Zim now replaces the playable character(s) of the last game you played. How does he fare?

Zim now replaces the playable character(s) of the last game you played. How does he fare?

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For me, it's Tak

>DMC 5
His pak would be an okay weapon but he'd probably still get destroyed.

>zero ranger
i genuinely have no fucking clue how this turns out

I really don't know

Ninja Gaiden 2

He'd do just fine.

>hehe I'll join you if you give me 8000 macca

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>Doom 1993
He'd probably befriend some aliens or something

>dawn of war
Hes fucking dead

He is generally incompetent, so he will by design fail at everything he does. Name one setting where he would actually succeed.

This is a really dumb thread buddy.

Destroy All Humans?


Krypto is way, WAY more competent an alien than Zim. Zim would definitely fail.

Zim never succeeds at destroying the human race tho

borderland 2 , i dont know man.

i think nothing changes because the humans in the series are just as stupid as the ones on the game.


I heard it.

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are you retarded?
An outright war scenario would be one of the places zim would do best.
The guy has scientific capabilities that surpass the golden age imperium.
He'd easily be able to outright subjigate a planet if he wasn't worried about stealth.
And if it wasn't just him, but the rest of the irkens they would easily fit into the settings power levels, easily destroying something like the tau

He actively saves it or at worse puts in danger.

same voice actor, what's the difference?

Zim's VA voices Crypto's boss

He’s won a bunch of episodes though.

Fire Emblem Three Houses

Any house he leads won’t last a month

>RE1 remake
He’d probably just blow up the entire mansion.

Crypto's competent but the tech level is way lower since Furon tech was built to allow for challenge in a video game set in the 1950's where as Zim's was meant for a wacky cartoon set 50 years later.

duty mode gir replaces the last character you played how fucked is the world?

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>he will by design fail at everything he does
He succeeds when it involves saving the earth.

Shibuya’s fucked. As for his Imagination, he’d probably have a lot due to how creative some of his schemes and inventions tend to be.

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>Team Fortress 2
Invasion update electric boogaloo


found the uncultured swine.

What are his moves?

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Megadoomer as his Final Smash.

Compared to other antagonists he wins a lot of the time though

The movie was enjoyable but it had terrible pacing and too much randumb humor

That's because he isn't an antagonist half the time, depending on Dib's involvement.

And zim is STILL a fucking buffoon even with amazing tech that does everything for him. Imagine Crypto with Zim's tech.

>Banjo Kazooie
I'm pretty sure he'd just blow up everything up until he gets to Tooty and saves her. But he might end up being best buds with Gruntilda you never know.

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The movie was p good tbqh

I like what they did with prof membrane

But he has still, NEVER destroyed or conquered earth.

More yelling and the brain jacking sequences would probably be better.

Final smash is ROOM WITH A MOOSE with Gir dancing while wearing a sombrero.

Zim largely popularized that kind of humor though. It would be dumb not to include it

>Irken armada gone
>Zim fucking dies
That was a good ending for the series tbthwyf

Zim didn’t die

The armada seems like it is actually gone though

Zim would get his entire class killed in the first bandit fight

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Nah they'll be fine next episode

Zim is still alive, and I'm sure the Irken armada is fine.

>Zim replaces Rex
Oh god, I think it would be horrible. Hearing that the Aegis has ultimate destructive power would make him try to force Pyra to come back to his universe just to have her conquer Earth. Pyra would just take her core back and leave Zim to die.

>zim and dib get turned in bologna
>completely fine next episode

Zim didn't die and it doesn't matter if the Armada is gone, the Irken homeworld is still there. In fact things would probably be better with the Tallest gone. They were leading everything to shit. It's the Overmind that creates, activates and gives Irken their directive. The Tallest are just kind of there. The next tallest will take over everything now as it's figure head.

Humans are pretty advanced in Invader Zim despite being 100 times more oblivious than humans in DAH.

>Professor Membrane has a worldwide science division with no government oversight that constantly makes things that could destroy the world
>Cybernetic augments that far outcompass anything the Irken have made

It's no wonder that people never think Zim is an alien, with all the crazy shit that Dibs dad does.

>Cities Skylines
Fuck man, he actually did it!

True, but knowing that Zim is a giant fucking idiot neutralizes the actual technological advantages the Irken have.

>want to discuss the new zim movie
>go to Yea Forums
>it's nothing but shipfagging and disgusting badly drawn lewds

Fucking board needs to be nuked from orbit

It becomes Destroy All Humans.

He'd probably have some cool items.

>Was playing DBFZ
>Invader Zim fighting game made by Arcsys
Yes, please.

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>Divinity Original Sin 2
He'd let the godwoken thing go straight to his head and would try to rule over everyone, and then get his shit kicked in by some town guards.

Not like the Irken themselves are any better. They send child soldiers to certain planets based purely on height. The average Irken excluding Tak and the navigator seems dumber then the average human and that's horrifying. They might have weapons capable of destroying planets, but if you aren't in their path, you don't have to worry about them at all. They probably have everything hooked up to the mothership too and you could probably just beam them the virus on a transmission and they would accept it. Zim was able to get their flight plan easily.

It's a question of how they got so advanced? You think that the Irken armada is just a seed ship and the read deal is far the fuck off in another galaxy?

Nah, if there is anything that Zim hates, it's someone else moving in on his thing. Destroying the Earth is HIS job. He's going to slaughter every single demon and he'll do it well. Remember, Zim wins 100% if he's saving the Earth. So barely anything changes Doomguy or not.

>Child soldiers
Zim's about the same age as the Tallest, he's just a short motherfucker.

>being an alienlet is considered being a child soldier
Zim alone is probably like 100 years old or something

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Zim is 169 years old. Which is the equivalent of 16 for an Irken

>Three Houses
He sides with Edelgard. The Church wins.

That is unbelievably pathetic.

Yea Forums is just Yea Forums but they watch even worse garbage. Yea Forums is garbage, but usable.

When they get to point of conquering other races, There would be no shortage of races that had technological breakthroughs that would've took your kind thousands of years of trial and error to discover, Easily snowballing the irkens to space orcs to high-tech gods.

>Kamidori alchemy meister

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hes fucked

16 is old enough for a brit to sign up in the military

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He'd be a griefer. TNT everywhere.

Yea Forums is the best place to discuss anything but video games

Zim goes on a dark harvest for Crests.

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Finally, something he would be good at. I can already see his massive redstone stripe mining machine.

>Worthless Jew-Pig! Victory for Ziiiiiiim!

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>next episode
don't give me hope

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Why not, Netflix is buddying up to Nick real hard. No reason not to get a full season if they are funding full anime like shitty fucking Cannon busters. Why not a new season of Zim?

Fucking zoomer

>And such plentiful crests!

I really hope they don't try to recycle the unfinished season 2 shit, Judging by what information is available of it sounded like a train-wreck, Namely "Invader Dib"

I'll be honest i love the new characterization of dib's family

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The worst place to discuss a topic is the board dedicated to it.

The Trial is pretty good though, and I'm pretty sure ID never got past a theoretical phase, they've said they didn't know what to do with the finale.

>>Cybernetic augments that far outcompass anything the Irken have made
As far as I know the Earth doesnt have space ships, and Zim's and Tak's have shown to be pretty damn powerful. Some days ago I watched a chapter about aliens who stole the earth in order to feed it to a sun and Zim's ship was able to cut the whole circumference of the metal sphere that enveloped the world in minutes.

>Monster Hunter

Fuck. I want this. So bad. The failure would be so great.

Hopefully that's the case. I just want to see an ending to the series

Im not sure I prefer a Gaz that is not seemingly all powerful but stopped by the fact that she doesnt care about anything but vidya.

The imperium of Man would get their asses kicked by the Irken Empire. Just Saying.

Membrane had a sub for body exploration that was able to far outpower Zim's ship. I don't doubt that Membrane could retrofit it to be a Space Ship.

Neither does Crypto.

>EDF 5

He has the tech, but he would fuck it up some how and get cucked by ants for sure.

New Gaz was cute but still in character, I liked what they did with her

>Breath of the Wild
He'd speedrun through Hyrule, blasting apart all the enemies in one-shot save for the bigger ones like the guardians and stone talus. The battle with Ganon would be a sight to see.

Total warhammer as skaven
Not.much changes, zim is basicly already a warlock engineer
>creates all kinds of batshit technology, most of which blows up in his face

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>If worked on Qlipoth counter reach 0 and agent recovered HP and SP
>He's a ZAYN
>>Dies from a single baton hit

Most of the scripts for unfinished episodes are good though. A few even ended up being reworked for the comic (The pants episode namely).


He dies horribly

I wouldn't mind that, and Vasquez bringing back the maniac.

The membrane family actually being a family is nice, Though it drastic tone shift compared to the original series, Where Dib was a loner and only time his sister did anything was to fuck with him.

That's....that's the point of invader zim

>Chrono is now the Zim from the show. When trying to build a teleport system to teleport the Massive all the way to Earth, he ends up creating a time hole leading to multiple time periods.
>Lucca is now the tall Zim from the universe where he won
>Marle is now GIR from the show
>Frog is a Zim stuck in a Minimoose
>Robo is a GIR permanently in Duty Mode after his Zim died trying to fight Dib after getting captured by him and harvested for organs by the government.
>Ayla is Zim’s ancestor, a computer on wheels (think Karen from Sponegbob) that has his voice and personality. Talks in only questions at first.
>Magus is Dib from Zim’s show, who was also trying to bring to his planet other Dibs to help him catch Zim.
>Lavos is the powered up Dib robot suit that Zim accidentally created in “Bad, Bad, Rubber Piggy”.

Already infinitely better.

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>Zim realised that without humans the tallest wouldn't have people to turn into irken slaves
>Goes and rips and tears through the demon dimension because of their insolence against the irken empire

The Pak would be really helpful for tentacle rape

>Gaz will never be your annoying little sister that gets a bit too pretty once she hits puberty

honestly I'd play an SMT game with zim

>Join YHWH?

I haven't watched the movie yet, please tell me there is not any kind of forced agenda in it.

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The movie is definitely pro-shark and I dunno how I feel about that

Dibs families skin is darker to make it clear they are Mexican but that’s it really

really? i thought gaz looked lighter

Well, that's not really bad then, at least they are not black.

The trans character that saves the day is not too annoying

>Solidus commissions Prof Membrane to build his power armor and Arsenal Gear, along with all the other Tengu armor, Metal Gear Rays and nuclear missiles on board
>Solidus wants to bring the Irken armada to Earth so he can finish them off with the might of the Earth’s military and declare himself not only an American hero but a hero to the entire universe
>Solidus knows about Zim’s existence and tricks him into brining the Tallest to Earth
>Zim has to stop all of Dead Cell and Solidus or else the entire Irken race will be destroyed

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I never gave it a second thought even after the skin tone change until it was brought up, but even then it's still fine considering the fact that they're made by Jhonen Vasquez

Final Smash is Ultra fucking Peepi


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>Pokemon Emerald
>Picks Treecko because it reminds him of himself
>Doesn't really care about Aqua or Magma, they just keep getting in his way
>"Get in this ball, creature! SUBMIT TO ZIM!"

I remember the skin color thing being a slight controversy with Yea Forums (read: /pol/ pretending to be Yea Forums) but it ended up just being an aesthetic change without any attached agenda, as far as I can tell.

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Zim is Commander Shepard. He burns down all of Eden Prime, Geth and human alike. After being given command of the Normandy he mounts an assault on the Citadel and gets atomized by the Council's capital ship.

>Doom 4 For Doom

Pretty fucking poorly.


You know, he'd make a pretty decent story teller.

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All that really happened is Jhonen became less edgy and softened the Hot Topic look.

The agenda of never turning into any side, always go straight
I thought it was definitely anti shark though? Did you somehow understand the message as "Sharks give you cool robot arms"?

My buddy ryan soto has the same skin tone as 2000's era gaz and dib

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to be fair that is a very easy misinterpretation to make

Sharks give you cool robot arms and they count as children when you're attempting to create a child ring around the planet to teleport it through a black hole

As far as I'm concerned, sharks are the key to the movie

>Fallout 4
YESSS! I will contact the mothership and conquer wasteland!

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>Bioshock Infinite

Either funny as shit or he gets it ass handed to him ten fucking times over before he even gets to the first vigor

>little nightmares

He'd get killed immediately, he'd start yelling and the monsters would find him instantly

That's true, without sharks Membrane wouldn't have been able to rescue anyone from Zim's invasion.

I can't believe the sharks peer pressured Membrane into getting robo-arms

Have you ever seen Invader Zim

I don't think they did. They might be a normal fag

>The Invader Zim movie was enjoyable except for the parts that were Invader Zim
Zim has always been full of random humor, anti-humor, and unsatisfying conclusions that leave everyone no better of than they started. That's like the whole point.

>Zim never conquers the "planet" because it's infinitely generating

It doesn't have as much potential to be involved in the plot as someone who cares a little bit.

user, stop. After Rocko someone will believe you.

>sees a space marine chapter
>tries to make them follow him as his minions
>gets shot

I can see him doing as well on a single player, peaceful mode world as a first time player with no hack client on 2b2t

>durr random humor was always a part of it

yeah it was always the shittiest part of it you retarded zoomers. Just because it was always there doesn't mean it was good

Serius question

is zim a child or he is just really short?
because i really want to jack off to tak, but im not a pedo

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Why spam this green insect on every board? Is it because he is an invader who is invading? Are you trying to be smart? Just stop.

I was watching Zim in middle school when it came out. I never had a problem with its humor and I still enjoy it. Not all random humor is created equally and Zim is written in a way that can make me chuckle at it.

>admitting to wanting to jack off to a drawing of a child
Already turning you in to the police

Jhonen confirmed in some tweet Zim is not a child, but an idiot who thinks wasting his efforts doing battle with a child is worth his time.

Most irkens are just very, very small.

All the Irken in the show are adults. Zim and the other invaders are literally vat-grown soldiers, designed to mature quickly.

Alright guys, user doesn't like these threads, pack it up.

They're adults, just very immature.

Jack away, my friend. Jack away.

You have 10 seconds to name your favorite Invader Zim episode, or you're going to be sucked into the Florpus hole

Just short, there's a theory going around Irkens are mostly short due to only eating snacks, which fucked their metabolism and made it to where they can grow very tall. So yeah, wank to Tak all ya want. She's basically just loli Lord Dominator with an accent.

The one with Tak in it.

We are the RESISTY

The one with some of the characters with their organs out.


What a stupid concern. It's a cartoon character and it's even voiced by an adult.

Zim eats waffles

>You have 10 seconds to name your favorite Invader Zim episode
I think I'll name it Jessica.

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>Zim tries to build a shelter, it doesn't go so well
>Runs into another player who puts him up for the night. Zim watches tirelessly as he crafts things. Before shoving him out the door, gives Zim some basic tools and resources
>Zim figures out how Redstone works
>Makes a Redstone strip miner
>GIR sets down some TNT right next to one of the circuts and blows the machine up, along with setting off all of the Fireworks that he was collecting

I don't think much would change desu

He is 169 years old, though Irken never really mentally mature. He's about 16 years old for Earth standards. Shorter then most Irken, becoming Tall is a genetic deformity, but is looked up on and any that are Tallest become figure heads, but don't really run things.

Take it easy, it's just a drawing.

The Frycook What Came from All That Space

Walk of Doom

>Smash Brothers
He'd be a more agile version of what I'd imagine Porky would play like.

Zim is cursed to maintain the status quo. If said status quo depends on it, Zim will, wittingly or otherwise, become as competent as necessary to keep it that way.

For me, it's gaz.

he could replace rapp, i guess.

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>"Did you throw the muffin at Zim's head?"

Hobo 13

Because Zim is good at destruction and fighting but awful at conquering or using more strategic based fighting.

Ironically, Zim is very good at saving Earth from other outside threats. Put him in any situation where someone other than himself has put Earth in danger of destruction or conquering and he'll come out on top, then go back to failing to conquer it.

so what was the deal with the giant monkey painting?

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Don't worry about it, user.

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This. Seeing Zim succeed is incredibly satisfying and really helped added depth to his character. His not a moron like many people think he is. He's just fucking insane.

If zim hadn’t tried to teleport the planet and instead made the bracelets mind control or just done anything other than teleporting he would have won

Prove me wrong

It's actually a secret camera placed there in by default when Zim built his house. it was programmed to be in any construct an Irken makes. It allows an organization of secrect police working for The Tallest to seek out and kill any Invaders planning to rebel. They just haven't killed Zim due to not giving a shit about him.

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Zim definitely has a problem with overthinking his grand plans.

Explain, I fail to see this.


Yo does it continue the story that never got finished? Vasquez had entire storyboards planned for how Dib joins something called a resisty which includes other alien species and they leave earth and fight back against the irkens.

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>Which is the equivalent of 16 for an Irken
>Source: My asshole.

Then why the fuck are you giving it a chance anyway? Zim defined random humor as we know it today. I'd actually be disappointed if it "grew up" and dropped that, because that's what makes it Zim, and Zim is honestly the only appropriate place for it. All random humor afterwards is just a lame brainless mockery of Zim's insanity.

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seconding this one

>Dragon Quest 11
>”Zim needs no horse. GIR! Fetch me the cruiser!”

duh, but that's not what he wanted. He realized that the Tallest weren't coming his way so he moved the earth to where they were going.

It's basically a really long episode that's good from start to finish.

Well, it also wasn't just about winning at that point. He wanted to impress the tallest, but if they weren't actually coming with the armada, then it was worthless. So the only course was to make the planet come to them.

>Prove me wrong
Why? He wanted to teleport it on the path of the Tallest so they would notice him. That was the problem and teleporting solved it. Did you watch the movie?

He would've, but let's be real. He doesn't want to win per se, he just wants the Tallest to call him a good boy.

So could an irken easily become Tallest just by choosing to eat veggies and shit?

For me it's membrane

He effortlessly blasts through every enemy in the game but gets bullied even worse by Wendy and the club

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That time when Zim was stuck in another planet fast food

>Zim in place of Tak from the Power of Juju, Staff of Dreams, and Juju Challenge (with Gir as player 2)
I'd dig it.

Zim practically invented “lol random” humor.

Except he didn't care about taking over the planet unless The Tallest's were their to see him do it, which was the whole point of the plan.

Probably, but no Irken would EVER eat that shit. That is why the Tallest are rare as fuck. Look at their conquered food planet. It's nothing but junk food.

Halfway through the movie literally everyone on earth has bracelets infected with irken tech

If he put some of the mind control tech he has been shown to have before in those instead of the teleport mechanism he literally mind controls earth

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Yup. Thats why that Grill cook is so big. he has a more veried diety with actual meat and protein. Surprised they never addressed that he was so big compared to the tallest,

Why? She's still white, the guy just got better at drawing and learned how to make shadows for hair.

i want dr membrane to be my dad

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how the fuck did they get away with this.

>black thing
>human slave

He's kicking Hazama's ass.
Also, he could probably defeat him.

If you think about it, Gregory would be the type of character you'd see in Invader Zim.

Except played more comically instead of just purely fucked up.

i want zim to replace pyro

>had zero hopes for florpus after Rocko's special was wasted on being preachy and telling fans to fuck off and move on
>Florpus actually knocked it out of the park
Based, hope they do a new season with the planned episodes and a proper ending

But Zim's entire life is revolved around being accepted by The Tallest and his people. He wouldn't remotely care about mind controlling humanity if The Tallest's didn't care.

That's the entire point of the teleportation, to get their attention.

Nah that's kinda out and instead plays like a grand hour long episode. It's still really good though.

Why the fuck is BigDad so good?

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I laughed

When I was first a young kid and I first saw how fucking crazy Gaz was, I knew I'd want my own Gothic wife to carve her name in my chest while she fucked me silly with hot candle wax and leather whips.

Ironiccally EDF

It got worse as time went on. Sorry, but I like legs that could be mistaken for human legs.

It was a different time.

forgot pic

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I really wish big titty goth girls were still around.

Because people back then weren't going out of their way to be offended at everything on behalf of everyone else to score brownie points on the internet.

archiveofourown dot org/works/20268682

Gaz and Clembrane

Why do you assume blacks make the best slaves? What about Asians? Chain one of those chinks to a desk and throw your taxes and bills on the table and you never have to worry again.

You're right. The problem is the series establishes that Zim is an incompetent retard who was given sub standard technology in an attempt by the Tallest to get him to just piss off and stop fucking things up.

>Lot of old stuff getting revivals
>MEGAS will remain dead forever because of the retarded american tax law.
Just kill me

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It’s an ink blot test and Twitter didn’t exist.


Yes. It is retarded. All (Or 75% at least) of us Americans are retarded.

>TFW the American government owns Symbionic Titan

Zim had twelve episodes left in season 2. Then there would've been a series finale as a TV movie where Zim finally wins, Zim and Gaz replace the tallest as the leaders of the Irkin Empire by force. Dib joins the resistee but they all get arrested and banished to a desert planet. Tak would've returned multiple times in season 2 and would've been a recurring villain.

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>Dib comes downstairs after a horrifying nightmare only to find Gaz with an overeager alien creature who has her laying on the kitchen table. She can't decide if she's enjoying it or not.

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Are you just trying to make me feel sad and disappointed? You're doing a great job if so.

We still have goth girls, just most of them are either anorexic or obese fat from what I see. I know Goth chicks hate society and wanna rebel with a dark sense of fashion and refusal agents body norms.

...But fuckin' come on. How about just trimming it down to at least a cute chub?

hooman art

It's because for someone to stick with the goth style past high school they must have legitimate mental or emotional problems, and eating disorders go hand in hand with the latter.

Just a reminder that Zim took down the entire Irken army on accident in Operation Impending Doom 1.

What do you mean by kinda out? Is that story plan all scrapped? Will there be more Zim? I loved this show so much I have the DVDs or whatever the set came on buried somewhere in my room.


Imagine the frightening genocide he could cause if he actually hated the Irkens.

I read that in Johnny’s voice for some reason.

Probably not much if he was trying. He only blew up Irk because he was trying to invade other planets.

Why did I click without reading the title first?

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Bad Bad Rubber Piggy, Walk for your life or GIR goes crazy and stuff

>The Ozzie’s are all different versions of Professor Membranes.

That is a very good question, user.

>try to negotiate with a demon
>I am-

And imagine if he was trying to destroy irk before he had his rank stripped the first time. I'd expect some war crime shit and a punishment worse than fast food worker, as horrible as that already is.

"I had enuff o' being a cartoon character so I'm in this here fighting game to find me some fine honeys"

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I recall bits and pieces of Invader Dib were retained but I couldn't say exactly what. It really just seems like they wanted to do something original, aside from the first 15 minutes which are straight from the comic. If you're unaware, Zim's had a full-fledged comic series running for quite a few years now. It's just as enjoyable as the show was and afaik it's still going. Seems like you actually have a lot of new Zim to catch up.

Except the comic issue done by Sarah’s Scribbles, she cannot fucking draw. The one where GIR goes to Skool.

Sarah who?

>vootcruiser in warthunder

Please please please do one more season or do a new movie once a year or something.
Zim deserved like 4 seasons. The art always sorta was iffy but it oozed style and the writing is top notch.

I don’t know her last name. I know people draw comics of her OC banging dogs.

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>dragon ball fighterz.
What would his moves be? What’s his level 1/‘s and 3?

I'd imagine he'd be similar to Beerus where he's a Zoner/Trapper but instead of magic pink balls he uses his gadgets and robots to lay traps.

Crash bandicoot.
I honestly don't know if he stands a chance fighting cortex. Zim tech while advance seems to be very flimsy like that giant invisible chicken robot needs to be connected to a power supply. Cortex has an army of evil science dudes and BIG ROBOTS.

>why was there BACON IN THE SOAP?
Gir's response and delivery is still the funniest goddamn thing in the world.

When the government owns a show, can I legally make a parody of it?

Dark Harvest will always be special to me.

New Zim movie was really good.

Favorite scene in the movie. She's also a damn cutie.

Attached: Invader.Zim.Enter.the.Florpus.2019.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.H264-ETRGEtHD.webm (853x480, 1.82M)

I liked it when the cat got arrested

Fashion 4/10, hair doesn't look good due to color.

>succubus prison
he gets fucked to death

>Resident Evil Revelations 2
If he replaced Natalia, this could be interesting

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But that grit, that determination, the sheer willpower needed to achieve peace, which is nice, and also better than chicken and rice.

How, he doesn't have any sex organs. Irken are tube grown.

Irkens don't have genitals
I don't know that game specifically but I think that makes him safe

They have a hole that they shit from gonna get fisted to death first.

There is a theory that Irkens have their sexual organs in their mouths. Can't remember the evidence but there's the head cannon for ya

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Asses and mouths aren't genitals, but you sure as shit can get fucked in them.

Based, also thanks for bringing the themesong back into my head.

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The real world version might as well say that for all we know, no one reads those disclaimers anyways.

He straight-up succeeded in taking over Earth in one of the earlier comics. He just immediately got bored of it and fucked off to space with Dib in tow.

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somehow the random screaming hot topic humor in the new special feels nostalgic instead of annoying. Maybe because invader zim is the progenitor of that shit so it has ownership over it. Also there was a light optimism to the new special, which feels like it grew up a little. Gaz is more of a human character, more family dynamics and grounded interactions. I'd definitely be interested in a new season.

Netflix wouldn't say no. They actually green lit a show about three stereotypical men who fight crime with super powers while dressed in drag.

Yeah, That's a fucking thing. I didn't make that up. It's called 'Super Drag'.

Pretty funny.

>no one reads those disclaimers anyways
I do.

For some reason, I really love how Zim's backpack has those spider legs. I don't know why, but I love spider locomotion on non-spider characters. Yagrum Bagarn in Morrowind, Azmodan in Diablo, and so on; there's just something so fucking satisfying about it.

The Wettening was genuinely intimidating. He's competent, but only for petty instances, which is the best thing they could possibly do. The Muffin episode is also incredible.

What are you, a legal fag?


I'm sure Irkens have some form of genitals to procreate incase their civilization is absolutely battered. Their entire planet obliterated and all Control brains destroyed to the point tube creation isn't possible anymore. Though if that were the case there's probably a kill switch on all the Paks if the Irkens would let themselves be that defeated that the whole species dies with the Control Brains because no more strict millitary lifestyle.

Jhonen said they aren't Caucasian though, apparently

>Oddworld game
>Zim invades the Mudokon home world, ruins the Glukkons financially in every possible way, and removes all competition
>Abe chants and makes Zim leave without causing trouble
>Mudokons return to having a wonderful life

>Mexican cartoonist makes his author surrogate nonwhite
Color me surprised.

Dib is based on Johnen himself is who Mexican.

>Fallout 3

He could probably do pretty well and BTFO the Zetans

I don't think Zim's Earth is supposed to be set in the 2000's

can they not just make a straight-to-internet type webshow animation to avoid tax laws that I assume are associated with showing things on TV?

like whats to keep them from saying its just a newgrounds fan animation or something uploaded for no financial gain.

Vasquez said that making the show was a stressful nightmare so it's likely that he'll just stick to comics or possibly another movie

imagine being this obsessed about race over fucking children's drawings

your brain on /pol/

What? It's not /pol/ to point out that an artist making a character based on himself would make it his same race. It's /pol/ for people to be bothered by it. I'm only saying it's completely expected and unsurprising.

I'd be very okay with occasional feature-length episodes like Florpus to come around once or twice a year.

>showing things on TV?
Nope. The issue isn't where it's shown, it's what's shown.
>Megas XLR was written off as a loss (and cancelled) by Cartoon Network
>This means they gave it up, they still technically hold title to it last I checked, but they can't do anything with it because it's like they got rid of it, they claimed it was worthless
Simple comparison:
>Company has a truck that is having serious problems and they dump it, having gotten nothing for it
>They can write off the value of the truck they dumped for a tax break (among other things)
>Except instead of a truck, it was a show and instead of making it a public source, they just deemed it worthless (has a $0 value on their books)
And if they try to do anything with it, feds are going to be knocking on their door within a week.

Damn it, why does everyone call it funny?

>mgs v
kino. He'd actually probably be fine

I always assumed they were castizos

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>The comic that opened up almost exactly like the special But Zim's plan the whole time was to embarrass Dib across the entire universe

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Considering every MGS enemy outside of bosses has the brain of a rotten potato, they're no different from generic military dudes from Invader Zim. Hell, I'd wager they're less intelligent because they see footprints, clearly realize something is wrong, and give up shortly after.

A lot of the technology that exists in the MGS and IZ universes are pretty similar to one another. Stupidly over-the-top big ass war machines that can destroy tons of life with no real effort while also relying on advanced technology to create and regulate life in most of the populace.


Bloaty's Pizza Hog

I loved that comic ending better then the movie it was more a return to form for the series

Was zim retarded or just lolsorandumXD

>I see footprints! Something is clearly wrong!
>Oh, well.

i could see it

so what do we wait till its public domain or something? cant they sell the IP?
copyright laws like this are always so fucky to me.


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>public domain
Basically. The only other possibility is that the only other prospective holder, the original creator, does something with it under creative rights, but that's unlikely too.
They can't sell the IP cause they dumped it.
Public Domain is still 4 years and change away though.

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I chuckled.

>fallout 4

probably would make the game fun

he might be incompetent but remember that no matter what he will always land on his feet, also anyone who ever comes into contact with him will fail at whatever they try

>Dark Souls
He'll be fine

Zim can never accept failure, he will always distort his own perception of reality in such way so that he comes out on top in every situation.

>immediately joins the the Skaven in order to make them his servants
>they play along
>provides them with Irken warpstone-infused tech
>they eventually double-cross him
>then he joins the Ubersreik 5 and saves the Old World out of spite

>Pyra would just take her core back and leave Zim to die.
Considering Pyra is science and not magic Zim would find a way to corrupt her to obey him, but then Dib would somehow save her.

>Zim doesn't fear Pyra's power at all
>unlocks Pneuma
How fucked is everyone?

I believe from a technological standpoint the stuff Zim has is still superior to pretty much everything in the Warframe universe, freaky space Void magic aside. Still, probably wouldn’t do so well since despite the tech advantage he’s still massively outnumbered on all sides, and there’s the slim (though possible) chance of a Tenno catching wind of him.

He could probably get in someone’s good graces, though. Maybe the Sentients would be interested in something along the lines of what he does in Enter The Florpus with the whole “warping an entire planet lightyears away” thing. Don’t need to fear the deadly Void killing you while you go from Point A to Point B if you can just jump to Point B straight away. My memory of the series is fuzzy, though, do the Irkens have any “warp from one point to another” kind of tech?

>do the Irkens have any “warp from one point to another” kind of tech?
Zim took 6 months to reach earth, but i guess its up to debate if Zim's ship is just outdated or maybe earth is that far away from the emprie

Zim doesn't know what pussy is

>WHAT is this pussy? ZIM chases no pussy!"
Oh fuck I'm crying

Exactly, he'd ask for it but have no clue what it is


One of the canceled season 2 episodes actually makes heavy use of the pack and it's a damn shame it was never fully realized.

The premise is Dib steal Zim's pack which turns out to be his life supply, only giving him 10 minutes to live (being represented by an on-screen countdown timer for the whole episode). As Zim's life force fades, the pack latches onto Dib and starts turning him into an Irkin, with the pack eventually moving on its own with extended versions of those spider limbs you described.

What makes this especially interesting is that this episode in particular had all of its dialogue officially recorded, you can find it easily on YouTube, usually with some fan-made drawings to illustrate the episode. Those are all well and good but it's still a pipe dream of mine to see it fully animated.

>or maybe earth is that far away from the emprie
watch Florpus. Zim's computer has to zoom out for hours to be able to see Earth while keeping the Irken armada on the screen.

too bad the 2019 movie was downgraded for fit in Netflix standards


i pray for you user


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Marcus Fenix

squiggly spooch?

Cringe and bluepilled #trumppower

The movie is more of a soft reboot of sorts. It's kind of like a filler movie. No real restrictions on it nor does it really add anything to the story of value. It's definitely a good movie though. Just like watching an hour long Invader Zim episode like back in the day. The comedy is surprisingly still there, even after such a long time in hiatus.

what was he thinking in this moment

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>That florpus hole is obviously bad, but the Tallest are never wrong. I can't believe I would have questioned their judgement, but I can't help but feel like this really is a bad idea.


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>Cringe and bluepilled #trumppower

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>Hollow Knight
Is he retarded enough to get killed by bugs?

Gir eats the Red Sprite, the Massive gets sucked into the Schwarzvelt

>should I make a run to the nearest escape pod?

>the darkest dungeon

The ancestor already fucked everything up so literally nothing changes

>"Why isn't my post getting any (You)s?"

>rocket league
replaces the octane, epic zoomer dab

I think he can take em.

he'd ace the path of pain no problem.

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Professor Membrane is the voice of Squidward? Damn that dude has range.

Don’t know about the warp tech, all I’m thinking of is how a Warframe based on Zim would work. I’m thinking his extra legs would come out for extra attacks as his 1, automatic wall/ceiling climbing stealthmode for his 2, disguise as an enemy for his 3, and summon his ship for his 4. Passive could be the PAK possessing an enemy and reviving you if it stayed alive for long enough, but it would take twice the amount of time a revive does.

Up-B: PAK stabs downwards and launches Zim into the air, if on ground, hits anyone to either side of him, if in air hit below him and launches him higher.
Side B: Hold Gir in direction of attack, launch something out of his head. Duration of charge changes object. (Short charge is sandwich, medium is pug, long charge is Tak's ship). Each charge tier, his head inflates more to show what's ready. If you charge too long, Gir explodes and hits both you and anyone nearby. If in midair, any shot recoils you backwards considerably.
Neutral B: Toss a gnome that slowly walks forward and detonates if it touches an enemy. Gnome range is 3/4ths Final Destination before it automatically blows up, only three gnomes can be out at once.
Down-B: charge Membracelet. When Membracelet is fully charged, the next Gir shot will fire out a Minimoose that does considerable damage and acts as a launcher.
Smash attacks can be PAK strikes or other more creative references.
Final Smash: short cutscene of Zim hijacking The Massive remotely, before it smashes into the stage wherever Zim is standing, being a sure fire kill at 40% if at ground zero, but being completely indeed give of at the other end of the stage.
Zim would be a light character, but not too floaty thanks to the dynamic nature of his side and up B's.

No Nickelodeon vs Cartoon Network?

The better question is how will Torna stop him

Banjo-Kazooie here too. He should also team up with GIR.

>Dark Souls 3
Shit, I dunno.

kerbal space program so i think he'd do pretty fucking good

Earth Defense Force 5
Not really sure how that will work.

The season 2 designs and art style looks far superior. All the bright colors and neon shading looks cool, but it's best saved for the alien settings and lighting.

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>tfw dont have a gameslave 2
what do?

The answer to this question is he would succeed in every possible way, no matter how difficult- only to wind up killing or maiming himself horribly seconds before seeing "you win" or some kind of ending.

>KC Green did a comic for it

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>into the breach
Exceedingly well, I bet.

Bro just walk up to a game store, ask for your reservation, and walk away with your game bro haha

No man's sky.. He fine

oh my fucking god
it's so obvious now

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>being afraid of fapping to cartoon characters
>on Yea Forums nonetheless

based as fuck

For me its Zee

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Dark Harvet. Without question the best episode.


>Pirahna Plant
Well, not THAT fucked if they have Fire Flowers for sale




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>tfw we will never see tallest waifu

>Zim is the only alien guardian
>the vanguard themselves didn't know what to make of it
>his ghost didn't want to revive him but it had to

These robes seemed like a halo reference, half expected the Tallest to start asking Zim if he was paralyzed, dumbstruck?

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Can he trickswordgungaurd?

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>an entire Invader Zim ep in that anime art style

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yep came here to say this

>People say Irkens would be at Tau level in 40k

>Opens with the Massive casually blowing up planet after planet within seconds of each other, then ramming through a planet

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Their ships are retarded fast.

There's that episode where Zim hijacks the tallest ships and they cross galaxies worth of distance in a few seconds. Even going through stars completely unscathed.

And both Zim and Dib have been moving at FTL speeds before too in the episodes where they drove the planets.

Fire Emblem 6
Zim easily conquers Elibe

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The really slow explosion episode

>Happy sex
>Childhood friend
That's the cuckest shit ever and NTR is there.

I loved the german dub.

>Call the NPCs stupid meatbags
>basically lock them up in really small rooms inside his sprawling underground base
>Fails at every single boss
>Somehow manages to control Plantera only for it to backfire massively later on

Your Opinion is irrelevant to the Truth

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What's his chances?

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go commit sudoku

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>Bloodstained RotN
I guess he would err, I, uhm, dunno

GIR would have a field day, though

>he never had happy sex with a toboy
im so sorry user :(
But be assured that it is indeed the truth

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succeeds in dark harvest youtube.com/watch?v=vFoCFTqqfzk&t=1s


Aww shiet

Too many but I would choose between Abducted or The Frycook that came from all that Space RIP Pigboy

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>ah shit I forgot what I was gonna do today

Literally the plot of the movie

GameSlave 2

dragons dogmar my pawn becomes Gir the risen makes fire better and everyone is afraid of him even the dragon

The game is now unplayable. Zim could never get laid.

Fuck now I want a mod that reskins the kerbals as irkens.

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Having recently watched the episode with Tak, she mentions what Zim did to her 50 years ago.

>Postal 2
Somehow I get the feeling that, ultimately, not much would change.

Didn't she spent another 70 years in isolation before getting to planet esrth?

Zim is old as fuck. But he aged on earth as seen on the issue 12 of the IZ comic. This series is pretty inconsistent.

The Halloween episode.

>This series is pretty inconsistent.
You don't say?

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The episode where zim sends plush pigs into the past in order to ruin Dib but ends up making him stronger every time he does so ( While also making him suffer more)

Attached: 1x08b-Bad-Bad-Rubber-Piggy-invader-zim-24199265-1360-768.jpg (1360x768, 90K)

I can't believe this thread is still alive

hed try petting a psy dog and die

Oh my

hey Yea Forums

imma sing the doo-doo song

Sorry but the peace song is the new hotness

“A Room With A Moose” always makes me laugh.

>this thread is still alive
Honestly based.

Is that what you did fatty

peace is nice

peace is better than chicken and rice

>Zim is now the Dragonborn in Skyrim.
>loves destruction magic and uses a shield
>annoys all the Daedric Gods but Hermaeus Mora, who can discern Zim's rants and understand his future.

He fares pretty well, actually.

Genocide run but gets bodied by Undyne

I wonder what her alien pussy looks like. Yes, I know irken are artificially bred but they still have genders, so they should still have all the equipment down there.


Room with a moose

Lost my shit, thank you anons

Hobo 13


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>wanted to look for some fan art
>not much of it
>got curious and wanted to know what the jap think of invader zim
>"they must have some cool anime fan art over there"
>go to pixiv
>nothing but zim x dib porn and sometimes gaz

I dunno, somehow it skipped my mind somehow

Kotomine tier


Wow, a good Zim thread on Yea Forums. You guys are all right.

I wonder if they're going to keep using the comics as inspiration for future episodes. If so I can't wait to see the future Earth's episode.


Irken don't lay eggs though. Still it'd be interesting if she had a huge impenetrable clit like a hyena.


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That show had such great character designs. I especially loved Professor Membrane.
In Germany they gave him a much deeper, serious sounding voice which made his remarks only come of as more funny.

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I’ll take that as big b8 NTR is being killed senpai anything besides tomboy childhood friend happy sex & vanilla should be thrown into the abyss never to return

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I think they get born fully mature so age doesn't really matter to them, only height determinates your place in their social hierarchy

That theory makes no sense since the Almighty Tallest eat more snakes then anybody else in the show.

Final Smash: The Wettening

> fez
... I got nothing.

Poor dude, he was damned the moment the Tallest looked in his direction. I want to watch that chapter now, anyone remembers its name?

Zim is now going to try and solo the Reaper invasion because he doesn't want to work with aliens. I am unsure how to feel about this.

The galaxy yet has hope.

Didn't tak say she was trapped for like 50 years because of Zim?

tak, the hideous new girl

Hobo 13

Which one has the best taste in vidya?

Poot, but nobody ever believes her.

Skoodge looks like a real gamer

Just look at that slouch, he's definitely spent all day and night in front of a pc his entire life

Considering that they basically do nothing but sit around all day slouching around, probably the tallest ones

>I'm always proud of you
Fuck, bros......

He even has the grease pizza stains on his shirt

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He's only incompetent because he wants to succeed in a spectacular, awe inspiring way; Zim over thinks it. When it is something that just angers him but has no bearing on actually impressing the Tallest he is the most competent Invader in the Irken empire.


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Just a BJ would be nice

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The girls who watched this show I mean damn

I knew one once.
She really disliked me and most people in general and cut off all contact with me a while back. Kind of a cunt too, but damn, she was pretty hot.

are the almighty tallest just frauds? it looks like they are just using mech bodies to appear big

>zim replacing shiro
I imagine he’d try to go aggro right off the bat and fail miserably but then as soon as caster, Gill, Kotomine, or grail Sakura show up he instantly beats them.

>Irken have flat worm like tongues

Imagine bros ... she can perform sounding on you with her tongue

Attached: Zims_tounge.png (848x644, 556K)


Everspace, he can probably handle it

Okay faggits, i know where to find my japanese anime, but have no idea where to torrent some high quality western cartoon.
Where can i find the whole invader zim series?

No they are just tall, but there are fan theories over that but of course never proven.

>skate 3
Would be pretty funny desu

Yeah, if Zim just went for a full on offensive approach he would probably win by technological superiority alone. I am pretty sure the fully functioning GIR could have taken over earth within a few months in that one episode

>Zim in Smash
Could actually have a really cool moveset

The Zim movie was so true to the original series that it makes remakes and reboots look effortless. I don't understand why so many series do it so awfully while something as low budget and unpopular like Zim can do it so easily. Based Richard totally nailed Zim even after all these years.


He wants to take Sin to himself.

I'm comparing it to things like Spongebob or Angry Beavers or Hey Arnold. I'm not saying it was bad, but it was objectively unpopular by comparison.

The Russian Empire c. 1880 has now become populated by Irklings.

I can't tell exactly how this turns out

Is that game backwards compatibile already?

Zim without plot induced stupidity could take most FF games no problem.

I was impressed by how little their voices changed.

The voices in Rocko felt a bit off, especially the Bigheads.

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Is it me or did one of the tallest sound different? The not Kevin McDonald one. I might just have misremembered their voice in the old show

They'll probably integrate the Russians just fine
>Ivan, you hear news? We have new leader
>da Aleks, pass me krokodil now


He can't believe how absolutely stupid his peoples leadership is. I was honestly expecting some sort of mutiny from that pilot to happen so the Massive doesn't get sucked into the Florpus.

*likes tacos in your path*

wat do

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Haha imagine recreating that wh40k text where you put a gun to Taks head and force her to suck it.

Run away, it's the only safe option

but why

He'll let you run

but only if you dance with him

*sings the doom song and comes bearing tacos, taquitos, and chimichangas*

Mortos Der Soul Stealer was practically Dib Attempting to make a Demon Pact.

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I was under that impression too. But it's the same guy. I'd have to listen to them both again side-by-side.

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>Show Irken Tak
>Whole thing is her wearing the human disguise
uploader says it was for money.

The Portuguese version also uses the OG voice actors. Dunno about the other versions but I was surprised by that.

I want Netflix to release the S1 & 2 episodes just so I can watch that version again because it's impossible to find it on the internet.

Red sounded slightly higher pitched but only slightly, I thought Purple was still spot on.

I saw wondering what the source was, thanks user.

Zim in Hollow knight... the game is even better now that i can reclaim the lost city to the glorious Irken empire.

The last game I played was EDF 5. Though imagine the EDF in the invader zim universe.

He succeeds in the new special, it just doesn’t last. He achieves ALL of Dib’s goals though. Proving aliens exist, saving Earth from destruction, and getting Membrane to have his back for once. Thanks to Zim, Dib ends the special with TWO fathers who are proud of him.

Just imagine waltzing into the City of Tears, specifically King's Station, then just deploying your housing unit.


I think Membrane still does not believe in aliens though he is confused about the clone being there.

>Im going to play paladin
>and Im going to play hunter
>and Im ...


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Comedy gold. IZ is even better than SpongeBob imo

if there was a more smarter earth in the invader zim universe I think the irken empire would be fucked.


>best thread on Yea Forums is a cartoon related one
Every Time.

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>Why are you wearing those shirts?
>I never hired ANY OF YOU!
Earth is being cracked in half by a hole in reality, about to get blown to pieces by a Type 3 civilization, and a robot army is going to kill his son and the thing that Professor Membrane fixates on is why they’re dressed like lab employees. Beautiful.

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Kerbal Space Program... erm about the same?

>Danganronpa v3
Now that would be a fucking mess

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they are all going to die aren't they.

Zim knew there wasn’t a point to him “winning” if the Tallest were never coming to Earth. Why conquer a planet for an empire that won’t show up to rule it? It would have worked if the Tallest didn’t hate Zim SO MUCH that they’d rather blow Earth up to kill him than fly down and plant a flag.