It makes sense.
It makes sense
Other urls found in this thread:
deep dish pizza is so fucking overrated
Third pizza looks the most delicious
I don't play Bethesda shit
Morrowind is slimy disgusting greasy shit that requires mods (fork and spoon and knife) to even eat. Oblivion is ugly as fucking sin and has the depth of a paper thin pizza. Skyrim is delicious and has something for everyone
but everyone hates deep dish?
it sneeds sense
What does this pie thing (morrowind) even taste like? Every time I see it I think it looks the most disgusting out of them all.
I love it.
Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion
Skyrim blows
Oblivion is decent
Morrowind is best
Eat a dick
Chicago stye pizza is literally vomit tier.
skyrim is for brain dead retards that need instant gratification
Why did you post a toilet?
>"It has a little something for everyone."
>muh nostalgia goggles
great post, thanks for contributing
Pizza in the middle is the best
Deep dish is great, it's just Chicago deep dish that is meh. Detroit style is way better.
>Skyrim good
>Morrowind bad
Modded Skyrim is Costco pizza.
>American pizzas
>just fucking grease
So OP's saying Oblivion > Skyrim > Morrowind?
Is that true?
>Optimal gear is received from enchanting/smithing, while earlier games had uniques or gear found in dungeons/bought being superior. Because of this, gear found in dungeons is always crap, you will have the best gear in the game as soon as you level enchanting
>Fame was removed from the game, further lessening the reward for doing side quests once the fun of just running them leaves
>Disposition was simplified from 0-100 to 0-4, disposition is not even shown ingame and the rewards for changing it in terms of altering quests or allowing them to be finished differently are almost non existent
>Radiant questing was introduced while the number of side quests with actual story were reduced. Raidant quests offer nothing but a reason to revisit a dungeon already cleared when the chance for loot and other such things already offered reasoning
>Classes simplified
>Variety of spells lessened
>Dual Casting is boring
>Magic ineffective on certain enemies regardless of perks
>The spells that were left in the game are boring and uninspired (fireball, lightning ball, frost ball etc...)
>It's Skyrim where everyone is stupid and tension over magic is particularly high, but magic should not have been reduced to such a boring state
>Perks are boring, most should come naturally as you level a skill while the perks themselves should allow unique building
>Removal of attributes=removal of fun, lessens time spent trying to build character and lessens the difference between a new character and a built one
>leveling is more impersonal compared to older games, feels less glamorous and after a while is almost completely un noticeable
>Yea Forums prefers Papa Johns over a NY slice
What is the papa johns garlic sauce of the elder scrolls?
Is that joke that people will argue over them but they're all garbage?
>Quest line length greatly reduced, most characters are almost completely insignificant or die after one quest with them
>All the factions in Skyrim have completely fallen apart when you join, no glamor about being a member nor is a feeling of competency ever established by any of the members
>Official ranks are gone, further reducing sense of accomplishment or advancement.
>Most guilds are joined by either being approached randomly or by completely a very simple task, two or three quests later, you're the leader or at least part of the secret club part of the faction.
>Promotion to head of guild is very underwhelming, almost completely un-noticed and no real reward for having done so beyond a token item
Effect of Character on the world:
Probably one of the biggest issues I have with the game, already mentioned the lack of fame, disposition, or noticeable changes when leading a guild but
>NPCs treat you the same from the beginning all the way to 100%
>Being the thane, helping the city, helping individual npcs change nothing
>Ending a Civil War that everyone in the game complains about changes little to nothing besides replacing a few Jarls with identical ones
>Killing the Emperor has very few changes
>Greatly weakening the Dominion presence changes little
>For a game where you're more of a hero, compared to Oblivion where you're just helping Martin and Morrowind where you're a filthy outsider, almost none of the NPCs react to your status nor is your character ever really acknowledged outside of important quests
Your turn :)
Food analogies are bad because the middle pizza is the best.
Two entirely different types of "deep dish". Detroit is basically bread with cheese and sauce on top. Chicago is a soupy sloppy mess with bread underneath.
fucking gross i hate deep dish pizza
its not even a pizza its literally a pizza PIE
Detroit's does sound way better. The worst part of a pizza for me is when it has too much sauce, so if that's what Chicago gives me, it can ChicaGO fuck itself.
>Overpriced shit
>Or overrated shit
mad coasties seething they will NEVER have access to prime 'go 'za
So Oblivion is the only good one? I don't get this.
That's not a pizza, that's a fucking casserole.
I can tell this thread was made by an amerifat.
I heavily disagree. Granted I’m from the Midwest so I may be biased, but still.
This makes the skytard SEETHE
>muh deep dish
>muh culvers
>muh skyline chili
>muh cheesecake factory
Why are midwest fags so cringe?
>liking ground up car tires and grease
NY style is the same quality of shit you can get at a gas station
Detroit's not on the coast you dumb fip.
Mushrooms are disgusting. That looks like slop.
porn addiction prob
Detroit deep dish is square and traditionally served with the sauce on top. Though it varies depending on where you get it. Some places do it the normal way. I'm not suggesting you go to Little Caesar's, but their deep dish is based on Detroit style.
>Mushrooms are disgusting
Is that what the middle one is because I prefer the right or left. I live on the west coast but had a friend who went to NY and came but and he was like all of the pizza we have here is trash, you should try NY it's the best.
And then when you try to argue he'll be like no New York pizza is the best, they invented pizza you can't beat it, try it and you'll see.
Is New York pizza really that good? He makes it seem like it's gods gift.
>I'm not suggesting you go to Little Caesar's
Hey, even though it's shit tier pizza, it is an insane amount of value for five bucks. Five dollars gets you dinner for a few days with that shit.
Imagine looking at videogames and seeing food.
it's better than california pizza desu
for five dollars you could get a 10 pound sack of potatoes and eat for a week you rich bastard
We have Culvers here in Arizona, they're great.
I live in Chicago you fucking faggot deep dish sucks ass
What the fuck is a skyline chili? And this is coming from a midwestfag
'go back home coastie :)
If you need a fork to eat it then it's not pizza. FUCK OFF with your lasagna
It's a Cincinnati based chili place.
But five guys is objectively better and so is new vegas
There's something satisfying about someone just letting loose on an arbitrary and minor issue. There was a thread about star wars recently and some guy just randomly fucking roasted the A-wing. I like the A-wing, but the man calling it a "thinking man's suicide letter delivered first class express" just, well it got me you know?
Don't stop losing your shit about absolutely nothing, Yea Forums, sometimes its beautiful as much as it is pointless and petty.
This, poorfags don't know how to budget. How do you think shitholes like Dollar General manage to stay in business? It's easier to buy a bunch of stouffer's than to buy potatoes, rice and beans in bulk and eat forever.
Richfags also don't know how to budget, but they have a safety cushion.
>all these anorexics skinnyfags
>they will taste the soaking grease of a deep dish pizza pie
>they will never be over 30lbs and 5 feet
stay skinny fags! lMAOO
Go eat Giordano's or Lou's you shit, I'll stick to the Chad Chicago place, Ricobene's
Shakey's is best
Yeah but is that eating or does it just take longer?
imagine having taste this juvenile
Put daggerfall where morrowind is.
I'm fat as fuck, user.
That's still a casserole. I eat pizza often enough to know I shouldn't need a fucking spoon to eat it.
morrowind has shit mmo tier quests
garbage combat
stealth that doesn't even work
npcs that stand in one place 24/7
and is brown and grey with fog 10 feet in front of you all the time
your shit opinions about MUH RPG REMOVED will never make up for the fact you can't even shield bash.
no one cares about morrowind anymore dumb boomer. i'm happy that bethesda will continue to follow the best game in the series that millions of people are still buying and playing to this day, while all you can do is bitch and moan on this dumb cartoon website and jerk off to your shit nostalgia goggled game with all these other morrowfags.
peace out.
>papa johns
Who the fuck still eats this?
>this is how the average Yea Forumsedditor eats their jewish """"""""""""""""""""""""""""'pizza"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
absolutely sickening
They're so desperate for business they're giving out great coupons now.
>30lbs and 5 feet
>He knows I'm a midget ghost
How? It looks like the garbage tier pizza they would serve at school.
I don't even know where to start on this picture so I'm just going to call you a massive faggot and move on.
>Diet Bang's
I thought they were doing well?
Chicagofag here, had deep dish twice and thought it tasted like ass. Lou Malnatis is the most overrated garbage in this place. I'd rather go to some chain like Blaze or Mod than that shit shack
Oh boy
dumb zoomer with a low test dad detected
Search for "How to eat pizza like a faggot" in the youtube search bar and you'll find the source of this video.
Mod is the soilent of pizza
what is the hair dryer for?
i will eat pizza tomorrow
don't ever blow dry your hair
Papa John called someone a nigger on a conference call and everyone proceeded to boycott them, they pretty much pulled all advertising and went completely silent for a while. Now they're sending me coupons that are like 66% off because they really wanna get people back.
yeah look at all those butthurt skytards replying en mass
First I've heard of this.
Could've been a based post if you were more clever.
>Papa John called someone a nigger on a conference call
fucking based
What's on that Pizza? It looks kinda good.
It has to be to wash out Diet fucking Barq's.
>Morrowind has shit mmo tier quest
The exact same objectives that are given in Skyrim with the key difference being the story offered through the quests and the alternate routes in doing them. Something Oblivion shared as well.
>garbage combat
Garbage melee combat relative to Skyrim. Superior magic as well as attributes leading to different ways of building a character for, and means of engaging in combat. Also, gameplay is not combat alone
>stealth that doesn't even work
Is an argument any retard could make for any mechanic. Simply saying "doesn't work" does not make it so
>brown and grey
The architecture and creatures of Morrowind alone are more varied and colorful than what is offered in Skyrim. Brown and gray applies especially to the mountains and villages of Skyrim and especially the dungeons.
>can't even shield bash
I never claimed the melee combat in Skyrim wasn't superior. Only that most else is inferior.
>no one cares about morrowind anymore dumb boomer. i'm happy that bethesda will continue to follow the best game in the series that millions of people are still buying and playing to this day, while all you can do is bitch and moan on this dumb cartoon website and jerk off to your shit nostalgia goggled game with all these other morrowfags.
Trying to fit as many insults as you can into a post only works when you actually have a reasoned argument to back it up with. Otherwise, you it only makes you look like you're coping for your inability to defend your weak and shitty opinions. I can actually explain why the prior two games are objectively better, all you can do is scream until the bad facts go away.
I miss the baked cardboard ours made. The real cream of the fucking crop was the dessert. Let me tell you what a British, turn of the millenium school serves as the garnish to their cafeteria horrow show: The chocolate...biscuit...thing? There's no name, it has no contemporary form recognised by either culinary, chemist or physics specialist.
Now take a square, and just fucking throw sugar at it, pretend you work at tate and lyle and this thing is a fat hypoglycaemic child about to pass out. Now you take this death of a pancreas and you go find the bottom of a pack of coco puffs, at the bottom is this brown dust, its not chocolate, it might not even be food, but its brown and between the sugar rush and systemic organ failure they won't fucking know any better, you just dump that on top and BAKE THE SHIT OUT OF IT. Treat this like you're prometheus trying to get the most out of your theft before the vulture comes and eats your liver. After you've made your burnt offering, your culinary holocaust to the catering gods and resident little chef house spirits, you cut it into squares and you watch these shitty tykes get 3000% of their RDA of sugar in one chewy bite.
I still don't think I've hit the crash yet, it'd explain a lot. I know for shit they can't be serving it any more because knife crime has gone up and nobody is stabbing anyone in the sugar coma these boys gave.
>NPCs treat you the same from the beginning all the wait to the end
Blame voice acting. Easy to do for Morrowind when all the conversations are literally copy and pasted from one box to the next. Also you’re wrong because some of them DO comment on it.
>psst... hail sithis;^)
Yeah he basically commited career suicide, he got fired and cancel culture did it's usual "fuck that shit boycott now" thing.
To dry my hair.
BBQ and buffalo chicken pizza.
Also are TSE games even worth playing without mods anymore?
Chicago "pizza" is okay, but hardly real pizza. You want the best? this guy has it. Detroit style, specifically from the original Buddy's Pizza, best pizza I ever had. They take the best of all the others and make it perfect.
Reminder that if you don't think New York pizza is the best, you haven't eaten NY pizza, haven't eaten good NY pizza, or are lying out of your ass.
Morrowind is store bought frozen pizza.
Oblivion is Little Caesars
Skyrim is From the nearest Pizza place.
its just a garbage version of sicilian pizza and should not even have its own designation
Maybe if you're eating the sloppy soup that is Giordano's. Lou Malnati's is where it's at
>preemptive no-true-Scotsman because you know new york pizza is bland greasy shit
What's so special about detroit style?
Okay cunt name good Pizza places in NY so I can go try them
>Fallout 76
You speak as if I was comparing Skyrim to Morrowind and not Oblivion. Fame is even used in the first part of that post as an example of reputation which affected a number of quests as well as allowed additional dialogue.
Disposition was the same as well. As simple as the mini game was for acquiring it, you could unlock a number of quest options by using fame and disposition.
not those anons but should i use a straightener as well?
my hair is straight but it kinda poofs out a bit / too much volume and was wondering if that could fix it
that's disgusting
>it's a Morrofag conveniently ignores all the flaws of his favorite completely overpraised game while simultaneously completely ignoring any of the good mechanics from other games
If I were a mod, I'd fucking instaban all you fucking retards holy fucking shit am I tired of this autism.
What's wrong with taking off the excess oil? I do that too
Blame the faggots for any of the Elder Scrolls games that go out of their way to shit on any game that isn't their favorite, the shitposters that imitate all of those people, and most of all, the people like you that complain about this instead of making an actual argument in defense or in criticism of any specific game.
not the good stuff, which is why I said that. Either way it's not that hard to get it off if you care so much
Literally anywhere in Buffalo is guaranteed to be half-decent. Joe's Pizza and Posto are some of my favorite places specifically in NYC though.
Completely different texture profile on the dough.
Crispy, crunchy edge crust combined with a tall, springy/spongey inner dough, the rest is just standard toppings, sometimes the sauce is inverted for more firm/spongey dough texture. The crisp edges are fucking magical though. Especially at Buddy's, they got it down to a perfected art. It's easy to burn it and fuck it up.
Nigga he puts on gloves
>all you can do is scream until the bad facts go away.
what bad facts? my favorite game sells millions. is a million times more fun to play. and is the direction the series will go.
all you can do is whine about skyrim and find boots of blinding speed for the millionth time because even something as basic as walking is garbage in morrowind.
how does it feel to be irrelevant?
what the fuck does thath even mean lmao you sped lord
I'm talking about the oil, yeah the guy eats like a queer but he was right dabbing it with paper so I'm not sure why they didn't just edit that part out?
>muh italian pizza
What is Daggerfall then?
Also, what's the best graphics mod guide for morrowind? The last one I tried was the pastebin guide on the /tesg/ site. It did look great once finished, but it was a long, tedious nightmare to set up.
It was. Swimming in grease and still uncooked. I think Ramsey vomited after eating it, but as a drama queen he probably make himself do it.
are you trying to say fallout 3 is 1 five guys burger and new vegas is 5 in n out burgers?
>playroom dating
Wait what?
>my favorite game sells millions
Cool. So does Flappy Birds
>more fun to play
Which you failed to defend
>and is the direction the series will go
Great. I will continue to find other games to play
>all you can do is whine about skyrim and find boots of blinding speed for the millionth time because even something as basic as walking is garbage in morrowind.
While I continue to play other games that interest me?
>how does it feel to be irrelevant?
Like I can play what I enjoy and not play phone games because they sell more copies than AAA games?
I get that you're trying to shitpost because you're incapable of forming an actual reasoned opinion, but you're not even good at that. What kind of shitpost relies on using sales to draw a reaction?
>count of monte cristo
You pretentious fag
Is this stuff good? Anyone here tried them?
I'll second this
Detroit style pizza is fuckin delicious
lmao italian pizza is so shit i legit thought it was a joke when I first saw picture of one
.99 cent frozen pizza
I make Neapolitan pizza~
Literally every other pizza can be gross cause this shit is great. Genuine, hand crafted pizza stretched by hand, cooked in the woodfire oven, and served fresh with fresh ingredients. You will get no better pizza.
Detroit is ghetto Sicilian.
The pros of deep dish are large amounts of cheese/sauce in each bite, not a bunch of bread.
>Drinking diet soda
Just drink water dude
anyone who says 'za needs to instantly die
my favorite pizza is Mediterranean style margherita
you just said it lol
based retard
>no leopard spots
looks like shit
Now THIS is pizza
>italians circlejerking over their burnt watery ass pizza again
>He is too fat and american to just fold his fucking pizza and enjoy it.
Not all pizza has to be hard as your momma's cock
you nerds are looking at it wrong. theyre all analogies to what each pizza is
objectively more filling and complicated. can be more varied and have more creative flairs because it isnt just shit on a flat piece of bread.
however, its fucking annoying to eat and only the people who already like it, eat it regularly, declaring its superiority.
mass appeal iconic street food. people just drop in to have a good slice. Bland and boring looking, flat out ugly and empty, but it's a got a lot of love from the chefs and sometimes you just crave a piece
its pizza, its pretty cheap, and its technically food. A go to ez solution when you need to suddenly have food lots of people will eat and not bitch. Youre sick of the taste, its not good for you, but you'll have a slice anyway.
>Morrowind is lasagna instead of pizza
Actually a great image desu
Earlier today I was thinking of what it's like to live without Chik-Fil-A and sweet tea and I realized the answer is that everyone up north and out west are zombies
only explanation
Doesn't have to be a soggy piece of shit either
So Oblivion was objectively the best game? And it only gets better when you choose what to put on it???? O ok #oblivionmain2019
Amerilards love it because it's just sugar ("""tomato""" paste) and cheese
There's chik-fil-a in california and nyc man.
What the fuck, is that papa johns on the far right? How did they manage to make it actually look halfway edible?
Call me when there's a chik-fil-a within a 10 mile radius everywhere you go
when the lord calls, you answer, and he will give you waffle fries
delicious properly fried waffle fries with a side of CFA sauce
god bless jesus
Chickfila is bland white people chicken
Rather go to popeyes