Why did he leave Konami?

Why did he leave Konami?

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Konami is small time

he was fired for blowing konami's budget on d-list celebrities

he knew he could cuck sonys bank account while giving him unlimited access to Yea Forums waifus. Kojima is unironically the most based person on the planet

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He got fired, New konami board wanted to reduce runing costs.

Both don't make games.

Kojima wanted to be hardcore, but Konami wouldn't let him.

did they...?

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can someone make a collage of hideo hanging with western celebrities alongside that comment

i cant make the collage, but i have a bunch of pics in my phone of kojima with waifus on my phone. ill start dumping.

Why did pink guy leave youtube????

He was fired for boinking someones daughter probably. Didn't he do that to a friend of his one time?

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>talks shit about other developers at Konami when he becomes VP
>siphons budget meant for other games all to his
>said director he talked shit about ends up getting promoted


>uses MGSV budget on vacations to Europe an America
>hires celebrities
>ends up using MGSV budget to make a demo for a Silent Hill game he was asked to make after MGSV
>instead uses it as a little demo to get on Sony's good graces
>releases it without Konami's knowing
>officially unveils it despite Konami telling him not to at the time, since they still had to get contracts for the actors involved finished

Also, MGSV was split into two games because of how fucking long Kojima was taking.

i'll see what i can do

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Because they were literally treating him like a janitor at their building cleaning toilets because he was taking so much time and money to make MGS5 and Konami saw that they were making more money on fucking pachinko machines.

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Konami booted his ass out after they saw what 5 years and 80+ million dollars produced.


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Because Konami doesnt want to make games.

Kojima is the biggest westaboo

The smug bastard. You just know they banged before taking this pic.

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Difference in values, most likely. Kojima doesn't care how much money he has to spend for his artistic vision, Konami found that mobile and pachinko earned them more money. Konami went for money over passion and artistry. Understandable for a business, though unfortunate.

I want lauren gf. Kojima really does have it all

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Because he squandered his enormous budget on a game that should have been the next Skyrim or Witcher 3 or hell even far cry 3 in terms of lasting appeal but already forgotten about. He was asked to leave and rightly so. DS will be more of the same cheesy autistic schlock that needs a 200 iq to comprehend

lucky dog

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He's literally a genius.

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all kojima does is crush puss all day. what a chad

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>talks shit about other developers at Konami when he becomes VP

Mobile devs
I would have done the same
Kojimbo did nothing wrong

that girl looks like someone who goes home and yells at the walls

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>Hey kojima, we noticed you pissed away our fuckin yearly budget making a brand new engine for your game, how's the game coming along
>I watched drive 8 times today and also bought the jacket Ryan gosling wears. Jack Bauer doesn't want to hang out with me....

This guy is a literal genius. He is the Michael Jackson of games. Stay mad Yea Forumsincels

kojima pls go

Because he was fired.

Kojima fucks like crazy damn
Do they have no false rape accusations in Japan?

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I made this on mobile, so sorry if the quality is dogshit.

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I love me some baseless accusations.

What are some actual objective views of this guy and not just meme circlejerks? The opinion I can form of the guy is that he has some good ideas but he doesn't like crediting other people and he doesn't like anyone else being famous for Metal Gear. His drama with David Hayter and the fact that it's just his name that's plastered dozens of times over on all of his games only strengthens my view

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this. stay mad guys


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>very coor user. Keep up good work and you wirr be titre of Bigu Bossu.

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yeah thats a good point. where is the Asian looking characters? Its a Japanese company and director

its not bad user. very cool. keep it up. what app do you use for this?

Why does a Japanese developer only make games with caucasian protagonists and completely English. Do Asians not care as long as the characters aren't negroids?

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>Do asians not care?
Nigger every anime and animated movie over in Sunrise land draws their characters as white.

Just because the characters don't have gooky chink slits for eyes doesn't mean they're white.

kek. that pic in the foreground of him sipping tea really brings it all together.

From what I've seen, it's that he's not a good writer and the reason 1-3 were good where 4 and 5 were mixed was because he had a co-director who mysteriously left the industry (rumor is he was killed by the Yakuza).

My opinion is that he thinks too highly of himself (though I'm sure I'm not alone in that regard). MGS worked because its insperation was B action movies. The story and the characters follow that too. Two clone of Mr Super Soldier with one having dominate genes and the other recessive genes is a fucking dumb plot but works for a B action film. Same with the crazy bosses (which is something that's helped the series). Problem is Kojima thinks he's an actual writer so rather than make similar B Action movie plots he's trying to make a serious narrative with all the same trappings of a story that takes itself way to seriously. In other words, he's a great idea man but he shouldn't be running or managing the project.

adobe photoshop mix. its the only photo editing software that seems to work for me, also free which is nice


Didn’t want to make metal gear anymore, but Konami wanted to milk the series more.

>Kojima is unironically the most based person on the planet
Until you realize that from now on, every single one of the games he makes will be some cryptic bullshit about him being fired from Konami and having to give up the IP he spent over 20 years on. Proof of that is MGSV, P.T., and just watch the trailers to Death Stranding... they're all gonna be about him being fired.

The way Konami is now with all their mobile gatcha shit I don't blame him.

He was too autistic and awkward around the Yakuza and they had to let him go, rumour has it that he tried to sit them down and watch Refn's films but they were having none of it

Konami wanted to take the business in the direction of low cost high profit style mobile games while he wanted to continue the more traditional style of games. This led to a difference of business visions for the company and split.

>From what I've seen, it's that he's not a good writer and the reason 1-3 were good where 4 and 5 were mixed was because he had a co-director who mysteriously left the industry (rumor is he was killed by the Yakuza).
I think the yakuza get over credited. This guy could have just wanted to change careers or just get out from under kojima's shadow. There is no known reasoning why the guy would be whacked unlike Gunpei Yokoi.

Kojima wanted bloated, over budgeted AAA games.

Konami is not in the wrong by ditching that. At all.

>the rabid anti kojima nigger has to make sure to shove his viewpoint down everyone's throat
Kill yourself

AAA games are a problem. Especially when a game can take almost a hundred million dollars and half a fucking decade only to not be finished.

what do you think these celebrities kojima has in the games think of the games theyre in?
do you think they see it as just a paycheck or are any of them actually interested in it
keifer sutherland didnt seem like he really gave much of a fuck about video games as an """art""" form
but for example david hayter seems like he legit ass cared about the games and would enjoy to talk with fans about them for hours

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How come the guy who posts PT's hidden meaning replies to every thread except the one his video actual has any relation to?

Konami got a new president who wanted to move away from gaming and focus on gambling. Kojima didn't like this. He was also over budget and super late with MGSV. He was forced to release ground zeros to get some kind of money back and was then forced to release MGSV unfinished.

I’ll pound the semen demon from bottom left so hard, cum would come out of her nouse

