dude skyrim with cutscenes lmao
Dude skyrim with cutscenes lmao
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Dude wolves hunt in packs lmao
If that is skyrim with cutscenes then WarZ is Assassin's Creed with zombies
70% character creation
25% magic spells
5% delicious brown girl
Prove me wrong.
is it just me, or does fucking everyone make a brown character creation in this game?
You forgot the yuri
I don't think I've ever made a brown character or pawn and I've done at least 4 playthroughs
more like 100% bitterblack isle
This game is the perfect example of why having a somewhat coherent story, memorable characters and interesting world matters. The gameplay is fucking amazing, but fuck me if the characters you meet aren't the stalest fucking faggots I've ever encountered in a game. The open world was dead as fuck too. The whole map just felt dead. If they ever make an actual sequel, I really hope they get their shit together with the story, characters and world.
I wish DDO was released outside of japan
How is the Switch port?
I still don't understand the praise. Was it just for the time? I played it 2 years ago so I guess I didn't have the same nostalgic experience.
The characters where dull, the quest where MMO tier, and the writing was God awful. When I think back to it, the game basically felt like an offline MMO questing, Pawns filling in for players. And I truly can't see what people found so amazing about the combat. It was just skill spam MMO shit with climbing and weakpoint mechanics for large enemies.
When I saw gameplay for the MMO, it made the game seemed more like a prototype for the MMO.
Pretty good. Bad popup on enemies and enemy animations slow down if there’s a lot of them.
Obviously dossn’t look nearly as good as PC, but it’s fine if you want DD on the go.
Thanks for the info. It's on sale so I'll weigh my options a little bit and see if I want to go for it.
okay, retard
Character creation and build specialization, mainly. Has good feel for most classes (best greatsword in any game imo) and the world has a certain B-movie charm
>rampant Dragon's Dogma discussion recently
Why is this? Not complaining, though.
Post your best Dragon's Dogma reaction images / memes.
Is there a way to disable the pawn's voice lines? I couldn't get through the game because they were pissing me off so much with their constant repetitive chatter.
Yep. It's in one of the settings tabs.
The chatter is part of the charm, though.
draw Madeleine picking up coins off the ground, but it's from behind and she's bending over - there is a criminal lack of thigh / ass art for Madeleine
No. Because combat in DD was good at least.
Everything else is skyrim tier or worse.
>that senechal pulled from ass in the last 1/10 of the game
>that last quest with farming 20 resurrection stones which is the worst in the game simply because it is any other quest in the game multiplied by ten
Why Yea Forums likes it so much? I know that there are some neat details, but DD is literally Far Cry 2: all details and everything else is mediocre besides the combat.
>lead character to a waterfall
>farm 10 monster parts
>lead character to a waterfall
>farm 25 monster parts
>lead character to a waterfall
>farm 60 monster parts
>pay to journos to describe the nighttime as scary and hardcore only to make it slightly harder than daytime
What did they mean by this?
The Seneschal stuff is one of the coolest things in Dragon's Dogma. The story has no real concrete details or drama; it's just conceptual weirdness for weirdness' sake. I love it.
And the post-game is great, because it lets you do what the game does best: combat. By then, you should be focusing on going through BBI (the best content in the game) to get your Wakestones.
It's a jankcore game with lots of heart. It's a lot like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games in that aspect - a lot of it is weirdly made, but it comes together to be something you really can't get anywhere else.
I wish it was literal shilling. That would imply a sequel.
the combat is really entertaining and running through Bitteblack island from lv1 makes it some of the best survival/dungeon experiences in vidya
kek I need some more stuff like this
I played DD for the first time this year and loved it but I have no memes
Hopefully we get a sequel, I'd be down for one
The fact that DDO is being killed gives me a bit of hope. Itsuno can take his sweet time, though. Can't have DD2 coming out half-baked again.
I've only watched trailers for the MMO, but the Alchemist ticks all my boxes
>fist fighter
>metallic abilities
>aerial shenanigans
Hope he's in DD2
Post more memes
>The Seneschal stuff is one of the coolest things in Dragon's Dogma.
The Senechal stuff is so bad that it can be pulled off in any bad game with almost non-existent/convoluted story.
> it's just conceptual weirdness for weirdness' sake
No, you are wrong. It is a part of the old Dragons Dogma concept which was never finished, because Keiji Inafune is a jew who gave the game a low budget and sent Itsuno to finish dmc reboot for handless fuckheads in London. Senechal made sense in old story and old concept of the world, but on release he doesn't make much sense and is there because they had to put all the shit they made together to release it. I am still furisous about how KeijiCapcom handled the game.
>And the post-game is great
No, it is not. Combat becomes piss easy after lvl50, especially if you played hard mode from the start. BBI is indeed the only good content in the game, because they had time and money to actually make something good, entertaining and interesting.
>with lots of heart. It's a lot like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games in that aspect - a lot of it is weirdly made, but it comes together to be something you really can't get anywhere else.
Which is fucking sad, because if devs were not fucked up by the head office it would not need to have its retarded storyline to be explained as "japanese" or "weird for weirdness sake". Everything bad or nonsensical in this game was not done deliberately.
>be Keiji
>want to go west
>let Itsuno make his game
>watch his concept
>send him to rpesent his concept to public view
>give him team devils and a bunch of retarded wageslaves from smaller divisions
>cut his budget
>send him to fix shit in britain
>release game
Fuck Inafune. I hope that next time Itsuno makes DD, they will not fuck him over.
t. 459 hours and counting.
Hey, man. I liked how the story didn't make much sense in the end. It just was what it was. I played it for the first time this year and loved it. Can't wait for a possible sequel.
No. It was a bad story, and in the end it also stopped making the least bit of sense it had before.
dude, Skyrim with classes, stats, usable magic, a clear sense of progression, characters you care about putting your dick inside, and a main quest people have actually finished.
>characters you care about
>mmo tier npcs
>care about
I never said it was a good story. Just that I liked it for what it was.
It's one of my favorite games of all time, despite only playing it once, and despite everything that got cut from it. It speaks to how good a sequel can be if the first game turned out as good as it did despite lots of cuts.
>but fuck me if the characters you meet aren't the stalest fucking faggots I've ever encountered in a game
well fuck you then I guess, because 8 years later people are still quoting Mercedes, Aslam, Caxton, and the Pawns.
Dragons dogma is a clunky repetitious capcom mess and I feel bad for falling for the meme. The ONLY good thing about this game is that it's lolicreator.
it's ok bro, i want to fuck Julien too
Dragon's Dogma is one of those games that is never going to be better than an 8 out of 10 at its best but it tries so hard at everything it does that it's probably my favorite game in it's genre.
What about it is clunky? It's probably the smoothest game I've ever played.
I’ve bought this game on three different platforms and still haven’t been able to get into it. It just gets shilled so much and it seems like the type of game I’d like but fuck me it’s just so bland and uninteresting every time.
unfortunately dragons dogma is one of those games that you just have to love from the moment you touch it.
The game gets fuckin insane by the end though
>because 8 years later people are still quoting
Because they are fucking obnoxious to the point of being comedic.
THEY'RE MASTERWORKS ALL is remember because it was getting on nerves. How could a team create an NPC have only ONE quote if you speak with him almost each time you come to the town, not to mention that the more you play, the more you run between him and traders? How could a team make only ONE fucking theme for the town you spend 5% of a more-than-a-hundred hours game in?
Julien? That frenchie?
>be me
>mystic knight
>decide to interfere with Julien/womanigger fight
>kill him
>see that I can resurrect him
>resurrect him
>he goes to the prison
>go to prison to check out if he is there
>he actually is
>later take a quest, it is from him
>he freely leaves the prison to go to the waterfall
>go there
>he gives me a good ass shield which is neat
>fast forward few dozen hours
>he is my fuckbuddy, apparently
it's a "comfy" game hence it requires lowered expectations and a mood for it. Once you're in though, you're usually in for the long haul. It's a lot like Monster Hunter in that regard.
why does the dragon turn everyone into an obnoxious furfag? nothing about him is remotely worth the amount of soi everyone spews about him
le abandon all delusions of le control xxdd
go fuck an iguana and get salmonella
fuck i forgot a pick
Can't you only have like two spells equipped at a time? Kek, fuck outta here OP
Caxton is living in your head rent-free
Nobody is a furry for Grigori. He's just badass. He has great dialogue and a fantastic voice actor.
You brought him back from the dead and took him on a romantic waterfall safari, how could you not fuck after that.
Yes, exactly. This is the same reason why everyone remembers these quotes.
Huh, i remember only starting with two. I was about 3 hours into my playthrough when i dropped it. Oh well, i guess i'll start it back up
Six spells not including regular attacks and focus bolt, which is what the real big boys use.
>romantic date
NOTHING implied it was romantic. NOTHING. It was another of these retarded quests on a board. I resurrected him because it was an option, not because I wanted to fuck this retard.
>didn't change his skills once in three hours
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You wanted his sweet Wizard's Vizard but ended up with the Night Champ's Baguette
he's retarded
I wanted literally nothing from him.
This is the state that Dragon Retards.
It's weird how literally everyone who likes it says this same thing about it, myself included.
Despite the slow start, the garbage notice board quests, the repetitive world, the annoying pawns, and the story that's only barely interesting at its best, it manages to have a lot of heart and be fun as hell.
It's one of my favorite games of all time, but I could never pinpoint exactly why other than "It just clicked with me"
The Senechal makes for a fitting finale since you're playing God through the pawn system already. It's pretty meta.
At least you ended up with a good character, most of us ended getting stuck with Princess Preteen just because we rescued her from the rape mansion and Mercedes and Madeline have already fucked off.
+300 hours deep and snakes still startle the shit out of me.
>you are playing god
>the only thing you create is one braindead character
You are reaching.
You can let the princess get smothered, by the way.
You sound so fucking tsundere right now. Face it, you wanted his big Voldoan cock.
I've never actually tried that, will give it a shot next time I play through.
The story at the end is kino as hell. Really into muh free will shit. Your Arisen being the final boss on New Game + is one of the single most ludo things I've encountered in a game. The ending with the goth loli is the best btw.
>set wake up alarm to "into free"
It was 5 minutes in the original release. PC/Switche/8th gen is 1 minute of waiting.
>The Seneschal is steward to the world... The world you traveled now rests in your care. Just as the Arisen calls pawns into being and sets them to motion, the Seneschal holds dominion over all living things. There are those who would call such a being Maker, or God. I cannot deny the claim, any more than affirm it. In the end, they are but words. Call it what you will, such is the office I have served, just as those before me and you beyond, unto eternity...
He's not reaching far.
>The story at the end is kino as hell. Really into muh free will shit.
>Bioshock pulls free will shit out of ass
>Yea Forums generally hates it
>DD pulls free will shit out of ass
>Yea Forums generally likes it
what the fuck
Grigori was talking about choice and free will since the beginning of the game.
Never played Bioshock but DD integrates the theme into it's gameplay really well. I just wish the final boss was harder even though its not really a battle of skill but a battle of will.
its moddable? is there a sex mod?
>Just as the Arisen calls pawns into being and sets them to motion, the Seneschal holds dominion over all living things.
This is a retarded comparison made for the sake of comparison.
>just as a hand moving a cup of tea
>just as an Arisen setting pawns into motion
Fucking retarded shit pulled off because they didn't have time and money. This was laughable.
Grigori was in the game for less than 15 minutes. Yeah, from the beginning allright
>Never played Bioshock but DD integrates the theme into it's gameplay really well.
Not better than Bio1. The theme is integrated as much as it exists in any other open world ARPG. You can literally put the same senechal shit in Gothic, Witcher 3 or Kenshi and it will be as retarded.
Theres a nude mod.
the plot twist is what made the game for me man
Those games don't really have DD's combat so they couldn't pull it off as well.
Because it was the only notable thing in the game.
More like
>Skyrim with good gameplay
How do I progress? I tried looking at the missions to see if I see a story one but it's just a bunch of side shit.
>skill-based combat with CLIMBING GIMMICK!!!!!11
What the hell are you talking about? Dragons
>yellow gaiters
damn, I hope I like it whenever I finally start playing
Selene is in my house now, i don't know how she got there.
Why does the game shit on Mercedes so?
>Not respected by her men at all
>Knows she's just being sent as a token gesture by her father, still tries her best
>Implied to be an alcoholic
>Hard to romance since she leaves the game so early
>Gets beaten up trying to do the right thing
>Wants to aid the Arisen but everyone stops her/shits on her
>Is told to just be a whore instead of a knight
>Leaves the game in tears and is never seen again
I must protect her.
I had a few false starts with it and now I'd consider it to be one of my favorite games of all time. If it doesn't grip you don't be afraid to put it down and revisit it later.
still not as bad as who inspired the character
How else will you know that wolves hunt in packs?
>Have Casca finally wake up
>Sees Guts and screams
>Cut to retarded Griffith filler
>Go on Hiatus
I made a brown Amazon waifu pawn.
I'm not even sorry.
I have literally only made goblins.
in case anyone wants to start a new playthrough
>wanting someone in dragons dogma
Mate, they all look so bad that oblivion by comparison is a museum of beauty.
well Brown Dwarves
No point in being flashy if it's absolutely fucking boring to be a magic user
>shift + mouse button
>ctrl +mouse button
>same animation of spinning the staff each time
so much fun after the first two hours
It just feels wrong to make anything else.
My god, I remember DD was one of those games that REALLY benefited from a PC port. On consoles it was horrendous resolution and console freezing framerate drops. That combat deserved to be experienced in 60FPS.
Priming the pump for the new anime and possible reveal of DD2. I would bet money on TGS or PSX.
Post your brown girls already.
Capcom did right with the port, too. Runs great.
It's almost certainly going to be a next gen title. Would be a nice game to show off at E3. Does the Netflix adaptation have a release date yet?
Holy fuck, just finished this game. Had no idea what was going on with the falling and chambers of ____, but I was having farm fighting new monsters and now I'm suddenly fighting god, now I am god, and now I've killed myself? The fuck?
What do I do now, combine my playthru as a new game? That's what it prompts me to do when I click load game. I had barely started in bitter isles when someone told me to just go fight the dragon. Glad I did because now I have actually decent daggers.
New chapter is out by the way.
lol you wish.
Yeah, start new game+ and then do bitterblack
OneyPlays started a playthrough a few days ago
Same with Deus Ex, zoomers first.
Anyone has a link to Dragon's Dogma: Official Design Works artbook?
e-hentai dot org/g/898104/e6b5d6a742/
Based and blessed. Thank you kind user.
I'm lukewarm on the guy, but I'll watch that.
Same reason I bothered to watch that vinesauce FFIX run.
Fucking love this game, only got it recently.
Just killed Grigori, is there much post game content?
You’re about half way
NG+ and BBI
No because I'm not black or a third worlder.
>literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal
I know about BBI, but main game, I am hoping once Everfall is done I go back up and fuck up the Duke
Nah the castle is pretty much a hostile zone now. Fun to agro guards, return to the city, and just throw everyone into the giant hole for a few minutes though
I made Gene nigga
You on PC?
i wanna rape her
You really don't if you like F2P grinding. Guarantee you drop out when it comes to doing the Epitaphs if it did come out.
More like
>Dragon's Dogma 2
>RE Engine
>Even better combat
>Improved character customization
>Less annoying pawns
Can't wait.
>The fact that DDO is being killed gives me a bit of hope
They're shutting DDO down?
Alright, but you can't make me not pump Mercedes full of Cloudwine. I have a mighty weakness.
What is your pawns name?
if youre a toddler who has never played an action game, or even another ARPG seeing as how even the soulsborne games annihilate dragons dogma with not only their combat system but the enemy and boss design with actual intent. souls is an actual action game with RPG mechanics where you learn the animations and attack patterns of enemies to counter them, dragons dogma is memecal shit where you get le epic better gear and cling onto the back of an N64 cyclops while mashing one button
Perfect blocking is the best mechanic of this game.
You mean Skyrim with good combat, good magic, better story, better voice acting, significantly better dragons, right?
>dude skyrim with an actual combat system
Based chapter, thanks.
Return when you've played the game, fucking /r/eddit refugee
really couldnt get into this because of the fuck awful save system. also combat was fun but WAY more jank then Yea Forums had me believe
>soulsborne games annihilate
Oh yeah, sure, those untested pieces of overhyped shit with garbage AI, no hitstop, trash hitboxes, canned animations and endless circlestrafing sure annihilate a game that actually tries (even if poorly) to have fun, challenging combat.
Keep dreaming, Soulsdrone.
i'm pissed at this game, without any warning my quest where I have to search for quiana got cancelled... Should I start over?
Poorly crafted bait, I'm disappointed even one person bit.
>muh overhyped, le garbage, TRASH!!11, canned animations....NOT F-U-N
go back to memeddit
yes, everything you cant counter is "bait". I dont even have to make an actual argument because dragons dogma is genuinely bottom of the barrel dogshit that nobody can even defend in the first place. There isnt a single person on the planet who is well versed in actually good action games and RPG.s and then turns around to praise dragons dogshit
>hurr durr look at me i'm retarded
You know the drill
List everything that makes dragons dogma more complex or in any way better than any actually good hack and slash, ARPG or RPG for that matter. Perhaps the fact that it came out on the exbawks 360?
What is wrong with brown nigga?!
I've been refraining from watching his playthrough because I know my turbo autism will kick in and cause me to get angry whenever he does something stupid.
Is he enjoying it? I really hope he is
he is
oney's never played it but 2 of them have beaten it before so he's being soft-coached
>Dragon's Dogma's combat is bad because one Yellow move is really good while on a monster if you even have access to it, there are other games with good combat, and I don't like climbing.
It's bait until you have actual reasons, dummy.
You have literally no reason for why the combat is "good" in the first place you fucking mouthbreathing piece of shit, its MMO tier buttonmashing and even the webm in this thread that supposedly shows how the magic is "better" than in dark souls for example just shows how the character conjures an epic cutscene because the game has no actual engaging back and forth like a proper action game but its not a real RPG either. Its a grindy character creator simulator for furries and bronies
So it's flashier but locks you in place when you use it?
Sounds kinda shittier than even Skyrim.
I'm about to play this again for the first time since 2013. Redpill me on what my setup should be if I want to platinum the game?
That's why you keep a sorcerer pawn or two
also you have to sit there and charge it up before you can even cast it
i always liked that the guy that made that video did it to shit on skyrim, but actually made it look like the best of the 3
Holy shit I feel like I saw a pawn with that name
Griffith chapters are pleb filter, the last one was great.
You literally can't go wrong, my guy. Don't overthink it and play the way you want to.
Masterworks all, eh? Good to hear.
>Redpill me on what my setup should be if I want to platinum the game?
I don't know what all the achievements are, but I imagine you'll have to change it up a lot to get everything anyway.
Anyone ever datamine the PC version and find some neat finds/secrets?
Warrior/Fighter are a bitch for the dlc map though, especially the former.
Yea, there's nothing special in there.
Damn, no secrets at all? I always thought Gransys had more to it, hidden away.
based retard
Only the boss fights imo. If you have good ranged pawns you'll be ok. The giant gazer and undead dragon boss are a bitch though, that's true.
>tfw I've never managed to get one of those to flip the fuck out like that
Did you try attacking it?
Yeah, it can aggravate an already triggered bodybag, but it doesn't seem to reliably set them off on its own.
Maybe if I can get a pawn to walk through it like in the webm.
what the fuck
Weird. It happens every time I hop on a bag and attack it, even without a pawn touching it.
People with great taste in games also have great taste in waifus
This one's for you Fournival
are you ok user? do you have brain damage?
You think we'll get a DD2 announcement at tgs?
aw fuck yea
your posts are missing nuance, thats the problem. if you go over to top like that nobody is gonna take you seriously lmao
nah. you just cant miss any sidequests, thats basically it. and you have to do speedrun mode. apart from that its pretty basic, i got all the achievements in the course of like 160 hours
Might as well
Technically Q-Loc did. They're the based Polski boys who unfucked the MKX PC port and nearly salvaged DmC definitive on PS4. Those boys need more work.
Just lay it on me lads. Is there a hope for a sequel? I've been reading some stuff that DD2 was in production. Dragons dogma is probably the only game left that interests me.
It's not impossible, since the creator said that since he's done with dmc, he'd like to do dragon's dogma next.
there is hope, user
before starting work on DMC5, Itsuno was deciding between making another DMC or a sequel to DD. he had ideas and interest in continuing both series and Capcom was fine with either, but ultimately he decided for DMC because it's been a longer time since the last proper game in the series was released
after the release of DMC5, Itsuno already mentioned he's working on another project, which could be anything but there's a realistic chance that it's DD2
aditionally, Dragon's Dogma Online recently announced it's closure, which could imply that Capcom has a better use for those developers, or rather that Itsuno has a better use for them helping the developmment of DD2
If DMC5 sold well enough then it's possible.
As you wish
Exploring every nook and cranny of Bluemoon and finding items and equipment everywhere was extremely satisfying.
...Go to a drawthread? Also, calm down your pants.
*record scratch*
Yeah, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here...
You can ask your own pawn to talk less, or turn off pawn dialog entirely. Playing the game in dead silence feels super weird though.