What are the most "kino" moments in vidya history? Pt. II. First thread here: >>475313769

What are the most "kino" moments in vidya history? Pt. II. First thread here: Is this one of them?

Attached: super-metroid.webm (352x240, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You already know the answer, OP

Attached: 1854489_0.jpg (540x309, 14K)

We can all agree that unlike the last thread, Halo and CoD are NOT welcome

Attached: 1547943323497.jpg (500x321, 37K)

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Attached: nid.png (1396x735, 1.55M)

Fixed webm

Attached: super-metroid-mother-brain.webm (352x240, 351K)

>most kino part of the game is optional

The other part that comes close is resurrecting Crono which is also optional

Attached: frogvsmagus.jpg (480x336, 43K)

Attached: bitch get out of the way.png (631x734, 617K)

Nothing will EVER top this, entering the temple of time for the first time & pulling the Master Sword

Attached: Link Pulls the Master Sword.jpg (1280x1024, 646K)

Zero Ranger.
The whole fucking game.


Attached: deep dive.gif (336x336, 520K)

Attached: G-NOME ending.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Attached: 1546078029275.webm (412x360, 1.17M)

8 bit kino.

Attached: LN3.webm (640x400, 2.02M)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

>32 KB webm
fucken why

Attached: Ludwig.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Attached: 1563079966042.jpg (3840x2160, 869K)

I tried converting this one so I could post it while the original was still up, but ffmpeg messed up somehow


I love how the crowd pauses once Yuh kicks the referee then goes completely apeshit.

Why were there so many kino reach moments?

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Attached: dx.png (1920x1080, 992K)



i can't play bloodborne, but i really doubt kos had anywhere near the amount of kino this scene has
not to mention the low hp limping

Attached: file.png (854x480, 432K)

All of this game

Attached: wonderful smile.png (1680x1050, 101K)

Maximum kino from start to finish.

Attached: nagito.jpg (400x237, 11K)

For me it's MGS2


why are you greentexting game?

Attached: 1561029953076.png (861x645, 933K)
