What will Sony's PS5 lineup look like without a Spider-Man game?
What will Sony's PS5 lineup look like without a Spider-Man game?
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This has literally nothing to do with the games
Stfu faggot
Spiderman Movie rights are seperate from Spiderman game rights, and theme park rights. That's why Disney can still use Spiderman in the California Adventure Park in Cali, but can't in Florida because of Universal. Sony PICTURES owns the FILM rights to Spiderman and his cast which is why they made Venom and are in production on Morbius. Sony PlayStation owns the solo GAME rights after buying them from Activision. Sony Pictures and Playstation are DIFFERENT companies owned by the same parent company Sony Electronics. That's why the Raimi Suit took a while to come out because of legal shit since Columbia Pictures which is owned by Sony Pictures owns the Raimi Suit. THE MOVIE RIGHTS DO NOT AFFECT THE GAME RIGHTS
>there are people who unironically don't think Sony was 100% in the right
>Sony PlayStation owns the solo GAME rights after buying them from Activision.
they don't own the game rights, if that was the case, Spiderman wouldn't be in shit like MvC or Ultimate Alliance.
Imagine actually caring about some faggot shit like this. Holy fucking shit its so cringe. Marvel/starwars fags are 100x more cringy than weebs and furies.
Is it confirmed that they own the solo games right? The story was that Marvel specifically sought out Sony to help them make some games but I only heard rumours of them buying the game rights.
They still license the rights out. It just means the company has to pay Sony to use the character.
>Sony Pictures fighting with Disney means no Spider-man game
This reeks of PR stuff he was told to tell.
The last movie was left on a massive cliff hanger and Spiderman is obviously being primed to be a main face on the new series of movies.
This is probably such a massive wrench in Disney's cogs I can't imagine what they're going to do. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if some shady, back door stuff is planned due to this.
>"Sony came to us and said 'Would you guys be interested in working on a game with us and Marvel', because Sony has a relationship with Marvel, and they've been talking to Marvel."
>Ted Price, 2018
Sony owns the rights, Disney can't do shit.
>MvC or Ultimate Alliance
Those aren't Spider-Man games you retard.
Thank the gods that sony pissed of disney, i want cape shit FAAAAAR away from game development.
Hopefully avengers game flops hard too
glad disney's bread winning super hero is gone now. enjoy captain bitch face and ms. muslim, capeshitters.
Excuse me but factual explanations have no business on Yea Forums. Please just be outraged at what you're told to be outraged at and rant incoherently like the rest of the board thank you.
They only own the movie and cartoon rights, Marvel has everything else
That's a stupid thing to say. Disney caused this to happen.
Launches were never Sony’s strong point. PS1 & PSP are the exceptions to this. But all Sony’s other consoles had weak ass offerings for the first year.
PS2 didn’t get good games until 2001
PS3 had nothing for like 3 to 4 years
PS4 had nothing until 2015
PS Vita is just a visual novel and lewd anime game machine
The movie right shit has no effect on the PS4 game.
Also friendly reminder that none of these megacorporations are your friends. Fuck Disney and fuck Sony.
Artist? Iqdb is failing me
Other way around. Disney demanded 50% of all sales and all sales of any merchandise. Sony declined then later offered a deal of 30% which the mouse turned down. Disney are currently spinning this through a viral campaign though so Sony look like the bad guys, which they usually are to be honest, but in this case Disney are the cause, not Sony.
You are dedicated to your cause. I salute (You).
Tons of movies! Maybe some Sports games! An AAA shooter with many microtransactions!
I wouldn't be surprised if Insomniac, Sony and Marvel already signed a 3 game deal when they were discussing the 1st Spider-man game. Sony is notorious for doing 3-game deals.
The PS2's NA launch lineup is extremely underrated
>Armored Core 2
>Tekken Tag Tournament
>Dynasty Warriors 2
>Gungriffon Blaze
>Eternal Ring
Delete the thread janny
This! Disney played their hand hard and did not expected Sony to back down. They were stupid in wanting more after building Spider-Man as their next big hero. Who do they have now? Captain Dyke? Black Kangz? Sloppy Thor?
But Kat is getting a third game!
So cute
>deleting threads
They're not qualified to do that. To get those qualifications they've got to do it for even less pay than they already get.
Imagine liking the schlock that was MCU spiderman
What's less than nothing?
Literally the only thing that got him out of the MCU was Disney. Sony was 100% ready to keep going.
Just like X-Men for the past 10 years, prepare for Marvel to essentially pretend Spiderman doesnt exist. No more games outside of Sony Exclusives. He'll be killed off in the comics.
cute and funny
Why do modern MCU movies that aren't Infinity War or Endgame look worse than fucking Iron Man 1?
>End movie on massive cliffhanger
>Deliberately sabotage deal for sequel
>What's less than nothing?
They can't do that. Sony owns a % of the actual character and sony needs to approve comic book related shit.
They don't own them anymore, Sony sold everything but the movie rights to Disney.
>based Maguire is the only actor to get to three standalone movies
Eat shit Disney
>Disney: Give us more of your money.
>Sony: No, fuck off.
>Internet: Don't worry daddy disney as long as you keep pube flossing me I'll do whatever you say!