Is this true Yea Forums?
Is this true Yea Forums?
pokemon was always okay at best, you just weren't able to see it until the unceasing clouds of hype and reputation finally had a hole in it. And in all honesty the first gen was a buggy mess and would have been considered unforgivable if given the same scrutiny games are given today
>And in all honesty the first gen was a buggy mess and would have been considered unforgivable if given the same scrutiny games are given today
what about 2nd gen then? Seems to me that its 2nd gen that is being represented in OPs pic
The chad is gen 1,2,3 and 4 and the virgin is 5,6,7
It's SS/HG
>gen one was full of bugs
not sonic 06 levels of bugs, most players wouldn't notice a single one of them
Pokémon Red and Blue are glitchy, poorly balanced messes
Gen 2 is much better
Reminder that Genwunners are not Pokemon fans, they only like one game in the series
still an okey-ish game. pokemon games are mediocre at best.
Dont lump 4 in with the others. 3 is lucky to even be mentioned with the first games
Digimon is better
Hell, the only reason it's easy to get missingno is because everyone knows how. Who's going to know that the encounter data on a very specific section of the map is bugged, especially when under normal circumstances you wouldn't get anything harmful.
virgin gens 6, 7, and 8
chad gens 4 and 5
chad's cool dad gen 3
the not-too-virgin yet not-too-chad gens 1 and 2
>old thing good
>new thing bad
Dont tell me you have this reddit way of thinking
4 was shit, but HG/SS is good
4th Gen is a slog to play both literally and figuratively. What were they thinking with the snow and mud tile mechanics?
Yeah it is
Hau is a legitimately interesting rival, honestly one of the best in the series.
His character experiments with the idea of what you winning every time would actually feel like to an optimist friend of yours. As the game progresses, you see him grow as a person - he begins to doubt himself when he constantly loses to you, but eventually comes to terms with those losses and uses them as a driving force to motivate his will to get stronger.
Blue on the other hand is a worthless stock rival, literally just the textbook definition of someone you are rivals with. Silver was at least mildly interesting though with the whole Crobat thing and the Rocket connections.
Fuck you and every other faggot for insulting Trubbish and acting like 3 objectmons ruin the whole batch
Golurk, Excadrill, Druddigon, Escavalier, Cofagrigus, Trevenant, Clawitzer, Dragalge, Most of Gen 8, there are a ton of good Pokémon designs people with your shitty narrative ignore just to shit on the newer games you argumentative faggot. Drink bleach.
>Most of Gen 8
>Good pokemon designs
Top kek user, i almost took you seriously
Meanwhile all the other gens don't have as many Pokemon I dislike but is okay to have shit if the rest is good
Blue was a mega cunt but thats why he was great. These new rivals being all friendly and shit is lame.
Tell me all the Gen 8 designs you don’t like
The only one I hate is Crabrawler’s evolution. And if you say any if the Ultra Beasts because “they don’t look like Pokémon” I will ignore you
Only Wooloo and Scorbunny are good
Thats gen 7
Maybe if you’re a furfag.
Grookey is the only good starter of the bunch
>Rich battle-oriented postgame
>Lets his pokemon follow him
>Region is complex and connected
>Talk about gen 8 designs
>Brings up gen 7 pokemon
Come now user, don't destroy my sides so soon
Yeah well that’s what I meant and I’m a mature adult so I can admit that I made a mistake and typed the wrong number so there
Yes and no. He served his job as a rival reasonably well, but as a character he's extremely simple. Story wasn't a focus of RBY across the board though so it's not that he's bad or anything. RBYs story and characters are very much about function over being an interesting story.
>battle frontier
>Yellow and Hgss
He's obnoxious and stupid. More to the point he's boring as a rival. There's no fun in beating up someone who's a total loser. Blue is much more challenging and hence, more fun to win against. Hau just feels like a clingy hanger on who doesn't know when to give up, and not an equal
Why can't we have a rival that changes his team on the type of pokemon you have?
His team will always have a type advantage in every battle.
The worst gen 7 Pokemon are the starters, everything else is 10/10
I feel bad when I beat one of my “rivals” from the new games. I feel like I’m beating my little brother’s ass at a game and he keeps coming back and trying really hard to be all like “I’m gonna beat you this time big bro” but then I just shitstomp him again
>Typed the wrong number
Gen 7 is trash for one simple reason-KANTOOOOOOOOOO
but seriously, how creatively bankrupt can you be to simply palette swap previous pokemon and shamelessly put them out as new pokemon? The entire series has devolved into nostalgiabait gen1 circlejerking
As for new pokemon, please explain to me how this 'i wanna be cool and edgy!' abortion's design is a good one.
I actually agree
Especially Fennekin. What were they thinking
I'll say this right now
If you haven't played any Battle Facilities
If you haven't played with other players
If you memorized the type chart or at least some common weaknesses
Pokémon games are not going to be hard.
Gen 6, faggot
Do you even pokemon fuckboi?
>Battle frontier
>"Classic" pokmon
so where is your cutoff for "classic"?, because most shitposters I've seen hate gen 3 outside of the meme frontier, not to mention most postgames are better than it, even the ones before it
>Lets his pokemon follow him (except it's only this one pokemon that he can't have not follow him)
You're spreading your shitposts too far and too thin, focus more
>Gens 1-4
>"""Complex""" and connected
the fuck do you mean by connected? there's a crossroads in the map? i mean I think the map in 5 and 6 are garbage too but again you're all over the place with this, shape up a bit and try again next time
It’s cool because it’s arms remind me of that one fire Digimon from the second season of Digimon that everyone makes porn of but if it were electric
Oh I’m not the guy you’re talking to. I thought you said every starter ever was trash which is an opinion I have
4 = 5 > 3 > 2 = 6 >>>>> 7 = 1
No one's going to defend yellow lucario he's one of the few objectively bad mons. Some people defend incineroar though so there's not much else that's universally ignored.
t. cvmbrain
>5 above almost anything
I see the cabal is alive and well, not that that surprises me
I see you enjoy slow gameplay, a washed-out color palette, and hate good fire types that aren’t also fighting type
A bit exaggerated but much better than the other guy's
Let's face it, you can only play Pokémon for the first time only once in your life. And a lot of the difficulty that stemmed from it was that first time.
Battle Facilities are easy now, especially with how strong pokemon are. If you can't get gold in battle tree by abusing megamence then you're beyond help
>And a lot of the difficulty that stemmed from it was that first time.
Pokemon has literally never been hard ever, it's only because people were 5 when they played gen1 and retarded that they ran into any difficulty in the series, if ever.
nah, gen 1 is still hard because it doesn't give you lots of exp and there is a level difference, newer games have you at ten levels above the elite 4
Kys, gay KAAAANNTOOOOOOOOniggers. It's your fault we have to deal with all the gay baby shit in the games now and the rampant gen 1 pandering.
Gen 3 and 4 are also mediocre.
2 = 5 >>> 1 >>> 3 = 4 >>>>>> literal shit >>>>>> 6 and 7 (potentially 8 too)
Reminder, kys's
>not the cuter fat pikachu
What's wrong with you?
Worst. Fan base. Ever.
>Gen 1
Maybe if you use a team of Golduck, Farfetch’d, Electabuzz, Magmar, Golbat, and Scyther
>Complains about KANTOOOOOOOOO
>Has gen 1 2nd overall and way above the other person's list
Your stupidity is simply impressive at this point.
>nah, gen 1 is still hard because it doesn't give you lots of exp and there is a level difference
yours is something to aspire to as well
>Kanto isn't evn my fav
>Kanto nigger
We have to deal with this because BW are shit
But it is true, you're given much more exp, money,acces to better moves,op shit (exp share and aime bonuses) in newer games
Yes. Everything after generation 1 is varying degrees of shit.
Gen 8 being bad doesn't suddenly make gen 3, 4, and 5 worse. 5 did badly because fags wanted more "muh nostalgia'. Pokemon is bad because of genwunners.
Is... is that... a diaper....?
You'd maybe have an argument with the "it got a crit because it loved you!" shit since you can't turn that off but you're incredibly stupid if you're complaining about the exp share
>you're given much more money and access to better moves in newer games
well, you at least are unique in your stupidity, that's something
You can beat the game with a level 23 Haunter
I know because I did
Eat shit unovabortion your game was so awful it made gamefreak radically change their entire design philosophy, they were specifically trying to recreate gen 1 and scraped the bottom of the barrel hard for some of the pokemon (and no, I'm not talking about DUDE ICE CREAM LMAO)
>it's the genwunners fault for not liking shit forced down their throat, shit diversity and shit designs
Maybe Masuda should have done a good game like he did with RS
ruined chad memes
I have no idea why you'd think that. He's just a lardass with loose fitting pants.
Looks like plus sized boxer briefs to me.
Gen 5 exactly where the story driven rot started, fuck off
I'm sure a lot of those people played Generation 1
It is so completely baffling to me that gen 5 of all gens is the one that created this bizarre contrarian narrative on here.
I know some of them latch onto gen 4 too but gen 4 would make much more sense for the ferver it gets, though I suppose BW2 gets it because "DUDE HARD MODE!"
>These are the fags calling classicchads "genwunners"
zoomer, everything after gen 3 is nu-pokemon. gen 3 just barely qualifies as classic. that being said, the games up to b/w2 were good and fun even though they lacked the classic pokemon charm. x and y was bad, sun and moon was atrocious. my expectations couldn't be any lower for sword and shield, but I guess me and the other jaded boomer autists in this thread are not the demographic they are aiming for...
lets fucking kill them
>Exeggutor only had 3 moves
You know what a "strawman" is, don't you?
x and y were ok, better than bw2
sun and moon were good, didn't play usm but seems like they fucked the story which was a shame since it was one of the few good stories
gen 8 is just fucked by their own stupidity, pure and simple. that of course does not absolve the game for being shit, but it's hard to argue it's the gen's fault
Pokemon died with the DS
HGSS is great
>Unovabortion saying the same shit for the 10,000th time
you're all so boring
Get that wack ass Colosseum in Optional.
I'm sorry that I won't act brain damaged just so that I can have a unique opinion. Mechanically BW2 are excellent regardless of your emotions regarding Gen 5.
It is impossible to both have good tastes and not give BW2 it's due credit for being well made.
>BW that high
>X and Y
>Better than bw2
Jesus, Christ.
BW2=HGSS=Platunum>Emerald>BW>XY>ORAS>USUM>SM>Gayboi games.
>It is impossible to both have good tastes and not give BW2 it's due credit for being well made.
It's ""well made"" but it can't cover up for how awful gen 5 in general is. The tweening animations are nice but that's about it.
Shame, if you weren't such a retard your taste would almost be commendable
This. Fuck KANTOOOOOfags and fuck Hoefaggots. Pokemon PEAKED and DIED at the original, NDS.
HGSS is the reason why gen 4 even gets to hang with the big boys. Sinnoh is amongst the worst locations the series has ever seen. I pray everyday that we might never get its remake.
Remindeer BW2 weren't directed by the piece of shit that did BW
Explain your reasoning. Quantify it without using the word "sprites"
Yes, everyone loves Gen 1 for a reason.
>reeee genwunners
>Wahh Wahh Gen V is bad
Shut the fuck up, fun guzzling faggot. Please, elaborate how your favorite gen is better, I can't wait to hear this.
>those old GB and GBA cover art
I miss them
Not him but every gen is better than the shit that killed Pokemon
>HGSS is the reason why gen 4 even gets to hang with the big boys. Sinnoh is amongst the worst locations the series has ever seen.
LMAO HGSS was ass
>That shit that killed Pokemon
Gen V didn't kill Pokemonx fucking brain dead retard. If anything """Killed""" Pokemon it was fucking ORAS
>Lets remake a game for the people who play smartphone games!
Yea, nah.
Gen 3 had much better pokemon, area, leaders, and while it's a part of pokemon I cannot stress how gen 3's legendaries are so much infinitely better than the massive pile of dog crap that was gen 5's legendaries
Also brendan/may are much better than the gen 5 protags
BW2 is pretty much an apology for the shit BW was, still after that shit who would buy Pokemon?
Well duh, X and Y were awful games.
>Also brendan/may are much better than the gen 5 protags
Nah. Brandon/May didn't even show their final evolved starter in their last battle.
The amount of features, content and tangible evidence of effort dropped dramatically once the series switched to 3D. Pokemon was never exactly high art but it's straight up kusoge on the 3DS. And the drop in quality being met by an increase in sales sealed the series fate as the powers that be learned effort wasn't a prerequisite for profit. So instead of the slow crawlback to DS quality over the 3DS' lifespan as Gamefreak gains it's bearings on 3D we were all hoping for the series has just descended into shamelessness.
>Game that gave more love to Ghost and Bug types than any other game prior killed Pokémon
Yeah, sure.
V It's went the games started with the story bullshit and cut content, gen 6 and 7 is shit thanks to V flopping for being shit
[breathes in]
>Gen 3 had much better pokemon, area, leaders
None of this is true and een worse is that Gen 3 is pre-physical split. So it's automatic garbage.
I can post half the gym leaders for the other regions and make them look bad too :^)
At least they didn't bother you with their retarded drama
I could raise you sinnoh not having a fire type unless you choose chimchar, but instead I'll agree with you and your image. I mean hgss as a whole, all 16 gym leaders get better teams during their rematches. Plus the game has a lot of neat features like the radio and walking Pokemon. They crammed a ton of things into it that future games seem lacking in comparison. I tried getting into platinum, hell I even tried romhacks, but I could never see what people see on it. We're all fucked in the end, nigga. Series is dead anyways.
Hilbert and Nate are shit in the games and Hilbert's only sort of good in the manga (rip)
I suppose they're kind of cute at least.
>Why is gen 3 better
>This is why
>None of this is true
I expected this and you expected this so I don't see why either of us even bothered to have this argument
>Gen 3 is pre-physical split. So it's automatic garbage.
genwunners are so stupid
gen iv best gen
>Gen 3 had much better Pokemon
>Water Kanto is better than Gen V
Nah. Aside from Wallace and your waifu(Who's probably that fire gym leader) their shit and play no role in the story aside from battling them.
>I cannot stress how gen 3's legendaries are so much infinitely better than the massive pile of dog crap that was gen 5's legendaries
Nah. Kyrogre is good and all, but he keeps getting replaced as the legendary of the sea. Also if it weren't for the Team Aqua/Magma mess in the story, they would be better. Rayquaza is ok, I guess, but all he does is come down from the sky and tell the box legendary's to fuck off. That's it. In Gen 5 the box legendaries are much better, as they aren't used for retarded reasons in the story.
>Also brendan/may are much better than the gen 5 protags
Oh hell no.
>So instead of the slow crawlback to DS quality over the 3DS' lifespan as Gamefreak gains it's bearings on 3D we were all hoping for the series has just descended into shamelessness.
Oh god I just remembered that I spent most of the 3DS' lifespan preparing for Z.
I spent the entirety of XY and ORAS excited and preparing for "The real gen 6".
seething pokefag manchild
>Hoenn is water Kanto
are you retarded? They look nothing alike
>RSE pikachu
>V It's went the games started with the story bullshit
No that was Gen 2 with the Rocket Story and Gen 3 added on to that with the legendaries.
that guy is a kantocuck and... god, he's disgusting
hey that's me! :)
They look nothing alike because Kanto got flooded.
You know it's the truth. Ghost being physical and Dark being special is retarded.
Everything in this argument is subjective, again there's no real point in arguing for them.
>and your waifu(Who's probably that fire gym leader)
actually you'll have to excuse me I do generally confuse the gen 3 and 4 leaders.
that, however, does not make them worse than gen 5's, which are mostly garbage
>Nah. Kyrogre is good and all, but he keeps getting replaced as the legendary of the sea.
While it's true that Zekrom and Reshiram are the least awful of the gen 5 legendaries they're still pretty bad and by far the weakest box legends, and that's not bringing up the secondary legends on which gen 3 shits on
> as they aren't used for retarded reasons in the story.
excuse me?
>Water Kanto is better than Gen V
what the fuck are you talking about "water kanto" but yes it's better than unova, unova is probably literally the worst region in the entire series, even alola is a better area than it and alola's pretty garbage honestly
Blue was never a mega cunt that was Gary in the anime
The only assholish thing Blue did was have a random Battle in Silph Co.
Outside of that he was actually a friend. I hate this notion that Pokemon had asshole rivals despite Silver being the only one who got that criteria
Not him but pre split was cool and more balanced once you knew your shit
It's stupid I guess but I could not care less about it.
>Silver was at least mildly interesting though with the whole Crobat thing
Honestly you're giving Gamefreak way too much credit if you think they intentionally gave Silver a friendship based evolution
There's nothing cool about the pre-split. You have to be a legit retard to even defend that shit.
It had cool stuff like Regice being useful and not every Pokemon having excellent coverage
uhhhh excuse me but thats pikablu
Yeah, Blue was a kid who was on a bit of a power trip. You could see him being decent enough after being humbled. Gary was just a cunt
>that, however, does not make them worse than gen 5's, which are mostly garbage
Nah, there's a reason why so many people compare 3 and 1. One of the reasons is because it's the most linear adventure in the series. And two, the gym leaders are boring as hell In gens 1 and 3 (infact throw in 2) in gen 5 at least in BW they are part of the story and don't just stay in their town. They grow with you, and in the finale when they come and rescue you from the sages was Kino.
>pretty bad and by far the weakest box legends
Hard disagree. Aside from Giritina, Reshiram and Zekrom are the best box legendaries because just like Giritina, the story carries them. Unlike gen 3, however.
>excuse me?
Yeah, that's right I said it.
>Yooo lmao! We need more water!
>Nah we need more land!!
That shit was fucking retarded.
>but yes it's better than unova, unova is probably literally the worst region in the entire series, even alola is a better area than it and alola's pretty garbage honestly
>its better because its limited
>Most linear adventure in the series
lol no that would be SM
so making every pokemon be able to learn all moves is a great idea?
>he cares about the story on a Pokemon
it is true unovaabortions killed the series
I don't care for the story in a Pokkie game, but if you force me to go through the Gen 3 story with its bullshit, of course I'm going to rant about it
>more diverse movesets and allowing mons with shit learnsets to get some use
It is.
Your "kino" fucking killed pokemon, it's why we have these hideously linear stories and shitty hanger on fucks for rivals who won't leave you alone to breathe. Fucking anime simulator trash, fuck you
>One of the reasons is because it's the most linear adventure in the series.
>He says, as he's talking about Gen 5 "literally a circle" Unova
>In gen 5 at least in BW they are part of the story and don't just stay in their town. They grow with you, and in the finale when they come and rescue you from the sages was Kino.
It's not a bad thing but it'd be better if the leaders weren't garbage, in fact the only reason I could think of as to why someone wouldn't think they're garbage is, as you said, the waifu leaders
> Aside from Giritina, Reshiram and Zekrom are the best box legendaries because just like Giritina, the story carries them. Unlike gen 3, however.
>Yeah, that's right I said it.
So is your argument that they used reshiram/zekrom in tihe story or they didn't? Design wise (which is how you should judge pokemon) they're definitely the weakest legends, and while you can ignore them in this argument if you want there's the entire pantheon of garbage secondary legends. RSE's story wasn't phenomenal or anything but it's honestly one of the better ones for pokemon (which again, isn't much) since they aren't evil, just incredibly and insanely stupid.
>I don't care but I care
You will only benefits the same shits we have now
>it's why we have these hideously linear stories and shitty hanger on fucks for rivals who won't leave you alone to breathe.
This. Fuck Hoenn.
Again, Gen V didn't "kill" your monster collecting game for children, ORAS did because it catered to its main audience(Kids who play on tablets)
>Design wise (which is how you should judge pokemon) they're definitely the weakest legends, and while you can ignore them in this argument if you want there's the entire pantheon of garbage secondary legends
Personally, I like the simplistic designs of the legendaries in BW. I don't like over designed "digimon" type Pokemon designs that much.
>RSE's story wasn't phenomenal or anything but it's honestly one of the better ones for pokemon (which again, isn't much) since they aren't evil, just incredibly and insanely stupid.
I guess we can agree on this. RSE story was goofy as hell, and I probably shouldn't take it too serious. That's not the point I was making.
>You will only benefits the same shits we have now
That's not a problem with the Split, that's a problem with GF.
Some Pokemon were downright unusable in Gen 3 and needed the physical/special split. Gyarados was abysmal since he had no good STAB moves, and it makes no sense that ghost type uses physical attack
ORAS didn't kill shit, when ORAS got here Pokemon was already dead, does XY looks alive to you? BW killed the series with it's retarded ideas
Masuda had everything up till DP planned out. It's no more nu-pokemon than Hoenn. Retarded fucking hoennbabies.
reminder that indie devs are making monster collection games with more SOUL than Game Freak right now
>Personally, I like the simplistic designs of the legendaries in BW. I don't like over designed "digimon" type Pokemon designs that much.
What box legends do you think are overdesigned?
You seem mad as hell, for no apparent reason. BW didn't kill anything, infact more people are talking about the Gen V games, and how it was the best and last of the Pokkie games. And I don't blame them. Gamefreak went all out with their creativity for this gen, and it shows. If you don't like what they brought, hey that's on you but majority of people are coming around to it. So it's really silly how you say it "killed" Pokkie.
>Masuda had everything up till DP planned out.
Explains why BW was such a piece of shit
How fucking dare you pretend your loathsome abortion of a game isn't responsible. Gen V had three fucking rivals, two of which were utterly superfluous stalkers. You couldn't enter a single town without either of those fucking cunts dragging you along to meet the character of that section, the same approach that was reused in later gens. So yes, Gen V did in fact kill pokemon
For starters I think the box legendaries in BW2 look weird as hell.
>Inb4 aren't you defending BW?
Yes BW, not BW2. I also think the box legendaries in Sword Shield look off putting as well.
I'm mad because your retarded zoomer pokkie game killed Pokemon retard
Gen 1-4 were the best Gens.
Everything afterwards is trash.
>hey that's on you but majority of people are coming around to it.
Gen 5 is rightfully disliked by the majority of people, Yea Forums is the only place where it's not the case
All Gen 5 did was improve on mechanics introduced in Gen 4, which was when Pokemon really hit its stride
I actually forgot about sword and shield dog, they do look kind of weird
>all it did was improve gen IV
lol no, it pushed story shit and awful regurgitated designs down our throats
Does anyone have japans list of tiered pokemon games?
You can blast through the story in just a few hours. Who really cares? Also, every gen has good and bad designs. I think Volcarono looks great
You know you'd think gen 5 fags would have liked sm, it's a restrictive story-focused game, just like gen 5 was (trying) to be yet it failed with its shit story.
Do you mean a real one or the one made for shitposting to parrot their own opinions?
>Getting mad because your oh so precious game has been ruined
As, cry some more.
You couldn't enter a single town without either of those fucking cunts dragging you along to meet the character of that section, the same approach that was reused in later gens.
This has been a staple in the games since gen 1. Why are you getting so autistic over it?
>Gen 5 is rightfully disliked by the majority of people, Yea Forums is the only place where it's not the case
This is the dumbest statement I've read. Literally, and emphasis on literally, majority of the Pokemon fanbase absolutely loves gen V, or at least BW2. If anything, Yea Forums hates this game to death, for stupid reasons as well.
>Literally, and emphasis on literally, majority of the Pokemon fanbase absolutely loves gen V, or at least BW2. If anything, Yea Forums hates this game to death, for stupid reasons as well.
Most people I see talk about it, even still just on /vp/, shit on it.
I don't know what people you've seen.
>lol who cares is shit
>every gen has bad designs
only 5 and 7 do
The majority of the Pokemon fanbase hate gen V and love I
Every gen has bad designs. Especially gen 1.
Majority of people on Reddit, Twitter and Neogaf
>inb4 go back buzzword is used
Loves gen 5. Anyone who I've met in real life also loves these games.
The shitposting one that pretty much everyone on Yea Forums agreed on that one time.
Think it was the one where S&M they know was shit, and USUM Was Mega shit.
so you admit gen V ruined everything, good
Are nu-Pokemon zoomers the most insecure fanbase in existence? Every time someone (accurately) points out how much better Gen 1 and 2 are they seethe so hard that they defend garbage like Druddigon and ice cream pokeshit
Voltorb and Electrode are lazy as shit, same with Magnemite and Magneton. Grimer and Muk are just piles of cum
usum's female protaganist hardly got any r34
>The majority of the Pokemon fanbase loves I
They have mixed opinions of it, but yes
>and V
No, they hate Gen 6, and they're starting to hate 7 and 8 right now.
Not as bad as half the shinova dex and the gen 7 starters
and they're fine designs, what about it?
hint: the bad designs in gen 5 are not garbaor, vanilluxe, and klinklang
I don't see what the gen 7 starters have to do with gen 5.
Pokemon never changed. It will never change.
>No, they hate Gen 6, and they're starting to hate 7 and 8 right now.
You're completely delusional and/or are basing your opinion solely on Yea Forums shitposting.
gen 8 is arguably the only one that's getting (rather rightfully) hated because of the nat dex stuff
Those gen 1 designs are lazy and ugly. Not to mention, Rhydon is recycled at least 3 times in gen 1.
You have to be blind to think only one gen has bad designs.
No, nice reading comprehension
Subjective. I personally don't mind the ice cream mins, as it gives them quirkiness. I don't like it when people bash on Gen B's design when gen I had a pile of purple kum, a pokeball with a face etc.
They're both one and the same.To partake of the Pokemon is to partake of the onions.
Pokemon then:
>braindead, serviceable barebones RPG with addictive monster collection gimmick
Pokemon now:
>braindead, serviceable barebones RPG with addictive monster collection gimmick
Only important difference is the shitty monster design.
>hurr jynx
Yeah except now everything looks like jynx
>You're completely delusional
Nope. You can go on any video game forum (including Twitter) (Not /vp/ and Yea Forums) And ask what's the work generation. Majority of the Pokemon fanbase HATES 6 with a burning passion because it's the Gen that simplified an already simple franchise.
The word filter on this post just further proves the point.
I wasn't the one saying that gen 5 is the only one with bad designs, but it definitely has the most bad design out of the series.
Most of the new cross-gen evos in 4 were bad and for gen 8 we have shit like obstagoon
I don't think there's a single bad design in gen 1, and in gen 2 I think the only bad one is stantler because its butt/tail looks retarded
I don't think there's a single bad design in gens 3 or 6 either, but I suppose I could be forgetting them.
The only bad cross gen was Rhyperior and Magmortar.
>I don't think there's a single bad design in gen si-
Oh fuck you're right my bad.
Gen 5 also has some of the best designs in the series. Reuniclus is brilliant in every aspect, Braviary's level of detail is on par with gen 1 birds, every bug is fantastic, Chandelure, Eelektross, Ferrothorn, the list goes on. Gen 4 has much fewer good designs.
Yes. Most of the "KANTOOOO" faggots ignore the fact that it's Gen I (and a to a lesser extent, Gen II) that makes most of the money, that everyone likes and remembers, and provided the framework for whatever the flavor-of-the-month region is, along with their ugly starters and increasingly bad designs. The "Gen I is buggy" meme only came because people started picking apart the code to see what the broken numbers were.
>first form is cute
>last form is badass
>middle form is absolutely retarded
fucking hate him and prinplup
>Gen 5 also has some of the best designs in the series.
I didn't say it didn't, did I? It does have some of the best designs in the series, but because they wanted to push the narrative of it being "the new gen 1" or something they scraped the bottom of the barrel to pad it out with some complete garbage.
Whimsicott is really good too.
I like that a lot more than its evolution. Admittedly I don't like it very much.
If Ditto is Gendo, who is the rest of the cast?
>being a genwunner and not a based Johtochad
You’ll never live up to the Gold Standard
This. What the hell were they thinking. I can't replay emerald normally now. Not to mention dragon was special, yet most dragon types were physical based. Wow.
Fuck off faggots. Gen 4 is eons better than trash heaps that are 5, 6, 7 and 8
Your chart is wrong
I hate faggots who try to bring up shit like lighting or shading when talking about Pokémon designs
Who the fuck cares about the lighting or shading or whatever of official art of Pokémon? They’re all just shitty 3D models with no dynamic lighting or anything aside from the Day/Night cycle in game anyways
Kanto regions was even more boring. Johto gyms had character but shit mons, Kanto was a boring retread.
5 is all of 4's traits cranked up to the extreme.
>1 weather and that snowman? Enjoy 3 three now.
>Sand did chip damage at most? Have a sweeper.
>Kanto 'mons getting evolutions? Everything has new abilities now.
>Stealth rocks? Ferrothorn's spikes.
>Setup 'mons? Shell Smash.
>Evil leader has a god complex? Now they're lead by someone they call king.
>Legendaries? Pssssh, we got loads of those.
>Oh but we've changed the map to a circle though and that magically makes you mad.
You’re no chad, you’re Kanto’s dickholder.
Chad also has:
>rivals are assholes and criminals
Kanto’s MY dickholder, bitch. Johto improved and expanded upon everything in Gen 1, and still had enough time to bring back the entirety of Kanto for you faggots too. It was Gen 1: the sequel and it’s better in every way
>Johto improved and expanded upon everything in Gen 1,
>literally level curved and ruined its gym leaders for Kanto’s sake
>games are only known for having KANTO as postgame
I hope next gen rivals become lovers and the outcomes of the battles determine who's on top. And which Pokemon join in. It would be cool to fight as a doubles team with them.
but which pokemon would you fuck
johto is the most boring region in the whole series and is carried hard as fuck by kanto which was barebones as fuck. I have a hard time believing people still like it outside of nostalgia or romhacks
>Gen 1’s rival was an asshole childhood friend, Gen 2’s was a criminal and thief that’s the son of Giovanni and hates your guts Vegeta style
>Gen 1 had Team Rocket as a bunch of goons and Giovanni, Gen 2 has a hot MILF, a bishie guy, a master of disguise, and Giovanni himself (thanks to time travel)
>Gen 2 added the day/night cycle, giving more variety to encounters and a more dynamic world
>Gen 2 gave several evolutions to deliver Pokémon in need of it, such as Onix and Seadra
>Gen 1 heavily favored Psychic types, Gen 2 fixed the glitches that led to their dominance and added 2 cool new types to combat them too
>Gen 2 let you fight Red and beat his pussy ass on the top of mount fucking Everest, proving that Gen 2 > Gen 1
>Gen 1 had Barney the dinosaur, Gen 2 had Godzilla
This one.
At least Johto has a postgame lol
Kanto has one dungeon and that’s it
>It was Gen 1: the sequel and it’s better in every way
What's sad is that's all Johto will ever be. The sequel to Kanto while Hoenn is Hoenn and Sinnoh is Sinnoh.
>>Gen 2 let you fight Red and beat his pussy ass on the top of mount fucking Everest, proving that Gen 2 > Gen 1
If that's your argument then every gen is better than the previous since you get to fight previous characters
>At least Johto has a postgame lol
And it made Johto a very barren region by the end.
Oh not to mention, you can rebattle trainers in Gen 2 without using glitches, lots of moves aren’t glitched like Focus Energy, And the strongest bug move isn’t Twinneedle
Red has never been canonically as strong in any of those games as he was in Gen 2
Gold is the strongest trainer
So just how bad are Sword/Shield gonna be?
>Red has never been canonically as strong in any of those games
by what metric? pokemon level?
Rockets in gen 2 were forgettable as fuck and absolutely pathetic, user. On top of pic related, the milf had 3 level 32s that while actually had comparative diversity were weak as fuck as well, and the bishi only had one single golbat at level 36.
>Oh not to mention, you can rebattle trainers in Gen 2 without using glitches,
The phone rematches sucked ass and didn't get good until Gen 3 blessed ups with the Vs. Seeker.
Very, 6 was flat out unfinished and 7 leaned too heavily on Yokai Watch.
Pokemon's future is doomed to bad graphics, poor framerates, shrunken down 'mons, and a fanbase that has yet to develop taste better than fast food.
>last koffin doesn't have selfdestruct
Kanto is full of shitmons with shitty typings
>2 bug/poisons, 2 bug/flying, 1 pure bug, 1 bug/grass (all shit)
1 ghost/poison (why)
>3 pure psychics, 1 water/psychic, 1 ice/psychic (too many pures)
>4 pure fightings, 1 water/fighting (why)
>3 grass/poisons, 1 pure grass (awful)
>1 water/flying, 1 water/ice, 1 water/psychic, 2 pure waters, 2 water/rock, 1 water/fighting, whatever Seadra is (acceptable)
>3 pure fire, 2 fire/flying (shit)
>2 ground/rock, 2 ground/poison, 1 pure ground (again, shit)
2 rock/ground, 2 water/rock (what’s the point of having a rock and ground type anyways)
2 poison/ground, 2 poison/bug, 2 pure poison, 3 poison/grass, 1 poison/ghost (everything is poison)
>1 dragon/flying, also a water/dragon if Seadra is water/dragon
>1 water/ice, 1 ice/flying, 1 ice/psychic
>3 normal/flying, 7 pure normal (why so many pures and flyings, also what’s the point of a “normal” type)
>4 pure electrics (1 retroactively electric/steel), 1 electric/flying (too many pures)
Petrel is a weirdo, of course he has a shitty team
And Proton is a glorified goon
At least there were mechanics, unlike KANTOOOOOOO
4 flying/normal*
They're all glorified goons, yet they all have the title of executive.
Although my personal favorite would have to be pic related. After clearing the E4 and a few other kanto gym leaders you face off against this little shit.
>inb4 it's ok because she's supposed to be new
That doesn't excuse her pokemons level being what is likely 20 below yours.
Like Koga had that much better of a team
But yeah the level scaling in Gen 2 gets fucked after Ecruteak city for some reason
Still more optional dungeons than nu Pokemon lmao
Janine should have been a Dark type gym leader so she wouldn’t be her dad but a cute waifu
And Karen should have been Agatha instead because she deserved to have more ghosts
>>>>>>>for some reason
I mean like the entire game, not just the diverging path
You know the exact reason why
Because game frick was always incompetent?
So is Gold canonically the best trainer out of the game protags?
No. Rosa and Palm Tree from B2W2 have him beat.
Is the PWT canon?
I don't know why it wouldn't be.
if you know your shit gen 5 is best gen
Hello, unovabortions
>0 new Pokémon
Hey, they may be retreads if the same ideas but don’t say they aren’t new. Braviary is WAAAAY cooler than Noctowl for example
He's talking about BW2 specifically, I believe, not BW
>retarded genwunners with underaged ,reddit memes
good bait
Golden years were Emerald to BW2
That’s a lotta years. You’re right though, having Colosseum and PMD is the boon.