What would a list of most conservative vidya look like?

What would a list of most conservative vidya look like?

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learn 2 google, newfig


Medieval warfare genre games, bunch of call of duty games, and somewhere in there a halo game. Basically stupid games for stupid people.

that seems unfair desu
as for a conservative list, it have dwarf fortress somewhere near the top

>tile matching

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>Playing Mario is an alt-right dogwhistle-here's why

Virtually non-existent. 75% of "conservatives" are boomers who don't even play video games. As for the rest, conservatives pretty much never make games and games have generally always been biased towards left-leaning audiences.

That's how you know this is fake as hell.

So this is a "pretend to hate gays while secretly being gay" situation, huh. Never knew right wingers were secretly in to being BLACKED

>Liberals: Sonic
>Conservatives: Mario

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>Residnet Evil 4

OH NONONONONONO not only an overrated game but also liberal and gay

as surprising as it may be, a lot of people probably didn't care about the controversy and just wanted to play the game anyway because its new.

Yes, that tracks. Every sonic fan I have ever seen has been a massive faggot

based site

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What would the libertarian list look like?

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Probably a lot of games from gen 6 and earlier. A lot of retro/"old-school" classics.

Totally not biased

furries and boomers


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Yeah right, they all think its elitist with a racist art style. Theyre a bunch of fucking retards

Going to be honest. Liberals come out slightly ahead in taste here. Also
>liberals: NBA2K18
>conservatives: MLB The Show

Deus Ex
Fallout NV
Bio shock

>Liberals: Autistic commie furshit
>Conservatives: Journey of a hardworking tradesman to get the girl defeat tyrannical forces
Sounds about right

>Battlefield 1
This is obviously bullshit.

BF4 has more players than 1 and 5 combined.

*get the girl and defeat tyrannical forces

>liberals in the majority of every listed game
>conservatives in the minority of every listed game
kind of a pointless exercise then, isn't it?

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>Thinking that's been the case for years for Mario
Odyssey ended with Mario consoling Bowser.

>Fighting an empire as a furry
>Fighting for a monarchy against a similarly monarchical enemy
Makes sense


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>Resident Evil
>The games where you frequently play as a white guy running around foreign countries shooting the local populace

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>"arachnophobia? You just want to fuck spiders!"

This shit is so cringy

Holy fucking christ this text wall
I'm trying to skim it, is it making more than one point or just rambling?

Conservatives officially proven to have worse taste in games

TF2 was always based

are they liberals or progressives?

>Red Dead
Absolutely patrician taste

Someone gotta explain me that

Very liberal probably means liberal with a mental illness,normal liberals are just misguided people.

No, it doesn't. I liked BF4 too but BF5 probably has at least as many concurrent players. Add BF1 to BF5's numbers and they handily outweigh BF4.

Its indieshit,there's your explanation

this is some Billy D shit


Their Greatest Conservative Movies page is hilarious with how dense they are at missing obvious critiques and satire

>Ben Shapiro
Ew what the fuck is this shit

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Terraria is not offensive to anyone, so they flock to it. Also it makes them feel unique and special because they think it isn't a mainstream game.

I sometimes forget people dont onow the differences between traditional cucked conservatives vs based conservatives

>top liberal% is 72%, lowest is 56%
>meanwhile for conservatives the top conservative% is 40%, lowest is 29%
what did they mean by this? why is gaming still considered a conservative hobby?

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This is dumb, i'm a leftist and i like alot of these games, compared to only 1 on the lib list.

I don't think politics has much to do with gaming preference.

You have to realize that there is only a particular type of conservative that would actually know how to use technology and would be consenting to a survey regarding their political views and preferences.

>left has become a range of socialist to kill all white people communist
>anything remotely far-right is still taboo and these faggots represent what most people consider to be conservatives

Rope day can't come soon enough.

>very conservative
>Ben Shapiro

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You cant make this shit up.
I guess i'm an sjw now

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>ben "climate change isn't a problem because those affected can just sell their flooded properties and move" brapiro
>not conservative

wait to prove them correct in a single post, psycho.

this, these surveys have a lot of selection bias considering a good conservative wouldn't be too prone to announcing his views to online surveys like that

Conservapedia is cringe incarnate. When you need your own safe space because regular Wikipedia is too oppressive for you, you reached peak cringe.
For the lefty equivalent, I recommend RationalWiki.

This is why no one should believe statistics

He is but he is also a jew so it cancels out

Shouldn't Wolfenstein be on there?

This only time hes willing to "conserve" anything is only in a specific country

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>leftie effetes on twitter can openly discuss their hatred of white people on work accounts
>voicing any opinion right of center is grounds to lose your job

Nah, we just live in a society governed by week people, that is the cornerstone of modern progressivism, to protect worthless people that can only consume. Just wait until we get fed up and you'll see.

A question - how do you determine what vidya is conservative?
Conservatives tend to like traditional values and small government, so would any game where you're just a guy trying to make a living and get The Man off your back count?
What about games where you're staging a revolution against a corrupt authoritative power, so your home village doesn't get terraformed into Life Energy (or whatever)?


>NBA 2k

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>manly men in 1960s america fighting eachother for supremacy

>tfw liked both sonic and mario as a kid
>didnt care about the argument, just wanted to play fun games

also I dislike at least half the games on both lists

calling black people niggers is not "any opinion right of center", user. Now go report to HR.

>Exploration Platformers
Shit, I'm a liberal :(
>Mexican scam show
>PC Gaming
Oh no, it's even worse ... I'm a centrist!

>Tile matching

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I would post American Krogan's video about how men like open world games but apparently he just got banned off youtube

Kill yourself

It makes sense - Men are evolved to hunt stuff in the overworld IRL, so we probably still have a lot of that brain circuitry wired up.
I can't find a mirror, but then again I didn't look very hard.

>no homo furshit

absolutely based
the left cant game


Its "Shooters",they just used a picture of the old Doom

I smiled.


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It means the liberals tend to all like the same things, and the conservatives don't.

Yeah, it makes sense that conservatives would be retarded enough to still play that trash.

>He doesnt know

>dota 2 more liberal than league of legends
nah i dont buy it

there is nothing political about resident evil or fucking cuphead
and i wish there was ink kingdom hearts because i would die laughing at mickey mouse talking about bashing facist to chip and dale

The Left:
Walking sims
Earthbound clones
Modern day FPS games/BRs
Games made after 2005 except for select nintendo titles
Indie shit like Celeste
Generally easier games
AAA shit
8 bit meme games
Anything where a straight white male isnt the protagonist
Strictly mainstream nintendo or kojima shit

The Right:
Boomer/arena Shooters
Immersive sims
Strategy games
Games made before 2005
Almost no AAA shit
3D era GTAs
Counter strike
Difficult games
Historically set games
Games with actual high quality pixel sprites
Weeb shit and interactive novels
Anything Japan has touched
Autism games

americans are fucking retarded lmao

No difference between the two aside from the age. Just look at any thread where Yea Forums wants Trump to ban video games.

Thats the Ancap game

based liberals
fuck conservatives and fuck wh*Toids

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why the fuck do they put whole categories in there? also why the fuck is pc gaming in the conservative list? thats a fucking platform, not a game, and if they put that there a platform should also be in the liberal list

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>mfw I like games on both sides.
Am I neutral? I'm thinking I'm neutral.

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Minecraft and multiplayer Minecraft

>Deus Ex
not really since it envisions a future where extremely wealthy, corporate entities protect their own interests via control of the government, which is what happens when you completely deregulate a free market economy - a core principle of libertarian ideology. In that way, Deus Ex is more of a forewarning against unchecked libertarianism/capitalism.

>Fallout NV
i mean maybe if you go independent/House but otherwise i don't really see the libertarian connection here.

Maybe in terms of setting, but like Deus Ex, this is more of a critique, specifically of Ayn Rand's objectivism, which shares a lot of qualities with libertarian ideology. Rapture was created with those principles in mind, and it fell to utter shit so take that as you will.

>want to stay up and play vidya all night
>have to go to church in the morning
Life of a Conservative gamer is suffering

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why are you like this?


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The only difference I can see is that the cucked conservatives are secretly racist and the based conservatives are openly racist.

>BF 1
What is this bullshit?

kys sinner

fuck off, heathen

>No wolfenstein



>Playing mega modded KSP at 2am because I had no obligations
Good times.

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Deus ex is anti big government and anti globalization, pro nationalist.
Thats as right wing as it gets.

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fuck off

Surprised CSGO isn't specifically listed

Is it really? i've been thinking about playing it because it seems to have a cult following and looks interesting.

>Never knew right wingers were secretly in to being BLACKED
You aren't very perceptive then.

Shower with your dad simulator

>dota 2

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Stay mad incel

Varg is the only goy itt

It's not that simple. You're looking at this from the wrong lens. Deus Ex isn't just "anti big government," the government in Deus Ex became extremely authoritarian and oppressive as a result of corporate consolidation and bribery to suit the interests of plutocrats. Remember what the NSF Terrorist Leader tells you at the beginning of the game? About how corporations pay five percent in taxes, and how self-employment has dwindled drastically as a result of big business becoming too large/powerful? Critiquing low tax rates for corporations and the extent to which they can grow/monopolize is not right-wing, that's inherently left-wing in an economic sense.

I will say you're right about the anti-globalization thing, but I disagree about the game being pro-nationalist. Deus Ex specifically criticizes the military-industrial-complex. Right-wing ideology supports increased militarism and nationalism, yes, but Deus Ex depicts a future where both of those things only contribute to a bloated military-industrial-complex.

I can see why you would justify Deus Ex as being "pro-nationalist" since it illustrates the evil of establishing a one world government, but I think you're not looking deep enough. It's not "pro-nationalist" so much as it is "pro-individualist," where people fight against a country that no longer supports the interests of the commonfolk. It's a game showing how a country should serve its people, not how people should serve their country.

Yes, that tracks. Judging by their brain size, every Mario fan has tried crashing their head into numerous blocks.

>hardworking tradesman whos only trade and lifeskill is cleaning shit out of toilets
>has blond gf cucked from him, who gets pounded by BBC (big bowser cock) on a regular basis and whose bastard kids you have to take care of
>is a proud, traditional white man
>who is also italian
he truly is a conservative

have sex


Have you checked your parish schedule? Mine has 2 night masses because there's too many people during mornings.

I just downloaded this kino.

Are you a good enough dude
to rescue the people souls?

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Bros before hoes

while Sonic fans even got a running head-start

what the fuck am I looking at

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Shen Bapiro greases the slippy slide all the way down to the alt-right

Deus Ex - liberal, or conservative, game?

>he can't detect the point being made and takes it sincerely
like pottery

Conservative libertarian

Where you at my big brained centrist bros? More RPGs than both sides.

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>sports shit
>no man's sky
So moderates truly do have the shittiest taste in vidya

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How did they get away with this?

rpgs are shit though
also this thread is shit

t. moderate/liberal quakefag