Memes and shitty plot aside, this is honestly one of the best guerilla warfare simulators out there

Memes and shitty plot aside, this is honestly one of the best guerilla warfare simulators out there.

>the feel of placing a bunch of explosive devices on the road, and hiding up in the mountains and watching a column of tanks roll over them right as you detonate it.

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People who say this game had a shitty plot didnt listen to any tapes or never even understood motivations of the characters or themes of the game, id say its very misunderstood and its definitely not bad.

yeah its pretty nice, it plays like a less realistic and smaller scale arma, but it's a lot more optimized. i technically started off metal gear solid playing the 3rd one, but i didnt finish it because i got fed up with the controls, i know its an old game but it still just didnt feel good to play

>can listen to tapes wherever you want
>"listen boss, we have to do something abo-"
>have to start tape over because I missed a whole minute of conversation
>only safe place to listen to them is on the chopper, or sitting around in one spot
>might as well have been cutscenes because all I'm doing is watching my screen reading the subtitles

Tapes are cancer for lazy programmers who don't feel like animating cutscenes
I accepted it in Peace Walker since it was a handheld game and the tapes wouldn't translate to cutscenes very well, but with so many events shoved into tapes in V through tapes it was inexcusable

>drive into base with my mecha
>goodbye mecha, invite eye patch knife wielding dog
>magic dog borks, giving me wallhax for all the enemies on base
>charge up my bionic arm so I can automatically lightning bolt to sleep every enemy outside
>go in and teleport dozens of train freight containers worth of fuel and armaments
>summon a fucking tank to drop from the sky and crush them
>exfiltrate via helicopter that is blaring the B-52's

ahh... such a great gureilla warfare simluator... take that, batista!

Your account is proof of Kojima's genius.

it was a bad ass game.

It's so fucking easy, though. It'd be nice if you ever actually had to do cool stuff like set up ambushes and use explosives, but in practice you can just run or stealth in and shit everything up however you want. You can beat tanks by sprinting up and sticking a balloon on them for christ's sake.

I'm still thinking that MGSV and Splinter Cell Blacklist are prime non-scarcity stealth games. Both gameplays are pretty enjoyables, aside the repetition in V and some components in Black.

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Imagine real world warfare if the fulton recovery device worked like it does in MGSV.

>not taking the stealth tank strat
absolutely pleb

There'd be a lot more POWs

Imagine if someone captures you and you hear the sound of the operator preparing his fulton recovery system and you say to yourself OH NO NO NO and the next thing you know you fly away 100 km/hr

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The online base invasions are a good challenge, especially if the persons base you are invading has all the good security shit like drones and juggernaut suit guys. Also the post game has the expert challenges where you go in with no weapons and an alert is instant game over.

>tfw Quiet doesn't spot some of the soldiers in the outpost and fucks up your perfect stealth run
Waifu, why?

Invasion is hard as fuck and I go back to them regularly.

>we will never have a game of Big Boss and his best buds making witty banter as he opr8s
that's the real biggest shame, the codec support gets wasted

>Survive was a shitty zombie game instead of just Co-Op MGSV
I'm still mad. I wanted Peace Walker style nonsense but on a game people actually played

>not blaring take on me

I could do that shit in Mercenaries or Just Cause. Not that MGSV did it bad, but its not like you couldnt scratch that itch elsewhere.

Yeah, I did the invasions for a little while, they were fun to stealth. It got pretty repetitive though, and it was always a guaranteed loss if the defender actually showed up, which happened from time to time.
Do the invasions play any differently now?
I last played them not that long after release, do they even still function properly now that most of them must be abandoned?

If Motherbases were customizable as originally intended it would be so different.

why do retards think turning the hud off in this game makes the game instantly better? it completely ruins the point of scouting because some guards have outrageously large patrols and they all look the same. it is impossible to memorize this shit without taking 2 hours to do (ruining your s rank). ive tried turning off the hud and i already gave up at the kaz rescue mission. the game already has ways of upping the difficulty without turning off in game options. you dont get rewarded for it so theres no point. i hate these people. fuck em.

>interrogating a soldier with good states before extracting him
>TFW quiet shot him in the face while he was in my arms
That period before she got the tranq sniper rifle hurt me

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she doesnt spot enemies in buildings

Now I feel old.
What's wrong with its controls?

I couldn't play the game because my autism wouldn't let me enjoy it without listening to all the tapes. But my add would always get distracted and more something, so it wasn't any fun and is just sperg-rage out.
I had a little trouble, but could get through the files/whatever in mgs 1-3 though. Even starting 1 w/o any prior background, I read all that shit that was available before playing. this game disappointed me before I could even give it a real chance. It still bums me out because I can't fucking enjoy let's plays either.

I played it like a year or two after it came out, knowing that everyone hated it, and having played all the MGS games beforehand.

I ended up 100% it, and I almost never do that. I think the story sucks ass, but I enjoyed playing it mostly a lot.

I never bothered with that but checking back in a few months later to find all of my shit getting fucked put me off wanting to pick it up again. I only did the online FOBshit because I wanted those camo bikinis.

exactly my thoughts. i had these problems even when i wanted to listen to the tapes whilst playing. this is the worst mgs ever. hearing someones thoughts on this game is my litmus test to see what kind of people im talking to. no real mgs fan likes this game. gameplay aside, it is bad. dont get me started on the open world copy paste missions.

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As much as I liked the look of the DD uniforms it would have been nice to get access to the old MSF one too with a blueprint. Shit looks dope

Memes aside Sins of the Father is a good song

Not him, but they can feel a little janky imo. 2 was cool. 1 was clunky but that was just the era.

Wasted on this game. At least it was done well on the trailer.

no one forces you to play that way.

redpill me on just cause series.

Not that user, but I experienced the same thing when I played MGS3. I think my mistake was trying to play it like RE4, I tried to rambo my way through instead of making discreet commands. There were a lot of moves you could execute btw, but the game favours stealth and really punishes you for being spotted.

You mean the thing that only happens in a few missions because Kojima was too much of a hack to put anything interesting in the open world?

The CQC is ass, every time I tried to choke or interrogate a guy, I slit his throat instead. MGS3 really could use a remake with the unlockable Octocamo from MGS4.

Same with Miller's why are we still here speech.

It's fucking stupid. MGS4 already had you sneaking through battlefields but they couldn't be arsed to do that for V? Imagine how much better the game would have been if you were sneaking through areas as America and Iran were duking it out.

Kojima got fucking lazy.

Why would America and Iran be duking it out in TPP?

>shitty plot
It's just as shitty as the rest of the series' plot, only it has the decency to not shove exposition down your throat every ten minutes.

MGS fags are fucking retarded.

How is that Infinite Heaven mod or whatever its called? Sounds like it adds some neat features.

Fucking casuals.
>Chico buddy cut very early
>Kingdom of the Flies was started too late, more than a year after the missions were finished
What could have been.

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>The world after MGS4 is the world The Boss wanted - a world made whole and free of controlling ideologies.

It's essential imo and all features can be switched off so there's no downside.

I'm not a fan of buddies. They're way too OP, except horse.

What the fuck? Kingdom of the Flies was DLC?
Why did they call it Mission 51 then?

It's not an open world game.

Why not?
And yes, Konami itself said that Episode 51 was always meant to be DLC.

Do you not know what pressure sensitive means? Stop using retard force on the buttons.
>unlockable octocamo
Yes, that's exactly what the game needs. A simpleton mechanic that makes a feature redundant so I don't have to think as much.

Because calling it Mission 51 implies that it takes place after the rest of the game?

He fell for the open world meme. MGS4 was fairly linear in comparison, so more engaging environments were easier to make.

Is it worth a replay? Are there any mods worth a replay?

>What the fuck? Kingdom of the Flies was DLC?
The intro to Kingdom of the Flies in the script presents itself like a mission, but there's a striking oddity that it's in "demo" instead of "missions".
So yes, it's very likely that it was DLC.

Pretty sure you meant to respond to .

It's good, it helps a lot in making the open world feel more alive.
You can add heli patrols, actual convoys consisting of several armored vehicles, patrols that will wander in the wilderness and not just in outposts, you can make it so Skulls can randomly ambush you, you can make it so mercs can randomly attack Motherbase, go on missions without weapons...

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Git gud

>America being at war with Iran in 1984
The only remotely American presence there was in the middle east back then where the Mujahideen, who were supplied and trained by the CIA.
Which is funny because they then went on to become Al Qaeda.

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>believing CIA
why do you do this user

Because if the Soviets found any proof of US presence in there, it would have meant WWIII?
That's why they used the Mujahideen, they couldn't use their own troops.

>if the CIA ever staged an invasion of Cuba or overthrew pro-Soviet regimes, it would mean WWIII!
That's what you sound like right now, little sheep.

Infinite Heaven.
Oh, and use the E3 ENB, makes the game look much better.

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The difference is that in Cuba they killed Cubans.
Sure, they were communists, but they weren't russians.
In the middle east they would have been attacking Soviet troops directly.
Plus, with all the shit that's been diclassified, including MKULTRA related crap, if there was any proof of them having actual troops operating in the middle east back then we would have it.

>Yes, that's exactly what the game needs. A simpleton mechanic that makes a feature redundant so I don't have to think as much.

Yes because opening the menu ever 2 minutes to pick the camo with the highest rating is so deep.

>tfw you will never play the E3 version of africa/jungle
kojima and konami can suck my balls

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Yeah, too bad late game equipment ruins all that.

This game progressively gets worse.
The end game gear only exists so people buy coins. FOB missions become a joke.

It is one of those instances where less is more or hell just make FOB its own game, people would had buy it over MGS survive.

There is a mod that fills Africa with a ton more animals, I think it adds them to that jungle as well.

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>We know a bunch of shit that this intelligence agency has done or different projects that can be linked to/in which they were directly involved.
>The Bay of Pigs invasion doesn't count for reasons, even though US and Soviet Union almost went to war over missiles on Cuba less than two years later.
>What are instructors/operators/agents in the field?
I can't believe that actual CIA shills spread disinformation on Yea Forums, trying to gaslight their involvement throughout history

>We know a bunch of shit that this intelligence agency has done or different projects that can be linked to/in which they were directly involved. Therefore we can with certainty claim to beware of most - if not all - of their past actions, even though they were covert ops and most likely classified and deemed top secret.*

Forgot the last part.

>The Bay of Pigs invasion doesn't count for reasons
Because they were attacking Cuba, not the Soviet Union.

>even though US and Soviet Union almost went to war over missiles on Cuba less than two years later
Yes, because the US was threatening with destroying a Soviet ship.

It's not shilling for the CIA, the KGB didn't have the balls to do that shit either.
They would mess around with allies, but no direct attacks.

but the E3 version had cool verticality,like those cracks on some walls, a cascade , etc and a shit ton of plants

You can find all those in the game, it's just the landing zone nearby lands you already at the top beside the jungle, so no reason to climb the cracks.

>no direct attacks
>the KGB killed JFK
Sure thing, buddy.

It's more likely that the CIA was the one who killed JFK for all the shit that he was planning to do.

I also remember it being in like a rock or in the top of the mountain

I don't think I would call it a very good sim of guerilla warfare, but boy golly gosh is it a fun power fantasy about guerilla warfare. great game.

Of course you want us to think that, we wouldn't want the public to find out that the KGB were beating the CIA at their own game, now would we? That would've been a terrible blow to the agency.

Isn't it weird how the president who was the closest to going to war with the Soviet Union was the only one who got assassinated, huh? Don't enemies of people usually assassinate people?

Get the fuck out of this thread, you deep state waste.

>Self power fantasy
I look so bara, don't you think?

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jfk wanted ND and to make friendly with the commies. hence the theories that deep state got him. you're on some strange theories man

Not you again
Also, call me bara and I'll kick you in the fucking ass

>It's the allies of presidents who usually end up assassinating presidents.
Nice theory you got there, bud. Don't you have a regime to destabilize?

>allied with JFK

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It's not deep, but replacing the mechanic with octocamo would make it even more shallow.