What has videogames become, Yea Forums?
It used to be that everyone followed Reggie's exanple. Now it's all "stories this" and "graphics that"...
What has videogames become, Yea Forums?
Gamers grew up.
games are only fun if they are a battle though
Gaming has been picked up by casuals more who used to think it was “icky and nerdy” and prefer the more Uncharted movie like lesbian relationship games. There’s no way in hell Naughty Dog’s modern demographics would like the Jak games.
naughty dog is one of the worst studios
i hope neil drucklann will die soon
I, too, have come to think that the word "fun" doesn't *need* to describe a good video game, but a good video game does need to define the experience it provides with its interactivity.
It doesn't need to be Happy Bouncy Fun Time!(tm), but things like The Last Of Us, which are basically movies with TPS mechanics attached, are still doing it wrong.
You make this cancerous thread almost every day. Dilate.
it's because of game "journalists" who can't get a real journalist job so they get stuck writing about vidya even though they know nothing about it and don't care about it. this leads them to hate vidya and they take out their anger by telling people who play games that everything they enjoy is wrong and that they know how games "should be" because saying stuff like that makes them feel smart.
even graphics have stopped being impressive.
many games from the last 2 years look worse then games form 2012
Journos also gave BotW a 97.
You do know Reggie is a business man not a video game developer right?
>if it's not fun, why bothe-
Fun isn't real.
>Nintendo Land
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Star Fox Zero
>Not fun
So your point is that Druckman is a genius pushing the medium forward and bing bing wahoo man makes games for literal 5 year olds? We already know that
What does "fun" mean? You're presumably suggesting that "fun" equals "good" and "not fun" equals "bad", but for this conversation to make sense a concrete definition of "fun" needs to be established. To me, at least, a "fun" game would be something like A Hat in Time. It's bright, it's cheerful and there's something fundamentally satisfying on a basic level about my mechanical interaction with the game. Conversely, a game like Planescape: Torment provided a generally richer experience but not in the same way. My enjoyment of Torment wasn't derived from the act of pressing buttons and seeing things happen, at least not in such a direct way. I wouldn't describe Torment as "fun" but I had a very good time with it and I see why it's considered a classic.
Are horror games "fun"? Is Silent Hill 2 remembered so fondly because it's great fun, like a Mario game, or can its success be described in different terms? I think so. When describing why I like Journey so much I've gone as far as to call it "magical", but it's not "fun" like playing Rock Band with three other like-minded people.
>boring rehash
>the worst example of forced waggleshit in a game ever, even worse than skyward sword
yes, not fun.
Name me one videogame that is not a battle.
>one of these people still works with video games, the other doesn't
BoTW is fun. If a game is not fun first, then why bother?
One of these people is a legend who will always be remembered for retiring on top. The other is a Hollywood director reject.
I thought journos are never right about anything?
>Is Silent Hill 2 remembered so fondly because it's great fun
It is, you're just pretentious about it. Irreversible and Cannibal Holocaust are fun movies.
Peak retardation.
Fun is unironically a buzzword it means nothing
>One of these people is a legend who will always be remembered for retiring on top
A psychopath has fun killing people.
A scat fetishist has fun eating feces.
OP has fun sucking dicks.
Fun has no objective context.
Watching french rapists is fun.
I didn't had fun, but it was engaging.