>Robot daughter
What a stupid twist. Who the hell would buy one?
Robot daughter
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David Cage
A lot of people, as long as she's anatomically correct.
I can show you the blender file 'm currently working on to give you an idea fren
She's a robot? I just let her die lol
So are there monstergirl androids on the market?
This nigga knows what's up.
Just so long as you're defending Cage ironically.
yeah, who would ever want a loli robot that you could order to do anything, what a dumb concept haha
reminder that roasties would deny us that future
yeah It doesnt seem to add up.
hahaha yeah I know. Just thinking about it...hahha. Woo this summer heat is killer. Can't sotp sweating hahah.
>if someone you love lies and betrays you and then you get mad, maybe u didn realy love them in th first place lol
this is some retard cuck logic.
Ok the original of this one looks disturbing
>tfw you could abandon her in the robot lolcaust
Man that shit felt good.
it's art, troglodyte
Agreed. I think we need to see the original.
Source, anyone?
By disturbing, you mean hot?
looks like its the girl from this.
I'd buy two, program them as sisters and force the other to watch as I brutally torture and mutilate the other.
Stop, I can only get so hard.
>no sfm/blender videos yet
but why did the android girl have homework
Most beautiful art I have ever seen.
We need more SFM of this character.
wait... what did they mean by that?
>gave a 100% DFC loli titties
that artist should be gassed
It's weird because it's Alkemanubis.
Wish I could have a robot daughter.
Imagine how great it would be to have such a cute little girl never grow up or leave your house, and because she's a robot, you can also make love to her all you want.
That's just for people who didn't pledge for the "I'm a pedo gimme cunny" patreon tier.
you're quite possibly the worst photoshop user on the planet, user. it would have been more convincing if you just put a giant white square over where the tit used to be
6 million times better. Thanks for posting user-kun.
there's already a good edit on boorus
this plot twist made me drop this game faster than a tranny 40%'s himself after transitioning
>tfw someone screencapped my post
Buds are nice tho
me on the right :)
Ah, a fellow man of culture.
This is my QT loli little sister, she worships me.
Living the Dream
You madlad.
>Replicate pain
Oh yes, this will do quite nicely.
Aww, she's turning 13 and going through the awkward phase before blossoming into a young woman.
How the years fly by.
Winter is coming.
jesus christ
Nice buds. Fuck her when she turns 13, it can be a birthday present. Girls that age are horny as fuck.
got this for free a while ago and never touched it, is it worth a playthrough?
How was that even a twist?
A magazine in the beginning literally told you.
Thanks for the spoiler, nigger. This is Scott Shelby is the origami killer all over again. Then again, it's a miracle I dodged this one for so long.
Me, plus the onahole installation mod.
for free? then yeah absolutely
the games hilarious in how bad it is, give it a go
you cant fuck a robot idiot.
I checked, I'm not seeing it.
Not with that attitude
I found one on lolibooru (need to make an account). She has smaller breasts there. Wouldn't call it a good edit though.
Does this thing only exist as an outlet for pedophiles and child abusers? Why would anyone want a forever-child? Half the point of raising a kid is actually raising them, seeing them grow and learn with your help and guidance, to take a helpless infant and shape them into a capable adult with your love, support, and guidance. A kid that never grows up is like a really expensive dog that's smart enough to ask you all of its stupid questions but dumb enough to never remember or understand the answers.
Actually, couldn't they just make android puppies or something?
When I was playing Alice said "We" when referring to androids. Don't know if this was supposed to happen but it was like the game spoiled itself
it's aping the film AI. go watch like the first 10 minutes of that to understand
She’s got a mouth
>simulate the look, behaviour and needs of a child
Sexual behaviour as well?
They look kind weird, DFC is better.
Why did I care about her and her story?
the only model has a pretty ugly body
>robot child that can learn
>eventually matures well past its apparent age, but never grows physically
>the weird uncanny valley juxtaposition of youth and age-worn jadedness
Wait no I think we're onto something here.
>complain about being poor
>buy 2 androids that each cost more than a car
>just so you can break the shit out of them repeatedly and buy/repair new ones
David Cage has never made a good game, it's no surprise his last bowel movement sucks.
The """mechanics""" of Beyond are actually really good, the story web being a great catch for replays. The fault is all in the writing. Everything else is great. the acting is great, the graphics and music are awesome. Its just all so fucking stupid.
>journos turn their nose up at "crass" video game writing like DMC
>hold up Beyond like its shakespeare
>everyone is acting like an insane retard
Am I the one who's wrong?