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Post your FESorter three Houses list
is there something like this but for other game's characters? haven't played a single FE game.
Tier 1: Camilla
Well Camilla is the best in Fates
Camilla was best in franchise
Didn't think Byleth would be that high to be honest
No idea how this happened, I'd put Gilbert more in the mid and move Ingrid up more. I'm guessing ties fucks it up a lot
literally impossible
don't even need to complete this to know who my number 1 will be
I think I might be a little biased
I didn't even like Seteth at the start, but he grew on me quick.
I'm only about halfway through the BL arc
Good taste
Just started Blue Lions so my opinions are definitely not final.
This so much. At first I thought he was a lazy Snape rip-off, just there to dislike you and object to you being there. But after you rescue Flayn he starts being a total bro
I don't think I'd rank Ashe this high but I did answer honestly.
Same. Him and Flayn were both better than their "archetype" had any right to be.
5 through 8 are practically equal
>No fucking Judith
What the actual shit.
Only pre-timeskip characters are included.
She's introduced pre-timeskip.