You are buying mommy's new game right? New Gamescom trailer.
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Thot on the right looks like she's in the wrong aspect ratio.
I'm not sure but I looks like some cropped lady legs on the dude on the right?
>another single player mmo
oh boy
It's from an E3 2018 streamn. 18 minutes in.
huh first I've heard of it and it comes out in 2 weeks
looks scarily like Dragon Age Inquisition though
Didn't know about this, looks legitimately interesting...
I don't trust this optimism, what's wrong with this?
no one asked
thats a dude
It's essentially AA game so there's likely to be some weird design decisions, bugs, and a general budget look to it.
As always, sjws.
on that topic, i could've sworn the natives used to be voodoo negroes, not white furries
did they really change them or am i misremembering it?
maybe. i dont really like third person action games. but i like RPG elements and harlots, so it looks pretty good.
stop acting like an incel
they've yet to produce a single good game
the ones i played had interesting settings, but they were noticeably low budget, had shitty to barely tolerable gameplay and they all felt like huge chunks of the story were rushed / simply left out due to budget constraints
how am i acting like an incel by saying a manly looking man pretending to be a woman is a man
big think
that's a boy
user pls the world isn't actually full of trannies
that's clearly a woman
> player is a diplomat
> has to job everywhere
wtf where's the fucking escort
why does "she" look like a man on high heels?
What’s up with the REALLY shitty titl- oh sorry, it’s GreedFall. Fucking hell.
then why do i see that and think man
hands give it away
tranny loving cuck
not as unrealistic as you might think
being an envoy to a far away land was an extremely risky task in pre-modern times, they didn't send the richest and the most powerful
because you're a brainwashed idiot and think every woman who doesn't have Enji Night's proportions is a transvestite
look at the thighs
look at the legs to upper body ratio
also if you think those hands are manly you must be a weak ass faggot
im 6'2 100kgs and can bench myself
shut the fuck up you tranny lover
fuck off twink, i Zercher squat twice your weight
>blacks in medieval fantasy
Why is it always, ALWAYS blacks? You have good arguments to make for western/northern Asians like Magyar Turks, Huns, Mongols, Levantine Semites or Arabs, North African Mediterraneans, etc.
But it's always sub-Saharan negroes. Why? Every single time. Just why?
You know why.
Welp, there went all my interest. A shame because I was actually slightly intrigued.
ok big fella continue loving trannies and lifting heavy
im sure you're telling the truth
chill out
the OP individual youre mad about has a vagina
>that vampire
I guess having blacks ain’t so far fetched now
I plan on playing it or giving it a go at least, looks really fun. I am a huge sucker for RPG mechanics and i love sword and sorcery fantasy, so a full on RPG with character creation and armor/weapons with stats in a sword and sorcery setting i am sold.
I do research on games before deciding if i should play or not and after all my reading and watching of videos the game looks good my only complaint is the clear overall cheap budget look and feel the game has. It's AA not AAA so you just have to accept that really, the game will come with some overall jank but for AA it seems good quality.
I think the last AA game i played was Vampyr and that was alright.
>brown girl with blonde hair
>sub-saharan negro
Why is it every person who gets triggered over a black character existing is always such a retard?
Just looked at Spider's catalogue and what a load of pure shit. Wouldn't touch this game if you paid me
>likes Vampyr
Then you just love shit and this will probably be up your alley
>Height in feet
>Weight in kilograms
We got ourselves a tough guy, over here!
It's 17th century / age of discovery inspired fantasy you fucking mong.
>t. amerimutt
Vampyr was an actual waste of money. As soon as you pick up the two hander club the game turns into a whack this dude twice and bite him to damage him and refill your health to ad infinitum. The parry system requires no skill, even mistakes still count. The story is also a fucking slog that has to cockblock you instead of integrating the suck blood mechanic in a meaningful way.
That’s the last time I’m listening to Yea Forums on their nostalgia “that game was sooo good” threads. Now that I think about it, I did the same for Remember Me, maybe Dontnod is just fucking garbage?
Technomancer wasn’t too bad user, just very cookie cutter. I also played Mars but all I remember is the shitty dodging.
Why is the camera always wobbling?
>short dyke hair
>the other has visible arm tattoo
fuck man for some reason that nearly took me back to fable 2's gameplay trailers
thats a werid feeling i never thought id get a gain
The companions sound like they repeat themselves more than the pawns in Dragon's Dogma. Really hope this game turns out well, though. Are there any in-depth videos of the character customization?
Just a very ugly french whore that looks and aged like shit, it turned into a tranny.
Remember to eat healthy, exercise, get natural sunlight and stop stressing.
Nothing in-depth, but there's this short trailer.
Cool, not quite as bare-bones as Outward. Looks like there's a lot of fashion to choose from, too.
>literally Dragon Age Inquisition
I mean, seriously even the UI gives the exact same vibe
>waaah sjws
Listen up faggots theyre unavoidable, when you hire artists theyre 100% going to be lefty by definitoin that's what it means. Do you want 0 art for your game? Are you guys retarded