Remember when he was just another Yea Forums shilling his channel here. this could have been you Yea Forums.
Remember when he was just another Yea Forums shilling his channel here. this could have been you Yea Forums
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I have no charisma so I doubt it.
I'm sure the money is nice as fuck but that's not really what I want to do with my life.
I'm glad I don't have his problems/stress, and I'm not a big fan of popularity anyway, I would hate being talked to in the streets all the time, being a target for the msm or whatnot.
he wife is an italian qt
There hasn't been an article about him in a long time, and he's probably going to keep playing Minecraft for a long time
As much i really want the money i really doubt i would handle the fame and all the attention since i really don't want to ended up like Etika and offing myself just because i did a bad move and now the internet hates me.
Well either way, I'm glad he seems happy and got out of his burnout quickly, I wish him well but I'd rather have a position like Brad's, but without my face being seen.
wow and all he had to do was selling out to literal minecraft playing kids
well I didn't live in sweden, upload with geo settings to the UK and speak english to hit 3 major markets on youtube so no, it couldn't have been me. He played the fuck out of youtube's algorithm since day 1, till he got big enough to be able to ignore it. But even now he's playing it, look at the minecraft shit. Fortnite was in control, now EVERYONE is back on minecraft. It's like a fucking joke how much sway he has.
>2012-2016 pewdiepie
>cringy faggot shit
>2016-2019 pewdiepie
>based and comfy
>2019 minecraft pewdiepie
ironic how his gaming video are the only ones i dont watch
Yeah as much as he hates it 2016-2018 were his best years but then again that's because he stopped giving a shit and stayed copying Yea Forums content
I mean literally went to /gif/ for YLYL
Nah, I'm ugly, I don't speak English and I don't have charisma.
Wow your taste is shit
It's not live yet so old reruns of livestream not on youtube, will be live here once pewds wakes.
i thought pewdiepie was just making a meme streaming there
nobody has disputed that claim, but that's where his shit hits first so...
when is he going to say nigger again
What the hell did Etika actually do to cause him to off himself anyway? He's already black, so its definitely not him saying nigger.. Is he just a pussy / depressed or something? Dude had modelling gigs, so as someone that didnt really follow, I dont get his move.
when he's not in livestreams anymore, he got people and animals to edit it out.
>mean literally went to /gif/ for YLYL
who gives a shit? ylyl has never been funny.
this site isn't for trannies
They paid him like mixer paid ninja. youtube gaming is total shite and youtube has made 0 effort to improve it.
He wasn't stop forcing your meme e-idol you stupid zoomer, now check this 5
Mental illness obviously
he litteraly shilled he here when he started his channel
>missed it by 2
Ok which one of you fucks stopped shitposting?
imagine paying a quintilianare to stream on your site and succeeding. like does the guy not have enough money already?
Wait, he's back playing videogames again?
Bad deal doggo
fuq you /biz/ doggo
I'm not willing to be that much of a gigantic fag.
No i wouldnt.
/x/ level cult shit (no kidding)
I'm pretty sure it was CP tho
His mom was a CEO and his dad a CFO, his mom has a credit on multiple of his videos. JudenPie was never just another Yea Forumsirgin.
Her mouth is fucked up, reminds me of troll face
Fuck off Woz you don't even play the shit you make videos about.
>Remember when he was just another Yea Forums shilling his channel here.
>this could have been you Yea Forums.
Except I'm not mentally retarded.
>Scott the woz
You mean the faggot that YouTube wouldn't stop putting as the top recommendation for every video game video for weeks?
The guy that reddit never shuts the fuck up about?
God you're even posting shit you clearly made yourself on your phone without changing your filename, you disgust me
Those thumbnails are just as bad as I remember them. Probably the only reason I didn't watch him as a lil zoomling, they're just so offputting and shitty. Even if he's doing the clickbait titles and thumbs with a smug ironic bent, it's so obviously manufactured that I can't click on one with a clean conscience.
How autistic is that?
I'm not very attractive so I find that highly unlikely
I hate this fucking site
looksmaxxed pewdiepie is a 6 AT MOST
>you could have won the lottery Yea Forums
yeah naw
Did he hit 100m yet?
I'm convinced he's some kind of AI created to get as much attention as possible.
imagine being this much of a seething incel lmao
>Remember when he was just another Yea Forums
He has never been here nor has he ever posted on Yea Forums
Debatable. La goblina with a squeaky voice.
and so ? some others user as well and who cares if they are going to be cancerous shit like that faggot. also 5
Hey, remember, before you hate him, he said nigger, he is our guy.
>What anons actually look like.
>Vs what anons want to look like.
>water sheep
user, i....
>2012-2016 pewdiepie
>cringy faggot shit
>2016-2019 pewdiepie
>pandering faggot
>2019 minecraft pewdiepie
2016-2019 was kino as fuck.
I actually liked the minecraft series for a bit too but it has overstayed its welcome at this point
pick one
He is risen. Matthew 28:6
>your birth-2019
>cringy virgin faggot
How do people watch everything these people upload? 3 videos in one day per YouTuber sounds like a giant time sink that could be used for playing vidya or learning something such as art.
>spends the day before his wedding updating his minecraft villager fuck chamber
True gamer moment
just speaking for myself but I put on stuff like this at work sometimes for background noise. Of course I totally agree with you that it's a waste of time if you are a NEET
I think he just posts one video a day.
Only really shekel hungry fellows like Tim Pool or QuarterPounder post multiple videos a day
And I usually just watch at work, helps get through those last 2-3 hours of wage slavery
It was obviously prerecorded you dingle donger.
If you are a neet your entire life is a waste of time tbqh
he's not lying when he called his fan the 9 year old army
It wasn't even recorded at all stupid nigger
Was just mentioned in the video the day after his wedding, when the updates were already done
Easy when the uploads are 5-10 minutes a day, like most Vtubers I watch. For Pewds I've been skipping the hour long minecraft episodes.
But just the fact that he has to watch literally everything he says in public/online because he KNOWS that the moment he says something halfway controversial the media will be all over him again. I'd get tired of that shit real quick.
Virtual youtubers seem like a half-decent gig that way. Though the worst case scenario of shit crashing on you in the middle and revealing your ugly ass to be the cute girl people are slobbering on is enough to deter folk like me.
There's failure I can handle, and then there's shit like that that I'd just really rather not tempt fate with.
>The YouTuber life in turn tells this generation to join them 7 years from now.
Robot overlords save us now.
You can tell hes playing it extra safe on his livestreams
No way hes not gonna slip up during the 12 hour 100million subs stream
>your birth-end of all time
>cringe zoomer reddit nigger
Okay nigger, you date a woman that looks at least as good as this, right? I could nitpick at a girls flaws too, but remember what you’re really capable of picking up.
>why yes, I do leave my computer on autoplay all day to force youtube to give pewdiepie more money. How could you tell?
I don't date little boys, so no.
You can tell just from looking at her that she either is complete shit at giving head or god tier
wonder which one it is
pewdiepie is my friend and when i watch his videos its like hes really in the room with me
You don't date anyone at all virgin lmao
I'm sure you get all the 9s and 10s Chad no need to brag
Youtube, Yea Forums, and the internet in general stopped being about content creation in like 2008.
Since then, it is only about corporate interests and is now switching into AI-based mind control.
Its all fake now.
Dude, just close twitter , its fuking easy not being political and controversial
Finally, someone acknowledges it.
Good Deal Doggo
>accidentally say nigger once
>lose your show, have fags like wapo and NYT trying to get you shut down for the next 6 months, get deranked by youtube
>all the salty blue-checkmarks on social media trying to sour the party right now
so desperate and pathetic
He spends his life entertaining autists on a regular basis. I know no such devotion, self sacrifice and unselfishness.
I am happy for him.
>he doesn't play vidya while watching videos
unless im playing something story-heavy or with really good music im usually multitasking
ive never watched any of his content but i hope him and his wife are very happy
>the party
>check subs
>its already over 100m
wait, what the fuck? He was like 800k away yesterday
Thats Marzia ? Wtf happened%
AH FUCK! right! SHIT!
>marries marzia
>hits 100million
Hes probably having a pretty good week
He does it for a lot of money. He doesn't do it for free.
>Remember when he was just another Yea Forums shilling his channel here. this could have been you Yea Forums.
He only succeeded because he is ridiculously attractive. He has a 10/10 face with good hair. You can't just copy that. Frankly speaking no matter what he chose to do he would have succeeded with those looks.
I guess
But he didn't get that mojang job he applied for despite his good looks
Pewds has never posted on Yea Forums
fuck off to r/braincels or whatever cringe shithole you got that idea from. there's plenty of attractive men that grow up to be nothing.
He obviesly understands people pretty well in order to attract so many of them.
This is you
is there proof that he actually posted on Yea Forums?
Remember lads, subscribe to PewDiePie.
Shatner has though.
Ok tarrant
I don't know about posting but I'm convinced he browsed boards. you look at the kinds of jokes and references he was doing during his "edgy" era. it sounded like the average shitposting style of the time.