Is this game supposed to be hard as shit? Am I doing something wrong? How does Max Payne 2 compare in difficulty?

Is this game supposed to be hard as shit? Am I doing something wrong? How does Max Payne 2 compare in difficulty?

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>It's an 'RE4 zoomer tries a real TPS' episode

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And Max Payne 2 is basically "Juggle enemies in the air whenever they appear for 4 hours". Yes, Max Payne 2 takes around 4 hours to beat. And yes, you can wipe out groups of enemies as soon as they appear, by juggling in the air, because fuck physics.

2 is easier than 1. The biggest problem with 1 was a lot of bullshit enemy placement where you just walk through a door and get fucking shotgun blasted, forcing you to learn enemy placement through trial and error on harder difficulties.

Enemies hit hard gotta be fast

I'm hopping around corners and using bullet time, trying to conserve ammo when I need too. I'm only on normal but some of the areas seem to have so many enemies that hit like a truck.

dynamic AI

Using the bullet time where you stay standing is way more effective than doing the dodges imo. The dodges have big recovery time and will punish you if you didn't wipe everyone out in a single dodge.

That's not what I asked: What gave you the idea that we would know whether or not you were doing something wrong? How did you get to this point not knowing that we aren't watching you play video games?


Excuse me?

Thank you.

get gud nigger

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Will definitely try this. Might be leaping a bit too much.

Leaping is really good for getting back into cover while taking out dudes, or evading if there are only a couple dudes and you can see them all at once and take them out.

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if you're using the shotgun mostly you can shoot, dodge and have another shot ready instantly, midway into the dodge you'll have another shot pumped up.

ingram (mac 10) is kinda ok but you wont find much ammo for it if you use it a lot. once you get the m4 in the later levels you pretty much only use that weapon and then the deagle if you're low on ammo.

you can also strafe to the left or right and press space to roll, it kinda slows down time but you cant shoot during it. it doesnt consume any bullet time though.

Are you playing on PC? Most peoples exposure to the first game was on console and that didnt have quicksaves.

Playing it on PC. Not sure how far I am. The shipyard is giving some trouble.

The Pc version of max payne 1 has a dynamic difficulty so quicksaving actually makes it harder. Since the game interprets the quicksaving as you getting through the game and kicking ass.

1. dodge rolling (jump + left/right) makes you pretty much invincible, if you want to cheese the game you can just spam the shit out of that to get out of trouble or to circle around an enemy until he has to reload
2. performing a shootdodge instantly reloads your weapon, it's highly abusable for the sawed off shotgun and ingrams

another thing that might help, you have a brief moment of invincibility when diving, so if a grenade or something is about to go off pretty close to you, you can dive and still survive, though your damage bar will be all the way in the red.

>mercifully free of escort missions
That's just plain fucking false.

Max Payne 2 is the one with the escort missions, not 1

technically there is this one part in the first level where you escort this guy to open a door but he gets shot immediately

the game has adaptive difficulty and it's kind of busted when paired with quicksaves. the game might be trying to stomp you if you're doing too good.
max payne 2 is a cakewalk compared to 1. guns are more accurate and headshots kill instantly.

is this bait? if not you do realize in RE4 the camera is intentionally close to leon right? its a horror game its supposed to be claustrophobic.

yes it's bait, it gets posted 40 times a day.

>Horror game

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Does a regular save also increase difficulty?

Try using Bullet Time liberally wherever you can and don't be afraid to stay in it for several seconds if you're breaching a room with loads of enemies; the meter gets refilled generously on kills so you can usually make up for what you've lost.
Shotgun enemies are a fucking nightmare because each of the pellets does damage comparable to a single bullet, and if you get hit with the full blast it will destroy your health.
As someone else noted you should try not to spam shootdodging, but it's heavily worth noting that you can't be killed during a shootdodge, so if you recognize something that is going to instakill you or are otherwise very low on health, it can be a good last ditch move.

Only the first difficulty level has adaptive difficulty. It can easily be modded out but you should stick to the higher difficulty levels anyway once you unlock them.

the game isnt that hard you just need to git gud
also remember to stop and watch tv

Friendly reminder
MP1 > MP3 > MP2