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What went wrong?

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I think you mean

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Crysis Warhead > Crysis 1 > Crysis 2 > Crysis 3

>they shutdown 360 Warface

Crysis 2 was too long. Crysis 3 was too short. They jumped onto f2p wagon and failed.

crusts 1 was good
2crusts was fucking awful, go ahead and try to reinstall it
crusts 3 looks ok but that's all
the hillbilly hunting game looks fine, but once bitten, twice shy

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>crysis 3 worse than crysis 2
genuinely no idea how anyone could hold that opinion, yea they're both worse than 1 and warhead, but 3 is multiple heads and shoulders above 2 in terms of enjoyability imo.

how good is cryengine?

its shit

>tfw there will never be a proper sequel to Far Cry 1

go to bed, tim

I've been thinking about replaying it recently. Perhaps on realism difficulty.

Nothing went wrong on their end. Changing market conditions hurt everyone, but Crytek managed to pull through. Hunt: Showdown is leaving early access this week.

>2crusts was fucking awful, go ahead and try to reinstall it
I have it installed right now. Incredible game.
Crysis 3 was pushed out the door long before it was ready. It lacks Crysis 2's focused level design and crafted encounter design, and largely replaces them with "here's some dudes standing around... now sandbox kill them". One of the problems with the Crysis series is that the Crysis 1 fanbase never really understood good game design. They were only interested in a vapid power fantasy. It's why they thought Crysis was better than Far Cry even though it was worse in basically every way. Crysis 3's mistake was pandering to the Crysis 1 fanbase in an inconsistent way, placing the power fantasy above the cohesion and balancing of the core game mechanics. You're literally Predator, and Predator fucking sucks as a protagonist.

FC for Xbox or 360 scratches that itch a little bit.

They tried appealing to the COD fanbase and threw out the FC/Crysis charm and originality.

It amazes me that Far Cry Instincts/Predator was pretty much the perfection of the Far Cry formula and not once did Ubisoft think to recreate it. The only game that came close was probably Blood Dragon.


>They tried appealing to the COD fanbase
By creating a game that was the polar opposite of Call of Duty? Crysis 2 was praised critically because it was NOTHING LIKE Call of Duty.
Instincts has shit gunplay. Woefully, abysmally shit gunplay.

> It lacks Crysis 2's focused level design

crysis 2 was the worst BECAUSE of this when compared to the first games ability to take on any encounter in a number of ways due to it's open ended maps. 2 took a step back trying to make it way more linear in it's encounters.

It's been so long since I played it I can't remember but I'm inclined to agree considering it's a Ubisoft console shooter. Still, the whole predator mechanic was great.

Not an opposite. They moved to the city, they took away a lot of freedom, dumbed down the AI, made you slower, added too much exposition etc. It is more like COD with aliens than Crysis in a city, to be honest. And Instincts doesn't have a shit gunplay. The controls are horrible, your stick isn't precise like in Halo or COD, it's just oddly trash.

Crysis 2's level design is akin to Doom 2016. In fact, EXACTLY like Doom 2016. The first game is aimless and unfocused. Combat encounters place way too much power in the hands of the player. It's a shallow power fantasy where the player can just run away using their super speed whenever they want. Crysis 2 constrains the player into orchestrated combat arenas, and it is better for it. Crysis 2 is a better designed game than Crysis 1 because it focuses on actually good encounter and level design. Crysis 1 barely HAS level design. It's the same outpost bullshit that Ubisoft ripped off and jammed into every single game.

making games that only 5 pc niggers total could play

Crysis 3 being pushed to last-generation consoles, at a point in time where those consoles were aging like a fine hamburger, instead of being a launch title for the Xbox One and PS4, along with the first Crysis with Warhead, and Crysis 2.

Sure, the PC version still looks better, but 3 needed extra development time not only to make the game longer than 6 hours, but also because nothing screams "GPU killer" like releasing on ancient hardware in the middle of an extended console generation that should have ended AT LEAST two years prior.

>they took away a lot of freedom
Which was a good thing. Crysis 1 was an unfocused power fantasy with poor pacing, encounter design, and flow. A lot of this stems from the game's inability to push the player and the AI into conflict. The nanosuit is stupidly OP. Crysis 1 was a bad version of Far Cry 1 that misunderstood that BEING THE PREDATOR IS SHIT IDEA FOR A GAME. THERE ARE LITERALLY NO GOOD GAMES WHERE YOU PLAY THE PREDATOR, CRYTEK. WHY DID IT TAKE YOU THIS LONG TO FIGURE THAT OUT!
>made you slower
Another good change. The Crysis 1 nanosuit was far too fast, for lack of a better word. It completely fucked Far Cry 1's combat loop and broke the AI's ability to engage with and follow the player.
>dumbed down the AI
Crysis 2's AI is better in every single aspect.

>Crysis 2 constrains the player into orchestrated combat arenas, and it is better for it.
This would be the case, but... Crysis is a harder game. Crysis 2 enemies are much dumber and aren't a challenge at all. There is very little reason to move around and use the level design. I say that as a person who finished the game on the highest difficulty on 360 and got all the single player achievements.
>Crysis 1 barely HAS level design. It's the same outpost bullshit that Ubisoft ripped off and jammed into every single game.
Giving the player options to engage or disengage is good. You want to play jungle stealth? You can. You want to run and gun? You can. I can enjoy 1/Warhead however I want, and most of the times I explore every bit devs give me, it's fun.

>Crysis 1 was an unfocused power fantasy with poor pacing, encounter design, and flow.
That's not true. If you aren't forced to play aggressively, it's not lack of focus. And Crysis 1 isn't a power fantasy. On hard or the hardest difficulty it's very easy to die. Maybe too easy, you are forced to use most of the gameplay features if you wanna survive gunfights or roll the dice and hope you won't have to deal with two enemies at a time (you barely have time to kill one Korean and survive and kill the second if even one starts to shoot).
>The Crysis 1 nanosuit was far too fast, for lack of a better word. It completely fucked Far Cry 1's combat loop and broke the AI's ability to engage with and follow the player.
It was absolutely easy to run away from enemies in FC 1 that had plenty of cover. And foliage or bushes hid you too. Just run through a few of them and the AI is gone, use binocs or radar to see them, snipe each enemy. Easy.
>Crysis 2's AI is better in every single aspect.
Such as?

>Such as?
Basic path-finding, for one. Crysis 1's AI has huge problems moving from A to B, particularly if there is any kind of debris in the way.
>This would be the case, but... Crysis is a harder game.
That is true.
>There is very little reason to move around and use the level design.
The biggest mistake Crytek made was not making the Ceph super aggressive. They kinda flirted with this with Crysis 3's feral Ceph, but that lasted all of 20 minutes.
>Giving the player options to engage or disengage is good. You want to play jungle stealth? You can. You want to run and gun? You can. I can enjoy 1/Warhead however I want, and most of the times I explore every bit devs give me, it's fun.
Broadly speaking, this is true. But it comes with tradeoffs. The exciting combat encounters of FEAR, for instance, would never work in a game with hugely open level design where you can just run away. Also, the cloaking ability of the nanosuit is game breaking and never should have been included. Such mechanics screw up every game they appear in. Far Cry New Dawn allows you you to turn invisible at will, and once you have that ability (along with jumping really high and punching people across the room) the combat encounters become trivial. FC: Instincts had the same problem. Once you have mutant powers, there isn't much that can stop you.
>And Crysis 1 isn't a power fantasy.
It very much is. In Far Cry 1, you were a normal human being fighting monsters and trained soldiers. In Crysis 1, you are literally the Predator. You can turn invisible. You have super strength. Crysis 1 does a bad job of making you feel vulnerable and hunted because you're NOT vulnerable and hunted. You have regenerating health. You have the ability to turn invisible at any time. It's a power fantasy. Crysis has zero creepy labs filled with one hit kill monsters that leap 20 meters across the room.