So when exactly does this game become bad because I've been enjoying myself so far

So when exactly does this game become bad because I've been enjoying myself so far.

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then you are a retard with shit taste
sorry you had to find out this way

Once you start playing as Lightning.

It gets bad around the Hanging Edge

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That was fake fun.

Literal chad taste. I only bought the game cause the character looked hot

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You are asking Yea Forums, people who don't play games.

It doesn't

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FFXIII and its following games were fucking fantastic. It's just one of those things that is cool to hate.

Where's my goddamn PS4 trilogy pack? I want to replay them already.

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Shut the fuck up, Onsokumaru.

Truer words have never been spoken. Waiting for them to remake the trio on ps5 with XIII-2 battle system but even faster

I think FFXIII is responsible for the birth of that. So many arguments over this game back then.

Attached: JustRight.gif (557x605, 29K)

>get ff9
>oh boy I hear great things about this
>roommate buys ff13 for me when it comes out as a gift
>huh, was planning to wait to hear more about it but ok
>game kills my interest in rpgs forever
>felt like I had to keep playing to know wtf the story was about

Thank god I never played the sequels, I read the wiki synopsis of them and it got more retarded. I still have not finished ff9

Shut the fuck up, Onsokumaru.

You forgot some:
Saber's edge
Feast of betrayal
The song that playes at lake bresha
Hope's theme
Fang's theme
Snow's theme
Nascent requiem

>he forgot to read the datologs

I thought that Lightning and Hope being a thing was a meme.
It isn't.

>felt like I had to keep playing to know wtf the story was about

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Nigga, I'm not posting the entire OST.

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Even if you enjoy it, it kinda sucks the fun out of itself once you head for Eden. The game finally opens up in Pulse and then expects you to go through one more corridor with damage sponge bosses. XIII-2 is far superior even if the story is anime nonsense and Lightning is absent for most of it.

Yeah, in the Jap version of the third game, it indirectly states how Hope has feelings and love for Light

Based and Serahpilled.

Attached: SerahFarron.webm (640x360, 2.61M)

You forgot Eidolons

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I like Hamauzu as much as the next guy, but his battle themes are garbage.

>the promise
Eww, i can't stand that theme. XIII-2's main theme is superior

His themes are divine

You're absolutely wrong.
His battle themes are amazing.

Absolutely not.

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The battle system carried me through the game despite thousand things that I hatey hate about the game, so yeah, XIII's has gameplay nailed down.

Had more fun with the combat than FFX's; didn't really like pure turn-based

I begun playing because it was FF13
I kept playing for two reasons

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Lightning is for _Hope only

Then you have really shitty taste. Cannot think of any other explanation for this.

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If you like it now, just keep playing it. Why would you make a thread when you're still playing it? That's just retarded.

Do you have anything with no drums in the intro so I can sample it for my new mixtape?

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I just wanted to know what the negative fuss was all about back when it was released.

Coming off the heels of playing Tidus and Yuna's Excellent Adventure it plays like a refinement of X's ideas gameplaywise, specifically, I like the Crystarium more than the Sphere Grid.

Characters so far are pretty likeable, they come off at a rocky start (especially Hope and Snow) but they come around, though Snow just fucks off around Chapter 4 (I just got Odin)

Does Yea Forums like XIII more than XV? If so, why?

Main issue is that there's nothing else to do but combat. No towns to explore, no substantial minigames, no NPCs to interact with, no sidequests other than combat, no vehicles to ride, etc.

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>Better art direction
>Better soundtrack
>Better combat system
>Better lore

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>no substantial minigames
After the chocobo races in X this is not a deal breaker, personally.

>felt like I had to keep playing to know wtf the story was about

this might be the dumbest sentence I have ever read

just perfect then wtf

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XIII-2 has the best OST of all time.

Trash vs shit. Who wins? Who cares?

have your fun mashing X for Jason then

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