How the fuck newest console cant handle lowest setting on this simple ass graphic?

How the fuck newest console cant handle lowest setting on this simple ass graphic?

Attached: 1585336465765.jpg (1920x1080, 418K)

Other urls found in this thread:

left unironically looks better

This, right may have more textures, but what's there is jaggy as fuck

>more poly bad!

At the end of the day, actually playing a game is more important than just looking at it.

the clothes look better on right, left is better for everything else (hair, face, etc) . Tip: real life humans dont have a weird white outline around them. This isn't HxH, nen isn't real you nerds

left has more soul

well I can't play the one on the right without modding it to add japanese support so that's that


>switch potato can't even handle lowest setting textures

Attached: 1517369393038.png (288x415, 178K)

Left looks better on everything but the clothes. Dragon Quest's style lends itself well to weaker consoles.

Also, some of the cast looked fucking off in the Heroes games.


>Dragon Quest's style lends itself well to weaker consoles
That's because right is literally the lowest graphics settings, the game wasn't really designed to be played like that.
It's only there for people with shitty laptops. All the post-process shaders are off on low and the game's overall look really suffers without them. But you can still see that both the textures and models look better on PC "low" than on the Switch which is just embarrassing.

switch niggers will never enjoy this

Attached: 4k.jpg (1920x1080, 227K)


It's the same game.

Attached: textures.jpg (1920x1080, 561K)

>This isn't HxH, nen isn't real you nerds
>He hasn't opened his pores yet
Lol, get a load of this Nenlet

may as well stick to the 3DS version, it's the same game

Attached: dof & pp effects.jpg (1920x1080, 439K)

>literally everything else about the switch version is better in every single way

Attached: 2B.png (400x400, 116K)

extra content will show up on other platforms as paid DLC. square enix will never turn down free money.

Nintendo bros....

Attached: 1566243850443.jpg (638x599, 68K)

>literally everything else
Like... what? It's not like the framerate is good either. So it looks worse and plays worse, ergo it is worse.

It makes up for it in soul

Attached: 4a1.png (680x383, 646K)

Retards here told people to play the mobile version of VIII over the 3DS version.

That's how fucking dumb they are.

How many times do we have to write it down for you? It is constant 30 fps, just like PS4 version.

if that was the case the 3DS content would've already been put on the other versions by now, but it wasn't, if that was the case FFVIIR would be multiplat, but it isn't, if that was the case, Dragon Quest Builders would be on PC, but it isn't. You seem to act like you know these companies, but you don't. They seriously would keep content exclusive just because they can.

>plays worse
>all console versions were 30 FPS
>also turn-based JRPG

ESLs like you need to fuck off and everyone in this thread must be ESL too because no one fucking noticed.

I dearly hope so.

It's a handheld you autistic faggot, of course it's nowhere near as powerful as a standard PC

Because it's a weakass tablet? Are you retarded?


And that's not even PC's highest settings.

Attached: 20180914211725_1.jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

it looks fine on the switch. stop being a faggot

effecting my pp alright, if you catch my drift.

God I wish we had an option for the 3ds 3d. It looks comfy as fuck.

Attached: dragon quest 3dsa.jpg (630x756, 237K)

The left has more SOUL

>PC gets a late port of a Nintendo exclusive game with no new content added charged at full price
>Nintendo gets a late port of a game and gets new content to make up for it and to justify charging full price

Attached: gp4gesz.png (1920x1080, 1.16M)

Because switch held the game back. Switch shouldve been just the 2d shit

I'm with you, nigga.
3ds version is the most SOULFULL

Thank for be giving me (You) and to bump my fanboy shittpost threat anyways... I am think I will make lots an other!

>3DS version has the 2D synchronized to the 3D graphics, resulting in an entirely rebuilt game
>they can't do that with the Switch so the 2D version is just the 3DS world presumably but modified for the main game layouts, and is an alternate mode altogether

damn i didn't know they had mods for this. would have been nice to get the black/grey/white aesthetic

>graphicsfags will deny that the 3DS version is the objectively best version of the game

>all console versions were 30 FPS
And you think this is okay because?
No, seriously, why do you think it's okay that a game that looks this simple can't even manage 60 on console?

The right might be crunching more numbers but the left just looks aesthetically pleasing.

>a port a year later held the game back


>simple graphics
Pick one. It's probably the most beautiful game this gen. It's the polar opposite of simple.

Bad comparison pic

Why do you care so much about whether it's "okay" or not when you're bitching enough to probably not even want to play it in the first place?

It's a turn based RPG. It was most likely 30fps be design because it's a turn based RPG.


Attached: c05.jpg (705x696, 27K)

>Game looks like shit
>Performs like shit
>Gets delayed by more than a year

What the fuck is wrong with you? Also, visuals are an important part in an RPG that barely has good gameplay to begin with.

You literally can not tell the difference unless you put them side by side like this at a resolution it doesn't even run at on switch. It looks way better than I thought it would, but so far I've only played handheld.

Graphically it is simple. Stylistically its beautiful.

Objectively false

Except performance, resolution, and the features being DLC tier.

Lets not forget lack of modding and the price being full price while other versions are cheap as fuck, and WAITING a year to fucking play it.

I sure as hell don't want to play it on consoles, you got that right.
>30 fps by design because it's a turn based RPG
What sort of sense does this make? Do you think the devs could've made it run at 60 but chose to limit it to 30 and underutilise the hardware for no reason? Look, I'd get it if they chose to aim for 30 and used the lower framerate to push the graphics higher but that's clearly not what they're doing.

is the switch version worth getting if I already got this on PC? don't wanna buy it twice

Attached: 1549685862624.png (282x250, 14K)

Don't worry, I'm sure Square will pull an Atlus and release another port of the game, with all the Switch content, for 60 dollars.

No, the Switch in general is garbage.

>Except performance, resolution, and the features being DLC tier.
>Lets not forget lack of modding and the price being full price
this didn't stop the 3DS version from outselling the PS4 version, and that modding stuff clearly doesn't matter since the PC version was the lowest selling version of the game.

>this didn't stop the 3DS version from outselling the PS4 version
Since when did sales = quality?

>doesn't matter since the PC version was the lowest selling version of the game.
See above, you fucking moron.

The PS4 version is the best because its the most popular console. Sales means its the best place to play right?

Yes, there's a lot added to it to justify buying again.
It looking slightly worse doesn't break it.

You say that like this probably won't outsell the PS4 version in Japan, where DQ's sales matter most.

There really isnt really a reason worth buying a 90 hour RPG for a few features that barely add to the time or experience.

nope. I have it on PC too and i'm not taking that "muh portable" bait. I got plenty of switch games already.

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Wasnt a switch(nx) version announced the same time to the other platforms?


Just like how Monster Hunter Gen X is the worst selling MH game of all time on the Switch?

it was announced at the same time, but it's ridiculous to assume that they built every version of the game around that eventual port.

Is this the thread where we falseflag and pretend to be Nintendo fans?

Attached: nintendrone_by_koma404.png (900x584, 437K)

It was announced but held back because UE4 didn't quite support the Switch at the time. By the time it did the development had to be postponed on the Switch version to not hold the main releases back. The Switch version is essentially recreating/rebuilding the same product on lesser graphical fidelity on a new build of UE4 and adding new content as a way to make up for the huge delay.

>few features
Good thing it's not just that.
From new gameplay features to more story, orchestra, items and more.

As the release date approaches, that one bitter fanbase will get louder and louder. Yes, we all know who they are.

Wow, update/DLC tier content, totally worth replaying a long ass RPG and paying full price to experience the literal same game with a patch.


>as paid DLC
That's a cute way to spell re-release with all content at full price

I thought the reason for the changes was because they wanted to have all the new features in but the PS4 didn't have the power to support it so they put them in the Switch version.

Japanese developers do it all the time.

Switch fanboys? They seem to be dumb cunts.

t. Switch owner.

Framerate isn't necessary when it comes to a turn based RPG it's matter of the game not dragging along being slow as fuck

Yeah, slightly worse graphics help hide the imperfections.

>but the PS4 didn't have the power to support it
The fuck are you talking about? The Switch will always be the significant limiter. Most of the games look and run like shit.

Then why didn't they put the party members in the field on PS4?

Nobody actually likes dragon quest fuck off.

You're a moron.

No, the point of all the new features is an apology to Switch owners for delaying the game 2 years

More like the Switch is basically a more finalized version of the thing and they realized they could fit in that fan demand without fucking things up.

A video game is a visual medium, you spend 100% of the time "just looking at it".

>release the 3DS version of the MH entry that had mixed responses on the Switch with no changes at the same time as the new game that everyone likes
>user thinks this is the same as releasing a dragon quest game on a nintendo system with new content that people actually want and are excited for
if DQXII was announced at the same time as the DQXI switch port, I'd say the two are similar, but come on user, they aren't nearly the same situation.

Attached: youdumbass.gif (498x332, 224K)

it does not perform like shit.

>left doesn't have him glowing during cloudy weather
I don't care if the textures are worse this alone makes the switch version look better

Because the switch is a piece of shit.

>PC vs Switch thread
>somehow sonyfags are seething

Yes it does, it drops pretty frequently because the console has framepacing issues with literally everything nearly.

because PC users don't actually care about this game.

your source?
>inb4 my ass.

Wasn't the Switch version of XX released like a year or two after the 3DS version in Japan? Honestly no one who bought the 3DS version would have double dipped for that.

The only people mentioning Sony (initially) are insecure Switch owners that constantly have a victim complex.

it released years after the 3DS version and at the same time as Monster Hunter World, it's surprising the game even sold as much as it did.

Attached: dragon quest endings.jpg (1626x750, 235K)

It's literally using an underclocked phone/tablet SoC and it has to run when the thing gets underclocked even further in portable mode. It's very, very low power compared to a modern gaming PC.

>I don't care about this version, I already played the game
>bring it to my PS4, please
Just say it, user.

>one version has better gameplay, music, and options but it's hardware makes it look like shit and it took a long time to release
>other versions look better but misses everything else
Honestly you're a fucking cocksucker if you think this is acceptable at all.

I have a Shitch and I can get this game for free. Stop pretending to be a victim, you ugly fucking loser.

>shit graphics is new content now

go away, eric.

Oh noes, personal attacks. That will show me.
Stop being bitter, user. And stop being obsessed with Switch.

the switch is a glorified handheld

Wrong. Switch resolution is too big.

Stupid brazilian faggot.


Why can't I talk about the Shitch? Does it upset your poor little heart?

Almost everything fades in and out as you walk through the game such as trees, rocks, barrels, grass. It's genuinely terrible. Also the bridge at the beginning of the demo doesn't move as you walk on it like it does on PC/PS4. I didn't think the switch version would look this terrible, but now I'm considering just playing the other version and just watch some of the new content on youtube.

textures are better on the right but i like the lighting on the left better

I think you'll be upset (even more than usual) when the game comes out and sells more than PS4 version.

FFVIIR is multiplat. Sony is just very autistic about not letting people in timed exclusivity deals mentioning that the exclusivity is timed before the game releases.

>being retarded is new content now

Why would I be upset about an old ass game on my Shitch I can literally download for free?

Its because the left doesnt have proper lighting

So on top of having shitter graphics and performance Switch version is also more retarded? What a joke of a system, no wonder it couldn't beat old ass PS4.

Bros, I thought Square was loyal to Playstation? Why is Square giving Nintendo exclusive content?

Why is the Irate Gamer wearing a balaclava?

Square release multiplats since X360, are you retarded?

Someone post the FFXIII copypasta.

Square abandoned Nintendo exclusivity for all its games this gen and released most of its major titles on other platforms and/or the Switch being treated as a late secondary.

What do you mean?

>What's anti-aliasing??//?/?

What was Octopath Traveler then?

delete this.
Also FF7 remake for Switch when? It's not fucking fair.

>3DS version has the 2D synchronized to the 3D graphics
That's only for the beginning of the game. You choose later down the line. Granted you are probably right that the 2D mode is probably more in line with 3DS's world.

get a m cable

>graphic whores

Keep making excuses lmao

Am I the only one that would have preferred a up rez’ed port of the 3DS version rather than a visually watered down version of the PS4 version?

>marrying pixels

Jesus christ who cares, fucking cancer. Fuck off back to Persona and stay there.

The lack of texture and the lower polygons of the Switch screenshot are embarrassing, but I find the lighting suits the scene a little better.

Not at all. 3ds feels kino

Attached: comparison.png (1274x597, 1.17M)

>best girl is still 7 yr old runt
Meh, they had one job.

Attached: 001.jpg (800x1171, 133K)

because it's not a console you dipshit it's a handheld.

Seems like Nintendo fans love cutscenes now.

>Graphixwhores at it again
For fucks sake, no matter how realistic graphics get, they'll just look like shit by the time the next generation comes around.

People still play low poly classics where you can physically tell where the environment mapping links up and you faggots are complaining the game's no good because you can't count the stitches in Eleven's shirt. Fuck outta here. All that matters is that the game is good and that there's more game to enjoy.

Attached: ink.png (426x353, 281K)

A handheld should be stronger than a phone

If you honestly believe the devs when they tell you 30 FPS was a choice rather than a limitation you're retarded.
Ubisoft has been pulling that "cinematic look" crap for years, the reason any game new console game runs at 30 is because it can't run at 60.

Attached: hand.jpg (2340x3208, 3.46M)


Because it's not a console, it's a handheld. Why don't you fags make hourly threads comparing the graphics phone games to consoles or PC?
Because it's pointless right? That's equally as pointless as comparing Switch to them too.
Yet every single day, every single hour, this shit doesn't stop.
>hurr durr look guys a handheld is not as powerful as a console! switch BTFO!
And this shit will keep on going on for years, why? Likely answer? Sonyfags, they've been doing this switch comparisons for the past two years every single day.
Anybody that has a PC could easily do this type of thread every single day forever comparing consoles to PC but don't because it's just shitposting of the most pointless kind, it's not worth it.
So why don't you fags just stop, what's it worth to you to prove something everybody know already, that handhelds don't have the best graphics? Thousands of shitposting threads would just disappear, how much better this board could be if you Sonyfags would just stop being so fucking shit.

Attached: 1519361131615.jpg (413x413, 18K)

It does. More complex shaders aren't always better.


Attached: 1547396179226.jpg (700x551, 69K)

I mean even just shaders aside, one of my big problems with DQXI's artstyle was having these Toriyama faced characters surrounded by highly detailed clothing and gear, environments and design. Simplifying it may hurt the original design intention, but smoother textures and graphics simultaneously highlight the anime styling more.

holy mother of this


No kidding. These people need to jack it to benchmark tests some more.

Cuz the switch is a meme console thats literally a nvidia shield

lmao I thought the left was switch until you mentioned this.

Because the Nintendo fans almost never compare the Switch to other handhelds. Whenever they want to start shit it's always about some advantage the Switch has over PS4 or Xbone, whether it be a full game or extra content in a game. It's like the Switch has this weird quality where it's either totally a legit console and its library should be compared to other consoles or it's suddenly just a handheld and any comparison is impossible.
Does this mean fags should make these stupid comparison threads? Of course not, but if you're going to compare the Switch to something it should be the other 2 mainline consoles since that's what it's realistically competing against.

Attached: 37373728266262.jpg (1440x1440, 598K)


Here I was about to buy it on the switch to play it wherever I want and have more content but oops its got worse cloth textures. Thanks for the save OP!

Attached: 79975673354.jpg (382x423, 22K)

what the fuck other handhelds

yeah let's just compare the vita and switch versions of DQXI


It's comparing the limit of the switch to the lowest of PC. Are you so retarded that you didn't get OP's point?

Poverty cope

Not just that. I don't know why everyone here is ignoring the fact that things like trees, grass, rocks, lamps, textures, etc. are constantly fading in and out as you travel through the game. It's very atrocious. People should be posting webm comparisons not screenshots.

DQ has always been more of a Nintendo thing.

>This shrub takes half a second too long to load in so the game is unplayable.

go back to your old thread faggot

Why has there been this crusade against the Switch version of DQXI recently? Day after day its topic after topic trying to insult the graphics (As if anyone plays a turned based RPG for the graphics) and if anyone bring up the Switch's new content people attempt to deflect it back to the graphics. Since when did people give a shit about DQXI's graphics?

Attached: 1530227931597.jpg (361x691, 73K)

>seething that nintendo version is the literal definitive edition
i'm sorry for your loss

>Since when did people give a shit about DQXI's graphics?
Since the switch version was announced

since sonyfags (and some PCfags) have to justify they're $60 purchase for an incomplete game and nintendo is getting everything extra and more for $50

DQXI was announced for the Switch when it was still being called NX. No revisionist history allowed

There's a reason we're called the master race, boy.

Because they know the Switch version will continue to be better regardless of graphics.

it's incredible how mad are snoytrannies this time. i have never seen this amount of salt for a multiplat game.

Attached: 3d6e12cb4bdf11bc6671d257ea73779f.jpg (563x801, 106K)

Since the game came out 2 years ago you mong. It’s literally one of the ONLY big name JRPGs that have released a next gen engine game. This despite the current gen of consoles being around since 2013. It’s a big deal and one of the main reasons the game sold 4 million units.

Did you forget how to read? I clearly posted more than just shrubs. And again all of what I said is constantly disappearing and reappearing. It wouldn't be such a problem if the distance you have to be for things to fade was longer but you really only have to move like 2-3 feet away and it disappears. It's especially bad in heliodor since it was a beautifully designed area with loads of details that now constantly fade in and out on the demo.

It’s a tablet.

>omg the shrub disappeared for a second so atrocious

>still getting upset and turning the board upside down every time a switch port looks somewhat worse than the original version
huh it's almost like it's less powerful or something

Nobody played DQXI for the graphics, quit lying.
>It’s a big deal and one of the main reasons the game sold 4 million units.
In Japan. The western versions didn't even crack a million. Half of that was the 3DS version

because it's a machine that consumes 12 watts.

theres been a big push for this crusade against the Switch version of DQXI because s(n)oyfags are fearing the amount of people here getting convinced because of the demo
s(n)oyfags are literally afraid of the demo

Attached: Holy+bowsers+backround+is+peach+_c73d3e6a498b8c857edfcddfdb422276.jpg (800x800, 137K)

Lmao that it? You can go ahead and post that extra bit of content now if you want

Where are all the PS4 and 3DS comparisons?

Attached: 1335976871055.jpg (600x600, 50K)

>This niche series I love that has historically been woefully unsupported by Square in the west is getting ported to a popular console with new content, and it seems like they are finally starting to understand that there is an audience for it over here
>But instead of supporting it and encouraging new fans to try it out, I'm gonna bitch and moan about the graphics
You people should feel lucky this game even came out here at all

Don't blame Nintendo on this, specifically. There are games that managed to look good on the Switch. The port is shit like many others.

the port is not shit.

the fact that it looks as good as it does on the switch is amazing

It's hardware limitations that make the game look blurry and pixelated with things constantly fading in and out. I don't think Square would be able to do anything about it.


Prove it

I don't fucking know, why don't you ask the people that defend the blurry switch ports by saying what did we expect from a tablet

So are we just pretending Final Fantasy 15 doesn't exist? Is that what we're doing?

>performs like shit
The demo runs completely fine and given the length of it there's no reason to suspect the full game will be any different.

funfact, video means "I look" in latin

You also interact and listen to it. I'm not saying graphics don't matter though, but there's other aspects that make games what they are.


>>Game looks like shit
>>Performs like shit
Yeah but its fun and that's all that matters. The movie game market directly caters to you.

Noooo! muh nintendies can't be worse than a smartphone, impossible. FAKE NEWS!

Attached: ASUS ROG Phone 2.jpg (1313x954, 289K)

show me dragon quest 11 running on that shit.

ive started playing the demo and it's more fun than i expected a JRPG to be since i grew up on linear spongebob ps2 games

Attached: D5CP0rWUUAAjSZh.jpg (960x540, 169K)

>$1200 worth of phone beats a $300 console
Well I'd certainly hope so.

why would anyone need a phone that wide?

>muh better textures

Switch version has so much new content you are crazy to choose the other versions. If the other versions were getting it as dlc, then sure, but it's unlikely

Attached: charlaugh.jpg (640x480, 47K)

honestly the left looks better entirely. the hi rez clothes just dont work with the toriyama look. decades of shitty ps3 and xbox dbz games prove this

>the "extra" content makes the game better, trust me

the game is mediocre at best because the DQ spergs can't break out of the same game they made 11 times.

>I don't like DQ at all
why are you here?

At a certain point I stopped caring and I'm perfectly fine with 'good enough' now, especially if the tradeoff is extra content and a more convenient system to play on

Hey, your tan faded.

>Nooooo *lala* can't hear you, can't say anything bad about the game it means you don't like it

imagine having the mental capacity of a 5 year old

i dont trust derk

Most people who played it prefer to pretend it doesn’t exist

Laughable you mean

The left has better contrast.

I promise I thought I was supposed to be impressed by the left one before I looked at the platform icons

It's nice they're adding more options, but this ain't DQ5 where you're following a character for 30 years of his life so marrying and having kids is way more impactful.

based and Shinzo Abepilled poster.

Attached: shinzo abe.jpg (870x580, 41K)

I thought this was the AI thingy for a second

So for how long are they delaying the new content as paid DLC to other platforms?

Attached: confused skaven_face.png (412x393, 53K)


Wait you can't marry Erik?

The real smart move is to wait until Switch emulation gets good enough to be playable on PC, that way you get the content of the Switch version but alsp the benefits of PC, like higher resolution.

supposedly not possible because they made extensive changes that cannot be patched in retroactively. they can just sell the new version again, though.

Yeah, this. Cartoony designs tend to benefit from strong, blocky contrasts in colour and lighting.

a literal case of soul versus soulless.

It’ll be out by spring 100%

Assets like textures models and level geometry will be nonexistent potato so what’s the point. Just play the PC version on ultra at 4K like it was meant to be played

not going to lie, based on those pics and the art style... switch looks better. PC looks like its trying too hard and losing the aesthetics

Because of the extra content.

You don’t know how development works do you you plebeian? The fact they went on the record by saying ‘no comment’ when asked if it’s coming to other platforms (rather than deny it outright) tells you everything you need to know about the situation (as if square Enix’s greed wasn’t evidence enough)

Model swap of a 10s walk around town event is not extra content worth giving a damn about. The switch version is eye bleach

Honestly even if the HD graphics were worse, the ability to use the 3DS version's 2D graphics makes the Switch port seem superior in my opinion.

This, remember ps2 games are still better than current genres games

Do.. do you think the new romance options are the only thing XI S is adding?

Back to /tg/ with your false god

no but he'll act like it is

rumor has it that Nintendo themselves footed the bill on some the new features, and that's why they are marketing XI S so much.

>Old fashioned Japanese game company
Lol that shit ain't happening dog.

And there goes the goalpost

You're on the wrong board, user. We don't play video games.

>dude corporations are your friend man, profit isn't in their best interest!

I think you've had enough tonight.

seethe harder

Good way to preserve battery if you need to

Source is your ass. SE owns the game content and all rights. Are you fucking 12?

Another thread of fake Dragon Quest fans making shitty threads without realizing that actual DQ fans couldn't care less about graphics, this is the same fanbase that recommends phone ports to people

What's the point of all those realistic textures when you add cartoon characters to the scene?

Some of us are just going to play in 2D anyway

Kill yourself faggot

This. 2D mode is incredibly based.

Oh dear, severe Nintautism. Very sad.

It's literally the same game with more content.
what did he literally mean by this.

But Switch one looks better here


lower texture quality despite PC being on low settings...

12 watts vs 500

>I play dragon quest for the graphics

I fucking hate zoomers

I think it looks better without the normal maps. Those only look good on some of the outfits. But they just kinda tiled lines and I don't like it.

I play video games to be as good if not better graphics wise than the previous version released.

that's the best part

Attached: 37373728266262.jpg (1440x1440, 598K)

stop posting this ruggadick.

Left has less detailed textures, but the shaders and lighting don't look gross, so I think I prefer left.

It's funny sony drones have to resort to comparing the game to PCs now. Switch version is the best version of the game


Graphics do not exactly make a game, Ive never heard a more Soulless opinion


I really wish we got this. I'd love to have 7, 8, and 11 all on one console

I'm so glad I waited to play the superior version on Switch. Can't wait.

Attached: 1529531556563.gif (207x207, 1.37M)

I hope they never backport the changes. Sorry PC Bros, but I'll do anything to spite Snoyboys.

I am a Switch owner, I just played the demo, and yes, the Switch port looks like it could run on a ps2, but that's not my beef with this game.

My real issue with it is that the combat is fucking retarded. Why in the year of our Lord 2019 are turn based combat RPG's still a thing. What person actually finds this shit fun? It's basically a walking simulator with constantly repeating periods of getting frozen in place and mashing the A button for two minutes straight. Then you get back to walking, and repeat the process until you trigger a cutscene. Is this fun? Do people enjoy doing this? Would you really be missing out on anything at all if you didn't buy the game, and just watched all of the cutscenes on youtube instead?

>Why in the year of our Lord 2019 are turn based combat RPG's still a thing. What person actually finds this shit fun?

lol fuck off zoomer.

nobody wants you in this fanbase dumbass normalfag


Attached: 1H8oI3k.png (1056x680, 525K)

I care more about all the new content + new soundtrack + optional retro mode + new visual novels + fast forward button.

Its the definitive version for a reason. Maybe that stuff will come as DLC for the weaker versions, but I doubt it.


While the textures are worse, the hair and face look better with the Switch's lighting.

Give me literally any reason why adult Veronica is better. You get the best of both worlds with the child version, a portable onahole now, a cute beauty in a decade. By the time she's pumped out 10 kids, she'll still be hot.

No sane man marries a girl who is the same age as him. You marry one as young as you can get, because then the aging process is much better.

reminds me of the crash trilogy port. PS4 wins in almost every area but non cheeto fur crash/coco is much more preferred

Why post a reply if you're not even gonna attempt to defend this boring, stupid thing you pretend to enjoy?

fpbp based

Because it isn't boring, what you ADD ridden kiddies find fun these days, hell what ANYONE finds fun is subjective.

absolute shit taste

Attached: 1562630171700.jpg (850x1233, 366K)

>I am a Switch owner
This falseflagging is just sad.

It's the same people that played only (part of) DQVIII.

>the Switch port looks like it could run on a ps2
I want your PS2

>newest console
It's a fucking handheld, you idiots

Attached: tumblr_m5t96wYgDO1rwcc6bo1_500.gif (430x140, 210K)

It's not a handheld, because only an idiot would use it undocked. It's a console with attachable controllers.

so top comparing docked mode screenshosthahahhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafucking goteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem


Attached: the peesee experience.jpg (720x1280, 340K)

>he wastes his entire life combing the internet everyday to find Switch comparison shots.

Attached: 1556233644148.png (704x680, 585K)

That's not how it works retard. If the power of the console is contained inside a portable case and can be played like this, it's a portable console. The fact that it can be played docked is irrelevant.

Yes... a handheld... console. Please learn what words mean before you try to correct people for using them wrong.

No fucking shit pal

What, so having a battery means a console is portable? They made official screen addons for the PS1, as well as a battery for it. Does that mean the PS1 doesn't count as a console now?

You know what I meant
You're not going to see PS4/XBone quality graphics on a 2-3 year old portable system that's expected to have a good battery life

>all console versions were 30 FPS

Since when can you play your PS1 portably idiot? The "battery" isn't even built in the thing.
It doesn't works both way. A portable console needs smaller, and so less powerful, component to be portable, a normal console doesn't care.
The switch can be portable, so it has portable components. That's like complaining that a PSP isn't as powerful as a 360 because you could connect it to a TV with the 3000 model. I shouldn't even have to explain this, did your parents dropped you on the head to be this stupid?

>Since when did people give a shit about DQXI's graphics?
I did, I think the game's visual style is beautiful.

Personally im too lazy to play anything but mmo's and gsg's on pc. Its just too comfy to lie in bed and play another shitty jrpg there instead of sitting like a retard infront of pc or tv.

>pc game doesnt allow you to lower the setting more
fuck you

It's the same shit as the World of Final Fantasy MAXIMA edition for the switch-only with new content. Or so they wanted you to think.

Attached: .jpg (680x261, 21K)

>480p 30fps better in every way

The amount of cope in this thread

It's Nintendo's successor to the Wii U is it not?

If the switch isn't Nintendo's current gen console, what is?

>Boomer quest

Yeah no

Attached: IMG_20190810_193200.jpg (431x318, 16K)

I have a pretty good PC and would prefer playing it there, but I want the 16 bit mode.

Can can you play it on the go while on the onions weekly meeting? I don’t think so ;)

>Or so they wanted you to think.

They literally said maxima was going to be dlc the moment it was announed.

Agreed, but only on the hair and the shirt

I love how you ignore the rest of the video where the lighting is shown to be a lot better and more appropriate on the Switch side.

Attached: switch and pc.png (1263x666, 1.6M)

Delete this

>having no lighting makes better lighting
Yeah, Switch version looks the best. PC and PS4 can suck a dick.

contranetwork's video shows a constant 30fps.
Typical non-switchfag

>Hear lots of praise about these games
>Pirated it on PC when it came out
>Fought a few bosses and got bored
Think I got to these 2 big dudes in a temple before I lost interest. I can see the appeal of the game though.

not meming here what's actually the difference? THe only thing that seems different here is the lighting

Who cares about graphics?

What about STABILITY? How many times did the demo crash for you guys? Mine crashed twice in 7 hours, which is just straight up unacceptable. I'm going to be saving every fucking chance I get in the full game.

are you fucking stupid? it's switch version and pc on low settings

The textures need some glasses user

Switch uses less power than a hard drive alone, so of course it's severely underpowered.

How much demo is left after the gryphons?

Another town and a dungeon.


Attached: 1563834880091.png (179x283, 67K)

>he plays video games for graphics

Is crafting random or is there always a perfect order?

Lowest setting on PC has no shadows whatsoever and looks terrible due to that.

Yeah, having the Switch port using improved 3DS graphics would have been great.

Proof that Nintentards have brain damage.

>the fucking hand clips
What a disaster HUE!

left looks better due to the artstyle

why didnt they cell shade the game? retarded devs

it doesnt even look that good
its blurry as fuck

so what is the additonal Content for Switch?

He b seethin lol
