Underrail: War crime edition

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>tfw mum packs cryogas instead of toxic gas in my lunch box
nooo mummy this isn't war crimes

My first war crime in Junkyard Embassy. Does anyone else have problems with screenshots on latest patch? Have to switch to windowed to do it now.

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Warcrimes with toxic gas and cryogenic gas


Fact : caltrops > cryogas

Is Meditation even worth it on a pure psi tranquiliity build? I ask because there are so many sources of psi cost reduction that I'm not sure if a bigger psi pool is necessary.

I've never tried, cryogas is so weak I never bother

Excited about starting a shotgun build today, looks like a lot of fun

Friendly reminder to treat your doc for FREE brainlet pills.

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More like: anything > cryogas
It's useless.
Yes, it's a great feat. You can't even make full use of a psi booster with fast metabolism without Meditation.

Smashing robots has never been so fun

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haha, time for music cypher!

Yeah no, I aint doing that.

>domicuck can't do the music cypher
fucking kek


I mean, it's better than nothing, but not by much. What good is a grenade that gets removed from play by a molotov?

Because I'm not the brightest guy and I dont want to spend the next 2 hours on it, instead actually having fun smashing shit, things that brings me joy.

Lad why did you name your character ghost if you're gonna post screenshots
It's one step above ReApEr

First time playing on hard and first time playing with guns. The real kick in the balls, at least early on, is the lack of money. However I managed to cheese the fuck out of the Iron Bombers over here and got myself some nice loot (Including an AR I am definitely gonna use when I hit 50 skill). Feels fucking great man.

I was so starved for resources because doing the GMS Compound, I had to reload several fights because I literally just ran out of ammo and could not afford more. Thankfully I got myself a nice little stockpile now, got some recipes for crafting and made myself some new nades. I hope Depot A isn't too hard on Hard mode.

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I keep spreading my points too thin because there's so many things i want to do.

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Honestly always feel an exitential dread when playing guns that i will one day comsume all my ammunition, soft lock the game and be forced to go 70 rounds hand to hand with rathound alpha's just to whore out a large itenstine for 2 credits and afford one shell

>literally just ran out of ammo and could not afford more
Easily the worst thing about shotguns. I started my first playthrough on hard too, grabbed the shotty from Lucas - and soon saw the shell prices. Traumatized me so hard that I thought the prices on everything were sky-high for a while.
Then I realized everything else, including grenades and molotovs, is dirt cheap and things got a bit less bleak.

That... really isn't an issue past Depot A.


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All characters that rely on guns should take pickpocketing to ease money woes at the start.

how the hell did you find it in there?

it's in an area with four goddamn naga protectors

what.thefuck is that

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It's in Nexus too, but in one of the locked rooms.

Just a crawler with a poison that makes you take damage if you use medicine :)

I found the hyperbrainlet blueprint in the Nexus too, biology /medical floor. Kinda assumed it's supposed to always be there.

>stealing from your SGS bros of all people
Don't you have at least SOME dignity, you zoner?

I accidentally sold Exothermic Aura mentor. Is there any other way to get it aside from Evelyn's bunker in Foundry?

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Biology, behind a 80 lockpicking skill door

Your new bf, hope you like getting drugged and stung in the anus.

You'll be over-familiar soon enough.

is ok
i immolated him and then fucked on him with a burst
fucker ran so far every turn had to sprint+adrenaline chase him before he regained conciousness which he did the turn before but he decided to crit a rathound for obscene damage
so sad he didnt drop any craftitems

Certain i got it elsewhere, can't rememeber where tho
Dude questline maybe?

>Killing balor
Why is this never brought up for the ultimate casual filter? This is the hardest encounter i've played so far. There are an insane amount of enemies, i have no idea how you're suppose to do it on hard and up other than abusing brap grenades and doors. I think i'm getting burnt out, that was tedious. At least i'm finally level 15 now so i can go through expedition. Damn that sucked, just wasn't fun at all.

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>hide behind the building he's in
>drop as many traps as you think are necessary on both sides
>start shooting
>don't stop shooting
Wasn't very hard on my end desu.

It wasnt that bad desu, sure it was tedious but brap is love, brap is life
Chin up lad

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Do gas stack? Like cryo and toxic?

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That image is exactly what i did, it was kind of funny hiding in the back room and hearing them run a few steps then hit the floor i guess.

Anyone know a good place to farm Rathound Leather?
I read Alphas drop higher quality so I guess it would be the place with the most Alphas.

It's not mandatory so it isn't really a casual filter. Also if you can manage to kill Balor, you can just loot the guy and run away from the area mid-combat without bothering to finish the rest of his crew.


It's lame anyway. I only use it to walk in the freezers without equipping cold resist armor. I believe I've seen one or two from random loot.

So there is a way to get inside Lemurian vents?
I cannot seem to be able to lockpick them open
I will assume you have to go through an open vent

>sneak into the room southeast
>wait for balor
>cut his throat
>keep him stunlocked with cheap shots and taser
>keep cutting his big nigger throat
>walk away with your prizes
Knifefags have it easy

Just kill the rathound king and loot his ancient

I fucking hate spiders

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Have you tried using an omnitool? You know, that thing that opens vents?

I need the normal rathound leather, it gives crit chance when infused.
Got a 42 quality one and 159 quality super steel fiber, guess that has to do.

Stronkman time

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Nevermind, found a good spot.
A cave on the way to the Rathound King has 10 or so Rathound Alphas.


I saw this in a thread yesterday.

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So I have the torch, how exactly do I destroy the thing at the abyssal station with it?

So what's the deal with Plasma Pistols?
Are they just for meme Aimed Shot+Ambush instakill and max DEX builds or do they have something I'm missing? That 40 AP cost is pretty steep, not sure if energy based attacks justify that.

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Pew pew.

Equip it like a grenade and buckle up when shit hits the fan.

I think i saw someone here with like 24 ap plasma shots, you just need to specialize

Yeah, they're really exclusively for Aimed Shot + Crit Power + Practical Physicist shenanigans, you get up to like 500% crit damage or something crazy, laser pistols are much more practical for normal shots

Killing bosses
I think that's it

Does anyone have the image of the quad-160 plate metal armors stats side by side?

If you play an exported character who has juice, can you just pop it and leave Dude in the slav base?


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Looks like you can use em without problems

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Wait you actually export your inventory, too?


>styggy buff him by placing a few more rats in the corner

Should have gave him sure step instead

Could someone theoretically stock up on a metric fuck ton of hercules and get through the game with a permanent buff while fending off withdraw?

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>Azuridae Goliathus invokes Psycho-spacial Projection
>user performs Shotgun Burst
>user attacks Azuridae Goliathus but misses
>user attacks Azuridae Goliathus but misses
>user attacks Azuridae Goliathus but misses

Yes that's what it does

your shots will 95% always miss when they have that buff, you can see how many hits it will deflect by the number of ghosts surrounding it. It's a bitch but that's what grenades are for.

died 12 times trying to open door stealthed
but they didnt givea flying fuck when not stealthed, althought he walks to wards the entrance to check the traps i could finally get out after the wondermolo
nothing made it out

The point is that I'm using a shotgun burst.
>doesn't count as single-target attack for Ambush and Aimed Shot
>oh but you also can't shoot through psycho-spatial projecton lol

You can activate combat then open a door to take initiative yourself.

I've chewed through projections with a pump action before, not sure if it was a glitch though. Killed that old cunt in the arena that way.

>Get drugged by Evelyn
>Pressing enter to get into combat really fast
>Start and exit it by accident
>Evelyn is now standing there and won't progress her murder attempt until I talk to her manually

A-are we having sex?

It doesnt remove a stack per pellet? Sounds shitty

going through the fetid marsh in the biohazard suit is a lot easier

anyone know if you can actually enter the citadel of life? I got those coordinates but never found the entrance

going through the fetid marsh in infused cave hopper is even easier

>not heartstopper armor

There's no entrance Biocorp destroyed the place

Thats the moment you use a HE nade/molotov/flashbang

so thats how it works

What is the best jetski and why is it the freighter? I already have an answer for you: you can pull a cheaper ski behind you and load it with everything you want and it won't slow you down since it can haul it at no loss of speed.

It's too fucking slow

I bought the one with fire on it because I'm not a hoarder and jetskiing around is super boring

Devastator, because it has a god damn fusion cannon

Yeah it's insanely helpful. If you need a better initiative bonus you can buy a food buff (root soda) that increases your initial roll too.

Who the fuck can I pawn this stupid protectorate cruiser off on?

I actually pull a devastator behind me and hop into it when I go into combat.

Phaser because it's fast. And it glows.

been using soda when im not in need of lots of lots of carry load capacity
least this stealthy rat visage has 1+ str and i got to put another point into the stat
pentapus bbq all the way

Wow, I've never seen anyone selling a Shield Emitter before Depot A. That is awesome. Even if it isn't great, I'll take it.

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I found a shield emitter blueprint before depot A on my latest run, i was so fucking sad when i went to every vendor and realized non of them have the parts for it. Specifically the shield emitter base.

>tanked the pulverizer
>tanked carnifex
>tanked the beast encounter
all of this on dominating lads
why the heck are you dudes not doing a spear+shield build?

What do you think would be the way to one or two turn Tchort that uses the least feats and skill points?


Because it's boring and slow.

Dude, that looks like the worst possible shield emitter, nobody even drops something that bad. You can take a shield off a lunatic or Protectorate during Abram's quest.

It's better than having none at all, I'd say.

because riot gear sucks and riot shields can't block bullets

>because riot gear sucks
Except it doesn't.

So can i kill/steal those random jetters in random waters or will their faction aggro me? They are uncontrolled lands

why doesn't strength factor into throwing again? a throwing knife with no velocity behind it isn't doing any damage

early game yeah, mid game meh, late game no.

Fuck this piece of shit game, just lost half an hour of progress because i killed the faggot supervisor in the docks in Core city without knowing that it would aggro the whole fucking city.

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No as in don't use it or no as in it doesn't suck?

How? The game auto-saves every screen transition.

>waaah why can't I murder people with no consequences

>Auto saves
Even if you aren't memeing
>Murder a poor random working man in front of everyone for no reason
>Expecting everyone else to be cool with it

why does dex factor in melee damage? just because you have good hand and finger coordination doesn't mean you're going to punch harder, maybe only a bit since you know how to apply more force on the strike, but it won't do you much good if you have twink muscles

I just got Underrail, anything I should know before I start? Is there something I should absolutely avoid not to get fucked over?

that's taken into account with the % increase in damage from strength on unarmed though. there's no strength scaling on thrown weapons at all

Don't go jack of all trades, focus on 1-2 things your first time.

what i'm saying is that how stats work in this game don't always make intuitive sense, we just have to roll with it sadly

except it does

That's like a third guy killing the dock supervisor this week, what do you niggers even do it for? Too greedy to let him have that pocket change? Or do you think you're being stealthy by silencing him and leaving his corpse there after being seen with him?

So anybody know someone who will take a stolen protectorate cruiser? I was hoping I could pawn it off somewhere.

I killed him in a closed room with a knife and continued with the quest to steal the shields. When I got out of the shed everyone was hostile. Pretty shit design.

Gotta pretty far with a sword and board dominating build. Just kinda got bored stopped playing her as it was a really simplistic playstyle and relied heavily on rng.

hey hammer wizard, what'd your feat progression look like? saw your posts and decided to reroll into that

Also to many autosaves between the areas so I had to go back to a foundry save.

Always quicksave before killing some neutrals
Faction system is completely retarded

Stick to bethesda games kiddo

It´s shit design when you can kill the guy at the hotel without problem and steal his stuff, but not do the same to the supervisor.

Watch the language

How can you watch language? Are you in motion?

It's the same guy you idiot.

So nobody knows where a guy can sell a protectorate cruiser then? I tried selling it to Ray but he wouldn't take it.

You can't. Why would anyone buy goods that hot?

Maybe because they hate the cans and want a hot ride?

So what's up with the old IB? And is there anything good in the cave with the shock spiders near silent isle? there is a damn rock barrier there and i never carry the damn bombs because they weight

they really do, that's no joke

>twf when I QT'd 10 mk4 HE mines in his bedroom

can someone explain this image to me

Old Ib is just there to remind you that you're a dirty murderhobo
>coil spider cave
High quality electronic parts

I c-cant help user, it is content im not doing it, i have to find out, i'm not a murderhobo if they attack first!

Am I glad that he's frozen in there and we're out here.

>Playing expansion
>Get mission to travel to K7 to explore the facility there
>Get defense mission on the way
>Kill about 30 natives for no real reward
>Can't even get the oddity from the aegis troops that died
>Go back to K7
>Apparently, the door there only has a lock on the inside
>So I have to travel around
>About ten maps away despite being at the area it said
>Fight nearly 100 crabs, sometimes up to 20 on a single map
>No idea a simple retrieval mission would take nearly 20 maps with several encounters on each map
>Need to travel back to aegis to resupply
>Get another defense mission on the way
Jesus Christ, this expansion is a fucking slog.

>Attack first
>Warned you THREE times that you were trespassing and that you need to leave before going hostile
Come on user

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Is 8 perception enough for chem/laser pistols?

for chems?
maybe, if you like having a shit to hit chance
for laser?
negative, you want 11 for scrutiny

I think 10 would be better if you can afford it

I keep restarting after finishing junkyard when I can't do any of the main missions following it, is there something Im missing?

Turns out those plasma sentries don't do jack shit to help when Aran attacks. What a fucking gyp.

>Be surrounded by enemies
>Shield up
>Throw fire nade at feet
>Shield down
>Kill everybody

I really underestimated how annoying it would be to have high armor and low agility. For the love of god I can't wait until I get 55 TM.

cryo gas is absolute shit

you only need 11 Dex to get to 3 attacks per turn with Chem pistols (assuming you get the Advanced Catalyzing Belt)
11 Dex puts the 25AP weapon at 20AP - 4AP from the belt yields 16AP per shot.
If you want to bring laser pistols into the mix too, 14 Dex puts laser pistols at 10AP per shot AND gets Chem pistols down to 14AP per shot (5 shots with adrenaline assuming Adv Cata Belt)
you have plenty of room to pump perception

>I get 55 TM.
Bloody younglings and their time magic
Back in MY days we only had Sprint and Adrenaline, and we were thankful for that

>Have only played 3 perception melee characters
>Make a character with 9 perception + 1 perception goggles
>Finding secret rooms, paths, safes, and easily see mines and even crawlers

wtf bres... seeing is awesome

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I honestly wish I did have sprint because right now I have a grand total of 5 movement points per turn, and that is with spring metal boots.

I'm the second designated Tin canfag around these parts and I will tell you, either restart now or devote your next stat points into agility because there is NO way I see myself, nor you, playing as a tin can WITHOUT sprint

Contraction gives 30 movement (and 15 action points), and if people were able to beat the game with just Sprint + Adrenaline, I think that Contraction + Adrenaline should be enough, especially because if you wanna invest some feats you can get Contraction to last 1 more turn and have 1 turn lower cool down (and you have your skill that lowers the cooldown by 1) so it lasts 3 turns and has a 5 (or 4) turn cool down.

That may not be enough but I am willing to try it.

Are quests eventually going to take me to the lower passages, or are the just for exploring?

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You forgot to say that with Acceleration it gives 20 Action as well, so it is fucking 30 Movement and 20 action. It is literally better than Expert Sprint.

A Free Drone quest goes there and a Procterate quest barely goes in there.

Word, I'll come back when the I get the free drone quest. I'm shitting on the enemies in the first room so wasn't sure if I just missed this place.

A free drone quest and a tectorade quest, other than that is free exploring

There's some good fights in there
Lurker base

>kill Mordre in the middle of nowhere instantly from stealth
>suddenly all SGS wants to kill me
What the fuck is this?

Quest, but you can also kill him by using traps

>one shot a tin can dreadnought for 2900 damage

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I am on the quest.

>in the middle of nowhere
Nigger there's a SGS guard right where you came from. He saw it happen.

Throw a few gas grenades near him and watch him choke to death on farts.

Even if the area transition meant he was LITERALLY at the area entrance, no he wouldn't have seen me shoot two bolts up his ass from halfway across the zone.

Tin Can healing takes for fucking ever. Guess I'll have to sacrifice my massive health pool and get a regen vest.

should have exterminated the tribals like a smart person would have

Concerning that same quest, apparently i'm stuck.
I can't tell the guy what the murder weapon was, even though i can tell him he was stabbed through his nose, and that the specters did that, etc.

go tell pascal about that and make him do an autopsy

Already did.

Beatiful man
Clinical history
Ex praetorian
Do you got Persuation?

Go to the morgue and look on the computer. Check the inventory list to find out that a surgical needle is missing. Then tell Lennox.

Ah i guess it's this surgical needle i'm missing.
I got no persuasion

How high is Ladelman's mercantile check?

Like, 10.

I heard zero if you're Invictus.

Bullshit, he refuses to give me his special merchandize, Briggs doesnt allow him he says

70 biology
The turning point, to become OP
To mass crafting hyper cerebrix

>Been getting shit on by the bio damage enemies in Expedition since I started it
>Just now remembered the Aegis helmet has like 20 bio DR

I am fucking stupid

Drop off pipeworker

I gassed the free drones, felt good man.

If you dont kill him in the turn you initiate combat enemies will alert others

War, war never changes

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Ummm, poison damage ignores all armor DR/DT sweety,

What does increasing the output of the generator do in the first NFT building you go to in Expedition? The one with the muties up top

Poison is a joke when you have 2AP antidotes but the 40 damage spit attacks were killing me

There's biohazard suits that reduce bio damage by 100% and acid by 50%. Also Irongut pills if you can craft/buy them.

If you snuck in, they realize that you do and are aggressive when you go topside. If you were allowed in, the boss mutant thanks you and you can now talk to the merchant mutant and buy stuff.

>snuck in
>they realize

wtf styg

Redpill me on spears.

Knife's big brother
Actually deals some good damage
Spear throw is hillarious
Very good melee blocking potential

>Take the train to Fort Apogee

I thought that was someone fucking screaming at first

It was the Free Drone getting sucked in

First time playing, went with a full psi build. Things are going alright, but I feel like I have no control over fights. I lose initiative pretty much every single time and blow most of my psi in the first couple rounds and just become helpless to get slapped in the face 4 times by everything on the map. What am I doing wrong?

Pure psi has a very harsh start, but in the late game you become a god
Post your base stats and skills, we can advice

ferryman said right shoulder I checked front and back of right and left shoulders, and the right and left scapulas, is this guy just a lying fuck

every time i boot up expedition it makes me wish there was a game about being a gruff bearded fisherman, doing grumpy old salt things

What kind of attachments do shotguns get?

You forgot there are no sea shanties in the expansion
wtf Styg get your shit together

>Pure psi has a very harsh start
Massively disagree. It's one of, if not the easiest.

every build needs molotovs at the beginning you start to take off at level 10 probably earlier for psi

this lol, my unleveled psi was more effective against most enemies until I got a submachine gun

Forward grip reduces AP cost on regular shotguns and burst penalty on combat shotguns. Choke reduces spread. Tube increases shells.

I'm rich biatch! No exploits, no cheat engine, no nothing but being a pack rat of epic proportions.

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What's the best way to kill locust hives?

Pesticide grenades. Grenades in general, those help clear out all those fuckers. I made a 5mm SMG just to hose them down en masse.

Stealth TNT
Picking off the Hive from distance, in 1 shot

4 ar bursts in a turn does it with a rapid 762 hornet, I'm sure psi has stupid shit that does it for 10 action points

something along these lines, going from memory.

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can do, but how does that solve my getting swarmed problem?

>dirty kick
wait so i can build a character around kicking people in the balls and then putting them down like an animal? this sounds like the greatest rpg ever made.

they fell for the tin can meme

This is my personal opinion:
There is no point on using 5 PER unless you're using guns, my own pure psi wizard never grabbed a gun
With 6 agility you can get sprint, which is a good 'Nope' tool when shit goes south
You have low initiative because 3 agi/dex
Dont neglect throw, get 50 at least, molotovs will be your best friends early game
Dont neglect electronicts, you can ignore it for now, but later for a psi wizard shields are a godsent
Get 25 Biology, with that you will be able to process Mind mushrooms, the glowing blue mushrooms, and craft yourself Psi boosters
Chemistry too, 15 skills to craft spam molotovs
Unless you want to craft guns, you can ignore mechanics for now
Tailoring is useful
Later you might want to have 25 effective skills to set burrower poision bear traps

Molotovs are an EXCELLENT crowd control tool, you shouldnt have much issue with your little 'slav in a bottle' tool

>tin can
I will bash your skull in Jack

blast radius is like a nuke going off covers like 8 tiles, enemies set on fire have a chance of getting feared, meaning they'll run away and won't attack you

huge aoe damage that covers the ground in fire

once you get to level 10 you probably won't need to rely on them, but they make the early game much easier

whoops couldn't hit me I slipped right by you with my infused siphoner armor with infused siphoner tabi boots, whoops I have nimble and precognition, with neurospacial projection up, whoops

*Tele punch*

whoops I have 70 movement points whoops, implying you won't be kited endlessly, implying I won't move first while you sit in literal tin

like a baby reaching, or a small child reaching for the top shelf

That's fine, I got all the time of the world.
Dont step into my electrokinetic imprint, by the way.

Pirates or Aegis?

Going from a Psi monk on normal to a high agility no psi shotty build on hard has been a huge slap in the face. I now understand why Psi is easy mode.

implying you don't have less time when you get dilated

why did the ferryman lie to me I checked the front and back of the right and left shoulder, and both scapula, is he just senile at this point

You are probably checking the wrong body.

I activated every hoist as far as I know only one body came up

Did you activate the right hoist? Right click on the hoist to remove the crank and go to the right hoist. Pull up the body and check there.

You should get the rune from either the native camp or Yngwar to make sure.
Im not for sure, but I think once you start searching the right body ghosts start attacking you. Thats what happened to me at least.

Note to self: Never charge in blindly

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wow I skipped a step, I have no idea which hoist is the right one as I killed that edgy tribal preteen when he tried to unga bunga me

what rune I went straight to the graveyard, and checked every hoist, thought I could shortcut it without the extra steps

Am I a nigger for copying a build after my first character got stuck at the junkyard? I feel like you'd need to reroll like 5 times before you got a build to actually work through trial and error with no prior knowledge.

Either go to the tribal village in the northwest and look for a giant snake statute that has the rune on it or talk to Unga Bunga man to learn the rune symbol you need to find. Since you already killed the tribal you only have the statue to look to.

Since your other comment implies you killed Yngwar due to being 3 INT, one of (dont remember which) of the native villages has a big ass hammer in it. There is a rune on the top of that hammer.

You're a nigger whether you copied a build or made one on your own.


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is it a statue I can interact with do I need juice is it an item I can pick up

he tried to unga bunga me first, I know how the colonists in America felt now

It's a plain statue that you look at with your eyes and either take a screenshot or draw it on a napkin so you don't forget.

on normal you really just need molotovs to get past depot a and a submachine gun

most builds can win on normal even if they aren't optimal, I haven't beaten the final boss yet but I'm level 30 and have been fine even though I don't have perfectly min maxed damage

ok I'm failing to see how this ruin would help me pinpoint the exact hoist I need to use

How to?

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can fistkids actually hurt nagas

So what is the ultimate non-psi build?


dont charge out blindly either
unless you genocided their village first

throwing plus ar probably, maybe smg

Did you inject the chip?

All hoists have a rune symbol next to it. The right hoist is the one with the rune symbol that's on the statute.

Yeah some guy actually analfisted a naga to death

Dont worry, only corpses inhabit the villagers now

alright thanks

Where to?

I two or three rounded one with expose weakness. Probably would have been faster if I was using heavy punch

Lemurian Health Center

What if hes alone and I stun him?
Does that still make others hostile?

Is a tincan unarmed build viable? feel like you have to streatch yourself too wife. Don't you need a lot of STR, DEX and CON?

Hm. Didnt found it yet.
Which part of what the Black Sea? I got most of southwest and southest unexplored still

You can't because you need to move fast and far to get into melee range. Half of what you do with unarmed is kite people with Fancy Footwork.

I mean on Normal it is probably possible.

There was another guy that asked the same question but never really reported back
In normal almost everything is possible, but I think that would in particular would strench you too tin, might be counterproductive.

south of lemco

7mm or 5mm SMG?

Southeast I believe, gotta go by the pirates to get to it.

Alrite thanks

Which reminds me
I should genocide all Pirates on port Scrag

Both, one in each hand
5mm regular/elec for lightly armored/moderately armored foes
7mm regular/w2c for moderately armored/highly armored foes

What's the trick to the frozen room with all the strongmen?

I'm actually right at the beggining and i'm having severe ammunition problems with the psi beetles (dominating)

Should i just craft a sniper rifle?

Why are you naked? Why did the naga turn on? None of that happened to me.

Have more than 50 mechanical DT

EMP grenades and armor piercing ammo. With a spearhead sniper rifle I was killing two every turn.

I dont know, I assume because I did not had an chip implanted, so I'm exploring around to find the health center

Craft fuckloads of molotovs

What's a war crime and what's actually stopping anyone from doing them?

If you're asking these kinds of questions already you shouldn't be playing on dominating.

Before you have a moderate stockpile of SMG ammo, you may want to use a backup gun that doesn't use SMG caliber ammo, yes
This man also speaks the truth. Mollies are your friend

Everything and nothing.

Play in DOMINATING difficulty but NEVER use incendiary grenades at any time

Because if i'm asking about ammunition, it means i'm not playing a pure psi build, right? :^)


A pure psi build in dominating is as difficult as a pure firearm build in normal, prove me wrong

The most important question: does it have a map now?

I already hardly use them. I think frags are generally better.

when doc savage is having nicotine withdrawal again after giving him a cigar, he acts like he doesnt want another one

is that it? is there some way to give him another one? is there a reward Im missing?

I imagine that's also a necessary feat for knife users.

I have no rags

Holy shit it's out? Is the new melee content good?

Recycle leather items, they yield dirty rags
Like leather armor and gloves

Chem/plasma is working really well for me, but that has some points in throwing for gas

After I "negociated" with the pirates they started attacking my base. What the fuck! Should I get more base defences first, and then genocide after?

Or you could genocide them first before they start launching attacks

Please respond


Didn't think i'd need tailoring this early on, but i think i'll make it

Also yes
You can be a HOPLITE
Or a Spear chucking amazon/nigger

Well I killed the pirate captain and the two lieutenants. What can I do to prevent it from happening? I can kill like 10-20 pirates before the attack begins

Actually nevermind i can't make it


you using Vs or what?

By I believe literally killing all pirates

better to figure them out now before the silent isle

IV's, but I'll have V's when I get my house

I'll be completing silent isle at level 30, so i'll be perfectly fine, bre.

Yes user but I cannot do that before they attack the base. I play a knife build so it takes some time

For some reason I find these crabbos adorable

Son, I'm disappoint
However you can place fuckloads of traps and caltrops on the shores, will make the job significally easier

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well, that's some good shit right there

My biggest worry was that they'd all feel redundant/bad compared to sanic fast psionic kenshiro.

Is throw-primary a real thing now?

The permanent Daze was annoying tho

Not really, if you mean Throwing knifes, i keep reading they still suck, without poision at least
Yes and no, there's a feat that lets you throw your spear for hillariously absurd damage

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hard or dominating?

On the shores from where the natives come?

>an ongoing LP
>not psi so I can't steal any tactics
well poop


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I can still advice you on Tin Can tactics if you wish

>Big Siphoners

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In the far future, yes.
>have to 100% game as psi for all the lore and story
>only then can I reroll as a Tin Can Dan "I'd Burrow'er in the Van" the Hammer Man build


How do I deal with the graveyard in the black sea? I got told about some fancy shard from both yngwar and the ferryman, but all that happens is I get rocked by ghosts.

Is the 20%ish increase in dodge and evasion from nimble valuable? Does anyone even use dodge and evasion?

Knifefags and unarmefags do use evasion and dodge a lot

Yeah, but if I'm investing in them is nimble important is what im saying.

Yes it is important as Nimble also reduces Armor Penalty, and you should always minimize AP if possible

I wonder if that serpent hit the bottom of the sea

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Lads how do I join the pirates? I tried when I was negotiating for the professor but was rejected

Just made my way to Core City and ran out of steam. The city just feels annoying and all over the place, does it get better again soon?

>Does anyone even use dodge and evasion?

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>gotta go fast

Is 6 dexterity for Point Shot worth it on a gun build?
Otherwise i'd put those points into constitution

>That background
Krieg is that you?


of course! What's the matter, don't like siphoner green?

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Never though you were on the other extreme of the spectrum, kek

Where's that stealth coming from now

From his cloaking field generator

Please respond

I actually favor the speedy/agile types; I just wanted to try the juggernaut with krieg.

two different sets of gear

not on a regular guns build, no
though it would be good for stealth kills

its great for laser pistols with special goggles/module and high crit chance

Well i'm going with assault rifles so i guess it's not worth it?

Half AP for a shot every turn sounds so good, though dexterity is completely unnecessary otherwise.

I'd say this guy is my favorite character so far.

skip it

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>eternally overburdened
Haven't even left the City and I'm close to the weight cap again.
Also, who the fuck is Bob and why was everybody coming to his defence?

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how do i steal a jet ski if i want to join the pirates? is there any other way?

Where do I find docking coordinates for abyssal station? Can't see them anywhere.

joint security headquarters
the dock coords are L2, but I think you have to actually learn that first

Stop hauling unnecessary junk, like yer fish, the metal, etc

>Sniper shooting peas at me the whole fight
>Step behind cover
>Comes to give me a hug
How thoughful

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The scraps weigh like two units. Is it safe to store things in barrels in front of the stores?

Is there any way to confirm that the naval mines are working? I collected them with ferryman but nobody in the camp has said anything about it


Yes, you can leave items on barrels or even on the ground and nobody will touch it, so it's fine

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you're not a true edgemaster until you roll with survival instincts and fight response

Is there a trick to the ghosts in the black sea graveyard? I can't do anything because they wont stop beating on me.

>struggle in arena at lvl 10 as knifer
>can't get past pulverizer
>get to lvl 12 and get cut throat
>beat everything without savescumming

My favourite ability by far.

>tfw i want to join pirates and free drones to become a rebelious bad boy but free drones seem preety fucking reddit

>Somebody literally inside someone
Thats new

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There is no greater joy than turning the entire ironhead camp into prey and systemically murdering them all in stealth.

Pic unrelated but knifeboy was my first run.

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ive still got some levels to go; you're gonna see some shit when im good and ready

How much mercantile do i have to pump to pass the coretech vendor skill check?

60 I believe

What's some good medium armor; need some decent protection but I don't want to deal with zero movement either.

Tacticool Vest or Riot gear

Do you prefer serrated or normal knifes? I feel like serrated does tons more damage on high hp enemies like arena bosses.

I think this is a good point to call it the night
Cant wait to get my shit pushed by 4 Nagas, just like in my favorite hentais

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Serrated for TFB, obviously.

Alright i'm tired of just aimlessly wandering can someone just tell me how to complete abrams foundry prison break quest? I found he sniper now i don't know what to do, i can't
>Find his house
>Find the scene of the crime
>Question witnesses
Like you would logically expect to be able to do so i'm guessing there are 1-2 obtuse things i have to do or a random mook hobo i have to talk to to unlock my next course of action. I loved the two other quests and there was enough hints/clues and logical chain of events but this sucks blows.

If you've found the rifle just go to the chief and talk to him about it. He's the guy in charge of the case afterall

Nah, just go talk to Todor, get the sniper rifle, give it to the captain of the guard and tell him he's holding Todor based on zero evidence, walk on and off screen and talk to the captain again and he goes 'yeah you're right'

What optional shit do I put in for the crafting?

I did, he just tells me to find out who actually used the sniper.

Do you use psi? Prepare to be strapped into a tac vest for, like, 60% of the game.
Riot gear is another good option if you're mainly using one-handed weapons and you're really scared of enemy stabbers.
Leather armor eventually becomes stronger than those two too.

Go to the chief, dummy. They have fuck-all evidence, there's nothing to investigate.

How do i talk to todor? I can't lie my way in (zero persuasion) and i can't sneak in. wat do?

Well, that'd depend on your build, playstyle and what you want from your armor, wouldn't it?

>Finally pass a check and figure out where all the good psi-shit was hiding

So this.. is the power.. of mercantile.

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Go kill the beast. You can use 'hey, I saved your fucking city' as a permit that just says 'I can do what I want'

Mercantile was shit on for a long time until Styg overbuffed it to absurdity. The coretech merchant ALONE is worth getting it up.

Using guns, wanting protection from shit.

I've been having a lot of luck, i got a high quality (like 80 or so) psi beetle carapace, i just stuck that on a high quality vest and padding and got 22%/24 with 200% bump on bullet threshold very very early, turns some shit into a joke. It also boosts your psi but i don't really care about that as it's super lightweight and for such heavy duty resistance it's only 40% weight which is pretty decent with sprint, tabi or good bootsprings for the amount of armor i'm getting.

I'm sitting on 7k coins but there's just never anything worthwhile to buy for me. Then again I'm only in Core City, maybe there's more stuff later.

Isnt the carapace only giving you a psi boost while increasing the penalty. So if youre not using psi, you essentially made the armor worse?

Literally the best merchant in the game

>maybe there's more stuff later.
There's three big money-sinks, yeah. You aren't going to be spending THAT much money on regular traders though, even when you do see the good stuff.

>He didn't get one off Blaine

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Not at all, it improved my threshold for mechanical damage by 16

Does this game usually have long load times or is it just because my pc is a toaster?

>tfw trying to decide between seeker goggles and a psi headband on a hybrid gun /psi character
This sucks.

Fuck crawlers.
No seriously, that's such a stupid enemy; the game's really turning into a drag.

turn off auto save between zones
someone post the image

Finally got the torch. That is most ridiculous item in the game to get. And so easy to permanently miss.

Pick based on where your damage comes from.

It's not going anywhere. But have fun finding it

The coretech guy has some pretty fucking sexy stuff himself.

>loot Bobs pass
ok epic, guess im not doing this quest cause there is just no way i can fight through all these heavies

Yeah Oligarch traders are fine too, but Constantine has a much bigger selection

>3 Int
Dont get close to their face

Well I'm trying to get through the door

Take his armor and pass with you and sneak around. Pretty sure sneaky tells you about a back entrance. Once inside just keep your distance and people won't start shit

Look around you fool, there are usually multiple ways to complete quests.

Pretty sure you can just walk in as long as no one is looking your direction

>130 carry weight playthrough
Someone convince me to sacrifice a combat feat just so i can get packhound rat to ease my suffering, this is killing me.

Just get a lifting belt

>Up to Upper Underrail
>Have done every quest in Lower/South/Core
>Urge to start new build rising
I'm literally never going to finish this game, I'm not stuck or anything, I'm actually pretty well powered. I just want to try a different build

>restore power to mutie island
>literally no difference beside their boss thanking me
>no new dialogue option, just nothing
Yay another faction that is completely irrelevant and dead

Can I get a complete psi build please with stats/feats/skills. I'm not sure on the equipment either, do you basically play as a caster of some sort and don't even use weapons?

You can now barter with them. Lrn 2 reading comprehension

Pick one combat skill (unless psi) and put all your points into it every level

how important is perception for a first time play through? am i going to be missing out on a lot if i dump stat it?

What build? If you're not melee, do not fucking dump perception
If you mean for detection, it's okay. It really isn't that often I find a hidden door or whatever that's useful

>do you basically play as a caster of some sort and don't even use weapons

Most of it comes from the shotty, but a well-placed psi crit solves a lot of problems too. Guess I'll stick with seekers for now.

yeah i wanted to make a spearchad but im worried that i might miss out on detecting cool stuff if i dont go guns instead.

If it's a big concern there's always snooping + eating bat

Finding hidden stuff is neat, but, 8 times out of 10, it doesn't make that much of a difference. You can live without it.

Bat doesn't help with spotting secrets though, you need mushroom salads. And the goggles. And the juice.

Sorry, confused detection with finding secrets.

I could already do that by giving them meds, dont be retarded

No you can't.

Maybe play the game before talking
I literally went back upstairs to restock on acid vials before finishing the dungeon

how do you even restore power? I never found a way

You need electronics
Dunno what the skill check is

How much ore do i need to throw in the furnace for the beat fight? I'm at 15 right now, it's taking forever this is such a bitch.


>grab jackhammer
>grab 3 fusion cells
>use lever to summon cart to your map location
>dig shit

it takes all of 5 minutes, way less with 5x speed

Can someone give me a non-stealth assault rifle build that is sturdy.

Kill Kokoschka


Fiddle as you want. Has max persuasion and the crafting skills can craft any 160 quality item provided you use the crafting benches. Hack and lockpick can open any 135 lock or whatever if you use the jack knife and huxxkey. There's only a couple of locks/hacks that tough and they just have randomly generated loot, so you can lower the skills to 130 effective if you want. There's one speech check that requires hacking 135, you won't make it because the huxxkey's +15 is not taken into account through dialogue.

Doctor is for convenience and bandages, not really needed. Dunk int if you don't want to craft and replace armor sloping and gun nut.

I just finished Depot A as a stealth sniper but i still don't know what my backup weapon should be. I have a H&K MP6 and a Despot shotgun but i only have 4 dex and 5 str. .

Either is fine, I prefer SMG because you can use a bullet strap for either. I have three dex on my sniper/smg build.

Cheers man. I'm first time player will having will at 3 affect me in later on ? People say it's good to have it high due to Psi enemies.

get 1 more dex then get leading shot and sixth shell, and then your shotguns will be just as good (if not better) than your snipers

You dont need any Will unless you're a psifag or one of the feat you want has some Will requirements

Not really, one burst can usually kill most enemies. A feat later gives a free burst if you killed something with a burst. So learn to take out anything with a psi meter first and don't forget about flashbangs and molotovs.

I feel like I need to point out that todd's wife was the one with the fertility problem and that her father was covering it up.
Is there a skillcheck I'm failing to meet or am I just wrong in my assumption?

Ok so i killed the beast and balor, how do i make super steel now? I read from a previous thread it takes coins? And you have to talk to the girl metal vendor right outside foundry? She's not showing any new stock or dialog options, what now?

Talk to the black guy next to the furnace where you fought the beast.

Does the Ballistics feat affect metal armor?

What did you expect? Some lore dump because you fixed some random generator for some dumb muties? Also if you were a dick to them before he tells you he was wrong about you and youre a cool guy.

will i get chaineed to a company if i chose to help joseph harlan with his stuff?
whats the best merchant



ok now she has tichrome stuff but no blueprint to make super steel threads and i still don't know how to make it. Please help me out user.

Talk to the black guy about super steel, get a super steel, talk to the lady in the front about super steel, you can put super steel in the box in front of her and pay her charons to transform the super steel into sheets or fibers.

Yes. Depends on the build. Guns are either Protectorate or Tchort vendor. Energy and psi accessories are Occulus vendor. Cloths are Free Drones vendor.

i wanna leather+smg

Protectorate or Techort vendor for guns. Leather you get from enemies yourself or buy from the Camp Hathor skinner.

Yeah pretty much, something like the ferryman who tell you more stuff when you get friendly

Does the Dakka title in the arena not work with Shotgun Burst?

Thanks, i didn't know i could drain the tank where you drown the beast like the terminator.
>Have to wait for super steel to finish smelting
i sleep

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I imagine not, after all a shotgun doesn't make a dakka sound.

Guess not. Turns out I just had to look at the paintings again, no skillcheck required.

Wait can you actually be a double agent? Or is it because I havent been back to the island since I stole the Aegis jet ski

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Is skinner worth it? I have a 105 quality ancient rathound hide and i want to infuse it, is it worth it to pick up skinner for infused leathers? I'm debating whether or not to invest in it or go with another combat feat, i'm almost done at 16 picking up all the feats i need. I've also been having a lot of luck with vests this run so i don't want to totally invest in leather when i can make a better vest down the line. Also suggestions for padding to use with my ancient rathound hide?

couldnt find a food category
is there fire res food?

Yeah one of the canned food

>some dude SUMMONS a fucking doppelganger on top of you
why is psi such bullshit

if this shit doesn't have a map now i'm not playing it

Hardly, you're going to run into quite a few Ancient Rats later on so it's not like you'll run out of pelts to use.
Besides, 105 is already plenty good, don't be a pipeworker.
The game does have a map, press M.

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>The game does have a map, press M.

How did they fix geographic breaks?

Started a sciencey/crafting pistol dude on my first run.
Juat cleared the psi bug building but I still have no idea what I'm doing.
How fucked am I?

Depot A will filter you hard, it always does.
If you survive then you can deal with most of the stuff later on, especially if you choose to spec into laser pistols and become Killy.

I left a bunch of stuff in DC near the faceless outpost and then killed Tchort and when I came back after faceless left all my stuff was gone, did those niggers really steal my shit?

That sequence was funny as fuck, i laughed really fucking hard
I'm invincible!

Get fucked meatbag

sniper boi

How blasphemous is it to follow a build guide instead of going in blind?
I usually don't have the patience to restart games if I fuck up.

How what

No one cares, you shouldn't care either.

so glad you can throw flashbangs on people who just took he grenades to the face

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Hold on, you mean I shouldn't be making a knige build withouth evasion/dodge and Nimble?

fucking assholes.

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dodge and evasion are useless

Fancy footwork sound very useful, tho.

Yes some of the feats are pretty good, but Id never invest more than the requirement if I want the feats

Dodge and evasion can be pretty good on normal, but I also believe you can't push accuracy below 10%. On dominating, you can't push enemy accuracy down nearly as much, and so they lose a ton of value. Evasion still has use simply because it also happens to reduce AoE damage though.

What's the point of the rapid fire feat when you already have burst?

Is there hotkey for charging taser?

Less AP, less bullets used, can use it on pistols.

Put batteries in your hotbar
use battery hotkey
use taser hotkey
Thats 2 keypress

Where do you find one of those?

Also, where should i spend specialization points on an assault rifle build?

craft a molotov

>strongman and handmaiden give off light
>literally free ambush procs
Based NFT

skinner doesn't do shit for infused

I crafted some pig boots with 40 quality pig, and 105 quality steel and the boots came out to be 103, the quality heavily favors how good the steel is, the formula is on the wiki, also I don't think skinner affects infused items

What does infused pig leather do?

currently trying to assassinate the savage's leadership after seeing the crap they pulled in the abyssal station
is sparing the women and children going to bite me in the arse?

How do I use the wiki?

infused pig leather increases carry capacity by a lot

How good is tailoring if I'm not interested in being a tin can? Is it worth investsing a few points or better just buy armors if I got mercantile?

I use a 9mm chimera, it has very high AP per burst, 48, and low capacity, 20. Meaning I can burst once, then commando burst, have two bullets left, and not enough AP to reload. If I reload next turn, I won't have enough AP to burst. The solution was to carry two assault rifles. So commando spec was enough to give me enough AP to reload. Then just full auto burst damage so far. Also rapid fire is a special attack so it benefits from a smart mod.

I just bought this game

a-any tips

It's important, no one sells infused leather armors.

You cant buy anything good
If you dont want to craft for some reason just use loot instead of wasting money

Specialize in one or two things. Use flash bangs and molotovs to stun or corral enemies.

Don't be afraid to restart if you fuck up in the CC. Don't restart for no reason.
Use everything you've got. Don't hoard all those grenades, traps and molotovs - you need them to survive.

I put 0 in throwing, can I still use flashbangs and molotovs

Pipeworker means faggot, now you know all you need to survive.

on boots it gives you 30 carry capacity on cuirass it increases health

Yeah, my sniper/smg didn't have enough spare points to put in throwing and I used flashbangs and molotovs fairly easily enough. Got like 40% to throw something where I want 3-4 tiles away.

Dont expect to survive all your failed throw though

I'm trying to think of a fun and interesting build but these days I just seem unable to play these kinda RPGs because I don't have the time and energy to figure builds out like I used to. I just want to explore the gameworld and not worry about that stuff.

So can someone recommend me a fun build that isn't just super overpowered or something? Psi powers seem neat but I'm afraid they will trivialize the game. I kinda wanted to go full Jin Roh tank with mini gun but that seems like it might get stale with no variability. Maybe something with traps and stuff? This is what I mean I get paralyzed and then just shelf the game for months at a time.

And what would they tell you about? How painful the acid tumors are? Exciting tales of hunting hoppers? The Ferryman is a legend in the Hell's Gut, these are just plain old muties.

How they got there? Who's helping them? You know, the stuff Wesley refuse to talk to you about

Knife assasin is always fun.

I can attest to that
>lv13, max evasion and dodge, 12 agility
>nothin personnel mode activate
>fancy footworks, adrenaline
>evasive maneuvers to convert 100 move points into evasion
>pistol fag pops out of corner and one shots me with aimed shot

do a hybrid

I think it's fairly obvious that the Ferryman helped them get there
He's friendly to them, he has a boat and the word FERRY is literally in his name

how so? Can I do full Jin Roh plus some stuff? What would work well with that?

How do builds with no access to temporal manipulation deal with the fucking Void creatures and Magnar's ghost?


Use the Torch Luke

Whats a beginner friendly build bros

Eh, I suppose. However that guy had done more for them than you, so even if Wesley and M like you more now protecting his privacy might still win out. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't expect them to be slightly more talkative about it after giving them both the meds and the generator.

He is too young to have been there at the time. I assumed it's Abram so far

>Shotty+sniper for long range+mindcontrol with locus of control
Played this on hard and it was a breeze.

So the Sormirbaeren turn people into snakes
When has, in the history of fiction, turning people into snakes NOT been the sign of an irredeemable villain?

It just feels unfinished desu, especially the 2 downstairs
I expected some side quests or something at first, but nope, give some morphine, pass persuasion check and that's it

It just lets you see them though?

I've heard of this before in these threads but I'm still not sure what it is.

Just keep exploring and you'll hear about it

there are no mini guns in the game yet there are assault rifles

if you want to use assault rifles there are a few feats that are extremely useful such as commando, suppressive fire and opportunist

that would probably be enough to beat the game with maxed gun skill or maybe even 100 gun skill, sometimes having the right tool for the job is more important than raw damage

>got 2 160q acid collectors but not found a single more then 80q chemical blob dispenser

You can see and target them. They died easily enough to a W2C burst.

Tchort is evolution, also Quinton is based brother.

Spear throw one shots magnar. Goal is to one shot tchort

Bullets hurt them? I assumed they didn't.

Well I'm currently leaving abyssal station zero, kinda seems to be the end, is there more?

>Tfw i'm in the same boat
OHHH NO NO NO *coughs* fuck

I got one from Constantine for my acid gun, still waiting the others

talk to the ferryman and yngwar about how the ferryman became to be respected by the snake people
eventually things start falling into place and you'll find out what to do in the Graveyard

man that unique spear is such a major disappointment
spear users don't want it because 50 health is not worth the upsides
and psi users don't want it because the boost to neural overload is definitely not worth the increase in psi cost globally

now if it did something like give every offensive psi-skill a chance to apply poison then sure

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>not even 160
I would spit in her face for this insult.

>and psi users don't want it because the boost to neural overload is definitely not worth the increase in psi cost globally
Irrelevant, you put it in one hand and switch to it only when you want to Neural Overload. The spears have practically no downside for psykers.

what of you made a psi hybrid spear build that used neural overload and thought control to pick off enemies from distance and crowd control them but had a spear for close range and melee defense