Daily Reminder

Daily Reminder

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Aside from political/social views, Yea Forums and reddit are essentially the same site

>t. redditor
Don't bring me down to your level

>"people" deluding themselves into thinking DS is their favorite game

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who gives a shit

>Dark Souls is painfully mediocr-

Attached: Dark Souls - Knight Artorias Fight.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

Reddit also likes breathing and eating, you must stop immediately!! You're not a redditor, are you, user?

New Vegas is old boring and has a diherrea shit pallette. There I said it. Fallout 3 and 4 will always be better.

Holy smokes I didn't know reddit was so BASED! I guess #ImWithHer now.

it'll be classic wow #1 once it comes out

That article literally doesn't even fucking exist, it's a fake.


Wow I hate New Vegas, Dark Souls, and STALKER now!!!!!!

>That instant cope
Redditor confirmed.

>Fallout 3 and 4 will always be better.
And you had to go full retard at the end

then reddit has way better taste than Yea Forums. Yea Forums's top 3 would be nier automata, some random hentai game, and the newest smash


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Just goes to show there's more things that unite than divide us. Doesn't matter if someone's a far left trump deranged homo tranny, I'll still embrace them. Why? Because they like the same video games I do.

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So stunning and brave. Seriously, though, at what point did it happen that NV became more well regarded than 3? Years back, around the time of NV's release, I remember searching for opinions on it vs. 3 and being shocked by how much better received 3 was on places like Reddit.

Automata is fucking awful, though.

Shit color grimdark post apocalypse, has dark in the name, grimdark shit color post apocalypse. Wow they really have a type huh?

reddit isn't anonymous and literally rewards popularity and standing out. It's the *OPPOSITE* of Yea Forums.

Who the fuck says that
Just say kau you stupid nigger

Nice bait fag. Only redditors like New Vegass

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Dark Souls is really fun desu

FO3 is the type of game that wows you when you first play it. It's a spectacle, but it's shallow. NV is the type of game that gets better the more you pick it apart. It's more thoughtful and rewards you for fully exploring its world.

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Reddit actually has completely different taste than Yea Forums
> 1. COD MW2
> 2. Factorio
> 3. Portal 2
> 4. Portal
> 5. AoE 2
> 6. C.Trigger
> 7. FF Tactics
> 8. UFO Defence
> 9. Halo 3 ODST
> 10. Borderlands 2
> 11. FF7
> 12. FF6
> 13. Persona 5
> 14. Breath of Fire 3
> 15. TLOU

> 1. OOT
> 2. SOTN
> 3. SM64
> 4. SMW
> 5. C.Trigger
> 6. SOTC
> 7. MGS3
> 8. MGS1
> 9. ALTTP
> 10. FF6
> 11. RE4
> 12. Galaxy
> 13. S.Metroid
> 14. Earthbound
> 15. MGS2

>reddit wishes they were Yea Forums
what else is new

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I'm just really shit at it. I just can't cope with a controller after not using one for like a fucking decade.

Reddit also likes to breath
Why don't you stop doing it user?

who is who

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has the best open world environment I've ever played. I've had more fun in other worlds (TES IV for instance), I've seen prettier worlds (FarCry 4, Arkham Knight) but the only world that managed to make me feel truly inside it was S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Suspension of disbelief is STRONK on that game. Sometimes too strong perhaps.

>Post some variation of "liberals bad" on Yea Forums
>400+ replies all saying "based"

Same shit, different method.

Funny enough, i was shit at dark souls till i beat sekiro. Sekiro taught me how to play dark souls unironically.

Yea Forums is the most reddit board of Yea Forums

>implying 4cucks and redditors aren't mostly the same people crossposting on both sites

Do you have the thread where that list was made? I tried looking up plebbit's taste and couldn't find anything

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what drives a man to care about what other people think about the stuff he personally enjoys

Reminder that Yea Forums used to have good taste in vidya.

>discovered Yea Forums via 9gag as a cringe teen
>never ever get bashed on
>still hold pride over not being a redditard
9gag is absolute normalfag tier, but at least it doesn't come with the self righteousness and delusion of intelligence reddit niggers get

Forgot pic

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Reminder that somewhere on Reddit, someone likes anything you like.

Vault 11 has better writing than all of FO3.
Caesar’s monologue successfully convinced some players to switch sides.
The final conversation with Lanius was more intense than the hardest Souls boss fight.

New Vegas is unironically one of the most well written games ever made.

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Imagine hating those games, having worse taste than reddit

And this is it now

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The fact that troglodytes also enjoy the same stuff hints that he is on the same wavelength as them and he is unaware of it.

> +better gameplay than 3
> +better story than 3
> +more shit to do than 3

> == both games are extremely buggy and unstable

> +uglier map than 3
> +really fucking awful performance, worse than 3 and 3 wasn't exactly buttery smooth either
> +DLC mostly sucked while 3 had a few decent ones, particularly broken steel and mothership zeta

Is the pic related us dying of reddit?

New Vegas is good but holy fuck it’s way too fucking overatted

The only people I've seen used this "cuck this cuck that cuck cuck cuck" terminology are from 8ch, which is ironic considering that site doesn't exist anymore

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