Why do the Japanese seemingly place far more emphasis on a game's soundtrack than the west does...

Why do the Japanese seemingly place far more emphasis on a game's soundtrack than the west does? I would even say it's not too uncommon to say the music is often even the best part of a Japanese game. While there's some outliers, I don't feel there's nearly the same emphasis in western games, and often times it feels like an after thought.

Is it just me? If not, why do you think this is?

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Two words: Visual Kei

Visual Gay.

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Because, Japan does everything better. Literally.

VK sounds like vidya music a lot of the time

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Because the west largely has no sense of aesthetic or artistic merit in general (in the games industry at any rate). Look at game music, look at game box arts, look at game visuals. They just can't. What's there is all driven by hollywood culture. Which is why you get so many generic movie orchestra scores

Because americans are uber capitalists. Game development isnt even managed by gamers. Most leads and supervisors are sales people and guys and gals with business degrees. They spend most of their time circle jerking at lunch meetings. Very few companies have management that is passionate about vidya. They run focus groups and realize plebs will be the game regardles off music. The game could have shitty soundcloud tracks and it wouldnt matter. So their motivated by saving money in music production. Japanese tend to work in smaller groups and tend to stick with one company to work so this creates an enviorment of having product in your artwork or product. Americans are like merceneries. One year they could be with X company 2 years later theyre with Y company who offered stock after 1 year of work.

This. The west also doesn't understand the benefit and power of a well timed insert song or just vocal songs in general.

You hear enough wank about a good soundtrack being one you don't notice. Morons actually take that to heart and set out to make unmemorable tosh. Doesn't help that music as a whole has been dead in the west for decades now.

>I would even say it's not too uncommon to say the music is often even the best part of a Japanese game.
Jeremy Soule was the best part of Skyrim

Japan will also buy the osts and go to the concerts etc generally making the extra effort spent on the soundtracks worth it.

>has Metroid Prime on an image titled "JP games"

The intelligence of the Japanese game enthusiast everyone.

Metroid prime is a western game and most of the Metroid franchise’s fan base is western.

To be fair, Metroid Prime has a Japanese composer.

How would OP even know what a good soundtrack sounds like if he listens to jap shit every day

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Time and time again Japan vs the west comes up and the answer is always the same.
Japan: Soul
West: Soulless
Dispute this

Jeremy soul carried tes at least. Also supergiant games tend to have good music. Japan makes anime music so they're definitively gay.

Counter point
Japan and old western games: soul
Nu-Western games: Soulless

>West: Soulless
Wrong. The west has Jeremy Soule.

Its really just the way triple A western games went. Like everything in America it went full Capitalism mode chasing ever single ounce of profit available focusing on multiplayer and reoccurring revenue. Imagine a western publisher publishing something like Nier Automata, you literally cant. They dont want anything risky, just anything that will ensure massive profits.

Command and Conquer games have good soundtracks

You're just a weeaboo obsessed with the japanese.
They don't give a fuck about you and wish you would never touch their content though.

>only good western composer literally has to put soul in his name to let people know hes not shit

Jeff van dyck and Frank Klepacki

You sound very ignorant.

How so? I am aware that not all music from the west in recent decades is the rank garbage that's in the charts, but the overwhelming popularity of that shit in the first place is evidence that music is in a sorry state.

>Martin O'Donnell
>David Wise

I'm gonna go ahead and put some lesser knowns that I think deserve recognition.
>Mark Mothersbough (Jak series, Crash Team Racing)
>Keith Arem (Metal Arms: Glitch in the System)
>Ellen Meijer (Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Exoddus)
>Kenneth Young (littlebigplanet)
>Danny Barrenowski (the original, superior Super Meatboy soundtrack)
>Peter McConnell (Psychonauts, Sly 2)
>David Bergeaud (the ps2 Ratchet & Clank games)

There are a lot of great soundtracks out there, OP. You just gotta find 'em.

How could you forget the Deus Ex composers?

OP here. Don't get me wrong, like I said there's outliers. I big western dev who's soundtracks I absolutely adore is Supergiant Games. All of their games so far have had top tier soundtracks. Also good on you for mentioning Metal Arms, you have no idea how much I'd kill for a PC port

I just meant in my personal experience, when you think of big western games and big japanese games, I definitely feel there's a disparity in soundtrack quality between the two

The west isn't really a monolith, but I tend to agree in the sense we're becoming increasingly naturalistic in the way we view reality, that there mustn't be anything beyond cold hard logic and rationality which really hurts our imagination and appreciation of art, and maybe even the meaning in life.

This obsession with materiality is what leads us to ask questions like "What was Aragorn’s tax policy?" or hyper realistic aesthetics like the Lion King remake. It's an extremely shallow and soul crushing philosophy, and it's no wonder people are becoming more nihilistic and depressed.

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I don’t know who made that Hotline Miami JP cover but it’s fucking inspired.

>there mustn't be anything beyond cold hard logic and rationality
if only that were the case in america.

I feel like western indies are in a category of their own. There's lots of good stuff there. Wish the AAA industry would learn a thing or two from high profile indie titles

I like how the lead singer of Devo is on the lesser known list.

If you prefer movie games, maybe.

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Kenji Yamamoto was the composer of Metroid Prime series.

lmao the absolute state of weebs

this thread was folded over one 1000 times

Classical music is my favorite genre, but I do not understand the obsession with live orchestral recordings in video games. Obviously it sounds better than midi, but I think it's too much of a budget for too little payout. Something like Fire Emblem Fates OST still sounds great despite not being live instruments.

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I notice it a lot with Capcom games and XIV in particular how audio and music is linked to in-game events in a way that creates a better sense of immersion.
Stuff like hitting a monster in Dragon's Dogma or using the Dragonator in Monster Hunter and getting that shift into Imminent Triumph or Proof of a Hero is orgasmic.

Because real instruments sound better 100% of the time. Not a hard concept to grasp.

I know they do, I even said they do, but often times that quality differnce gets lost in compression or the improved qualities get drowned out by the game itself.

sorry I don't speak bong. the fuck is "tosh"

The west also cares. They're just bad at it.

It's Chinese for context.

Why do you even care? Are you paying for it or making it yourself?

I just find it odd how people fellate it when you can barely even notice if it is or isn't when you're playing the game itself.

It's super noticeable, though. Play Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 back to back and the OSTs are night and day.

I think Euro developers place relatively high importance on music.

It's honestly just burger developers who are dropping the ball really fucking hard

Our developers have all basically gone to shit.

Because the Japanese have a tendency to focus on instrumentation and catchy melodies, while western games try to focus on cinematic immersion and subtlety. Melodies and "ear worms" are an afterthought for most AAA western games as long as the song or sound matches the atmosphere or feeling of the setting.


Isn't music in the burger shit in general now?

Legit double digit IQ post.

>loaded graphic citing shit from decades ago when the west is currently drowning in cinematic AAA movie-game trash

How embarrassing.

Prove me wrong fagola.

considering how much shit these days spends more budget on marketing than the actual product by all means more games should set cash aside for an orchestra

>the west is currently drowning in cinematic AAA movie-game trash
So is Japan. In fact, the currently most hyped Japanese game is movie game trash.

then the west caught up I guess

Japanese devs are bad at audio design and just paste really loud music on top of everything to compensate.

Wheras non-Japanese games tend to keep the music low key except during action sequences.

Here's a track from the Japanese game Silent Hill 2. The arrangement is very sparse and minimal and is mostly ambient.

Here's a track from the American game Morrowind. The track is very layered and features a melody which is both developed upon and uses counterpoint throughout the entirety of the piece.

Music is entirely irrelevant, yet when it's there and it's good it's one of the most important things in the game. Non Jap developers don't understand this. And you seem to be forgetting how hype RULES OF NATURE was.

It does seem like modern western games could stand to put more effort into their soundtracks. It seems that everything is made very similarly. What are some recent western games that really do their own thing for music?

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Tropical Freeze has the best OST of all time.

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This, music has been highly devalued in the West

Time for some Swedish Kino.
The Battlefield 4 campaign soundtrack is absolutely masterful and I won't hear a negative word about it. It made grown men cry like little babies.

I dunno, JP somehow has a better finger on the pulse that they need to have music that ties well into areas, scenes, etc., and usually if you can think of any video game tracks that stand out to you in the last 20 or so years, I'd wager a good amount of them are from Japanese composers.

I know
but consider how something like this has been a constant in the greater Fate series for 15+ years now across the various adaptations. The composer found something that clicked and it's been running ever since.

I know people give Soken shit in FFXIV because he likes to abuse an expansion's leitmotif a bit, but I think he does a pretty good job at making the spin-off tracks sound distinct.

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>Music is entirely irrelevant, yet when it's there and it's good it's one of the most important things in the game.
A lot of Japanese games seem afraid of silence. They fill scenes with melodramatic bullshit trying to wring emotion of the audience, and with weebs it tends to work.
>And you seem to be forgetting how hype RULES OF NATURE was.
It's basically the same style of music found in 3D Sonic games. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, mind you.

This is some really good shit.

Unironically soulless. Especially compares to the original DKC & DKC2 OST.

Because the West is too busy loading the games with trannies, fags, propaganda, MUH OPEN WORLD, muh graphics and on and on it goes. The games industry has been totally subverted here for the most part with diversity hires and more. Thankfully, we still have the based Japanese to thank for some truly SOUL filled games. It's almost embarrassing really.

God, you weebs are so cringe.

West is just lazy. This is a song in western games:

This is a song in Japanese games:

Because most of the talented music makers in the West are busy composing actual music, meanwhile the Jap ones are stuck making it for manchild media like video games.

Neither one of those are songs.

>Doesn't help that music as a whole has been dead in the west for decades now.
One thing that's always struck me as odd since I noticed it years ago is how much more developed the songs in popular music is in Japan. If you look at their popular rock bands, like Bump of Chicken, or Super Beaver, or The Pillows, or RADWIMPS, they're all making music with far more intricate melodies and backing than anything you hear on the radio in the west. I'm not a music terminology buff or anything but the guitars and especially drums you'll hear in western pop music is always incredibly simplistic and repetitive, which is a problem Japan doesn't have. I wonder why that difference exists.

track, whatever you turbo autist lmao

It's more that the west for the most part has pushed melody aside.

Why are you here if you don't like bideo games?

>the currently most hyped Japanese game is movie game trash.
Dragon Quest XI?

You replied to both my posts.
>A lot of Japanese games seem afraid of silence
Funny you mention that, considering BOTW's use of silence and minimalism and the artificial backlash that people tried to push. But you're right for certain games, the ones that use symphonic metal interspersed with electronic.
>basically the same style
Okay, I can agree with that. But the modern sonic 3d games are japanese made aren't they?

The opposite is true.

Death Stranding

Japanese video game music has some of the most iconic songs in video game history. Does western have anything as iconic? As memorable? Example:

Counterpoint: FF12's original soundtrack release was using synthetic instruments and the Zodiac Age version uses an actual orchestra. The ZA version sounds like shit because they massively de-emphasised the brass and rhythm sections which are a trademark of Sakimoto's work; Valkyria Chronicles is a good comparison as it was recorded with an orchestra but didn't fuck up the balance.

Based and weebpilled
Cringe and westpilled

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Tropical Freeze has a good soundtrack that's ruined by poor choice of instruments. The woodwinds sound awful and drag down every song they're in.

Not a weeb. Hell, I only play stuff that is English dubbed and prefer it that way. And you know weebs, it's either ALWAYS Jap every time for every thing or it's trash to them.

I can't tell if you're being serious or not.

Could be because westerners are soulless

Yes, I am legitimately asking if western video game OSTs have anything as iconic and memorable as the Jap ones.

The only movie soundtrack that stood out to me since Pirates of the Carribean many years ago was A Dark Song. The vast majority of western movie soundtracks are just there and completely forgettable.

It took 3 posts for the already retarded thread to become fully retarded. Impressive

even if you only play a game once, it's easy to play a song to remember something about the game

You could have proved them wrong, but you didn't, and therefore you probably can't.


Compare that Morrowind track to Windwaker, released in the same year.


Notice how there's a bigger influence on the melody with the singular voice carrying it through out? Which do you think stands out more and is catchier?

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You're the only one coping ;)

>play japanese game
>mute music and sounds to make Yea Forums seethe

One can argue that this is the most memorable western video game song




The soundtrack tends to be the only good thing in Jap games so that's where they blow they're load

I forgot about the halo theme, and that's a good example actually. Very memorable and iconic. A riff that is easily repeatable.

Is there a single vidya OST with as much soul as OSRS?

Wow, you really showed John Yea Forums Stevenson by making your own experience worse.

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How so? I hear nice beats, hooks, and tone settings, but rarely melodic expression. I'm not saying it always was, but it's becoming more and more true.


E1M1? UNATCO? The Morrowind theme? Baba Yetu? What counts as iconic and memorable here?

I think it's just the way Japanese make games vs the West. There are so many Japanese games that make you want to stay in the world and the music being comforting and catchy helps towards that a lot. Most Western games just try to tell a story and use the music as a way to move the story forward. I'd compare Mass Effect's music to something like Nier or Gravity Rush. While the Mass Effect series does have a couple of bangers that are worth listening to outside of the game, most of the music is atmospheric or situational. The songs during combat are generally forgettable unless it's for a huge boss encounter. In contrast, the music in Nier and Gravity Rush both have songs that set the theme of an area you're in and tend to be really catchy and easy to listen to for an extended period of time. Combat music may be the same song of the area dynamically adding heavier instrumentals and dropping or adding lyrics. If you played Nier: Automata, you'd remember THIS CANNOT CONTINUE and BECOME AS GODS as the same tracks with the added vocals and instruments as an example of this.

I think it just comes down to a philosophical difference about what the music is there for in the first place.

Lad, I'm not shitting on western music. I want people to post examples. I'm merely drunk and trying to start/continue discussion. The LoZ Hyrule Field theme to me is one of the most iconic vidya songs of all time, and I legitimately want people to post other iconic ones, especially western.

Because during the boom that started with the NES until the PS2, when Japanese developers and publishers were top dogs, the technology available to create music was very limited. As a result, creating a very memorable or recognizable melody became far more important than ambience.

Soundtrack adds layer to game play, especially at the time they just pump out glorified chess games.


i'm pretty sure this is 10x more iconic than that zelda song

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Yeah, I'm thinking this post is based.

It's because music can convey emotions in seconds. Also, and not necessarily related to my point, I believe that the Mega Man series wouldn't be half as beloved if not for it's soundtrack

The Morrowind track is far better you tasteless faggot, what a shit choice of song to compare to. And I say this as someone who thinks Japs make better video game music in almost all cases.

>actually go to local symphony because I'm a fag
>see a listing for a video game symphony later in the season, click it just to see what they had listed
>Including WoW, Ass creed, Bioshock, Overwatch, and more
The hell? Did bioshock even have a soundtrack?

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>Morrowind track isn't catch
>No riff that sticks in your mind
>Just a generic orchestra
Nah. That morrowind track is un-ironically generic. It's not bad, but generic.


>If you played Nier: Automata, you'd remember THIS CANNOT CONTINUE and BECOME AS GODS as the same tracks with the added vocals and instruments as an example of this.
This is also used to move the plot forward though. Kaine's theme and its variations in the original and their use is another example.

That Morrowind track doesn't use an orchestra, though.

All I remember from Bioshock's music is this


It still uses those instruments.

Anything within the last decade?

japanese soundtracks in anything tend to be more of an active part of the experience whereas in the west soundtracks are almost entirely meant to to add ambient texture to something.

For Deus Ex I think The Synapse is more iconic.

Literally the other way around.

i listened to the first 2 X japan albums recently and it was like oh shit so that's where that style comes from
they are actually pretty fucking good and play excellently

Ace Combat as a series consistently has music that puts the vast, vast majority of western and even other eastern franchises to shame.

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And what instruments would those be?

Metroid Prime was made by Retro, which is headquartered in Texas.

You'll never be Japanese, try as hard as you might, so stop putting them on a pedestal

>A digital version of an instrument is no longer an instrument

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Retard. youtube.com/watch?v=kxJE6SSX-aw
that's a song from a japanese game. it has a catchy beat and melody that's impossible to ignore.
this is literally a bunch of ambient bullshit to make you feel like you're in ancient greece and to set a mood

It's the idea of why can't we do better.

Sure the japs are better or at least have more examples to pick from but that doesnt mean the west doesnt have great tracks as well.

>You'll never be Japanese
Okay, that won't stop me from liking that shit.


actually being japanese sounds fucking awful

>Westerners will never make an orchestral song this good

They already did, weeb.

Also this, I'm not super played-up on games from the last decade.

Western composers are too scared of melodies.
Everything is just cinematic ambient now.

But that track was composed by Tsukasa Saitoh.

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Are you retarded?



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Metroid Prime’s soundtrack is trash, solid 4/10, which is why you can tel it’s western.

The only good vidya western franchise with good music is Donkey Kong Country.

Kenji Yamamoto is Japanese.

I'm extremely on the weeaboo side here but let's post some good western game tunes for argument sake

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Nah, Japanese videogame music sounds like something that you would hear in the background of a tv show or film when a 5 year old is playing games. Grow up.

The Nips can do more than just generic epic music with latin choirs

>Hotline Miami JP cover
post it

But that's one of the worst songs in a game full of weak songs. And I presume you didn't even listen to Gracemeria to think this lives up to it at all.

I know you didn't forget this.

An exception to the rule then, just like David Wise.

Masashi Hamauzu is widely known for his use of ambient music.

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As a game composer he's definitely overlooked. The man wrote Battle Against Klaww and Sentinel Beach, he deserves a little recognition in the gaming community.
>Metal Arms fan
Based and droidpilled. Honestly, you are right. By and large, even the most throwaway Japanese titles have stellar musicianship and some creativity to them. Blinx immediately comes to my mind in that regard. I'm not saying it's a bad game, it just has a god tier OST that outperforms the rest of the game.

>Western vidya music is ba-

I think the easiest way to look into this is amateur works.

Western amateur composers who compose and release work online are very atmospheric in their works and samey. They tend to be subtle and just be background noise - no matter the context it's used in.

Japanese amateur composers are more about having catchy melodies and are generally more upbeat/stick in your head for longer.

Neither is better, they both have their places, but imo, Japanese compositions work much better for video games since music can be used to make a scene even better. The more catchy melodies help people remember scenes, whereas the western compositions only really work for cinematic pieces where the developers have full control over what is happening. See: Fallout 3's intro with the music as you exit the Vault. That being said, Western studios can do it - it's just much rarer

>Medici Tower
That was by Michiru Yamane.

Does Skullgirls really count? I thought Michiru Yamane composed most of the soundtrack?

If we're posting great western osts...

everytime i see snow

She did about half.

Most of it was done by Vincent Diamante.

is it true that the entire soundtrack is played by 4 people?

Everyone is citing Japan = melodies, Americans = Ambiance, but every good indie game of the last decade is American that do the Japanese sound better.


Okay, examples?

But we're talking about triple A titles, user. And most Indies take inspiration from Japanese titles, too.

All but two or three tracks are played with two violins, a viola and a cello. One track has percussion, and another has ambient synth noise.

What I wanna know is why can't most composers make banging battle themes like Uematsu can? Even Koji Kondo has trouble with those. Is he just on another level?




Sometimes I wonder if FF would still be where it's at if Uematsu didn't bust his ass in the 90s

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>And most Indies take inspiration from Japanese titles, too.
No, they don't.

Undertale, Cuphead, Celeste, Into the Breach, FTL, Super Meat Boy, Spelunky, Stardew Valley, Hotline Miami, etc.

The Outset Island theme is by far WW's best track.


It's not even close. One of the top five Zelda tracks easily.

Western chad coming through

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That's not The Great Sea.

Yoko Shimomura is more talented than this boomer. Her work in FFXV alone is better than anything he did in the past decades.

>Undertale's OST is fucking shi-


Wasn't Hotline Miami all licensed tracks?

All the good tracks from XV were done by Yoshitaka Suzuki.

The Zelda main theme is one of the shittiest songs in the franchise. People only care about it because it's iconic.

She can make good melodies, but it's nothing but boring orchestra instruments with her. Very little variety.

Yoko wishes she has half of Soken's talent

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Probably because of his background as a progressive rock musician.


Dancing Mad is a masterpiece, but if you really like it, you should also check this out: youtube.com/watch?v=WKNOlDtZluU
I would not be surprised to hear that Uemastu has heard this.

*posts greatest video game track ever conceived*

I liked Doom 2016. I mean, at least I bothered to play the sound track a few times while playing other Vidya.

Only the MHGU one that plays against Ahtal Ka is good

We're still waiting.

That's where he lifted Bombing Mission from.

ELP jams, nice
Tarkus is especially great

Fuck you, us Germans understand the power of music.

Metroid prime sucks though. And of course it's western, the west can't make anything other than FPS after all

Absolutely. Soon as the trumpets kick in it makes you want to hunt monsters.

The west are the only ones who can make stealth games, though.

What about it is bait? The whole thing was something Kondo just came up with when he found he couldn't use Ravel's Bolero, and which then just stuck. The series is full of great music, but the series theme is something there's no reason to listen to for its own sake, its just the thing that plays in the overworld of the most iconic titles except for OoT, which thankfully drops it completely and does more interesting things with its field music.

For the west column, Andrew Sega

Gothic 2 blocks your path

>just came up with
That's pretty much all iconic music.

Is prog rock the god genre?

>got Greg's autograph
>got Carl's autograph
>will never have Keith's autograph
Feels bad man. Tarkus is god tier, but the entirety of Karn Evil 9 will always be my favorite.

Still More Fighting definitely has Keith Emerson influence all the way down to the hammond, nobody can claim otherwise. It's also the best in 7, nobody can claim otherwise.

It's probably my nostalgia speaking since the Oracle games were my first, but the only version of the Zelda overworld theme I like is that one
Overall I do prefer the OOT field theme to the main theme. Because it's the main theme of the series however it can be used to great effect like the Switch 2017 presentation trailer which uses a portion of it at the climax of the tune

Based Toby wrote a few good songs in Undertale

Still More Fighting is lifted from a Motorhead song.

I don't care what you think about the game itself but denying the soundtrack is silly.

Yes, but the people weren't ready.

Honestly, though, I don't really get the hype for YES. King Crimson, sure. Pink Floyd, sure. ELP, sure. Rush, sure. Moody Blues, sure. Kansas, sure. Jethro Tull... eh, sure. Genesis... I guess. But YES? Roundabout is good but they really sound like dadrock.

Compare dirty, promiscuous, egoistic western culture


Gentle, respectful, virtuous Japanese culture.

Which do you think would make more tasteful music? Which one is obsessed with nigger beats?

>Pink Floyd

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I only hear the intro in there

Nice. Motorhead was my goto music in Brütal Legend, and Lemmy was the best character.


I think that western indie games have God tier music because they have soul


Just because David is the only one with any real skill with his instrument doesn't mean they're not prog.

>I don't get YES
Have you heard this? youtube.com/watch?v=r0HnIr6jYWU
BTW, not trying to be snide, genuinely want to know


Some western games do legit have great soundtracks.
But they're usually indie.
For example:

the west doesn't need music tracks. they just gets in the way of the ebin youstreamer content creator's voice chattering away while playing the game.
western video game music is white noise tier, anyway, aside for rare circumstances like Kotor2 where the music was very good and contributed to a scene's ambiance.

>gentle, respectful, virtuous japanese culture
Look up "Peter Pan Syndrome"

Monster hunter world not having unique monster music was the stupidest fucking decision

World's OST is so ass.

Big part of east vs west in terms of soundtracks is variety.
Compare WoW's music to FFXIV's for example.

WoW's OST shits on XIV's.

And of course the one anons here always meme.

If you're a tasteless braindead retard sure.

I haven't heard it. I'm only halfway through, but it's awesome. Honestly, I've just listened to Fragile a lot and didn't care for it, but the prog has enough negativity in it, and shitting on YES doesn't do anything good. I always forget how fucking awesome Squire and Howe are.

Also, this track definitely utilizes Chris Squire properly. Everyone knows Geddy Lee and Les Claypool, but Chris deserves the same respect.

post vidya music, faggots

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I think Tomb Raider is shit but this is pretty good. Not as iconic maybe but definitely memorable. youtube.com/watch?v=fIWLT0QVPzw

no one's mentioned Medal of Honor?

Imagine being this intentionally disingenuous.


I wish our culture wasn't destroyed by Politics and greed.

Do Finnish games even count as western here? I'm guessing not but I'm posting this masterpiece anyway. youtube.com/watch?v=Cv0y0On8ZGQ

That's just cheating now user.

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It's all shit. Vidya music is a copout for weebs and fags.

>Cuphead, Into the Breach, FTL, Super Meat Boy, Spelunky, Stardew Valley
I don't remember any music from any of these except FTL and FTL isn't Japanese-styled at all.

Funny how Uematsu hasn't made a single good track since left Squeenix.

There is nothing wrong with undertales soundtrack and I hate that game

Weird that you say that when I think Blue Dragon OST is is best work after FF8.

*blocks your path*

Literally the best battle theme in the series, only thing that comes close is 4U's arena theme.

Attached: your post.png (325x212, 60K)

Is this a joke?

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lol here's a few from the latest game he's worked on




>another jap vs west thread
Can't we just say that both sides have their goods and differences and it's all a matter of subjective taste?

But then how would you know that my favorite thing is better than your favorite thing?

if we all agreed, it really would be a hivemind

Thanks for proving my point.

If that's true, then why does every single anime without exception have a generic stupid J-rock intro and outro? I feel like one band does all intros for all anime
>slow episode with lots of suspense
>characters in deep thought
>end of episode

There's one game I'm willing to put up with that for: youtube.com/watch?v=l_cCOBF9KZ8



but that's just the Superman theme (John Williams version)


Dogs of war is so good, no japanese music inspires me like it

I only like their electronic music personally.

Like being an underperforming economy, having an overly competitive working etiquette, shitty views towards people handling dead bodies, regarding shintoist extremism as normal, forcing religious beliefs, garbage views toward Asian nationalities, creating the low-effort shlock era in the '90s, and dumb views regarding gender that entraps you?

Name something good from Japan outside of the literary golden age post-WW2 or their aggressive cultural export from the '90s that lead to shit weebs like yourself.

>western vidya industry: dumping ground for shit-degree college educated losers who know people and need a job so their friends get them a do-work-job at some gaming company. they dont want to be there and put in minimal effort while disdaining the product they are working on because 'games are for little kids'

>japanese industry: people with actually relevant degrees getting a job in an industry they want to be in to make something they love

pretty simple, really.

They make more melodious tracks that can easily be whistled. It's hard to whistle or dance to ambient western games tracks...
There's a little bit of truth here.

We've got Austin Wintory. Practically made Journey and Flow as good as they are.

I wish it was 2012 again and the west wasn't making good games for normalfags to shit up Japan circlejerk threads.

Come on son are you even trying?

what a fucking weeb thing to say.

What? You clearly don't watch anime, there's a ton of variety in OP and EDs. The currently most popular this one this season is just straight up pop music.


Dumb brainwashed American

Music schools are more popular in Japan than in America.

Didn't classical music get removed from the radio in America?

Not gonna lie I was legit surprised at how seething /fit/ was when this got stickied.

t. has watched a whole ten anime

What is the Evergrace of the west?

How many layers of irony are you on?

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Yeah, I mean just listen to

jesus christ the guy from deep purple sang this

japs good

west bad?

you touchy little cunt

Ace Combat is the perfect mix between making a memorable BGM while also working as ambient track.

Their music publishing industry and radio are run by human beings instead of jews.

Undertale alone has better and much more memorable music than japanese games though

>Still no Let It Die soundtrack release

you shall die~

>japanese makes yearly top lists of best songs on nico
>easy 1000 songs each year
>westerners make a couple of personal top lists of all time and barely breach 100 songs even counting jap ones

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if mgsv is anything to go by the amount gameplay interactions in that game will completely shit on all western movie games and loot shooters we've been getting recently