Is he the biggest CHAD in all of gaming?

Is he the biggest CHAD in all of gaming?

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Objectively yes. He has experienced everything life has to offer, not just once, but THOUSANDS of times. And he's banged countless amounts of girls despite being a weird gray dude who asks too many questions.

Also in D&D terms he's a gigachad since he can very easily get stats higher than 18, like he's more powerful than pretty much every character in Baldur's Gate.

>Reading: The Game
fucking dweebs

well he's technically a demigod

Is he?

overrated book game with mediocre writing circlejerked by redditors

>t. Bing Bing Wahoo

redditors hate this game.



this game filters zoomers.

>head always in a book, updating his journal
That’s a virgin trait


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Why do I always get bored before the Fortress of Regrets. Ever since like 2002 every single damned time I play this im about to go there and just stop playing. And I like it too


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Chad has become meaningless like all other buzzwords commonly spouted. You cannot argue this

>thousands of years old
>scarred beyond recognition
>caused the Blood Wars
>can't become a Priest because every fucking god in the multiverse forsake him
>can get his stats to 25
>has a virgin succubi gf
>has a jailbait tiefling as his sidehoe
>updates his Journal daily


Calling slang “buzzwords” has made the word buzzword lose all meaning.

>ends up in hell

Does Chadwick go to hell or ???

To be fair, fucking around in Sigil and exploring shit is the best part of the game

by being based and namelesspilled

>caused the Blood Wars
So saved the multiverse from Evil alignment?

Don't forget he also has a pet skull

And then the fucking Godsmen create a giant fucking laser for the Baatezu.

it's the best writing you'll ever get, faggot.
Avellone is one of the few good writers in that branche along with George Ziets.

have you seen the ending? what the fuck do you think that video sequence was all about?


cringe. that idiotic chad meme should fucking die already.

sure but he is also the most tormented soul in vidya

The real torment was the friends he made along the way

Best girl.

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the game is overrated boring trash. i got as far the the 'fixing the building' kssion, it is a snoozefest, fo1&2 were miles ahead

That really updated my journal.


I mean, when you are pretty much a demigod who's been around for so long that all gods in existence fucking hate you, he is not the biggest chad but rather the be all and end all chad

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Would Vhailor kill himself if you convince him that he wronged you?

god I want to clip her wings, pin her down and fuck the sensate mentality out of her. Experience my cock, bitch.

Vhailor is beyond based. There'll never be a companion as redpilled as him.

honestly yes, dude's ripped af too

You get bored once you've beaten 99% of the game? You don't say.

Morte exists
>inb4 don't trust the skull

I see.


>has a journal
>regularly updates it
That’s pretty cringe bro
Real chads live in the moment and forget what happened to them 5 seconds ago

is there any other video game character as 'evil' as The Practical Incarnation?

Evil? He's the only reason you are able to get as far as you do in your journey.

Attached: UPDATED MY JOURNAL.png (741x592, 58K)

Hitler is the only reason Americans have a space program

Some say Hollywood is the reason we have a space program

The only reason we have Hollywood is because of Hitler.

The point still stands

What was his crime?
It's really silly you don't find out. Probably because they couldn't think of anything.

MIsgendered a dabus

To be more evil you'd have to engage in brutal torturous murder without any cause, since that guy would probably betray and murder an innocent if he had a reason to.

There are video game villains who are just written to be completely diabolic monsters, so yeah, they're worse than him. He's just scary and well written.

It doesn't matter what his crime was. That's the point. It's what he did to escape it.

So I'm playing this game for the first time and I'm about to enter Ravel's maze, I'm walking around with Morte, Dak'kon, Annah, FFG and Ignus, should I kick Ignus out of the party for Vhailor or that robot thing?

Slays me every time.

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I beat this game without a guide and my final party was the demon bitch and the angel bitch along with the main character

I feel like I missed so much. Never got to know the angel bitch's real name or wtf was her deal, some flaming fucker came flying after me and I think I was supposed to know who that was

Is EE edition worth it if I want to run through the game again and get every piece of story?

Either Started the Blood War or was responsible for the Enslavement of the Gith (by creating the Ilittid)

Ignus and Vhailor are very clear about what they consider when it comes to philosophy, Nordom not so much.

If your evil keep Ignus. If not, kick ignus out, as both Vhailor and Nordom are way more interesting

>(by creating the Ilittid)
What? No way

If you just want to read the dialogue, there's the fan-novelization which clears pretty much all the points you want

Yeah EE is good, use this fix guide though

I'm neutral good so far and Vhailor seems cool as fuck

Vhailor is cool as fuck indeed. Dude's essentialy Judge Dredd,

yeah he's good. Nordom has by far the funniest comments and banter with other party members though.

Should I kick Dak'kon then? He's quite a bro and I liked the whole circles thing but I want something new. Also how far into the game am I? I'm kinda curious about that, I have no idea how much shit is left to do after Ravel's maze

That's the whole point. The original crime ironically was nothing compared to everything he's done since then after trying to escape it.

There seems to be a common theme between this game and kotor2 where the pc is s focal point of solving problems other people have and of rejecting established authority (rebellion) to establish your own.

You're about 3/4 in the game.

True Chads sell more than 75k copies lifetime.

100% keep Dak'kon because he's Dak'kon, and you also may not be done with him yet if his blade isn't streaming and there may be more layers to him you haven't discovered.

I feel like he's one of the characters that always should be in your group.

Well I'm not kicking 10/10 bro Morte, and I can't bring myself to kick Annah or FFG either

Then use the eight companions mod.

he was a human?


>first thing you ever see him do is get fucking curbed
nah. cool shades though.

>get amazing 25 stats
>can't dual wield
>can't get full benefits from dual classing from fighter
>can't haste
>can't mislead backstab
>can't time stop
>can't spell sequencer
>can't stoneskin
>can't dispel
>can't put 1000 protective spell and tie them up with spell immunity abjuration/divination
>can't cast one decent spell altogether
>can't do SHIT
let's face it, he, Ravel, Trias, the Transcendant One, all these faggots would get wrecked by any Baldur's Gate character with decent experience no matter how shitty their attributes rolls.
Attributes don't mean shit.

ehhh I mean that's partially just because the PST combat system is much, much simpler than the BG system.

Nah. Some will say to kick Ignus and get Vhailor if you play good/neutral, but it won't serve any purpose. More than that, it doesn't make any sense in RP terms.
If you play giid/neutral high WIS, you'll find out why vhailor is where he is, and you owe him. Like, letting him go to rest instead of using him for your selfish goals.
Ironically, taking Vhailor with you is more on par with how the Practical Incarnation would handle it.
Keeoing Ignus under your wing instead of letting the madman run loose is on par with how a good/neutral TNO should act
it's completely retarded that goading Ignus into attacking you AND KILLING Him by calling him 'supplicant' repeatedly is considered a fucking LAWFUL+ GOOD+ act by the game
When you meet Vhailor, talk to him, recruit him temporarily just to talk if you're lawful, switch to fighter and talk to him about axes, then convince him to go to rest. Take Ignus back before crossing the portal.
This entire 'wasted party slot in the last act' is retarded because you don't have a party for the last act

Fuck this game. Absolute trash combat, broken scripting in the catacombs quest, oh and i perma-broke my save with the cube puzzle dungeon thing. Im still mad because I was enjoying the game too baka

Also wouldn't recommend Nordol on a first playthrough, he's supposed to be something of a hidden character and while he's surely a good comic relief he doesn't have any real story involvement.

Every god?



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>having only one save
Too bad for you, next time don't be stupid.
The modron maze is fucking disgrace in all areas though, I agree. But technically, aside from making NPCs respawn a'd closing the foundry gate (activate console and ctrl+j) it shouldn't break your save. Except if you're using bags of torment, you lose everything inside the bags.

and it's still not well-written

says something about video games really

read a book

Then there's this fag

Coaxmetal was too eloquent for a fucking entropic Iron golem

Mages in Sigil just have *forgotten*the way of the Art. Send Haer Dalis back there at the end of ToB, he'd tear the Lady of Pain a new asshole.

I do, its rare to find something as charming as this game, its funny how you guys make it sound like books are perfect when their quality is just as subjective as a game's quality

>killing the lady of pain

How many times we have to tell you munchkins?

I had multiple saves you utter cunt faggot. I didn't fucking realize that I had fucked my save for hours. I was at the foundry and got confused because things didn't seem right, then I went to the brothel and noticed the blonde bitch was there cloned even tho she was in my party as well. So I looked it up and lol, a save breaking bug. But yeah, it's all my fault :^)

I've dealt with some big bugs in Bethesda games but I knew how to fix them. After looking it up extensively, I couldn't find a fix that didn't require me to restart, or go back many hours.

Miss me?

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The original crime of the nameless one is not important. What is important is that he believed it to be so utterly unforgivable that it actually became so.


Apparently one more
Just stock up on potions of genius, maze 1d4 rounds lmao what ya gonna do now bitch lmao

It's not game breaking, just don't talk to the clones or ctrl+y them.
It won't prevent you from getting further into the game.

It's a shame that FFG doensn't really have a romance with a payoff like Annah does, such wasted potential

Or just take your save before the maze, and console in the xp and money you got out of the maze.

>that time when TNO debated someone into nonexistence

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You can fuck your save file if you enter the Lower Ward for the first time without Morte in your party. That kidnapping sequence is mandatory to finishing the game, and it only happens on the first visit. Had to fuck around with my save file using a save editor and it was a huge pain in the ass, since it's undocumented.

>that time TNO asked his skull to be cracked to see if there was anything inside

>giving in to her carnal nature for once, not caring about the consequences because TNO is immortal.
Missed opportunity if there ever was one.

Why the fuck is there a sealed door in UnderSigil? If I didn't look it up that it's nothing, I would have thought I missed something cool forever.

>you can only kiss FFG with low WIS, and then you just die
God I wish it was me

That kidnapping fucked me right and proper once. Losing a good fighter like that.

>that time you have a riddle battle with a ridding skeleton and win
I am the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space. The beginning of the end and the end of every place.

He does, it's an option with his dialogues.

>Not having Morte in your party for ANY reason whatsoever
Brought this on yourself, Chief.

He is not evil, just completely willing to sacrifice everything and everyone for his goal

>best items in the game are exclusively found by grinding UnderSigil enemies, but only after a certain arbitrary point late in the story
Shit was bizarre. Even with the tweak that makes the spawn earlier it still feels completely out of place.

You can't convince him that he wronged you, if he realizes who you are he attacks you. You can only either tell hil that he is dead, so he should you know, die, or that he would do a better job chasing criminals if he was dead because there are more dead criminals than living ones.
Apparently there's also something about convincing him that Law is meaningless or something but I never found this dialog branch.

can someone post chef nameless one

Would have been great if the fortress was an actual dungeon to actually use all that cool looking stuff you can grind in undersigil after coming back and that you will never actually use
mfw greater shadows get genocifed by fucking cloudkill
mfw no face because disappointment
Thank fuck the following conversations are kino

Yeah, that's pretty much the textbook definition of (lawful) evil.


>I see.


What did he mean by this?

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I wish flattering Ravel didn't give you so much fucking exp, it's makes not doing it downright stupid

He's lawful neutral you dumb fucktard.

You get 90k and 1 wis if you don't, and twice that if you do. It's not a big deal at all, especially with all the other bonuses you get here. Except if you're really trying to minmax a game that doesn't need it anyway. Don't be a doormat for XP you don't need.

Yeah sacrificing innocents to reach your goals sure is lawful neutral behavior lmao

>And he's banged countless amounts of girls
I don't care how straight you are, in that amount of lifetimes you've taken miles of cock
You think The Practical Incarnation wasn't willing to get his ass plowed if it meant furthering his cause?

All of them willingly did it, he never coerced anybody.

The Blood Wars are implied to have started before the age of man

Well, he romanced Ravel

I mean if he had an all encompassing goal, like JUSTICE or something, sacrificing innocents might be acceptable as lawful neutral. Might be, and that would be debatable.
But his goals are entirely selfish. He's lawful evil, pretending otherwise is retarded.
>it's alright, he just explicitly emotionally manipulated them into it, it's totally not like he forced them or anything
fuck's sake....

To be fair, the practical incarnation would probably manipulate whoever wants to fuck him in the ass into letting him fuck them in the ass.

lawful neutral is doing something for the sake of law and order, like Vhailor. The Practical Incarnation was neutral evil, everyone he did was for himself and his own goal without regard for others and he manipulated people into serving his personal goal.

the thing about ps;t though is it flips notions of good, neutral, evil, on their head. the practical incarnation may be evil, but his actions were completely justifiable by the end.

well I mean being gay has no disadvantages for The Nameless One. STDs and AIDs won't affect him, and no matter how destroyed his asshole gets it will heal back up instantly. He's the ultimate power bottom.

Good post but Vhailor is lawful lawful

>his actions were completely justifiable by the end
Not really though. They were completely justifiable for him. But as you can point out to him about Deionarra, that was only convenient, not necessary.
But his actions weren't for the greater good or anything. They were for him, and him alone (and his next incarnations, so, him). In the end, the multiverse isn't affected by TNO being immortal or not, only the people around him were.

>but his actions were completely justifiable by the end.
I think there's a fine line between "ultimately led to a good end result" and "completely justifiable"
Our Incarnation is never forced to do anything truly heinous to succeed, there's no reason to believe The Practical Incarnation had no available alternatives that were more ethical.
Also, do we know if he was aware that the shadows were innocent people dying in his place? It's likely he managed to find out, but even if he did, I still think his motivations were mostly self-serving.

>there was nothing

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yea that's what I meant, I should have specified that. his actions were completely justifiable to him, everything he did was for his own sake and his own long term goals which ended up working in the end, mostly.

obviously ethically I think most people would agree his actions were not justified in the grand scheme of things.


>Q:How do you think, if there are any qualities of the game that are most important from moral, ethical or philosophical point of view?

>A:Not only avoiding racial and relationship stereotypes, but challenging them. Also on a less important level, challenging conventions within each game genre, and re-examining clichés that are present just to make the player step back and see the genre from a different perspective. I think this has the potential to be a problem if you end up attacking the player for liking a genre you’re luring them into, but some of the most profound commentary I’ve seen in games has come from that (Spec Ops: The Line, for example).
Is ya boy a gaytheist?
What is a "relationship stereotype"?

Why doesn't TNO just chill and enjoy his immortality now that he doesn't lose memories after dying?

because the shadows will never just leave him alone. Even if he tried to just live a normal life they would keep trying to murder him and his friends. Also many times during the games TNO mentions how he feels empty inside, that must be pretty unpleasant.

The obvious answer is that that wouldn't make for a compelling story
The more in-universe answer would be that, no matter gow you play him, he at least wants to know his identity, and by the time he at least finds out why he's immortal, he both becomes embroiled in more pressing conflicts and discovers that retaining his memories means he's closer to losing his mind permanently

>chaste succubus
All right this shit belongs right into my chinese porn picture books, it has no place in CRPGs when I want to bone chicks left and right.

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Because before getting his mortality back he knows his fate is to slowly become retarded, and he wants to know who the fuck he is, hardly a relaxing hobby
And once he merged with it or killed it, he gets his memories back and he just can't deal with the guilt so he literally wants to spend an eternity atoning for his crimes. That's basically how he relaxes actually.

"Let the fools make their judgement."

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that's basically what the paranoid incarnation wanted to do, but guess it's hard to chill and ignore the fact that you're an immortal who fucked over a bunch of people, alive or dead, who all want to make you pay for it when it's not just shadows that try to kill you in your sleep or ghosts that haunt you while screaming that they're your ex girlfriend and that you killed them and it's all your fault and shit.

Do you think Paranoid encountered Deionarra?
I feel like when you see the reincarnation of the guy who coerced you into dying for him reduced to a neurotic mess, at that point you've gotta step back and realize, maybe he's not the one for you.

Yes he did, he mentions her in the dodecahedron

I mean FFG whole deal is that she used to be sort of a weaponized prostitute and her torment is related to overcoming her nature. Guess you still have Annah and the other prostitutes you find in Sigil

Okay, honestly, I feel bad for Deionarra, but I think we have to admit she's exceptionally stupid

You are ridiculous. By the end of the game when he merges with transcendent one he gets back all the knowledge and class levels he ever learned, literally hundreds of levels. He's able to create a portal into Sigil, something even Greater Gods can't do. Every other D&D character is fodder to the Nameless Chad.

He should've killed Lady of Pain when he had the chance

IIRC, it was only hinted at that the First Incarnation caused something that set in motion the inevitable death of the Planes, permanently, without a chance of rebirth or second chance at all.

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>The sphere wrinkles in your hands, the skin of the sphere peeling away into tears and turning into a rain of bronze that encircles you. Each droplet, each fragment that enters you, you feel a new memory stirring, a lost love, a forgotten pain, an ache of loss - and with it, comes the great pressure of regret, regret of careless actions, the regret of suffering, regret of war, regret of death, and you feel your mind begin buckling from the pressure - so MUCH, all at once, so much damage done to others... so much so an entire FORTRESS may be built from such pain. And suddenly, through the torrent of regrets, you feel the first incarnation again. His hand, invisible and weightless, is upon your shoulder, steadying you. He doesn't speak, but with his touch, you suddenly remember your name. ...and it is such a simple thing, not at all what you thought it might be, and you feel yourself suddenly comforted. In knowing your name, your true name, you know that you have gained back perhaps the most important part of yourself. In knowing your name, you know yourself, and you know, now, there is very little you cannot do.

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>The Nameless Gone

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>tfw his name was Gone the whole time

>I cannot help BUT help you, my precious man... and that will always be true, no matter how many Ravels there be... on this, they will agree.

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I wish they expanded Curst more. Could've been a great 2nd hub.

I couldn't stand the Curst part, personally. It didn't even feel tangentially related to TNO's journey.

Something tells me Coaxmetal is involved somehow

What the hell was up with Lothar? Why is a random unknown mage one of the strongest people in the planes who can easily permanently kill TNO? The guy is far stronger than Ravel, despite Ravel being a well-known household name.

Makes sense that the truly powerful wouldn't make their power known. Besides Lothar is an autist who's only interesting in collecting skulls

Also Ravel is far far past her prime, in her prime she obviously was just as if not more powerful

Lothar is an archmage Necromancer. He might not be as powerful as Ravel once was, but his knowledge of death magic is enough to dispel whatever spell she used to make the nameless one immortal.

yes, though the ancestor from DD comes close

Also don't forget Ravel wasn't actually trying to kill you. She plays dead and then uses her full power to fight the Transcendent One, actually doing a fair bit of damage before being slain

Aren't all CRPG protagonists super Chads?

No, most are turbo cucks who just get ordered around by other people the whole game, and get roped into helping stupid factions.

Meanwhile TNO's entire quest is solely about achieving inner peace and solving his personal demons, and whether he helps others purely out of kindness or fucks over everyone is up to him.

>Built like Gigachad

>Gravely voice that makes tiefling's leather panties moist

>Can mog you in a logical debate so hard you stop existing


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>can't become a Priest because every fucking god in the multiverse forsake him
Does it mean the Athar are wrong?

Is Numenara a good spiritual sequel, Yea Forums?

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not at all, not remotely

Literally the only "good" games of all the nu-CRPGs are the Shadowrun games, Divinity: Original Sin games, Pathfinder: Kingmaker.

any none of those can compete with most of the classic CRPGs.

Not really. Athar think the gods of other religions exist (since they're influence is verifiable), but are just really powerful beings. Which makes me question what actually makes a god a god, if not extreme power, but that's besides the point.
Those powerful false gods could presumably still deny The Nameless One power.
It's unclear whether or not the source of their divine powers (The Great Unknown) has also cut off TNO, or what their opinion on the matter would be at all, since they seem not to care greatly about figuring out what exactly The Great Unknown is.
Also, it's important to remember the "burning bridges with all gods" thing was a justification made later in development when they decided to cut the Priest class. I don't personally consider it canon, and consider it more likely that TNO was unwilling to risk incurring the Lady of Pain's wrath, since she forbids worship in Sigil.


Pretty rad

I...I like Pillars of Eternity.

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Do you only read YA and self-help books? Unironic question.

I...I...I fucking LOVE Tyranny.

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I'm always entertained by the irony of a smelly neet coming on to a video game board to tell people to read a book. Not for reading's sake, and never to sincerely recommend a book they like; it's purely because someone is liking something they don't.

No, it has some fancy writing but the developers don't understand what made PS:T good

You too can do it
Start by updating your journal daily
Do it now, go change the nature of man


He meant "Don't earn my ire or I'll fuck you up."

>Before Dak'kon Githzerai were all chaotic human guys in hoods with zero lore

>After him they all became Lawful aescetic monks surviving in the chaos of Limbo

Has a single character ever changed a setting more due to how good they were?

>Good Planescape thread
Yea Forums can be great sometimes.

Reminder to use this guide to restore all the unused dialogue (including a bunch of voiced lines) to the vanilla game:

There's even a mod that restores unused music:

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Shit always drove me crazy. What the FUCK is she and why is she so powerful?

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Isn't that the definition of evil? The way I interpret it:
>evil characters put their own desires above the welfare of others
>good characters act primarily in the interest of others
>neutral characters put themselves first but not at the expense of others
Neutral is a hard one because imo it also encompasses doing evil acts or good acts for neutral reasons.

She's basically something that has to exist or the universe ends, which is actually the justification for a lot of stuff in Planescape since the setting is so philosophy driven. Again, just to set the standard here, in Planescape it is literally possible to convince someone they don't exist so hard they stop existing. There are side quests you can complete just by convincing people to believe something is real even if it isn't, after which it retroactively becomes real and was real all along.

In every direction there are infinite worlds and gods of every alignment. In the middle, where everything meets, there needs to be balance, but any god capable of reaching the middle would want to turn it to their own ends, which would upset things. So the Lady exists to enforce neutrality. Because if she didn't, cosmological factionism would destroy the universe.

She's an emergency lynchpin basically. Not a character. Not a leader. She exists because something has to to preserve balance, and she can't be defeated because that would mean balance could be ruined.

That is evil, in D&D terms.

D&D morality is very rigid and specific. So much so that there are entire orders of beings that are just "All good" or "All evil" without exception, and killing a good being is bad and killing a bad being is good.

Good is altruism, and Evil is exploitation, and Neutrality (the one that waffles) is sometimes self-interest but can also be balance. If you're willing to sacrifice everything and everyone else for your goal, you're definably, measurably evil in D&D terms.

>killing a bad being is good.
I don't understand this and will never personally agree with it. You can argue that Good and Evil are sort of extraphysical states of being in D&D, but even then, alignment shifts are still a thing. That evil being has the potential to become neutral or good.

Turned Dante into a literal Chad

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You don't think that there's any real universality to the system? The altruism/exploitation continuum feels at least very broadly applicable to real life as well. Given the almost procedural nature of humans in real life, I doubt you can judge many real life humans (if any) as following any single alignment, but I do sincerely believe that if you view any single snapshot of any human or any single act, you can categorize it, according to its underlying background and preconditions, along the D&D alignment system.

Remember that the genesis of the alignment system is systemic first and philosophical second. It exists primarily to perform a function within a framework and to facilitate an organization of concepts which might had too much nuance without codification otherwise. Because of this it inherently has to sacrifice a degree of whatever philosophical rigor it has to perform its function within the game's framework.

I never thought of this but it will visit me in my dreams this night.

No, not really. The first thing is that he had to die to realize his relevance. The actual chad of gaming is someone like the Nerevarine.

Fuck off Todd

>lawful neutral is doing something for the sake of law and order
Not necessarily. I think there's much more nuance in lawful neutral than the alignment gets credit for. If you view the good/evil continuum as also being the selfless/self-interest continuum, that opens up neutral for cool concepts like the sublimation of personal desire in favor of whatever system of law or personal code you follow. This is, I believe, why monks can only be lawful. It's unlikely that every monk ever has some kind of cosmic affinity for the concept of lawfulness. It's much more likely that law in that regard is the rigid adherence to the system which he follows.

I'm just trying to explain how the Practical Incarnation qualifies as Evil in D&D terms, which is the context of his character. D&D's morality system can map lightly over some real world application, but it also lacks the ability to measure most degrees of nuance.

Has any user played tabletop with this setting? Seems like sky's the limit. There must be some crazy campaign stories out there.

I mean that's exactly the same concept, just reworded.
The Lawful-Chaotic scale has always been relative to local culture.

Probably, but Planescape was written for 2nd Edition and has never (to my knowledge) been updated for later editions except piecemeal (some monsters, for instance). The fluff probably still holds but alignment mechanics have changed over time.

It is literally the exact same system. Having less options doesn't make it mechanically different.

Practical Incarnation is textbook Neutral Evil.

One cool detail I noticed is when you are seeing his memory of manipulating Deionarra in the sensory stone, your NO's reaction varies depending on your own aligment. Good aligned will be so revolted they almost lose focus, neutral will also be disgusted, evil will instead focus on how well the practical incarnation decieves and be impressed.

I just remembered that Dak'kon is literally "while you were fucking hot succubuss and aasimars, I studied the blade" the character.
Can someone remind me, the circle of zetrimon was a fake gith bible created by NO, right? And why only Dak'kon fell for it?


It's been eighty four million years since I played, give or take, but as I remember it Dak'kon had lost his way and would probably have gone the way of kys, when NO found him and realised his beliefs literally shape his weapon, making it potentially exremely powerful with some judicious manipulation.

"She" is four giant space hamsters sitting on top of eachother inside a robe.

So after reading a lot about this game, it seems no one has a solid grasp of the story in this game.

Why is that? Is it because they've never played it the amount of times it's needed to see all the story? Because it's complex? Both?

As I remember, it was practical incarnation who saved him. What a good lad.

It's because the people who played it to death, played it ages ago, and the people who just discovered the game are only now playing it or just finished a playthrough.

It's because it doesn't beat you over the head with the big reveals, at all. It's actually more subtle than most novels, especially because some of the most important information is missable.
For instance, if you don't (either by luck or using a guide) have Dak'kon translate something Fell tells you even though you know how to speak Dabus, making it completely counter-intuitive, you miss out on a lot of information about your previous Incarnation's companions, including him.

as far as I remember Dak'kon was basically a formless suffering entity for who knows how long in limbo until NO found him and knew Dak would have been desperate enough to cling onto anything to regain some semblance of faith/belief, therefore reasserting his existence. sub consciously I always suspected Dak knew he was lied to, but he wanted to believe anything, and that was his ultimate torment, everything he believed was a lie and he probably knew it. plus becoming NO's eternal slave was just the icing on the cake for Dak's suffering and shame.

Damn, that's sounds fucking great, mate. I want to replay the game now.

If you dont check a guide you can miss a lot of information. Also this game has a fuck ton of reading and if you dont pay attention you miss important info.Also if you are not familiar with D&D lore (planescape setting, planes, gith, illithid and more) you probably dont understand the backround info given to you, not gamebreaking but you can be a little lost. Finally there are things that are left to interpretation or imagination (like the original NO sin).

I just got this in physical format. Any tips for someone looking forward to playing it for the first time?

Pump WIS INT CHA. This is Talking: The Game, unless you specifically want to play a dumb TNO, you want those dialogue options.

How did he get so good? How could I become that good?

This is why we can't have nice things. People expect definite answers to everything. Open ended questions are thinking man's food.

>How could I become that good?
Keep writing, reading and sharing what you write.
Do what that sex fanfic user does.

Do you get off to writing this?

I finished my solo run with no problems years ago. Maybe you missed something?

Update and put those recommended patches and mods in the game.
Links are somewhere in the thread.

I want the most Vanilla experience I can get. Is the game playable as is (I have the Enhanced Edition)?


And this is why 2nd edition is still the best edition.

There aren't any actual mods, it's only fixes, restored content and utilitarian tweaks. Get all of qwinn's stuff.

The original version you get with the EE worked fine for me.

Yes. I only know that there's the Unfinished Business for PST that works for EE, which adds in cut content. You can install that if you want that, but otherwise plain EE is fine.

Ok, thx guys :)

I usually play chars like that (did in Fallout 1&2), but thanks for the advice.

he did what was absolutely necessary because he knew he will not finish the race himself, but set in motion one reincarnation will stop losing memories after following deaths, ie you
he's 90% of the reason TNO is able to succeed

18 wis
17 int
13 cha
pump wis every lvl up

His first incarnation did something evil enough to merit a one way trip to the blood wars, whatever that was doesn't matter.
What that something is doesn't matter

WIS most important stat. Start with 18
INT 16
CHA 12
DEX 11 more dex less chance of being hit

Level first WIS then INT then CHA. Max is 25, dont level up until 25, late game there are stats levels for free so dont waste points. Level Wis until 22, Int 20, CHA 20, with late game free stats and equipment you can be WIS 25, Int 24, Cha 24 easily

>the virgin ignus
>the CHAD Vhailor

Dex 11 is useless for AC, leave it at 9 or get it to 14 (about equally as worthless) or 13 if you really want to snap necks
Anyway there's no need to minmax this game, just get point in int/wis and then cha, play mage and you're good. AC is useless because you get Morte, low effort tank with high resistances and a taunt.

What makes those good? I've been curious about Divinity: Original Sin for a while now.

is considered a fucking LAWFUL+ GOOD+ act by the game
because he is an insane rabid dog and the best thing for the planes would be to put him down

just kill your dumbass

No getting fucked in the ass is impractical and illogical

you get 120K +1wis +1int if you said I NEED POWER to mebbeth at the beginning AND to ravel now, because that's what the original incarnation said to her

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shame most of his dialogue ain't even Irenicus

I'd be down for such a thing, it would be one hell of a ride.
Despite the much loathing the platform gets maybe one could get something going over Discord (or any other platform that fills that niche), give the anons some quality tabletop.

and if you give mebbeth the seeds after she ressurects

Sure, but with an appropriate dialogue for appropriate reasons, this dialog path should increase evil and lawful.

>play evil for once
>ressurect him and send him to elemental plane of evil in the end
breddy gud

Thanks! Is there a level cap?

Getting fucked in the ass (a minor inconvenience at worst for an immortal) to get something you want is absolutely practical and perfectly logical.
If you could make the same amount of money in 30 minutes of feeling at the most intense discomfort, as opposed to 8 hours of tedium or manual labor, why wouldn't you?

Was it kino? I really love the kind of ancient vibe the game gave off at times.

Why don't you then get fucked in the ass for money then?

>it's still not well-written
nice opinion

Because I have to worry about things like STDs
Believe me, if I was immune to STDs, I'd be whoring myself out like nobody's business

Not one that matters, xp distribution has nothing to do with your average rpg. Just play the game, don't worry about builds and shit.

Well you are a person with no self respect

Because you are a closeted faggot with no dignity, and don't understand the value of dignity.
The practical incarnation would never let himself appear weak for some money if he can just kill the fucker with the purse or manipulate him then leave him to die.

what the fuck is this shit

Only if you arbitrarily tie your self-respect to avoiding something as mundane and primal as sex acts
There is literally no difference between your point of view and the argument that any job is slave labor because you're using your body against your own will.
Grow out of this childish mindset that sex is icky.
The Practical Incarnation would never place such undue value on something as irrational and intangible as a sense of dignity. He'd most likely look down on you for caring at all, and use your shame to blackmail you into doing his bidding. It's exactly what he does with Deionarra, using her emotions against her.

I've run some Planescape campaigns over discord.

The setting has so much variety and depth that you just don't see in the game. A lot of the locations are beautiful - and some of them are impossible to handle in the infinity engine. One adventure involved a zero-gravity dungeon in the negative energy plane filled with undead.

Avellone was drunk for half the development, and incredibly afraid of death for the other half. He genuinely thought his time was running out.

>as irrational and intangible as a sense of dignity.
Yeah sure, try to manipulate anyone into doing anything when you're publicly known as a cumdumpster lmao
Dignity has a lot of practical applications, you'd understand it if you weren't a braindead sex addict desperate for cocks.

>his OST syncs with footsteps

>Only if you arbitrarily tie your self-respect to avoiding something as mundane and primal as sex acts
Having no self respect is arbitrary and random, you are just a weirdo.

nice jewposting lmfao

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Ah, yes, the slums of Sigil, the worst place to be known as a whore. Definitely not going to be among good company there.
Your display of excessive emotion is terribly pathetic.

None that I remember, but every stat can be level up until 25.


Do you ever wonder how the first inacrnation of NO was? I mean, who he good? Was he bad? What kind of person he was? We only can see a glimpse of his personality at the end if I remember correctly.

Lmao lad, who would even pay you enough in the slums for getting fucked in the ass to be worthy of the PI's time
The other guy is right, you're just a weirdo.
Also yeah, I would like to see you manipulate or threaten anyone in Sigil with rumors that an immortal scarred man is taking it in the ass for coppers lmao
You're a teen discovering moral relativism and not understanding that social standing is more valuable in manipulation than anything you'll get for getting your ass pounded.

I too, loved that disgusing half of a game they managed to tape together after defrauding the funding. I loved every second of it. Fuck you Obsidian, bastards.

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To me Lawful Neutral is the most intimidating alignment. No pleading or bribing or bargaining with them. P-please Vhailor-sama!

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Gross! Faggot

>tfw alt Vergil was right and did nothing wrong
>tfw Dante doesn't join him

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Fall-From-Grace is lawful neutral too, you don't an inquisitor with no morals to be LN, there are lots of nuances for each alignment.

>Lmao lad, who would even pay you enough in the slums for getting fucked in the ass to be worthy of the PI's time
Pharod, the crux of the first act?
>an immortal scarred man is taking it in the ass for coppers lmao
Like you wouldn't shit your pants if he approached you
TPI is literally only shown using his intellect and deliberate language to manipulate people. No one in Sigil knows of TNO as a high society mover and shaker. In fact, almost no one knows of him at all! Almost like both of the two major past Incarnations value discreet methods of achieving their goals, and your thoughts on social standing being important to an incredibly powerful, intelligent immortal an entirely bullshit and informed by your human weakness.

What happened?


Yes there is a range of "types" in each alignment. The "absolute zealot" Mercykiller version Vhailor is, like a more ruthless Judge Dredd, is one of the worst ones to have after you.

Who is stronger: Nameless one, Baal spawn or chosen one from NWN2 who ended MoB with the power of Myrkul?

What? What would letting him fuck you get you?
Nothing whatsoever.
>Like you wouldn't shit your pants if he approached you
Then why does he need to be fucked in the ass again?
You really are a fucking weirdo lmao
And you also are a dumbass for not understanding how being a literal prostitutewith no apparent dignity would undermine everything you've just described
If the PI is successful as a manipulator it's because he is not perceived as a desperate retard ready to do anything.
Why in hell would he risk that for ephemerous gratification instead of looking for another way to get what he needs?
The answer is, because you're literally a stupid c*mbrain trying to larp as an intelligent character. And it doesn't work.

user, this kind of writing doesn't really help your point. You're painful to read

>What? What would letting him fuck you get you?
Information, access to his vault of powerful supplies, the BRONZE SPHERE
You're kind of incredibly dense. It's stopped being funny at this point.

Its been some time, so I don't remember how exactly it went down. Basically Paradox (Publisher) banded with Obsidian (dev) to make Tyranny, but in the meantime Obsidian was also busy with PoE2, which was their own undertaking. And so they came up with a grand idea of taking the funding from Paradox, and using it on their own game instead. So, they bloated PoE with unnecessary bullshit like an open world sailing map and voice acting everywhere, leaving Tyranny unfinished, It basically ended at chapter 3 of like 5 or 6.

Someone here will probably correct what I got wrong.

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I'd say the bhaalswpawn
Think about it, how much time between the death of gorion and the end of ToB? A handful of years, 5-6 at most. And in that time not only does he go from random civilian to demigod of mass destruction, without even considering his bhaalspawn powers, but he also inspires his party to follow the same power curve.
Give him a couple of lifetimes and he would bend the multiverse to his will.

Bhaalspawn is just demigod level at best. If the NWN2 PC fully gave into and fed the Spirit Eater they're able to take on full gods and take down a few, while Nameless One after absorbing his mortality (And Transcendent One was able to forge entire planes/the fortress of regret) he is able to open a new portal into Sigil, something even greater gods can't do, and gains all the knowledge and "levels" his incarnations ever got, possibly hundreds in melee and spellcasters.

My bet is on Nameless.

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Yeah sure, Oahrid would give you the bronze sphere, what he thinks is going to avoid him getting on the pillars of skull, just to get some of that nameless ass.
You are completely delusional and frankly a weirdo, sorry to repeat myself.

Please stop trying to inject your fag fetish onto video game characters. Pharod was terrified of the Practical Incarnation.

I mean, the game literally shows you what the practical incarnation did to get all of that.
It's quite literally the furthest you can be to letting himself getting fucked in the ass. I just can't wrap my head around how fucking insane and lustful for dicks you seem to be.

But NWN2 MC were able to kill few gods. Bhaalspawn is just one.
>and gains all the knowledge and "levels" his incarnations ever got, possibly hundreds in melee and spellcasters.
Fucking hell, really? It seems like he will rollercoast through blood war like it's nothing.

I fucking hate this website

Yeah, sure, Deionarra is just going to follow you into a deadly pocket dimension, die there, and then support your clones with completely different personalities for decades as a ghost, just to get some of that nameless love.
Holy shit it's just an example of someone with some sort of power that TPI could benefit from, hypothetically. Stop being so autistic.

>You realize there is very little you cannot do.

Yup. But if you make the error to let him know what you are, he fucking murders you in 2-3 hits

Wut, there is only one god.

>Bhaalspawn is just one.
For now. And the rest of the pantheon is scared shit less at what he might do if he chooses to ascend.
Give him a couple of years and he becomes head of that pantheon. A couple more and he destroys the balance and creates a new time of troubles. From which he emerges the sole divinity over faerun.
in a couple centuries he would dominate the planes, there's no way around that. If the forgotten reals cannon followed the feeling of power given by the gameplay of each game, there's no doubt that the bhaalspawn and his pals would exterminate everything in their way.

Is NWN2 worth playing from a story/writing perspective?

So true

>Yeah, sure, Deionarra is just going to follow you into a deadly pocket dimension, die there, and then support your clones with completely different personalities for decades as a ghost, just to get some of that nameless love
Good luck inspiring that love while being a public prostitute lmao
Nice job starting to realize that being ready to do anything is not the same as literally doing anything for money. Your pseudo moral relativism is a joke because your 'example' is fucking retarded.

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NWN2 is basically copy of BG2. Feels pretty generic, but has it's great moments and few cool characters.
NWN2 MoB, however, is more like Planescape and fucking amazing.
Recommend to play both anyway.

>A full thread about planescape
Today Yea Forums was not shit

>NWN2 is basically copy of BG2.
Not at all, BG2 is really fucking good storywise compared to NWN2 vanilla.

Understand that the gods of Baldur's gate/Faerun are one pantheon, for one world. Pretty small fry in terms of Planescape, with infinite worlds and almost infinite pantheons of minor, major, and greater gods.


Regardless of the fact that you have yet to refute my point that TPI's social standing was never important when he relied entirely on intimidation and emotional manipulation, you still rely on this flawed idea that, when someone has anal sex, they must publicly broadcast that fact. Many people live perfectly normal lives while also using hookup apps or operating as sex workers.

Yeah but again, consider the rapidity of the bhaalswpawn Ascension compared to the lifetimes TNO had. With as much time on his hands the bhaalspawn would go further tbqh.

do you have to play NWN2 basic to play MoB or is it its own thing?

Does Faerun as an actual setting exist within Planescape's universe, or are they canonically separate?

>Surely this strong, confident, Machiavelli level manipulator lets dudes fuck him in the ass because I'm a faggot and that appeals to me

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haven't played this game why is this dude blue

Is there anything more reddit than being a contrarian on Yea Forums?

Friendly reminder that queers are filthy: filthier than you know or would assume

Dirty beasts. Get AIDS fag

It's fairly standalone. One party member returns, but he doesn't stay around for long or have a significant role. You won't know where the sword came from, but the OC doesn't give a great explanation anyway, their role in both campaigns is really disconnected.

Just be sure to use protection and do not kiss her lips. She is still a succubus afterall. Sucking on her breast might be safe.

Oh and don't get a blowjob unless you wear a condom otherwise either your life will get drained or just your penis.

Fair enough, I mean, nwn2 tried to replicate BG2. Well, it did better than PoE at least. And a bit better than DAO I guess.
No, you don't have to. But you'll get a lot of references and meet familiar characters. MoB is sequel to events of vanilla NWN2.

Yeah, and TNO gets all of them at once. He goes from Demigod level before the merge to stronger than pretty much anything but the Lady of Pain.

Faerun is in a Crystal Sphere, aka Solar system, in the prime material plane. The prime material planes contains almost infinite worlds such as Athas, Krynn, all the Spelljammer shit. The other planes are also almost infinite around the prime.

Planescape's point was to put all D&D settings in the same universe

>relied entirely on intimidation and emotional manipulation,
>the image you give off doesn't matter for dojng that efficiently
>the image you give off isn't affected by being a sex worker
>Many people live perfectly normal lives while also using hookup apps or operating as sex workers.
You're completely, absolutely, fucking delusional and stupid. I'm done, there is nothing for you to do. Try being a 'sex worker' and effectively acting as the OI, see how well that goes and how ridiculous you will appear. You will fail at everything except getting fucked in the butt. If you can't understand the practicality of dignity, you deserve to spend the rest of your life wallowing in used condoms with a busted anus, because that's your whole horizon in life if you go down this way, until you hit the wall and nobody wants you anymore.

Haer'Dalis literally comes from Sigil.

Maybe next time, try to find some adjectives that are mutually exclusive with "recipient of anal sex"

I have never seen someone genuinely seethe this hard
I love it so much

And also consider that in 2E stats 25 in anything is pretty much the level of the divine. For example 18/00 is the strength of an Ogre and beyond all but like Hercules level mortals. 22 is the strength of a twenty foot tall fire giant, and 25 is the strength of a Titan, aka demigod. Same goes for intelligence, wisdom, etc. You see 25 at the god levels there.

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i think tyranny is better than pillars
shame it did so poorly and we will probably never get a sequel

Also, canonically, Vhailor and Dak'kon died their final death against TTO and their gear found its way to the adventurer's mart lmao

lmao cope harder
Wanabe master manipulator can't even recognize anger, what a joke

>and TNO gets all of them at once
Yeah because he had hundreds of lifetime to accumulate them beforehand.

Meant to add, Nameless is able to cap at 25 in any of them even without merging with Transcendent. He is very exceptional even in a single incarnation.

You are now manually aware of the fact that our current modern cultural values, including gay sex and prostitution, are nowhere near universal even among human beings living in the same period in the same culture. Trying to ascribe your personal value system as being absolute within this framework is ridiculous. Trying to ascribe it to a fantasy setting which has literally nothing in common with our real lives as humans, and is furthermore inhabited by many nonhuman creatures and entities? That's just fucking stupid.

I'm not even a huge advocate of gay rights or prostitution. I tend not to give a shit. What I care about is that you're just being a literal idiot. What you're saying makes absolutely zero sense in the context of modern society or the fantasy worlds we're talking about. You're completely full of shit.

He assumed that his sins were special, because he was convinced that he himself was special. He wasn't beyond redemption, he just claimed to be because he didn't want to repent, and because he refused to even consider that his actions might have been a banal and ordinary kind of evil.

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How's the remaster? Is it faithful to the original or has fucked up text/artwork?

Why do you think I want to be anything like TPI
He's a genuinely terrible person
I think you might honestly be autistic, you see a villainous character with no sense morality or emotion as a role model
And even then, you're not good at understanding that line of thinking. It'd honestly be heartrending if I didn't think you were genuinely awful.

>the JUSTICE nigga that levels up just to 1v1 the boss died

That is the only real way to attain that level of might in the planes. If the Bhaalspawn DID become god of murder and try to step over his assigned Prime material line, he would very quickly get crushed by other Powers before he could grow too strong, even assuming he somehow has some quality that makes them superior to the other many many gods of murder in the planes from countless other worlds and afterlives. Nameless One was able to build up all that level grinding as a low level mortal while TO squatted in a remote plane not attracting attention. NO gets all the power with none of the risk, then by his own discretion and the will of the first incarnation, goes to the lower planes to fulfill his debts.

It's just a minor easter egg reference hidden in a side item, don't take it as canon by any means

>current modern cultural values, including gay sex and prostitution, are nowhere near universal even among human beings living in the same period in the same culture.
Name 5 cultures and periods of time during which being a prostitute isn't considered a lowly shameful position that would bar you from most positions of authority, not on legal grounds but on social ones.
Pro-tip, you can't. And naming one exception to this universal rule like Theodora doesn't change that fact.
You are completely full of shit. Moral and cultural relativism are nice and all, but they need to be supported by facts, and in that area, considering the psychological and social intrications between paid sex and power, you are completely delusional.
Even in fantasy settings like Planescape, and especially in Sigil, I really don't see how being a known sex worker wouldn't undermine any semblance of personal authority you're trying to build outside of the sex worker community.
No prostitute ever became a person other were willing to follow to their deaths.

Why would he gain all the levels additively upon regaining his memories though? Say one incarnation was a ninth level fighter and his current one was also a ninth level fighter, when he regains his memories does it make sense that he's an 18th level fighter? I'm not sure it even makes sense that he'd become a tenth level fighter.

>tiefling's leather panties

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I never won the riddle battle. It seemed like there was a fairly narrow window of WIS where you're clever enough to win, but not clever enough to crack the skeleton's first riddle.

>No prostitute ever became a person other were willing to follow to their deaths.
Mary Magdalene

>role model
Are you completely fucking stupid and didn't understand anything I wrote or just resorting to shit flinging because yiu are an autistic retard losing a stupid argument and refusing to lose face?

How's DA:O writing-wise? Is it actually worth a damn or is it generic fantasy drivel? I've heard pretty mixed opinions on it.


>just resorting to shit flinging because yiu are an autistic retard losing a stupid argument and refusing to lose face

absolute shit
the most generic rpg ever released.

I really don't fucking understand how combat works in this game, including using skills and items. It's real time but not? Is it kind of like diablo? I have no idea what's going on

I have played it twice or so and I can't remember anything special about the writing. Pretty generic but done well enough to not make me fall asleep.

Transcendent One directly gained all the power and knowledge the Nameless One experienced in all his travels and incarnations. That is the reason he wanted to keep him active and roaming in the planes, to keep growing stronger. TO only intervened when an incarnation started finding the trail to the fortress of regrets.

When NO merges with TO, he gains all of that power along with the boost of being a whole being once again with almost obscene might.

Story of DAO is pretty generic, but it has interesing world with lots of nice sidequests.
Like i said, it's comparable ot BG games.Better story than frist one, worse than second one. I liked the story and elements around it.

>What the FUCK is she
The Lady of Pain.

>look mommy greentext

As powerful as the Bhaalspawn is, he still pretty much plays by D&D rules. If you consider that by the end TNO gets back all his memories, he is every single class at the same time.
At any rate, the most powerful PC in crps is the Betrayer, the PC of the evil ending for MotB. Just one of his abilities is eating the soul of a creature of at least demigod power, in one round, no saves.

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>2 Planescape threads with 100s of replies within a week
you guys are great.

It's great, it's a very dark fantasy without being overly gritty. At least for the first game, it really feels like the story branching is substantial, and you're really able to shape The Warden's story.
IDK what the other anons are talking about, there's really nothing that generic about the Darkspawn and Grey Warden plotline, the only you might consider generic is the Tolkien-style elves and dwarves.

Man it must suck being retarded

>look mommy greentext

Giving five examples is unnecessary, one alone is enough to prove the existence of another prevailing moral attitude which isn't compatible with our own. You don't see how a sex worker can be a valued member of society because you are incapable of seeing anything but yourself from your own point of view. It's a personal failing, if we're being honest.
>lol moral relativism
Is a copout. I do believe there are moral universals. Pain is bad, pleasure is good. Inflicting pain in your own self interest is inherently bad. Prostitution, however, has no inherent evil to it. It's a consensual act between two people. Rational attacks on moral relativism, of yours is decidedly not, never presuppose the impossibility of relativism, but only its universality. Rational defenses of moral relativism do not ascribe universality, like you're trying to.

>says, blissfully unaware of how a good part of it is talking about the benefits being a sex worker would pose for the Nameless One

To be fair - the other half of the thread has been good. It's just these degenerates can't keep it contained.

Note that no one ever said being a sex worker would be a positive for The Nameless One, merely that it would be foolish not to use such a simple method with few to no downsides to gain power and control over others if one desired such things and had no emotional opposition to them

>You don't see how a sex worker can be a valued member of society because you are incapable of seeing anything but yourself from your own point of view
Valued me member of society has nothing to do with authority and power.
You can't even explain how sex workers can be valued members of society outside of liberal twitter circlejerks, so good luck explaining how being this doesn't undermine their personal authority outside of their restricted and somewhat taboo circles.

Again, this has barely anything to do with what I think about sex workers, this is what happens to them socially, for thousands of years, in any recorded politically organised society in history. I'm still waiting for you to indicate anything to the contrary of this idea.
I am sorry but yes, being a sex worker greatly diminishes your personal gravitas.
And in the context of the original argument, the practical incarnation has everything to lose getting buttfucked for money and nothing to gain.

>wake up
>see that your thread has degenerated into a discussion of the nameless one as a """"sex worker""""

you are all full of sin

>I'm still waiting for you to indicate anything to the contrary of this idea.
>conveniently ignores example provided to him

Please don't be mean to me I didn't say anything hurtful user I'm just asking for help

Can we acknowledge that the buttsex topic(that was also probably a joke based on the tone) was dead in the water until one persistent autist decided to drag it back up and refuse to let the topic go?

To address the OP question. The story indicated that he had lived so many lives that he had been all things at some point or other, so yes. and also no. and also everything in between.

I didn't even know there was a manual desu

pls reply

At least other people are pretty comfy and non-degenerate. Also thanks for the thead, mate.
Also I also was asking qustion about NO being the most chad of all gaming in previous threads everytime.

>merely that it would be foolish not to use such a simple method with few to no downsides to gain power
That's exactly the point though, it wouldn't gain him any power and it would be detrimental to the stature he built himself.
The practical incarnation is all appearances, as proven countless times in the game. He built himself this mysterious stoic persona that is a compete façade. Compare how he acts with Deionarra and any of his subordinates, and how he acts with you at the very end.
A man using appearances like he does has literally nothing to gain from letting himself get fucked in the ass. Because he has everything to lose from the ridicule associated with doing this.
I really don't understand what is so fucking tough to understand about that.
To get a more precise example, it took thousands of years for open homosexual to be accepted in the military. But even then, they still struggle in positions of authority. Why the PI would accept such a hindrance on his path?

I do admit that it was a misrepresentation as there's a notable difference between a single act at one point in time and repeated ones, but I am merely watching from the sidelines and such a term efficiently alluded to that discussion.

What example, the one I gave you, Theodora? Her entire imperial propaganda was about making everyone forget she had ever been an actress.

Deionarra best waifu.

Dak'kon's zerth blade can't exist without him. If he died, or if it was taken from him, it'd just break down into chaos stuff. Therefore, the sword you can buy in BG2 can't be Dak'kon's. Either the merchant is lying about the origins of her wares, or was lied to herself, and there's no reason to assume the rest of her stories are true either.
Besides, if TNO lost the final battle, who would have brought the loot back from the negative energy plane?

Mary Magdalene

OK cool, remind us of the credibility of sources about her and what she did in her life, and how this somehow translates to anything related to what we're discussing?

He that sells his body for his personal gain is truly a Chad, for he cares not about the chains society now attached him to.

Why do you keep replying? Think you're going to change his mind? Think he's sitting there thinking "oh NOW I finally see that I am a retarded dirty fag"

He should because no one will take him seriously.

EE is good and best version

yeah it kind of fell apart. hope there is another one soon, planescape threads are great usually

biggest chad I know is blazblues main character

Attached: kagura-mutsuki-blazblue-story-art2.jpg (800x960, 116K)

What is reprehensible about being an actress?

>The practical incarnation is all appearances
This is just plain wrong, though, his social stature factors into absolutely none of his canonical manipulations, only his wording, use of intellect, and his actual physical stature. We have no reason to believe any of that would be affected by perceived history of him as having received payment for sex or having engaged in sex with a man.
Literally all of your angles are flawed. Your argument that he'd be ridiculed at all, which is highly debatable, is contingent on him advertising his illicit activities, which he'd have no reason to do, and him accepting inconsequential payments for sex, which he'd obviously consider not worth it.

>what is an actress in 5th century Byzantium

Part of the reason they are good is their rarity, like an oasis in a desert.
I understand and share your desire but making them a common occurrence would quickly cause them to degenerate for good.

>the credibility of sources about her and what she did in her life
Literally doesn't matter. Christians for centuries have considered her a saint, or at least equivalent, despite believing her to have a history as a prostitute.

>is contingent on him advertising his illicit activities,
Or you know, people talking about the scarred imolrtal who sells his butt for money
Not something you see everyday tbqh.
You really are a fucking retard for fuck's sake.
I dint' even understand how you can argue any of your shit seriously.
Go sell your butt, see how long you last until everyone you know is aware of it and how it will totally not affect any of your relatuonships
God, you're stupid.

Do you think Nameles one and Fall-from-Grace will ever find each other? Well, NO has all the time in the world, he is an immortal and also strongest on blood war. He is basically doomguy in hell. Don't know about Fall-from-Grace though. She doesn't seem so tough.

>If you could make the same amount of money in 30 minutes of feeling at the most intense discomfort, as opposed to 8 hours of tedium or manual labor, why wouldn't you?
If I'm immortal then why would it matter to me? 8 hours of my endless life or 30 minutes really makes no difference on such a large scale and the shame of getting fucked in the ass for money would stick around forever.

After actually being redeemed, you theological fuckwad. Mary Magdalene is only remembered as an example of the piety of Christ, since he saved even the "fallen woman".

>at least the second active Planescape thread this month
What sorcery is this?

me and my char

Your argument relies on his clients being willing to share the fact that they purchased the services of a sex worker of the same sex, in a culture in which such things are considered highly deviant
Do you really see no flaws here?

It's Real-time with pause.
Combat is in real-time, but you can pause it whenever.
Whenever you pause you are free to give orders to your party (heal, cast spells, move, attack whomever)
That's basically it.

That's the most retarded false equivalency I've had the displeasure to read since the beginning of this retarded debate.
Even not considering the whole 'redemption' shit contingent to the fucking message her story is supposed to hammer to the reader of this parable, Mary Magdalena never was a leader in any capacity which, too bad, is exactly the kind of personality trait we're discussing since the beginning of this fucking travesty. I'm done with this dishonest shit, you're a dense dishonest moeon and there's no cure for that. Go sucks cocks for money since it's something everyone can do without consequences.

>the shame of getting fucked in the ass for money would stick around forever
Surely worse things have happened to TNO in his long, long life.

The story of Zerthimon is obviously real, it's the whole foundation of the Yanki/Zerai split. Practical didn't invent the religion but he did make the bible to twist Dakkon's perception of the story for his own ends.

Yes. So, her reputation as a sex worker did not ruin her. Hence, my point.

No I don't, would you really trust everyone who paid you to fuck you to keep quiet about it?


God you're fucking stupid.

But in the real story, was the Zerthimon the betrayer or liberator of his people?

It's okay. It definitely dips into generic fantasy drivel at times, but it's well-written generic fantasy, and they did have one or two original ideas. The characters are interesting and the world is consistent. It's probably worth whatever low price it's going for on Steam these days, or at least worth the time investment if you plan to pirate it.

Depends on if you listen to the Githyanki or the Githzerai.

Depends if you're a githzerai or a githyanki, that's the whole point

Pharod: Dead men can keep no promises and promises to dead men are easy enough to make, corpse.
Nameless One: You are no Samaritan, Pharod. There must have been another reason.
Pharod: [Pauses. Then his face contorts in rage.] Aye... after you had strung a score of my blood on the hive wall t'DIE, I had enough reason to promise you the PLANES themselves! And after your butchering self barges in my HOME, my KIP, to ask a 'boon' of me... [Regains control] Aye, I agreed.

Why didn't Practical just let pharod fuck his ass instead, bros?

The Nameless One, gone back in time from the future.

You're arguing that being known as a homosexual and or sex worker would ruin TNO's reputation
And also that the people he hypothetically has sex with willingly divulge that they are homosexuals and employ sex workers, knowing it will ruin their reputation
Just for fun, I guess?
You also assert that this information will spread like wildfire despite almost no one in Sigil even recognizing TNO, let alone knowing any reputation of him. Clearly they see a lot of weird shit, user.

It's only available for one of the evil alignments. Chaotic, probably.

Because he was a BIGOT

Well you get a lengthy conversation with him at the end and according to the game he is the "good" incarnation. So he was probably a decent fellow who did something horrible by accident and regretted it so much that he thought he needed immortality to have the time to make penance for it. It's never elaborated on but I always wondered if it had something to do with the short haired woman in the CGI intro who otherwise doesn't exist in the game.

An elderly man was sitting alone on a dark path, right? He wasn’t certain of which direction to go, and he’d forgotten both where he was travelling to and who he was. He’d sat down for a moment to rest his weary legs, and suddenly looked up to see an elderly woman before him. She grinned toothlessly and with a cackle, spoke: “Now your *third* wish. What will it be?”

“Third wish?” The man was baffled. “How can it be a third wish if I haven’t had a first and second wish?”

“You’d had two wishes already,” the hag said, “but your second wish was for me to return everything to the way it was before you had made your first wish. That is why you remember nothing; because everything is the way it was before you made any wishes.” She cackled at the poor berk. “So it is that you have one wish left.”

“All right,” said the man. “I don’t believe this; but there’s no harm in wishing. I wish to know who I am.”

“Funny,” said the old woman as she granted his wish and disappeared forever. “That was your first wish.”

You still haven't explained why it wouldn't ruin not only his reputation but his entire persona. Would you follow a guy desperate enough to suck cocks for money anywhere? Let alone in the negative fucking plane
I sure wouldn't, fucking hell.
Someone as methidic as the practical incarnation would never ever in a million fuck in the years risk anything endangering the persona he built. Why in hell would he throw any of this away for some copper he could just obtain by killing a few people is comoletely beyond me. You really are fucked in the head.

he wouldnt be hard to find, with his powerlevel, just completely mogging every other creature in the blood war

if you were to actually read books, especially fiction, you'd know that just as many of them are awfully written

Considering that these are blight on planes, I guess Zerthimon was a good guy after all.
Oh, I remember now, thanks. It's really interesting what kind of thing you need to do accidently to start a final death of planes, lol.

>you are now reminded of that Joseph Anderson book

>with willingly divulge that they are homosexuals and employ sex workers, knowing it will ruin their reputation
Oh yeah, sure, all prostitute clients are very, very concerned about shit like that
On what fucking planet do you even live?


Why didn't Irenicus use his mega rape magic on your party. Was he being sporting.

>You still haven't explained why it wouldn't ruin not only his reputation but his entire persona.
A. Because he's not willingly telling anyone
B. Because the people of Sigil could not possibly give less of a shit
C. Because he never had any form of persona to begin with
>Would you follow a guy desperate enough to suck cocks for money anywhere
That was never the point of contention, it was merely that he'd do sex acts to get the things he wants (power, information).
Also, sure, if this guy's ideology checks out.

>What happened to the legions that have used the tower?
>And what happened to the Planes the siege tower invaded?
>...I see.
Coaxmetal was so cool.

Vhailor is so fucking cool

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On one where status as a sex worker, while still somewhat stigmatised, is not a life sentence as one of the unwashed
Well, at least in most first world countries

>Would you follow a guy desperate enough to suck cocks for money anywhere?
Considering that NO very soon discovers that he's immortal and that he can get a decent amount of money just to promise his body to the Dustmen, I don't think he'll ever be desperate enough for money.

If we are to believe NO would have buttsex, it won't be out of financial desperation.

The "Practical Incarnation" was the incarnation that came closest to defeating the Transcendent One.[5] He was cold, ruthless and incredibly intelligent.[5] He was always tense, suspicious[16] and watchful of enemies.[16] He was incredibly ruthless and a force to be reckoned with, Xachariah notes that "there was no denying that anybody who messed with you [The Practical Incarnation] ended up in the black chapters of the dead book.".

TRULY a dick recepticle, right bros?


Fucking hell the mc portrait is so shit. What were they thinking

This game is so fucking boring nobody who likes it actually played it. Of the 124 UIDs in this thread, 4 people have played it.

he lives in a blue world

everything about that description reads like a backpage ad for a cocksucking for coppers sort of guy

You say that, but cold, ruthless, and incredibly intelligent describes most of the gay men I know.

>the people he emotionally manipulated into following wouldn't give a shit if their dark, tough, uncompromising leader that still keep them safe (or pretends to) sucked cocks for money
>he wouldn't tell anyone, so no one else would, that's for sure
>sex will give you power and information more reliably than acting like he does
>I would follow a guy desperate enough to suck cocks for money anywhere, surely he won't bargain with my life like I was a tool lol
Ok I'm done you really are just stupid, bye retard.

That's funny, we should find more gays that straight in the upper echelons of society then
Oh wait

And yet you'll just keep replying when I point out that you still have yet to refute a single point I've made and rely on inventing more and more contrivances to prove your point.

No it sounds like somebody not to be fucked with you CORNHOLING COCKSUCKER!

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Fuck this retarded website for fucks' sake.

>implying I didn't enjoy PS:T in its entirety, even the parts like the Grand Wizard where I had to kite him and 10 battle bots around the room for like 5 minutes while Nordom picked away at his hp
The true joy of this game comes from reading the dialogue, though

>that straight
I'm trying to decide if you honestly think straight people are generally cold and ruthless and view those as positive attributes, or if you REALLY wanna die on this molehill

>get buttfucked into oblivion
>lol u didn't answer to any of my pou ts lmao
Go get fucked for money, illiterate cocksucker.

>"sex worker"

I think you mean whore?

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Hi, I'm glad you're still participating in the conversation despite claiming to be done with me several times now!

Are you unable to read or to understand how numbers work by any chance?

Whenever there's cutscenes with irenicus he absolutely demolishes cowled wizards and other trash bags with immediate one hit death spells, and absolutely no delay between casting. He doesn't break that shit out against your party though.

I do it because each retarded post you make keeps digging the grave of all your retarded points. What's the point of dismantling them one by one when you pretend not to read that and then proceed to act like a moron? I'll just keep on letting you act like a moron, keep at it.

He does though. He casts improved alacrity and timestop in the final battle. The asylum had several insane and powerful spellcasters fucking with him, and he does fuck you up if you go in without their help.

Because his shit spell only works on enemies with few hit dices

You know what? I fully admit I just got trolled to the nth degree. I've been sitting here trying to engage with someone who just wanted to disagree for the sake of disagreeing, putting no effort into anything he typed, while I wasted time and thought on this discussion that was never genuine.

It was genuine on my part, you just kept being a dishonest fuck ignoring every single fucking point I made to keep arguing the same shit over and over regardless of anything I wrote.
So go fuck yourself.

>So go fuck yourself.
K. It'll be fun, and safe, too.

Also I dont' understand how you wasted any thought repeating the exact same thing over and over.

It's gigolo, actually.

>pretends to be genuine
>has nothing but hammering the same retarded point and quirky one liners in stock
Go. Fuck. Yourself.

Is it possible to make Ravel not try to kill you?


>Go. Fuck. Yourself.
K. It'll be fun, and safe, too.


>not at all, not remotely
How did they screw up so badly?

Honestly the biggest disappointment to me is that a group of fans of a pretty cerebral and reading-intensive game are so bad at reading and constructing thoughts
Like fuck, if you can't find a genuine intellectual discussion in a P:ST thread, where can you find it?

In your ass, for money

I swear I read you could with high enough Charisma. Oh well

Honestly, part of it is probably due to "romance" options


>yesterday anons started arguing about whether or not a walking corpse man would take it in the ass
>they're STILL going

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Please, don't let two anons' war on sex blind you to the bits of coherent thought the thread contains.

Really updates your journal, doesn't it?

I don't see a man who's always "tense, suspicious and watchful of his enemies" being willing to submit himself to another man and get fucked in the ass. It makes no sense that he would put himself in such a vulnerable position which could then give someone else leverage over him. Even when he has a relationship with Deionorra it's from a position of power and he never makes himself vulnerable or lets on what he's really thinking.

This is what happens when an autistic leftist fuck reads about the practical incarnation and all he can take away from it is 'lol would do ANYTHING IN THE WORLD, including not looking for alternatives, for his goals lol, also there is no social stigma on prostitution lol my body my choice'

If a leper has sex with TNO, would they let him keep the tip?

the gamer meme is real

Nah, yesterday __I__ said as a joke to rile people up that an immortal man living thousands of different lives would at some point take it up the ass
One specific user is keeping it alive

Nothing about getting fucked requires submission or vulnerability. There's a literal term in the gay community for dominant recipients of anal sex.

>I was merely pretending to be retarded
Jesus Christ.

I still believe what I said was true
I just expected a few chuckles out of it, not for one sad man to start pissing himself in anger

Would it be safe to say he is butthurt?

I don't think NO had anal sex because the ring would've slipped through his gaping anus

Safer than abstinence, my friend

AFAIK by the time you end the game and go to hells, you re-absorb every skill and memory you had in past lives due to rejoining with your soul, so yeah, wouldn't he be like 20/20/20 levels of rogue/warrior/wizard?

>Nothing about getting fucked requires submission or vulnerability.
Getting penetrated is an inherently submissive act, you are passively allowing someone else to actively insert their penis in and out of you.
>There's a literal term in the gay community for dominant recipients of anal sex.
A gay couple having the dominant one like getting fucked in the ass doesn't change the fact that getting fucked in the ass is a submissive and passive act.

>you are passively allowing someone else to actively insert their penis in and out of you.
Or, you're actively shoving a penis into and out of your anus
Do you believe a woman cannot rape a man? Or that if a man forced your penis into one of his orifices, you haven't been raped?

Please, let's not dedicate the last posts of the thread to the state of TNO's rectum.

It's obviously tight no matter what, he regenerates all of his body parts as long as nothing is occupying their place.
Well, I GUESS if he had a buttplug in there...

>tfw got him in my party for a little while but he eventually found out who I am and attacked
is there any way to reason with him?

>Or, you're actively shoving a penis into and out of your anus
I don't know the intricacies of anal sex but it sounds pretty fucking difficult to do that from the mechanics of it. Even then you're relying on the guy doing the fucking not just getting up and walking away, the power of the act is still firmly in the hands of the guy doing the fucking.

>Do you believe a woman cannot rape a man? Or that if a man forced your penis into one of his orifices, you haven't been raped?
Nobody here was talking about getting raped. Obviously if I have a gun pointed at you I can make you do anything I want but that still doesn't mean that I'm not making my self vulnerable to you if I let you fuck me in the ass.

what if you're riding cock, how is it passive and submissive then? at the very least, it's active

I really don't want to get into an actual discussion about sex mechanics, but what said
And the guy getting fucked can also just walk away, so what's that have to do with anything?

Why do homos have to drag their disgusting shit packing into literally every aspect of life, Yea Forums?

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You can convince him, but IIRC you need the stats and right choices.

If you read the thread, it's actually pretty definitively the anti-homo keeping the discussion centered on getting buttfucked
Really makes you think, huh?

The same way heteros have to drag their disgusting breeding into literally every aspect of life.

>I bet (character) takes it up the ass

>Thats retarded, doesn't fit his character

>*Ten post spiel about buttfucking dynamics and prostitution and also their own knowledge about gay sex*


>And the guy getting fucked can also just walk away
I don't know what position you can have anal sex and the guy getting fucked can just walk away without the guy doing the fucking let him.

You're still relying on the other guy having an erection, he still holds all the power in the act. If he doesn't have an erection then there is no sex.

>Natural reproduction to create new life followed by every creature on planet

>Getting shit all over your dick in an obscene parody of physical intimacy



shut up cringenoodles

>can't replay the game because I get sad for the starting state of him and sad at hearing morte in general
I mean, he did deserve everything, but he doesn't remember jack shit, just suffering

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If shitstabbing is unnatural how come I can do it without artificial aid?

Checkmate breeder filth

>coasting through the bloodwar.

The blood war is endless, everything he kills will come back, little to nothing isn't brought back to fight over and over again. Theres also plenty of deity level things in it too, so he too can die and come back as something that isn't himself.

He is cursed to an eternity of combat that will never end until the planes themselves are destroyed, you do realize thats why even with all of his power he tried to delay that fate.

The fate of going to an endless hell of suffering and pain.

Remember that cowgirl is a thing.

Like, have you seriously never seen a girl on top? It's the exact same concept. I'm honestly baffled.
The other point doesn't really even make any sense. If the other guy doesn't open his mouth or legs, there's no sex either, so shouldn't he hold all the power?
It's actually much easier to get someone to have an erection against their will than to have them open an orifice against their will.

Yet part of him seeks such an end all the same. It's the only road he believes could one day mean atonement.

It's even Worse when you think the ammount of abuse Morte went trough while still remaining loyal to the Nameless One nonetheless

Are you lost, son?

Is there a better setting than Planescape?

Guilt is a hell of a drug.

Possibly, but it's the single most under-utilized one and vastly more interesting that Forgotten Realms or fucking Dragonlance.

is there any other game set in the Planescape, or is Torment the only one?

it's a matter of taste really, but yes.

Attached: space pirates in space.png (220x281, 129K)

Are you?

Baldur's Gate 3 will have some shades of this, obviously.

Attached: Illithid.png (1080x606, 1.09M)

>Like, have you seriously never seen a girl on top? It's the exact same concept. I'm honestly baffled.
>tries to walk away
>guy underneath can just hold them in place to stop them from leaving

>If the other guy doesn't open his mouth or legs, there's no sex either, so shouldn't he hold all the power?
Nobody was talking about oral sex you faggot. A man can get fucked in the ass regardless of whether his legs are open or not. The moment the guy not getting fucked in the ass can't maintain an erection anymore is when the act is over, he facilitates it.

Tides of Numenera

Eww no

That trailer was surprising, I didn't expect to see fucked up body horror violence in a Baldur's Gate trailer

There is no atonement, he sold his fuckin soul to fhjull forked-tongue, and tried to skip on the repayment of it.