What does Yea Forums think of Square’s Live-a-Live?

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I like it for what it is. However I think if it had a proper release overseas, it wouldn't be talked about the way it is.

Pretty good. An RPG consisting of vignettes with a unifying theme sounded like a neat idea, and they pulled it off. Though some of the characters' gimmicks fall apart at the endgame, particularly Akira and his giant robot.

I agree. Unique idea, alright execution. Although it’s nothing amazing, some of the chapters suck, and the game overall isn’t too difficult although most of the bosses put up a good challenge. But it defiantly wouldn’t of been cared nearly as much about if it didn’t have the japan only veil.

I also think there could of been a better way to tie all the chapters together.

Elder god tier

God tier
Martial arts

High tier

Mid tier
Wild west
Present day

Low tier

Great game overall

Gets by mostly on novelty, since the story and gameplay of any individual chapter isn't particularly great. Worth a playthrough.

It's okay. The only reason people care is because it wasn't localized. It's pretty low on the SNES RPG tier list.

The first and completely unironical case of "didn't do anything wrong".

it good

It's unique but it isn't anything great
Essentially just

Unique enough to stand out from the SNES fare, nothing special these days.

>My gf an heroed
>Grrrr I’m going to become the demon lord

shut up straybow

Good game with excellent final villain. I wouldn't mind a remake that expanded on each time period.

There's literally no other game like it though.

Wrestling is the present day one, that anime hair fag was in like some mecha future setting. And I thought his was easily the worst out of all of them. Present day and prehistoric are at least short and inoffensive.


Kino soundtrack.

>you have to continuously upgrade your robot parts to get the best upgrades for your robot and later cube
>not only is it random, but sometimes it just doesn't work
so engaging

>straybow and the princess fuck over oersted for being too cool
literally did not do anything wrong

If you didn't make the fatass a martial arts master, you played the game wrong.

The ninja level was amazing, 10/10 even to this day.

It also spawned a great clone game based on Touhou.

It should be remembered for the sheer experimentation devs were willing to go to for well established genres.

Why are those two low tier?

>tfw got filtered by Ninja chapter
I started the game years ago and I still haven't finished it, I also think there was a lot of trial and error as some enemies can easily fuck you up.

Prehistoric > kung fu master > Wild West = scifi/Alien > mecha >>>>>> wrestling.

Anybody knows the name of the track that plays in Wild West chapter while looking for materials and setting up traps?

raise children, female.