my nongamer father agreed to play 1 video game of my choosing, which one should it be?
I was having a conversation with my father about vidya and he was saying how he just never got into and it does nothing for him. His younger brother (my uncle) was actually the one who got me into games and he still plays today we were talking about how popular video games are and how far theyve come and I asked him how he felt about going his whole life completely ignoring an entire entertainment industry and never even playing 1 game i was saying how its a time waster sure, but so is watching tv shows which he does all the time I was able to convince him to play 1 video game of my choosing to completion, as long as it is shorter than 1 season of a tv show so like maybe less than 15 hours which game should it be? keep in mind he is going to be shit at games so cant be anything too hard, or at least has an easy mode I as thinking something with a good story that will keep him interested, and satisfying gameplay that wont be a slog
Make him play something absolutely fucking retarded that he'll hate, after hyping it up and telling him how amazing it will be, just to troll the shit out of him.
Robert Jones
I fucking love thief but I don't think thats his speed, i think he'd get bored and itd be too difficult funnily enough I was considering this but I really would like him to actually play a good game
Liam Lewis
Jaxson Martin
uncharted 4 would not be a bad choice. Boomers love shit that looks like movies
casuals and hardcores love that shit all the same.
Connor Perry
No matter what you do, its going to be a massive gamble. I also have a nongamer dad and I've tried convincing him to play some games and he just never does. I've tried associating games with movies he likes, but his reply then comes out like he doesn't understand how games can have stories and plots and thinks games should be more like mario where you're jumping around through courses collecting coins to rescue the princess, yet he refuses to try them with the excuse that it just doesn't interest him. He loves Mario Kart for some reason though and was all about Wii Sports back when the Wii released, he fucking loved the bowling minigame, but he never branched out from that.
You gotta remember though, for someone that has never touched a controller in their life, even what you think is the simplest and easiest shit to do will feel like a massive challenge to them. Someone who's never played a game in their life will not be able to beat 1-1 of Mario Bros, and that's NOT and understatement. And here lies the problem, the person playing and failing at beating 1-1 needs to have some sort of drive to want to get better enough to be able to beat it, and this drive and interest is exactly what most adult people who have never played anything in their life lack. The biggest challenge is getting them to find that drive to want to keep playing and improve, and that much more on them than on you.
Wyatt Bailey
Why don't you pick a co-op game to play together?
Gabriel Campbell
I second this one, still a good game but not anything too difficult for someone who has little game experience to play.
Eli Smith
Jayden Roberts
Camden Fisher
Play Portal 2 with him.
Jose Torres
was considering this my concern is that if he gets stuck on a puzzle he'll get frustrated and stop he's also not good with a controller, or a kb/m, so it might even be a physical difficulty limitation I thought so too, I think he'd be impressed by the graphics and enjoy the story and have enough combat challenge on easy or medium to not feel like a complete walking sim if you mean original I'd say no he wouldnt appreciate what was, the 2016 one might be good but idk if he'd enjoy that type of game, might have him try it a bit too see what he likes he might like rdr2 but its way too long no its in the runnin the literal only game he likes, used to play with him via link cable back in the day
Thomas Parker
Yakuza zero if your dad is the kind that likes to watch CSI reruns
Luis Murphy
this, op. perfect idea.
Angel Cook
honestly this
very easy for someone who's never played a game to understand, set difficulty to minimum and show him how to switch guns and he'll be set
Robert Johnson
Breath of The Wild. I'm not saying it's a great game, but unironically it's the newest iteration of "babies first video game", beautiful world, cooking, decent combat, laid-back story, it's a good start. That is, of course, if your willing to pay anywhere from 160$-360$ for either a Switch or Wii U with a copy.
Matthew Rivera
I would prefer it to be something he could do solo, but I do like this idea
Joshua Miller
Thank me later
Owen Morris
Telltales The Walking Dead >Cinematic >No technical skill required >The illusion of choice >A cute daughter to play off his father fatherly instincts
Probably some boomer shit from the 90s. Age of Empires, Pharaoh, GTA2...
Lucas Allen
I was recomending RDR1, but what about a platformer?
Christian James
i feel like you probably shouldnt start with something that requires movement and aiming, he will just be fumbling around not having fun
start with something thats more simple like point and click, puzzle, etc.
Owen Jackson
his favorite movie is Papillion he likes shit like shawshank, pulp fiction, tarantino movies in general he's a tradesman, general contractor, works with his hands likes cars but not super into them, was a mechanic likes hunting, fishing, gardening
Hunter Mitchell
Just pick whichever game covers his range of interests. Or pick something thats just visual impressive.
Logan Perry
amnesia TDD
Dylan Sullivan
Left 4 Dead
Isaiah Stewart
Papers Please might work, easy to understand and not too much mechanical skill.
Brayden Bell
hitman blood money
Eli Morris
I totally get what you're saying which is why a good story is important, because he probably isnt going to be enamored with the gameplay no matter what it is i think interactivity and player choice is important whatever it is that hes doing should feel like hes making a difference in the game
Thomas Brown
i dont think he'd enjoy a platformer, might think it too childish
Isaac Mitchell
Could try OG Mass Effect on easy.
Ryan Miller
Maybe pick a game thats just easy to watch and enjoy someone else play and impressive to look like. Like Witcher 3 or Horizon zero dawn. If he thinks its interesting teach him how to play.
Hudson Harris
of all the games I've played in front of him over the years car games are the ones he's always asked to take a turn at but then he goes and its too hard and he gives the controller right back he always says that if he had an actual steering wheel hed do much better
Ethan Moore
Or maybe play MGS3. Its has the kind fo story your dad might enjoy.
Ryder Hall
Max Payne would be your best bet I think, story is great and the gameplay even better. Only problem might be the difficulty
Those german simulators. You know. Farming Simulator, Euro Truck etc. It has to be something very rooted in reality. Boomer dads won't be able to keep suspension of disbelief to play common vidya.
I was considering this one, it's been a while since I've played it so I dont remember if the story is good enough for him to like it
Bentley Kelly
Max Payne has absolute garbage gameplay, niggers hide round corners and every fight is getting shot, killing them, healing and then repeat It isn't hard it is designed poorly
Jack Reed
Alan wake.
Its just an overall interesting game. It has a balance of story and game-play. He will see that games are specifically fun because they make you feal like you are in a different place experiencing a different story. Its also structured like a TV show which he might enjoy.
Leo Cook
1 has a much larger focus on the worldbuilding and scifi elements than the latter ones so his interest in stuff like Star Trek and Babylon 5 will probably be the deciding factor.
No, you're asking us faggot. Hope your dad dies soon.
Michael Hill
left 4 dead 1/2
Jeremiah Sanders
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the only answer, you can set it to auto aim mode. Boomers like cowboy movies
Jordan Morales
I'm asking for suggestions and then, since I know him, I'll be the one to pick the one that best suits him, and it WON'T be fucking Fable it's a good game, I just dont think he'll like it, thank you you for your suggestion tho
Ayden Russell
make em play a game that everyone looks like boomers and acts like them, so like ghost recon wildlands. Or half life since it has that cinematic aesthetic.
Connor Baker
Maybe dishonored?
Nicholas Collins
I think he would like it but it's just too long I feel also the control scheme might be too much for him to handle
Landon Ortiz
I didnt suggest it though. Sorry for snapping at you, user. that was me.
Bentley Taylor
I would never not normally recommend this but based on your post maybe start him off with something cinematic. I almost unironically want to recommend RDR2 even though I couldn’t finish the ‘game’. Other that that do you have any inkling as to what genres he may prefer? My Dad is a full boomer but even he enjoyed games like Deus Ex and Flight Simulator.
Alexander Lewis
LA Noire
Robert Murphy
adding on, you can also get him to play half life 1 plus it has a auto aim option in the settings and you can set it to easy mode if you wish
Caleb Williams
Uncharted ?
Kevin Stewart
I would prefer him to play a game with nice graphics half life 2 might work, still holds up graphically and has a cool story, hooks you from the start too imo
Brandon Barnes
3rd person cover based bro shooter set on easy mode. Impossible to be bad at, he'll have fun, none of them have storylines that are weird or hard to follow. Gears of War basically.
Anthony Carter
I have no clue what genre he'd like because he hasnt played any some were reccing platformers but I think he'd feel that as pointless a good story is something that I feel could get him engaged and want to continue playing but I think he'd be turned off by older graphics
Kevin Mitchell
Fallout new Vegas with stabilization mods unirionically
It looks like something a boomer could easily ease into
Mason Myers
thats a good idea, I think he might like that style of gameplay it's in the running
Jason Edwards
You think about Ghost Trick? It's pretty easy, has linear progression, and is very story based.
might be turned off by the cartoonyness of it but I feel like he would like it
Levi Smith
I'd be concerned about that physical puzzle early on being too difficult. That and the airboat part.
Grayson Rivera
Second this It's easy It has cowboys It hooks you right at the start It's just weird enough to keep being interesting without being too weird
Cooper Walker
>physical puzzle early on which one? the cinder blocks? airboat may be an issue but I think he could power through it, like the rest of us
Tyler Harris
this might be good, or a spooky game in general theres a visceral feeling a scary game has that other mediums cant convey could be interesting to see how he handles it
Caleb Nelson
maybe, is there a difficulty setting? good story, good gameplay, that could work for him
Hunter Jenkins
Yeah NV with stability is unironically a blast.
Justin Sanchez
what are the stability mods? do they change the game or does it just make the game run properly?
Bentley Davis
Makes it actually run without crashing every 20 mins
You can prob find a video with all mods posted and how to install them step by step with very little effort
Jackson Hernandez
oh ok thats what I thought, wasnt sure if it changed gameplay or something