

Attached: WfY0fw2.png (690x526, 848K)

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Is he actually worth grinding for?

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Maybe if he gets an awakening he'll be a really good support for a Future Gohan led team, but that's about it. I'd say just get the free one.

Too much shit to wait to pull on. 300M download, Zamasu, Namek Saga units.
Eh I don't think so. Then again I'm focused more on just grinding Master's Marks and other shit this WT.

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this fuckin world tournament is such a fuckin boring ass pile of shit

but remember to summon on this guaranted ssr banner you maybe get those ssr's wich will get the eza on global in the future

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New player, any tips in general for the game?

Always look up a new SSR to see if it's good and never sell any SSR. The wiki also has explanations for anything specific you don't understand and the subreddit always has leaks as soon as they come out, but everything else about it is pretty cancerous.

awaken your piccolo

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why would the great saiyaman need a sword?

It's Trunks

Eh, fuck it then. I hate wasting stones on stamina refills.

>3 more days
>got 1025 stones
I spent 250 on the Heroes banner and it's still tempting me. If it's like the 4th anniversary, the banner probably won't be out for a little bit afterwards.

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>Want to prep for the new SBRs coming out, including Super Saiyan 3 which is one of my favorite categories.
>The Heroes Banner is my best shot for getting some of the new SSJ3 units, some of which are pretty good
>Know I should be hording for the 300ML Banner and LR Kale+Caulifla Banner.

So this is conflict.

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The wait is killing me. I could at least be patient if I knew the new cards were worth going for, but I know I'm gonna get my ass handed to me without SS3 Trunks.

I've got 400 stones
Is that guaranteed LR banner coming back anytime soon

300M is gonna ruin my stone savings for Trunks, Goku, and Piccolo unless it's somehow mediocre but I don't see that being the case.

Same with me

No one knows since Japan was lucky to get it for the start of their next era.

>Finish grinding for Towa's awakening
>Say fuck it and toss a single at the banner
>This mother fucker shows up
God damnit I'm not gonna have time to farm for him, Gohan and Trunks.

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It's only been on twice that I'm aware of and they were very special occasions, one was for New Years 2019 and the other was JP exclusive for crowning a new Emperor.

I’m still mad they didn’t put SSJ3 Future Gohan in World Mission.

Out of all the characters to exclude why would they not put in one of the most popular?

All I know if I'm forever keeping above at least 200 stones now

None of the Heroes shit is exclusive. You'll probably pull them from other banners eventually. Make sure you grind your medals now so you don't wind up with a Barlot situation.

I've only pulled 1 SSJ3 Trunks (and like 9 Vegeta [Xeno]) so I feel like I haven't "got" him until I can unlock his lower right HP route.

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They're not on new JP banners though and we won't know if it's exclusive until this banner is gone and the next one is up.

Heroes characters are actually the only ones that don't come back on non-Heroes banners.

heroes characters aren't even that good

All I want is the Supreme Kai of Time
Why isn't she on the radar like they did with the jp version?

300 DS and still no mommy
I don't even give a shit about the 300M

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Towa's a pretty good support for Extreme Agi and Resurrected Warriors I think.

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I get that they're always going to be a possible pull in the future, but since every SSR in this banner is guaranteed to be a Hero card, this is the best opportunity to narrow your odds if you're hunting a specific one. Complete bias here and I know he's mid-tier but I've been waiting to pull my boy SSJ3 Adult Gotenks since forever.

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I'm mad they didn't update SS3 Gotenks's passive for the global release. He's been released alongside two other SS3 units that have:
+100% attack and defense, +60% more on super
+100% attack and defense, disable guard, high chance of guarding all attacks.
Leaving him with +100% attack on super is pathetic.

She was featured 2 banners ago on JP but we only got their last banner.

>I get that they're always going to be a possible pull in the future
Except they aren't. None of the Heroes units are in the general pool on JP, not even the original batch.

Well shit. I still wouldn't use any stones with 300mdl imminent, on cards I'd probably use for one SBR then forget about.

The thing is they're also really good sub units for Battlefield which will get super difficult once Jiren is added.

So if I'm reading right, the only useful units from the Heroes Banner are

SSJ3 Trunks and SSJ3 Gohan

Correct? Or are there unfeatured ones in the pool that would make it more worth my stones?

i think ss3 goku is alright too

Sealas, Xeno SS3 Goku/Vegeta, and Baby Janemba


2 days, I think.

Pretty sure I can't get enough stones for another multi before the banner ends now, so final count.
>5x Sealas
>5x Great Saiyaman 3
>2x SS3 Trunks
>2x Xeno Vegeta
>1x Xeno Goku
>1x Super Mira
>1x Super Pikkon
>1x Darkness Towa
I'm happy with what I got, but I was really hoping to get the other SS3's.

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Not bad. If this post is a 5, I will do one final multi.

how many stones you niggers got, i got 590

Is 250 enough?

pray and maybe you'll get lr gohan or cell first multi

The banners should be 90 for the 3+1 so with 250 you can do 8 multis on the Gohan and Cell banner.

Any thoughts on what will be on the banners? My problem is I have a lot of the better DFEs already so aside from the new LRs I dunno how enticing they'll be. There's probably gonna be at least a step up or discount so I might do a round each at least.

If they each have INT Gohan and PHY Cell respectively, will be hard to pass up. I hope that AGL Gogeta and PHY Broly will be on as well.

Did 3 more pulls on the Heroes Banner because fuck it, I wasn't going to get those LRs in a few days anyway.

>2 more SSJ3 Gohan, enough to rainbow
>Dupe of SSJ3 Trunks
>3rd Dupe of Towa
>2 Great Saiyaman 3
>That Agl Masked Saiyan that is definitely not Vegeta

I think I can walk away satisfied with this.

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i wish i got a single ss3 gohan, i kept getting that garbage base goku

You mean the original LRs of each? That would be pretty nuts.

>trying to save for 300 million
>every now and then a I pull on the heroes banner
>keep pulling fire
>but still missing the SSJ3 Goku and Vegeta
Please, make the banner go away already

They are, the worst one is that fusion between Babidi and Buu and when you lose 20% life he gets Turles' support skill.
SSJ3 Gohan is the best linking buddy for LR SSJ3 Goku, SSJ3 Trunks is a good tank that fits well in a couple of teams, Sealas is a really hard hitter, plus he has immense damage.
If it wasn't for their leader skills, a ton of cards here would be dokkan fest-tier.
Only problem is that they have general pool SSR stats, so you want at least one dupe to make them shine.

The DBH banner comes every few months on JP.

The only banners that have both regular LRs and dokkan fests have been the step up GLR banner and the ticket banner from download celebrations.
Really doubt they'll be in there.

If you have LR SSJ4 Goku or LR Goten and Gohan he's a great support unit.

Hit blanco...
El golpe...

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>And that's why he's called Cliff Hanger!

>tfw my WT team is garbage without the two better brolys or turles

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>Throw just a few more singles at the banner
>Get this
So that's
>Gohan x2
>Xeno Vegeta x2
>Baby Janemba
And now Seal Ass.

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Take out that TEQ Vegeta and PHY Demigra, put two support units, and pick PHY Broly.
If you have Turles, use him.

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PHY demigra is a support unit, gives extreme allies +3 ki and enemies -20% att and def. And as I said no agl turles whereas vegeta is just there for the AOE.

>one of the WT enemy teams i've been assigned to is some retard running a team entirely made of the DBH cards with the PHY Xeno Goku as a lead

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Aren’t the enemies computer generated?

Although they are obviously controlled by the AI, the teams are of people actually running them for real, you are assigned a limited pool of enemy teams to fight.
Except the ones that give bonus scores, of course, those are made by the AI.

>the teams are of people actually running them for real
i hate every single player who has the str LR broly now. That asshole needs 3 fucking super attacks.

>wasn't paying attention and ext. str team was auto selected for WT
>still have sbr items set
>vs mono agl
Thank God I didn't get supered.Now I just have to hope I can make it through the next rounds.

>still no hybrid saiyan lead
pls dokkan

The upcoming LR Gohan will probably be a dual category lead, and one of those cats will be Hybrid Saiyans.
They need to give it another lead due to how garbage STR Ultimate Gohan is.

What items do you need for the WT?

Didn't pay attention to the banner but decided to do a pull anyway. Did I do good Yea Forums?

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The ones I use are Android 8 (heals and gives 50% DEF), Ghost usher (prevents anyone from attacking), Baba (prevents anyone from supering) and fruit of the tree of might (gives +3 ki)
Also, in the team I have SR INT Chiaotzu and SR TEQ Jaco, if they are in the turn, they automatically stun all enemies, so that saves a ton of items.

Pretty good, INT SSJ3 Gohan and Sealas are the two hardest hitters in the banner, I think (plus, Sealas transforms after you awaken him), and PHY Goku is a good support unit for Goku's family.
Just be sure to awaken Gohan and Sealas, the event that gives the medals goes away in 2 days.

>They need to give it another lead due to how garbage STR Ultimate Gohan is.
That makes me so sad because I really like Ultimate Gohan.
I recently pulled the PHY one, is he any good?

Ehh, with his EZA he's okay.
Right now the best Ultimate Gohan is the INT one, he's actually a beast with his EZA.
He gives himself 5 ki if he has 7 ki or more, so you literally only need one orb to make him SA, and with each super attack he increases his attack permanently by 50%, and you can keep increasing it infinitely, so he can hit retardedly hard after a few super attacks.

>they are still summoning on the heroes banner

those units are fuckin trash, besides this ss3 gohan that links with lr ss3 goku

are you aware that the 300mil banners will be most likely 3+1 ?

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>those units are fuckin trash
Not really, a ton of them have immense damage.

>are you aware that the 300mil banners will be most likely 3+1 ?
Yeah, but it's just SSJ Gohan and Cell, I don't give a fuck if I don't pull them.
And if they are any good, I can just get them with the red coins.
I pulled all dokkan fest LRs released up until now, so I have no one in mind to use the red coins on.

How'd you guys end up?

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oh nonono

i wasted 50 stones and got this suport vegeta and im still feeling bad

he even needs kais for sa

The INT SSJ3 Gohan, on top of hitting hard even without dupes, has finally made running LR SSJ3 Goku actually viable.

I'm not getting gohan, am I

Only got Gohan and Sealas. Would it even out to do another multi and buy the $8 stone pack at celebration?

If you got gohan, I wouldn't pull any more. Save for a few days

Only the "bonus" teams are

>can't farm so many units because of the "Xeno" shit
Fuck you.

I do enough WT to get all the mission rewards.

Usually thatll net me a good local ranking too, but i dont typically care

That faggot who makes the hacked APKs better update it one more time, gonna need it for the SBR stages, I want those stones and kais.

>ou maybe get those ssr's wich will get the eza on global in the future
which ones?

Or stop being a filthy cheater and earn them.

google hokage dokkan apk

>so I feel like I haven't "got" him until I can unlock his lower right HP route.
ay you aint neva lie jo
i even came to feel like that for free crit units

I accidentally my roll

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Thanks for making me feel better after getting a Vegito animation for my 3rd dupe of Future Gohan.

I didnt even know you COULD get WT LRs on this roll


Hopefully Tien gets a good TUR on this new banner

Didn't roll lol, I will go balls deep in the 300m ones with my 600 stones.

>first time I'm ever doing 30x for 1st place in local
>was easy enough, more than I thought it would be
>suddenly had to deal with faggot #1 who eventually stopped after getting 30 million for all the prizes
>faggot #2 appears and is now trying to actually get #1
>he FINALLY went to sleep
Fuck you pussy, I'm about to go 20 million on your ass before I sleep. GIVE UP AND LET ME GET MY FINAL YAMCHA'S FOR RAINBOW! I DID NOT WASTE ALL THIS TIME ON THIS GARBAGE GAME FOR 2ND PLACE!

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>WT grinding
haha so fun...

I like Super Heroes World Mission,

Sue me.

I feel like I should roll once