Is it right for Sony to keep Spider-Man exclusive for themselves? When you see everyone can enjoy Avengers, wouldn't it be nice to see Spider-Man released alongside them?
Is it right for Sony to keep Spider-Man exclusive for themselves? When you see everyone can enjoy Avengers...
Sony purchased the rights to the character. Unless you call for an absolute dissolution of IP laws ( you should, but probably don't ) you have to get the fuck over it.
sony did nothing wrong, fuck disney
Sony doesn't have exclusive rights to Spider-Man except for movies. Fuck Disney, though.
*venom dab*
who cares
Based. Fuck Disney.
Did you hear negotiations are done, and Disney opted to not haggle and let sony just keep the rights?
He's out.
This. Technically, there's nothing stopping Crystal Dynamics from putting Spidey in Marvel's Avengers. The only reason Spider-man PS4 is exclusive is because Sony published it, much like Bloodborne.
It would be nice, except it seemed like they were going to keep him high school for a long time and have him continue to idolize Stark.
It's a business, kid.
>Defending Sony after they butchered Spider-Man 3 and Amazing Spider-Man
Nah, fuck em, at least Disney can give us competent movies.
>Forgetting Venomchad and Spider-Verse
Also Disney's Peter Parker is nothing like the one from the comics, he's basically a Iron-Boy. MJ, Flash and that indian fat kid are nothing like the friends he has on the comics. The fucking Amazing Spider-Man is more close to the source material than the shit Disney gave us.
The Avengers game is souless, Spider-Man PS4 is pure soul.
Sony only owns movie rights, not game rights. They only got the license to produce the PS4 game, not the exclusive video game rights to Spidey.
For example, every single single other video game to ever feature Spider-man. Including the Nintendo-published Ultimate Alliance 3.
>defending the movies of Iron Man Jr.
Nah, senpai, sorry.
We got Spiderverse, so at least they can do really well when there's not too much corporate meddling.
I'm seeing a lot of people crying that this MJ wouldn't be in the Sony version. ...and they hate that because she's a deep and complex character. Nigga, she's only in half the move and its just empty, sarcastic quips. What the fuck is complex about that?
epic meme
Why is everyone so fucking retarded? Sony strictly owns the film rights to Spider-man. Literally every other form of media, including television and video games, Spider-man belongs to Disney. I swear, I've seen a variation of this thread 20 times this week and its always the same retarded replies like this faggot.
>much like Bloodborne.
Japan Studio, retard.
Sony is going to fuck up Spiderman just like how they fucked up Venom by forcing a pg13 rating and causing it to flop everywhere that isn't China.
Sony was willing to share, but Di$ney got greedy and wanted it all. Now Sony has it all. Ironic in a way.
>We got Spiderverse, so at least they can do really well when there's not too much corporate meddling
It's not the same fucking people
Fuck Disney. Even Stan Lee’s daughter doesn’t like them.
Avengers is fucking shit. Not even Spiderman can save that garbage. I'd rather more spidey on PS4
The fat kid is Ned, and according to the comics, he’s the third Hobgoblin.
God damn some people really take brand loyalty to the fullest huh. Sony sucks fucking chodes and I'd rather have Disney take Spiderman from those mongoloids.
absolute dissolution, no. However something as old as Spider-gay should be public domain. Neither Disney nor Sony have any intellectual right to hold it.
I thought he was kinda similar to Ultimate Spiderman. Didn't he have a mentor/protege relationship with Stark in that?
Yes there is. Marvel. If they piss about with Spiderman in ways to undermine Sony they'll only be hurting themselves. Theres a reason Spiderman was published by Sony, Marvel wants to be on good terms Sony but Disney are bastardly
>Sony purchased the rights to the character
It is going to be enjoyable watching Disney seethe after Mickey Mouse goes into the public domain in 2024.
Venom 2 will be R-Rated
>A fat Green Globin
This would be a nightmare on the screen, I'm so happy this MCU version of Spider-Man is finally dead
>what do you goyim think about those dirty, filthy fucking Japs hogging the movie rights they legally purchased from based Di$ney? Doesn't that make you angry?! I said get outraged and apply pressure to them so we can own the air you breathe, you filthy fucking goyim!
Not falling for it, rabbi. No matter how many times you make this astroturf thread. Fuck the mouse.
Fuck off mouse shill
Am i the only one that hates everything MCU? I found even the shittiest Sony Spider man movies better then the ones put out by them.
Hobgoblin, not Green Goblin.
It's not called capeshit for nothing.
This is 616-Ned.
Mostly shit yeah. I liked Captain America 1, Iron Man 1, and to some extent Thor 1. Still vastly preferred Sony Spiderman 1&2
Fuck Disney. I hate Jr. Iron Man and I hate the fact they turned MJ into a nigger. Call me /pol/ or whatever, but Disney seems to be intent on catering to a pc/diverse crowd.
Let's hear it, how is Spiderman being with Disney worse than being with Sony?
>how is every single fucking property being owned by one company bad?
Fuck off, mouse shill
Disney did this to themselves by being greedy and after the backlash they could always just go back to the original deal if they cared so much about Spiderman.
Literally the last 3 Spiderman movies(4 if counting Venom) made entirely by Sony have been fucking garbage.
That movie was a huge piece of shit. So much so it boomeranged to amazing, like Batman & Robin or Wolverine Origins.
He was also married to Betty Brant in the comics. I think they sort of reference that in Far From Home with they dating, but they break up by the end of the movie. Ned was also murdered in the comics.
>Am i the only one
I remember that time marvel was salty about the fantastic four that they even removed the FF4 from marvel heroes
Venom definitely had some... weird moments in it. Like the scene where protag man makes out with a female venom. Now that’s weird
I thought the new avengers games was produced by Sony?
Stan Lee's daughter doesn't like him
>I've seen a variation of this thread 20 times this week
Why, did something happen?
They will do exactly the same thing they did the last 2 times
Best case scenario they succeed in America but a bunch of other nations decide they aren't just going to go along with merica anymore.
Fuck both sides. I hope they all get nuked
Final Fantasy 4?
if I'm right, this isn't even the first time you've made this mistake on Yea Forums.
>Yea Forums
Sony owns the rights. It doesn't matter if they make shit choices, some bad movies/games, or hog the character to themselves. They own it.
I don't think I ever mentioned the FF4 on Yea Forums, the only good thing they have is Doom.
>Is it right for Sony to keep Spider-Man exclusive for themselves?
Yes because they PAID for that right back before Disney bought out Marvel. You don't get to say it's Sony's fault or that Sony is in the bad here. Sony did nothing wrong. In fact, Disney is being greedy as fuck for demanding more money.
Yes...and Bloodborne was published by Sony, as in they footed the bill for it's development, marketing, and distribution.
It's rumored Disney didn't want Capcom to include X-Men in the default roster to get Fox to cave in or whatever. The same could happen with Spider-Man. Imagine MVC4 or MUA4 not having the spidey characters
What's with Disney fucking up video games?
>Duck Tales Remastered getting delisted
>Epic Mickey 2's studio getting closed
>Kingdom Hearts III getting fucked up
The problem are not the rights to make Spidey games, it's that probably Disney will make impossible to market a game that doesn't promote the properties they own: see pre Fox purchase X-Men and Star Wars Legends
>The same could happen with Spider-Man
The same won't happen because Spider-Man is literally Marvel's posterboy. Iron Man doesn't compare to Spider-Man's sales power even with the popularity of the MCU. Spider-Man dwarfs every Marvel character in terms of sales from various licensing deals. He alone clubbers the Marvel universe and DC universe in terms of sales and popularity. Unlike everyone else, Disney owns and controls every other licensing rights to the character. Sony doesnt get a dime from merchandising deals. Their return on their investment is strictly from box office numbers.
Shut the fuck up
I mean Disney was dumb enough to fuck up haggling Sony so
>It's rumored Disney didn't want Capcom to include X-Men in the default roster to get Fox to cave in or whatever.
For the last time, that was Ike, he'd been running an anti-Fox, pro-Inhumans campaign well before Disney even bought Marvel, and since Disney never wanted to get involved with Marvel Comic's internal affairs they didn't intervene with the whole license thing, they just did the simple thing and bought the properties back once they were on the table.
In fact to illustrate this: The Inhumans was scheduled to be a movie within the MCU at one point, likely by Ike's order so as to begin a cinematic front against the FoX-Men films, but Feige did not like Ike's narrow sensibilities and brought his complaints to Disney. This lead to Marvel Studios falling under Disney direct, allowing Feige to no longer report to Ike, and forcing the Inhumans movie to become a shitty show under Marvel Television which Ike controls via Jeph Loeb who runs Marvel Entertainment.