About to start playing this

About to start playing this.

What am I getting into?

No shitposts, please.

Attached: feature-ni-no-kuni.jpg (685x300, 51K)

It feels like a proper Ghibli adventure, but it suffers from an atrocious AI, your party members are fucking braindead.

>What am I getting into?
youer mam

I wish Ni no Kuni had gameplay elements of it's sequel it would have been the greatest ever

OP said no shitposts, bitch. can you read?

Any way to mitigate that?

It's got a really inconsistent difficulty curve, partially due to poor AI and the lack of proper party commands until way too late into the game. The beginning can be slow too, and only really opens up around the time you get the useful party commands. I fucking loved it though, especially putting together a team, collecting the creatures, and leveling them up for abilities. I think there was a neat crafting system too, but the end stuff becomes incredibly grindy if you're going for the full experience.

Would it be enjoyable for someone who isn't ordinarily into these types of games? I'm enamoured with the art-style, but generally don't play RPG's.

mediocre gameplay and grindiness is carried by how comfy it is.

Solid 6.5/10 game.

>he didn't play ni no kuni

Comfy monster capturing and gameplay.

I loved it.
Beginning is kinda slow, but if you keep with it, will open up to some very good jrpg, the story is kinda childish, but it is an Ghibli after all.
MC is somewhat loveable, and Drippy is a nice company.
Although party member doesn't helps at all, if you use the right creatures, it's easy to breezy through without much grind.

it's like a 90 on metacritic.

who do I believe Yea Forums?

Well is Yea Forums ever right?

a typical pokemon recruiting JRPG but this time the party members are automatically controlled by shit AI and you either micromanage shit autistically or you overlevel to compensate the drawbacks
fortunately you don't need to grind too much and you can cut short the bullshit if you spend a few minutes looking up the monsters in your current area to see what's good for recruiting / evolving for an effective party

in the sense of toggling between the party members during combat to select their actions instead of just playing as Oliver all the time

it's not worth a 6 but it also definitely isn't 90
the graphics and orchestrated soundtrack betray the game's regular ass story and gameplay
yes you will find it cute but it's not something you'll remember fondly to compare as you play other jrpgs later. it'll be just another Tales in the library

Yeah by the time you get to endgame, most of the pokemon are getting 1-2 shotted in combat, so it's easier to just bring a ton of mana potions and spam your magic instead of summoning

endgame is balanced around having the broken ass optional monsters. if you just go with the local monsters around you're doing it wrong

Yeah the story was kind of shit.
Spoilers ahead.

[/spoiler]You fight through the big magic castle of the big bad final boss.
The big bad boss is actually YOU from another dimension.
He dies.
An even bigger magic castle suddenly appears in the sky.
WHOOPS i guess that was the real villain all along.
Also the game is only 50% done, now you need to run around the whole world doing fetch quests.[/spoiler]

>endgame is balanced around having the broken ass optional monsters. if you just go with the local monsters around you're doing it wrong
What do you mean optional monsters?
I had my monsters fully fed and evolved

you've probably read about this game somewhere user, no one who actually played it would say something this stupid
Shadar is not Oliver. I remember this clearly because I wanted it to happen SO MUCH.
and the castle in the sky shenanigans is the part about the white witch that's in the game's title, which ironically is not supposed to be part of the game anyway, it was not included in the DS version. it feels like DLC because it can basically be considered an expansion.


it's a comfy game. there's a lot to do and new stuff keep unlocking smoothly. unlike in other jrpgs, there's usually always something new to do in the old towns.

It feels like it's 30% too long.

>Shadar is not Oliver
They're soul mates.

nigga what

Hard to say. I'm not really heavy into RPGs myself, though I've played a few that I've enjoyed. The art style is what sold it for me, but the whole package comes together really well despite its flaws. It's not turn-based like a lot of RPGs, but stats and weaknesses need to be considered a decent amount of the time. I'd say it's definitely worth a shot for a non-RPG fan just for the art, music, the world, and the various creatures if you're into collection or raising aspects.

Legit retarded party members AI. Going against easily manageable monsters? Prepare for your companions to waste half their MP for their most expensive magic attack.
Fighting is in real time, you gotta chose the skill you wanna use from a menu though. Would be a shame if allies' skills would trigger a cutscene that cancels the skill you were about to cast forcing you to go through the menu again in real time. Well it works exactly like that.
otherwise it's a very good game; OST is fucking kino.

stuff like Tokos and final dinoceros / bighorns
yes but he's Lucien, I wanted some time travel / reincarnation shenanigan to justify him being actually Future Oliver instead

Get the pirate cat and evolve it into the eyepatch pirate cat. It will carry you through the entire game.

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The difficulty plummets once you get a punchy dragon monster, it becomes braindead autopilot if two extra for your teammates.

also Umberwood and Neolith

I hate monster catching/raising, but it’s a max comfy rpg. Heavy rec.

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you don't need the party members the game is rather easy. they're more like accessories that deal dmg or heal occasionally.

Tell your mom that you love her, user.

Any tips for Ni no Kuni 2 post content? I'm missing a few Higgledies and high level Tainted monsters. I've gone through the final Dreamer door dungeon a few times but I can't seem to get the materials I need.

you have to rely on them for bosses though, it's not that easy specially the boss in Hamelin

>had a disagreement with her a few months back
>tfw things are the most awkward between us than they've ever been
>have been meaning to call her but always just drop it (get mad remembering things or just don't feel it)
>she wanted to visit me this month but hasn't sent any messages

she's not your girlfriend, if she didn't respond go after her yourself.
whatever beef you have with your parents, you better man up and solve them. no friend or lover will make you hurt forever like your parents passing

Suck it up, hold your breath and call her. Stop wasting time it only makes things worse

Attached: your-mom.jpg (238x212, 7K)

>hurt forever like your parents passing
yep, i can't even imagine what's that's gonna be like.

i'll force myself to call her tomorrow (it's night time now)

the sequel was piss easy and got rid of the monsters tho

well you better be prepared because that train will come for your face, there's no way around it.
just keep in mind that you need to make sure you don't regret having loose ends when it happens. this regret will lock you in the Bad Ending route.

Traditional "isekai" adventure seemingly aimed at children but with a couple of mature points. Sometimes is downright bizarre with twists and turns but ultimately a fun romp.
Sort of a mash of Pokemon and Tales of Xillia. Occasionally slow-paced, grindy and requires some back-tracking (especially for certain quests). The combat can be fun and challenging but wears thin during the grind, especially with bonkers AI and some monsters that trivialise the game.
Best bit. Absolutely beautiful game. Oozes with soul.

It has great visuals and music. It's really comfy overall, but the combat can get pretty boring after a while and the game is long as fuck, even for an RPG.

Tip that can break the game: if you capture a Dinoceros, evolve it into a Destroceros then into a Catastroceros the game is basically over combat-wise. You can spam braindead attacks with Catastroceros and it will win pretty much every fight without much sweat.

The sequel is infinitely better. Set it to Japanese audio.

and a Greater Naiad for healing because by endgame there are a few troll attempts to surprise wipe you

The concept was more solid and building the kingdom was addicting, but a lot of the game was less memorable than the first game.

I liked the combat much better. The Pokemon-esque stuff was lame. I want to control my JRPG protagonists with ridiculous weapons and skills, not a gremlin thing.

The first game's story felt like an actual Ghibli film. There is a constant sense of discovery and a focus on emotional shit related to your mother and friends. that is, at least until you're done with Shadar's arc.
The second has better gameplay and more features but it feels like a Tales game, you just solve shit here and there until a threat to the world shows up and you save everyone.

I didn't really care that much for the first game's story, but it did feel like you went on a long lasting journey with your friends. There was a sense of accomplishment by the end of the game.
The second game was pretty bland in both the story itself and how its adventure progressed.

I think it's because the story relies on relatability.
the game can give you a few sobs if you lost your parents early and it also has an underlying theme about the end of childhood

What Ghibli film is this most similar to?

A boring and repetitive Pokémon-like game that you will grow bored of unless you really, really like studio ghibli shit

From what I've read on the Prima Guide, the studio didn't take inspiration on a specific film. I was reminded a bit of Spirited Away and Totoro, though.

God tier aesthetics ruined by the worst combast I've ever experienced