Modern Yea Forums has horrible taste in video games

How did we go from this (2012)

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To this
Seriously, the average user these days were born in fucking 2001

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I'm not even gonna wait for your "to THIS?" post, I'll tell you:
Nowadays most games on that list would be considered "overrated" and other non-criticisms coupled with a bunch of post-post-post-ironic tripe and pretending to be retarded.
Remember that being ironic is what killed discussion. Pretending to be retarded is functionally identical to being retarded, there is no excuse, it IS shitposting, idiots in company, etc.
And not to mention the retarded "Yea Forums hates videogames" meme.

Being an underage retard is ok here now.
>Game too old and hardcore for me, just call it Boomer and play movie game like uncharted

To be fair, VtMB isn't very good as far as gameplay goes.

It looks like this now

Attached: vTop100.jpg (1662x1664, 1.54M)

No, you mean the combat isn’t good but the gameplay is. The gameplay consists of doing odd jobs for people but in creative ways.

>Gameplay is only combat
You have to go back.

>Witcher 3
How? It’s fucking shit and th3 worst Witcher game.

mgs3 is overrated as fuck

>The Witcher 3 is shi-

Attached: God Tier Witcher 3 Combat 3.webm (924x518, 2.99M)

Wrong, it's a fantastic game the only flaw is that MGS4 is such a piece of shit that it basically retcons past games

>half life 2 or Ocerina of time
oh my fucking god the two most overrated games of all fucking time. it's fans are more loyal than the nazis on the final mission of cod:waw

>god tier Witcher 3 combat
You mean spamming the same button over and over? Are you retarded?

>calls something over rated but admits to playing COD


Attached: God Tier Witcher 3 Combat 2.webm (853x480, 2.69M)

Because new users replace old ones as people grow out of Yea Forums or die. Those new users have different tastes in games. Stop making this thread.
This, really. Any community that gets its kicks pretending to be retards actively invites retards in who don't get the joke. Then those opinions become the norm and the level of discussion is lowered. People won't understand they need more effort to have a meaningful conversation and chalk up any stupid shit like this to just being "board culture." When you can't discern shitposting with people honestly thinking their posts are good, things have gone wrong.

cod:waw has the most soul. everyone knows all cods after MW2 are utter garbage.

You are a retard. Just because something looks cinematic doesn’t make it good. The Witcher’s combat is nothing but rolling and spamming.

>nothing but rolling and spamming.
You're thinking of Souls games.

All Cods are utter garbage you underage faggot.

What am I supposed to be looking at specifically? Just mad people like Witcher or something?

Thank you for proving OPs point.

my top 5 games

1. Garry's mod
2. TF2
3. Smash ultimate
4.L4d (both 1 and 2 visa versa)
you are underage if you don't remember the glory days of COD

Attached: big scouty baja blast.jpg (807x654, 87K)

>DS number 1
>Witcher 3 (the worst one) being on the list at all
>portal 2
>Nier automata

>you are underage if you weren’t a cod kiddy
We used to joke about people being nostalgic over COD. Thank you for proving OPs post right.

Dark Souls is a good pick for number one, though.

No it’s not. Even number 4 was waaaay to high and the only reason it was that high is because it was recently released back then.
DS is no where near Deus Ex, let alone better than it

i don't get nostalgic. because i am not a trendy normie who "misses" games after it's second year because i have to move on the the next triple A game. I am open to games new and old and most of the oldie goldies are shit.

We used to joke about people being nostalgic over halo. Now halo is a “Boomer” game to fnewfags.
8ch can’t come back online soon enough.

This thread gets posted all the fucking time
Yea Forums is im pretty sure the second most active board. its overall consensus on games can be decided using a strawpoll 50 people did
Basically, OP
Kill your self

Dark Souls captures the sense of high adventure unlike any other game. It has fantastic art direction, fun gameplay, high replayability, incredible world/level design, good sound design, good worldbuilding, and so on. It's a masterpiece and is definitely deserving of being called the best game of all time.

>old game bad, cod good

Attached: 39E8E1E7-F77E-4B2B-BBE5-531673B2D86F.png (1536x2048, 2.23M)

My top 5 from the list:
>Ghost Trick
>Mega Man X
>Jak and Daxter

Play games made before 2007 newfag

>Dark Souls placed highly due to recency bias
>8 years later and it's placement only raised
Yeah. No. Dark Souls deserves top 10 at least.

seen this game get a lot of praise. how good can it be?

Man. Even Batman's combat is better and more diverse.

nice strawman, boomie.

>Fable combat with a directional dash

I've played several. Dark Souls is still worthy of the number one spot.

It’s one of the most cohesive and fun games I’ve played. Tons of customization, fun and unique gameplay that uses the DS hardware in incredibly innovative ways, great aesthetics, great OST, and an overall likable cast. I highly recommend it if you haven’t had the chance to play it yet.

Attached: crossover.jpg (1500x2121, 1.09M)

It's an integral part to the game and can't be ignored. It can also be pretty cryptic at times.

It's easy to pick out unfinished areas, rushed aspects and outdated controls.
But the fact of the matter is, Dark Souls is much greater than the sum of its parts.
It's a narrative and artistic masterpiece, one of the few games I would consider to be a 'work of art.'

so thats the purple and orange guy i've been seeing. What is he some kind of wizard?

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>It's an integral part to the game
During the latter third of the game, yes; before that, hardly. World interaction in VtMB is so multi-faceted that combat is, more often than not, about as necessary as you make it until it gets to the combat corridor sections (which everyone agrees suck).

Yea Forums doesn't play games

Maybe I was just too stupid to get into it then, but it was really hard to tell exactly what to do or trigger next. I remember getting to the haunted house but not knowing what to do and I really didn't want to use a walkthrough.

wtf sm64 is like 73 at best

Kind of. He can use a variety of psychic powers that you can customize to your liking in a variety of ways. Pyrokinesis, lightning bolts, telekinesis, mind bullets, energy blades, tornadoes, earthquakes, teleportation, and a shitload of other abilities.

Attached: Neku Shockwave.jpg (1601x2048, 322K)

>SSB.Melee, SSB.64 and even fucking SMB.Wii U on the list
>Banjo "aged like milk" and Kazooie on the list
>Literally no fighting games on the list
Cringe as fuck.

what is Yea Forums then?

A miserable little pile of secrets.

not a fourth as powerful as me

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I’d imagine so. Still, I recommend giving the game a shot if it looks to be something you’d be interested in trying out.

But Yea Forums does hate video games, user

does anyone have /v's top 20 games of last year?

Literally and unironically the very first post in this thread.

It's simple...we kill zoomers!

>reading comprehension

Nothing compared to deus ex, Grim Fandango, mgs3, ect