ITT: Useless party members.
ITT: Useless party members
>the character that can solo anything is useless
Lmao, okay OP.
Morag is for ______.
Morag is the fucking star of the show are you kidding me? As soon as she shows up it's her game, anybody else in your party is just there for show.
gonna draw morag meleph
hold on i haven't drawn her yet
Dude hurry up
i call her mrs tweedy
Nia becomes the most useless one because her role simply gets shrugged off from having other options. Morag, on the other hand, is a pretty solid tank while still offering good damage and is the best megalance user.
high sexual impact- ahh i fucked it up
>Useless party members.
she and naoto are fucking garbage
Are you retarded? Ever Endgame Boss has instant kill tankbusters that can only be evaded.
Meleph is better for everythin that isn't just a dps race.
>dodge tank
raising a family with
I was able to complete challenge mode before NG+ (so with only 2 accessories, and it makes a big difference) thanks to her
i'll draw more meleph morag
I wish you could use Nia's blade form in Driver mode. I bench Rex because just double spinning edge with Mythra is too OP and boring.
Kaze's strength backpack.
you to your family and friends
Handsome woman.
stealing her brothers underwear
>Morag is for ______.
>Level 99
>Havent started New Game+ yet, but decide to give Challenge mode a try
>Tfw getting my shit kicked in by the Darkening Skies encounter
Who thought this was a good idea? This isnt challenging, its downright infuriating
more meleph for the thread
It's a shame because I really liked Brighid, and Morag too, but Tora and Poppi just are better tanks.
I haven't tried Challenge mode yet, but I assume it was made for a NG+ where you start with your Blades having their charts already filled.
Darkening Skies legit made me put the dlc down. Yeah you can just aeo nuke infinitely with the right build, but Jesus fucking Christ you're beyond end game at that point.
Im a fucking faggot that never looks or understand numbers and stats and even I know that Morag and Brighid are the best at defense in the whole game.
You should stop licking your moms anus.
good wives
Like half the fucking cast in Vesperia.
They both deserve to be dicked.
Especially Brighid.
Every party member from Tales of Berseria; since Velvet is so OP she’s all you need.
In the story, yeah. I'm so disappointed with her role in it. Her stupid "what is my purpose" problem that isn't even really a problem cause it's only alluded to in one scene and she mentions it in another all the way at the end. Aside from that, she kinda says the most generic things despite still being my favorite character in the game.
Brighid is underrated. She has:
Bullshit. I guess a bit in terms of story, since Morag is only there to act as the grown up voice of reason and doesn't really learn much, except that sometimes duty to country doesn't mean everything and to sometimes indulge yourself.
But for gameplay, she's still pretty good. Brighd is B rank and she's got some of the better moves, such as her Spear moveset. If anything Nia is the useless Driver, since you can just put Zeke on healing duty with Bitballs and he'll not only heal, but out DPS her. Best party is Rex, Zeke and Tora, followed by Morag as a close second choice if you don't want to use Rex.
Pretty much. You can do the early stuff as soon as you get to chapter 4 on a fresh file, but the later stuff needs three accessory slots if you don't want to struggle.
>that chest
So I just realized that DQ11 protagonist has the same VA as Meleph. Mitsuki Saiga.
Yup. She does a really good job of sounding manly.
>ITT: Useless party members.
Kihmari from FFX and Aramart in FFIX
Finally, someone says it. Seriously, why did they even bother with Kihmari? He wasn't even a good Blue Mage, everything good he could do, was just done by Rikku better.
>party buffs + Samarecarm
I fucking hate this guy so much its not even funny holy shit
has anyone ever actually used him at all?
I haven't even tried attaching him to another character despite just barely meeting the required amount of soilders on the field cathy has replaced flayn despite flayn being my dancer
Isn't she the best tank? She dodges everything
Does xenoblade 2 go on sale much? Its fucking $60 on the eshop right now
Thrysus is the only good part about him.
IIRC he has like 2 or 3 stats that have 15% growth rate. Absolutely garbage-tier unit.
Nah, Tora is the best, because Poppi can Break shit with her three hit art easily. Morag is decent, but requires that you know enemy attack patterns and are controlling her. Otherwise she's very inconsistent. Best party is Rex, Zeke and Tora, with Zeke acting as the healer with Bitball, since he'll hit for stupid high damage and heal at the same time.
His unique skill is adding 20% to all of gis growths so thats impossible. IIRC hes tied for the highest dex and speed growths
Most people used their voucher to pick it up. It's unlikely to go on sale, unfortunately. Monolith/Nintendo really should bring it to 45 at the least. It's been out for 2 years already, but you know how stubborn Nintendo is about pricing.
Anyways, back to useless party members...
i kept her in my party anyway cause she's hot
runners up goes to collette brunel for only having one good spell
That just means he has like 30% in those skills, which is still bad.
>almost nothing but status moves
>status effects last only a few turns and enemies get increased resistance to them after recovering
>useless on bosses
>hits like a pillow
She makes me angry.
>Healers in Disgaea
>Non-CPUs in Neptunia games
Only people that want to do Hilda's paralogue without someone with e rank in everything or support log completion, and even then they just recruit him then ignore him if not let him die.
So he's a slightly better Ashe/Ignatz with no passive but noone likes him
Collette is a monster in speedruns because you can spell cancel her Para Ball for an infinite combo.
Shes only useless if youre autistic enough to play the stupid fucking Poppi minigame for hours on end and Tora's voice is somehow tolerable to you.
Fuck Nopons. I refuse to use Tora, little fleabag pervert piece of shit.
What the fuck? Even outside of Hatchet Man for metal farming, most of his trees are insane. All of the characters in that game have nice viable builds on most of their weapons with the exception of Jessica and knives.
Yangus also gets the most HP, so he tanks hits that would kill the others, he's the perfect one to give the sage stone to. I would say that Angelo is the worst of that lot, he gets his best stuff much later then the others, has low HP. His Charisma skill is lack luster, his unarmed is worse, he's a worse spell caster then Jessica. He's pretty much only around in the late game to use timbrel of tension while Hero and Yangus actually clean shit up
>Healers in Disgaea
Still nice when you have Reverse Damage panels. For a while in 2, my Healer had the most damage done because of Tera heal.
>All of the characters in that game have nice viable builds on most of their weapons with the exception of Jessica and knives.
In the 3ds version i think her sudden death skill actually has the highest damage modifier in the game with oomph
Meleph is useful for my dick
Because of the DLC, you don't need to play Tiger Tiger much. Only if you need a light core. Everything else can be bought for Ether Crystals and you can buy those. Morag is still used, since her Megalance is one of the better for that weapon and she does well with Shulk if you don't want him on Rex for different setups.
Yeah but the extent of them is "They're useful in this one gimmick limited to certain maps." Like Magiknights, they're just kinda fucked because the game mechanics are against them.
she's saying kagutsuchi, what is that chicken doing outside the fence
and we'll make sure to draw more meleph
>tank that you dont have to wait for them to have three blades or grind a crappy minigame for
Bow is pretty great as long as you don't fall for the Needle Rain meme and cap it at 88
also Pearly Gates may not be optional but damn if it isn't a cool looking move
Do you BELIEEEEEVE in life after love?
wait im working on a meleph drawing
no more meleph drawings
That's not Nia
I still think that's so much bullshit. She's great through the entire game and then post game she falls off in everything, even Blade form. Why they decided that she should have insane surprise attack value, I have no idea. It's only usable in one area to clear out those level 90 Drivers in the factory and no where else. Everyone else got far more useful hidden affinity charts then Nia did.