With my infinite hatred, I give you this gift.
With my infinite hatred, I give you this gift
Other urls found in this thread:
whaz the gift?
Your dick Manager, hand it over
Justitia is not a privilege, its an oath to protect everyone.
tool leak when?
i have a feeling that i'm not welcome in this thread
abno reqs
Can someone give me a quick rundown on what to expect from midnight ordeals?
agent feeding themselves to singing machine legs first so as to have the upper body dangling out with a crazy ass grin on the victim's face
The magical girls in each others' outfits
How the fuck do I keep this game from crashing
Speedrun the day
Close the game after every reset
Download more RAM
For me, it's the Big Bird.
What is NT's endgame?
To love you user, wont you accept doggo’s love?
But user, I LOVE YOU!
Not enough energy.
Guess everyone’s either playing the game or recovering from playing the game
For me, it's the Big Bird.
I was picking berries, that was why I couldn't participate in the last thread. I'll be back home in a few hours though. Give me drawrequests so I can (badly) draw them tonight!
>unlock Hokma's core suppression on day 46
>can't do it because day 46
Cool. Should I even bother finishing day 50 or is it worth going all the way back to day 1 for the last core suppression?
You can't even reach Day 50 without all of the core supps done, so it's up to you if you want to Day 1 or keep going to see what's in store for you
FAKE big bird user!
An agent stealing Binah’s coat
>You can't even reach Day 50 without all of the core supps done
Are you kidding me? What even happens if you try?
>load up this game cause i love the entire concept
>day 8 grinding 10 chads out asap
>make 1 dumb mistake in my rush and someone dies, NEED to reset the day due to autism
>lose that time and dont feel like playing anymore
how do i stop my autism?
Every sephirah below Asiyah in a suit like the Asiyah sephs are
Fast agent suppressing with haste
You get one of the bad endings, and after that, the game boots you to the main menu. Attempting to continue the save will reproduce the mentioned effect.
Honestly taking a good break can help
Sometimes you just need to count your losses. If you only lost one employee, it may be worth carrying on. Unless they were decked out it gifts and your best E.G.O. that is. Your call.
I just got O-05-47. Fuckign hilarious
Expect elevators to be your friend.
How exactly do I use elevators as safe spots?
Employees are inmune the second they are changing rooms, elevators makes it easy for them to cheese abnormalities.
So at what point to agents shift from "bright and cheery" to "desensitized wageslave"?
Employees in elevators are immune to one midnight, can use two adjacent elevators to bypass the damage of another midnight, and are nicely grouped for quick response time in the remaining midnight.
>justice EX
>covered eyes (justitia, censored, the smile)
>covered mouth
>mimicry cheek
>most ALEPH gear
is usually the point of "desensitized wageslave"
the first time they panic
What baked goods do you think all the sephirahs like?
Nothing, they're robots they can't eat
How do I grind Melting Love’s gear without sliming my employees? Repression only gets me around 10 boxes
accept her love
execute all clerks in her department and shove her husbando into an elevator, or better, have him constantly in her room
Completely inaccurate, bear and coffee are confirmed. I'd imagine it's more of a comfort for them than a necessity though.
Does baked chicken count?
Kill off all clerks in that department and quarantine one agent to the hallway in front of Melting Love. Use Attachment work and pray you only get good results.
La Luna lying seductively on a piano
I didnt even think about killing all the clerks, just got the execution bullets and I have plenty of clerk lovers. Thanks anons
>binah core suppression
>actually doing well for once
>get to her third stage
>everything goes to shit
>lose half my nuggets to her faires attack
Bloddy hell
Just beat her to shit with your best purple resist nugget, repression and nothing else
New Disgaea game is now the property of LC
Canonically, Binah is into Macarons.
Why does Butterfly Man need so many arms?
To rescue many employees.
That makes alot of sense
>boot up the game and select continue
>title screen music keeps playing and stuck at the loading screen
>close and open the game
>suddenly all the text in the game, even the age rating, reads "UNKNOWN"
>save file of almost 100 hours is gone
>boot up the game again and everything's back to normal, and my save is back
This game will not stop fucking with me.
I dont like disgaea but that image is pretty cool.
An angry agent.
>he didn't backup
Prudence I right here.
Anyone have the Translated Q&A link?
Yeah there’s a link to the translation floating around somewhere
finally managed to get through all this games shit. that ending was fuckin cool
>not the true ending
>Q. what’s the difference between employees referred as paradise chads and alephs and head’s members? (TL: Korean word for ultra/gigachad employee is a mix of the word of (aleph gear name the chad is equipping)+Hybrid. So it could be like Paradice chad(낙원종), mimicry chad(미미크리종), ect.)
>A. about this part I don’t think combat ability could be cleanly divided. Employees referred to as chads are often individual that have reached the boundary of Aleph level Abnormalities. This is a balance to the claw that appears in Day 46.
i should have expected something like this. how do i get the true ending
codex must be 100%
Maybe I'll leave Binah to tommorow.
100% abno codex. If you have already beaten Day 50 you don't need to fo that again. The ending will pop up as soon as you get all the info from every single abo.
>my nuggets that I brought from day 1 to Day 50 are pretty much on the same level as ALEPHs and the Claw
I'm so proud.
says i have 98% shit
That nugget reminds me of my GR15 fishwife. I'm stealing this picture.
>day 26
>everything is good so far
You gotta post guards by particularly obnoxious abnos, for just such occasions.
>waifuing a retard
>lost most everyone on day49
>learn the employees will be in LoR
I need to go back and fix this. What happens if you first day after true ending? Full restart? Does it maintain the codex?
How do you recreate a randomly generated employee in case you day1?
She's just a bit dim, her bubbly personality more than makes up for it.
You gotta screenshot him, but if you want to fully recreate it you gotta see him/her panicking, dting, fighting, etc.
Not a problem when its a custom.
Take a screenshot of him and spend a lot of time comparing it to the employee you make
>waifuing a retard who seduces people for magic powers
How do you measure stats gain?
Crimson is by far the easier ones if you put guards.
By downloading the mod that shows it live.
What's this about a hidden ending?
Watch me punish all of you.
Your beak is so small.
None will find your punishment painful
They said something to that effect in a recent interview
That can be fixed.
Which ones?
Even then 90% of them have no qualms with killing you and even if they don't they'll forget you due to Qliphoth Deterrence during the night
>even if they don't they'll forget you due to Qliphoth Deterrence during the night
I'm going to free my waifu and we'll escape this hell! Together!
That just means I can marry a new one each night and my bro Hokma has got my back.
Manager, load your gun.
Consider the following:
You and one abno are granted a luxurious house away from everything by W Corp. It has all the food, water, and entertainment you could possibly need, including internet. It also is in our reality instead of the crapsack world of LC so going outside is worth a damn now. You can take your abno outside but unless you dress them like a normal person everyone that sees them will be at least FRIGHTENED. For QoH purposes, every time she has a period her qliphoth counter decreases.
What abno would you take there and how would you deal with them?
>what abno would you take
Blue star
>and how would you deal with them
Jump in
This is you now.
I keep posting NSFW
How the hell do I suppress Little Red
Whats the best way for me to handle a red dusk. I really don’t want to fucking restart this tiph suppression again
Let KoG do the work for you.
Wait what
Actually nvm
Use slow bullets and ranged weapons
Damnit user you got my hopes up
help lol
The new world must come. I will side with my demonic master and bring life to this forsaken world!
Now that I think about it
Those rolling meatballs are too fast for KoG
If you got DerFre use him againts the fucking THETHs
I’d focus on 1 meatball at a time, I just hope you don’t have any clerk-loving abno.
Yep, but not sure if they will actually transfer from the LC file save....
t. Doing another playthrough after beating the game but having every single cancereous abno to make the last days unbeatable
I want to rest on Angela's lap and tell her she did a good job
Nevermind it at all.
I didn’t know that I had to complete midnight too. So it’s all a wipe anyways.
You can skip if it starts during the VIII meltdown
That way, on the IX meltdown, you send every nugget to work on all the abnos you have and it will jump straight to the X meltdown, thus ending the suppression.
Yeah, thankfully it was green midnight so I was able to avoid it using elevators, only lost one person
The same as Angela's
I just noticed the Eighth Trumpet on the computer screen
Lobotomy are not good guys, abnormalities are justified in killing your people
Post the true face of Lobotomy Corporation.
Manager why
What tier are Clerks (Forma 9mm)?
So whos ready for the most obvious twist of the century in Library of Ruina?
>Angela really was Carmen all along!
>the real monster was the friends we made along the way
>We were the library of ruina all along!
caca tier
>Angela has been keeping A/X in her sex dungeon for years
What are yall’s predictions about what state the seriphahs will be in LoR? Netzach seems even more fucked up than in Lobo Corp, and with good reason I guess
They're so cute together
It still hurts
Why don'tcha ever hear about how GOOD abnormalities can be? Why don't people give speeches about that?
All I'm sayin' is... why not give ALEPHs a CHANCE, Manager?
Surely things can be worked out.
>Abnormality are hostile to us because we keep them in cages like feral animals, even though we are fully aware that they have minds and feelings like we do.
With A and his oneitis?
No way fag
Roland BTFOs bird!Angela and destroys the Library
Imagine building an AI specifically to replace the woman you love, loading her up with everything you find desirable, making her want to please you and help you above all else, and then NWFing her forever
Daily reminder that LoR will not have a happy ending and will end in suffering because it’s a fucking korean story
I hope A returns and destroys Angela.
Sounds like the perfect plan to me
I hope A’s fucking dead for good so that we can see Hokma try and cope with the fact that his best friend and purpose in life was betrayed by an AI that A always hated that was made to replace Carmen
She turned B into a fucking box. Bros before hoes, man.
With his dick, that is
go away, angela
I want to bake and feed Binah macarons
I just wanna wear her coat
What does it mean?
Is this loss?
Punishing Bird 1 and 2 complain about being put on scarecrow duty
Why not both?
I don't think I could handle that much goodness.
Alright user, you get my coat if you stop binahposting for a week and do my core suppression at least once every day during that week.
I want to keep her locked up in the basement where the old people belong
same. it looks comfy.
can someone make a facial edit already?
>Is that a person?
>Don't worry, dude, that's just a scarecrow!
>How can you tell?
>He's not on his cellphone.
>Holy crap
Yes, this is literally a Korean boomer comic, assuming it wasn't translated.
Could Manager Blanco beat El Hijo?
Too easy to be true. Just a trick to stop Binahposting.
>violet noon coming up
>alright just move everyone out of the main rooms
>somehow miss one agent
>he lives with a sliver of health
impressive, but I always thought the start was instadeath, is it not?
>They went into the containment cell to fetch some crummy PE boxes? They should have been fetching ALEPH EGO gear!
100 red damage which may as well be an insta-gib. TETH+ armor with red resist and 101+ Fort is good enough to survive though.
Nope, it's ~120 Red damage. With the right armor you can survive it.
If your agent can't survive that wearing nothing but a suit he was weak and deserved to be weeded out.
I got my first aleph from the looks of the research costs and it's the blue heart with legs. What am I in for?
He's pretty chill, just make sure you have a chad assigned to keep him happy cause he doesn't like brainlets.
You disgust me user
Very powerful suction.
A genuinely good addition to your facility
One of the best abnos in the game. Just don't let his counter hit 0.
>Binah swings both ways
Oh shit bros
How hard is it stop all this /vg/ faggotry?
What drives you to make posts like
Shit man, attempting to do Day 49 without bumrushing the fuck out of the boss or using the clock is hard. Probably also has to do with my facility in general being full of danger that I can't let out.
>Punishment Bird's the only abnormality left who still needs pe boxes to top off on ego gear
>asshole left and makes three god damn laps between all departments before it finally finds someone it feels like smacking itself against a few times
I know I likely don't even need it, but it just bugged me not having it done.
The dumb ass bird being on the other side of the facility for some magical reason is probably the dumbest thing to put up with.
send someone to whatever room he's flying to
>SO: Want to make a grand orchestra for all to listen in awe. Those who are blessed with the performance have their heads exploded because their feeble minds cannot comprehend the ethereal, otherworldly symphony he produces. Hard to argue against the artistic beauty of music, especially as grand as his.
>Black Swan: Wishes to keep her brothers safe. Only attacks when her brothers have all been denigrated into slime, believing the agents did that to them. She cannot be faulted for being protective of her beloved siblings.
>Snow White's Apple: Had wished for her own prince after seeing Snow White get hers. Rotting for centuries, she became filled with despair at the idea that her prince will never come, and may be the reason why she lashes out at the agents.
>Melty: Only wishes to reproduce, just like virtually all living beings. She is only considered evil because her alien form of reproduction involves the consumption of a host. Lashes out when her mate or offspring are threatened, by instinct.
>Rudolta: Was created by a madman who severely hated Christmas. No clarified reason why it attacks agents. May be hostile because he was created that way. Not even known if he is sentient.
>Schadenfreude: Hate being looked at. Attacks anyone who looks at him. No clarified reason why. Induces paranoia to people who look at him.
Seems about right.
>every abno now has Schadenfreude's gimmick
Is the game easier or harder?
>Burrowing Heaven with both its normal gimmick and Schad's gimmick
This game is fucked up. There's such a massive mix of abnos that can:
>kill if you don't pay enough attention
>kill if you pay TOO much attention
>help your employees if you use them, but if you forget about their gimmick it can kill
>and one abno that's just there to fuck you over if you accidentally click it
It exploits every common weakness people have when trying to micromanage then adds even more on top of that.
It's fucking great
>nearly panick and click on don't touch me when I see it with a effect I've never seen before
That fuck has gotten me nearly three times now
A management game is good when it punishes you for not managing well. LC is great at this; it's hard enough to give you a challenge to juggle and micro, but not to the point where it busts your balls. Remember to thank your pause button while you still have it.
What could be other ways abnos can mess with a day/run than could be in the sequel?
>spoiler tag
nope nope nope nope nope
I like that one abno people suggested that is unnafected by time-changes, meaning it can still move and attack your nuggets even when you've paused but at the same time doesn't get any boost from 2x speed.
>An abno that could eat your non-equipped if its needs aren't satisfied
>An abno that breaches if you pause X number of times
>An abno that breaches every 5 minutes (Or any set time that pretty much means that the player is grinding at this point)
>An abno that messes with your screen (Blurs, black splotches, cracks) when its needs aren't satisfied
>An abno that slows down your camera movement when its needs aren't satisfied
I'm a fan of games messing with the HUD
You'll have to face the fear someday, manager. Maybe together we can make you face that fear sooner.
>abno changes attributes/hazards depending on what time of day it is
>appearance stays the same no matter what time it is
An abno that still moves when everything is paused brings some kind of carnal fear from me. I think it's because the idea is that pausing the game gives you power over everything, including the agents and abnos. So an abno that still moves even when you pause will get my heart racing a little.
>abno forces max zoom in and slows camera movement speed on breach
>That abno breaches at the same time as Burrowing Heaven
Thats exactly why I love the idea so much.
>abno forces the camera to zoom in on a clerk's face and you can't move it at all until it decides to go back into its cell
>abno what is triggered by senseless use of execution bullets (when used to kill fine clerks without any effects on them)
>abno that instantly panics whoever is working on it if you mouse over it, even in the frozen time
Clerks are people too
>abno that fucks with gravity
>turns the screen upside down and walks on the roof (now floor)
>can only be hit by ranged weapons, but can attack by slamming employees/clerks into the rooffloor
dumb smiling heart solider
Fucking clerk activists, I swear to god
tourist here, I watched a bit of gameplay and the people playing gun down clerks like it's mandalay bay or something. is it solely because of that one magical girl or whatever?
Her and these fuckers There are plenty of reasons to kill clerks but they can also be helpful at times.
>plenty of reasons to kill clerks
please give me more reasons, I'm curious.
good aiming practice
There are several abnos that breach if multiple employees die. "Employees" mean both the agents, which you control and send to work, and clerks, which are background characters that provide a slight boost to gameplay but are ultimately useless. Whenever an ordeal come in, where monsters invade the facility, they kill a bunch of the clerks, and this triggers the abnos into breaching. Good news is that killing clerks yourself will not trigger them, since they recognize employee deaths only when they are killed by anything else.
However, Queen of Hatred, the magical girl, demands at least 3 employees deaths or she'll throw a hissy fit every meltdown. Good news for her is that she *does* recognize deaths of clerks executed by you, so popping 3 is fine for her.
If you don't have the girl but have the clerk activists, you can choose to declerk the entire facility so you'll never have to worry about containment breach after every ordeal attack.
The four guy in the pic are powerful abnos that automatically breach when too many clerks die. Since you're pretty much guaranteed to have a bunch of clerk deaths past a certain point in the game, and because execturing clerks manually doesn't count, the game becomes very difficult if you let any clerks live beyond the start of the day. Dealing with multiple clerklovers breaching is an absolute bitch.
They look stupid
They ARE stupid
They don't listen to your commands
They freak out upon taking 1 white damage
Send them to the shadow realm immediately
Well, they all boil down to clerks being a liability, the different reasons are really just how they interact with different abnos.
Clerks are NOT stupid!
oh, shit, that makes sense. thanks anons. I remember reading over execution bullets but I never put two and two together.
day of the bullet SOON
thanks, user
hatred is passion, the greatest gift you can bestow
>charmed by red shoes/little prince
>feeding tin woodsman/scarecrow/singing machine/sweepers
>spawning minions for queen bee/CENSORED/melting love
plenty of reasons to pop clerks besides clerk lovers/haters
that's a weird looking nugget
Also Parasyte Tree. One of their most useful applications for me, unlimited extra tries when I'm trying to rush and forget to babysit PT.
This poor girl would not survive an hour in the facility :(
I hate that fucking tree but dammit she's cute
Have you heard of the high elves?
Is A and X the same person?
*Pain sound*
*Pain sound*
*Death sound*
Rate my donutsteel
>The Grafter
>Qliphoth counter 4
>0-2 Pale damage
>26 boxes
>Bad: 0-11; Normal: 13-19; Good: 20-26
>Tip 1: On a Good result, the abnormality grafts a new limb on the agent, boosting a random stat by 20.
>Tip 2: After grafting a limb, the counter drops by 1.
>Tip 3: When an agent with a grafted limb obtained a Good result on The Grafter, he was instantly killed and Qliphoth counter was restored to 4.
>Tip 4: When the counter drops to 0, the grafter called a random agent or clerk to his room for (REDACTED) work. The counter is then restored to 4.
>Tip 5: If the called agent is stopped or eliminated, The Grafter will breach.
>Instinct: Common I-V
>Prudence: High I-III, Common IV-V
>Attachment: Common I-IV, Low V
>Repression: Very Low I-V
Fuck this stupid pink fuck
what sounds do clerks in pain make?
And FUCK Nameless Fetus.
Just get normal results.
I wish I could hate you bald
Yes A -> X -> A -> Abram/Adam/Ayin -> reset/reset/germination
She just wants to take a stroll user
As I understood its something like Total Recall in which they clone A with false memories so hes basically a different person and then they suddenly restore his original ones.
Brainlet here, why would they clone A when they have a timeloop set up?
No animation having teleporting mother fucker. I hate it so much.
the benefits greatly outweigh the risk
The timeloop clearly leaves some of the As in the late days, what with Abel, Abram and Ayin, so it seems less like a cloning and instead bending time in such a way that multiple instances of A arrive to the same days. Technically the same person, but with different experiences from the 50 day period.
Because failed As are amalgamated into the Keter sephira. I think, its kinda confusing.
What if while breaching, agents with grafted limbs go out of control and attack other agents?
Did anyone ever translate this? 1 user was going to, but I never found the thread where he did. Someone please have what he translated.
Its still too easy to keep him from breaching. He should have another condition that drops the counter.
i believe this is the final translation
But La Luna is the piano, that's just some granny.
"except WN"? Did they not like White Night?
They're all Kether, or parts of it, reflections of the one, but each distraught to a different degree by the Qlipothic faults plaguing all the Sephirah.
>Thaumiel being the evil side of Kether represents the eternally aggressive tension or duality between two opposing polarities. If all is one and unified in the first ray of light in Kether, all is divided and cleaved in its most inner essence in Thaumiel.
All the Kethers are twisted between germination and the regrets of the past, it's only seemingly in Ayin that the unification of those reflections produces the true, functional Kether and rids him of the Thaumielic burden, much like the qlipothic opposites you suppressed in all the Sephirahs to enable them to function in their roles.
man the guy asking the questions is fucking dumb, did he even play the game?
Most of them seem fine
He asked many things that were answered by the game
Yup. See Apparently they spent a lot of effort making WN work properly. All those effects and trying to make them fancy while working was hard for them.
Afaik this was done at the cafe. Unsure it was done by a group of fans or one guy.
Who is going to fix Angela's issues in LoR? Is Roland going to take the Manager's position in sephirah-helping and fuck the qlipoth corruption out of Angela?
>The Qliphoth of Daath is blocking passage through this door by creating the notion of knowledge as an end in itself. When curiosity changes to greed for knowledge one loses the actual intent of one’s (spiritual) journey and gets caught in an ivory tower of (secret) information.
>Koreans could find it funny due to being used to it while players overseas would find it fun due to it being fresh.
>They actually thought about the foreigners and made something for us to enjoy too
That makes me feel all fuzzy inside
These devs are pretty based. There's really nothing else like this game