Why do so many girls play XIV? Is it because its Final Fantasy or is it really a good video game?
Why do so many girls play XIV? Is it because its Final Fantasy or is it really a good video game?
your image answers your question
>Im just like her! except fat
that's pretty cute
Looks alright. Would fuck and dump
Shadowbringers is goty it doesn't matter if you're male or female
It's much less mechanically demanding than other "hardcore" mmos. It supports lots of easy slice of life RPing casual garbage for people who just want to sit in their house and use it as a chat room with dressup.
It also looks better than wow. It's not a realistic art style, but it's also not the same cartoon shite of WoW.
I'd honestly suck her juicy cuntflaps.
>says the guy that's probably just as fast, if not more
>sit in their house and use it as a chat room with dressup
>the absolute state of MMOs
Because it's a piss easy game where people sit in cities and talk like retards. It's a glorified lobby game.
Because WoW is for disgusting inbred anti-socials and FFXIV is for chads and cute girls, although OPs pic is unrelated since she should be playing WoW
My gf got hooked to it because of the outfits and minions mostly.
Do you have to buy the outfits and pets etc with cash?
I would hope a game that requires a subscription wouldn't have dressup for real money when you already pay a subscription
>says the guy that's probably just as fast
Well, it is nice to see some coming second for a change.
>Do you have to buy the outfits and pets etc with cash?
What of course not, they do have some that they sell on moogle to make extra buck but most of them you either grind or buy on marketboard with ingame money.
This is not a korean mmo
>mfw I main a korean mmo
>Because WoW is for disgusting inbred anti-socials and FFXIV is for chads and cute girls
>250lbs man makes fun of zoomer because he insulted his precious garbage
have sex user
There's more than 100 dresses in the shop, ranging from 2 to 15 bucks each, but you can get many pretty ones in-game.
it's true. there's a girl in my static that's dogshit at the game but dear god did she know about everything gardening and crafting and shit.
is it worth playing? I'm not a huge fan of group battles that require like 40 people because im too robot
there are no group battles that require anywhere near 40 people except for world fates and eureka which are memes anyways
Ever notice how this anti-FF14 smearing never happened until classic wow came rolling around? Really makes you think.
Post a picture of yourself then fag
It's very good, better than any mmo i have ever play and i play alot because i'm asian.
The new expansion is already worth 60$ with the story alone and it's the best story in FF ever.
I only sub to read story now because i have other hobby i need to do.
FFXIV parties are 4man and raids are 8man.
I stopped playing since Classic's coming out. I just tried FFXIV during this last month and I'd keep playing it if I hadn't made plans for Classic already, but my gf got really into it and she'll keep playing XIV.
I guess it depends on what you're looking for, it's very story focused, and in general more easygoing than WoW.
I just hope classic is at least good enough so WoWfags can stay the fuck away from this board.
The last thing we need is more retards that act like they're still 9 years old.
I don't tee hee :)
no it's always been going on since cataclysm but it was a little justified back then since that was 1.0
Can I start with no friends and actually get somewhere or will I need help in the beginning?
What's "Classic"?
Also I have never played any Final Fantasy game before so how out of the loop will I be
>What's "Classic"?
He talking about WoW Classic
>Try FFXIV because it has a Summoner class
>SMN is really a DoT mage
>Stop playing FFXIV
Now I run a gmod darkrp server instead
came back to Yea Forums after a year and dont get this new meme
Because of the same reasons they were so common during WoWs prime. Fertile fields for attention whoring and drama.
the game punishes you for wanting to play with friends until you've finished the story (which is a good couple hundred hours of boring fetch quests and backtracking and shit so buckle up for that. At least the story is okay-ish). So that's not an issue.
classic is classic wow, a wow official release of an early version of the game, with balance changes appropriate to the time period, as well as features like automated group finding removed. (not like it matters, people will have websites set up for it day of, or before launch).
Just play whatever looks cool. And no, ff14 doesn't require any knowledge, no ff game, besides labeled sequels (IE x-2 or ff13-2) have any relation to other stories, it's anthology. Similar mythos, similar worlds, recurring themes and character names, but nothing actually FROM the older games. Besides in events.
Trannies have to dilate.
He is saying you are a tranny from discord.
It's very easy to play solo. You'll even be able to do old group content (dungeons, trials, raids) by just queueing through a menu and getting max level players that get leveled down to the content's intended level.
Dilate what? Their pupils? Are we making fun of people because they lack the knowledge of the procedures traps have to undergo?
fucking wew
Dilate: When a tranny cut their penis off and create a hole to mimic a vagina, it's basically a open wound.
And you know what an open wound tend to do? It close off, dilate is an act of putting something in that wound to prevent it from healing.
This thread must be cleansed... And I know just the spell for it.
>get a new job
>cant 4chin for about a year
>come back to this
cuz the girl models are cute and the outfits are cute, and you get personalized "pets" and housing.
And fat is hot
It says here you're stuck on voidwalker enrage, even after nerfs. Care to explain?
Joke on you i don't raid
You’d still motorboat the fuck out of her tiddies and fuck her raw don’t lie. She cute, I wouldn’t mind a blowjob from her either
because it's a relatively good looking game with a lot of character customization
>gone for a year
>uses have sex
I'd like chubby girls, so I'd date her for like 7 months to get to the "anal on request" stage.
Have sex has been around on Yea Forums since 2016, you stupid faggot. Probably even longer.
I have literally never heard anyone say dilate until this year and I've been here since 2012
the point of have sex is to insinuate an user is an incel loser who never has contact with women
>but muh buzz word tactics
Gain height.
>Playing gmod past the age of 12
Yikes dude. Around these parts, 4channel, we respect women, and that was quite the vile post. Please delete before I downvote you
As long as you aren't raiding, FFXIV is pretty "safe" for girls compared to other MMO's since most of the community is pretty chill.
I play BDO and holy shit, if you don't have a titanium skin there you'll get eaten alive.
>7/8 static
>always pub the last spot for weekly clears of e-4s
>dont put any restrictions on PF
>always get the one guy going "omg let me join im stuck on enrage"
>tell him he can join its no biggy
>carry him even if it takes a bit
>he's always happy and grateful for the clear
>maybe he gets some loot too
Dilate is a stupid meme /pol/tards came up with to deal with anyone who disagrees with them. If you disagree with them they'll just pretend you're a tranny so they can pretend they're superior and tell you to dilate.
Have sex is a meme that was created to combat the dumb dilate meme, so whenever some retard starts to lose an argument and starts pretending you're a tranny you just tell them to have sex to cure their obvious virgin status.
>Around these parts, 4channel, we respect women
Retard, Yea Forums only have cute loli girls, old hag not welcome
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
It's a casual game that looks really pretty and has a lot of beautiful looking people and fashion.
>Have sex is a meme that was created to combat the dumb dilate meme
No, it was created by Yea Forums YEARS before dilate came around. It was just a way to tell people that they're being virgins.
I'm 300 lbs, and no Asian MMO will ever be as good as classic WoW.
have sex means go out and have sex actually
>accusing everyone who disagrees with them of being a tranny
>not /pol/
come the fuck on, user.
And this is 4channel not Yea Forums please linger a while and learn the difference newfriend
>Playing Korean MMOs
Are you actually braindamaged or something, my man?
it's more like
>thing gets popular
>Yea Forums starts shitting on it
Classic and ShB coming out around the same time was just a coincidence
Hehe, this faggot.
Honestly at this point I think I am
I stopped playing it a year ago though. Now I just fuck around on Soul Calibur 6 to pass the time
it looks pretty and you can be banned for mentioning that people aren't pulling their weight.
wait, seriously?
to be fair the only trannies i know play FFXIV
Sup bro, just texting to let you know you can't get banned for gameplay differences, but you can get banned for insulting them for being bad.
Probably the best one because you can't just immediately fix it
It's an MMO. It takes zero skill to play. You wander around mostly grinding easy enemies and do fetch quests for NPCs. It's the perfect Twitch streamer game since they can spend most of the time reading and buttering up the chat for donations.
What do you think, Yea Forums?
>I studied the blade
fat women are disgusting, shame on you thirsty fat chasers
Look at it this way, user. We're bearing the load of these fat assed, soft ladies so you can continue to fail at picking up skinny chicks, but with less competition.
Because it's easier to get orbiter attention and live out their fantasy of being a cute girl in a fantasy land. All girls in this game all end up doing exactly the same shit.
>Be girl
>Become obsessed with owning a house in game
>Become obsessed with making their house the best
>Find some guild or linkshell full of beta orbiters
>Marry the leader of said guild or linkshell
>Once you find out he's actually just a beta like the orbiters in the linkshell cause drama and get it to disintegrate so you're no longer socially obligated to remain married
>Repeat, on a new server if you've burned up all the social groups on your starting server
How is this possible? Anons told me only trannies play ff14.
wow so cool haha!
>tfw you will never have a FFXIV real life gf
Honestly alot of cuties desu
I have known alot of cute girl MMO players though but this game def seems to attract a more tumblr looking crowd.
Go back to gamer
This is your dragoon for tonight, say something nice
XIV currently enjoys the distinction right now of being parts pussy magnet and parts actually decent game thanks to Shadowbringers.
It's great finally seeing it get the success it deserves with folk finally.
Most of the people in that twitter link are trannies but this black chick is hot as fuck.
Apparently the key is to hit on catboys/bunnygirls, since that seems what girls play the most
>this is the standard catboy and male lala player
checks out
>So many generally attractive females (girl) play this game
no wonder everyone is so bitchy and cliquey
A lot of girls play boys characters. Do they like to stare at their ass too?
Why? Because girls like Final Fantasy. Which made FFXIV easy for some girls to jump into. Snowballing so that secondary women who only heard about the game from their women friends started playing too.
That's a female lala though.
>levelling roulette
>the vault
>double dnc
Unironically yes. Lots of girls make male characters it's not uncommon. Uusally for one of two reasons, one being they're really no different from guys and they like playing dress up with a character they think is hot. Second reason is they're one of the rarer type of woman who is genuinely not an attention whore and a male character helps hide them from thirsty virgin beta orbiters.
I mean if you scroll down that twitter link and actually look at their screenshots a ton of the girls playing boy characters are posting screens of their male characters ERPing with each other or posing sexually.
Are you going to tweet your selfie, Yea Forums?
no we like to imagine they are our husbands
Most of them are probably fujos
Install nudey mods too?? One of us whoa...
what the
>the ones playing lalas all look mentally ill
who could've guessed
All of the girls I've ever met in vidya that have been tolerable (or even outright bro-tier) played mained male characters.
Kono speedo da
literally this high key.
>Sup bro, wanna head to Limsa and hang out for a while?
wat do
99% of them are fujos, I've seen a bunch with either Cid as their profile pic or their OC kissing Emet
Yep, cause like i said those types of woman aren't just annoying attention whores like many 'gamer girls'.
Contrary to Yea Forums belief there are actually plenty of normal women who play games, you just need to actually meet and interact with them to find it out, and most anons are too autistic to socialize.
Those are some unnaturally big eyes
this is so shopped
Dear god, some of these people are horrifying...
Back in SB they were all wet over Hien
Would you date a girl with an eating disorder or BPD?
This is the voice of aerith in the ff7 remake. She's also obsessed with ff14
Legit looks unhinged and bound to snap
She looks like she fucks Highlanders
>playing FFXIV
thought this was a pic of me holy heck almost had a heart attack.
>Why do so many girls play XIV?
Why do you people keep calling men 'girls'? You don't stop being a male just because you cut your penis off.
It's downright confusing.
What race and job do you think she plays?
Futa highlanders
Are you in London perchance m'lady?
Maybe, but I'm into fatter girls, so probably not by choice.
show bobs and vagne pls
im going to ask this girl from out bros
she's really cute
Are you really asking why people play the best MMO on the market? The one that all the WoW fans are moving to since no one actually wants Classic? It's a simple fucking answer dude.
mmos tend to have a lot of girls, akshually. Real girls, not trannies.
>The perfect woman doesn’t exi-
I fucking hate that I will never be hot or rich enough to get a goddess like this to even look in my general direction.
best of luck user!
why is Yea Forums still pretending this tranny mmo is popular?
You guys don't actually think it's a big deal that girls play games, right?
Have sex.
you btw
Hurts, don't it.
FFXIV is basically just a catgirl erp chatroom not a game that is why so many girls and "girls" play it
>FFXIV is basically just a catgirl erp chatroom not a game
but its more final fantasy jrpg than 13 and 15.
>started as highlander
>suddenly get the urge to fanta
>go catgirl
>make new cute outfits for my cat
Shit, wait. Is this like one of those fetish comics where a guy transforms into a woman?
>perfect woman
liking final fantasy is a huge red flag my dude
>you will never have a femelezen gf irl
>social simulation/stimulation
This is what they will they will always flock to and naturally so. Not saying is necessarily a bad thing but it certainly can be.
>hot wings
what's with black people and chicken wings?
>attention whores use typical shitty attention whore glams
Color me not surprised.
She loved ff15 too.
>search for a crafter guide
>find one
>it literally has 339 pages
What the FUCK, nigga? If you want new players to get into crafting, you just failed.
chicken wings are good retard
also i'd nut in that chocolate women AND her elezen
That's a pretty big red flag. Even my degenerate fujo friends didn't like XV.
I don't want to be lynched, so gonna have to pass. Sorry, bro.
There isn't anything. I think you're getting your stereotypes fucked up because the stereotype is their love of fried chicken not chicken wings.
>I-Its not popular because I say so!
Yeah keep dreaming FFXIV is like it or not the de facto MMO on the market. Nothing else compares. And it's going to get even more popular when the nier raid hits.
It's like a very sophisticated doll dress up game for grown up girls. It also has JRPG attached to it for those among them who like it.
When you're this attractive, you can have the shittiest taste in the world and it wouldn't matter.
*tinks glass*
Your attention a moment please
Answers is still the best opening song by a wide margin and if you disagree you outright have shit taste
>Thy Life is a riddle, to bear rapture and sorrow
>To listen, to suffer, to entrust unto tomorrow
>In one fleeting moment, from the Land doth life flow
>Yet in one fleeting moment, for anew it doth grow
>In the same fleeting moment thou must live
>and know
Nice try, fag. You won't get rid of the competition that easy.
Your degenerate fujo friends don't know what they are missing.
>people with bad taste sure know what is good
oh no she's retarded :(
>destroy the entire site then play the victim
Every time
>You’ll never lick her soles
Why even live
>heh, this should scare the other thirsty guys away
I'm still here, nigga.
Trannies and fujoshits.
>girly characters
>tons of cosmetic options
>when you feel sexy enough you knit your own costume and go to a FF convention to become your character
You could get laid by a thicc and cute MMO gf right now if you weren't so jaded and terrible at video games anons.
I'm not interested in sheboons, esp not mentally ill ones, she's all yours my friend
>Finally get my E4S clear
>get chestpiece (tank)
>the static i'm running with is letting me play DNC next week
how do I get an XIV gf?
this girl looks like my mom
I've noticed this amongst the games women play.
>They have to be superficially artistically pleasing
>Have an element of "care" ie: Looking after your team mates, or looking after plants or looking after something with some kind of validation at the end. Think Pokemon, Animal Crossing, LoL, FFXIV. etc.
>It has to be something already popular
>It has to have a social element. Pokemon had you sharing Pokemon, OW, LoL, and FFXiV are online and require social co-ordination.
>Despite needing to care for aspects of those games, those aspects can not be fiddly or tedious.
Basically, if your game has any kind of meaningful progression, crunch, grind, or requires any sort of skill to play then your average women is not going to be interested. I tried to get my GF into WoW but she kept moaning about shit the graphics were. How limited the cosmetics were and how little there was to buy in the cash shop. Tried showing her Star Wars Galaxies and although she liked the sandbox housing she didn't like having to grind to get new stuff and just wanted a cash shop to buy everything in.
This is just how women play games.
I want to fuck your mom, user.
user.. crafting guides aren't there for new players..
If you read them you'll see the beginner part is a very small portion while everything else is about optimization of your rotation
Post pics of your mom
That's a man, baby
or if I was attracted to fat women, just thinking about the cellulite and that brown skin between their flabs makes me sick
>It has to have a social element
This is all that matters. So any mmo is gonna have a lot of girls playing.
That's a pretty good looking man.
with fury
I don't know why this got me, but it did
It's Jordan Peterson's daughter instagram.com
She's a 10/10
looks like the average Yea Forums poster
Girls nowadays are so identical that I can't tell if that girl is some random thot or someone I used to know with similar makeup.
I don't lust after the underaged, user you fucking pedo.
Why not?
that's a boy
William Regal had some of the best reaction images.
La luz extinguido
ok she shouldnt do the lip bite
this is the average femroe player
not bad
women are perfect exploits for capitalism its why communism will always fail.
>play since 1.0
>dont believe the tranny meme
>doing some late night map grinds with randos
>decide to actually use party chat for the first time since it's a couple hours of tedium instead of a 10 minute dungeon run
>3 people talk about struggling to save up for their sex change
nani the FUCK
It's a pretty game with a pretty weeb aesthetic that allows trannies to look how they feel on the inside. As opposed to the fat, ugly puss covered hole they actually are whenever they look down.
h-hes fast!
Just play on nip server, retards
>that ginger negro
I started playing in July and I noticed a massive amount of trannies. There's also a lot of homosexuality -- people would stare at my character and try to touch him up. Then you have the massive cringe that people say in the chat, like ":3". I don't bother trying to speak to anyone in it now because to be frank, they are creepy.
let me guess, you play on crystal datacenter.
Nope, Light.
Cause it was polualr with the twitch audience
>all those cocoa godesses
muh dick
>trade trannies for being surrounded by pedofels
Trannies from a discord are trying to turn this place into a anarcho-syndicalist commune.
Do you think it would help me find an FFXIV gf if I posted my selfie on there, Yea Forums?
I hope you kill yourself due to your hormonal imbalances, tranny fag.
Would you kindly shove a round object up the wound a medical professional cut into you that leaks pus and blood due to being infected.
>had a FF14 gf
Quite a fucking experience that was.
Because Nip runes are so easy to learn. It's easy to pack up your shit and move to a server full of autists second only to Germans. Who don't even speak the same language as you.
>Unironically referring to women of color as “cocoa goddesses”
Kinda cringe bro
Share your story with us, user.
Gladly. At least I'm capable of doing it.
Go back
>just as fast
Okay, Yea Forums. Fess up. Which one of you anons is this?
is it bad manners if you join a PF that says 2 chests and you find out in the instance its a 7/8 static but you roll on the items?
>H-He's fast!
Not me, I look like this.
Please delete this
holy shit what a nasty room
Why is 99% of sonic music so good? I've never liked the actual games, but damn the music is fine
I have fucked a lot of women, just over 100, at age 27. The majority of them have been astoundingly average but only 2 of them have been fat, that is how long it took me to realize how gross fat or even 'chubby' women are.
They smell, they sweat that disgusting BO sweat, they are somehow out of breath despite laying supine and despite the extra physical pressure which their mass exerts, their vagoo is somehow not tighter than that of a slender woman.
Only virgins or fatties fall for the any port in a storm meme.
Does anyone here play? Im a new player at lvl 32 rn and soloing is easy but also not quite so fun
Is it easy to find people to play with on the vg thread or should i avoid the general there
kys tranny
I wanna hear this user.
Because they can feel like gamers while not gaming and they most likely missed the WoW era or really sucked at it (XIV raiding is braindead easy) and they're are salty about it.
XIV had the potential of WoW if only it weren't also a console game, because it looks better and it has as much or even more story content.
>just look at my 350 minions!
>I'm such a gamer gurl!
Being a console game makes it ideal for bored housewives, you've no idea what kind of shit-tier mothers play this game. On one of my palace farms I remember a thot writing that her baby had fallen from the chair and she didn't check on it until the party went to a safe area, which I'm grateful for because otherwise we would've wiped even though I kinda felt bad for the little shit.
There're whole companies (guilds) made of females, I was shocked when I found out they were real females and not just larping trannies like it usually happens in other games, it blew my mind that a MMORPG could have so much pussy in it, but when there is something good there is always something bad too... they don't like to raid, they would rather level their disciple of hand and land jobs all day than hop on a deep dungeon farm or raid farm because they've no time for them and even when they try their attention span is shit.
Crafting is also braindead easy, almost as much as WoW but it adds a bit of challenge if you don't know about macros.
There is a player status called Roleplaying (adds RP icon to your name) which makes the game prone to have a lot of dumb women using it as dress up game only, a female can probably live off the beta providers forever, don't even need to put effort into getting money to buy your dress up bull shit.
The game in itself is fine, my only complaint is the lack of addons and the low number of commands useful in combat, you can't make macros as complicated as those of WoW because the most basic of functions are missing (like the targeting function which exists but is very limited).
COME ON TELL US! I havn't seen a decent green text in monthes.
i lost my virginity to a chubby girl i met on wow in the year of our lord 2007
I lost mine when I started bonding with some emo over Devil May Cry.
It's pretty nice, hope I find another girl into vidya.
>lack of addons
Thanks, fuck off WoWfags. Use your brain to play the game instead of waiting for apps to tell you what to do
>be me
>find 4chinnel.org/v/ from neogaf
>typical 3/10 faggot
>cant have sex
>refuse to dilate
>mfw picrel
She's cute and based and redpilled but not 10/10
wrong, wrong and technically correct
I did it. I finished all my 5.0 goals. Now, I get to take it easy in FFXIV until 5.1.
I bet you throw rocks.
Nah, just a chadwingit laughing at marcovirgin like you
Can Kermit the frog be my stepdad now?
Today I remembered there are faggots who are wrong on the internet.
I don't know, my sister liked MGSV.
She has about 300 hours in it and still plays.
Why do people have those circle things on the back of their phones? Does it hook up to their car or something?
I'm gonna parse your fight, biatch.
>has kid
>female version of skinnyfat
Clean your room and I'll consider it. But you better be high up on the dominance hierarchy if you want to treat my daughter right.
>screenshot crop
>Flat stomach you can cook an egg on.
The state of amerimutts.
What? He's behind me!
With the amount of glamour those girls have on you know they put mad hours into that shit
She looks like a young britney spears but Britney was hotter at her age
It's just a grip, and so many woman have that particular one because it's a fad.
Is this the kumbrain xiv thread? Why do you incels ruin everything comfy.
man having a daughter is truly the ultimate cuckoldry, poor Jordan
Alright Jordan but only is she washes my penis With her mouth after
All FF games have always had a pretty even split in the sexes for the playerbase.
Americans are brainwashed to racemix and worship niggers.
>m-m-masaka.. KONO SPEED?!!
That's my sister
>The girl in your FC that sells foot pics to people
>Gives you their cash shop gift codes, already owns every purchasable item their orbiters bought
>Doesn't have a single crafter or gatherer unlocked, orbiters do it for free
>All combat classes level boosted just to wear more outfits
>Catfishes multiple men at once, regularly recieves $500 presents off their amazon wishlist
>Hasn't completed shadowbringers, to busy playing their backlog of co op games people gifted her
I don't get it. How am I supposed to use this?
>want to play XIV
>HDD is dead
Could install in my SSD but I don't know if it's a good a idea.
dragon kick, then use this immediately. Somehow skips you to GL2
Nah fantasy MMOs are just a chick genre.
Disregarding WoW which is really male heavy, if you join voice coms for content in most MMOs there's pretty much always 3-5 grills per 10 people.
Are you really surprised? MMOs are practically dress-up games with chatrooms tacked on to them.
/pol/ was right
>Doesn't have a single crafter or gatherer unlocked
I wish she were in my FC tbqh because the women in mine are total opposite, they just sit in their house all day crafting shit and never caring to go in dungeons or rids when people try to organize, which causes problems for everyone because we need to PUG and of course PUGs never end well unless you happen to find solitary pros.
Go hug your sister right now and report back
Do they take care of all your crafting/gathering needs? Cause that sounds pretty great.
playing XIV on a SSD feels like a must. game loads 2-3x faster and you don't get character pop-in.
When I see gay catboys, I usually imagine fujos, not this. The fuck.
I played FFXIV recently just to try it cause a co-worker badgered me to do it.
It sucks. It feels like a single player game. All real players feel like NPCs instead of real people. Garbage.
>tfw college
>tfw cute boy
>tfw the autists and anime fans like to put their cat ears on me, pinch my cheeks
>tfw more autistic than them cuz i dont know how to fuck them lol
help me bros. i need an autismal chad who can tell me how to seal the deal
What in the fuck
>But user it gets good after you reach max level and start the expansions
Fuck that noise. I miss when MMOs were fun from level one to max and the levelling was half the fun. City of Heroes is the only game to do levelling in an MMO well and make it fun.
>It's much less mechanically demanding than other "hardcore" mmos. It supports lots of easy slice of life RPing casual garbage for people who just want to sit in their house and use it as a chat room with dressup.
So it's a big budget Gaia Online?
Hop in NN channel and that will change your mind
She's probably the most hated bitch in her clique.
>bee me
>first time visiting fc house
>low level crafter learning how to lvl up
>she's a 21yo girl and married
>other fc members are talking with her
>she has problems with her husband
>possibly abuse of some sort
>notice she doesn't have food buff
>ask if she needs food
>doesn't reply
>link the food in chat
>says "no I don't need it"
>most likely thought I was trying to hit on her
I'm trying to help you level up dumb retarded bitch because we're in the same fc, fuck you.
To think that I even felt sorry for her for a few seconds there, I hope her husband cucks her the hardest he can.
Nigga leveling in all MMOs are boring questing based off of MUD genre combat log systems
Not for free lol the highest leveled crafter makes me pay even more than market price, she's a bitch but I still prefer to support the fc because sooner or later we're gonna raid together, or so I hope.
The farmers don't share nothing, if you asked they would just tell you to go level your shit up and farm it yourself.
They're salty cunts.
This is what Yea Forums “femboys” all look like, dopey skinnyfat white guys who just shave and take a picture of their legs in socks at a downward angle
Glad that cunt is dead
shit tier incel larp. nobody can seriously be this autistic irl lmao
Why is her hand so small got damn my dick would look massive with her holding it
What is a mud?
This is the worse thread on Yea Forums. Fuck you all.
It's not funny.
spread your bucci for them and they wil cum
MMOs before 3D models and 2D sprites graphics
>>But user it gets good after you reach max level and start the expansions
Funny you mention this because this is exactly what my co-worker told me after I said FF14 sucks. The thing is.. I'm not willing to sit there and level my char for a game I dont enjoy. I dont wanna pay $15 a month for a single player game. Square Enix fucked up.
>all these races
>cant be a dog, cat or cute bird
Why do girls like playing MMOs and why are they always bad at them?
we're all looking for love
i thought americans were usually fat?
because they get attention and its easier to be carried by others so they can feel more important by participating
Crafting is almost useless in this game, though for my build I can use one crafted piece until the upgrade drops from Savage (i350 pants)
There are two cat races you dumb fuck
fucking kek
Not when you don't have access to any crafting or money.
>all these races
>can't be a loli of any of them
>he doesn't know
I find it funny Yoshi will say they will never add a child or teen race to the game because degenerates would lewd them, yet allow lalafells which look like misshapen toddlers.
Release the mod, eppers.
I don't have the skills to make my own.
I fucking hate lalas, they are the personification of uncanny valley.
people underrated the "easy" classes way too much. yeah obviously the other dps classes do more damage but unless you play them well, you won't be reaching it's true potential.
easy classes, it seems no matter what you fucking do you'll get good damage. so remember that when you lock down roles in pf. you're gonna be stuck with shitty BLM and MNK
sincerely RDM AND SAM.
Stop playing with attention whores. One of the top dps in my old raid was a girl. I miss her. I miss everyone from that raid, actually. The grandma school teacher who was shit at first but got better, the middle age woman who got replaced after it was found out she was drunk healing almost every night, the hyper college girl with a bird who would squawk every time she talked, the passive aggressive gay healer who would constantly make passes at the older chad tank, the girl who sounded like she was always high, the spic who was unintelligible half the time. I miss them all, bros.
They look nothing like them you pedophile.
Get the SStool and you can change your character to loli characters.
>Woah, I have le cat ears so that makes me a le cat owo
Fuck off tranny
Holy shit is that a new trainer? I haven't touched the game in almost 2 years so I'm out of the loop right now.
I tried to tell you, anons but you wouldn't listen. Catboys are Gaybois.
Yeah it got updated for ShB. Can play as Ryne, who is a scaled down female midlander so they have an actual female model.
Is there a guide to using this thing, I wanna turn myself into Ryne to continue cunny posting after Epperson died for it.
I'm proud catboy (male) and not ghei.
I want cute kitten gamer gurl (female) to motivate me tank 9 hours off palace and heavens.
l-like some kind of speed daemon!
There's a mini guide for it, you just got to experiment.
Girls have small hands.
He said two cat races you fucking idiot.
>eating disorder
already been there, fuck no
How do I make her my wife, bros?
Avoid the general at all costs.
There's a decent amount of people on Yea Forums that play, why else would there be XIV threads in the first place
BPD unironically should kill themselves if they cannot control it so much you don't notice it. That's mean, I guess they can just hermit themselves away from anyone but BPD is literally "Cunt the disorder" and it is so noxious and destructive to people by you that you deserve to be alone forever if you have BPD and cannot control it. And I mean "Nobody ever realizes you have BPD" control. BPD is on a whole nother level, any other mental illness would be better to deal with in a partner. Schitzo or Depressed or even fucking Bipolar, I'll take that over borderline.
This is a pretty shitty xiv thread
she'd be a qt if she dropped a few pounds to be honest
I took a small break couple weeks after ShB launch and only returned recently, my ilvl is 445. How far behind am I?
Women play games to burn time and feel big brain. My gf plays a bunch of grand strategy bullshit, and only does ffxiv to casually grind out stupid shit lile crafting classes and anima.
lol retard
Holy fuck Delicate Synthesis is too damn good. It's getting nerfed isn't it lads?
you should try having real friends once or twice, faggot. the highlight of your life sounds depressing desu.
>antromorphic cat
Yikes & incelpilled
>nooo how can so many incels talk bad about females in xiv! this is so mean...
>It's much less mechanically demanding than other "hardcore" mmos.
How so?
I mean the time-investment is obv a fraction of others but what mmos are more mechanically demanding for high-end content?
Can somebody post the story where an user goes to a meetup and get his dick sucked by a 19yo boy?
Yes its anthro because feral cats would make you even more of a faggot furry then antro buff lion men would.
Sounds like someone needs to dilate and stop seething from getting btfo
>/pol/ meme
It’s a Yea Forums meme from the agdq speedrunner threads you filthy tranny offsiter.
FF14 is an excellent game everyone should play.
Kinda, get too explicit about using parsing addons or too autistically harsh can get you banned.
On the plus side Square ignores all stuff outside the actual game and will never ban for twitter/discord shit and their storylines often call out people for being western shitters like refugee-humpers and white mages who don’t dps.
Don't speak to me of your lies, witch, I was there when you told me the PS3 had games.
it could be because it's built for gamepads by default
Sounds like someone needs to have sex
>ignores all stuff outside the actual game and will never ban for twitter/discord shit
Not entirely true, the guy who made all these Ryne and other lewds got banned recently for it. To be fair they were a complete dumbass who linked to his lewd twitter in his search info and had his name and server listed right on it.
sounds hot someone post
>Then you have the massive cringe that people say in the chat, like ":3"
You have very weird standards for cringe online, user. Fact there are weeaboos in this game should not surprise you.
You don’t even need nip servers, euros barely have them. It’s only murricans who are infested.
>people who think emet selch was right
the true sign of a retard
No one who does high-end content successfully plays on a pad.
why are you posting literally bullshit?
t. Padshitter
MMOs have always been very popular with girls because you can treat them as a social experience with minimal gameplay if you want, and you can dress up a pretty character.
Aether fake people aren't real people
gotta go fast
Yeah but that’s because he linked to it ingame.
If they don’t have a log of it in their own system they don’t give a fuck.
Customer support sees that as the equivalent of linking to pornography websites in your search description. People are just retarded and don't understand that they can't link random people titties without someone getting upset about it
My friend is a great healer, white mage parses 76ish. They play on a pad. I cannot fathom why because a pad is such an awful choice.
non-EX Eden gear, Titania and Innocence is 450. Crafted weapons are 450
Phantasmagorma gear is 460. You need 1000 phantasmagorma and 7 runs of E4 Normal
Augmented Phantasmagorma gear is 470
Edengrace Eden Savage is 475 weapons, 470 armor
Has to inflate his e-peen somehow.
I clear savage and extremes all the time and I use a pad.
we're not talking about maxi pads.
...You realize MGSV fit all those criteria, right?
Dilate tranny
there are retards out there who actually thought alisaie and alphinaud died to those sword things emet selch threw at them? jsus fucking christ
Never played it, but I imagine it's like Second Life but you could actually do something. Just like GTA online.
WoW-like MMO that focuses primarily on its story, to the point of having in-universe explanations for why you're the chosen one but you bimble around with other players.
Because it's "cute", emotes are "cute", mounts are "cute" (fat cat and shit like that).
Ironically I found me a gf on FFXIV but things didn't last because she was batshit insane.
>anti-FF14 smearing never happened until classic wow came rolling around
I'm sure you didn't notice it until somebody pointed it for you. I've seen it for year, and not just that, for literally any fucking game.
Some guys from there look like decent bros but others really need to start moving/stop eating so much. I'm sure most of them would look good without many pounds off.
Girl players are not indicative of a good game. Quite the opposite in fact.
begone, toady
Damn, maybe I should play FF14 more if there's this many girls. But I never see anybody interacting much like I used to see in MMOs
what's wrong with drunk healing though??
Which classlc server we making toons on?
>game is actually a massive multiplayer online role playing game and not a glorified partysearcher-based dungeon crawler
>"huurrr new mmos bad"
fucking kill yourself retard
I remember making good money in Tera selling potions because for most people it was too fucking tiresome.
So if I buy the whole game plus expansions for the PS4 do I have to pay a monthly fee or is it full game forever?
the biggest player pools for instanced content are "Alliance Raids", where 3 squads of 8 players each operate independently.
Other than that there's dungeons for 4 players and normal raids, as well as trials, for 8 players.
What do you guys think of my Viera?
during the time I played this shit I got to know at least three females (female).
One had a kid and her husband also played (he was a pretty shitty DPS and would get mad if I took the spotlight when I tanked dungeons).
Both the other girls were actually underage (around 16, 17 yo)
cute, but she looks kind of bored
Girls love modern MMO's. Dress up simulator and infinite attention from thirsty nerds.
>Both the other girls were actually underage (around 16, 17 yo)
I met someone who told me she was a 12 year old girl
Judging by how "she" chats I'm not believing that, but just the thought is kind of weird
>Seethe........ Cope..........
It's always the underage girls that like me back and I find partly interesting
Basically gonna kill myself because I'd rather do that then get with an underage and go to jail
I'm 21 fucking years old, it's only a 4 year difference, why can't I find any 18 or 19 year old girls?
Same as all the others/10
Then how do I make it different
it's easy to confirm it if you can somehow check their discord profiles. Most of the time they also link their twitch and all that shit. I know if I actually cared, it would be fairly easy to meet and fuck FFXIV girls in real life, but I'm not into 3D.
>face 1
chinlet, awful
I must remind them.
to all of my trannies in whom rage flows abundant...
You can't, honestly. The character creation options allow for like 3 different decent-looking combinations and everything else is just hideous.
I haven't contacted her outside of the game so I don't know her discord or anything. I have no intentions to either because I don't wanna have it turn out true and end up landing on a list
you pay a monthly subscription and in 2 years you'll need to buy the latest expansion too
It's a money sink
oh america
>literally me
>used to bot potions and mass store them in my storage and constantly send materials to my craft bot
>ha you're gathering all this useless junk on your tank alt why?
>they added fucking stamina to crafting after 6 years of the game running
>all my stuff became worth literally thousands
>sold it all and my account for 4000 dollars
all because I made a script that just moved a cursor back and fourth for hours on repeat.
what an epic game
he literally, unironically did nothing wrong
besides even if you die you just get returned to the lifestream anyways, and if his plan works youll probably end up reincarnating as a dope ayylmao
I thought BPD stands for bipolar disorder?
Women have no fucking taste so you can rule out it being a good video game.
finally the original.. i only had some gay edit saved
>Main DRG
>99% of top 100 DRG have padding
>stuck at 85%tile because no padding
>MCH DPS is 90+%
This sucks
>post a selfie with the #
>no likes or retweets
it must be because I play Male lalafell
Worst part is I DPS better then every Farm party DRG I've ever met
Lots of girls play mmos
FFlogs doesn't take padding into account anymore. It just considers total contribution to damage, including YOUR buffs to others, but not others' buffs to you. (This is iffier on stuff like Trick Attack).
girls only play mmos because they're glorified chat clients.
Because underage girls got no self-confidence and will look for validation literally anywhere
>Still playing through Heavensward MSQ
>9 days
Is it normal for single player JRPGS to take this long?
>Total Play Time: 117 days, 9 hours, 7 minutes
You're like a little baby
Really? Like dancer buffs and shit? Because top 100 DRGs are like ~1k-2k away from me right now. I Haven't had any trouble with Rotation on titania EX and shit, I'm missing a small amount of gear but I don't think it should matter that much. I've gennuenly out DPES every other DRG I've seen so far, Am I missing something? I've melded Crit/Direct hit on all my gear sofar.
>i'm 21 and a super duper mature adult!
you're literally still a child and don't even have a fully developed brain yet.
>almost every game mentioned gets shit on
>WoW and any other MMO thread gets deleted
>It only happens to XIV guys
Shut up and accept not everyone likes your stupid game. People who hate WoW tend to hate XIV since it's essentially just 2 trannies fighting that their dress is better because one has red and the other blue.
Where the fuck did I say I'm mature at all
I just don't want to go to jail
Well it obviously doesn't. So look it up.
Ff14 is not a proper game. It's a subpar MMO, have you even played it? You're using the same 3 skills up until lvl 60 where the real game begins. Only autists and women play the "game" for that long to beging with. You know those farm games on Facebook back in the day? This is what ff14 is today. Click here, press this button. That's it. No engaging content, no need to think, just click through this dialogue box you won't even read, go to this marked area, kill these 10 enemies with your 3 skill rotation. Rinse and repeat for 100 hours. Pure autism. The reason so many girls are into this because they see this game as dress up barbie doll social space with mentioned Farmville style content sprinkled in between
Yeah, I've noticed a lot of underage girls constantly go for older guys in general for that type of attention and validation
It's really fucking cringey
Could be worse, could be chased by girls wanting to put you in diapers
what the fuck liberal-authoritarian dictatorship hell hole do you live in that you'd get in trouble for speaking to teenage girls online as an immature adolescent yourself? also have you ever considered leaving your house instead of being a loser who can only talk to new people on the internet.
cause only bitches play ffxiv
it's borderline personality disorder, aka chronically unfaithful self-harming hyperslut: the disorder.
>younger females prefer older males
whoa what a crazy new trend that's never happened before.
>liberal-authoritarian dictatorship hell hole do you live in that you'd get in trouble for speaking to teenage girls online as an immature adolescent yourself?
welcome to 'murica
Is XIV fun for a newguy with no friends to play with
Who ever said if was new?
Stop being such a hostile bitch online
good lukc on damage % rolls
>reeeee stop being mean to me on 4channel.org
lmao kill yourself faggot.
what does getting 3 lines feel like bros
Do you have a 475 weapon, 470 chest, 470 pants, 470 accessories, and a couple other left side 470 pieces? If not then that's why you're doing less damage (assuming you're also playing your job properly and everyone else in your group is as well)
Yes, but find some in game to enjoy it to the fullest. It's an MMO.
About as boring as you are.
Anyone who plays a Miqo'te or a Viera are by default generic and boring as fuck.
I say midgame to endgame is fun. The beginning sucks ass.
you don't need to interact with anyone since the game automatically matches you with random people to clear content, so yes.
But FF12 is my favorite Final Fantasy and I genuinely like Vieras because of it
Feels like Khole's soft tail.
Post a better one then
Not my fault. You can like Viera all you want but it still makes you a basic bitch.
>mfw a guy said this in pchat during the cutscene
Post your character then
on /fit/, we say "post body"
Jesus fuck yoshi please buff RDM already. I'm barely doing 11.2k over here at ilvl456 and that's if I do my rotation flawlessly
Don't fuck with me, kiddo.
Okay Josuke
take it back
are you autistic?
I am and it's great
>trannies dissing on a girl who's only half as deluded as her
to be fair, only faggots trying to fit in wear a pompadour, this shit is on the same level as viera and miqote whores
Hey I know this person in Discord
no sag red flag
Make me
The game is chock-full of FF fanservice from beginning to end, so you're probably gonna miss out on all of that.
But if you're like me then XIV will convince you to play older titles where it's cool to see where XIV took its inspiration and fanservice from
No I'm only in ARR
>Also I have never played any Final Fantasy game before so how out of the loop will I be
FFXIV is like a final fantasy themepark. You'll miss a ton of references, some more subtle than others.
t. insecure whitey
trying out pvp healing for the first time
how are these devs so incompetent at balance? may as well delete whm and sch from pvp
>Is XIV fun for a newguy with no friends to play with
Yes, I just hope I can make friends by the time I get to or am at end game but even then I think i'll be fine if I still have to play by myself. Sometimes while in random groups they'll talk to you and it feels pretty nice.
guys i got the starter edition, im at level 49...do i need to buy all the expansions or just the shadowbringers one ?
will i be able to level up further than 50 ?
im playing on steam btw
How do I make friends in this game
I liked her better as Minfilia than Ryne
can you solo most of Eureka now?
>do i need to buy all the expansions or just the shadowbringers one ?
Here you go, dumb dumb.
Just Shadow.
>I'm on steam
You already fucked up.
Go in and find out.
Well the problem is I've never done Eureka so I don't know what I'm getting into if its meant for groups or you can solo or what
thanks guys, i wasnt planning to buy the expansion right now, but im REALLY digging this game and i really dont want to stop playing my marauder right now that i finally got some cool skill to tank with, im planning on making a healer after
Shut up Thancred
I believe they're planning on some changes in the near future to make it easier now that it's less populated, but it is definitely meant for groups over solo. Most mobs are a match for a solo player and can probably kick your ass if you're not careful or if they're even a little bit higher than you. And you won't be killing mobs fast enough for it to be rewarding. Additionally, the FATEs/Notorious Monsters are the real rewarding parts of the area and they require groups (but scale in difficulty based on the population of the area).
Not bad at all
>mfw buying the ARR skip potion after my friend spent all the time grinding it all out
dios mio......
I bought an ARR skip and 2 jump potions for my alt
What are jump potions
1.0 didn't have jumping in the game, so for ARR they added it but you have to buy a special potion to do it
How often do you anons think sprouts buy story skips and level boosts as opposed to sprouts that stick with playing through and completing the MSQ?
If they play with friends, often. If alone, not often.
You can check their search info and guesstimate based on the results at least for leveling potions. Most people will at least briefly try or check out another class.