class. I hope they get better but so far the vast majority of them are just rehashes of the same support they had with someone else in the house. Felix is based as fuck though true.

I enjoy seeing different perspectives on the story because that’s what this game is all about. It’s kind of funny how different internet groups have self segregated around certain houses and are fighting each other to the death just like in the game.

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I actually think I’d be the opposite. Yea Forums would fucking Stan her like no lord ever before for being such a badass who does what she wants

Being told, "Dragons bad", believing it, and acting on it isn't insane. In the worst case scenario, it's stupid.

you dont understand the concept of greater good

really makes you think if all of this was intentional script writing or not.

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>GD just kind of goes under the radar, sometimes getting caught up in the crossfire while BL and BE duke it out constantly
Life imitates pottery

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I don't like it. I just ignore all of it. I don't care who is right or wrong really.
Most of the discussion is a weird forced debate full of insults and memes. It barely seems like people add anything new. Honestly I doubt they read eachother posts.
Though I am happy there's still threads since I can ask my gameplay questions quickly.

Sothis is the cutest emblem

>ywn have him look at you like this as he thrusts as deep into you as he can go

Literally she could have solved the problem by turning against the slithers instead of the church. But no, she was too stupid and fell for thier propaganda. The church could have been easily reformed later on by Byleth and Seteth after Rhea steps down.

Braindead chimp.
You’re a joke.

Oh yeah, this is way better than Weebs vs Not Weebs. The memes are better too

>death knight shows up during BE chapter 12
>Edelgard says she'll explain later
>she never does
>he never shows up again
Just let me recruit him ISIS dammit

Is Edelgard one of the most controversial characters in gaming ever made?

Rhea could have stepped down for literally hundreds of years and didn't. And that's not what I was getting at, I'm talking about genociding the wubbies as they so rightfully deserved.

God damn this game wasn't suppose to be as good as it was.

Those students are going to fill the most powerful positions in all three sovereign nations

>Every time. Every time I come back to the quarters this smug faggot has this look on his face


Making the mother of all omelettes here, Dimitri! Can’t fret over every egg!

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I mean, they basically already do. Also I forgot another one for the list:
>her servant is a fucking psychotic serial killer that regularly openly threatens you and might also be drugging the other students

Any world without Daddy Jeralt ain't part of any greater good.


You won't unite Fodlan without a war, it's ether Edelgard who does it or she becomes the unifying threat.

>if I had two lives I wouldn't mind giving one for you

She’s just polarizing, which is new for a FE antagonist since they’re typically mustache twirling caricatures

Rhea is irrelevant trash compared to the slitherers

Fuck no, if Edelgard was a dude Yea Forums would impale itself on his throbbing cock and be rent asunder for all time.

Reminder that BE is the only route with a built-in route split because the game knows that siding with Edelgard or Rhea are both dubious choices. Anyone defending either as having done nothing wrong are shitposting


I mean the conversations between missions where they all get together and say one or two things. It works better for me than the lions did.
As far supports go I prefer the one note things here than on lions. Like hearing sylvain shit on crest and Ingrid saying she doesn't want to be married.

Yea Forums is filled with ebin Dimitrifags who are so far up their own ass they literally won’t play other routes especially BE, with GD memers sprinkled in

Why would you want to unite it though

The true final map theme of Blue Lions

Buy the DLC goyim. All those loose ends are intentional, I guarantee it. It's gonna be Fates all over again where we realize a bunch of the poorly written parts of the game were just a way to bait you into buying a 5th route/Xenologues.

They honestly aren't. These are the same people that think that playing as someone that's randomly an asshole makes you a bad guy instead of a jackass.

Yeah a war really was necessary to get people who wanted reform into power, it’s not like the whole coming generation of nobility want the same thing or anything

Why the Fuck is it the shortest route with only 19 chapters? Did they get lazy?

is it worth playing the other three routes when you know everything that happens in them

>muh dimitri muh BL
Rent free.

Edelgard only becomes truly hateable on her own route

Look how the fuck else are we going to have a game to play if there isn’t conflict between the nations. We can’t just fight the dubstep empire for 22 fucking chapters you know

>turning weak ass but independent countries into one again
What exactly are you talking about?

The ONLY cases of "I refuse to play RouteX" I've seen have always been Dimitrifags not wanting to play BE.

That's pretty much my problem with the Edelgard twist though. They set up the church as being something untrustworthy really well, then last minute in part 1 make Edelgard almost absurdly worse. Like, realistically, Byleth should never in a million years choose to spare Edelgard after learning that 1) Edelgard is the one behind all the dead students/monster attacks/kidnapping Flayn and 2) Edelgard is here to kill YOU. It takes insane mental hoops to get around that.

>le BLfag boogeyman

Do you enjoy playing the game?

Yes you did. Go read your own text. I won't even bother responding or reading the rest as you forget your own words. Here is your last (You) illiterate user.

BE is the route with the most unique maps, guessing they ran out of time. It explains a lot of problems with the game and you can bet they're going to make you buy cut content.

>finish BL
>slitherers are still a problem
>crests are still a problem
>the only thing dimitri acomplishes is killing edelgard
>he dies young in every ending asurring he is not responsibble of all the shit that would come next

why people love dimitri so much? he does absolutely nothing to solve the problems on fodlan

I've seen more Edgelard loyalists pretend to have played BL as evidence by all the shit they get wrong that happens during the route. Happened in this very thread.

I dunno, especially with how hard they shilled Edelgard. Her route is the shortest with a cliffhanger ending, and Church route is a lord-less GD with two sentences of extra lore and no Nemesis

>killed the leader of the slitherers
>even killed a named generic of the slithers so the rest fucked off

i dunno i think that problem is taken care of.

Yes except for the church route where you side with nobody. It's basically a repeat of GD's route with only one cutscene toward the end that explains more in depth yourself. You'er better off just watching that one cutscene desu.

>Go read your own text.
Here you go

>BE route tells you that dragons are evil and controlling the world, with no regard for human lives.
>GL does absolutely nothing to disprove Edelgard's claims.

You illiterate fuck

Do you mean you spoiled yourself or you think one route reveals all? Cause each route goes down differently except GD and Church. In that case Church is just shitty GD.

I enjoyed the route I played and I enjoyed the gameplay, but if I know everything that happens, I dunno. Maybe I should wait a little while, see if I can forget some spoilers.

He kills so many slitherers they have to invent new ones just for his route.
>he does absolutely nothing to solve the problems on fodlan
That’s why creates the best future, because they all sort themselves out

It's goofy, a plot with no contrivances would have Byleth ask Edelgard to fucking explain, but you're only allowed KILL or SPARE because the video game has to happen

Well that's certainly a claim you're free to make, but my point was that the only actual evidence is for BL players refusing to touch BE.

> We can’t just fight the dubstep empire for 22 fucking chapters you know
Hell, you can't even GET 22 chapters depending on which route you go.
I only have the church route left to go but 140 hours in has left me fatigued especially when the pre-timeskip chapters are identical from a gameplay perspective.

IMO no, the game plays like trash and the monastery is a slog with no variation. It's kinda nice that anons are too busy sperging out over BE vs. BL, because now I can shit on how bad the gameplay is without that one fag saying "it's optional just don't use fliers/divine pulse/aggro lines/canto/dismount/battalions/stride/warp/gambits" and providing no other defense as to why the game is so poorly balanced.

I got spoiled a large amount and then sort of just gave up on avoiding them.

I can see those bits being better after time skip, but before when the Lions are talking about the missions that are directly related to them I don't see it. I can see how the one note thing is a personal opinion though, Ingrid was kinda dull despite all the stuff she has going on for her character. Sylvain though I loved the entire time as well as Annette, Felix was based as fuck along with Dimitri. It is a personal preference on that though. I don't dislike the Deer, I am just not very interested or invested in them for the most part.

is there a way to romance edelgard without making her the empress? I want to be the king and make her my housewife

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I don’t know why I don’t see more people comparing joining edelgard to serving Garon in Fates. They even both kill a parent.

Speak for yourself edeltard. After playing all four routes over 140 hours, it was clear that caused a war pointless war against the wrong people. She should have fought against the slithers who caused the duscur tragedy instead of needless killing innocents of the church. Rhea has problems that would have been resolved when Byleth rightfully succeeds.

I mean at this point we're both making claims (even though I just pointed out that what I said just happened in this thread) but alright man, keep playing favorites.

No, in the English version of the game neither of you get to be leaders if you sow your seeds into her two crested ass.

This. Why the Fuck did they even make that a route when nothing happens?

I don't recall Dmitri killing Thales.

I guess it can kind of be justified as like "Oh I can't kill one of my students..." and Rhea chimping out after the fact. It's kind of a stretch but better than Byleth shrugging off all the evil shit Edelgard did because he gets a stiffy whenever she calls him "my teacher"

But I wanted to see SS skyscrapers....

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what's the problem here

You kill Arundel!Thales during the Deirdrue defense where you gotta bail Claude out.

They did a pretty poor job of setting up the church as bad in my opinion.

>they have to invent new ones just for his route.
That Myson guy shows up in the last GD chapter to summon monsters.

Edelgard’s war isn’t pointless for the sole fact it saved us from the boredom of fighting star same shadowy organization for 20
Chapters straight and not making the game some persona 4 sunshine and rainbows kumbaya fest. Deal with it you fucking nerds

>aims to create a world with no oppression
>sets the stage for democracy
Sounds pretty good to me.

BL has a hell of a head start on the Slitherers compared to BE as the time of their ending, what with Dimitri killing Thales, Cornelia, and the other named one supporting Edelgard. BE takes care of them over the course of years without even mobilizing an actual army without any additional information about where they were or how to find them, they really aren't that big a threat all things considered.

Sylvain and Hanneman's endings each addresses any of the problems crests gave for future generations.

And it doesn't even say he dies young, just before whoever he's paired with.

Thales is Arundel.

They do a good job at planting seeds that the church can't be trusted, it's just, the bad they do is dwarfed by what Edelgard does.

It's a dream among nobles to see a United Fodlan.
No one knows or cares what commoners think.

Oh, my bad then.

Did you even play the game? She wanted to fucking kill evil tits after the assination and wasn't the one that gave the orders in the first place. She's basically made to be the escapegoat.

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isn't this mostly QoL anyways

Edel did not green light what happened in Remire, the students transforming, or Kronya killing Jeralt judging by reactions

It sucks, and I was looking forward to playing as the Red Emperor archetype but it seems like the writers aren't experienced in writing that kind of story from start to finish
Yeah I agree, I just think BE has the most moments of player confusion. Every couple chapters I was going "What, why?" and then the explanation would be some sloppy handwaving

We aren't talking about those routes though retard bro. We are talking about your stupidity in not understanding Dimitri's motivations and why he doesn't disprove Edelgards dragons are evil statements.

Here is your exact quote where you are retarded and wrong. Go on and continue to be retard and unable to remember your own wordset alone the route you never played.

>GL does absolutely nothing to disprove Edelgard's claims. Instead, you spend the entire time fighting against what seems to be a just cause for no particular given reason. Dimitri's justifications for why Edelgard is wrong aren't, "Actually, you're wrong about the dragons and crests and all that, and here's why:" it's, "I don't have any ideals of my own, but I know I disagree with yours so we must fight now!"
>From what other anons have said, I have to assume that GD or Church routes give an explanation for why Edelgard is wrong, but after two full playthroughs I haven't seen anything yet. And even if Edelgard is proven wrong, that doesn't change the fact that Dimitri's reasons for fighting are pathetic and nonsensical.

what the fuck????

To be fair, it's not like he intended to, most of the BE just got roped into it if you side with Edelgard and just followed whatever professor said. Rhea probably was planning on wiping them all out, considering how mentality unstable she is if you go against her.

Not that user but I feel like without the weapon triangle it would get kind of murky predicting aggro in many cases.

>slitherers are still a problem
He kills all of their main leaders (and then some) on accident
>crests are still a problem
At least in his default ending, he turns Fodlan into a democracy. Crests still are related to noble houses, but they have the same stake in the government as the rest of the people
>the only thing dimitri acomplishes is killing edelgard
He also unites Fodlan and does the stuff above but everyone unites the continent in their ending so I don't think that means much
>he dies young in every ending asurring he is not responsibble of all the shit that would come next
Never saw this implied in any ending of his, Edelgard on the other hand dies of crest cancer like 5 minutes after the war

>to be fair
Nigga did nothing wrong. If you aren't willing to genocide for your waifu you ain't shit.

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It's a game about timetraveling

The war is started before those students take over those positions though. And 5 years later, the students who joined a side their parents didn't align with are essentially (temporarily) disinherited, and have none of the power or privilege of their house to help with the war effort.

90% of Fodlan followed the Church of Serios. If she had started telling every Tom, Dick and Stanley that she was planning on going against the church, she would have been executed as a heretic, as we plainly saw with Lord Lonato.

he really fucking hates crests though so Edel's apparent motivation should work for him.

I miss the weapon triangle.

>this fucking cope
She specifically chose to ally with them and let them do whatever they wanted.

An attempt was made, but each time it's a really dumb "tell, don't show" kind of way to say the church is untrustworthy or evil.

Like almost every time the church is responding with force, it's a response to force against them. Edelgard's rallying speech to war in the last month before the timeskip pushes that the church is trying to cause conflict to keep control, and to live in extravagance through donations while others are poor. We should've actually seen some of that.

Instead, the church is evil because they executed thieves that broke into a holy mausoleum to steal relics on the night of a religious event while putting it to writing that they are planning to assassinate the Archbishop that same night, and then try to kill the students that apprehend them.

Like fucking WHAT? That's evil?


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is it really though

>really want to buy this game
>prioritizing Astral Chain, but also want Mario Maker 2 and Dragon Quest 11 S
Fuck you, FEfags.

beach episode...

Not even non BE Edelgard is mass killing ethnic groups or casually killing innocent bystanders so this comparison remains garbage

Where does
>moralfags are the cancer killing Yea Forums
fit in?

>The war is started before those students take over those positions though
>I started the war before you could change things this means you couldn’t change things

Fanartists give him bigger tits than he has in canon.

Yeah definitely. She can totally take on the mole people and their giant nuke missiles no problem without the help of all of the land.

you could probably finish Astral Chain quicker than this game.

Do people actually use shields? They seem kinda useless

>The church could have been easily reformed later on by Byleth
Oh you mean the science project and protege or Rhea that showed up out of nowhere while plans were already in motion? It's great for Edelgard if she can enlist Byleth's aid, but there was never a reality where her plans could hinge on it.

and what's the problem

That assassination letter was fake as fuck, pay more attention.

This game is 280 hours. You've already missed your chance to have comfy threads with Yea Forums.

Definitely, but by the time I beat Astral Chain (very slow at games), I assume DQ11 will be out so it'll be a close call on what I want to get.

True big brain is realizing the slitherers are the good guys, free from authoritarian faggotry, free from scalie faggotry, free from open borders faggotry

Eh, I don't think anything can top the impending hype for this games leaking/release which I was able to catch. Even Fates was discussed for quite some time.

Yeah to not get nuked along with everyone else. It's heavidly implied the dubstep people are far more advanced and can create literal nukes.

Especially before she’s crowned Emperor, Edelgard doesn’t really have a say in the matter when Arundel is pulling the strings.

She grins and bears it for the sake of her ultimate goals, but it’s clear she doesn’t enjoy working with the fuckers, especially the more she bonds with Byleth. The visible anger after Remire and Jeralt’s Death are proof of this

>fire emblem games feature you fighting off the evil dragon that is behind everything and his evil shadowy supporters
>fans bitch about how it's all the same
>newest game gives you an actual war with different sides to play as, the evil shadowy faction is not connected to an evil dragon nor does every faction drop what they're doing and rush them in the endgame, and the evil dragon is not the true villain behind everything this time, just one of several final bosses
>fans bitch anyways because they don't like minor details about the plot even though it's exactly what they wanted

If you've got nothing better to put on someone they're fine, plus you can toss the res boosting shields on your tanks.

>her plans
That is what is being criticized here you brainlet. Even planning to go to war before your time at the officer’s academy is omega retarded. It’s one year to develop relationships with the most powerful people in fodlan and she goes into to it planning to shoot up the place before graduation

Do the church and black eagle routes really BOTH fight Rhea as the final boss? That seems kind of shitty.

>visible anger after remire
>say what happened is horrible
>edelgard gets mad at you

No problem at all, in fact I wish all the FE men had pecs like Raphael's.

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>join TRUE humanity
>apply Byleth's cure for autism
>get sickass beats and mega-milkies as a reward
indeed the patrician choice

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Is Linhardt a cancer doctor candidate to cure Lysithea?



that's what his dumb ass analogy with the cake seemed to be about

>replaying the game, finish prologue
>Claude calls Dimi and Edel naive
>Dimi doesn't react
>Edel REEEEs
This exchange was much funnier after finishing the game

t. Thales

>If Edelgard wasn't a female romance option you would see a lot less people stanning her.
Imagine a world in which the character models for Dimitri and Edelgard were switched, but their personalities and motivations were entirely the same. Dimitri is now the leader of Black Eagles and starts the war. Edelgard is leader of Blue Lions and fights for justice (and is still lesbian romanceable)

>Twitter: This wh*te m*le needs to die! I can't believe Nintendo tricked me into joining a class with Hitler! They literally raped me!

>Yea Forums: Dimitri is based! I can't believe anyone would join the class that doesn't eliminate the evil dragons!

Think it’s more because it’s unbecoming for their leader to lose their composure in that moment more so her not thinking what was happening was awful. She straight up says she wasn’t involved in the planning for that experiment

Yes, they don't really plan to assassinate her, they plan to do the robbery while security's diverted to protecting her.

But they still created a conspiracy that directly links them in writing to a plan to kill the fucking pope. That alone is grounds for execution, and would be if they tried pulling that same shit with any government official.

Nevermind if they intend to steal relics, those are weapons that can make anyone capable of destroying an entire town no problem by themselves.

idk, kinda looks like a dad bod


Can anyone even defend Edeltard's actions without looking like a gigantic retard at this point?

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It’s not like they surrender after getting caught, they try to kill people

You don't even to imagine this. Yea Forums slobbered all over Dimitri when they thought he was the chaotic/evil route before the game was released.

actually hubert had plan b ready to go, when the dubstep walkers try to nuke you with ICBMM's in GD/church route, he tracks them back to their origin point of launch. then sets up a plan b to hand off this info to whoever kills him and stops eldegard as a plan b.

the reason this dosnt happen in the BL route is because you end up intercepting and killing the leader of WUB WUBS early on, while he was disguised and trying to murder claude. (because claude himself was already looking into team nightcore, and needed to be taken out before he found out enough to interfere)

>That alone is grounds for execution
In what draconian-ass country do you live in where conspiracy is worthy of a death sentence?

She outright tells Arundel and Kronya that their people won't receive salvation and that she's not going to work with them, she's not afraid of Arundel being the one "pulling the strings" she just wants their power and will let them do whatever the fuck they want in order to get it.

BL cuts off the head, but the Slitherers as a group still exist. They're arguably in a much better position than in the other routes, because none of the heroes even know they exist. They have all the time in the world to lick their wounds, replenish their numbers and come up with new schemes.

Tbh all the Lord's problems would have been solved if they all just talked it out. Dimitri tries and that almost works.

They still exist in GD, this point is moot


Nukes and Democracy.

Nah byleth is more fun to customize but s/he's not better than robin. Still a mary sue
>everyone likes them even the villians
>is good at everything
>has special thing thats better than everyone elses special thing
Byleth is extremely strong but i wouldnt say s/he's the strongest unit in the game. They also made byleth silent so you get that they were trying to make them more of a self insertNo where near as bad as corrin who was a super mary sue. Robin was the best he was strong but not too strong and tactition was just a mage with a sword no big deal on top of him being more of a character

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Holy fuck, user. Why do you keep changing topics every time you get proven wrong? It's almost like you're so desperate to be right you're just making shit up.

The lawfaggotry in this post is unreal.
I do not give a SHIT if the Church thinks saying "Fuck the Church" deserves the death penalty, that's not how morality works.

Less people = More resources, farmable land and land for living space for you and your country.

At that point in time that was essentially an empty threat and Edelgard knows it. She is effectively powerless without their assistance and this doesn’t change till her coronation. Hence why she still begrudgingly works with them even through the time skip since she knows her power alone isn’t enough

why would anyone think it was anyone but Edelgard

The aurora shield is decent, the lampos shield was basically useless since there's hardly any enemies with anti-cav weapons or spells.

The church doesn’t do anything to non-believers or genera dissidents, just violent insurrections and criminals trying to kill people

you stupid faggot, they tried to murder the pope
why don't you try to murder the pope and claim you were only saying "FUCK THE CHURCH" you stupid retard

Pretty easily. They're the actions of a frightened teenager who's been told that she's going to die early because she had something done to her that killed almost a dozen of her siblings and the only reason she got for why was "because". If Dimitri's actions can be excused through insanity, so can hers.

Every image should be Thales

But it doesn't matter whether the war is started when it's started or 5 years later. All the noble houses pick their own sides in the war, regardless of what their kids think. And again, she can't go around telling every noble-to-be what her plans are, or she's bound to get caught.

>Morality works
Morality doesn't exist though.

>yeah uuuh dude, Edelgard killed your dad and she completely sided with Solos and Kronya after that and she also attacked the village thing and everything is her fault xd

why didn't he offer to heal Edelgard
Maybe we wouldn't be fucked

Why isn't any Anti-edelgard fag trying to prove this wrong?

The larger point is that you're begging the question.
The Church grants the Church the authority to deal out death to anyone they wish. It's fundamentally insane logic.
Obviously the specific case is different, but that doesn't change the core problem.

She kept her second crest a secret.

They didn't though.

It's almost like Yea Forums doesn't play video games.

I haven't played GD, but I had heard they got taken care of in that route. If that's not the case, does that mean the only route they actually get stamped out is BE? Granted, it's after the credits roll, but every BE epilogue has Byleth finding the remains of the Slitherers and destroying them.

They literally tried to steal dangerous objects among which was the weapon of Nemesis in a sacred mausoleum and then try to kill the students who discovered them, I do not see how bad it is that they are given the death penalty

>Church route final map theme

Well, that's lame. I was hoping the route would have fun lore.

I thought the bitch on the bottom was Ferdinand in the thumbnail.

Maybe we should wait for the dlc to come out for the true TRUE ending

Read Ashe x Catherine supports you fucking braindead Edeltard.

>Almost a year later when everyone forgets the finer details of the plot

Nope. There was no reason that 4th route should have existed in the first place. Damn thing is 3 chapters longer then the BE's route.

>people who the Church executes
>tried to kill the Church's archbishop or other people affiliated with the church
name one exception

Dude, they threatened to assassinate the religious leader of a continent where 90% of the people follow that religion, in a vaguely middle ages setting. Try doing that even as late as the 1800s, see what that gets you.

To say nothing of heresy from breaking into the mausoleum, attempted murder, trying to steal weapons so powerful they can singlehandedly protect an entire country border from foreign invasion for hundreds of years.

Nah the game was decently good so I'm sure it won't be forgotten too much.

the finer points, though. The little details. The itty bits. Forgotten

Of course, you'll probably actually have to do the whole game again to do the story DLC

>2) Edelgard is here to kill YOU.
When did that happen? I thought she only wanted to pilfer the Holy Tomb and Byleth was just in the way.

Damn I didn't think I'd see this much of a discussion over "Who's right and wrong" that's not a SMT thread.

she fucking screams that if anyone gets in the way they need to fucking die

I'm sure someone on Yea Forums will bring everyone up to speed when it comes out.

she pilfered the holy tomb knowing byleth wouldn't just stand there and watch you stupid fuck.

user always remembers, and then calls you an idiot for not remembering what the random NPC in the dining hall says in the second month of the timeskip on Church route a year after you played it.

if you say so

Pretty sure she gives the order to kill anyone who gets in her way. Guess what you're doing while you're there?

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you can't fucking do it, can you stupid edelfucks

Ignoring all this arguing for a moment. How well did the game do so far?

Personality wise I guess hes not getting his dick sucked 24/7 like robin or being an obscene faggot like corrin so that's a win gameplay wise better then corrin worse then robin I liked being whatever the fuck class this game allows you to do that but it really wants you to go enlightened one when I really just wanted to do assassin lethality again

People with too much power are bad.

sorry can't reply, Rhea executed me for blasphemy.
Of course it was only in defense of the Church, so it's instantly justified.

Gameplay can be bit easy at times. There's a lot more dialogue than gameplay but 90% is voiced. Story is pretty good with a few plot holes here and there and routes somewhat matter. I enjoy it so i rec it.

So far with just physical sales taken into account, it's had the best launch in the series and has already sold more than any other game in the series that isn't Awakening, and that's from like 2 weeks of data without digital sales vs lifetime sales.

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>absolute power is good
Edelgard is a hypocrite but you're fucking stupid

I just hope the FE series gets more attention from this game.

then why do you worship corporations you stupid cuck
go to hell

>edeltards got btfo up and down the thread

wtf Edelgard that's so nice of you to steal all of our stuff after killing my dad you qt

Yes it's during this scene she says back off or die.

I second this.

>she pilfered the holy tomb knowing byleth wouldn't just stand there and watch you stupid fuck.
That's Byleth problem, not hers. He/she has no stake in the game, and shouldn't be involved. Edelgard is justified here.

eat my shit if that's the best you can muster. you literally have to pull so

the absolute state of edelcucks lmao

>absolute power is good

I feel like the decision to join her or not should have been made before the battle instead of after.
So if you choose to kill her, the map should have been as usual, while protecting her would have made it a map against Rhea/church soldiers while stealing crest stones.

It would have ended the same with Rhea going apeshit

I'm a slave to society and so are you.

The church isn't putting people to death who talk out against the church or for blasphemy.

Lonato was openly against the church for upwards of 4 years, they only took any action when he enlisted peasants into a militia, armed them with weapons, and declared intent to wage war against the church.

Likewise, the thieves in the mausoleum were doing a lot more than blasphemy too, what with being involved with that said uprising, the conspiracy for assassination, stealing dangerous artifacts, breaking and entering a holy site, attempted murder.

if the church is an absolute power why does the kingdom and alliance exist stupid edelfag

That major self ego boost.

>go to hell
The last refuge of the scoundrel lawfaggot.
Looks like your precious rules and authorities didn't prevent bad shit from happening again, huh?

I'm going to walk forward swinging my fists, and if you're in the way when I'm doing it, that's your fault.

But absolute poweris literally what Edelgard has at the end of her route, the church at least was not the ruler of the whole fucking continent

>Nemesis wanted to kill this fine piece of dragon ass
Fucking Grug

because a small focused group of evil was dedicated to subverting order over an extremely petty grudge that nearly destroyed the continent. wow you have such good points.

Fucking HILARIOUS that you ignore that he also had a Church at his back.
What is it, lawfag? Am I supposed to do what the Church says or not?

I don't think Edelgard was right. I think the Church having absolute power is fucking dumb too.

If i recall correctly in the libary you can read about how they even formed with the permission of the church.

literally because they let it happen
You learn in the library that the Church was like "yeah okay"

>she pilfered the holy tomb knowing byleth wouldn't just stand there and watch you stupid fuck.
Why not? It's just corpses. Byleth is a mercenary and probably isn't even a believer of Sothis. Why should he care if one of his students robs a corpse? Byleth and his students are at fault if they choose to oppose their friend and fellow student.

The church had no choice but to reluctantly accept the free sovereignty of Farhgus. It was a decision that soured the relationship between the Church and the Empire even until present time. And yet you think the Church has absolute power?

The governments of Fodlan are literally puppets of the Church, hence why they have their heirs sent there to be indoctrinated in the first fucking place.

He DID killed the cute and funny dragon

>dude Byleth should oppose orders from his employer to defend the tomb against outside Invaders because he's a mercenary lmao
Do you realize how stupid you sound?

>Kill and destroy the land to get its help
>While also winning those territories and resources for the ICBM mole people
Great logic there.

Well they are protected by the kingdom with their knights and probably gain something else from the Alliance.

I don't see how Byleth would not believe in Sothis when he is literally fused by her, not to mention that during that point in the game Byleth is no longer a mercenary and has been a teacher in the monastery for almost a year.

Everyone's wrong lol

The Alliance broke off from the Kingdom originally and the Eastern church is frequently said to have no real power in the region.

with her*

Edelgard was written to be the surprise villain, not morally grey. The point is the path that led to her being evil, what made her the villain without just being born as a comically evil douche.

The point was to gain their trust and avoid even more blood shed with the gigantic Hiroshima bombs to only betray them when they don't expect it with the win of a war.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting user

>Church refuses to acknowledge the sovereignty of the Kingdom
>the Kingdom declares war on the Church

I like these conversations.

its not like saying no would have been a good idea

edeltards btfo

so is this game still taking place in the main timeline of fe games? and if so wher is fodlan on the world map?

Again the major ego boost. Learn to be more confident user.

learn to counter my points first before talking shit, retard

So self conscious that he relies on buzzwords to make himself feel better. Just go jack off user you already seem on edge.

edeltards, everyone

Also you never answered any of my responses.

yes I did, faggot

Then point out the one you think was me. I feel as if you've mistaken me for someone else your sexual frustrated with.

speak English, pedro