WoW Classic

I'm tired of waiting, I want to play now.

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Other urls found in this thread:*UdABvgphGwFh0wLfnxPRVA

Under 47 hours, brother,

why is the release date near the end of the summer vacations?

Because the target audience isn't actual children anymore

>playing male
>playing mage and not gnome
epic fail

im 33 and going to school on gi bill and they are fucking me over hardcore. speak for yourself you dumb fuckin brat.

I'll be late to the party as I work Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. But I will level slowly and enjoy my time so I'm not worried. No chance to keep up with my neet friends anyways.

>Playing girls

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He is not gay like you.

lol it's not my fault you wanted to join the military and fight nobody man, the rest of us were back here working actual jobs, it's not the 1940s

Got to get that rep son. He is probably aiming for saber mount like my friend.

i just made a dude on retail and im having fun actually

>not RP/PVP
Enjoy your half-as-large community there

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>human male
>rp server

holy fuck. Is this a meme?

>playing on that meme server instead of Grobbulus with the real RPers

user no!

apparently Im a tranny for liking girls
oh well time to dilate

can sniff out those rogues though amirite?

i don't know why you'd care about 1v1 PvP in a group PvE game

You are not liking girls. You are pretending to be one.

lots of zoomers will be playing though

If we all become trans then no one's special.

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>playing on RP servers at all
lmao fags. I'll enjoy playing with my fellow college chads on blaumeux without gay roleplay thank you very much.

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>an actor who gets paid to roleplay superhuman aliens in skin tight jumpsuits in real life calling someone who roleplays in a video game a faggot
nice try. henry cavil is one of us.

autistic ERPing and screeching at any mention of real life is different than acting user.

hello my human twin

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It's not the playing a girl itself, it's the defensive nature of explaining your choice with the most hyper masculine heterosexual response possible.

See you in STV, brother.

>Bloodsail Buccaneers

>female ass is hot as fuck
Feminist logic.

The idea that your online avatar "represents" you in any way aside from showing to others what aesthetics you appreciate is asinine.

People say it to mean "if I have a choice of what character I am looking at for the majority of my playsession, I would prefer for it to be something I like to look at, and what I like to look at are pretty girls."
It's stupid, but it gets the message across.

What is so good about WoW classic? I tried playing the new wow and I just could not get in to it. It was too themepark for me so what makes this game so much better? It's just getting reverted to it's original form. It might have been revolutionary back then but to today's standards for an mmo, is it not going to feel extremely dated?

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I want to play my cute paladin already DAMNIT

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I understand, user. Back in Vanilla ERPers knew how vaginas worked, you'd see detailed vaginal sex m/f and f/f. Futashit was a minority until TBC.
Now all these turbovirgins have no idea how a vagina works so it's all a bunch of horse dicks in the ass.\
Unless the classic ERP artists return there is no point on rolling RP.

>I want to be my cute paladin already DAMNIT

Go ask your doctor for some female hormones already


I look forward to railing her with my green orc worm.

Kys and have sex

>Everyone i know is rolling horde for classic
God damnit, i wanted to be a QT paladin.

It's nostalgia hype that gets dialed up to 10. I do hope people get some enjoyment out of it but the majority of friends/people I talk to always talk about "recapturing" the feeling (specifically that word). I only played WoW in Cata but to me I don't think the same sense of wonder and excitement will be there. What I gather is back then nobody really knew what to do so there actually was a sense of adventure.

But everyone knows what to do now. The sense of adventure is gone.

That's my point. It's just nostalgia hype.

the devs chose the date out of spite.

Nice names.
It's always good to see people who can manage to make a tasteful name.
I think it's quite sad that so many humans just use "their gamertag" or some non-name phrase. Or something "fantasy" but completely overdone to the point is sounds like a dragon's name.

I take it back actually, there are features of it that retail won't have like no LFG and actually needing to socialize. But I don't know if that's enough steam to keep it going.

The old world zones and quests have been changed enough since cataclsym that the pre-cata world is close to a new experience. I tested on private server recently and I had to read the quests to get them done. Especially out of the starting zone.

So the boomer audience won't be bothered by children who weren't even alive during Classic.

You will never pass

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>ma +10 int
You realize that there are other advantages to playing human right?

Arguably, human is the best race in the game because of that 10% rep gain. Thats literally hundreds of hours saved.

> What is so good about WoW classic?
The main course of the game, so to speak, was not queuing in the city and afking until dungeon pop. It was questing and exploring the world and engaging with other players.
Everyone had to quest to level. PvP offered no xp and dungeons could be laborious to get into and complete, making the time investment not worth it for leveling purposes. So you quested and explored. You couldn't fly, so you had to traverse the zones normally. This means you and other players met more often. You would talk more. You would need help killing elite mobs or fending off enemy factions members camping a spawn point so you would group with randoms you met in the road.

Because everyone quested, open world pvp was common. You and an enemy need the same mobs, you fight over them. This fight turns from a 1v1 into a 2v2 then a 5v5 until eventually it was two raid groups going at it until one's respawn timers were too high to keep going.

Everything interaction was more dynamic. You would fight the same rogue that ganked you at level 15 again when you were level 45. BGs were server contained, which means there could be rivalries in WSG. You and that warrior always seem to meet and now its unspoken that you will duel the entire BG. That priest that healed you yesterday is in this AB with you today, and he recognizes you, and he pocket heals for you again.

The experience was not waiting for LFG to find you a team and blowing through a dungeon or raid only to queue up and do it again. It was participating in world with other people that were also exploring it.

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>3 characters
>already planning on being an altoholic
>in classic

the laughing starts now

lol take a shower and go outside fucking nerd

yeah instead its the unemployed they're going after

Good thing I only play female characters because I secretly want to be a girl.

it took me 20 days of /played to hit 60 at launch
wonder what it will take this time around

Well if you actually want to make good time there are quite a few good resources for leveling paths these days.

Otherwise, probably the same

your wound is closing better go reopen it

this is the man

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according to most classicfags it's supposed to take entire monthes if not years because classic wow is the most ballbustingly difficult game ever made and is a rite of passage into manlyhood for anyone who is able to complete its epic journey


literally who?

Absolute shitters jesus christ I was in that guild during zeth kur before it broke up

seething trannies

stop fucking up threads with your tranny obsession, get help schizo

If it actually is like this when it is released then I may try it. You can never know with blizzard especially since BfA wasn’t amazing it cud just be a quick cash grab.
I always liked the aesthetics of WoW, so I’m hoping this is good.

>It might have been revolutionary back then but to today's standards for an mmo, is it not going to feel extremely dated?
Ironically vanilla WoW was ahead of its time and the times never caught up.

Put simply its an adventure to play, and nothing comes close to giving you that feeling. It feels like a love child of a world and its immersion.

>You would fight the same rogue that ganked you at level 15 again when you were level 45
Now that's the shit. Leveling alongside friends and enemies.


The correct response is to not respond to it at all, since it's one of the most low-hanging fruit trolls around. You are not a tranny and I am not a tranny and we play female characters, that's the bottomline.



>vanilla WoW was ahead of its time

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No no you have to play a male human in an online fantasy game, because that's what you are irl. Obviously if you play a tauren that means you literally want to be a cow, or if you play as a girl tauren you want to be a girl cow.

I can 2nd this having played Vanilla and BC. Was much more fun. Imagine my disgust playing wow again years later to see the current system. Completely impersonal.

so wait a second
you guys are telling me that right now, if I simply log out of the character I am currently playing and go make a female one in wow specifically, the moment I finish creating the character before I even enter the world with it, i will divinely become trans tright at that exact moment, henceforth and forever?so much as even being attracted to a female figure at all is all it takes, even?
shit dude no wonder why there are so many billions of trannies out of nowhere in the past five years if it's this easy, why the fuck are people lopping off their cocks and balls and paying for silly pills if its so simple and quick


>Stalagg turned into the frenchie and leaf server

Looks like I'm gonna be on Whiteman(e) but I'd rather play an EST server, hopefully Skeram and Incendius turn out good.

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Not OP but I reserved names for friends. That's just what friends do.

Your mage looks just like mine.

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rolling a girl to get free loot and to have a bf to quest with

why don't gay guys give guys free loot?

based blaumeux bros, we're gonna have to best wpvp sessions

I play fem orc because of this exact reason, best hip sway in the game, it's very mesmerizing.

Alright guys this is getting weird. How come your mages both look like mine?

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I haven't had the slightest bit of interest in wow in years. I played from vanilla through to cata and stopped just before the MoP launch after playing its beta.
I am waiting to see if they manage to not fuck up classic. This is first time I have been excited about irninterested in WoW in a long time. If it has the social and dynamic aspects of vanilla, it will be amazing. No, the wonder of my youth won't be there, but the things I used to enjoy will be. Fingers crossed they don't fuck it up.

>I'm so excited
>Month 1 ends

Attached: g4arena.jpg (480x360, 23K)

based Grobb-Chads


It's going to be a hell of a month tho
You don't think I'm actually some Blizz loyalist right?
Sometimes things die in a month, that's the nature of the digital age

>I'm so excited
>See 8 hour queue


Is it true that you have to remove your cock, balls and prostate before you can play classic wow?

fellow blaumeux chads, gonna stomp some kids as undead rogue, feel free to join

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Only if you're playing a female character

talk like a normal person

>the secret best servers are now full
which one of you fuckers sold us out

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get me some too while ur out

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"weird innit?"

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I remember trying to level my alt pally I rolled in cata to explore the revamped world, and quickly realized I was the only person in any zone at any given time. Nobody to duel in hubs, no quest parties forming, nobody even trying to gank me. Everyone was just afk in the city, occasionally fading away as the joined a dungeon. It became the way I leveled too. Impersonal tanking with hardly a word spoken. They streamlined the more tiresome parts of the game, but in the process the robbed us of its soul.

You don't know invisible walls are there until you experience their absence.

got a head like a FACKING ORANGE

there all going to be full user, literal millions are waiting to the very last moment to sub

FF/retail cucks like yourself should really just stop, its embarrassing.

why do you make your undread look like a retard instead of an an actual undead

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>Blue eyes black ponytail
Absolutely bas-
Get the fuck out

>orc shaman
>not cow man

>wow babby can't decipher between trannys & MMO vets who player MMOs before WoW

I get more stoked seeing someone with simple names like "Michael" or "Ashley" or God forbid, the ONE guy who actually gets "Illidan". Seeing someone with those names is better than seeing AQ gates mount.

I managed to get Bleed but as you probably know the servers were melting

Making a female human mage is easy. Just make her look like she would secretly enjoy being pounded by 5 gnolls at the same time. Having a much harder time making a lock.

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>"Way I see it, Paladins are really just priests, yeah? I mean think about it. Both of 'em usin' God to heal people, or hittin' them with hammers made out of 'im."
>>"Karl the light isn't 'God', you're not actually USING God to heal people."
>"Course you are! They worship it, don't they? Build giant Cathedralels to it-"
>>>"CATHEDRALELS!" *Autistic laughter*
>"-and iss what gives them all their powers. They ask God to do them a solid, see, and he comes down and does it. So all the difference is is a Paladin issa bloke who's smart enough to put armor on, while a Priest wears a dress. Weird, innit?"

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undead are literally retards what do you mean

armor looks so fucking good on female orcs i can't resist

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just because one of the undead got his brain scrambled doesn't mean all of us get the same, look at Lilian Voss

Tauren have longer melee reach in classic, food for thought if you're going Enhancement

Female orcs look cool but their run animations are absolute dogshit I couldn't stand to actually ever play one.

and can also be hit easier as a result

give her the sinister plotting looking face and the long black hair

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Frost mage or Elemental Shaman for PvP?

>dude WoW Classic
>we're going home bros
>just like how I remember it
>collecting 50 bear asses is full of SOUL
>holy shit you can WALK to the dungeon

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Kill this age bracket and we're good.

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how can dwarves even compete

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The problem I have with that face is that it's too obvious as a pick and I'm more into warlocks hiding in plain sight as someone a bit more innocent looking.

>everyone walking to dungeon = more spontanous pvp

Because Blizzard is still based deep down inside

>muh ebin ganking
have sex

crit racial

>Making characters.
>Remember how I made a female troll shaman because of the side-boob starting armor and fapping to it.
>Remember making a nelf druid and fapping to her.
>Remember making a human female and fapping to her stonking big tits.
Being 14 was fucking great.

Attached: Dr Stone fap.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

rent free


Enjoy dying to a thousand undead rogues using blind/prep

>Literally got the name Michael

Damn nigga

cry more ganked scrub alt+qq

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free rent

*stealth detecting raciallol*

I hope so, world pvp is the best part

i thought about it but im prob going a eleresto
sounds cool and will still get me an easy slot for pve and let me pvp without being dogshit

>tfw got the name CIA on my server

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>Not giving your rogue a retarded look on his face to enrage your gank targets

based i have retail just to slutmog
panda girls are the best

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>uses prep and blinds into sap again

>Goblins could have been playable in Vanilla but they didn't want to make more unique Goblin doodads since they didn't have many uses outside of Gobbo towns.

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>implying I wont have the /sit macro

Wrathbaby spotted.

Zoomer who didn't play classic spotted

>I can only have fun at the expense of others

>Every Man for Himself

How are you typing? Didn't your paws get cut off?

yo noone made you be in school in your 30s???


Tauren have bigger hitboxes too, retard. They reach farther because they can be reached FROM farther.

Hey i mean i got Pagliacci on fuckin Herod so i think im good with my name but a normal name like Michael is impressive too

Did you not read >ENHANCEMENT

I mean, she probably is not wrong. Why are you staring at the ass of your toon?

>using the fetal alchohol syndrome face

>pve grinding benefits compared to escape artist
my sides

idk why you faggots keep throwing this out there. it's a perfect chance to play the faction/classes you never got the chance to experience in their busted ass state

I just heard about classic, what server is the server to avoid and what server is the server to roll on as a horde

Which doesn't matter at all.

It DOES matter vs mages/ranged though where they don't want to be in your melee range.

lol no they won't, they'll be watching streamers play it, the majority of zoomers will fucking hate actually trying to play the game, it'll bore them to tears

The rp-pvp server will be the best

this has to be bait

Not everyone. For people like me and many others who never got to play vanilla this will be a new experience.

thinking of rolling undead priest as my main. thoughts?

RP/PVP won't be great for Horde, though. The fact of the matter is that Horde RP is going to be a fraction of the size of Alliance for the sheer fact that Horde has absolutely no RP spots. Their cities are all functional and generally look like shit, and only Orgrimmar has anything remotely resembling areas of even mild privacy to RP in. Maybe the upper part of Undercity for very specific scenes.

Compare that to Stormwind alone which has completely modeled but empty taverns, crypts, houses, alleyways, etc, where since there are no guild housing or any such thing, Rpers will be flocking at all times. And that's not counting Goldshire, Ironforge, the dozens of out of the way empty houses and buildings all over the first few areas of Elwynn/Westfall/Redridge, etc. Vast majority of RPers have already confirmed to be going Alliance, so if you plan to actually enjoy RP in Classic I'd say your best bet is to go Alliance rather than Horde. If you are set on Horde, just be aware you'll be PVPing and PVEing a hell of a lot more than RPing on either RP or RP/PVP.

almost every server is horde dominant. Avoid playing on Herod Faerlina and Thalnos, the streamer tranny and br servers.

Why would every sever be horde dominant?

>playing Alliance in vanilla

>still no rp oceanic server
blizzard is gay

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redditors love playing horde

ur just mad cause I won't erp with you >:3

If people getting world and server firsts in Vanilla could play with the races they wanted then so can you.

Sure thing.

Wait is horde really reddit? I don't want to be reddit.

they really are
the whole "too deep for you" and "not really the bad guys" appeals to them far far far more than alliance

Current split between rp-pvp is 52% alliance and 48% horde on EU

I was there for Argent Dawn EU's server first Onyxia kill. There were 38 of us and nobody knew what they were doing me included

52-48 is far from bad

it only gets terrible at 65-35+

I don't actually want to rp. I just prefer playing on rp-pvp servers are it's more comfy and it has less try hards.

I guess I play alliance than thanks

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Don't listen to that guy. Alliance is reddit. That's where all the trannies so they can play as female humans and female night elves.

I am going to enjoy putting sniper shots into your disgusting gnome dome in STV.
t. troll huntard

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trannies love femtroll though

ill take a few trannies than literal billions of redditors

Shit now I don't know which faction is more reddit

Only if you can survive the 40+ hours of desert hordtard

Pretty sure we ran Molten Core with like 5 SM/Ruin locks me included so ditto.

Look at this retard

regardless of muh scary redditors
alliance has better music
better cities
better zones
better battleground starts
paladins which shit on shamans in pvp/and are on par with pve

I can sort this all out for you.
Alliance is the open reddit/tranny/etc faction. It's where all the fruity flamers and proud cucks go. The manchildren with their mouths agape at Nintendo products.
Horde is the closeted/awkward weirdo faction. It's where gays that act normal... less fruity go. Where furfags that stalk you and notice your bulgy wulgy go. It's where people tend to act more like human beings and less like robots pretending to be human tend to go, as well as ironic shitposters and the like.
The percentage of "people you would rather slam your dick in a car door than talk to" is heavily skewed towards Alliance. You will 100% get reported for any wrongthink or anti-PC remarks. I'd say 7/10 awful people in alliance and like 3-4/10 for Horde depending on server and guilds on said server.

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Horde has the best walking, casting, and fighting animations, plus the best looking gear appearances. All thanks to undead and orc males. Human makes look goofy, I'd get sick of playing a dwarf manlet, night elfs have a retarded run, and I'd regret playing a female after a week.

Joke's on you, leveling Barrens is my second favorite place to level characters in WoW, first is Un'Goro Crater. God damn do I love me some dino adventure.

this is just incredibly wrong and i actually believe you might have mental problems for believing literally everyone thats not you is weird

you kids overblown streamers and trannies too much
they exist
their awful
but come the fuck i literally nonstop chat about how much i hate niggers in retail stormwind all day and never been banned
and that shit is like 10x more cuck

>Where furfags that stalk you and notice your bulgy wulgy go.
Wrong. All furfags roll night elves to yiff on Goldshire. I'm one of them

Imagine NOT being a Grobb-chad...

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The statistics do not take into account who will actually be RPing, and if this launch is ANYTHING like it was back in the day, I guarantee you that Horde's only RP will be in guilds taking place privately with almost no open-world RP to speak of and thus slowly die off. Goldshire shit RP may be terrible, but it ceaselessly shows there's an actual population of active RPers. You'll see a ton more of actual RP content Alliance side no matter what.

I would argue more go Tauren durid because you get furfag race + cat durid r 4 sex.

>Prepping for the world-building gritty RP on Grobb
I already know of a full on mafia-like guild planning to get started and rumblings of some really fucked up cartel shit coming from another game. I am absolutely ready to see drugs being sold on the street and legit prostitute guilds ICly operating.

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I lost count how many times I walked in on our druid raid leader ERPing in cat form with another druid. Both night elf females, bot real life dudes. Said leader also traded in-game sexual favors for preferential raid treatment, which eventually destroyed the guild.

Good times.

See, I wonder how classic will impact this. There are less races, and distribution of types of players was different back in vanilla. Somewhat.
Alliance had
> kids that wanted to be good guys
> vidya playing boomers
> lol so random xD teens
> turbo tolkien nerds and lotr kids
> elf fags, all varieties
> WC3 NE and human players
> erpers
> drizzzzt fans
Pretty shitty bunch of people to play with.
Horde had
> kids that wanted to be bad guys
> try hard teenagers
> edgelord teenagers, UD w/ mohawks
> neckbeards that are really into vikings and shit
> WC3 orc and undead players
> "too deep for you" fans
Pretty annoying bunch of people.
The factions have changed and become more varied. Elf fags are relegated to alliance anymore. Edgelord can play worgen. lolsorandom douches can play goblins. Harder to identify the types you'll encounter on either side.

you underestimate the Goldshire ERP degeneracy

>ERPing in /say
Even normal ERPers consider this disgusting.

Attached: [disgusted skeleton noises].jpg (313x343, 47K)

>Healer uses the 'If I don't heal you'll all die' power play.
>Seed-garbling cock-socket had clearly forgotten its place.
>Kick the worn out whore out the group.
>Replace with a fresh healer.
>Fresh meat is a little inexperienced, but eager enough to work hard all the way down my inflated health bar.
>Only chokes now and then.
>Toss the exhausted cum-rag a pretty dress for working hard.

>Invite our new nut-gobbler back again next week.
>Put the slut right on raid healing.
>Watch the jizz-slurper barely handle the whole raid's health bars.
>Still makes sure to atleast toss a lick towards my throbbing tank shaft while my usual healer works on the balls.
>Like the whore's dedication, so decide to keep it in the guild and train it to be a good health bar service slut.
>Makes sure to be knelt in front of me in every boss kill picture.
>Replaces my personal health-bar slurping heal-hole a while later, and stays my pocket bitch for a few years.

I'm excited to experience this again

My reasons for going Alliance.

1. Spent the vast majority of Vanilla playing Horde so it will bring at least some personal refreshment to this explored ass game.
2. Caster pvp sets looks better than the Horde sets imo.
3. I will finally find out what Paladins actually did in Vanilla besides stunning me in pvp.
4. Experience the big deal that is Fear Ward.
5. Nah that's about it.

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I'm tempted to go alliance for darkshire. It's one of my favourite zones.

weird boys

closet fags

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pure poetry my dude

I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that in my experience pretty much every Tauren druid was down for freaky shit in private messages. Most initiated that fact. Didn't have nearly the same encounter rate with NElfs when I played Alliance. Every group, every random passerby, nearly any time I had an exchange with a Tauren past /wave, it was almost always offered. As a male. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, it was nice to feel desired.

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What the fuck am I reading

If i sub rn can i still reserve a name? or is that over?

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But the undead animations... Fuck bros.. Can't decide

Hopefully my server won't be the unofficial Hungarian server this time.
Fuck off you goddamn shitters. The XIV frogs of the early 2000's. Refusing to speak English and zero respect for other players.

Should i play rogue or feral ? Alliance or me /V

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You can. Good luck getting it on the full and high pop servers though.

> try retail and make a panda
> zones are empty
> everyone phasing in and out
I just fapped to panda sfm and everything was better

You can still reserve.

There's no such thing as a feral druid in classic. There's only resto. Feral and balance are a joke.

Is the only (1) english rp-pvp server full now? Like you cant even make a character?

thats the only one i cared about

What are you having difficulty understanding?

Zandalari? It's medium I think

Doesn't it go live 10AM PST on Tuesday? That's over 60 hours from now.

Medium. I'm going there.

Your pure unrepentant fur faggot degeneracy

im ashamed to admit I used to ERP in goldshire

You can probably knock that down to 14-16days played easy without even having to min/max

>first ever character was a human mage
>could do a warrior now, or a fucking rogue

kill me this is too much for my poor heart, also who here /grobb/

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ur a joke

Both rp servers on EU are medium. Plenty of room my man.

Eu does not matter you inbred queer

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thanks lads ill try to reserve on rp-pvp. pure rp servers are for carebear erpfaggots

You unironically jerked off with another guy. Think about it. You were both horny for each other. He was jerkin' his gherkin to what you said. You made him, a dude, blast rope.

That's gay bro. You're gay.

I never reciprocated, you fucking illiterate.

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How are all these can't decide fags still alive?
>I can't decide my server
>I can't decide my race
>I can't decide my class
>I can't decide what to eat

That’s smalltime
> tfw can’t decide my facial hair and color

Tell me what race and class please. I can't decide for my own

>make a character
>level it to 20
>realize i don't like his nose
>delete and re-do
>level it to 20
>realize the old nose wasn't that bad
>delete and re-do
>level it to 20
>old nose actually was bad but not gonna reroll again

Can I play as a female even though I am male or is this weird?

Paladins absolutely do not shit on Shamans in PvP at all; they get their seals purged constantly by the mud hut niggers and usually windfury'd or elemental mastery'd to death. If you mean healer vs healer, I guess Paladins might be better, but Nature's Swiftness makes a lot of difference

Am I shooting myself in the foot if I don’t pick engineering as a warrior/paladin?
Never managed to max them out, they were always a money sink which didn’t help me through the leveling experience so I always grabbed alchemy herb instead

user, you never played fucking Ragnarok, Ultima and even EQ.
if not the Infamous FF9 Online

Here's a basic guide for making a WoW character.
Do you like having fun? If yes, play Horde, if not, Alliance.

Now for your class.
First, decide which role you want to play.
If you want to tank, play a warrior. That's the only real tank in the game.
If you want to heal, you have a few choices. Priest, Shaman, and Druid can all heal. Paladin can also heal but Paladin is generally a shitty class overall.
If you want to deal damage, decide how. Melee? If you want to get up in people's faces, Warrior. Though warrior is really a tank class in the end. If you like PVP and enjoy stealth, rogue is great. Ranged? Mage is the ranged/aoe DPS class. Hunter is the ranged/pet DPS class. Warlock is a hybrid, a mage with a pet. But warlock is actually pretty bad in vanilla as well. Anyway, pet classes are the easiest classes to level so hunter/warlock are good classes for your alt.

As for your spec. You can respec so it's not really a big deal what you choose. That being said, there are a few traps to avoid. Druid tanks, Paladin tanks, Priest DPS, Druid DPS. Classic isn't balanced. Some specs are just bad. These are them.
If you want specifics on which specs to steer clear of: Balance druid, Feral druid, Elemental shaman, Survival hunter, Arcane mage, Retribution paladin, Shadow priest.
You will see people say>b-b-but I did it and I made it work!! b-b-b-but it's funnn!! b-b-but i'm uniiique! but that's not the point. The point is they're straight up worse than other options, that's an unavoidable fact.
Some specs are bad for certain things, for example a subtlety rogue is terrible in PVE but has useful PVP things.

> create perfect character after many attempts
> realize his portrait doesn’t look good
> re do
Truly the worst suffering
Thank god wow character creation is limited, imagine if you had voices and eye colors

Carebear, yes. ERP, no. All the degens are gonna stick to retail with their awful blood elves and draenei. Plus I'm Horde, so I can just shit on Goldshire even on a non-pvp server. They can never resist flagging anyway.

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>FF9 Online
Did... did you mean XI?
Not the user you were replying to. My fondest memories were SWG pre-cu and EQ2. Was the first Ratonga to swap sides on my server, so many people in Qeynos wondering why I wasn't getting attacked by the guards. It was the only beta I ever got into. Good times.


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Every time I mention grobbulus on WrA everyone says they're going Bloodsail buccaneers instead.

reminder that LFG Addon fags are seething because they need to interact and people will discover that they are degenerates

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Dear Grobbulus RP-PVP anons: I've quarantined 2 cancerous names so no erpfaggots can use them. Thank me next week.

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>wanting to stay on a sever with retail WrAccorders
Absolutely please go bloodsail buccaneer.

Oh, man, that image brings back so many memories.

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Thanks user, now no one will be able to name themselves something as gay as "Prinny"

So it was you that took Prinny. You better make good use of it. I'll be watching you, dood.

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Shadow priests are the best pvp class in classic and warlocks are op as fuck once they start getting aq and higher gear

There's one disgaea roleplayer who's going to be seething

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brb grabbing "naizuri" the gnome warrior

just make a nelf named etna

This is accurate. Only absolute carebears are going to go pure RP and the communities there will rapidly descend into 'WE NEED AN RP COUNCIL' and 'RACISM ISN'T OK' and all the absolute garbage going on in retail right now. Meanwhile, grobbchads will be doing proper gangster RP, actually interested in playing the game as well as RPing, and will be the golden server.

>I've quarantined 2 cancerous names

But i see 3

doesnt surprise me when you consider who these people really are
>I can't decide my gender

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I took it literally 3 minutes ago. If you were trying to get it on grobbulus, then you were awful at reserving a name.

Regardless of how good Locks are they're still always useful.

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You’re goin to have to do some groveling to get the dorf to fearward a caster.

Just a heads up

Anyone else worried they might not like Classic? I'm hyped to play with my friends and check out the old world but I'm worried that the grandeur will die too soon and I'll drop it before I even hit level cap.

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I was just pretending to care because I recognized the reference.

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Oh I know it's mainly for tanking.

>tfw dwarf priest
>people will be fighting over who can gargle my hairy earthen testes
keep your feet on the ground

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I'm playing a dwarf hunter on pve and I also want to play a warrior. I might make an orc warrior on a pvp realm but I have never even tried to tank
guess now is as a good a time as any to learn


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So you're telling me absolutely no one on Herod reserved Pagliacci or Bogdanoff?

rolling warrior, if i roll gnome will i still get the ethot soccer moms or do i have to go human warrior?

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What's a good race for healslut?

I want to roll a Dwarf Priest again but I know I'll get cucked into healing. And if I'm a priest, I SHOULD be cucked into healing. But I've been playing a Shadow Priest in retail WoW since vanilla, so it just kind of sucks.

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>XIV babies getting more furious and frankly scared because they KNOW Classic alone will have more subs than their game.

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Dude, its retailfags.

Some are getting furious; others are joining. Count the increasing number of cvmbrain posts in these threads.

>Classic alone will have more subs than their game
but we'll never know because Blizzard pulled the big brain strat and made Classic & Retail subscriptions indistinguishable not that they even report them anyways

Sure wish I didn't delete my Vanilla screenshot folder to open up some space on my harddrive 13 years ago.
I can't remember what skin color I made my undead.

FF has never had anything to do with it. it's retail players. Go read the official wow forums, there's a designated classic salt thread at all times. They're legitimately angry that it exists for some reason, it's pretty funny.

>"I-IT WASN'T US!!" screams the increasingly nervous FF14 tranny, right off the tail end of organizing Discord raids to take over WoW threads over and over in the past few weeks

Nah. Just take the L. Everybody loses sometimes, man.

MMOC is funny as fuck because is the biggest retail shills like queen of hamsters, Felplague, gehco...

I've literally never played a single final fantasy game in my entire life. FFXIV looks like a shitty soulless korean MMO grindan game. That being said you're still wrong.

these anons are actually right. my irl friend is a retail nigger and he denounces Classic to me every chance he can.

based brainlet

it's full, and I mean to the brim, with retail haters, you can't go an update post without them screeching about how bad the live game is

>"N-No, you're wrong, I don't play FF14! I just know for a fact NOBODY who played FF14 EVER tried to disparage Classic! Y-You're wrong!"


Herbalism/Alchemy as priest for money making? Can I really just mind control toss people off bridges? Cause im gonna do that alot.

I can't decide between male or female

and they aren't wrong?
8.2 is a trainwreck worse than Shadowbringers and Elsweyr combined.

how to Spot a FF14 faggot projecting himself on the others


So why *are* retail players getting so angry?

It keeps out the children. This was a based and redpilled move by Blizzard.

Alliance or Horde as a european ? which is better and less cancerous ?

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Paladins are one of the best healers, and give the best buffs in the game. BoK is literally 10% to every stat. wtf are you talking about

>"I-I'm not a FF14 player, it's just that FF14 is better than WoW right now! But remember, I don't play it!"


>My guild list used to have more people online
>Suddenly it half as big
>Are we even raiding next week?
>I'm going to have to make new friends in a new guild
That's okay retailers. There is always LFR.

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Fucking lmao; Serves them right for trying to hugbox so many shitty changes over the years

Horde for PvP racials, Alliance for PvE
Horde have no shoes and live in mud huts for cities. also no hot girls.
Ally have the best cities and females
so are u a sweaty tryhard PvPer or a Chad Raider who fucks

for pve, alliance vanilla, horde every other expansion

I think it's insecurity. If classic blows up it might kill retail, and what then? Think about how much money and time they've invested into retail. 15 bucks a month for so many years, plus the cost of expansions, plus cash shop mounts and countless other things. So many collectibles and items and cosmetic pieces... all meaningless. They were always meaningless. But if retail actually starts falling behind classic, that will be an unavoidable slap in the face for them, that proves to them the meme they pickup while walking on the WoW treadmill were all worthless, that it was all a waste of time. And since they're years deep into the sunk-cost fallacy, that is their worst nightmare.

Also, Classic is even more dangerous than if some other game got popular and sapped players away from retail. Because it's not even so much about the player count. It's the developers. Classic is also a Blizzard game, more resources diverted to Classic = fewer left for retail. It's one thing for the player count to drop, but if the dev count drops, the game is officially in managed decline. Again, this is their worst nightmare because it means the invalidation of YEARS of pointless "achievement".

Jealousy from Blizzard giving classicfags what we want. They stuck with them after ever stupid shitty decision and now Blizzard isn't rewarding them with attention because Blizzard knows they'll keep paying regardless.

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>I can't decide between male or female

Were you talking about the game or real life

Making an Undead Warlock
Should I do Tailoring/Enchanting, Mining/Engineering, or Herbalism/Alchemy?

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Who doesn't want to be female in real life? That's a clear choice.

Horde is always less cancerous. Always. People who play horde don't care about looks or the meta or how pretty their girl character is. They just want to have fun. that's what DA HORD is about.

GreenSkeleton get the fuck out of here with the false ff14 bullshit
we know that is retailfags making these hate classic posts.

>People who play horde don't care about looks or the meta or how pretty their girl character is

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tailoring, only pick up enchanting to de gear you craft/loot. once at max switch out enchanting for engineering

Every server poll shows that every single PvP server with a huge population is at best a 60/40 horde/alliance ratio
Classic is fucking dead.
Good luck finding a good server that's not 70/30

This makes all those posts I have read over the years saying that WoW has moved on from Vanilla and the people complaining should just unsub deliciously ironic

>Character looks perfect in every way
>But then you equip a hat/helmet and it all goes to shit

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Female is literally worse in every way other than looks though, and looks are almost entirely RNG. The STR and END penalties are crippling in endgame content and they don't even get access to the highest level abilities. Yeah sure they can make alt accounts but they're fucking expensive anyway

He's right though.
Absolutely right. Except for the PVP tryhards, they always care about the meta. But no one cares about them. Twinking is the most fun anyway.

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>Classic is fucking dead
>isn't even out yet

>name reservations announced
>server list
>mates and i pick whitemane
>we're set for whitemane for a while
>blizzard announces that it will have several hour long queues and that is not good for us
>discuss which servers to move to
>west coast pvp is a must
>fairbanks is also too full
>blammo is giving dead realm vibes to me
>bigglesworth is untested
>grobbulus is a possibility, but my mates don't wanna rp
Guys... help...

Keep in mind, there are no blood elves in Vanilla

If there are more horde players than I will play alliance.

>hey guise look at my qt troll :3
said no one ever. Meanwhile every "post your character" thread has 9000 female humans.

he's right about vanilla horde

post-tbc elf horde is as cucked as alliance

You realize you can schedule your own classes?


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blaumeux is even my dude

>With a huge population
Blaumeux is a dead server

Where can you see these stats

You don't have to rp. Most don't. Just pick a non-meme, lore appropriate name and don't shit on some roleplayer's parade and you'll be fine.

God, imagine if they branch differently with classic and have new expacs that never add faggot belfs or worgen.*UdABvgphGwFh0wLfnxPRVA

there better off not having meme retards like that guy

lol no female is live on easy mode


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>wow classic just branches off into based expansions while retail withers and dies

>Blaumeux is a dead server
literally every server available as of now will be full to the brim when the game actually releases.

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>retard doormat guild leader keeps changing the server

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cool thanks

#NoChanges amirite?
Blizzard has NEVER properly addressed population imbalances. They don't even incentivize playing on the lower pop faction.

Most people take their vacations in the summer you retard

>first new race revealed
>mfw retail anally annihilated

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This is why I wish there were some *minor* changes from newer expansions. The barber shop was a godsend

Jesus, this thread
>When someone like me say "I don't want to play a game from 2006", I don't see it as hate. Just an opinion. - Uses a fucking sylvanas avatar and its a well known sylvanasfag in the lore threads
>i like retail since i don't expect complex storytelling and therefore i am not disappointed. i played since release in EU and i won't do it again as i really like my QoS changes. but to each their own. play classic, no problem. although i think it is a waste of resources and blizzard doesn't gain anything in the long run. especially since the first month is the break for the most people. - its reeks of Tranny who plays BE.

that thread is full of Reeeeeetail players seething because people will have fun playing a game, instead of playing a facebook game that is retail.

Eh, nah

tailoring is good but not necessary on warlocks until ZG comes out with how good the crafted set from there is for warlocks. engineering if you're wanting to PvP a lot, otherwise i'd stick with alchemy

lmao, horde is edgelords that listen to tool & actual unibrows that play orc

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>I don't want to play a game from 2006
Yeah man fuck Oblivion, Bully, Twilight Princess, Gears of War, Dead Rising, FFXII, Saints Row, Blood Money, and more. Who would ever want to play that outdated trash?

holy shit, that is bad....

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>once at max switch out enchanting for engineering
but then I'll have to buy all my mats?

>edgelord band
What. Are you ok?
Related, Puscifer (supergroup, lead singer from TOOL/APC) is also incredibly good.

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tryhards unbalanced the current pvp realms, i'll be rolling on one of the new realms released on launch day. 55/45 is just a trainwreck for both factions. Boring for horde, even worse for alliance.

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Has anyone logged into BfA after not playing the game for years? Holy shit... this game is a joke now. Stats are squished to hell, there’s like a bajillion mounts, the world is pretty dead, and sub-level twenties running around with mounts and level 120 NPC assistants.

and Oblivion Nowadays is more playable and Fun than WoW post MoP.
doing super sekrit oblivion tower dungeon

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I'll be listening to Cult of Fire and other black metal bands while cutting down boars for paltry xp.

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doesnt help unless you already know the rogue is there, at which point youve probably been opened on.

Perception, like stoneform are far more ideal for rogues helping kill other rogues, they have minimal use outside of this compared to other racials, escape artist for example

minmax is for PvP, dummy!

sure, just dont go literal watermelon race

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user i quit after early Uldir and logged in, and jesus is bad.
i cant find any reason to do fucking nazjatar and tinker gnome island, its boring as fuck.

why does it have to be a secret now?

>just use the active without getting cheap shotted
based zoomers

>They just want to have fun.
On PvP all they want to do is kill alliance players and get very upset when they get S M I T E D.

Never ever the continuation

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Reminder to all horde

What cliche does Male Human Priests fit into? That's what I'm thinking of rolling.

You're either a slut or just enjoy supporting people rather than being in the front lines. So, also a slut.

nice filter

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>cawpy pahsted

>90% of retail guilds are struggling to keep 20 active raid members
>classic is almost guaranteed to kill the majority of these guilds
fucking based

I feel like its more
>All the girls are on Alliance, since they're more attractive and no BE
>Wanna-be good guys
>Tolkien nerds
>Minmaxers for PvE
>Simply boring people who saw human and related on a deep and personal level
And horde is just going to be
>That one guy who likes Shaman and
>That one guy whose really nice and chill and plays Tauren

Turns out having content be definitive is more appealing than
>your super rare, expensive and 100 hour grind to get that sword is now redundant for the cool price of $59.99 due to a level 61 weapon

amelio shaman, fag

sounds like something a tranny in denial would say. it's a role playing game and you're playing as a female, therefore you are a tranny in that universe.

>you'll never guess what faction this guy plays

Unironic faction pride and reddit go hand-in-hand user.

women like things, guys like cock

You should check out the discord for your server. Filled with retards getting trolled by Brazilians. Also many faggots. One of the mods has never even played wow.
Enjoy your server community bro once they blacklist you to the barrens.

Look, I would play Tauren Shaman but I dont want to deal with the immature bullshit of horde.

And thats a fact by the way, every single server poll ever has shown horde is actually slightly underage in comparison to alliance. Usually its only by a year or two average.

you only have to submit to a cock and ball cage. that and a prostate vibrator until you log out. standard terms of service, really.

The curse of all trolls

>alliance vs horde arguing
>in 2019
Leveling: Alliance > Horde
Dungeons: Horde > Alliance
PvP: Horde > Alliance
Music: Alliance > > > Horde
Capital cities: Alliance > Horde
Armor aesthetics: Alliance > Horde
Raids: Irrelevant

This is just how it is.

PST is Pacific standard time retard-kun

for you

>wasting name reservations on shit that will get flagged for rename 3 days into classic

>PvP: Horde > Alliance
I'm going alliance specifically for faster BG queues.

>Trolls look great without armor
>put on one piece
>eye rape
Why. Why did Blizzard make horde so ugly.

I'm annoyed my faggot WoW friends of both factions are picking the same server and I can't make both factions on RP-PVP. It's making me not want to play at all.

Stratholme Scholo and UBRS
Just dropped my Valor Helm how could I roll a six?!
Gratz to my guildmate but I can't believe this shiiiiiiiiit

zugg zugg buggs on a rugg

Look on the bright side, you may have no shoes but at least you dont walk as far for instances

please, i beg you, play retail world of warcraft

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I played vanilla human and honestly thought this was our racial as well. Mendela effect in full swing.

Just play on grob. That’s where all the fun people are going.

Am I just fucking myself over if I play night elf instead of dwarf for priest? I feel like shadowmeld could be funny in some situations.

Play what you want.

Literally no one will care while leveling in any shape or form. That includes all 60 dungeons.

what's so bad about rolling a troll warrior for tanking?

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Good shit
I always wonder how some people can imitate something like that so well, am I autistism? I can't do it well

No shoes nigger mud huts.

Will I be able to find a qt braphog gf if I play horde? I know more females will play alliance but I'm hoping it's not a massive difference.

Only if your a super minmaxer. Hell NE priest is a very slightly better leveler then human or dawi. Plus a priest is a priest youll get a slot in all but the super top guilds which spoiler you aint gettin into anyway.

If i play Classic what server will be a good PvP server?
I want to join a server with a lot of people and not a meme one that will die off in a month.

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same here, friends are split. think more about what you see yourself playing as in the long run. i'm going dwarf rogue/priest(stoneform/fear ward). gnome mage because gnome. NE hunter for shadowmeld pvp. torn on what warrior to go though...

have you tried just going out to your local mcdonalds?

horde is full of tryhard manbabies who will constantly shame you for not picking orc for every single possible class

Orcs are better tanks because of their axe specialization. Without going into the math it basically means you hit like a level 61 rather than a level 60 which means a lot in raids. Dealing damage is important as a tank to keep aggro.

But as its been pointed out a billion times before; that only applies in raids and even then you can still DPS/tank fine as a troll in raids. Its literally irrelevant while leveling. Leveling a troll warrior is fun, just do it, a fury spec fits in really well thematically with the race.

Same here

>I know more females will play alliance but I'm hoping it's not a massive difference.
Desu its a massive difference.

Horde didnt get female players until blood elves came out.

female horde IRL are either furries or trans men

Same here, can't decide between human mage or rogue

The only thing I'll miss from retail is the Panda sluts but they're not enough to overcome the shit gameplay

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What makes classic wow fun to you Yea Forums?

>actually liking fucking chinese pandering
End yourself

I just like furry girls

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Its somehow both easy and challenging while having a really nice world.

fem tauren sham for milk totem, mommy.

the size of the world, the speed of traveling through it, the ones you meet along the way both good or bad.
>blizzard adds flying mounts

Herod for EST

If the population balance poll numbers are right, the only PVP server that has anything close to equal factions is the RP-PVP Grobbulus. Thats the only one where Alliance Slightly outnumbers horde.

There's no way to know how things will play out, but if you're looking to play Horde pick Grobbulus. If you don't mind being outnumbered pick Alliance on any of the PVP servers. Blizzard is Blizzard and won't EVER address faction balance.

How do you still enjoy it after being in that same world after all these years?


Not gonna lie, I actually like the Chinese aesthetic, but the panda's can fuck off.

gnome vs human, dunno. hard choice.

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Only reason to avoid trolls is the horrid treatment they got on armor. Most helmets don't close over the face, if they do, tusks clip. They can't wear shoes either. Tauren can't either, but hooves you know. Horde in general gets the lesser of armor aesthetics. Undead don't usually look very good in plate or mail because the gaps in their bodies. The orcs, trolls and undead hunch over and you can't see their tabards very well.
People who care about race picks are minmaxer autists and are best ignored.

>tanking axes
Even Crul'Shorukh has a fucking 2.3 speed. And after that, there are no upgrades.

How many of you are going to lose your girlfriends and wives over this

I've never played WoW but I'm going to try classic. Any advice on a class for someone who knows literally nothing about the game?

I've been eyeing Warlock, Warrior, and Paladin but idk

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just pick one that sounds interesting

Alliance, Horde races are literally US composition while Alliance gets 'moderate muslims' in TBC.


What does the horde have against shoes? Aren't niggers usually particular about their footwear?

I see our taxes are being well spent with these "people"

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the leveling is one thing. its the level 60 dungeon grind that is grueling.

Fake nostalgia hype dopamine rush
Don't fall for "We are going home", there is no home and vanilla was objectively the worst WoW

We are the Horde /vg/ guild on Grobbulus RP-PVP

We are a guild dedicated to having fun, doing weekly raid progression, PvP/WorldPvP, and some light RP-events. New to the game? Come join us and chill while you level. Coming back? Good, we need people with knowledge of the game. We welcome all who browse Yea Forums and /vg/, just don't be a tranny or a sperg. We aim to keep a drama-free atmosphere. All classes welcome.

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>don't be a tranny or a sperg

Warlock, least played, easiest to level and can kill lowbies of your own faction.

stop advertising your garbage nobody wants to play with autistic trannys

gonna be a yikes from me dawg

>mind control off bridges
>mind control off boats
>mind control into lava
>mind control into elite mobs
>mind control duelers off trams
>mind control duelers off zeppelins
>mind control people into gorges/gulleys/literally anywhere that has mobs and singular routes out.

Silence / Mind Control

Thanks mate

>Less than two days away
>Still don't know what class to play.


Priest,shaman,or lock bros? horde side since I was alliance the first time around.


PVP or Raiding focus? Dueling focus?

There's nothing wrong with Pandass

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Raiding with world pvp on the side. Don't care much for the rank grind.

Just go shaman.

If you're not in a guild already you're going to want to pick Priest > Shaman > Warlock.

I only played Nost for a short while. When it got killed I played retail for about a week before I realized it was not real WoW.

In my experience from private servers, my guild was INCREDIBLY short handed when it came to Dwarf Priests
You'll probably still be able to get a spot but if you want to guarantee you will never leave the roster you make a Dwarf Priest


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Bug boys represent

I chose Myzrael oy vey!

nobody said it so i will
gnomes can be mages you know

Was planning to go alliance but my friends guild are insufferable min-maxers who won't even let my rogue go daggers, what do lads

alliance or horde? Do you mind playing with streamers and trannies?


i never played classic or had the authentic experience, i was a wotlk baby so i am excited

razorgore chads, where yo at?

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This is what my ud lock looked like.

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What's the best server if I'm trying to get inv to asmo layer


How I have longed for this...

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>children of 22-26 years old who attend college

Absolutely true and can confirm.

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>you can tell when closet trannies are seething when a simple image gets so many yous

I don't remember posting in this thread...yet here I am

Mentally, most college students are children, so this still works out

>One single non-PVP Oceania realm

Hrm which do I choose?

The PvP one is going to be massively overpopulated as well, with a terrible Alliance to Horde ratio.
In the end the choice was made for us.

can't wait can't wait can't wait

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Is Alliance already too big there? I was thinking of a human Warlock on the PvP server

Me and friends are going Horde on blaumeux

Rolling mage

>I'm a fucking retard and that doesn't know how to fix my own schedule!
Shut the fuck up, I'm a fucking nurse and got plenty of time off.
>Joining the military
Literally fucking why? Who are you fighting faggot? Good thing you won't be playing the game with your toddler IQ dumb nigger.