What are you rolling for classic WoW, user?
What are you rolling for classic WoW, user?
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I've only ever really played as a Tauren Hunter. I also had a low level Troll Rogue that I used to fuck around in the pvp arenas. If I were to ever play again, I think I'd go shaman or some shit
Whatever Asmon says to play.
Mage. It has too many conveniences too pass up.
to pass up*
I can never decide as what to play it is so difficult to decide
NE Priest on a pvp server. Shadowmeld + MC combo is too fun to pass up
you are aware that only discord using trannies are going to play classic right?
>not rolling as a human for bonus spirit
Why though?
Yes it does. Im torn.
tauren/troll warrior. I cant decide. Which has better racials for tanking?
Is alliance or horde better/more fun?
troll is best because of that haste cd,
Are they also FUDing chainlink on /LFG?
Orc, axe specialization
Warrior obviously.
The only class that can not only fill 2 pve roles (tank and dps) but is also the best at them. Also Arms is godmode in pvp.
If you pick anything else you're in for a bad time desu.
Yeah but leveling is fucking terrible, and 50% of the server population will be warriors
Tauren resto druid female
Mage forever.
Shadow priest might be pretty fun
I'm thinking a tauren warrior, though I might go undead since my friend wants to roll and undead priest
Me too but male
UD Rogue
>anything but dwarf
best lore and best abilities
troll is the best horde tank
Undead Priest brother
So level with a healbot friend, if you're not retarded you can make friends easily as a Warrior. Those other Warriors will probably want to level as loldps and refuse to tank anything or will burn out before they hit 60.
based and redpilled
Night Elf Priestess
>back in vanilla
>bored on my priest
>run to orgrimmar
>die a few times, but finally get to the battlemasters
>do this jump in spirit form
>ress and shadowmeld
>use mind control on horde that gets in line of sight
>battlemasters instantly kills them
>recast shadowmeld
>literally do this for hours without being found
Good times
I kind of want to make a night elf male warrior even though its not the best race/class combo. I like the animations lol.
>50% of the server population will be warriors
Its actually around 15% of the server.
Too bad their scaling will be worse in high end raiding now though when you can't run around with every world buff because they are on an internal cooldown after that random hunter from a pug turned in an Onyxia head a few hours before the raid.
You would never see a modern MMO with such a fun ability
>For tanking
Tauren for more health and an AoE stun
I wish they'd just completely disable world buffs in instanced zones. They're retarded OP and add a massive layer of tedium to raiding.
5.85% of players will be warriors (at least on alliance), so no. It will technically be the most played class but it wont matter
Or an ability like Ritual of Doom which will be returning
Human warrior, how could you tell?
MC exists in retail
Warrior like a fucking chad
Both are not useful in raids
gutted version that lasts like 5 seconds
also everyone in retail has self dispels
I wish we had more abilities like this
Always just wanted a giant "Fuck you" ability for Paladins against undead. Like ultra long fear effect.
The best tank, leading the best guild back in vanilla was a tauren warrior
this is what I worry about but fuck it I'm playing one anyway
Night elf druid
What realm has all the streamers and zoomers so I know to avoid it?
No, a baby mode version exist.
To be fair its not like he had the option of human.
But yeah racials are overrated. Except maybe the 10% reputation one because holy god damn that grind.
RP, normal, or PvP server?
Faerlina, and Herod.
I pick PvP because I want to kill other players and I don't really know how to role play
Health and damage mitigation (via stun) aren't useful in raids?
Herod has literally 1(one) streamer confirmed to be going to it
No one gives a shit
PvP for the most fun. The added sense of danger from knowing other players can kill you makes leveling more challenging but also more rewarding.
Gnome Warlock, plan is to hit 60 in 7.5~ days and farm full pre-raid bis in 1.5 days played
After that I will level my dwarf hunter to 60 in 7~ days and farm on it 24/7 until phase 2 comes out.
Frost Mage, Undead
I want to roll a warrior but leveling on PvP as a warrior is retarded.
Also the gear competition is insane. Not only for weapons which you fight over with rogues and huntards but especially non-tier epics which are rare as fuck and you have to win against the other 10 fury warriors in the raid.
Probably going gnome warlock (female) instead.
I'm thinking:
Human Mage
Night Elf Priestess
I also want to do a Rogue but not sure which race. Maybe undead for some horde action
What professions?
>All these poopsock retards grind out 60 ASAP thinking it will get them ahead of the curve
>Mfw they end up doing fuck all for two weeks because there's no Warriors to tank at 60 yet
Yes you will be in preraid bis for a long time but lucky for your Lionheart is bis ALL vanilla pretty much. Also some other gear is bis like hoj, blackhands and don julios which you don't have to compete with 15 other melees for.
Only things are gonna be hard to get are 2 handers since they usually go to anyone who wants to roll on them (other warriors and paladins for pvp, hunters/shamans) but you can get by with unstoppable force when it comes out, or no life to rank 14 if you can.
I was close to rolling priest just for the mind control griefing
human male paladin
human female priest
Herbalism/Mining + Engi on my lock. The warlock tailoring BoP epic just isn't worth it and gets replaced in MC.
It doesn't really matter if I can find a tank or not, there's a lot of things to do at 60.
My plan is to no-life the shit out of phase1 enough that I don't need to farm in p2-p3 and can focus on r13 grind.
Drowning low levels in the STV river with MC was a good pastime while waiting for the ZG raid to form.
Enchanting/Tailoring. Haven’t decided what I’ll do after 60
Most of those will burn out or reroll before 60.
In raids maybe
Pre-raid BiS is easy since all ypu need to do is tank and only invite casters
>not chilling peacefully in shadowmeld on the boat to ratchet only to mindcontrol the UD rogue/mage shitter seconds before the loading screen hits, throwing him off the boat and making him swim for 10 minutes straight
>not chilling in shadowmeld at felwood horde flightpath waiting for some UD mage/rogue shitters and mindcontrolling them as soon as they land, throwing them off the cliff and making them either take rezz sickness in ashenvale or making them run 2x15 minutes back to their corpses
Dwarf tards go home, night elf priest is where the real fun is
Both are great in world pvp. (Good warriors) will always be in more need since in raiding no one will want to tank when thats the only thing they're good for and in pvp they can be pretty threatening with a high skill cap. But skilled warlocks/mages are both your playmakers in pvp (Mage = big damage in clumps for AV, warlocks spot the rogues(Felhunter) or bait the rogues (succubi) and ruin peoples day with dots if they aren't near cleansers.
Undead Warlock.
Trying to decide between Warlock or Priest. How are either in PvP?
What is a good beginner class
dwarf paladin and dwarf warrior
enable chinese models so your undead dont look awful in plate.
>Tanks busy drawing dimes
>Dps can't even fill a bingo hall
take a shower, hit the weights, go back to Yea Forums
People say they're shit alone even at 60 but god, I don't care. My experience on private servers has told me I hate vanilla casters and I've never liked rogue in any iteration of the game. I'll just deal with getting shit on and maybe level an alt for endgame gathering later.
Theres really not much you can go wrong with. Every class is good in pvp in its own way. The classes you might think are weak, can heal so it all works out.
I had a friend who threw off a guy from the zeppelin once with MC during a duel.
The guy got angry as fuck and started calling him a bunch of names while threatening to report him, my friend just replied something along the lines of "not if I report you first!" and wrote a small sob story about feeling scared about the guy.
A few days later he got a message from a GM telling him that the other player had been suspended for a day or so for the threats.
atleast make a strawpoll faggot
Female Human Mage
Thinking Tauren Druid or Shaman.
Was originally going to play a Paladin but out of all of the hybrids they seem to have the most miserably tedious and anti-fun time while leveling.
Gonna go heart of the wild druid and heal raids while tanking 5mans to allow the fury warriors to stay dps.
Paladin leveling is fun because it's so incredibly safe. You're basically playing with cheats on since you never fucking die unless you spazz out and pull a red elite or some shit. You never have to waste bag space on food or water and with the right setup you can aoe pull 2 or 3 packs before you run out of gas and need to drink some of that water you never bring.
male troll shaman
smoke weed
Be ready for thousands of zoomzoom warriors, but don't expect to see many past lvl 30
Do priests still have their old racial spells?
Not sure, what's a good pairing for playing with a buddy rolling a mage?
probably fury war or frost mage. not sure which race yet.
Tauren Arms warrior
Female night elf warrior
Used to gank mage duos aoe farming on my rogue. Truly the most scummy combo.
Anything other than mage, so we dont have to fight over gear?
Nothing. I don't play casual kiddie MMOs.
Babbys first EverQuest
>Want to go Rogue so I can be a ganking douche while leveling
>Want to go Warrior so I can tank
>Can't make up my mind
A Paladin, so with my tank friend we can run Stratholme, take all the BoEs/Righteous Orbs/Trash and give all the BoPs (That we don't need) to the DPS who come because they aren't rolling against anyone else.
>Fight over gear
What are you, children? Only losers fight over shit
Where is the Yea Forums guild at? I don't wanna have to play with /vg/.
If you were not a child yourself, you'd know I didnt mean fight literally. Fucking retard.
Ice mage to wreck world pvp.
>mfw I used to do this on the house in Gadgetzan
Ironically pvp is more immersive and rp like. But its like, practical RP. Sneaking around gankers, calling for help etc... All add the sense of actualism.
Gnome Warlock because no one else I know is playing that combo
They did and it got removed. There were videos of early paladins walking into undercity and completely purging everything in sight.
night elf warrior
human priest
gnome mage
all female
what about rp pvp?
I always play warrior no matter what game I play. Sometimes I want to play as a wizard or thief, but I am too small brained and stick to warrior. Help.
undecided between gnome lock and orc lock
nothing wrong with playing the everyman class
Tauren is the better tank, but Troll ain't bad either and I have such fond memories of bursting down people in battlegrounds/duels with berserking.
Tauren Druid (main)
Orc Shaman
Orc Warlock
Orc Hunter
Orc Rogue
Troll Mage
Troll Priest
Undead Warrior
bros I wanna heal but I don't think I can stand wearing a neon teal robe until late naxx
what do
you can do it user I believe in you
Tauren Shaman, Druid, Hunter and Warrior
Troll Rogue, Mage and Priest
Orc Warlock
Fuck UD, the Blood Elves(niggers) of Classic.
Undead rogue. When I was a kid I made my rogue an orc so I could be different from the millions of undead rogues and I always regretted it because male orc rogues look like shit
>Thinking vanilla is about minmaxing
Christ just go play bfa
I just want to play nice and slow, because that's how I remember doing it before, and that's how I made all those online friends I once had. Teaming up with the other newbies in Redridge to take down the orc mobs, beating up furbolgs in Ashenvale, the time I met a Hordie and we both went fishing, getting lost in Feralas and having a helpful paladin help me out, joining my first guild and going to Stomrwind bridge for a guild photo.
I want all that back ;_;
Orc rogue. I wanted to go Orc lock but on a pvp server ill have to stealth afk a lot cos kids etc and don't want to go night elf on a pvp server
I cant decide between gnome or human and mage or warlock. But im leaning towards gnome warlock. I like the idea of having a pet to help while leveling, and getting a free mount.
Mage goes well with almost everything.
An ex and I lvld mage n lock together and we were recking shit left right and centre
Yeah I can't decide between rogue n lock. Rogue is so great for ganking but lock is a power house wpvper. When you get into the early 40's bracket the shadow weave set is op af, just keep a succy out to charm rogues and life drain your way to victory
Mage has no problems lvling but locks n hunters can take on elites that most have trouble with (tho mages can kite elites).
Mage gives a passive income stream for handing out water and food, teleport makes lvling pretty fast - set hearth and questing area and hearth to city when needed for buying skills and selling mats n greens.
Mage drops mobs much much much faster than locks but has drinking downtime where locks don't. In the late 30's n 40's range you can tailor gear with +dmg for fire/frost/shadow iirc. Then mages nuke things even quicker but locks turn into a lvl40 dungeon boss with the right aff spec
bros I'm conflicted. Fem Orc or Male Tauren warrior?
eat that pirate snack, like everyone
Gnomes >>> Humans for mages and warlocks
+5% intellect is just too strong unless you don't care about the min max game in that case whatever you want senpai
mages have an easier time soloing elites than locks as long as they can be slowed.
>t. grinded Tyr's Hand vs the chinks all day
Male Tauren warrior has the best aesthetics with big dick weapons and shoulders.
Taurens have higher hp and aoe 2sec stun racial.
Orc female is good if you are a part of the discord groups that encourage males to grow tits and have their balls cut into a ghetto fuck hole.
Human prot warrior, I'm concerned about the queues Momday afternoon, I've got a feeling its gonna make me change from the server I originally picked.
Will healers really be in high demand in Classic? Like instant groups and all that? How many healers are usually taken in a 40 man?
arr yeah I was thinkin while lvling.
Mages would sheep 1 and nuke the other, me on my huntard would trap 1 and pet tank 2 at a time, kiting when needed if things went to shit.
Have no choice when you competing with chinks at Tyr's hand.
My secret grind spot which so far no youtube wow classic video has shown used to have this 1 chink farmer on a lock but it was easy to tag kills since it was botting and the mobs aren't elite there.
>Also the gear competition is insane. Not only for weapons which you fight over with rogues and huntards but especially non-tier epics which are rare as fuck and you have to win against the other 10 fury warriors in the raid.
Gear competition exists for all classes, why do people magically think one class has it easier.
Its irrelevant, you can find groups for dungeons and raids as literally any class.
Man if only it was the hot pink textured robe instead. Pallies would have looked even more fabulous
be a skellington instead
If there is one change I want in Classic its dyes for all armor
Transmog is too far, but dyes fixes uggo armor and clownsuiting.
>How many healers are usually taken in a 40 man?
Typically about 8 but guilds typically start cutting down to 5-6 once stuff is on farm or if they are going for speed clears. 1-2 druids, 2-3 shammies/pallies and the rest priests. These aren't strict though, my guild cleared naxx with one pally.
I still cant decide
I want to play warrior, but I dont want to be spending 100+ hours just to catch up with every other class
Healers are always in demand no matter what period of WoW.
I am only going by memory but it was something like 12 healers for a 40man.
Our guild dropped I think 8 bosses in naxx with almost all pallies n druids, we only a few priests.
All druids were topping the heal meters if you disregarded over heals.
My ex raided as a druid in vanilla, was the only one in the guild who was allowed to put innervate on herself as she topped the healing charts every time from raid and OT healing. Fast reflexes or something I guess.
troll hunter
It's great.
The smart way is play classic with a class you like that is strong in the early gear or its t1 set is good like rogue or hunter.
Then if you want, go lvl warrior in time for bwl and aq.
Hunter is the best first half of vanilla class to play and warrior is arguably the best for the 2nd half.
nelf drood
wanted to be lock but fuck it I'm not grinding out stones
Which is comfiest:
>Orc Warrior
>UD Rogue
>Tauren Hunter
Anyone from for Blaumeux here? It's me, Zalgo. You all sounded like children in voice chat. May I suggest a higher protein diet?
I want classic to be classic but yeah if it was up to me I'd go with either dyes or transmog, and more importantly dual specs.
Hunter is the comfiest class.
>adventuring with your bud (pet)
>stocking up on ammo, and food before heading out
>able to solo tough quests
Great times.
For sure an Orc Shaman. My only issue is deciding on server. I was initially gonna roll on Whitemane, but that's not realistic with my schedule and none of my buddies want to sit through 10 hour long queues. Fairbanks is still a possibility, but even that is looking to have excessively long queues. Now my only options for west coast pvp are Blammo and Grobbulus or I can chance it on Bigglesworth come monday. I'm getting dead realm vibes from Blammo, but my entire team of friends want to go with that server. I think I'm condemned.
>curious about what the TRUE raid meta vanilla meta is as divined by private server speed running autists
>it's like 5 resto shamans, 1 of each class, and the rest warriors
Before you say "well that's only for speed running min/max autismos", the community always stacked whatever classes SEEMED to be over powered but we barely understood anything back then
warrior unironically needs a bigger brain in wow than rogue or mage. mage you unga bunga frostbolt to 60. rogues can avoid ganks and just stealth through annoying locations and can stunlock lots of mobs to death, and you have a get out of jail free card with vanish. with warriors you actually have to watch your pulls, stack rage, and manage cooldowns properly even while leveling or you just die.
fury or prot for levelling in classic? i levelled my warrior in tbc and can't remember the way to go.
kinda thinking prot until dual spec at least.
Orc Warrior with Mining/Blacksmithing/Fishing/Cooking is objectively the comfiest experience you can have. Powerful loner roaming the world crafting his own gear and making his own food while carving his own warrior's path.
Arms for leveling and PvP
Fury for DPS and Tanking
Never go Protection.
true chads play horde baby
Take it from a mage since beta. They're the absolute patrician choice. Especially in vanilla before blizzard destroyed us!!
Herod is the tryhard pvp server, if any zoomers play on it they're just gonna be fodder.
Dunno about your guild, but back in vanilla we didn't stack fucking anything because we took what we could get. A full 40 man raid was damn near impossible to stage. Actually deciding what classes to bring to that 40 man wasn't feasible for us. We took whatever.
World of warcraft is set in a time when Humans would just be throwing their poop and piss out into the street
Would you let her heal you, user? Would you wpvp with her as your high mobility/survivability pocket healer?
Fem orc warrior.
no its a fucking cow you savage piece of shit.
Mostly because I don't wanna pay for a level 40 mount.
male gnome chad reporting in
See you in redridge mountains bitch
>This much transphobia
Imagine actually making fun of people for their appearance. How is grade 8?
Oh shit, what professions should Warlock get for PvP?
Was engineering any good in Vanilla?
This is not d&d. You do not roll toons in wow.
>game has sewer technology
nigga you tarded
Undead shadow priest or warlock. 90% sure about spriest through. I gotta go edgy, man.
The gnome racial doesn't give them rogue energy in Classic, right?
I would spec arms then after getting mortal strike at 40 you can put points in prot for the more essential tanking talents.
Eng has those annoying stun grenades.
>caring about lore
>in an MMO
What a fucking mong
fight until you're low, eat.
As a total newbie I'm going Night Elf Druid on a RP-PVP server.
I wanted to Horde but didn't want to be Tauren since I play a beef cake in another MMO already.
>was engi any good in Vanilla
I dunno user. Do bears shit in the woods?
Why the fuck does everyone put points into two hand spec? 1 point for 1% damage increase is so fucking shit I don't get it.
they shit in YO MOMMA
>Was engineering any good in Vanilla?
What else would you fucking take for PvP?
Originally it could last for ages and not everyone had dispels for everything. Abilities actually lasted so things like crowd control was meaningful even in pvp. Stuff like a priest mind controlling people off cliffs in battlegrounds was a viable strategy for defending, whereas nowthat's be near impossible since the devs decided no one should be losing control of their characters like that.
How to convince someone to NOT play Warlock Alliance on a pvp server?
Retard has a "I'm better than anyone, I'll have no problem" mentality.
is dual spec a thing in classic? i can't remember
i'm all about cosmetics, if they're done right. barbershop and dyes wouldn't be a problem.
4channel is literally obsessed with trans. I don't even support them myself but it's becoming more annoying to hear about it from here than it is from an occasional loud SJWs simply because it's like in every second post at this point.
Just let it fucking go, 12yolds. If someone wants to potentially ruin their lives then let them have it.
who is more op in BC and WOTLK
Druid Healer or Disc priest
i want to pick a future proof healer and it's down to those 2
I would put them in Imp. Hamstring for a more pvp-oriented build but otherwise what else would you put them in?
Undead Mage, picking up where I left off, AP POM Pyro for pvp, elemental for solo farming.
>commits an act of murder in pg-13 board
dude, you're badass.
Probably disc priest but TBC/WotLK is a godsend for druids.
druid in PVP in BC was hilarious. can't speak for wotlk
if they're doing BC, they'll be releasing a balance patch
Druids were pretty fucking broken in TBC and WotLK.
Should I make the switch to Alliance? Been playing horde till Cata.
Probably only playing casually nowadays
Do it, I am.
just let them suffer having half the other faction be a hard counter against them
>Herod is mega Reddit
>Thalnos is tranny hues
>Whitemane is /pol/ weebs
>Grob is a meme server
>Stalagg is frenchies and leafs
Is Skeram the only EST cool guy server left?
unironically based
>Thalnos is tranny hues
Firstly, thanks for being transphobic, asshole.
Secondly we're all going to Atiesh.
Is Classic worth it if I've never played WoW before?
I cut her apart and roast some beef on the grill, horde shitter
Wow didnt just suddenly become popular out of nowhere when it first released why do you retards ask this question
Are racial spells back? I've briefly thought about a priest.
It's a hell of a lot better version to start on than Retail.
Human female(male) mage. Plan on getting a bf and doing some comfy dungeon runs together.
Yes you dumbfuck why would they not be in
>broad shoulders
pick one
Horde females can lift more and are all around bigger alphas than any alliance "man"
Its still the sole horde tranny choice
>Horde "females"
Exde you mudhut tranny
The race guide said undead female is the tranny choice.
>Wow didnt just suddenly become popular out of nowhere when it first released
The only reason WoW took off was because Warcraft 3 was a very popular game at the time.
Low test, enjoy your night elf and human female drama whores
Anyone who plays female anything is a tranny
what the fuck is the obsession with trannies? every classic thread is like this
should I go Tauren or Undead for warrior?
ok guys do i go druid for that sweet ass dungeon solo duo-ing with a rogue?
or warrior for that sweet ass main tanking fun?
its a social game, and therefore incels are forced to interact with people they never would have
Is it bad I'm rolling UD lock over orc lock? I know I'm missing out on pet damage and will do worse against rogues but I figure Succubus will save me from stunlocks and gives me an edge over Alliance locks and priests
it's tranny false flagging
>could be mistaken for a bot leveling
>easy mode leveling
>normal mode leveling
>hard mode leveling
>dante must die mode leveling
>who cares leveling
Worst thing that can happen is you're out $15.
Yes. Play dwarf for alliance or undead for horde.
shit, i meant to put druid in normal and accidently put shaman twice
Classic+ would be the perfect time to introduce dyes DESU, there's far less armor to retexture in vanilla than retail and it'd give herb/tailor nice synergy.
good list, mage sucks early on but they get pretty damn good at about 35 if you get +frost or fire gear
yes alliance locks barely exist and rogues are your biggest threat
trying to decide between troll priest or tauren shaman, but i can't fricking make my mind up and the clock is ticking
>shaman twice
>buff for emergent gameplay on passersby
>can stealth and cc with roots
>moonfire for instant tags and iconic annoyance in pvp to tilt people even when you lose
>invaluable combat res
>innervate actual healers
>has healing spells
>travel form convenience in case of poorfaggotry
> afk as boomkin in a caster group and shoot the shit with supportcucks
>no pressure to be good, minor worry for gear competition, models too shitty in vanilla to attract furfags
>aquatic form for specific pussification in pvp scenarios
gonna be pretty nice honestly because I dont give a fuck about trying to be a celebrity or some shit like everyone else, I am just there for the experience and to remind myself of how wonderful pre cata wow was before muh Saturday morning cartoon constant world ending threats. I dont plan to take classic seriously nor to be useless. Raids arent everything in classic either way and only conditioned retailshits think so and want to force everyone to play how they want them to.
i'm taking engineering + enchanting
no lol, escape artist is amazing as a rogue still though
>hard mode leveling
>priest not easy mode
Will of the Forsaken makes you the better choice actually.
ud priest to cap off my 5 man squad
currently discussing whether to quest or just live in dungeons
>don't really care about leveling, main concern is getting constantly stomped in random wpvp at 60
>thought druid sounded perfect, raid slot shouldn't be hard to find and don't even have to respec
>BiS resto chest for the entire game until naxx is a dress
>don't want to play it anymore
I hate WoW robes so goddamn much. I think I'll just go warrior like I originally planned and deal with getting kited to death 9/10 fights.
honestly most sick locks i've met were undead, orcs are usually shitters who need the stun resist clutch. T. Ally rogue main
my buddy told me he was passing on classic, so i no longer need to synergize with a warlock. leaning towards rogue or paladin, or maybe warlock myself
Good luck getting gear due to the overpopulation of the class bro. I think I'm going huntard or chadlock myself.
I have heard rumors of some decent chad leather for druids/shammies, but i haven't been able to find a gear list. Dressmode is objectively better for everyone, however, so I guess everyone is gonna have to deal with a cow transvestite.
WoW took off out of brand name and also because it was one of the most toddler friendly MMORPG of the time, and this part leaded to the creativity bankrupt of the genre from the competition and why "old school" like MMO are niche with 1-2k sometimes 3k playerbase games now, Runescape manage more out of brand name too
Tanking can apparently circumvent this since nobody wants to do it. Doubt that applies to raids though since the guild leader seems to always already be the MT. Honestly I don't even want to raid outside of gearing arms for PvP though.
How many prot-specced tanks do raids in classic generally need?
Just play rogue and gear up through pvp and dungeons
orc hunter but i didn't get to choose the right hair option so i'm afraid of quickly deleting it and remaking it that someone will take my name in that amount of time
1-2. depends on encounter/gear/etc/yourmom
do it late at night
Undead female is the patrician choice because while their tits are saggy they have the best jiggle animation of all races, almost rivalling Dead or Alive until they went halal
Whats the name and server, I'll hold it for you buddy :)
>play rogue
Probably going to be the second most played class behind warrior, feels like it'd be a pain to ever find groups. Thought about lock but I'm going ally so that'd be fucking miserable since every other faggot that attacks you seems to be an undead rogue.
There really only is one option
How's the Alliance healer population looking for pve servers, anyone have a clue? Pref Holy Priest or Resto Drood?
Hard to get a dungeon grp as druid unless you tank cos no one wants a healer who can't properly rez
with a cowpun for a name? I've already reserved Battlecattle
Nigga no one is going to grab your name in the 10 second window you have to make your character, the people who wanted your name gave up on it already.
Better list coming through
>Couldn't Be Easier
>Easy as Shit
>Moderately Easy and/or Boring
>Hard Mode
>Nightmare Mode
Should add there are some variables in there. If you've got friends Warrior becomes much easier. Hunters before 10 are the worst class in the game. Priests, Mages, and Shamans all get easier on Normal servers because they don't have to bank mana on the off chance that they get ganked mid fight. Rogues get easier on PvP servers because they get to choose a lot of their fights and aren't as likely to get ganked.
stop worrying about finding groups and just play what you want
Tauren Protect Warrior
I know the risks
warrior fury set looks like a fucking clown costume come AQ
mage aoe leveling takes at least some skill, as opposed to wanding down mobs 1 at a time which is what priests do
probably shaman
Make your own groups. That's literally always the answer because nobody wants to be the one to do it. I played a hunter and had no issues getting groups for shit because I would be the one to organize them and before long I had a solid 20-25 people who would always be down.
Warrior isn't nightmare mode if you're rolling a chad NElf, since you get wisp form which cuts down on the time spent running back to your corpse by 50%
this but unironically. i dont know what to do with myself while waiting
Ally locks are pretty redpilled desu, easy gearing and highly wanted in premades, but yeah dealing with undeads is booty
eh, when you think about it, whats the difference between shaman and druids anyway?
id go troll just based on the fact that you dont see many but man their melee attack animations are hilarious.
Aren't druids one of the easiest classes to level in 1.12? They're basically rogues that can heal.
Shaman n druid arent hard mode. All classes with heals are in the boring category - they do little dps but as long as they dont over pull, they can keep themselves up with heals.
Shaman gets easier once they have water shield for mana and then steam roll at 40 with windfury. Druids start steam rolling at 30 when you can go cat with the right abilities.
i dont know what pet to get. i want to get a scorpion and maybe a flayer but i hear cats are just all around better.
i know i'm going to be like every other hunter fag and gnab broken tooth eventually
Mages are top tier for leveling what are you fags smoking
I really can not pick between druid healer or Priest healer.
Both are future proof
Priest has Mind control and that cool ass staff
Druids have HoTs which I love and are great flag carriers but have a shitty rez in vanilla.
both Druid and Priest are OP in TBC and WOtLK.
some one tip me in one direction
Druid and shaman hard..what?
durids are the 3rd fastest levelers and shammies are fast too if you know how to play it
Orc Prot Warrior
>Druids start steam rolling at 30
it's 20 broski. 30 is cheetah.
they're melee priests until 10, when they become slow warriors, then at 20 they become slightly slower rogues with less down time than regular rogues
There are no tanking axes in vanilla
>Working Thurs-Sunday
>Only thing keeping me going through the work week is unironically a Monday
I haven't been this anticipated for a game at launch since I was like 10.
Female dwarf paladin. Will name her Stinkfist and she will be majestic.
trannies live rent free inside the angry heads of wow players
Depends what you want to do.
Druid is more pvp oriented for the reasons you said.
Priests CANNOT dispel poisons so rogues and hunters (viper sting) absolutely dunk on them so hard its trolling.
On the other hand a skilled druid will fuck a rogue raw and while they may die to huntards, the moonfire spam dot will probably kill them too.
They had a trans guild officer that passed them over for loot one time and now that lingering resentment has festered
paladin dungeon tank > warrior dungeon tank
Cos trannies cant afford to pay rent ayy
based and dwarfpilled
Go furbolg like a true patrician.
I wanted to play warlock but they are going to be so fucking overpopulated it puts me off. I'll just got dorf priest.
the real burnout starts getting BiS shit pre-raid because you will be doing dungeons a shit ton.
Same thing I played like 13/14 years ago
Human Warlock
might also have a paladin, rogue and/or mage alt
if you go ally lock you'll be more than fine bruh
Orc warlock
Annihilator's pretty good.
what makes you think they'll be overpopulated? every poll ive seen has warlocks on the lower side.
classic is going to be chock full of warriors and mages
>levelling my first character in vanilla
>level 60 warlock comes by mulgore asking us new characters to help him cast a spell
>ritual of doom
>camped by a doomguard after he hearthed away
My favourite memory
I'm gonna grind dungeons as prot too no warriors in my group AHAHAHAHAHA
I'll be rolling Ogre Shaman ofc.
New Playable Races for Classic+
Satyr (Alliance)
Mount: Felsaber (firey nightsabers like the way felsteeds are)
Warrior, Rogue, Warlock, Druid, Mage
-[Demonslaying] Increase damage against demons by 5%
-+5 Dagger/Fist Weapon Skill
-[Blood of the Satyr] 75% to resist magical debuffs. Last 10 seconds. 3 min cooldown.
-[Penance of the Cursed] Damage you apply to yourself is reduced by 20% and the benefits they provide are increased by 20%.
Ogre (Horde)
Mount: Thunder Lizard
Warrior, Hunter, Mage+, Warlock+, Shaman+
-[Brute Strength] Strength increased by +5%
-[Rock Collector] +15 mining skill
-[Ogre Frenzy] Increase Attack speed by 20%, while wielding a two handed weapon attack with your offhand fist as well for 75% mainhand damage. Last 10 seconds. 3 min cooldown.
-[Full Tummy] Spending 10 seconds eating or drinking gives you the [Full Tummy] buff increasing all stats by +5. This stacks with Well Fed Buff.
+ = Two-Headed Ogre (just aesthetic)
>The warlock tailoring BoP epic just isn't worth it and gets replaced in MC.
Isn't it BiS until ZG?
Longtime UD Lock main rolling Orc Rogue
I love the look of twin blades and Im not rolling a Warrior for first toon when I need gold so bad
Troll Hunter if I get bored
i would fucking be so god damn happy if they added ogres to the horde it's been my most wanted race since the beta of Vanilla wow
theyd have to redesign every doorway
latest polls show warlocks on the same amount as mages if not more
Coming from DAoC I always missed dyes in vanilla.
Would be a great thing to add.
Gonna go Orc Hunter.
Orc Warrior to tank for friends and guild, undead warlock alt when I get time to play an alt.
>mage spends all his mana sheeping your tag
Reminder that if you have anything to do with your class/race/role in your character's name you're a faggot.
Robe of Volatile Power is better and drops in MC, a lot of bis lists don't have it updated yet since people thought it wasn't going to drop til p3 but in drops in p1.
Melee Cleave dungeon leveling is fast and easy.
I don't care it always pissed me off that a race that has been in the horde longer then the Undead, Bloodelfs, Tauren, and even the darkspear is STILL not a playable race for the horde, even now when the horde has 3 full clans of ogres in it
Jesus Christ that makes no sense at all
>Satyr (Alliance)
>Anything other than burning legion
What are you doing?
it actually makes tons of sense if you read even 1 syllable of lore
satyr are cursed night elves lead by the cursed satyr night elf xavius
he breaks his hold of sargeras the same way sylvanas and the forsaken did
but he joins the alliance instead of the horde
Ignite mages outdps warrs in naxx
PSA: Melee Cleave dungeoning is very fast experience and the fastest way to level many classes. Multiple Warriors can aoe down mobs extremely fast and dungeon XP was wrong on private servers so it wasn't popular.
In all that sweet money I can spend on other games while all the classicfags try to relive their childhoods with a frankenstein’s monster of a game
Oh boy, here we go again...
Premium slut at Goldshire Inn. 1 gold for an hour of ERP. Guaranteed to nut you off.
Split between ally mage or shaman, will probably go mage for the nostalgia factor though
The satyr are demon corrupted night elves. The night elves hate them. Every race hates them because they are just plain evil. They're always bad guys, because they are demons. Grow a brain.
Assuming all healers are on point then your +5% HP will go unused. Consider it a buffer.
Assuming your threat is fine then berserking will go un needed but still be helpful. Thus having the extra threat gen for even just the start of the fight will help you get ahead that much quicker. Now thats not to say Tauren are worse. There are fights with quite a bit of burst. So on fights such as Broodlord you will want that extra bit just to avoid being insta gibbed as easily. People may say orc but locking yourself into a weapon type isnt smart if you are tanking as you will always want to gun for the next upgrade for threat generation.
damn almost like the way orcs were treated in the rts games
damn almost like the way undead were treated before the forsaken were a thing
get it straight before you get it twisted bitch
The true chad class, the Dwarf Paladin.
>But user, don't paladins wear dresses?
True chads don't care about appearances
>Wait a minute user, aren't you a virgin cuck slave forced to heal the real chad warriors
Lmao, no. That is a dirty rumor started by insecure beta warriors. Paladins are really only in raids to give buffs and for the most part can be AFK and get free loot and see content for free, while the virgin raiders do all the work for you
do it, user. that's what i'm playing
>1 day and 16 hours left
so close yet so far
Based and tool pilled.
Nobody likes the forsaken either and it makes no sense for them to be in the alliance either. Your idea is dumb
No, the ONE mage who gets the entire Ignite stack out DPSes the Warriors in Naxx. The rest of the mages get completely cucked.
you're dumb
you're stupid
i hate you my ideas are gold
This will basically be my first time playing WoW.
Is mage a good pvp class?
>warriors shit pre pet
i didn't think about this. should i duo group till then?
good luck finding that many warriors
What's the highest burst rotation rogues have coming out of stealth? Ambush, backstab, thistle tea, backstab, CB eviscerate?
they have the strengths and weaknesses that you'd imagine they do. if left alone they control the battlefield. if they are harassed all they can do is run away from them
Do I attempt to lvl resto shaman so I don't have to spend money on respec?
That's the official tranny class. Discord traps all have pink names. Don thy dress little cuckadin
40 more hours...
yes play a frost mage and dab on melee cucks
UD Warrior
What? 1-10 is not hard at all, and at launch you should be always grouped with people anyway.
i meant hunter. sorry.
>Using gay letter markers when you can have nearly any name
Is this gnome cute enough, or do i need boar tails and pink hair?
>letter makers
So this is the brain capacity of burgers...
CHADOWGUARD + Blackout = cucking everyone with stuns.
No pussy disease that can be cleansed by anyone with an easily farmable consume.
Walks holy ground with his barefeet as to show respect
Berserk + mind control to yeet that dumb ass warrior off a cliff
Truly the best horde priest class
Jumper cables senpai
are you a brainlet or just pretending to be one
So did I, hunter 1-10 is not hard at all.
Enjoy leveling at the speed of history
Coldblood ambush vanish ambush prep coldblood vanish ambush
>Play horde hunter
>Can grab a wind serpant as low as lvl 11
Feels good man
black pigtails or red dildo hair bis m8
Orc or Troll Warrior?
Axe specialization is great but berzerking is great for thread generation.
>not getting a chad spider
Choose which one looks cooler
Or go orc for pvp
Thinking of rolling a blood death knight or an arcane mage.
>What are you rolling for classic WoW, user?
The dice on being able to capture just a tiny fragment of the happiness that I used to feel when I was in high school and had friends. Also a mage.
There's no "bad class" desu, just opinions about what people don't want to do. If you hate healing a priest would be a shit class for example.
I never understood the appeal of Shamans, what do they do besides spamming totems every 10 feet?
>There's no "bad class" desu
High burst damage
Healing ability
offensive purge
How easily can holy paladins find PVE and PVP groups?
shit, i just realized, classic's going to feel like shit since they probably won't give out periodic free spec resets like vanilla wow did with patches. Sure vanilla gave those out because they changed talents, but it doesn't change the fact that everyone who played vanilla was given a free reset every month or so. Hopefully the classic devs can realize they should do something to mimic this but i'm not expecting much.
I played a resto Druid years ago. Nothing wrong with it.
smoke kush and get so fucking high rocks start talking to them
Purge, various OP totems, like mana tide and windfury, and most importantly FROSHOCK
Imagine being an insecure beta to care if people see you wearing a dress lmao.
i am literally in the same boat and its out in two days FUCK. guys what should i do.
Based and realisticpilled
>really strong in pvp
>good soloers
>bring faerie fire, innervate, and rebirth to the group
Rogue gets more use. By fucking far.
Dwarf Rogue
See you on classic, boys ;)
>forgot motw buff
Chain Heal is very satisfying
>>really strong in pvp
You're getting raped by me personally
and when BoP is off cooldown, may as well throw it on the main tank to test his reflexes
> Water shields
Troll rogue or undead warlock? Gonna be just doing comfy leveling and dungeons with a bunch of wpvp shenanigans on the way, dunno about bgs and raids
1v1 is not pvp
purge your shit and delete your account.
are aoe mages going to be ganked hard on pvp servers? which side gets ganked more horde or alliance?
I'm gonna level with someone else and we're each levelling two characters.
I'm rolling Mage and Warrior.
She's rolling Druid and Warlock.
Which combinations of these classes would go together best for a levelling duo?
Keep in mind it's on PVP.
they arent even good at that once most people have raid gear
Problem is it will break on cast since classic is 1.12
I need help choosing a hairstyle, the one I like the least is the spiky hair.
I'm leaning more towards the strands of hair or the crazy out to the sides
>every BiS holy priest setup is aesthetic as fuck except for phase 5
>shadowmeld mc griefing sounds like loads of fun
>really safe but boring leveling
well shit, maybe i'll healslut
reading that made me laugh pretty fucking good user lmao - got any more?
mage/warrior to give warrior free food/cc/aoe
druid/lock to heal and add more dots for aoe pulls
bottom left
They’re obsessed because secretly they find trans girl extremely sexually arousing and it bothers them.
black paladin, to smash MAGA undead in WSG
nelf hunter, for erp
gnome warrior, for lulz
being a caster with a mohawk annoys me just because of the casting animation
Druid warr for heals and cc and killing power. Mage and Warlock for ultimate utility bros.
druids were stupid and retard proof at that point
Anyone rolling horde on Whitemane ?
based and memepilled
Watch out guys, someone took the tranny pill
A troll mage specifically, cause I roll with the trolls and da spirits, mon.
Hop in voice chat, shit's fucking hilarious right now.
Based Blackadin.
I was pretty much settled on Warrior but now I'm being tempted by Druid since they look so cool and dynamic. Can I thank effectively as a Druid or is it just a meme class?
That's no problem, we had a spreadsheet for our guild and everyone from our old guilds where allowed to choose and bring friends and family and then we picked the best.
We had around 120 people and they where about 50 warrior and only 6 Tanks.
Warrior is by far the most played, followed by rogue and mage.
What realm are yall rolling?
How autistic are they about names on rppvp? I'm not going with Diddykiddler or anything like that but they're also not super lore appropriate?
enjoy being poor
Anyone else here rolling on this server?
Why is she about to eat that mace?
just make your name ted
Should I play a Rogue on a PvP server and be an asshole in STV or a real class on a carebear server?
From past experience I'd say yes, Rogues get a kick out of messing with Mages at all the AoE farm spots.
If it becomes too unbearable you can always AoE farm lower dungeons.
Whitemane with most of my friends but I still haven't decided on a class.
Generally speaking the point of RP is no real world stuff. So calling yourself SupersonicJet is not going to work.
I thought if you picked something which didnt fit into RP you just get forced to change your name anyway.
dayum fairbanks took the trannypill too huh
im going to police it and report shitty names like yours
My dream is that classic kills retail and continues as classic+, which re-invigorates the intrest for old school MMO's and one day we see a real spiritual successor to RO. If you think mimd control is fun and interesting then you should look up ridiculous and amazimg mess that is RO's Star Gladiator class.
why aren't you rolling as this flower of the troll race?
You must be a woman
>have 19 twink
>29 twink
>40 rogue twink for STV rape
>main 60
Thinking shaman or priest. I'm a bit hesitant on shaman since I've got a feeling there's going to be a shit ton of them.
I d-don't know if they are...but I'm a g-g-girl and I'm going to remulos
I'm gonna make an alt on an RP server just to see how invested people get, it could be really cool but it will probably just be cringe.
>twink chad
I dont play druid but druids in a dungeon group are great. They can switch between dps/off tank/heals to fit into any issues that might pop up.
Arugal with my boy Daish.
You'll probably get alot of new players on Remulos.
>roll warrior
>start doing dungeons
>only ever invite casters
>they are at each throats all the time because all of them roll on same shit
>i get all the melee loot
Most guilds will stack melees and melees without windfury aren't going to be happy. You'll be fine.
Obvious references and actual words will probably get you a forced name change. Anything that is immediately immersion breaking
Gunna relive me 12 yr old self back in 2005
Also dwarves are still bad as fuck, I love em
I feel like its going to be so much better with less huntards running around and more group spots.
windfury isnt worth jackshit when your melee dps threat capped. imagine being this bad
Tell your guild to fuck off and wear your t2 chest instead, robes of the exalted are barely better and t2 chest is actually better if you are running Regrowth/Natures Grace meme spec
How is the alliance/horde ratio going to be on Arugal?
Playing alliance on frostmourne was hilarious since it was 9 to 1.
As long as you don't play Druid, Rogue or Shaman you'll be fine. Warriors have a tough time alone but if you learn to tank you'll never want for friends.
Rogue are fine as long as they aren't handicapped like you user.
Do you people play dress em up or kill dragons?
>Waah! I wanna play a night elf (female) priest but nobody will invite me to their guild!
>Yes i named my (female) night elf priest Shadowmoon how did you know?
orc or undead
male or female
>be an Asmongold fan
>roll on Faerlina because "we are going to own it!"
>check the stats
Alliance 44.75%
Horde 55.25%
We are going to fucking die...
Dont take the cleave talent though, it only applies to the bonus damage not the weapon damage.
So if you hit 100 + 32 it only applies the 120% increase to the 32.
I didn't play WoW until Legion and I still enjoyed playing on vanilla private servers. It's a fun game.
I'll just change it slightly into a real name then.
Why do you care if other people wanna play dress up dood
Sounds like a bunch of obnoxious zoomers
You don't get threat capped you retarded imbecile. Learn how to play.
No you're a man with a penis.
I think most people who do go RP just want to avoid real world drama and discussion mainly. Its not over the top you have to have some super serious background story territory.
I honestly have no idea.
The initial servers are far beyond maxed and both of the new sets have also been maxed out.
I'm probably going to have to make a character on one of the new servers they open on release day from overcrowding, and there will be many new servers opening that day.
I'm not subbing until It releases like most people and I promise you that whatever they think is enough servers is not.
i made this Onyxia inspired loli to play with while i wait for classic do you rike it
>roll warrior
>everyone rolled warrior
>oh god I cant get into any dungeons and no one wants to play with me
See you at 60 for the TBC launch
Expect an imbalance of like 55/45 Alliance:Horde.
If you want PVP ranks choosing horde will be the way to go.
>XIV poster in the background
>play mage
>have endless gold
>teleport to any city at any time
>best ranged dps
>best cc
Why would anyone be anything else?
If your gnome doesn't look like he's into kids then why are you even bothering?
yeah you dont get threat capped as warrior or warlock damn just admit you never played the game
PvP are always more horde
PvE are always more alliance
Simply because horde have better pvp racials and alliance have better pve ones.
Ironically though this attracts more shitters to horde, so they still fail to beat alliance.
Theres no real stats yet, they just pulled a small sample of people on reddit
warrior or rogue. can't decide to this day, i've been at it for 2 months
I don't play in a shit guild, so no I am not threat capped as warrior and not even close on a warlock.
You must be new to this game.
Because you wear a dress, cant use any of the epic swords/axes/maces and your entire rotation is like your sex life: frozen.
>less huntards
You honestly believe this? You reckon all those warriors on the reddit census will stay warriors?
I'd prepare for the worst if I were you.
I personally think you can have more fun with Rogue from the get go without being AS gear dependent as warrs.
Does it matter what server I play on?
I'm thinking of Fairbank but I honestly don't know what the differences are.
Never played WoW before
>horde have better pvp racials
why do all newfags think this, escape artist is better than any horde racial for melee and stoneform is damn strong too
We're fucked and you know it.
>alliance have better pve ones.
Horde is the superior PvE faction.
Warrior is simply better.
Do rogue first if you want an easier first time.
Not having to scrunge up gold for 40 mount and having a cheaper epic mount as lock rocks.
Because its empirically true newfag
>Horde is the superior PvE faction.
Kek, no.
Reminder that male dwarves are short because they got such massive cocks that the sheer weight of it has compressed their bodies over time, else they would tower over all other races. Female dwarves just got inferior genes.
fuck dude are you me?
I don't have a penis anymore though
If you answered anything but
>the uninstall wizard
you are a waste of water and atoms known as the ASSFAGOTS WoW floater. You move between games trying to justify your existence in sheer futility.
It's time to throw in the towel, user.
Its just a shame you have to play warlock for it
I'm about to just put my chars on Herod and sit through the queues.
It's gonna balance out eventually anyway.
mate cat form is shit at 20 better to stay bear until 30
This doesn't bother me. As long as she's not tatting the face, I see no harm in this.
The only shame here is that you don't like locks.
>Kek, no.
Yes they are. There is a reason speed run records are held by a horde guild.
How many hours now?
If goblins were playable in Vanilla then i would never pick another race. Gobbo for life.
i am honestly thinking about playing retail after years
its not tho lmao both factions have 2 strong pvp races newboi, get back to bfa
Oh sorry, I thought we were talking about the actual game not the play pen for children.
Fuck off retail cuck.
yeah its ok keep lying or you are either playing with retarded dps who think t1 is good
Which would you go on out of these?
I dunno, usually I go for more subtle names but in this case Flamelash seems like the server for me.
lol m8 water shield gave you the edge when lvling to keep the mana up and the downtime low
because nobody plays dwarves or gnomes and 90% of the alliance are humans which their racials are ass for pvp
He's probably laughing because water shield doesn't exist in vanilla
Horde is better in PvP as well, sorry.
>keep lying
It's 2019, get with the times. Learn how to play. The game is out in two days and you are this bad.
I would honestly be more interested in TBC servers.
i played on an RP server with multiple people in guild named all sorts of shit. only if you piss off somebody do they report your name.
>XIV for refined modern MMO design and Classic for refined retro MMO design
damn it feels good to be a double dipper
you the person denying threat cap existing for dps so i just have to tell you to fuck off. maybe you only played private servers lol
>human priest
literally why?
I never said it doesn't exist, I said you don't get threat capped especially not as a warlock.
Stop posting you are clueless.
Cant live in dungeons you need to mix it with questing is you want to level fast
keep replying bitch. it was and is a big problem for geared dps with no threat reset
my char
The use of Harpsichord is based.
I'm looking forward to classic, because it's literally the only time period of WoW I've never played.
>Not travelling to Darnassus at level 8 for based owl
>going to play druid
>want to get Corrupted ashbringer also wanna get benediction/Anathema in case they add Tmog some time down the line
Makes no sense for tauren to have druids and for night elves to be in Alliance, but here we are.
I can't decide.
I like how so many people assume they're going to be raiding Naxx. Everyone's falling into the meme that classic raiding is easy because there's less mechanics, but they're taking into account how everything is tuned.
Yes, it's easier than mythic raiding today, but it's still harder than heroic raiding, and most of you retards can't clear heroic raids today.
I think DilationStation suits you best
Thats a very strange orc
Too long
Druid T3 is perfection dude, stop worrying
they already confermend BC and WOtLK in teh future ill just do it in BC
Firemaw Horde
Since apparently I can't just name my old hobo mage Booze on a rppvp server I need to find some brand that is a name and isn't taken. Bailey and Jameson was already taken obviously.
>He's not having fun with PEE PEE TONCH
I'm sorry you're not having fun, user.
Holy fuck is trannies all you people think about? For claiming to hate them, you sure obsess over them a lot.
No they didn't lmao
Sometimes we think about regular gays.
They're gonna do classic+
They're pretty fascinating creatures to be honest.