The best fighting game player in the world uses a fightstick. Why don't you use one Yea Forums?
The best fighting game player in the world uses a fightstick. Why don't you use one Yea Forums?
I use his wife.
That's a downgrade
>Justin Wong.
>Most Evolution Series titles.
The pad furry is literally one title away from tying Daigo and Infiltration.
>farm dead games like injustice / mk
>omg so good!!!
I want to play a fighting game, what's good right now?
Pretty sure he is playing on pad now.
He's the only one still winning titles out of all the people above him. 5 for him, 6 for Infiltration and Daigo, 9 for Wong. Wong played shit like Marvel 2 with a 50-man bracket, but his titles still count.
To think all those items are now smashed and or trashed
He was playing stick at Evo.
Justin is a fucking hack, his titles come all from games people barely play
Infiltration won a title last EVO
Kusoge, just like MK/Injustice.
It was funny when he won EVO and sent all the pronoun twitter faggots on suicide watch.
Quick rundown?
Infiltration is a fucking monster, the fact that he play the way he plays for the time he dedicated t it is insane, he's some kind of autistic genius or something.
The Pakistan guys out of nowhere on Tekken was cool too.
i thought the best in the world just tried to use a cheatbox during a recent tournament?
>gets married
>wife turns out to be crazy
>one night she starts flipping out
>he takes hold of her wrist to calm her down
>she spazzes out and jerks it away, leaving a bruise
>suddenly he's a "wife beater"
>she divorces him
What kind of game are you looking for? SF is always good for players of all levels, DBFZ is pretty easy to get into, UNIST has a good learning curve while retaining the cool stuff, never played it but Tekken 7 is well liked
>context doesn't matter
>no one deserves a second chance (but they better beg for forgiveness or we'll harass them even harder)
>He should never be allowed on a fighting game tournament again
>He comes back
>Wins evo
>get official message from evo praising his return and victory
>People go apeshit
>Want him AND EVO dead.
This is the part that is both hilarious and pisses me off. It's such a common thing these days to want to absolutely ruin someone's professional life for something they did totally unrelated to their career. A teacher was drunk driving? Better fire her ass despite her being a really great teacher. I see this shit in the news weekly.
your mom uses your dad's dick, why don't you use it
He also beats his wife
>Hi I'm from reddit!
How do you know? Where you there?
I don't have autism and a 2-digit IQ. same reason I don't play """competetive""" video games.
I'm his wife. I only type with one hand since he hurt my wrist.
Cancel culture is cancer
Tekken 7 is top tier desu
It's too hard for me. I'm a pleb though, I like SFV. Probably the only one on earth who does.
because its too late for me to catch up and everyone having fun has invested at least 2-5 thousand hours into fighting games
>The 4ht most played game on this EVO only behind Street Fighter and Tekken despite being a niche title fom a dead franchise
>Literally saved SC6 from dying in it's 1st year
Eat a shit faggot
Already paid his dues in the Korean court, the one year ban was more than enough for him to come back and have a chance to redeem himself.
the one matchup he couldn't beat:
fgc metoo
The fact that he just goes on and doing what he wants to do as usual is a giant BTFO for them.
I want him to win SF next year to see the massive asshurt and people like James Chen being forced to talk about him and acknowledge him after all the shit talking.
hitbox is the future old man
What did James Chen say? I don't follow all this drama but that's pretty unprofessional to shit talk the competitors.
James Chen and some of the figureheads of the FGC are SJWs and hate him even though he didn't actually beat his wife.
>Random fuck uses a hitbox and does fuck all
>Daigo uses a hitbox and wins
Stickfags are the worst
I do, and on a Korean lever too.
Chen already hated him waaaay before that
Chen will do anything to stay relevant, very embodiment of FGC boomer "old way good, new way bad"
I'm going to need some proof regarding James's position on the matter. He seems like such an amiable guy and I have never seen him talk shit about anyone before.
on cam and in public he's nice, in private or when doin his blogs he's very condescending. so you know, two faced.
There is none, everyone is glad to have him back. There was even a tournament where Yipes longs for his return "now that he beat the case"
You have players like Chris T congratulating him for his won on twitter, the knly people who got pissy don't actually play fighting games. I remember one of the people whose tweets were posted here during EVO was a fucking porn artist
Sure. Pay me to get one. Even racing fans don't shill alternate hardware as much as FGCfags
/ourguy fucking Infiltration coming from the underworld for his redemption arc was one of the best thing about EVO. Just look at the motherfucker, he literally owns the whole venue.
>he thinks this thread that is obviously baiting Infiltration is earnestly shilling fight sticks
>baiting Infiltration
I don't think he cares about fake 2chan and is busy pegging his wife with gold plated fightstick nubs
False. Chen literally said he wanted to punch Infiltration. You know, little chink chinese shrimp vs the 3m juggernaut that is Infiltration. Absolutely hilarious.
Fucking hunt the tweet on the fighting general on vg, I'm too lazy to do so.
Anons... where is gllty now? I'm getting worried... 40%...
pay to win
getting her chaturbate stream and page ready
What if I told you she also has a stick?
even better
Never forget that Paula Deen's career was ruined because she allegedly (never proven, only one accuser) called a woman a nigger 15 years before she even had a tv show or was even known.
Don't blame the SJWs for cancel culture -- they're just raving morons. It's the companies that are so terrified of any sort of bad PR that need to be blamed. Ultimately, they're the ones doing the actual canceling.
He is the very textbook definition of a "White Knight"
>is a rectangle
because hitboxes are objectively superior
If you're just playing on a whim then DON'T play tekken, it takes a long time to actually "play" the game if that's what you want. Play samsho if you want something easy, or SFV. Anime fightans if you want something in between. But if you just wanna play casually with friends, play anything.
>newly released game gets a lot of entrants
wow, who would have thought!
how's dbzf doing?
Tekken is actually playable on a button mashing level (which alot of casuals are)
i have 3
a TE2,TES and a qanba eightarc fusion he is the best one
I meant "play" as in actually playing the game the way it should be. But yeah, if he just wants to play casually then he can play whatever he wants.
I don't play fighting games.