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Tranny in time

Trans rights are human rights

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>16-24 years old
Inform me of how many of them are left when they hit 30

They havent hit that age yet fag
Anyways 40% is still less than half

Played AHIT on ps4 and loved it. Best non nintendo platformer this gen.

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>They havent hit that age yet fag
and a lot of them probably never will

ahit? more like aHRT if ya ask me

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>Implying they had rights to begin with.

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>Trans rights are human rights
what rights do they lack that the rest of us have?

They lack brain cells

Based actual stats.

Thread derailed in FP
Shit OP
In all fields it goes

Not getting harassed
Some countries dont allow transitioning

cumḃrain pedo

Dumb tranny game

I don't have a right to not be harassed

Well, not really. Nobody is safe from "harassment" as they call it.
Employers are allowed to turn away transgenders, though. That's something they can actually fight for.

See, this right here is a political statement.

>have mental illness
>seek others with same mental illness
>am underage, so i certainly know better than anyone else
>tell my parents
>parents don't agree
>feel sad
Geez, how surprising.

I'm gonna ask again, where's the nude mod?

You're a sick fuck... I like you

i just played the 2nd DLC.

Why was Seal the Deal so much worse than myakuza metro?