Whats a game that if you see someone call bad you know to immediately disregard that persons vidya opinions?
Whats a game that if you see someone call bad you know to immediately disregard that persons vidya opinions?
system shock
>Gravity Rush
>Dragons Dogma
>Witcher 3
>Metal Gear Rising Revengence
>New Vegas
I don't for a second believe any of these are perfect games but the moment i hear someone say they're bad games I known that said person is either a shitposter, a brainlet/journalist or incapable of having fun
Metroid Prime
Hollow Knight
Dark Souls 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
Kys Reddit ResetEra tranny nigger faggot Cancerous Degenerate Perpetrators of Rape shill
it doesn't work like that. If a majority of Yea Forums says a game is good, however, I know to avoid that game because it's probably garbage.
Why do people act like it's a perfect game? I can see why some people think it's fun, but to me it's just another shallow open world game.
Old X-Com
On the other hand the OP's pic is a good example of something only someone who doesn't actually like the game part of the video game would be excited for.
ive literally never heard someone call it perfect who wasnt trolling
impressive, listed a bunch of entry level 7th gen reddit dogshit and then actually tried to act superior to anyone
I know to disregard someones vidya opinions when they care so much about what other people think of video games.
>New Vegas
>Deus ex
>Metal Gear Rising Revengence
>Devil May Cry Games
>Souls Games
>System shock 1&2
All shit games by your standards
You alright there mate?
Thief 1/2 and original Deus Ex. Just don't even bother, you're getting discarded instantly.
There's plenty more, but these are just the ultimate "fuck outta here".
Also favorites of reddit so Yea Forums goes back on itself and now 50% say those games are shit
The more I see from this game, the less I wanna play it
You're a dumb nigger.
Yea Forums is the second fastest board on the site, not an obscure clique. If you attempt to gather a consensus, you just end up twisting a pile of opinions into something you like the sound of.
Whenever someone writes off Transformers Devastation as shovelware-tier trash I know they’re a frauduluent dipshit with no taste in vidya of their own.
impressive, implied that entry level and good are mutually exclusive and then actually tried to act superior to anyone
>Gravity Rush
>entry level
Pick one. It can't possibly be considered literally any of those buzzwords
Seething cuck
>implied that entry level and good are mutually exclusive
not necessarily but the epic bottom of the barrel shit you listed certainly has nothing to do with being good sans maybe new vegas if you can look past the issues and bayonetta if you can stomach a lot of its retardation. gravity rush is a fucking mobile game tier faggot buttonmasher gimmick game that nobody would ever pay a single second of attention to if it wasnt for autistic redditors who get hard at the anime artstyle and muh kat. Dragons Dogma is the special ED of RPG.s and TW3 is the skyrim of 2015/ of its own series. MGRR is LITERALLY babbys first hack and slash 4 hour qte cutscene game with a zero depth combat system
the only reason why gravity shit wouldnt be "entry level" is because its obscure garbage that nobody gives a fuck about. its a mobile game where you fly around and mash X to kick floating enemy n.41414672
Prey. Both Preys but mainly the one by Arkane.
i'm not that user, it just sounds like you've never actually played a bad game and think 6/10 at minimum games are dogshit to be edgy
MGRR is one of the worst games in its genre, dragons dogma is the definition of irrelevant, shitty shovelware, TW3 is a mediocre game propped up by polish and presentation (not a bad game, just not some epic pleb filter of le think its good or you dont know what youre talking about when its practically the fortnite of its genre). Gravity rush is an actual piece of shit meme game and id give it a 2/10 if it wasnt a mobile game, the sequel has no excuse. new vegas is good in many ways and bad in others, bayonetta is good in many ways and bad in others
None, I don't even give a fuck about my opinions.
>The Witcher
Dragon's Dogma
Prey 2017
Metal Gear Rising
Especially EYE and Dogma. Instant nigger detector
Based taste
Assuming you're not counting in Witcher 2 and 3
Super Metroid
who's the chad board in first?
>Dragon's Dogma
>le loli making and back climbing sim brainless hack & slash for 30 hours straight
Opinion and shit taste verily discarded
I don't because im not a faggot who thinks his taste in games is superior to anyone else
you know what it is
Only The Witcher 1, my based user.
Project Reality
Red Orchestra: Ostfront
Halo 3: ODST
Escape from Tarkov
Majority of Tetris games for multiple reasons.
It's not my favorite but by no means a bad game
Summer really did this place dirty once again, thread is full of autistic toddlers seeking validation for liking their reddit shit
I found the place you belong user
any popular, story based game.
play more games redditor, MGRR isnt so special anymore when you realize that hack and slash games can be more than """interactive""" cutscenes
It's the reverse, but anyone who calls David Cage games great, let alone good. It's fucking depressing that he's still allowed to do so much when everything up to and including Detroit is still riddled with shit characters, plot contrivances, and hokey plots in the first place.
Wow dude your pulling off the edge really well, for a second I even believed you'd been here longer than a week.
The moment I hear someone say Bioshock infinite is great I know they haven't played any of the others in the series and probably don't play much vidya
Depends on the argument
Any opinion of a game being good or bad is fine as long as it has a valid argument.
I think I started browing le chins somewhere in 2013 when I got tired of another imageboard I was on before that, if you actually think your entry level moviegames are some epic plebfilter you should probably go back to memeddit where they really must be hardcore in comparison to skyrim or fortnite or whatever else the majority there exclusively plays
Get a load of this newfag
your argument is invalid
gtfo back to plebbit weebtrash
The moment I hear someone say any bioshock game is great I know they're retarded.
Thanks for confirming what an illiterate retard you are, as if I needed more proof of that. Being here since 2013 is longer than a week but keep moving your epic goalposts though, im sure it will eventually make everyone believe that le hardcore hackers of 4chins also think that MGRR is a deep hack and slash and not babbys first QTE buttonmasher with 2 hours of skin deep gameplay
Counter Strike
Thief I/II
Dark Souls
Jagged Alliance 2
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls is overrated shi-