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>this thread
how will gamergaters ever recover?
Uh last I checked Gawker's still dead
what was it trying to accomplish exactly
I don’t doubt this lead to trump
Trying to make vidya journalism more 'ethical,' though that statement is completely lacking in any actual goddamn goal for achieving said thing. It was mostly just to autistically screech about shitty video game journalism
Nothing, it was just one long extended shitpost.
Retards tried to push it in certain directions but it was like herding cats.
The vast vast vast majority of "hashtag movements" are worthless.
Gawker died because Hulk Hogan (sponsored by billionaire Peter Thiel) sued them for posting a sex tape of him. Had zip to do with GG.
It didn’t, Yea Forums just likes to think it and gg and memes put trump in office, when in reality it was the democrats completely abandoning the various belts in middle America like the rust belt and corn belt and shipping their jobs over seas and when people complained about having no job anymore and being unable to pay their bills, the dems just laughed in their face and told them to learn to code and fuck themselves. As it turns out taking people’s jobs away from them and laughing in their face about it isn’t a good re election strategy, also Hillary being very unlikeable and not campaigning in those areas didn’t help. The dems snobby coastal city elitism was their undoing.
Yea Forums and meme war had nothing to do with it.
it was because of pepe chaos magick.
This makes more sense
Bernie 2020 (unironically)
Pushing women and woman sympathizers out of the industry
>still is the boogeyman in the heads of SJWs and failed "journalists" years after everyone bailed on it
Just trying to point out more unethical behavior, gg was a continuation of Driv3r gate and Kane and Lynch gate basically. Gamers just had enough of the games journalists and their bull shit.
>We're in a timeline where hulk hogen took down gawker
Originally it was the same shit as normal, laughing at retards. Then people tried to make into a stupid movement. If it had stayed as a video games journalism thread like it started everything would be far better. Now you can't laugh at any retards without similar retards trying to police you.
Dabbing on Zoe Quinn and Anita
Hogan sued Gawker for $100 million for defamation, loss of privacy, and emotional pain,[287] and on March 18, 2016, was awarded $115 million.[288][289] Also, on August 11, 2016, a Florida judge gave Hogan control of the assets of A.J. Daulerio, former Gawker editor-in-chief, who was involved in the posting of Hogan's sex tape.[290]
Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel helped Hogan to finance his lawsuit against Gawker Media.[291]
On November 2, 2016, Gawker reached a $31 million settlement with Bollea.[292]
It was just screeching about women by pathetic incels. It's a good thing they hold literally no power at all, so everyone important ignored their whiny self pity.
Why have there been so many threads about this shit lately
gawker wasn't even a video game website. GG's obsession with it was bizarre.
whenever it is brought up, you should know that's a sign it worked
that's literally the telltale sign of permanent seething
some people can't let go of their boogeymen, or their (you) farms. I guess basedjak is too "new" for some people so they settle for something forgotten for a much more uncontested (you) market.
no one really knew
>weak and impotent campaign that failed
>still somehow living rent free and maintains boogeyman status over four years later every time some shitty indie game with woke devs underperforms
stay seething
Go fap to Chelsea Valkenburg's, also known as Zoe Quinn, nude set where she puts her nipples through shuriken and poses with weapons
No it wasn't. It was 100 percent focused on muh SJWs and 0 percent focused on video game journalism being paid ads for AAA companies.
why do you guys let a dead movement live in your heads rent free decades after it was over? move on OP
>current year
>"""journalist""" mention it as a boogie man
There's a fucking tv episode on this shit, it can live rent free forever if it continues giving entertainment.
no there was still an element of corrupt journalist actions
>journalists give obscure text adventure game rave reviews
>turns out the dev behind said game was having sex with said journalists for good reviews
>they abused their position to take advantage of a woman (the dev)
>gamers call them out on it
>journalists try to cover their asses by “reee gamers are dead reeee”
>further revealing journalists not only sell out for aaa publishers but also for sex
*eternally triggers women’s persecution complexes*
Its all worth it to make cunts cry to this day
Was it, though? gamergate got infiltrated by stormfront almost immediately, and it wasn't really about video games but about muh white lolocaust.
>journalists give obscure text adventure game rave reviews
>turns out the dev behind said game was having sex with said journalists for good reviews
literally did not happen
SJWs have panic attacks any time you say Gamergate so I'd say it succeeded. Gamergate will live rent free in the heads of SJWs forever right next to President Donald J. Trump.
Thanks doc
That definitely happened.
by making people realize gaming media is blatantly corrupt and all pushing the same narrative, it made a bunch of people living in the post 2008 recession bubble of watching anime/playing video games realize that the regular media is also that insular and agenda pushing
so to say it had no impact at all isn't true
>immortalized as a nightmare in every video game blogger's minds for all eternity
I'd call that a win.
single worst thing that happened to this board.
you can't have a thread about anything without some triggered retard telling you how something is trying to brainwash you.
>years later journos are still screeching about it
>Fail miserably
>Get more SJW sites and turn shot the western industry
T-thanks goobergate...
Gawker used to own Kotaku.
They were mainly reacting to shitty hit pieces attacking gamers, which encouraged the gaming websites to publish even more shitty hit pieces. And then the mainstream media joined in and made everything worse.
gamergate was about the gentrification of gaming
I'm still surprised how people treat it like an organized campaign when the only ones organized were the SJWs and journalists. They rallied the entire progressive American media to wage war on what was basically a tiny group of angry anons shitposting on twitter.
>did fucking nothing but screech about which eceleb is right
>people still blame it for shit fucking years later
>turns out the ecelebs are no better than the game journos
>"it's okay when we do it"
no, it just run its course.
This is what SJWs believe.
GG was just about having fun with oversensitve faggots.
It was like an internet recreation of the roadrunner show, and it was hilarious.
But we traumatized the coyote so much it still blows itself over and over with the ACME products even when the roadrunner is dead and buried.
I'm ex GG. You can deny it all you like but you faggots devolved into camps that worship ecelebs like golden idols, only to BLATANTLY IGNORE when your precious golden idols do the exact same shit that game journo pros did.
>Bernie 2020
>Pisses off boomers and /pol/tards
>If he wins I get free healthcare and free college
>Not to mention all the memes and chaos it'll cause with /pol/tards getting killed by the police for trying to start an uprising
For some reason people thought "video game journalism" is the same as actual journalism and thought it should be held to the same ethical standard. Then these people used that as an excuse to slut shame and threaten some random nobodies. This of course had the exact opposite effect of what they wanted and ended up legitimizing what are effectively advertisements. Seriously, gaters are retarded with regards to their goals, tactics, and strategy. Fucking clown shoes.
Nice try journopro
lol whatever bud
Video game journalism is dead, and youtubers killed it.
GG probably helped a bit by distracting the game journos from actually fighting back, and when pewd came, they were not prepared.
incredibly anti-semitic image
dabbing on women, faggots and minorities
It absolutely did. Without GG and the figures it propped up normalizing right wing views/Trump support all the left wing press shaming would have been much more effective. GG established an initial pushback to all that craziness. It gave him potentially millions of Shareblue-tier shitposters who literally did it for free. Any candidate would trade a fucking kidney to have that kind of support
rent free
this is a good analogy
They said it was about ethics in games journalism but they didn't actually give two shits about it. All they actually cared about was shitting on journos for being SJWs and women.
>those noses
oy vey!
>accomplished its goals and dissolved
>veterans went on to meme Trump into office
Even if sarkeesian lingered on until she petered out early this year and zoe quinn fucked off to give blowjobs in the comics industry, ultimately the butthurt caused since 2016 has been glorious.
Nothing, it all started over some favorable review of a literal who indie videogame exchanged for sex or something.
At the end it just made nobodies like Anita and Zoe hugely popular by getting harassed
And now they're nobodies again.
GG was the beginning of the alt right autists but it definitely didn't make Trump win
your mama
To elect Donald Trump as president of the United States, unironically.
This is what unregulated autism looks like
I guess they proved al those feminists right with all the shit they sent. Gave them all the evidence they could ever hope for in a silver platter
Your momma so fat, the elevator stopped because its overloaded even tho shes the only one innit.
Not video games. Post bara instead.
Lmao, where? None of the major GGers got arrested, anita is broke, Gawkers gone, Kotakus networth is fucking low.
Your momma so fat, she had a ninety five pound mole surgically taken off her ass.
Didn't you hear, OP? Gamergate killed Radical Heights.
>video games
>though that statement is completely lacking in any actual goddamn goal for achieving said thing.
Aside from the establishment of actual journalistic guidelines including basic transparency and conflict of interest awareness, which were implemented by several sites as a result of GG, The Escapist being one of the first to do so.
Destroying racism by getting everyone to say Nigger freely
*journalists still boogeyman*
I think we got em pretty good
>For some reason people thought "video game journalism" is the same as actual journalism and thought it should be held to the same ethical standard.
Well yes, if they want to call themselves journalists instead of bloggers then they should be held to the same standards as journalists. If they don't they should admit they're not that important.
Your momma so fat when she went for a swom in the ocean everyone thought the ice caps melted
Because they closed shooterchan down and all the psychos came crawling back.
Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking faggot. You sound like Metokur or Sarkeesian or some other stupid fucking faggot trying to profit off of an imaginary fucking boogeyman. Fuck you.
Your momma so ugly that Hillary Clinton won 2nd place at a Beauty Pageant for Goblins
It's funky how people largely got what they wanted from GG yet it's still viewed as a failure.
Mostly because a bunch of drama channels started harping on about GG and expanding the goals they imagined it should have until they figured it should be completely changing the political landscape for all society.
You even have the NYT still writing about it as a huge deal, mostly because it kinda was. It changed how a lot of people approached the far left by having them realize how easy it was to laugh at them and their ridiculous complaints.
Okay, fuck you, that's below the belt.
Goblins are cute. CUTE!
>It's funky how people largely got what they wanted from GG yet it's still viewed as a failure.
GG's opponents can't admit it achieved anything because if they did that would be revealing it actually had legitimate goals, and that goes against the narrative.
Given the fact that that GG made moot abandon the site, and there were assmad faggots that wanted GG to fail because they were getting more attention for their trolling
I think it was really unfocused, no true goal, but it was sort of a testing ground/microcosm of the politics that came after, patterns would emerge if you had kept up with GG that you could notice.
Frankly, the movement died like 2 weeks after its start. GGfags never had much leverage beyond ecelebs who were just looking for a quick buck. Every site that became “one of them” became worse off or reverted back to their old ways (albeit, both are completely related to GG). Escapist now has Jim making 5x more on patreon and Bob is back like nothing happened.
>everybody makes fun a game "journalists" to this day
>journos still bring it up like it was their own hollowcost
based grapplegrape
This, it lives forever as a meme in heads of trannies and faggots. It was worth the price.
I meant unrelated, my b.
>journos still bring it up
No they don't.
Gamergate was the spearhead of the anti-progressive movement that's still going today, and which basically got Trump elected
Yes they do
Raise awareness of media collusion, which it somewhat succeeded in.
Call out ethics in games journalism. IGN revised its policy but I don't think places like Kotaku did. The indie scene remains the indie scene, unfortunately.
Yo momma so ugly Trump was her at a beauty pageant and went "nah"
>Blocks your path
Yo mama so ugly that even medusa turned into stone
How do you even change the indie scene? Can’t stop a guy from chasing money that he wouldn’t earn otherwise.
Capitalize it, as soon as it starts making money youll get feminazis demanding you do their bidding
>making fun of desperate depressed men lashing out in a final futile attempt to give their lives meaning
You're scum
you're fucking insane it was leftist PR twitter bullshit and everyone on pol was disgusted by it.