I've been in prison for the past 5 years, what'd I miss Yea Forums?

I've been in prison for the past 5 years, what'd I miss Yea Forums?

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it keeps getting worse, just go back to prison

What did you do Hard to believe an anime-loving sissy did time.

Sold marijuana

probably possession of """"""""""""""cp""""""""""""""" in Canada or some other dumb shit


did you get fucked in the ass or did you fuck other men in the ass

also did you get a tattoo


>five years for selling marijuana
love this country :)

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i died

look at it this way, you can just pretend you were in /vg/ for years like the other 50% of us.

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This. Should have been sentenced to death.

Sentence yourself to death, faggot.

Actual footage of OP in prison


This, you'll be much better off.

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Was he really somone from here?

VR happened. It's actually really fucking cool, despite what nu-Yea Forums will tell you. Don't buy any Oculus shit, it's actually Facebook and pretty shitty. Valve makes the best hardware and even started making games again, nothing huge yet but they're supposed to have a 'FLAGSHIP VR GAME' (aka HL3) out some time this year (very quietly announced back in June).

You should really try to take this opportunity to get away from Yea Forums, and social media in general. it's all going to shit really really fast (USA culture war is about to go hot, and it's starting with communists locking down all the social media).

What gang did you join?

mine is better

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based fpbp

back to /pol/ with you shitcel

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Xenoblade chronicles 2 released
and Zelda Breath of the Wild
good stuff

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why you lyin bitch

Perfect example of the retards who now infest this site

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Was henneko really five years ago?

Is prison like being a neet? you go outside once in a while and try to kill time in your room.

What a grim and dark future


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There has to be a way to make it stop.

Bannerlord has a release date. It's not out, but it has a date.
That's pretty much it.


Time is ever flying by, user.

Anime is bad for Yea Forums.

shut the fuck up you white piece of shit unironically

drug dealers are still criminals

Hating anime is what lead us to this point user. We need to post it more to drive off the normalfags.

Anime is made FOR THE NORMALFAGS, you normie.

your anal virginity

Fucking zoomers ruined this image
I doubt anyone who relates to the last 3 panels were around to experience the first two

Fuck off, newfag.

There's no escape

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I don't understand why cannabis is still so vilified. It feels really stupid that so many sellers/buyers get sent to jail and cost money to tax payers while honestly bring some of the mildest shit out there.
I really don't understand why cannabis isn't legal when alcohol is and has been down to be much worse for a series of reason.

I'm far from being a fan of cannabis, I should say, I only smoked it once and I hated it, but it doesn't take a genius to see that legalizing it wouldn't hurt a fucking fly and could actually fuck up drug dealers etc.

Fuck me man, stuff like that is why I don't vote anymore.

dumb fucking boomers and christfags think it makes you turn gay and love the devil. some, like my grandparents, equate it with dope, as in hard drugs and think it will fry your brain from overdosing

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>ruined this image

That's the point, how much things have changed.