So can we actually talk about the fucking game?
So can we actually talk about the fucking game?
>Build Engine game
>In 2019
I'm very happy this is a thing. Hopefully other devs will give us more of that good shit
I would love a Black Dynamite-esque Blaxsploitation Build game.
I'm crying right now, bros. These marxists have a choke-hold on our entire industry. So many gamers have suffered under their boot. But now, as I clean away my tears with a stoic and strong resolve, I ask all fellow gamesters to stand with me. We will fight back. We will revolt. We... Will... Rise.
No, /pol/eddit and ResetEra have effectively ruined discussion of this game.
This is cute
This is shit
No, it is to be forgotten
enemies are too skinny imo, and the lighting makes it hard to see them at a distance, which sucks when they effectivley have infinite hitscan range.
Not enough explicit embracing of pro-left leaning policies imhqo
You mean just ResetEra. Everyone who likes games is against what ResetEra and 3DRealms are doing, not just /pol/. It's not a ResetEra vs /pol/ issue, it's a ResetEra is full of insane extremists and 3D realms was dumb enough to kowtow to them issue.
this makes me so angry
>mega-autist unironically LIVID over shit like MK women and Shelley getting less dated designs
>pushes the contextless discord caps as much as possible to the right people
>resetera being the braindead outrage machine they are eats that shit right up and spreads it everywhere, to the media and all
>they pull the most innocuous damage control possible even though they did nothing wrong, gave some money to a decent LGBT charity
>get fucking divebombed by reactionary spergs screaming about free speech
it's like a perfect screenshot of everything wrong about about modern identity politics
fuck tribal cunts and extremists i don't care who you are
the soundtrack is great. not this one though
This whole situation is a storm in a teacup. No one except you retards and ResetEra assholes care about this.
Sure we can talk about it. And for the record I'm not on either side of the political nonsense surrounding this game. I pirated the game before I was even aware of any of it, because that's just how I roll.
It's clear Ion Fury came from a place of passion, and I look forward to whatever else these devs make in the future, but I felt it was pretty mediocre overall.
The Good
>level design is fucking amazing
>and thats it
The Bad
>shelly isn't nearly as cool a character as Duke or Wang
>none of her one-liners are funny and a lot of them are awkward and make no sense
>the weapon arsenal is bland, with nothing interesting or fun like in Duke or Shadow Warrior
>multiple weapons that are basically the same thing, Bowling Bombs, grenade launcher and Clusterpuck all fill the exact same role, and all do similar damage
>weapons feel and sound like shit, no punchy sound effects at all and no feedback whatsover (the revolver is a great example, it doesn't even sound like a gun being fired, it sounds like someone knocking on my door)
>Counter-Strike style recoil for some bewildering fucking reason
>music is fine, but forgettable, but then again so is the music in other build engine games so I don't hold this against the game too hard
>difficulty is all over the place, normal is far too easy and hard is too hard, at least for a first playthrough where you wouldnt know about the enemies that shoot you from behind the maximum draw distance
>secrets are unnecessarily hard to find, most likely because...
>the game is way too fucking short, and they want you to waste time searching for secrets, so you don't notice
6/10 game honestly, just for the level design, otherwise it'd be a solid 5/10
that's been disproven, user. the only person pushing that false flag theory was a literal tranny in an attempt to shift the blame from trannies to Yea Forums. but trannies and their apologists are at fault 100%.
Fat Shelly.
why would you ever give 3drealms money after they fucked over voidpoint? it's not about whatever you mistakenly think it's about. it's about 3drealms being a dogshit publisher that deserves to go out of business for obvious reasons. if you buy ion fury you're just giving money to 3drealms, not the actual developers. they don't earn money on commission.
Remind me who's been buying the game just to leave a negative review and refund it?
Oh, more shit I forgot. I always leave things out every time I try to post everything wrong with this game, because there's just too much to remember.
>literally every five fucking seconds, every 10 feet you walk
And the final boss is fucking terrible.
shut up retard
They didn't fuck Voidpoint over. Nowhere is it stated in any of the articles featuring the statements that 3DR was behind this decision. If you bothered to read you'd see there are two different statements. Also someone sent an e-mail to 3DR asking for clarifications and got a reply saying that Voidpoint accepted their PR firm's proposal.
Every intelligent person who understands the situation? The sooner companies finally understand that kowtowing to insane extremists doesn't pay off the sooner they'll stop doing it and we can go back to enjoying games.
Anyone got the mega link?
>I'm not on either side of the political nonsense
The game bent over and took it in the ass from the tranny outrage mob therefore it's no longer relevant
>Comfy vidya discussion for a few days
>Retards on twitter get mad over it
>Discussion shifts to mostly /pol/shit with the very occasional game post
>Devs do something dumb
>0 threads about the game since
I fucking hate this board
So what you're saying is ResetEra flipping out over something = bad, Yea Forumspol/ flipping out over something = good?
I really couldn't give a shit about any of it. You have to preface any criticism of Ion Fury with stating that the political drama doesn't play into your feelings of the game, or both sides will accuse you of pretending to hate the game because of tranny shit or censorship whatever.
Good people who want to see video games improve and developers allowed to make what they want without being harassed.
There's nothing to care about. They removed one texture outside of the map and donated a paltry sum to a CHARITY that's only a problem if you're a reactionary obsessed with identity politics.
Throwing a fit about this is 100% autismal ideology bullshit. There's no way around it.
And yet you harass these same developers. You're even more trash than the first outrage mob because you and your ilk are huge hypocritical cunts. You never wanted to support them in the first place.
you review bombing spergs aren't normal people, stop pretending like you are.
you're retarded, user. restrannies flipping out over shit is bad. 3drealms actually listening to the trannies flipping out is bad. the rest of the entire goddamn world seeing this and saying "hey 3drealms stop doing that shit or else we won't support you ever again" is good. because any developer/publisher who kowtows to retarderatrannies should be nuked.
the user directly below me is a diaperfur
Nope, only retarded trannies have harassed the developers. You're both wrong and blatantly dishonest.
half correct, i hate furries and diaperfurs especially
>the rest of the entire goddamn world seeing this and saying "hey 3drealms stop doing that shit or else we won't support you ever again" is good.
jesus christ this is what he actually believes happened. just straight up delusion.
So how about their discord server getting flooded with shitposters so bad they had to turn phone auth on to mitigate it, or their steam forums being invaded with trolls and shitposters that are wanting to doxx devs?
except that's wrong. no one has harassed the developers except for the trannies at resetera. reviewbombing or whatever it's harassing the devs. it's letting people know that the publisher fucked up big time and you should be aware of some shit before you support them with your money.
How have they harassed the developers? I'm sure there are plenty of you fags shrieking at them on twitter right now.
So this is the power of tribalism...
That literally is what's happening, so he's right. No one is on the tranny side except trannies. Every sane person on earth can see that they're in the wrong, and that 3DRealms is also in the wrong for actually listening to them.
That's factually incorrect. ResetEra shitbags weren't the ones to come in droves on their discord and steam forums to shitpost, insult and harass developers and 3DR staff.
The only tribalist here is you though.
This really is one deranged guy repeating the same thing hoping people will eventually go along with it, isn't it?
What the fuck?
Hello I'd like to order some gameplay, thanks
that's not my image
he's been doing this every thread, trying to get people to think this is a "restera vs pol" thing when it's actually "restera vs anyone who likes or makes video games" thing
talking about you, retard
>>So can we actually talk about the fucking game?
>one post in the entire thread actually talking about the game
>the rest is political shit-flinging
that was my first post. guess you're the insane samefag trying to drag your alt right boogeyman into your shitshow so you don't look as bad
It's retards versus retards with very little distinguishing qualities between them. Both groups, if it's not one and the same, just shit up threads with off-topic no one cares for. Also known as spam.
I've seen dozens of these threads, and NEVER ONCE has someone said that Resetera was right, or defended them in any way. The ONLY thing that people have been saying is that both outrage mobs are in the wrong. You're trying to frame the situation as there being only two groups. There's at least three, because you're purposefully ignoring the people who think this culture war bullshit is stupid and just want to play or talk about the game. You're acting like all those people are resetera trannies because you're a dishonest piece of shit.
>alt right boogeyman
>all this shit about REEEE TRANNIES
I'm sure those posts are all being made by completely normal non-extremist humans, yes.
sjw's are trying to do damage control by pretending to be moderates
they will bitch about the current backlash but wont say shit about the Tranny babies starting it.
So now everyone who is against the game for caving is "muh pol"
Fuck this game and fuck the trannies and fuck all the fake moderates acting like its both sides.
Without the sjw cause there would be no "muh pol" effect.
Keep crying trannies, future devs wont be bending the knee anymore.
Duke Nukem 3D is one of my favourite games. Ion Fury is definitely on par with it, shame the devs cucked. I got the game free from a mega dome dude posted here.
>Every sane person on earth can see that they're in the wrong, and that 3DRealms is also in the wrong for actually listening to them.
JFC people, why do you think the Duke4 discord debacle happened in the first place? 3DR didn't have a hand in this, Voidpoint made the decision on their own accord. That's why one of the devs PUBLICLY accused another of sinking the company.
>which sucks when they effectivley have infinite hitscan range.
But there are no hitscanners?
This this this this THIS.
We have already discussed it
Lets not give those cucks any attention
This shit needs to stop
NO ONE supports what they did
I fucking loved the game, but I wish i could refund it. I really don't support people who just bend the knee like that, especially since the community (the actual majority of people who bought the game) got no say in it.
Fuck that
But gameplay wise, ya it was good
I wish it had some big super powerful weapon like all the other 90's shooters had, life a bfg, or something. But all in all. Amazing games
graphics 10/10
gameplay 9/10
Censored shit for cuckolds
Stop shilling this fucking garbo game
it sucks
>NO ONE supports what they did
There are many people who support them and also a ton who just don't care. Your little bubble is just that, a bubble.
This. I'm tired of the gaslighting """"centrists""""
I swear to god I've heard this track somewhere else before, but WHERE
>I don't care so thusly nobody else does!
This is why people hate you supposed """"centrists"""", we are interested. Now go fall on a dildo
You're right, they've been doing it for multiple threads now. Glad no one is falling for it. Nobody who actually likes video games would be in support of a developer getting gutted over a perfectly reasonable and private statement that a small handful of trannies happened to find offensive. This is absolutely not a "left vs. right" shitshow. It's a "left vs. reasonable people and actual video game enthusiasts" shitshow. Actual moderates do not like it when companies bend the knee to internet crybullies. Actual moderates can see that the SJWs are in the wrong in this situation and that they need to be ignored from now on.
t. actual moderate who won't be supporting this game
Bruh. That would indeed be awesome. But come on. Look at what happened to this game over shit that wasn't even in the game. There's no chance in hell that would fly today.
>Without the sjw cause there would be no "muh pol" effect.
So much this. The thing about the left that so damn frustrating is that no matter how you explain it to them, they are incapable of realizing that the right wouldn't exist without them. The right only wants to conserve, and keep things sane. The left wants constant change, upending the status quo, and "progress" whatever that happens to mean to them on that particular day. The left would exist without the right, but the inverse is not true. The right is only a reaction to left. A force almost like an allergic reaction whose only purpose is to try to keep left from driving our society off a cliff.
>weapons feel and sound like shit
>music is fine, but forgettable
So this is the taste of your average tranny...
Why do you guys ask permission instead of just talking about it?
>mfw seeing these maps in a level editor
I kinda understand it because of Doom's sector based mapping being similar, but god damn there is a lot of shit in it. Do all build engine games and their maps look like this in the editor?
Wrong. All AAA devs will cave to the dick cutters. Look at cyberpunk, it’s going to be a sjw love fest.
Wrong. Nobody wants to see a developer get shit on by an overly cautious publisher. And nobody likes to see insane SJWs get people fired over innocuous shit. The only people in this thread pretending "not to care" are the actual SJWs themselves trying to do damage control and make themselves look less heinous.
>people who aren't part of my us vs them battle are just faking it
Imagine being this socially sheltered.
I'm not a centrist, but nice try.
The fuck are you even talking about?
I would love to, but Ion Maiden never came out. You'll have to settle for Ion Fury discussion instead.
The mansion level is my favorite.
>there are actually people who want to keep us living in the past
The sad part is you're a zoomer who wasn't even around for the thing you're nostalgic for.
-There is no "uncensored version". There has not been any patch released that has removed or altered any content. 3DR said it would happen, but have not specified when. VoidPoint has also been unlcear if such a thing will actually happen at all.
-VoidPoint is not being forced to take mandatory sensitivity training. All 3D Realms said in their statement on the matter was that *going forward* they would be adding sensitivity training as part of their zero-tolerance policy in their future contracts. This is already standard practice for any corporate setting and I wouldn't be surprised if such a clause already exited and they're just restating it to make it look like they're doing more than they actually are.
-3D Realms did state that they would be donating $10,000, consisting of the launch revenue, to The Trevor Project. Beyond this statement, there is no evidence that such a donation has been made yet. That is not to say that 3DR has no intention of making such a donation, but that there is nothing to suggest such a thing has happened yet.
absolutely spot on and correct.
I don't know, actual facts? Things 99% of the people in these threads don't care about. The Duke4 community where Ion Fury was born have a discord server which saw a nasty spat between two IF developers a few days ago, which resulted in one banning the other, and that one firing the other.
House of Horrors enemies should have been the zombies and beastmen exclusively. Weird they introduce the zombies in the labs, but then don't use them at all in the Resident Evil inspired level.
long, autistic counter-arguments list coming through
>level design is fucking amazing
it is, but I was a bit disappointing in the environmental variety towards the second half, it has at least a few standouts that saves it like the hospital, and i appreciate the half life homage, but it did get a little stale towards the end, even though the level layouts are as as complex as ever
>the weapon arsenal is bland, with nothing interesting or fun like in Duke or Shadow Warrior
I think most of the weapons are pretty cool and practical in a lot of situations, less gimmicky but more versatile is what I'm thinking, but it still lacks a good rocket launcher, something extra that makes the arsenal feel more crazy
>Counter-Strike style recoil for some bewildering fucking reason
i guess it's there for a random chance to make headshots, still a bit weird, I hardly ever noticed that the recoil was a thing
>difficulty is all over the place, normal is far too easy and hard is too hard, at least for a first playthrough where you wouldnt know about the enemies that shoot you from behind the maximum draw distance
I guess you have to be very accustomed to the usual build engine janks to be able to handle hard difficulty, getting insta killed is very common and sometimes unfair in these games, but once you get accustomed to how the game works I think that hard is the right difficulty
>the game is way too fucking short, and they want you to waste time searching for secrets, so you don't notice
not at all, in fact i think this was the longest build engine game I've played, i took me around 10 hours to beat and I even rushed through most of the later levels because i wasn't feeling them as much
>something something transsexuals tried to ruin the game because the devs said kids shouldn’t be forced into gender reassignment
Yes user, I agree.
Also anyone who takes corporate PR talk at face value is a huge imbecile, which says a lot considering these threads are full of people who believe everything they read.
I'm surprised theres so little unofficial lewd of her given the cover up - you' d think thatd entice people to make more
>The Trevor Project
Which, it's worth noting, is a suicide prevention hotline. That's all it is. People could check this themselves, but facts stopped being relevant a long time ago.
The past is proven to be good, the future is uncertain. While the right is content with sticking with what works, the left only wants progress purely for the sake of progress, without being able to clearly define what that "progress" is. And that leftist "progress" has consistently been moving us backward.
I at least like the gun animations on the sprites...Seeing as the fucker who made them made H-Doom.
>The past is proven to be good
Please tell me you're shitposting.
"B-but muh Soros tranny commie boogeyman!"
Except leftists are the ones who want to keep us living int he past. I want a future where boys can play with barbies or wear pink and not get mutilated or mindfucked into thinking they're not allowed to be a boy. Trannies want a world where gender stereotypes are so strictly enforced and regulated that they'll turn tomboys into actual boys for riding skateboards and turn boys into girls for merely looking at the color pink. The left is all about strict control and bullying. I just want people to be themselves without some insane death cult trying to convince them to mutilate themselves with surgeries or hormones.
My one and only complaint about the level design is that the damage boost powerups are too hidden, so by the time you find them chances are you've already cleared the room of enemies
eternal reminder Yea Forums got a massive injection of new users before, during, and after the 2016 US elections
to /pol/
whenever anyone tries to tell you that there's liberal astroturfing going on from sites like resetera or neogaf or reddit (which still has a good helping of popular right wing boards) think about that
you would
This. People don't need to be an internet boogeyman to be pissed off at bullies and outrage mobs getting even a minor victory. That just empowers them. People would be similarly pissed if a right-wing outrage mob managed to get changes into a hyped game, and they would've been the ones pulling this shit 2 decades ago and people back then hated it too.
I'll probably still get the game when it gets a price reduction which I was going to wait for anyway. The game looks good and even if I'm pissed at 3D Realms I still want the game and devs to do well.
Boring hard to see enemies, confusing nonsensical maps. Impossibly slow weapon-switch.
It's decent.
I think where the "too difficult" complaints come from is the fact that the game introduces the grenadiers pretty early on and isn't afraid to use them in the open areas. Unlike the red cultists, the grenadiers can be ready to fire before they even see you and will fire the second you enter their line of sight. They have aimbot precision with their projectiles so if you don't know that there's one around (which can happen in the early open areas) you will eat a direct nade before you can know what happened. To top it all off, Build explosive damage does NOT fuck around. It will eat your ass whole and send you the bill. There is no "radius" that deals less damage the further you are from the explosion. There is just a big area of no man's land where you will take 100% of the damage if so much as 1 pixel of your hitbox enters that area. I've been tapped by an explosion I thought I was safe from only to find a second later that all my armor is now gone and I am left with 50hp.
>devs do something dumb
Trans people are weird about pushing people towards being trans I assume because they were heavily dissuaded from it by their peers and medical professionals and some feel they were cheated out of an early transition. Hence they think they're doing the right thing by heavily encouraging anyone who could maybe possibly be trans to transition.
That said the left fights amongst itself all the time and I hear "men are just as hurt by strictly enforced gender expectations as women are" as a regular feminist talking point so I don't know where you got that whole idea
Shame you can't pirate the game and donate straight to the devs
The game is 10 hours without any secret hunting, that's plenty long for an FPS.
the game is really bad with terrible level design, what else is there to talk about?
It really shows how cringy the people who only care about politics in video games are.
I mean, you can whine about the SJWs all you want but the real niggers are the people who leave negative reviews because they think one changed texture=censorship even though the devs did nothing wrong.
that's just how every build engine game is, Ion fury is guilty of a few obnoxious references, sure.
but most of them are pretty elegantly hidden right in front of your face, so if you don't get the reference you wouldn't stop and go "huh?". I'm talking about how the signs sometimes are a movie reference to Commando, but could also be a legitimate store sign of you didn't pay attention to it.
Of course there are a few bad ones like the portal cake, and blade runner that run the risk of confusing future generations that play the game
Negative reviews aren't much of an issue, however these people also flocked to the official 3D Realms Discord server and started shitposting and harassing developers so hard they had to turn mobile authentication on.
This person likely hasn't played the game.
No, the real niggers are the SJWs. People leaving bad reviews are doing God's work by letting people know that the developer bent the knee to cyberbullies for no purpose and should no longer be supported.
>Combat bullying by doing some more bullying.
Nice strategy.
He made the hottest cock sucking animations in the history of sprite porn. I'm not surprised by the animation quality here.
Do you just get off on hurting people?
I'm nofap so I have to get off somehow
Nobody will suck his tiny dick so he has to find a way somehow.
bad reviews for bad professional company related conduct isn't bullying you immense retard. trying to get people fired for personal conduct you happen to disagree with is bullying. how are you too fucking stupid to see the difference here?
do you? why are you supporting bullies while shitting on the people who are decent enough to call the bullies and their supporters out.
The devs are between a rock and hard place and you're essentially punishing them for the actions of other shitbags, while the SJWs didn't get anyone fired, your actions could very well be a death sentence for the devs. Why not raid fucking ResetEra when something like this happens, you huge twat?
He probably doesn't, but it's likely you do. SJWs and trannies are all mentally ill sadists who only get off on destruction and mutilation.
have you actually played the game? It consistently shits itself because it's handling levels the engine wasn't made for
By your own admission you're kicking a bully victim in the ribs for trying to appease that bully- by donating to a suicide hotline.
It's getting harder and harder to tell who genuinely believes these things and who's just having a go these days, but on the off chance that you genuinely think you're doing the right thing by taking a fat dump on voidpoint for doing nothing wrong, reconsider.
>Faggots once again ruin another Ion Fury thread with their fucking culture war
>'It's not OUR fault, it's the SJWs!'
Take some goddamn responsibility for your own actions you fags
Because he's a moronic SJW trying to gaslight and astroturf to make it look like both sides are bad when in fact only one side is bad.
You're right, it isn't bullying it's harassment with the purpose of fueling a pissing contest between you and the other cabal of autists using whichever hot button game it is this week. You fags will move on like always and repeat this retarded song and dance, actively ruining any and all games discourse.
Stfu resetranny
How is it not the SJWs fault?
Look mom, I can throw buzzwords around!
I'm sure not even half the people leaving negative reviews know what happened because they're reddit lemmings who unironically believe video games are serious business.
It's not your fault you can't let people actually talk about the game? Do the retards from ResetEra have some kind of mind-control capabilities that compels you to shitpost endlessly about political shit?
The biggest mistake you lefties make is thinking that progress is like a train that makes stops and that you can get off whenever you like, but it's actually a train going downhill and the brakes are shot. Do you think we'll ever get to a point where the left says "Ok, we did it, all of the societal injustices have been solved, now we can finally stop fighting." No, of course not. It will never stop because they will always need a cause. A boogeyman to point to the finger at and say "This thing, or these people, are the reason society isn't where I think it should be, or why my life isn't as good as I believe it should be." If there isn't always someone to blame for "holding us back" then your successes or failures in life are solely your own, and that terrifies you, because at the end of the day, leftists are really just people who don't want any responsibility.
and they also hired them for wrath also, published by 3D realms
Yeah man that's a great game you got the steam link for it?
The people leaving negative reviews now are leaving reviews about what 3D Realms actually did. People are free to do whatever with that information.
The slightly over a dozen people that left the first wave of negative reviews were slandering the devs as people by calling them tran/homophobes over some reasonable out-of-conext comments on.
Second waves negative reviews are "corporation's policy bad"
First wave negative reviews were "The people who made the game are BAD PEOPLE who don't deserve to eat".
>Please stop talking about video games on the video game board
>mocks the usage of boogiemen
>lefties lefties lefties
>If there isn't always someone to blame for "holding us back" then your successes or failures in life are solely your own
Remind me who keeps harping about illegals taking their jobs?
>look, we shouldn't try to make things better because change is scary and we might take things TOO far!
if people in the past thought like you we wouldn't be having this conversation and you'd be dying of polio
>Threw a fit over harmless Discord messages
>Threw a fit over a soap bottle
>Threw a fit over a hidden message in a hidden room
>Locked their thread about the game when Voidpoint and 3DR issued their statement, which actually and unexpectedly calmed them down
>Review-bombed the game which made its rating plummet because you were upset 3DR was gonna give money to a SUICIDE PREVENTION CHARITY.
>Came in droves to 3DR's Discord and harassed developers and staff alike
>Invaded the Steam forums to, again, harass developers and staff alike
>Keep bullying 3DR and Voidpoint on Twitter
But sure, it's only the SJWs who are bad.
>First wave negative reviews
They were nearly non-existent. See: Overwhelmingly positive Steam rating before this shitstorm started after the devs/3D Realms apologized
>internet then
>kids rebelling against their conservative parents
>internet now
>I actually don't know what this is what the fuck is going on anymore
There's only one option remaining.
>It's not your fault you can't let people actually talk about the game?
I'm sorry I'm not letting you shill your game for free. Fuck off
>Nobody who actually likes video games would be in support of a developer getting gutted over a perfectly reasonable and private statement
>proceeds to gut the devs anyway by not supporting their only means of profit since IF was self-financed by roughly 4/5 of its budget in the course of 4 years by a disabled man with his community bros and 3DR mostly acted as publisher/distributor/IP firm
>Made the devs give $10,000 dollars from the game sales revenue to trannypedo program
>Forced them to go through sensitivity training
I for one, don't want a single cent from me to go to those pedophiles.
I keep screaming the n word but nothing is happening
>Yea Forums - Video Games
SJWs aren't trying to make things better though. You're an idiot for even suggesting that. Their MO is literally just to bully and harass people for not having the same opinions as them.
>Made the devs give $10,000 dollars from the game sales revenue to trannypedo program
You don't know about this. It could be from 3DR's savings for all we know.
>Forced them to go through sensitivity training
You are a colossal retard of you think this is even a thing.
>>Yea Forums - astroturfing and advertising
Oh wait it's not that.
>suicide prevention charity
that doesn't sound like any sort of progress or change from how things are now at all, user
Right on the money
I like how these Resetrannies are leaving out that 10K dollarydoos to trannies to try to make their points when they know exactly that's the breaking point.
user just admit you want this because you get to shitpost about it. Otherwise you wouldn't lie about them giving money to a suicide prevention charity that isn't exclusively for trans people
Blanket generalization and coming to a discussion from a point of bad faith and intellectual dishonesty doesn't help anything, user.
multiple people have brought up the hotline donation in voidpoint's defense, though?
>immediately sides with the SJWs in the very next line
You're not doing a very good job false flagging as a centrist.
Yeah, Mapster is just modern Build, but the core design, interface and controls for the editor have the same since 1993.
That charity isn't about trannies you mongrel.
Why do you have a problem with a suicide prevention hotline?
The lead developer at VoidPoint is already known to be a huge SJW so it might just be the case that they were already planning to donate a sum of their revenue to some kind of similar organisation.
>>immediately sides with the SJWs in the very next line
How about you just fucking ignore them because the things the dev 'changed' are goddamn nothing. Next you'll tell me the 'trannies are winning if I don't fight back' or some retarded shit like that
we need to take all of the extremist and tribals, put them on a boat, and ship them out to their own personal island where they can kill each other for all eternity
it's impossible to genuinely discuss ideology when you're surrounded by people unable to stop going full bogeyman retard at first disagreement
So why don't i ever see you "Both sides" people whenever some Japanese game gets censored because it made some twitter guys and journalists upset/uncomfortable?
Exactly. SJWs are not good people and they're not trying to make the world a better place. To even suggest that is completely fucking absurd.
tranny duke nukem
sounds like 3d realms never made them donate any money or go to sensitivity training
stide pr is in charge of their press releases
>They were nearly non-existent
I know. Which is why it's so fucking weird how it blew up. The lesson for PR people everywhere is that you shouldn't give into outrage mobs based on how big they seem on twitter or resetera, because sometimes the people who get butthurt and form an outrage mobs are outnumbered by the people who'll get butthurt and form an outrage mob.
you a clown nigga
>sounds like 3d realms never made them donate any money or go to sensitivity training
Finally someone with two brain cells. It took about 180 replies.
I think Shelly is a good female protagonist
>The lead developer at VoidPoint is already known to be a huge SJW
You mean the same leader developer who said SJW are fucking nuts?
She's cringe and I'm glad the game failed.
Have sex
>censorship is improving the world
Oh, dear.
Because they're the ones calling them incel games
how close am I to the end? I just made it through the labs
incel freak
doea she have any good lewds yet?
That and the game just has outright shills that kept making threads. That's what the games discord is about
I like that they give you time to dodge hitscan enemies.
That's not a blanket generalization, nor is it a bad faith argument. What he said is 100% true about all SJWs. It's inherent to their ideology.
these threads are just embarrassing
This picture would be 1000 times better if there was just a tiny bit of pubic hair peeking out from her bikini line
My most is saying that censorship and crying on the internet about inane shit does not improve the world. I'm saying it is absurd to even imagine for a second that SJWs make a difference to anybody, and it's equally absurd to say that their motives are pure. SJWs are just spiteful, evil people who want to force everybody else under their iron fist. That's all.
But it isn't, unless you're going to tell me that the liberal college town SJWs I know are imaginary.
Why don't they just include an OPTION to block the content that sjws were butthurt over?
That way everyone can play the game how they want?
>says both sides are shitters
>Y-you're just siding with the enemy
Lol you can't make this shit up, political cucks everyone.
They're doing you one better and not doing anything at all. They apologized and promised changes over a week ago. There's been nothing since.
>block the content that SJWs were butthurt over
One random texture and some out of bounds wall that may or may not say "fag?"
That hasn't even been patched out of the game yet?
That you probably wouldn't even notice if some outrage monger hadn't told you to be angry?
You want a switch for that?
See: You're so easy to spot
If it'd shut up the SJWs and the secret SJW """centrists""" (you and the SJWs would just find something else to bitch about though)
you're the dude that still cares about the texture my nibba
they haven't even patched it and resetera's moved on
>If it'd shut up the SJWs and the secret SJW """centrists"""
You retards are the only people still complaining
They deserve to get shit on, especially after you shilled the game on Yea Forums for months
>I hear "men are just as hurt by strictly enforced gender expectations as women are" as a regular feminist talking point
Yes, but they only say that as part of their overall "men suck" narrative. They make a token acknowledgement that men are hurt by gender roles, but do they acknowledge women's role in enforcing those roles? Of course not. They say it's all men's fault, and the problem would be fixed if men stopped being misogynists and became feminists. Meanwhile, women continue to be the strictest enforcers of male gender expectations. They continue to engage in virgin-shaming and creep-shaming. They continue to make fun of men with small dicks or sexual dysfunctions. They continue to expect men to be fighters and breadwinners. They continue to demonize male sexuality. They continue to not give a shit about male disposability.
Feminists don't care about men.
>especially after you shilled the game on Yea Forums for months
Oh god it's the autist who shat on the game for months because Shelly's not 'sexy enough'
Do you honestly believe that SJWs are some evil moustache-twirling cabal? You do realize how insane that makes you sound, right?
>literal years worth of reposted, deranged threads dumping on ion fury in the archives
>i-it was a false flag!
actually completely insane
get help
I'm up to the first boss which is that giant mech. This thing is a lot harder to fight than I thought or I'm vastly underequipped myself.
Keep charging the alt-fire on the crossbow for about 5-10
Why are you pretending there weren't obvious Ion Fury shill threads? Pretend centrists like you are such dishonest shitbags
Let me get this straight: your side is the only one with nuanced perspectives, and the "other guys" are just a real-life cartoon caricature?
nowhere did he imply that. you're the one sounding insane here, dude.
>SJWs are just spiteful, evil people who want to force everybody else under their iron fist
What the fuck are you guys talking about?
They didn't even pay money for actual advertising, what makes you think they're paying for Yea Forums shitposts?
>there weren't obvious Ion Fury shill threads
Not him, but there weren't all that many Ion Maiden threads in the months prior to release. Mostly it was that one retard like you making threads shitting on the unreleased games and saying some shitty Douk fangame was the real thing people should be playing
Sometimes one side really is just plain hypocritical and wrong. That's the case with Republicans, and it's also the case with feminists.
Not sure where you're getting that from, they're just very spiteful and self centered people who can't handle honesty or bluntness. They expect the world to bend to their needs and cater to them, rather than them having to learn how to adapt to the world. They're universally bad people as a result, because good people understand how to overcome things and go with the flow. SJWs don't understand how to grow as people, so they stay childish and petty. They're not a cabal, but they do all have shit for brains and as a result they tend to form hugboxes around each other.
I've noticed you didn't actually deny anything said.
Ion Fury dev said on their discord that the protag would be stealth trans (as in their transexuality would be canon, but never actually mentioned in-game). Someone screencapped it and spammed it everywhere as evidence that the devs were tranny-enablers and gamers threw a shitfit. The devs responded by retracting their statement about the protag's transition, and in response restera trannies threw a shitfit. Now where here.
you might be retarded.
collect these shill threads from the archives
Maybe on your toaster.
>Someone screencapped it and spammed it everywhere as evidence that the devs were tranny-enablers and gamers threw a shitfit.
Are you fucking kidding me? This really was started by the people now complaining?
I love how everyone is so desperate to bitch and not talk about the gamer they make shit up about people complaining about threads being ruined. But call me a tranny SJW as anyone who is against you is obviously the enemy.
where did you even come up with this
We don't want to discuss your cucked game, retard
It's like thinking you should be able to discuss Borderlands 3 without being able to discuss Randy
he's pulling your leg, retard.
It's always like this. Both sides screaming until they get their way. There's no making any of these people happy. They just use media as a means of "victory" over their ideological opponents.
people with 1080s have been complaining about it
play the game
Ironic, isn't it?
>Universal praise for the game upon release
>Hugely positive threads on Yea Forums just talking about the game
>That's not allowed anymore because we must fight the culture war
Fuck you
Welcome to modern discourse. Enjoy your stay you fucking tranny kill yourself faggot /pol/tard.
>randy: beat someone up and got away with it, repeatedly lied to players faces, generally treats people like worthless saps
>this: promised to remove like two textures but haven't yet in response to a deliberately manufactured outrage and then donated some money to a suicide hotline in a show of good faith
Never had any performance issues. But I'm only at the GDF academy.
You realize he's lying, right? Every single thing in that post was made up on the spot.
truth is
the game was pozed for the start
>Play the game on a AMD laptop
>Game constantly has corrupted graphics only solvable by running in software mode
What the fuck
>>Hugely positive threads on Yea Forums just talking about the game
AKA the astroturf shill threads I was talking about, thanks for agreeing, retard
He's correct that SJWs aren't really trying to make things better. On the other hand, there are real leftists who *are* trying to make things better. Not all leftists are SJWs.
Except that's not happening here at all. There's only one side screaming, and it's the SJW freaks at Resetera. They're 100% in the wrong, and 3Drealms/Voidpoint are also in the wrong for listening to their hollering. Everybody else is just judging them for it, and rightfully so.
>AKA the astroturf shill threads I was talking about
They didn't even have proper advertisements for the game as far as I can tell, where the fuck would the money have come from for a social media shill campaign? use your brain for logical thinking user
>Everybody else is just judging them for it, and rightfully so.
NOOOOO YOU CAN'T JUDGE THEM AND MUST LOVE AND WORSHIP ION FURY (but I don't do this with Borderlands 3 because Gearbox is indefensible and I like to pick and choose)
>There's only one side screaming, and it's the SJW freaks at Resetera.
Those people stopped talking about this days ago you moron
why not just put MSG on the label? nobody knows what E621 means unless they have some experience with food chemistry. are the devs just trying to flex a little?
>There's only one side screaming
>meanwhile, on Yea Forums: multiple daily threads skyrocketing past 500 posts
>I bet the furry on the team put it in
So about how long is the game?
10 hours.
Because they don't actually like or play video games. They lose interest the moment they feel like they've gotten their way. Meanwhile, people who actually enjoy this hobby have to put up with companies kowtowing to these retards who don't even like video games.
about 9 hours
I don't recommend doing it in one sitting
what does fur faggotry have to do with monosodium glutamate?
>Because they don't actually like or play video games.
>Yea Forums
>Playing video games
In other news people are screaming mad at a soap bottle texture changing and the removal of a texture that say fagbag in an area you'd have to noclip into to even see (both of which haven't even been changed yet)
But it's not about that! It's about the principle!
>Thread about videogame I never heard of
>No gameplay webm's
>No screenshots
>No talk about game mechanics
>Just retard SJW talk from people who cant tell IRL and fantasy apart and don't like videogames
Look what you've become Yea Forums
Just pirate the game and stop being a faggot
If only you'd been here on release, the threads were great and actually talked about the game
So is there any reason you guys seem to exclusively talk about the people judging 3DRealms for the situation and completely ignore the ones who were bitching in the first place?
How have you not heard of this game everything even remotely related to trannies gets at least a weeks worth of threads.
If I had to take a guess, it's because "both sides are shit" immediately leads to "REEEE fake centrist!"
Seriously, it's like putting labeling your salt shaker "NaCl" you think it's clever, but it just makes you look like a twat
What I don't get is if the moaners don't actually play the games, who blew the whistle?
Blood>Ion Fury>Duke>Shadow Warrior>All other Build Games.
Once you deem something not worth your attention (trannies, resetra, sjw's) its easy to completely ignore them
Because I'm talking to you retards because I'm on Yea Forums
People are mad because the developers are being sent to "sensitivity training" and their profits were given away to a charity over shit that wasn't even offensive. People are mad because yet again a company is firing people and ruining lives because one or two mentally unstable trannies decided what is and isn't acceptable for the whole world. People are mad because shit like this sets an awful, awful precedent. Imagine if Doom got censored and Carmack got forced into some bogus sensitivity training shit because of the outrated Christian who thought it was offensive, and then id published a public apology despite doing nothing wrong. That shit would be unacceptable, and it's unacceptable now.
the first couple of days talking about the game itself were pretty fun until it all got ruined by this e-drama no one cares about. I really enjoy the game though, it's great. I want more like it.
>linking to a literal tranny twitter that blames Yea Forums for their tranny outage
jej, you gaslighters are getting absurd
Paint Bawl gets it own special place in hell, just for the music
>the developers are being sent to "sensitivity training"
Way to go retard you fell for uninformed shit people have been spouting here. The only thing there's doing is introducing that concept as part of their zero tolerance policy for bad behavior. Nobody right now is being forced into 'sensitivity training'
>firing people
Well if it did happen, we would be seeing less ""Centrist"" takes that's for sure ;)
>this e-drama no one cares about. I
If nobody cared, we wouldn't be discussing it, would we?
"""Centrists""" are such retards
>People are mad because yet again a company is firing people
Nobody got fired
her name is spelt "shelly" you fucking retard
Look, everyone, the election tourist thinks he's people.
Hahahaha, what a kidder, that guy.
He thinks he has human rights
"Election tourist" has to be one of the biggest Yea Forums copes in years
nice damage control, front hole
I mean the steep increase in users on Yea Forums around the time of the election sure as shit didn't help this place get less shitty
It has way more credit to it than any other boogeyman of the past, the entire board had a marked change in tone since 2016
trannies should suicide themselves, so yeah any money going to that kind of charity is bad. trannies are subhumans who deserve to suffer and die.
You realize that wishing death on other humans is sociopathic, right?
He probably takes that as a compliment.
trannies aren't human. subhumans deserve only suffering painfully and death.
The Trevor Project is also an advocacy group.
what tone change? from politically incorrect to politically incorrect?
there were still right wingers here before 2016 make no mistake but /pol/ wasn't literally the biggest board on the site before then
a shitload of people getting polarized by the leadup to 2016 ended up coming here, one guy i say publicly freak out and burn his relations on a small forum he'd been on for like five years so he could run off to Yea Forums where people agreed with his takes
>from politically incorrect to politically incorrect?
I'd say politically incorrect for laughs to politically incorrect for trying to actually win some dumb culture war
>election tourist
Nice. I gotta use that sometime.
Trannies aren't human. Also it's more sociopathic to recruit for a death cult the way trannies do, so he's still a better person than any tranny on earth.
oh so you mean you came here in 2016 and just are using what you think Yea Forums used to be like. go back.
I legitimately can't tell the shitposters from the actual koolaid drinkers anymore.
The right-wingers have decided to drop all inhibition and be completely open about what horrible people they are. That's why they continue their cult-like support of Trump, an individual of pure shit with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
>anyone who doesn't like my group of pedo freaks who get off on converting kids to our cult is a shitposter
found the tranny.
But I've been here since '08. To be fair the place started to change more around the time of Anita and then GG, but the election certainly solidified a very political feeling to much of Yea Forums and Yea Forums as a whole
Get ready for Trump 2020, tranny. Hopefully you'll finally kill yourself then.
So actual koolaid drinker. Got it.
He's going to lose by even more votes than he lost by in 2016.
imagine the butthurt
Just get it from based IGG like a normal human being
When he wins again just swallow the pills already.
>wishing actual literal death on your political "enemies"
wew lad
So you're a hormone drinker from pedoera. Got it.
That kind of behavior is not at all surprising in a Trumpist.
I still haven't figured out what this means. Please someone tell me
It means VoidPoint is based and furpilled
No one likes pedos who fuck kids and want kids to mutilate their bodies. Trannies are worthless subhumans.
I know you aren't about to pretend like this is some rare "right-wing" thing right now are you?
>Yea Forums - Identity Politics
Bold of you to assume I hate them for political reasons and not humanitarian ones
How many times can we have this thread
Look at this loli
There is nothing to talk about regarding this game autist. Ignoring the trannie drama it's a short build engine game where most secrets are garbage, gun selection is extremely meh and nothing amazing happens and it doesn't even come close to breaking the holy trinity of Build engine games. Fuckers like you are the worst, throwing temper tantrums that no one is talking about an empty average Build game that doesn't even have multiplayer. If not for the trannie drama we would not see threads about this game period. Fuck off.
pedoERA mad
Can I look at the source instead
It's what happens when you've been successfully brainwashed. Really sad, but politicucks will get violent for their masters' reputation.
based. this man is completely right. second worst build engine game.
That's literally politics. Laws try to keep us all civilized but deep down everyone in politics want to off their adversaries. It's within their nature.
Not at all, honestly. I know plenty sane conservatives. They also don't wish death on other people.
I recall many left wingers wishing harm on Trump supporters. Why does the left have this "it's ok when we do it" belief?
Same. Never met a sane SJW who didn't want to kill everyone who disagrees with them though.
>Why does the left have this "it's ok when we do it" belief?
Where did I imply that? Wishing death on other people is straight-up psycho no matter who you vote for.
Because they believe they have the moral high ground, and they demonize their enemies.
Kinda a weird recommendation but read the unabomber manifesto. He goes into this
This should have been apparent from the start.
>MOM! I can't make fun of gays and trannies without being judged anymore! US GAMERS GOTTA RISE UP BECAUSE WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY
If there isn't always someone to blame for "holding us back" then your successes or failures in life are solely your own, and that terrifies you, because at the end of the day, /pol/tards are really just people who don't want any responsibility.
why is janny so useless
Posters like you annoy me. All you're doing is getting an IP address perm banned, and whenever I'm browsing Yea Forums on my phone I always need to roll through a few IPs to find one that isn't banned for posting this shit.
>I recall many left wingers wishing harm on Trump supporters.
It's hard to blame them. Trump supporters, like Trump himself, are utterly contemptible pieces of shit. Trumpism is all about being vindictive and hateful.
>Why does the left have this "it's ok when we do it" belief?
Because the two sides aren't morally equivalent. The right wingers really are just worse. They want to take people's health care away and leave them to die because they can't pay. They want to lock children in cages. They want to destroy the environment. They want to let corporations run everything. They want an authoritarian president to rule them like a king.
Based fucking loli poster saving this horrible thread from the resetera trannies and election tourist redditors.
>tranny so mentally ill he's about to 40%
for the folks out there who beat the game, which was harder for you?
the gauntlet of high tier enemies before you get to heskel, or heskel's murder room?
I died once to the second warmech in the gauntlet, but beat heskel first try
It's hard to blame them. Trannies are utterly contemptible pieces of shit. Trannyism is all about being vindictive and hateful.
The two sides aren't morally equivalent. The trannies really are just worse. They want to take people's sanity away and leave them to die because they can't stand someone else being happy. They want to fuck children and mutilate them. They want to destroy the concept of male and female. They want to let pro tranny corporations run everything. They want an authoritarian president to rule them like a king.
Because janny = tranny
>And there is no way they will ban my whole IP range since I’m in the heard of downtown in a major city
>They would lose too much ad money
Yes they will. They won't lose a fucking cent, you can still browse and see ads while banned
Fucking bellcurve is in full-swing
>Don't you dare call people out for acting like retards and how dare you not take my side. We act like retards but the others are worse.
To sum up your words. I hope all the (you)s are making your compatible device go off, loser.
I will never buy this game lol
What was even censored
Like in the last thread you're the only one bringing up /pol/, get help
More apt than ever.
Fucking this
>Newfags don’t lurk anymore
>Second they see they can’t post their wojacks they will leave
No, they're here to find porn and jack off
Yep, just the kind of thoughtless false equivalence I'd expect from a modern conservative.
Im okay with this take, but I do like the music quite a bit. the grenade launcher being built into the shotgun is fucking annoying as well, which makes me think it was added specifically to get secrets
>you're the only one bringing up /pol/
Do you expect /pol/tards to preface their posts with "hey I'm from /pol/" or something?
>People would be similarly pissed if a right-wing outrage mob managed to get changes into a hyped game
Except he's completely right. The original post really did apply to trannies moreso than trump voters.
Objectively BASED
Yep, just the kind of thoughtless false equivalence I'd expect from a pedoera tranny.
In 2019, there is no such thing as an unbiased opinion.
If you review a game, would you really give a shit about something that isn't that relevant to the actual gameplay or core mechanics?
OP shouldn't have waited for the controversy to die down. "Now that the dust has settled..." Inb4 Reddit spacing, no one like to read an massive ugly paragraph about someone else's opinion.
obsessed. get help
It seems they couldn't keep the review bombing for longer that 3 days. I guess that's all autismbux and feigned outrage can buy.
The game is pure gold, and if you're buying into this special olympics of drama you don't really care about games.
That's how politics work. The other side gets pissed off if it doesn't get what it wants.
game has already flopped and the damage done. It's over.
You're annoying and you shit up the place, yes, you are as bad as SJWs, because all I want to do is talk about video games, as I am on Yea Forums, the video games board. If you want culture wars, /pol/ is right over there, made especially for you.
>If you review a game, would you really give a shit about something that isn't that relevant to the actual gameplay or core mechanics?
616 people would.
About as funny as the twitter pronouns and "Journalists" suddenly caring about censorship and artistic freedom while talking about how animu games are dehumanizing the next week
Never ever, firstly the main character has no tits.
Secondly, it's SJW-pandering, so unless they do it like blizzard and stealth-commission artists like me to do it, not gonna happen, at least nothing of quality
Any actual discussion and solid arguments are drowned out by yelling about dem trannies and how every homo wears a pink boa. I hate immature and unsubjective politics ans philosophies as much as the next guy, but for most people on Yea Forums it's just to solidify the hatred for specific groups and say outrageously stupid shit, see Gamergate.
Is it that weird when people think you're a homophobe when you dislike a specific gay character that isn't well written, when any argument is drowned out by the people going, "FAGS AND THEIR PRIDE PARADES"?
Does anyone know any game that has a setting like this? I accept suggestions. I loved the beginning of Ion Fry, but halfway forward the game gets a little boring,
The game sold very well and your months of work went down the drain. How does it make you feel?
/pol/fag here, I just came to see the ruckus, and I gotta say, I prefer the videogame talk we have over there than over here. Here it's just porn-posting, at least /pol/ actually talks about the videogame
She does have tits, there's no SJW pandering in the game. Are you feeling well?
This proves why developers don't appeal to "us," as many anons ask why devs don't come here for honest opinions. Yea Forums is too fickle. This is why they opt for the PC audience. You can either alienate an audience that doesn't play that many games besides the same titles and mainly pirates or you can appeal to the lowest common denominator. Surprise surprise, the big companies and devs are going to choose the latter.
>refunded and reviewbombed
nuthin' personnel kid :^)
The video game talk you have over there is just raid threads.
>the tranny cries as he strikes you!
Frustrated, huh? It must suck spending a year of your life on nothing.
>The game sold very well
Compare those hundreds to thousands and then check back again when time passes. It's screaming into the void when there could have been better forms of protest, like patching the original content back in unofficially.
Literally can't go one post without crying about trannies. Someone secretly wants to chop his dick off, lmao!
Oh yeah the PC audience that is not at all fickle, and are mentally well normal people who don't ever form outrage mobs.
Notice how he goes full caps lock when he gets angry at something.
This is your brain on /pol/
>if you mention trannies you want to be one
Try harder
If it makes you feel better, shout tranny as much as you want.
Seething tranny.
Anyone else only come here to laugh at /pol/ and how insane and delusional they are.
Post some proof that it sold very well, dipshit.
>In the context of Yea Forums users like everyone in this thread
Comprehension, my friend.
>Paragon devs only kept their discord and reddit page
>Their castrated discord and reddit fans were yes-men to all their changes
>While the /vg/ thread talked about the game, it's flaws, and everything while still having a good time
>New update pops out, New Dawn, more like New Yawn
>Reddit and discord continue sucking their dicks
>/vg/ slowly dies as people see how shit it is
>Reddit and discord wonder how Paragon is dying, including the devs
>Soon after, Paragon was ParaGONE
Yeah, I guess only the devs who want to keep their games alive and well would come here.
>still using fake statistics
What can be expected of a board that fell for pic related?
I only come here to laugh at insane and delusional trannies.
The guns are decent. Clusterpuck really needed to just be a rocket launcher though. As it is, the closest thing you have to a BFG is just the minigun. It's a good gun, just not a big "fuck your hitscanning deathtraps rooms" gun.
Pistol, Shotgun, and Ion bow are generally my most used weapons because enemies actually drop ammo for them. The SMG suffers because it burns through ammo really fast (especially with dualwield). Granted if you're lucky, you can just spray down a room quick and let everything burn to death if they caught on fire.
Also too many headspiders. So many headspiders.
Keep celebrating that behaviour, it will continue attracting retarded children and mental patients. Absolutely based and redpilled, fellow centipede. imagine I posted a pepe pic, I don't have any.
I did that for a couple days but it's just getting old now. I want my vidya discussion back, it's been six years already.
>still a near coin flip away from killing himself
yeah, that's himself, not herself you delusional tranny.
so basically you're a butthurt SJW, got it.
>still using fake statistics
Paragon was liquid shit from day 1 and never got any better. If anyone actually thought they liked it then they were either the most deluded people on Earth or the most shit-taste motherfuckers alive. An unironically soulless game with no real ambition whatsoever.
Update your strawman comics bro.
>still going to kill himself any day now
Seethe more SJW. your 2 second mspaint edits prove it
40% what, user? Of white conservatives kill themselves? We know.
This thread is shit
Yeesh, don't remind me. Game was doomed from the start but you're significantly over-emphasizing the importance of Yea Forums. Minecraft, Risk of Rain, and BF3, and a number of other titles' devs have come here for input but walk away with very little. Yea Forums wasn't solely responsible for any of those titles and succeeded on the merit of fans and designers. Dini shitposting with the Battlefield devs resulted in a bunch of in-game Easter eggs. That's about it. Also, /vg/ is where game discussions go to die. I'm a bit saddened Paragon will never go anywhere but at least they released all the assets for free with the Unreal Engine. Haven't found any good smut. Paragon couldn't juggle the MOBA and shooter elements.
Tranny is pretending to be multiple people now.
We see want we want to see in others' replies.
Look at the /pol/tard go apeshit at being called out.
nice one ESL.
Angry /pol/tard bout to shoot up a walmart because someone disagreed with his ass lmfao at least trannies only kill themselves
Look at the tranny go apeshit at being called out.
Angry tranny bout to shoot up himself because someone disagreed with his ass lmfao at least trannies kill themselves 40% of the time
And? What do you get from getting banned from it for posting that same image again? The jannies can wipe all your posts and leave this thread intact with a single fucking click
So like how conservatives kill themselves 40% of the time?
You're doing it again.
Why do you people love arguing about trannies so much?
And he can unban himself and be back in 30 seconds and do it again until they either delete the thread or allow a loli thread.
Flip a coin tranny. If heads, that's almost how likely you are to kill yourself
You sling buzzwords like everyone will automatically understand their meaning.
>ESL is retarded
Not surprising.
Sure thing, user, everyone you see is a tranny.
Ban invasion just equals a range ban on your IP.
You know, I have heard people who listen to country music are more likely to kill themselves. No idea if it's true, though
Tranny seethes after being called out.
Whatever makes you feel superior online.
Both sides
Good, fuck phone posters and fuck jannies and fuck tranny discussions
the gameplay is shit, the story is shit, the dialogue is shit, the devs are retard söyboy beta cucks, but the engine is good. what else is there to say?
Has anyone tried calling the random numbers littered around?
I'd kill myself if I had to listen to country music. Or mumble rap, or whiny manbun bullshit.
W-would it make you angry if I bought Ion Maiden, just for you!
I don't think it would go anywhere.
Your mom is also secretly a tranny, to be frank.
I'm not even angry. I'm actually saddened by the fact this how you choose to spend your time and that you, a presumable adult, would act like this.
Nah, you are shit and haven't played it.
A quick google shows a furry image board named e621
Genuinely curious, what do you listen to? That takes a good chunk of today's music off the table.
The game would be 80% better if Shelly reacted to her reflections.
There's nothing secret about you being a tranny, everyone can see your face stubble, broad shoulders, narrow hips and man hands.
Why? I’m comfy on my couch watching Mindhunter season 2, while sharing cute and funny pictures I found on Twitter with my fellow loli heads while idiots argue about trannies for 500 posts
I like it, makes me want to play the old dooms as well considering I never have.
Fuck you guys, Monolith was fucking baller
Paragon was a fun game and the shooter/MOBA aspects fucking worked
It's the only game where it did work and the 3rd dimension was actually used.
i like it a lot
Skip to 2:06
"Behold, my mom-daddy"
>sharing cute and funny pictures I found on Twitter with my fellow loli heads
No you aren't. I opened this thread because you spotted you posting. You haven't posted anything good, and you're just posting reposts now
why do build engine games feel so satisfying to play
You've got a friend
I’m sorry you don’t like them, but who the fuck browse the front page
Try the catalogue, tourist
>indie game sells 100k copies in under 2 weeks
>steam score is low because review bombs from people who probably werent even gonna buy it
>100k copies
Yea Forums doesn't allow mobile ips to upload files.
Sounds like you're the tourist f you didn't know.
It's the last (you) you're getting from me. You act no older than the lolis in the pics and spend your time doing nothing but looking at anime kiddies.
>You've got a friend
Nah. If he was doing anything worthwhile I might start chipping in and helping. But do you see anybody supporting him? Nope
Why do so many cucks and trannies here love acting as if both sides are the same here? It has to be from resertera or trolling because I’ve never seen anything like it. You can’t actually support the devs giving in to changing their game for people who will collectively buy 1 copy right?
Most everything else. Rock, metal, orchestra shit, honestly I can still stomach most of the pop radio stations. Even a manbun song or two if it does something interesting musically (
I don't. I don't support people who shit-fling either.
Do you have any sadpanda links you could share
I'm always looking for new shit
Thanks for taking my question seriously. That was interesting listen, I'll check out their discog.
They've been throwing fits over black caricatures on soap labeling since the 50s.
Imagine wasting your time dumping pedo shit in thread you have no interest in because """trannies""" and your tiny brain. How much of a twisted loser psychopath must you be? Kill yourself
If the jailbaiter is still browsing, how about you dump exhentai links instea of pics? It's better than jumping through hoops to avoid bans.
Sorry, on my phone (which is impossible supposedly)
>bent the knee
Are we in fucking game of thrones?
Why the hell has every Yea Forums and leddit lemming been repeating this phrase for the past week??
Yea Forums is a waste of time no matter what you're doing
>muh lotion bottles!
Because memes are hieroglyphic. The phrase has gathered moss.
Anyone got a torrent link for me or can just shoot me a gog release?
Yeah, well every time I see this hieroglyph, I'm gonna assume the person has no clue about what they're talking about.
Just fucking buy it
It just means they haven't restricted that ip range yet, Professor Zoom
Absolutely not.
No spoon-feeding, this isn't a search engine.
>control+f tranny
>85 results
never change Yea Forums
Why do they let them live in their heads rent free?
Okay, has anyone played Devil Daggers or Amid Evil? How do those compare?
There a patch to make the crosshair a simple dot yet?
I like Ion Fury more than both of those, but I like Amid Evil more than Devil Daggers.
I like Blood more than all of these though, I recommend finding Blood and using nBlood to play it.
protip: make a thread using a screenshot not from the starting area or promotional images. People who don't play the game don't recognize it and so don't post.
This. Most of the people complaining haven't bought, nor will buy, the game.
If we includes you, then no because you seem like a faggot
>0.1 hours played
>0.1 hours played
>yeah, this game sucks, can't believe 3DR bent the knee, I wish I could refund it
>0.1 hours played
>I'm glad 3DR issued an apology and decided to patch out the homophobic imagery, but I'm already scarred, there's no way I can ever purchase this game
you just can't win with these fuckers
Yeah, it's great.
What's your favorite weapon?
I honestly really love the electrifryer, I think it's one of the most satisfying melee weapons in a retro shooter I've played, I just don't often have many instances to use it, since I usually have plenty of ammo for my Loverboy and Disperser, and it's generally always safer to take out cultists from a distance.
One Must Fall?
Finally figured out that fucking piano
Why didn't anyone made a new editor from the scratch? It's open source.
I like the crossbow. People say too quiet to feel powerful but that makes the splat when it pops a head that much louder. Plus the alt fire is totally overpowered and saved me when I didn't realize you could refill the chaingun during the airship fight.
But the game doesn't have earrape Doom meme mod weapons so that means it's shit.
final room. I had to replay that part a number of times until I beat it. The boss fights before that weren't hard, but I might have gotten lucky with the mechs.
The game could definitely have benefited from a couple more interesting weapons, like a quality flamethrower or some specialty kind of rocket launcher, like the split one from RotT or a clusterbomb one.
It's not that hard to use, Mapster 32 is fine
I was going to buy it
But they apologized to SJWs
That was a bad move
A flamethrower would have been great. It's weird, the game has a great fire/burn effect but the only way to ignite enemies is with the penetrators, which feels weird.
sure you were
lol. Pathetic.
Agreed. Looking forward to the inevitable mod that adds one in, assuming Voidpoint doesn't release bonus missions or any other sort of expansion at some point that includes one.
lol. Tranny
>I-I was going to buy it
It's better than a flamethrower, because I can't kill enemies without them being 2 feet in front of me
The alt-fire on the clusterpuck is literally a cluster bomb. It's the game's room clearer.
Yeah, but you have to go up and place it. Pretty different functionality compared to something you can launch at people.
>Yeah, but you have to go up and place it
You can just throw it you retard. Just toss the damn thing like a frisbee.
>talk about its alt-fire
>you can just throw it
That's not its alt-fire, faggot. Pick one. Its throwable is just a fucking impact grenade.
What the fuck are you talking about? Pressing Mouse 2 while the Clusterpuck is equipped changes it into a cluster bomb. You can throw it any time. You do not need to use it as a proximity mine. You can throw it as a regular grenade or in the cluster bomb form.
I have dozens of games in my backlog. i don't really needed a new game but I wanted to support a creative effort like that.
But they apologized to SJWs, people that don't even play videogames, so I spent the cash on pizza and a comic book and go back to play my current game.
Oh, you're right. Cool
I wanna fuck you :3