ITT: girls who enjoy CBT

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y-yeah i get it hahaha

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>Celes kicking people in the nuts
That sounds amazing. Yes please

Why people hates DR? Monokuma is cute and based


But girls don't have dicks.

Kick me in the balls!

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Fine, user, you pathetic fuck!

Be my Celes!

I don't know the character, unfortunately!

Cognitive behavioral therapy?

it's very self explanatory

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Why is Marisa so bad at it?

I played the first game up to the end of the first trial and it sucked imo
The bear nigga and the music were the only redeeming factors

You may be right.. Maybe I can do that for you!


D i s c o r d

Post yours, punk!

What about girls who would make me feel better about my small cock?


I'd do that for you if I was a girl, user.

Really? I don't mean that ironically, I want someone who will want me and make me feel sexually wanted ;w;

i helped two discordfags add themselves

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I do, I think small cocks would be really fun to play with if I had a pussy to ride them with.

Maybe you could be a girl for me?

Despite that, I appreciate this thread and would like to see it pop up again from time to time.

Cognitive behavior therapy?

Sadly I'm not all that feminine.

fuck you faggot although i like this thread because of celestia, but it lacks celestias

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Maybe ERP? Or something? You could pretend to be a cute anime girl?

>no abusive dangan gf to physically and emotionally abuse me

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To be clear, I am not one of the Discord people. Here, I have some Celestia to share.

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This is the last one I got. Good luck, thread. More CBT-related posts please.

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I want her to break my balls to pieces.

>this fucking thread

cognitive behavioral therapy?

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>that part where she pushes her foot against his balls while teasing him about how easily she can hurt him
Yes. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

tfw no cute girl to bully my dick

seriously, i have no idea what cbt means, is it something to do with femdom?

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Should I tell you?

note to self: next time I want to start a thread about multiple female characters, don't use a danganronpa in the OP

I don't know, should I know it?
how about don't start with the best one?

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To my surprise I'm having a hard time thinking of anyone else who fits the OP. Pic related?

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