I wish more JRPGS had characters who look like this

Attached: AD2135A3-BAD7-4AE7-B0D5-0AA0FAD8DE80.gif (500x281, 1024K)

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Peco is my hero

Fantastic anime

Blame the retarded monkeys who think every single character in a video game needs to look like a supermodel.
Many of them are here with us right now on Yea Forums.

>Blame the retarded monkeys who think every single character in a video game needs to look like a supermodel.

They all look white. Even in final fantasy like Tifa in the new remake

kino the animation

Why are asian "men" so fucking horrible and their women such qts

bet you feel dumb now

Attached: DK0BU-4WsAUszV1.jpg (480x640, 56K)

> Yellow skin chink eyes
No Cloud's asian

Attached: 1557598542090.png (1188x1111, 895K)


Anachronox exists if you want an ugly western final fantasy-clone, user.

Attached: MV5BZmZkM2I4ZWItZTE3OC00OTMzLWIxOGItZjEyNjRmMzM4YWU4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjExODE1MDc@._V1_.jpg (655x800, 124K)


china will always be the best ping pong

What a cute pick of a young man and his mommy

Ping Pong truly is the best pleb filter out there.


I wish more JRPGS had characters who look like Ibushi

Attached: tumblr_pchlmzFWDA1xq9vgao1_540.gif (540x281, 2.1M)

f i l t e r e d

Based NJChad
I wish more JRPGS had characters who look like Based Ace of the Universe

Attached: DsJ3EuEXQAAafUh.jpg (1024x768, 143K)

Fat Peco was secretly top tier

Literally how did he do to overcome a 2-0 with a broken knee against the best player of the tournament

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Where my live action movie niggas at

The fuck is wrong with him?

Peco was just really talented

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