PSX was the ultimate god tier console and N64 is pure shit
This is a fact.
PSX was the ultimate god tier console and N64 is pure shit
correct and based
They are both good. Only poor people disagree.
Based and redpilled.
its the same thing though
The PS1 and N64 are both shit and way worse than the SNES/Genesis
Naw psx was a meme. All the god tier games were on n64.
zoom zoom
>32 bit
>best 2d games are marginally worse than comparable snes titles
>saturn has a weak library but its top titles blow it out of the water
>even titles with simple 3d in active gameplay like star fox and paper mario blow the PSX's best fmv graphics out of the water
>takes 2 hours to read CDs
>best games are minigame collections, there are major 0 psx titles where the developers are confident enough with the core gameplay to make the whole game off of a single gameplay style
"b-b-b-but i wike my bing bing wahoo!"
im fucking cumming! urg urd urf urf urf
True, they all have great libraries though.
Except for the n64.
The N64 isn't pure shit but its not at the same level of the PS1,the Saturn is also slightly better.
The real question is which console was the best,Super Nintendo or Playstation.
that's one thing n64 don't got, n64 ain't got GAAAAAAAAMES. it ain't got games!
PSX wins by few hairs imo
I'm 35.
Super Nintendo. Genesis was also better than the PS1.
What games does psx have? Seriously? Turn based rpgarbage and a couple of 3d fighters. Don't make me laugh.
That was the golden era of PC gaming
PS1 didn't even have Quake. It's super overrated unless you're a JRPG-cuck
Some years ago i would have told you were wrong but right now after having played a huge chunk of the Playstation library i cannot disagree anymore.
PC games were always second grade to console games,always.
I can agree that during the 5th gen to 6th gen PC games were at their best.
N64 wasn't pure shit. It just wasn't as good as the PS.
N64 has better wrestling games. I used to bug my friend across the street to play WCW vs nWO
>PS1 didn't even have Quake.
it had a legit port of quake 2 (unlike the n64, which got a different game with the quake 2 name slapped on it).
There is a thread on /vr/ right now that might prove you wrong
poor people are the one that praise that off brand console in the first place
Why the fuck would I play Quake on PS1 anyway?
Only poor people play consoles in the first place.
agreed. richchads went for the premium playstation brand, poorfags had to settle for nintendo's store-brand shit.
the only good n64 game is Conkor's Bad Fur Day
PS1 had so many great gems that arent just fucking bing bing wahoo
oh just another sony gaystation shill. Fuck off NIGGER