Pre-order fucking CANCELLED

Pre-order fucking CANCELLED

Attached: yikes.png (1920x1080, 3.75M)

Other urls found in this thread:

i'm sure you have a switch op

>sony player doesn't like multiplat
someone call the press, this is surely news worthy

Do I really need to humiliate you shills by posting a picture of my dusty switch AGAIN?

Attached: 13214141.png (1764x1580, 1.1M)

i'm sure you have a switch op

>muh sony boogeyman

Attached: LOOOOOOOL.png (327x316, 211K)

Can the PS4 version play the game in 4k?

Attached: Dragon Quest XI Echoes of an Elusive Age.jpg (3840x2160, 2.98M)

I don't see what's wrong with this, I don't even have a switch
is it a Ps4 thing? what's going on

4K is a meme

Attached: kek.gif (244x150, 677K)

ps4 looks better except for all the jaggies

please go back consolewar-kun

Much more jaggies on the switch version

>op is literally a comparison of nintendo and sony
>implying sony is brought up out of nowhere
this is reaching new levels of retardation

Why do retards keep thinking the tablet Switch is going to output the same level of distance depth textures as a ps4 which has way better hardware?

The irony

What's up with the fucking lighting in the Switch version

I was replying to retarded nintendo shills who have sony living rent free in their heads and think I'm own a PS4. Don't know how you can call others retarded when you're such a mouth dribbling spastic you can't even read before replying.

Attached: you.jpg (300x200, 9K)

I'd say a lot of the jaggies on that picture of the switch are obscured by the lower resolution

If you could get the ps4 version and put a little blur filter on it to make the grass look less jagged, you'd have something really nice on your hands

Because Nintendo completely rips off their customers, when they pay near the same price only a nintendo drone would expect to get fucked in the ass this badly by outdated gimmick hardware

Switch not even powerful enough for Bloom lighting invented in 2004

>i spent money on something i dont even used

Wow, you sure owned me! Post some pictures of yourself burning money or destroying your PC, that would really make us mad!

Probably lowered shadow density to handle better frames. The Switch is a tablet. Every port the thing has is effectively downgraded. Doom, Skyrim, Bayonetta, etc.

How many times must you make this thread OP? Just accept the Switch version has better content and move on.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 24K)

I thought it would have games, I was wrong. Never again.

Switch uses tablet hardware, of course it can't do any of that. People are wising up to it a little though, look at the lawsuit going on with the joystick drifting.

>gets called out on his shit
>doubles down on calling others retarded
original, user. let me guess, your reply will be to call me retarded again? I can write for you:
>hurr you're retarded
there, just press copy and paste. just doing some service to help those with a few extra chromosomes since nature has already been cruel enough to you.

>meanwhile for Switchchads

Attached: 57924721390418209.png (865x478, 67K)

I'm buying it just for the 16 bit mode.

Attached: 1566616495297.png (241x276, 147K)

>call out people on their shit
>some retard grabs the wrong end of the stick and makes a wrong assumption
>makes another post doubling down on being a complete autistic cunt
Keep crying retard

>download demo
>it looks better than expected
>soundtrack finally sounds great
I think is a good port.

4k is only a meme when you sacrifice frames for it. Something as threadbare as DQ would look amazing in 4k60

>less than 30 million consoles sold
>versus a console with over 100 million
Yeah, we know which is the better game

Attached: 37373728266262.jpg (1440x1440, 598K)

Fucking retards arguing over ps4 vs switch when a god damned PC version exists that you can mod the orchestral soundtrack in to.

The game is already long as shit. No reason for the switch exclusive stuff. PC version is definitive.


what is "the right end of the stick" supposed to be from a post stating "muh sony boogeyman" when the OP has literally the words Sony in it. Sounds to me that an asshurt sony player cannot admit he is retarded and wrong, but maybe you can enlighten us.

>hahahaha see what i did guys? its BLACK hand! hahahahahahHAHAhahah xD

Tell people to keep crying, keeps making anti Dragon quests threads on Yea Forums

>hardly 1 kb worth of texture files in the entire screenshot
>consoles straight dying regardless
how do the gooks do it

BASED! FUCK, I hate smelly niggers

Yeah it's a ps4 thing

Attached: 1566593153996.jpg (302x1024, 97K)

I was replying to a couple of retards who were implying that I don't own a Switch and own a PS4. You are retarded. They were ating like the absolute state of this downgrade still deserves to be bought at the same price as the PS4 version.

WTF Sony is supposed to be based
delete this

Epic image bro! high five LOL

>that fucking cotton picking hand.
I think that just proved this entire thread is a chimpout. WHY DO BLACKS ALWAYS SUCK SNOY DICK SO HARD?!

>no argument

>my epic image fights my arguments for me i bet that guy is soooo mad hahaha


Why does the switch make people so mad?

i've seen this picture like 10 times and never once noticed the black man

just blacks because they've been sucking snoy dick for 20+ years when it comes to vidya.

Attached: neverever.jpg (1280x1629, 623K)

I’m black and I can’t stand PS4
I literally dropped that shit forever after I beat HZD outside being my Netflix machine I never turned the damn thing on.
I unironically loved my 2DS doorstep more than my PS4

Why does the ps4 make people so mad?

How ironic that the Switch version will sell the most copies, huh?

This is clearly shopped. If it was Nintendo...or maybe Xbox, I could believe it. But I refuse to believe a Sonychad could be a cuck. All sony players are white master race players with hot big titty wives. Minus the third world players that buy it for Fifa (including British cucks lmao) and the bugmen that buy it for their shitty japanese games. They don't count.

>in japan

But I have a Shitch.

Retarded broke high schoolers and 3rd world chimps can’t afford it

Switch can barely handle shadows.

A game looks worse on a handheld console? I'm surprised.

And I have a pink unicorn
Look how easy it is to tell lies

Oh well at least Nintendo is almost dead, can only sell crap through nostalgia for so long

>Japan doesn't matter when it comes to vidya
>Buys Japanese console
Be sure to Vote Trump 2020, the will fit in well with the cult of doublethink

right looks better though


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Success breeds jealously. Here's hoping the PS5 destroys the Switch (yet again) with backwards compat alone.

Yes we know there are faggot niggers too. You don't need to flaunt it

>my game will sell well in Japan! I sure showed you!

People have known about the switch being underpowerd for years now, why does this still surprise you?

It's like they removed any detail the game had, why do people buy the version that cost the fucking most and looks the most shit. Is it being portable really outweighing how fucking atrocious it looks? Nintendo faggots are the worst pile of shit fans of any media in the whole universe. Nintendo should have died after the gamecube, fuck any faggot who disagrees.

>a tablet doesn’t have the same graphical capabilities as a console

>third worlders buy it to play virtual ball game
>thinks this matters
wake me when a good game sells on your console

>less than 30 million consoles sold
Your information is a little outdated, it's now at 36.87 million units sold

Nintendo fags too poor to own one and PC fags jealous of exclusives, PS4 costs a LOT in 3rd world countries like some of these posters come from

did you think the game would look/run better? are you retarded?

Graphics >>>>> Content and Gameplay

don't @ me

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I expect to get an equal experience for the same price, keep sucking that nintendo cock if you like paying more for a worse product

Unironically conflicted on getting the switch version. I'm ok with not having it portable after trying the demo and half of the reason i even want the game is the graphics. The downgrade in graphics is too distracting, but I'd hate to pass up in the added features and content.

>out since 2013
>out since late 2017
of course one has sold more it’s been out longer, granted I don’t think the switch will ultimately match the PS4 in the end anyway but the point still stands.

>Is being sold for the highest price

Fucking retarded switchfag. Enjoy your crappy graphics on your 2002 tablet.

100% truth. Faggots thinking gameplay mattering in a game is like trying to say transexuality isn't natural. lmao delusional retards

Can anyone tell me if the PC/PS4 versions constantly have things popping in and out? It's absolutely atrocious on the switch demo. I saw one tree that literally didn't have branches unless you got really close to it. I really don't want to buy the switch version but it's the one with the extra content.

Yet Nintendo doesn't allow companies like EA onto their platform anymore because of the ridiculous Microtrans bullshit.
Enjoy paying $100+ after picking up your $60 game user.
Nice argument sony shill.

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xbox 360 was the flagship console of american negros. they gravitate over whichever brand has the chimp ball sports games and the CoD perks

Here's your vidya bro

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Nintendo is the jewest of all companies, you don't even need to go a full generation back to find proof, let alone throughout their history

I have both and a PC you impoverished faggot.

I’m pointing out how painfully stupid and obvious it is a tablet doesn’t have the same power as a console.

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You were never going to buy it anyway faggot. Also graphics don't matter.

games aren't always about graphic fidelity zoomzoom.

Attached: FUCKING ZOOMERS.gif (400x353, 2.76M)

I keep hearing that DQ games are like 3,000 hours long. Is it even good? I can barely stand JRPGs as it is, but I want to give XI a shot.

I'm actually in the PC camp you dumb fucking nintendo faggot piece of shit. Stay playing your pedophile games you fucking manchild faggot.

how is nintendo the jewest of all companies?

Top tier video game. I pressed play and won at the end, with the help of a surprise assistance from a very important female character. I literally cried.


Attached: sales.png (553x879, 224K)

They charge full price for old ass fucking games and give out NES games for their shitty online service. If that is not jewery then I don't know what is.

>please ignore all the times xbox graphics shit on ps4s though, graphics only matter when sony wins

Wrong image

Attached: Untitled.png (300x137, 6K)

Personally, I'd rather take the known quality of many NES games over the mystery box of PS+ games on most situations.

>please ignore all the times xbox graphics shit on ps4s though, graphics only matter when sony wins
you're implying this is wrong, but it's not. sony graphics are better than even pc graphics, some guy that programmed an old game on pc even said so, look it up.

You're at PC camp?


Attached: anime tiddies.jpg (720x718, 57K)

Why do so many Pajeets come here and shitpost about graphics?

This, now lets side by side the xb1x and and ps4 and watch the Sony shills seethe.

You said I was a sony shill, I refuted by saying I play games on my PC. Was that too hard for your meager little brain to comprehend you dumb fuck?

Also, how triggered are these faggots going to be when they realize that someone, possibly even me, will only play Witcher 3 after it releases on Switch?

>People are still surprised and give a shit when the Switch port has less impressive graphics

Fucking wow cry about something new, christ. This should not be surprising. This should not be news.

They get the most assblasted about everything. I went to college with a fuckload of them.

Most NES games are fucking shit besides the popular shit like zelda, mario, castlevania. Who would want those old stinking pile of shit games nowadays?

Hahahaha, he bought a Shitch.

Probably get another week of mass shootings from the alt right in various states around America

pajeets are trannystation fanatics.

It has Ninja Gaiden and River CIty Rampage, whatever you like pales in comparison to those two alone.

Sounds like I stuck a nerve with you faggot, are you projecting? Did I really hurt your pedophile manchild feelings that bad? Stay mad masturbating over you switch faggot..

When you can't claim your games are more fun, you can at least claim you have more trees on the screen. Matters just as much as blast processing.

I'm not the same guy. I'm just baiting you in to sperging out more. You're ridiculous, like that angry grandpa character on youtube except you're a real person.

Who cares about graphics when the combat is utter garbage.

Mostly anything on the SNES beats those two shit
ass games.

OP was comparing Switch to other system. Why do you assumed he's Sony player or don't like it just because it's multiplat?
You have some inferiority complex about Sony m8

Seems like I effected you enough to respond though cuck.

Ninja Gaiden outshines even the SNES remake of the same game.

>comparing to "other system"
>"other system" is literally a Sony system

Maybe they think they can shit here since they get to shit in the road.

Does this mean I "effected" you too?


PS4 has better graphics than Xbox. Unless you talk about Xbox One X, but difference is not even close to how poorly Switch ports look even to regular PS4.
Also nice moving goalposts and obsession about Sony.

So what? It's OP fault that PS4 version looks miles better than Switch? Retard.

What are you, the grammar police? On fucking Yea Forums? Get a life you sad pathetic loser.

>Sony always wins
>except when it doesn't
>b..but that doesn't count, stop obsessing!

No, actually I win.

I like Dragon Quest games because they're not super complicated nor extremely challenging. I find most of them relaxing and I loved IX for the character customization alone

People like this makes me glad I have no reason to ever buy a Sony platform again.

Sounds like you're the one projecting zoomzoom. Stay mad about those graphics though, this is entertaining as fuck.

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The fuck? What are you talking about now? My god Nincels are truly obsessed with Sony.

>S..stop calling out the Sony boogeyman
>It's the literal OP
>W..well Sony is better so hah!
This is the definition of moving the goalposts and you should kill yourself.

There is a lot of bad grammar on this website. Why wouldn't we be here? By the way, put a comma after "life."

but PS4 version looks better, why do you cry so much and think everyone is sony fanboy? Neck yourself Nintendo toddler.

And the system has an extremely high attachment rate you stupid retard. Top selling PS4 games might reach 7 million+ from 100 million systems vs 10 million+ with 36 million systems

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ESLs need to go.

Why is the FOV on the PS4 so fucking awful?

Keep playing your manchild games you sad excuse of a human being. Keep pretending you're a little kid playing mario and zelda games when you're in your 40s you fucking loser.

Because Switch is better and more powerful system.

I"d rather play Mario than pretend I'm Spider-Man.

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>ZoomZoom thinks anyone else that's older than 18 is 40.

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I'm imagining that you are Indian right about now.

To hide its limitations

>switch version looks very inferior
>for some reason sonyfags are the ones seething
Excuse me...why is this?

>fucking loser
>while on Yea Forums
wow you're so cool

Attached: 33e.jpg (442x330, 28K)

Bruh, it's just an image board, chill out.

Not him btw.

Now post the PC version.

the amount of seething in this one post

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>PS4 version somehow cost 60$ now
>PS4 version don't have patches and fixes
>cutscene is extra content
Nincels are so funny

>Any criticism of Sony must be from a nintendie crying about the boogeyman
>OP is literally a comparison of Nintendo and Sony
>Sony faggots get called out for using boogeyman argument
>W..well our game looks better!
This is not an intelligent. Yes, the game looks better on PS4. You're still retarded for trying to using the boogeyman argument.

Because they know the Switch version will continue to be better regardless of graphics.

Most of the faggots that own a nintendo switch are old fucks like you that are past their 30s you overgrown manchild faggot. Get a life cuck instead of playing as a plumber and a gay elf in all your games you pedophile.

Then you are retarded because if you weren't you would understand how weak the Switch is (especially compared to the PS4) and would have realized that there is literally no way it would or could look/run the same

Get it on pc snoygger.

You're responding to me because it really hits home that you're a loser, thanks for proving my point faggot.


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-14 at 9.23.45 PM.png (1974x1086, 852K)

The PS4 version has midi music, that alone makes me want the switch version even more and there's supposed to be more content out of the box isn't there?

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Stop being so Indian, Dinesh.

>switch can't even handle gamecube visuals

Right cause Xenoblade 2 and Octopath Travel definitely reached anywhere near those numbers. The only ones getting those "high attachment rates" are casual shit like Mario and pokemon or Spider Man and God of war.

Can somebody here help a brother out?
I’m buying a switch next month
What are the differences between the switch version and the PS4 versions of this game

Attached: 6409EC83-808F-4C57-BF7E-5C41CF47584A.jpg (622x767, 46K)

It seems like I've really struck a nerve with you. Are you mad because I hurt your pedophile feelings you fucking loser?

>Dragon Quest XI renders at a native 900p resolution on the PS4, it uses checkerboard rendering for PS4 Pro, resulting in a 1728CB resolution, which is then further upscaled to 2160p or 4K resolution. There is no major visual difference between both versions of the game aside from the resolution, however the checkerboard rendering can result in a slight blurry image during motion on the PS4 Pro.
Not native but yes.

Sony version looks better than Switch version! Sony always win bay bay!
>please ignore PC version graphics and mods

but pc doesn't have the additional content

don't blow a fuse there bud

Attached: 1468812402029.png (546x473, 318K)

1. But you are defending shitty Nintendo Switch shit graphics.
2. OP comparison shows Switch and PS4 version of game, not Sony vs Nintendo overall you obsessed insecure child.
3. Don't know why you stuttering, Maybe autism?
It's funny you are trying to turn the table to boogeyman argument when it was you who assumed that OP is Sony fanboy, just because he showed that Switch version looks better. This is why you are Nincel m8.

Switch > pc modded > pc/ps4
PC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ps4>switch
Only retard play dragon quest games for graphic.
t. pcphat


Imagine living as this guy. So mad about the Switch he can't even form proper arguments.
Wanna throw in some more buzzwords?

Attached: gay yoshi.jpg (610x501, 20K)

>a comparison of a Sony version and Nintendo version of a game can't be used to compare Sony and Nintendo!

Atleast I'm not the one playing as a gay plumber in a cat suit and a gay elf that cross dresses every game because I don't play pedophile nintendo games like you manchild.

Some Chad should port the content to PC.

And? The PS4 has 100 million units sold so how come the switch is selling more games? Spiderman is as mainstream as you can get but Mario Kart still out sold it. I think only GTA5 and maybe Red Dead 2 has more numbers but that's about it

How so? It looks horrible.

All I care for is content
Thanks for letting me know that the switch has the most

Attached: 18A54DF8-002B-4423-9046-F570084F1EE2.png (350x368, 64K)

>PC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ps4>switch
More like
Look at OP picture and buy yourself new eyes.

I bet you're over 30 and still playing nintendo games. How fucking sad can you be to be at that age playing the same fucking gay kiddy games.

But why did she punch him?

Yes, it has one cutscene more and shit graphics for whole game.

1. 2. how about bending over while we switchchads keep winning

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Is it even feasible to make a more powerful handheld right now? One with decent battery and good heat management?
There are more powerful phones out there today but the most graphics intense games they have drain battery rapidly and can make phones get toasty even playing for far shorter sessions than you would play something like botw or dq11

>btw although you can't compare the two, the Sony version does look better, but no, you can't compare them
>so don't compare Nintendo and Sony with this picture, but if you did, Sony is better, but don't compare them, Sony is better but if you try to argue with me I'll call you a Nincel since you're trying to compare them when OP really isn't, but if you were, Sony is better

Switch version has more content, actual orchestrated music, more romance options, portable vs graphics and midi music. I think the extra content is going to released for the PS4 but you might have to pay full price again knowing Square Enix

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having garbage ports is winning now? How so?
OP said PS4 version looks better, not that he likes Sony more though. You are still very sensitive and insecure. Sorry, Nincel.

See. you know I'm right, thanks for conceding manchild. Hopefully you can move past playing your pedophile nintendo games one day as a man past his 30s and stop being a faggot. Here's hoping.

Well which version of the game sold better then huh faggot?

Don't forget about the fact that Nvidia has FAR SUPERIOR software driver support and that the switch is actively cooled.

Snoygger get the most inferior version until the additional content got ported to pc/ps4 version. That's why they seethe. I'm sure jap voice will be ripped by modder sooner or later, but other content might be almost impossible.
>blurry 1080p/30fps instead of 4k/120fps
Coping snoygger.

>it don't count because I got BTFO
Nintentoddlers are so funny. Not only they are getting shitter version but also have to pay more for it.

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How have I surrendered? I'm still here aren't I?

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the amount of BTFO'ing your receiving

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>blurry 1080p/30fps instead of 4k/120fps
1. PS4 version dosen't look blurry
2. Good luck getting 4k/120fps on your PC Nincel
Of course you can show me side by side comparison.

>TLOU is superior
>DQ looks like shit on Shitch
I don't get your point Nincel

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Because you know deep down you are a fucking manchild. It's hilarious how you think that a faggot such as yourself past your 30s STILL playing nintendo games isn't a gigantic fucking loser. Seriously how do you cope with that? Why do you even exist? Maybe you should remedy that.

>they are getting shitter version

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Doesn't change the fact that snoy version is the most inferior. Dilate and cope snoytranny. Go play your dyke simulator.

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>port to a less powerful mobile console
>worse graphics

>Doesn't have best graphics
>Doesn't have most content
>Has most faggots seething online
Well it's superior at something

>literally samefag coping so hard and coming up with bullshit
alright boys, we won
time to pack it up!

>basically cutscenes for couple of minutes while being forced with shit graphics and lack of objects for whole game
>all for higher price

Attached: 1517959574153.jpg (960x639, 77K)

All this.

Attached: Screenshot_20190723_Dragon_Quest_XI_S_list_of_additional_elements_and_improvements_DLC_Voice_Drama_a (640x9109, 1.95M)

Only shitter who play bing bing wahoo can say that m8. DQ on Shitch looks like ass.

Point out any missing objects that aren't distant grass lol

I'm under 30 pajeet. I meet people that are bigger losers than me every day. I can already tell you'd be one. Someone this asshurt over a video game just proves how empty and hollow their reality really is.

Attached: ELLIOT RODGER.jpg (177x255, 11K)

It's not clear here, but there is also new "background" quests for every party member and also the past worlds from 3ds with their respective quests.

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Soulless vs soul

Pearls to swine.

While you peasants are flinging shite at each other, the master race is enjoying premium gaming at the resolution and framerates that we deserve.

Nobody in this thread is over 18 years old right.

Trees, shadows. Look at OP picture Nintendo fanboy.

No. we're all zoomers here.

Attached: beanzman.jpg (650x631, 52K)


Attached: 1565447324484.jpg (300x168, 9K)

Real DQ player will know that content is always the king

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There are no missing trees, just the shadows and distant grass

>but muh shit system
missing parts of graphics is missing content. Adding non interactive parts like couple of cutscenes won't change that. Really poor excuse and awful shilling

Poo in the loo!

They could just be retarded.

>but muh shit system
yeah, my ps4. what a piece of shit.

>An extra tree in the background
>More content
Well I know which I consider more important, but I guess when you consider pressing more than the play button to be too much gameplay, the prettier looking game would be more important. I can't really argue against that, you win Sony fans. Your version of the game looks better. I hope you can see the difference when you're watching it on Twitch since you're not gonna actually play it yourself.

yes they are. Also lighting and leaves on trees.

Is the extra content a switch exclusive? or can i buy it via dlc on ps4?

>Also lighting and leaves on trees.

So, shadows. That was already established.
Again, no objects.

How hard do you nitpick in your life?

how so? Cost the same as Switch and games don't look so shitty. Nice moving goalposts.

I kinda don't care. I just don't like buying things on my CensorStation 4 unless I absolutely have to and literally anything is better than the hassle of using my PC.

yes and never ever.

switch exclusive. At least for the time being.

Attached: __microsoft_and_etc_drawn_by_band_width__698fc66246a8967db296e3d586aa53db.jpg (826x1170, 121K)

>So, shadows.
Hahahaha. Go be retarded somewhere else.

>if it looks better than ps4pro, it's a meme and graphics don't matter
>if it looks worse, grafix are the only judge of quality

>Happy smiling girl
>Generic submissive Japanese woman
>Resting bitch face
Xbox is genuinely the most attractive in this picture.

>when you consider pressing more than the play button to be too much gameplay,
I don't know what does it have to do with graphics, but Nintendo customers are special kind of retards it seems.

>Not just shadows on the trees and foliage are missing missing, it's "Lighting Effects Entirely Different From Shadows That Look Like Shadows"

This is the kind of autism you need to make these kind of threads

Blunderfag is really getting upset about the exclusive content. I think he's scared it'll outsell the PS4 and PC versions

literally if you play any type of vidya, you're a manchild, stop pretending it's only zelda and mario you pathetic little bitch

>if it looks better than ps4pro, it's a meme and graphics don't matter
They don't, and PCfags and retards that buy the expensive Xbox are wasting their money lmao
>if it looks worse, grafix are the only judge of quality
Nintendo can never be as good as Sony and this is proof

But user, it doesn't use the same anti-aliasing technique!

No you idiot, you can see missing leaves and branches, shadows are not lighting too.
I know you love to suck Nintendo cock so much, but you are embarrassing yourself now.

Attached: switch numba 1.jpg (1024x898, 104K)

You know that's called foliage, and it's already been established those are missing?

Unless there's a total collapse of society or nationwide disaster within the next few weeks, Japan alone will probably buy more copies of the Switch version than PS4/PC worldwide and combined.

>shadows are not lighting
I think i'm starting to see the point of calling you autistic

Attached: 77bcf448-6642-11e9-a2c3-042d2f2c8874_972x_222014 (1).jpg (972x972, 121K)

All games on ps4 look shit compared to anything on my PC, and run like shit compared to anything on any system. All 3 PS4 games.

Then why are you playing on PS4 when computers exist?

I agree, Nintendies are retards that still buy and play games, when you can do it all for free on youtube anyway. Same exact experience but for free, and you can watch it in 4k. Even better if the streamer looks a little decent. Sometimes I donate but that's optional.

I'd be fine with downgrades if it means it runs smoothly but from what I've seen it can become sucha slideshow.

As expected of a fucking piece of shitch

When DQ9 came out department stores literally had so many problems with people crowding around in and outside (because of streetpass) the businesses that they opened up a cafe named after the In game multiplayer inn just to stop the overcrowding. No doubt this will cause japan to shutdown on release.

>All games on ps4 look shit compared to anything on my PC
1. No, they don't.
2. I was talking about Switch. Why do you bring PC suddenly?
>get called for saying something stupid
>u autist
You know what else is missing? Your brain and non shit graphics on Switch.

>donating to streamers

Attached: b06d3f41a6c427c6dd2272581d760f3fa20720179bf78607baf493b04428e94b.gif (332x332, 1.68M)

Literally all you're doing is repeating that foliage and shadows are missing but trying to find ways to make it sound worse

PS4 Pro version runs at ultra at 1700p upscale to 4K. Looks great

I still don't get it. Are you assume other people don't buy games?

it runs very well.
why do you lie on the internet?

goddamn you nincels are retarded, you don't have to pay the streamer but sometimes it's nice if they say your name when they kill the boss

>this entire thread

Attached: 1542624150808.jpg (609x664, 123K)

>only Nincels buy games
What does this Nincel mean by this?

It's not just foliage and shadows, but leaves, branches, grass, also known as foliage, and lighting that isn't foliage shadows that looks like foliage shadows (tm), also known as shadows

Both look meme tier unimpressive frankly

So uh should I just get this on PC then?

user, there is only ONE(1) single game series that is only allowed to release mainline titles and Friday and no other because of how many salarymen will outright no show up for the next 3 days. Better it be Friday and the weekend than during the week.
A Dragon Quest game release is an unofficial public holiday there.

why would you buy a game when it's free to watch online? what games are more fun to actually play than watch? you sound like a nintendie

Combat yeah sure.
On horse and everything else it's a different story. I've seen it running choppy with my favorite YouTuber, don't make me post him you nincel.

The amount of autism in these posts is overwhelming. They aren't your friend zoomer. You're literal paypigs to these people. Is your life that empty you need indirect validation from some e-celeb over the internet? jesus christ. /end thread

Attached: b837cabbac94c6eb7ed9a21b859189ab44904339e885890e32aa64cb63b29576.jpg (850x582, 159K)


>I've seen it running choppy with my favorite YouTuber

is this bait?

why would you sit and watch someone else play a game than experience it for yourself? Watching streamers is like watching paint dry.


Attached: 1504376333357.jpg (920x900, 588K)

>not your friend
>literally call out your name every time you join chat
what do your friends do? lmao do you even have any

Lmaaaao mad mad mad mad mad

You haven't answered my question.

It's pretty obviously a false flag. It's implying that Sony exclusives are movie games, which is insulting and frankly hurts my feelings a little. From your post, it looks like you feel the same.

that's an urban myth you idiot, use google. I can believe a brainlet like you thought it was real though.

>It's implying that Sony exclusives are movie games
How so? Because they don't have shitty cartoonish graphics like Nintendo exclusives?

and you didn't answer mine, faggot

No why would it be?

Maybe that's why the sonyfags like analvore so much? They're pajeets.

I asked first queer. Nintendo toddlers are so dumb.

Exactly. The focus on graphics over gameplay would, if taken to a fallacious extreme, imply the content is strictly a movie.

Wh*tebois trying to bant is so cringe

because the cutscene/gameplay ratio is like this.

Attached: p5 movie.png (772x305, 220K)

The game looks great on switch, probably the single best ps4 to switch conversion.

>I only play mature games for mature gamers like myself
Holy shit, guys we’re finally coming full circle here

But it's nincels who like to going to other people asses. See

Attached: 324.jpg (680x352, 26K)

My friends and I actually climb into my car and go out to these things called bars? We don't need validation from people on the internet.
We have our own lives and have no need to live vicariously through some retard twitch streamer.

The correct term is actually Nintentoddlers, you can drop a syllable. This is important when you're trying to shitpost as fast as possible while your favorite streamer is taking a smoke break.

>over gameplay
I don't understand why having good graphics implies that gameplay is bad. Only poor third worlder with Switch and awful PC could come up with something dumb like this.

The 3ds version outsold the PS4 version by quite a lot.
So the 3ds version.

>still haven't answered question
What a butthurt Nintendo toddler.

So similar to Xenoblade Chronicles. Your point?

I'm not disagreeing with you, user. Gameplay and graphics don't have to be mutually exclusive. Actually, your bringing up PC is a good example of where they can be in happy harmony, sometimes with the assistance of community mods. At least one of the Sony exclusives has decent gameplay, too (Spiderman). But you'd have to be delusional to say TLOU is anything more than an interactive quicktime event, so it's not like the criticism is completely unfounded.

The amount of seething you've done in this entire thread proves you're the only butthurt one.

Attached: grasses on.jpg (722x349, 68K)

>DQ anniversary game celebrating the 30th anniversary
>Switch has 2d mode and the proper quests for the old games call backs
>graphicsfags think they have any argument
Though in all seriousness, the 3ds version looks fucking pretty and it's a crime that the switch didn't also get that version of the game as a selectable style alongside normal 3d and the 2d mode.

because he likes fortnite

"are you assuming other people don't buy games"
someone has to buy the game to stream it

>But you'd have to be delusional to say TLOU is anything more than an interactive quicktime event
It third person action shooter with survival mechanics and multiplayer. Where do you see QTE there? Sounds like poor b8

lol no.

Attached: xb movie.png (888x152, 122K)

>no u
Still haven't answered question butthurt Nintendo toddler.

I mean neither version outsold the 3ds version which only released in Japan, so I don't get what is issue is?

I think you've confused me with someone else.

I barely remember the game to be honest, but I played it on PS3. I guess the gameplay wasn't that memorable. But sure, consider it bait since someone disliked a game exclusive to your precious console. Maybe you should form your identity around more than just whatever you purchase?

fucking snoytrannies.

>13 hrs
Horrible. Always knew Nintendo loves movie games.

No it didn't. It only sold around 300k more. Japan is supposedly obsessed with handheld gaming so the console version being that close in sales is pretty good for consoles.

better than 43 hrs.

Remember Danesh
The poo
goes in
the loo

>I barely remember the game to be honest,
So you shouldn't talk about it, if you don't know anything about it. Make you kind a retard man. Don't really care if you liked or not, just laughed at your qte event bait.

>The only reason people give this game attention is for the graphics.
>Try it out.
>It's hideously boring.
>Like 20 hours in and I've barely got any skills to fuck around with. Every fight goes the exact same kinda boring.
Why do people give this series so much undeserved attention? Every single JRPG exceeded it in quality decades ago the same way every single fight-centric anime exceeded Dragonball in quality around the same time.

Attached: rape scented candle.png (380x295, 216K)

not, it's horrible movie.

>It only sold around 300k more
>not a lot
So the 3ds sold more copies is what you're saying?

Yea, that's fair. Next time I'll just say the game isn't memorable. Probably still trigger some faggot that'll call it a falseflag, bait, or whatever else when it's the gaming equivalent of Oscar-bait. Total trash that dilating journalists and retards will eat up, so it'll get a lot of buzz without actually being any good.

The game series barely gets any attention outside of Japan, so I don't know what you're on about.
Besides that, it has a classic JRPG charm that some people appreciate, what you call 'exceeding' may see as 'over-complicating'.

Cool blog user, don't know how it's related to le movie game, but ok.
>retards eat up
Just because someone dosen't share your shitty taste dosen't mean he's retarded.

Yes, but not by alot. With how much the internet larps on about how huge handheld gaming is in Japan, you'd think the 3ds version would almost double the amount of sales.

Attached: 1560271166453.jpg (241x261, 9K)

It's also that it's a timeless tale
>You're the hero, now fight the demon lord and save the world
The journey you go on and the characters you meet, that's the meat of the story that's the part that's always unique and interesting. It's about the journey as you grow and learn on your way to fight the demon lord. It's something that both salarymen and children can relate to which gives it it's huge cultural relevance over there.

>Just because someone dosen't share your shitty taste dosen't mean he's retarded.
No, of course, but there are a lot of people that disagree with me and are also retarded, so it's become a convenient shorthand.

Yeah, some people, although minority agree with you and are also retarded. Some retards even call it a qte event game out of some weird asshurt, there are different kinds of people.

Yea, true. All sorts of people out there. The mouthbreathing masses that like to watch a movie instead of playing a game, for example.

except everyone else is a boomer,cuck,faggot,manchild,retard to pajeet-kun

Attached: yo yo niggas.jpg (500x504, 35K)

So you've gone from being a pompous fuck going
>WHICH SOLD MORE HUH(thinking the answer was PS4)
But now that you've been proven wrong you're on the defensive going on about portable gaming. Did you also forget that DQ11 was announced for the Switch before the Switch launched? Japs would be aware of that and while some will get the 3ds version first, others may wait for the Switch version because they may have found the 3ds screen too small for their liking and opted for the larger screen of the Switch. You'll see when it releases. Japs don't care nearly as much for graphics when content is more important.

>The mouthbreathing masses that like to watch a movie instead of playing a game, for example.
I don't see anything wrong with it. Not every people like video games.

So Stephen Hawking was retarded because didn't play video games?

Stephen Hawking is actually a well known owner of several Playstations, which is a lot more than this seething nincel can hope to claim.

>but yes

>DQ XI anywhere away from a tv

Attached: 672F66AF-98EA-4D80-8D19-60FBB02D3A30.jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

>there are “people” itt unironically defending content being taken as hostage and every other version now aside from switch being a 60$ beta versions of the game

Is there no way to return to the previous area after getting to Hotto in the demo?

Clearly that wasn't me. I replied to you saying the 3ds version outsold the PS4 by a lot cause it didn't do it by a lot. Sure there would be some that would want to wait for the switch version. But with how big of a failure the Wii u was and square saying all 4 versions of the game will release simultaneously. I'm willing to bet there were also people skeptical about the next hardware in line for Nintendo and chose to get the PS4 version which is relatively a decent success in Japan as far as console hardware goes.

Ok, fair point and sorry for mistaking you for that pompous retard.

Because this thread proves that nothing should be given to PS4 owners.

>sitting in front of a TV or monitor for 80 hours of fucking Dragon Quest

laughing my ao. There's no fucking way I'm playing one of these without the option of portability

Did you seriously expect on par graphics? You're a stupid fucking retard.

>playing JRPGs in public

Attached: strauss.png (380x285, 125K)

I don't know what you're trying to insinuate. DQ is the most wholesome video game ever made.

Left looks more realistic but right has a more inviting art style.

>in public

or in bed or on the couch with a show playing

Imagine playing a fucking Dragon Quest game of all games for graphics.
This is the series where a large chunk of it's hard core audience wanted it to stay 16 bit forever for fuck's sakes.

Damn... you're the whitest black hand I've ever did see. I bet your mom is white.

What did i hear about the switch version having waifus? Are they not in the ps4 version or something?

Is Townsfolk talk tripe worth it?

Switch version added a post game option to romance and marry most female NPCs (you can "move in" with certain males)

>pweeeeety gwaphix....

Attached: 1550085022806.jpg (645x729, 69K)

Oh if that's all then i guess I'll just get the ps4 version. I don't really care for the 2d or faster battle system anyways.

There's so, so much more content then just that it's kind mind blowing.

And if graphics really are the deal breaker for it then get the PC version instead, it looks better and you can mod in the Orchestrated OST really easily.

Read model swap for cheap walk around the village scene

Because it's more successful than they want it to be.

It's fun at first, but I see it going the way Shypox did where it just becomes annoying after you start seeing repeats often.

BC only on the first few revisions*

Even with the orchestra the music is still fucking terrible. Those fucking trumpets in the first area.

>Posting on Yea Forums
>being this much of a fag.

Attached: 47st1rgcuj601.gif (500x281, 2.12M)

Imagine actually caring about graphics

Attached: 220px-Half-Life_Cover_Art.jpg (220x315, 33K)

half life was graphically top of the line at release

Right looks better

The game's so heavily stylized that it makes no real difference, unless you want to tell me you need those cel-shaded anime models as crisp as possible.

Attached: 1547543557830.jpg (180x218, 12K)

Attached: 37373728266262.jpg (1440x1440, 598K)

fuck off ruggadick

What is this picture trying to say? What does it mean?

The graphics are the only thing you see user.

hows that 4.5 inch penis working out anyways

is dragon quest even a good game?

I barely notice a difference. Boo hoo shadows in muh rpg and the grass and character are slightly less detailed. As other user said it runs at 900p native on ps4 to begin with.

But Skyrim looks noticeably better than the Xbox 360 version, which was one of the best looking games on the system.

Only if you like dragon quest

Right = soul
Left = soulless

Nigger the game also came out on pc

Worse graphics doesn't always equate to more soul

>Worse graphics doesn't always equate to more soul
100% wrong. For example, this is the most soul possible in a game.

Attached: 3A5CDD33-4734-4CBA-9DDC-DF11FD4B6DAF.jpg (800x500, 12K)

I love this picture so much

>emulate a 720p game
>shit AA so disable it
>supersample that shit from 4k down to 1080p
>smooth as fuck
>don't need a 4k monitor to benefit from it
Sometimes it's a cool meme.

Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

4k60 is literally sacrificing frames for it trannie. Why not 4k266Hz fag?

Attached: 89ABF3B6-0BA6-4083-A984-469FC283C679.gif (279x188, 341K)

the game is trash regardless of platform. dragonquest titles are soulless by definition. imagine using DQ to shitpost. smelly neets

The TV is ecactly where you play video games you trannie. Or are you going out drinking and play your switch like the nin toddler you are?

>There’s no other place to play the switch besides a bar
Genius post.

Too bad 4K on a 1080p is still 1080p, and will look like 1080p no matter what you do.

t. former 1080p 8xMSAA user, now a happy UHD 4x-8xMSAA

Enjoy not being able to fuck Jade

Console war after console war. Shitposters after (you)s from other shitposters looking to bait for more (you)s. Yet I never see the argument about why these companies make games. From the director of RE4 I remember
>Microsoft belives games are tech, and should be pushed further like all technology for mankind
>Sony wants games to be art and should be respected as such a medium like movies are
>Nintendo says gamea are toys, and if youre not having fun with it then you did something wrong
Looking at these responses it shows more clearly now. Xbox is going heavy into live services like they want us in a matrix, Playstaion makes good looking walking simulators, and Nintendo is cutting a few corners to make games enjoyable.

Attached: 1552331130887m.jpg (1024x967, 143K)

i've had my eye on this game for awhile. since it has the orchestral soundtrack and more content i'm going to go for it. i want to get into the series a bit beforehand though, are the older ones worth playing today? i was thinking of playing the first 3 on android in my downtime

Yeah, but it's perfect AA. Probably even cooler with a 4k monitor but I can't really afford that.
Forgot to say that I mentioned emulation specifically because most of the load goes on the CPU so you have more freedom with resolutions.

“In the game’s story you can marry [redacted due to spoilers], but I thought that people would want to choose from various characters, so we’ve added that,” Horii said. “While it isn’t marriage, you can even choose Erik or Hendrik—so you can choose the person you live with.”

>You can fuck Jade in the Switch version
Nintendo fucking won, HOLY SHIT

With this thread over, its definite proof that the snoys have become so cucked and woke that they act like retarded down syndrome children. And its only gonna get worse with the PS5, as its gonna have less games and the current drought for the PS4 will be the PS5 on a good day.

Here is a final COPE for you.

Attached: 1548519523208.jpg (2680x3651, 968K)

Rendering older games at 8K-16K was possible even on 1080p (Used to do it for screenshotshitposting on TERA) back in 2013-2015. (NOT playable FPS obviously)

yep, is a meme, that will be sold by the next generation of consoles again

It only matters when you compare em side to side not even gonna care if your enjoying the fucking game.

hahaahahahaha these adult MEN argue and argue over which one of their $200 digital toy boxes plays the same game better haahaahahahaha don't they know they can simply purchase both of them?

The switch is more expensive than the ps4

I don't think you know what "yes" means.

>which has way better hardware?
Its really not that much of a difference unless you're talking about the PS4 pro

Fucking retard 60fps on PC makes the PS4 version look like a PS1 game. Poorfag

I'm so glad I waited to play the superior version on Switch.

Thanks for beta-testing.

Attached: 1535969330451.png (716x857, 89K)

Launch PS4 was $399 while Switch launch was $299

Threads like this one is killing Yea Forums and anyone who posted here should feel ashamed.

Attached: 37373728266262.jpg (1440x1440, 598K)

It happened. It finally happened. Snoys are pretending to be PCfags.

ps4 on suicide watch

shut up nigger.

sounds good man

>No 16-bit mode on PC
>Having to mod to get an "orchestral" OST
>Can't mount a big Slime
Ah, yes. Best version, user.

but can you prove you don't have a pink unicorn?

>Switch not even powerful enough for Bloom lighting invented in 2004
Nigger even the Gamecube supported bloom lighting, see Twilight Princess GC

>Look at this beautiful landscape of nothingness

based hand nigga

Sword and shield or greatsword?

Damn, that looks great considering the power difference

RE4 was better on GC than PS2 though


PC looks so much better than both its not even funny

Attached: 2019-08-21_22-48-19.jpg (3840x2160, 3.87M)

PS4 launch was also more than 6 years ago. Today a PS4 is cheaper than a Switch.

>Why do you assumed he's Sony player
Please point to me where that posts said "sony" anywhere, you delusional schitzo.

don't know in other countires, but here in Spain it's been very cheap on amazon lately, like 15-20€

I won't give up 60fps for any amount of extra content.
Sorry, I'm just too attached to the PC version.

Because you pc is more powerful, nazi

>30 fps makes game look like PS1 game
Nintendo toddlers are so funny

Hahahaha, graphics don't matter because Shitch always have garbage one hahahaha

Nice grammar, retard. You're just as much of a windowlicker as that wojak image implies.

One of the main advantages of new DQ is graphics. Only Nincel sucking Nintendo cock can defend how garbage it looks on Switch.

That's a one time only area you spend all of 5 minutes in, so of course there won't be a lot of shit going on lol

>you can even choose Erik or Hendrik—so you can choose the person you live with.”
Wow, so gayish option for based Nintendo? Now I know why Nintendo friends defend it so much.

>One of the main advantages of new DQ
You don't know a fucking thing about DQ, shut the fuck up, zoomer.

Nice port retard hahahahaha

>playground console bickering over the Internet in the year of our Lord 2019

You people are fucking pathetic.

>game has shit gameplay or a bunch of storyshit garbage or other actual game-based problems
>modern "gamers": lolwhocares
>game's graphics aren't ultrahd megatexture brownbloom particle effects everywhere clusterfuck
>modern "gamers": OMG SHIT GAME DROPPED
You're all idiots.

I have it on PC lmao I'm above all of you shitskins.
You may aswell be lumped up with Switch anyway because both of your version run at a pathetic 30fps lol.

Second post.
>Nintendo friends are so attached to blurry garbage graphics that can't even distinguish big letters now and need to be spoonfeeded

I own DQXI on PC but okay autismo lmao.

why cant nintendo produce a console with good specs?

The Switch has the best specs of any handheld system to date.

Daddy laptop don't count. Shielding Switch with different system too. No PS4 version can't be lumped with Switch because looks miles ahead while costing less.

For what? Bing bing wahoos? They prefer cheap system to make profit.

Imagine using Dragon Quest for console wars in the west

>its actually good if you dont compare them to the ps4 and the xbox

>daddy laptop
Lmao nope, I've assembled this badboy myself and it gets the job done.
You know what, you're right about the PS4 and Switch version not being comparable, the Switch version has WAY more content.

Please stop posting about shit you don’t even begin to understand.

>Console versions at all

Was that ever part of the rubric?

>baaaw pls go away, no bully
>being such butthurt crying Nincel

Nope, looking at your posts looks like you are poor Switchlet defending horrible butchered port.

I own DQXI on PC, little guy.
And you haven't addressed my post and just resorted to memetexting like a sperg so I'll assume I was right with my suspicion.
With that said, please off yourself.

I also own a PS4.
You wouldn't argue with your own brethren, would you? Little snoyboy? Little fat fucking faggot so(n)yguzzler? Pfffhahaha get out of my face.

can i ride the cat in the demo like they showed off in treehouse?

Attached: no.webm (480x640, 1.07M)

>horrible butchered port.
>literally has more content and runs just as smoothly as the "next-gen" PS4 version
lmao okay

Why is the switch full of ports? Why are there hardly any exclusives?

>I have PC
Damn, that makes Switch version so much better and your crying in previous post less pathetic
>please off baaaw
Why Nintendo fans are such whiny fags crying every time someone criticize their shit hardware their shit hardware?

>Switch year 1
>Switch later
Oh my god fuck off you literally just want to complain, you don't want to actually see improvement.

>butchered visuals you have to look for whole game
>higher price
>that makes up because of couple of cutscenes

Are you having a stroke?
>that makes Switch version so much
No but it makes me better than you lol. And besides the Switch version is better than the PS4 version because it has more content and pretty much runs the same.
The only version of the game that stands out performance wise is PC because it's the only version that runs 60fps.

>tfw you can replace the garbage midi tracks with the actual ost on PC
the decision to make the entire in-game OST midi based was fucking retarded because the composer is a fucking asshole, but at least it was an easy fix. I can't imagine playing through the entire game with the midi soundtrack

This isn't your personal blog Nincel, you can't decide who can post and who can't. If you can't stand the fact that people don't like Switch shitty port maybe you should consider suicide and bury yourself with Switch?

the switch version looks better.

Switch unironically has more soul while the ps4 one appeals to muh graphics over gameplay queers.

>having Shitch makes me better than you
>having PC is so much skill to me
>shit graphics is ok now because it's Switch
Dear god

But there's been nothing but positivity surrounding the port and the game is now more popular than ever?
What is it with you snoyboys always trying to rewrite history? Does the success of another video game company really make your life that miserable? Jesus man get a grip, lmao you're fucking wacko.

This. Bottom soul, top souless
720p and blur makes it also more gamey.

Attached: 1547919330032.jpg (1920x2066, 984K)

>>having Shitch makes me better than you
Reading comprehension. Having a PC makes me better than you (in any kind of argument about video game system, it very much does and always has).
>>shit graphics is ok now because it's Switch
They practically the same as the PS4 version and it runs the same as well lmao at least you're honest about the PS4 being shit too.

>success of another video game company
People just complain about bad looking port. Why do you cry so much? Maybe you should suicide yourself in Sony headquarters?

Is there literally any point to owning Dragon Quest XI on PS4 other than "this is the only console my mommy would get me"?
Best performance and mods.
Most amount of content and portability.

Attached: 1565684573292.jpg (600x600, 255K)

soulposting is such a pathetic weak cope. laughable

>Having a PC makes me better than you
1. No it dosen't.
2. I have PC and Switch version still looks horrible.
>They practically the same
This is how you know you either don't have PS4 and PC or have gimped potato worse than regular Xbox. First level bait.

>c*nsole gaming

Attached: squidward.jpg (1152x864, 201K)

- better than Switch
- cheapest

>People just complain about bad looking port.
Literally no-one is complaining about it though. The consensus is that everyone loves this port.
Maybe try seeking some public opinions on the matter.
Your mentality seems to be
>I hate the port (cuz le nintendo bad) therefore EVERYONE hates the port!

We know that real Breath of the Wild doesn't look as good as the top image, but posting a capture from a stream video makes you look deceptive, even if you're right.

This is what console fags fight about

a ps2 game in 2019

>- better than Switch
That's not much of a bullet point when the PC version is at the top of the food chain.

>Literally no-one is complaining about it though. The consensus is that everyone loves this port.
[citation needed]
>>I hate the port (cuz le nintendo bad)
Pretty sure I said port look bad not because Nintendo is bad. Why do you so insecure and feel urge to defend some company to death? Grow up and have sex.

Are snoys really upset because their version of DQXI is the middle child with no defining qualities?

Attached: 1558698578220.jpg (580x472, 62K)

>That's not much of a bullet
It makes it more worthwhile than Switch. Not every PC version looks better than PS4 by the way. On some PC it runs even worse.

Are Nincels so upset that their version looks like pukefest and need to cry about Sony because of that?

>It makes it more worthwhile than Switch
Not exactly when it just about runs the same and doesn't look much different unless you do a side-by-side comparison.

Don't matter. It's got more content.

>Moving goalposts
>OP image literally comparing PS4 to Switch as opposed to using the PC version
>Claiming the PS4 is some graphical powerhouse when PCs exist and the Xbox One X shits on the PS4 Pro any day of the week
>But it can do more than a tablet running a last-gen Tegra chip so we should applaud Sony and laugh at Switchfags
Idort here, you're a faggot and the only obsessed ones here are the ones claiming XI S is a shit port because it doesn't have as nice graphics despite having a bunch of new content exclusive to it

Attached: 1416896820683.jpg (1000x1000, 499K)

>everyone is complaining about the switch version
[citation needed]

Shitty rez on Switch


Fuck that.

PC pirates always win.

If the Switch version is a pukefest then so is the PS4 version because they look about the same lmao. Walked right into that one, buddy.

>doesn't look much different unless you do a side-by-side comparison.
Yeah it dosen't look like total shit if you don't compare it with better system.
>you are not allowed to compare Switch port with Sony console because it hurts my broken feelings
>saying that PS4 version is miles better is the same as claiming that it can top 800$ hardware
>more expensive Xbox One X where games looks barely better because of increased resolution somehow shits on PS4Pro, but PS4 where games looks gen ahead compared to Switch don't count
I'm idort. Only Nincel can defend Switch to death like this.

Breath of the Wild is amazing

...on PC.

>because they look about the same
No, PS4 version looks 100 times better as OP showed us. You Nincels are laughingstock.

Yes. PC has better graphics and mods.
Switch has more content including the 2D stuff from the 3DS version (That was never localized).
The PS4 version has absolutely no redeeming qualities over the other versions so Sonyfags have to compare it graphically to Switch to pretend like it isn't the definitive edition due to that sole factor alone and when that fails they'll usually try to say shit like "W-Well when the S content is made for DLC on PS4, then we'll be the best version, h-haHAha"
Despite the fact that some of this stuff has been made already and yet is only being put into the Switch version after all this time.

Attached: 1487047133435.png (435x741, 379K)

snoys can't do math, what's new?
also I own the game on PC, you snoys are the laughing stock because PS4 version literally has nothing to it other than "w-well a-atleast our version can project shadows at a further distance!"

i have a ps4 and waited for it to come on switch. Switch is just a better console overall. Fuck graphics.

If right was PS4 version everyone would shit how bad it looks like.
You need to stop sucking Nintendo cock so much user.

Honestly. Imagine how better the internet would be if Sony fags and cancerous console warring were contained to one spot.

I bet that blur and removed vegetation plus PS2 textures is also fault of the shadows.

>tfw you fell for Switch meme

Attached: 1516295545109.jpg (430x350, 29K)

>"Hey maybe in a turn-based JRPG graphics aren't more important than content"
I'm not the one making threads about how my version of a game looking prettier means it's the true definitive edition despite the fact that it isn't even the best looking version to start with.
I've said it in other threads, I'll say it again:
If tomorrow they announced the S content was being added to PS4 as DLC, all the faggots would be shouting "THANKS FOR BETA TESTING NINTENDIES" and talking about how significant the content is instead of downplaying it in favor of their "better than Switch, worse than PC" graphical quality.

Attached: 1478980164669.png (377x393, 135K)

>If right was PS4 version everyone would shit how bad it looks like.
No shit, because the PS4 is a stronger system, so of course if that had worse graphics then people would definitely find it more amusing. Inferior graphics are to be expected on Switch, so many people have already gotten bored of doing the whole "LMAO SWITCH HAS POOPOO GWAPHICS" song and dance for the 500th time whenever a new port gets released.

>tfw you got the definitive edition of dragon quest 11 with exclusive content
oh no haha what are we gonna do bros lol argh I'm so angry I'm gonna sell my switch haha

Do you have a stroke? My god looks like your anus just exploded with anger.

wow holy shit are you saying that a machine that uses tech meant for small mobile devices doesn't have the same power as a system that is 10x the size? Damm you learn something new everyday.

Attached: 004.jpg (1057x1500, 306K)

A PS4 is a mid-range PC in a box, so yeah if it looked like the Switch version it'd be incredibly fucking pathetic considering the Switch is a glorified Android Tablet that doesn't even have the latest chips.
Nobody contests the graphics, it's that graphics don't matter as much as the content being added. But whenever you bring that up, faggots like you deny that the content is at all important.

He's right though, you're literally just having a sperg out all because of you hate boner for nintendo.
If nintendo stopped existing, you people would be without a purpose.

>No shit, because the PS4 is a stronger system, so of course if that had worse graphics then people would definitely find it more amusing. Inferior graphics are to be expected on Switch
People complained about PS4 having worse graphics than high end PC. Switch don't have any handicap here too, especially that it cost as much as PS4.
>horrible visual fidelity is definitive now
This is what corporate shilling do to dumber people.

>you are having a sperg because you complained how bad port looks like
If I say that I love sucking Nintendo cock and Switch version dosen't look like shit will you stop crying and shouting with capslock?

>more content is actually a bad thing
This is what console-wars do to dumber people.

The music makes me want to cut my ears off.

That's just what this thread looks like, probably what runs through your head whenever someone says graphics aren't everything. Because the type of people making these threads want console war garbage because they're sitting on copies of DQ XI they now look at as incomplete and feel the need to justify it as more than it is.

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>Nobody contests the graphics, it's that graphics don't matter
Graphics always matter and always mattered on Yea Forums especially where people creamed themselves about PC. It's just poor Switch defense.

If you said that you loved sucking any kind of cock, then I would call you a faggot, which doesn't make much difference because you already are one, faggot.

*mid-range PC from 2013

Has more graphics
Has more content

Massive downgrade in graphics in all parts is huge disadvantage, especially for higher price.

You're really overblowing this "downgrade" when it literally runs the exact same as the PS4 version.

better graphics and cheaper
better graphics and cheaper

I was talking about graphics genius. Also nice source about framerate.

>better graphics
So just the same qualities as the PC version but on a lesser scale? Meanwhile the Switch version can do things the other two systems cant.
PS4 has nothing noteworthy about it lol.

It's not higher price just because the other versions have been out longer, it's standard retail price. Because you can buy a used copy at Gamestop for $40 or $30 on a Steam sale doesn't mean that the Switch pricing is messed up. Keep in mind a huge reason the Switch is getting the additonal content it is is because it was announced to be a Switch release during PS4 development and took way longer to finish, thus adding in the 3DS's content, adding new romances based on feedback, etc to compensate for that fact.
But it's still a brand new version of the game and thus is given full retail billing.

>Also nice source about framerate.

The only defense is that the additional content should matter more than graphical fidelity, which isn't wrong.
Graphics are only one part of a game and considering the hardware in question, it's not like they could just do it like the others. Fucking Xenoblade 2, a second-party Switch title chugs like it was made for an entirely different system and only looks marginally better.

So it's better than Switch. PC only looks better on more expensive PC.

because he deserved it

Not, when game has such massive downgrade. I would agreed with minimal difference in visual fidelity and some real huge content like new dungeons, playable characters etc.

>So it's better than Switch
Is that really your selling point?
I don't think the tagline "it's not as good as pc but at least it's stronger than a handheld system" would do very well.

Cool, now show something in big city, not open field.

lmao why are you so obsessed with it being better than switch?
if there was no switch version to compare the PS4 version to, what defining qualities would have then, huh?

Why do you cry so much, that I prefer better version?

Because the better version is PC, not PS4 lol.

why are you obsessed so much if I state fact?

>goalpost moving
cry some harder. you asked for a source and I provided it.
get lost.

and PS4 version is better than Switch. Only high end PC version is actually better.
>actually admitted that he cries

and the facts are
switch stands out because it has more content
PC stands out because it has the best performance
and PS4 doesn't stand out at all
this seems to really upset you tho

This is what people should do when emulating PS2 games. NEVER set the custom resolution to 1920x1080 when playing on such a monitor, always set it to higher than that -- if you can run it at twice that res then do it. This way theres no need for anti aliasing.

>asking for framerate is moving goalposts
Intelligence of Nincels is just as bad as their hardware

the whole "better" argument doesn't really hold much weight when the PC version is the best of them all
you don't get the award for best performance, nor do you get the award for best content, you just get nothing lol

But then for example let's say the graphics are on par with PS4, the Switch couldn't handle it and then you'd be dealing with a silky smooth 10FPS. Not to mention the Switch underclocking itself in portable mode to conserve battery life. They promised a Switch version but downsizing isn't easy and the last gen Tegra chip certainly doesn't help trying to make that work. Personally I'm glad that I can put it on a portable system, I'm glad we're getting the 3DS exclusive content localized and I'm glad that it added QoL fixes and such on top of that.
I don't get why this version has people so livid as though the Switch had strong hardware, most people I'd hope get how weak the Switch is, hell that's the main point of the shitposts in these threads, so what does it matter that it looks the way you'd expect for an android tablet port?

>PS4 dosen't stand out
It has the best price to quality ratio. It looks much better than Switch version.

>>asking for framerate is moving goalposts
I literally gave it to you lmao it's right here you blind cunt.

It does have. SOME PC versions being better than PS4 dosen't change the fact that PS4 version blows Switch out of water. Truly.

>It has the best price to quality ratio.
Nope, that's PC because you can pirate.
Try again, dickhead.

And I said its poor representation because game is most demanding in big towns. You can't even read retard?

Also PC where game looks better is more expensive too.
Dumb Nintendo queer.

The GC was it and everybody bought the cheap underpowered console instead.

Not exactly when the Switch version has tons of exclusive content that the PS4 version will never get.
I bet if Persona 5 Royal was only on PS3 you would gladly buy that and let the graphical downgrade slide.

This is the only reasonable response to this ridiculous bickering. Just play and enjoy the damn game, on any damn platform.

Attached: Marty.jpg (480x360, 15K)

>PS4 version will never get
Source on that.
Also see

>give me a source
>*gives source*
>umm this source doesn't benefit my argument
cry harder you fucking faggot holy shit
there isn't a framerate video of the towns, what do you want me to do about it?

>Source on that.
The PS4 version has already released, it's too late to be rebranded as the definitive edition, lol?

>still can't read
What a retard, holy fuck.
>what do you want me to do about it?
So you can't say that framerate is the same, because you don't know about that you idiot? Playing on Nintendo destroys brain cells or something?

>So you can't say that framerate is the same
I can because I literally provided video proof lol are you okay?

That's not source. DLC exist, re release exist.

You sound exactly like Switchfags when they thought they were going to get Persona 5 kek.

read again you fucking mongoloid
I was talking about game as whole, not open field only. Please don't reproduce.

full game =/= DLC of game already released.