Should all games with multiple romance options always allow for being with the same gender...

Should all games with multiple romance options always allow for being with the same gender, or should that option be left for the devs to decide? I feel like if Cyberpunk 2077 only allowed hetero romancing, there'd be major backlash, but Witcher 3 doesn't all gay romancing options and people don't seem to care. If Witcher 3 was released today, would there be backlash for not having gay romancing options?

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Games need more furfag romancing options. Nothing is more powerful than the love of two furfags.

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Geralt is not an original character and established as straight in the books which is why CDPR didn't get fucky with that.

Is this the guy who accidentally necrofied his own hands through some BDSM shit?

witcher 3 is about a specific person, geralt, who is 110% pussyfucker. cyberpunk lets you insert your oc gendersona into the protag role, so it makes sense to give the players more freedom with who they fuck as well
gays are still degenerate though

it should be up to the devs, just like every other detail. what a shit thread.


Yep, that would be him

Yeah, there also weren't any female nigger nazis in WW2 but that didn't stop DICE from putting them in their game.

>there also weren't any female nigger nazis in WW2
Maybe in your whitewashed version of history.

>internet nazi offended at unrealistic depiction of nazis

>I'm gonna complain about the politicization of videogames and then inject my own politics!

I thought he intentionally necrofied them meeping them in dry ice

Go back to Resetera transfaggots

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Go amputate another body part tranny

You know I'm right. You know its hypocritical to complain about politics in vidya and then suddenly pretend to give a shit about "historical accuracy" just because a games company let you be a black female nazi.

Hey look it's you, a faggot

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>no argument

My girlfriend didn't believe people like this existed until we moved to Portland for a year.

No argument is the basis for every SJW agenda faggotry that you Resetera degenerates try to force on everyone else.

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>still no argument

just defend your point of view bro, its easy

Your kind will always be shunned by the rest of society, and eventually you will kill yourself and be just another statistic.

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>still no argument
I'm not even trans btw

You're worse, you're a fag enabler

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>still no argument

There's nothing political about historical accuracy. Is it so hard to believe people want history represented as accurately as possible? It's important to see how things happened, so we can learn and reflect. If you're going to make a game within our own history, you better damn well make sure it's as authentic as possible, in respect for those that fought and died for us to stand on their shoulders.

Total bullshit. If it was something like a gun from the wrong period of time being in the game nobody here would give a shit. It's just latent hypocrisy in an attempt to justify your hatred of women and minorities.

Huh, I can't find anything when searching for it...

Because it wasn't a BDSM thing, he allegedly fell asleep with his hands in a bucket of dry ice and it killed the cells in his hands, requiring amputation to prevent the spread of necrosis to his upper arms. There are whisperings he did it on purpose as a fetish thing.

>should anything happen in a game if the devs dont want to include it?
the answer is always no

How did people even find out about the dry ice thing? I can't find info on that either besides people on Yea Forums repeating it. Dry ice fucking hurts so it's hard for me to believe he was able to keep his hands in it for that long, let alone fall asleep while doing it.

He took painkillers.

theres a video on his facebook

Depends on the context. For some games romance is basically eugenics and for securing your lineage so obviously it wouldn't have a gay option