So now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

So now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

Attached: sekiro.jpg (1000x547, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I cant dress my ninja up in pretty outfits, no stats for builds, cant summon people to beat bosses I'm shit at.

Total lack of variety or depth. Every fight is basically the same. Basic combat is great but there's nothing to really learn past the basics of the parry. There really isn't much to learn past Butterfly Lady. You could say that of any Souls game really but they all at least have weapon and enemy variety. The combat arts and shinobi arms are pretty bland. They aren't useless but they don't add very much either. Most of the enemies are extremely samey as well, even the bosses for the most part are bland and repetitive.

This As a transexual I feel that dressing up my character is the most important aspect of any game. Also I'm incapable of being an independent person so I need jolly co-op in every game.
The combat was worse than this. (30 seconds)
Nothing new or innovative, just insta-kill cutscenes that take you out of the fight. How can you fags play Demon's Souls the 8th time?

Transfolk live in your goddamn head

seething transcunt

howabout u go be fokin gay soemwhere else like habbo hotel fagot lol

Forced myself to play a NG+ for other endings and stopped playing at the beginning, never touched it again, meanwhile i'm playing NG+7 with differents builds on Bloodborne. It's a good game but it isn't worth the full price since most of players will finish the main story and never play it again

no different builds/weapons but it also seemed like a necessary evil with how the combat was designed, a slower weapon would be SHIT, and a faster weapon woulda probably been OP


Items take too much utility away from using your primary weapon. Block and parry are kind of shit because of the stamina system; optimal way to beat enemies is spam items and press offense.

>Sekiro was utter garbag-

Attached: Sekiro Duel.webm (1024x576, 2.87M)

The game focuses too much on parrying. Its not skillful, all you have to do is not even move and press the parry button until theres an opening, then attack and break their guard. Rinse and repeat the entire game.

Nothing. It's a fucking masterpiece and my personal game of the year. The only regrettable aspect of it is no dlc. Shame that it's gonna be largely ignored at the game awards this year because its too hard for game journalists to comprehend.

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Journos loved it, tranny.

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Is it true that this game has a bunch of "GOTCHA!" feints and animation cancels that enemies do on attacks to make it harder to parry? I fucking hate that shit.

>isn't worth the full price

Took me over 40 hours to beat the game once. That was a whole week's worth of amazing entertainment, and that is absolutely worth full price.

No. You can literally mash the L1 button the entire time and parry or block absolutely everything besides the perilous attacks which create a huge red symbol to let you know you cant parry them.

>have a bunch of cool of combat arts
>every one has their own unique inputs and gimmicks
>gameplay isn't actually designed around swordplay despite only having a sword
>you can only equip one combat art
>combat arts don't even have a dedicated button but cycling consumables gets two
>boring as fuck R1 attack is your bread and butter
>the only variation on R1 (holding to thrust) never fucking works
Amazing action game From.

Nothing, best soulsbornekiro game.

Like says, there's nothing really wrong with the game. It's quite good in-fact, it's only drawbacks come out when compared to Souls games - build variety, clothing, weapons, etc. The game itself is perfect, it's the comparisons which ruin it in people's minds. Like how Zac Efron is a 10/10 until put next to a hot guy who's 6'1.

When will you newfags fuck off?

Holy shit, he's actually 5'8.

No option to sniff Kuro's feet

2/10 game

Pixel perfect parrying was required and different accross different enemies and I just don't have the will to put in enough time to get the timing down.

Thought I'd bemoan the lack of builds going in but I sincerely didn't care, it's so much more fun to play than Souls on a fundamental level. Real issues I had were most of the pickups being lame and the combat arts/prosthetics being either useless or gimmicky or too costly. For the former, they needed more items that would be useful or cool. Finding a prayer bead or gourd seed was great, another goddamn mibu balloon was not. Upgrade materials would feel better to find if the prosthetics were more useful. New outfits might be neat, no need to change stats just style. For the latter, the spirit emblem system needed work to encourage usage, maybe some better way to get more in combat than sacrificing your life with an endgame item, like say some risky skill that exists solely to give you more emblems. That wouldn't solve the whole problem though, they just don't mesh well with the combat system where deflection is almost always the best way to handle a situation, and that's something I don't want to change.

>what went wrong?
nothing enough to make it not great


From can't into action games. They're still far behind Nioh, DMC, Ninja Gaiden, MGR, Bayo etc.

The company that made really good create-a-class action RPGs made a action RPG without the create-a-class element.

People gonna bitch. Was obviously a 8+/10 game.

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It became way too easy after learning to parry.

The only thing bad is the lack of Aesthetic customization_ it's fantastic apart from that.

I also personally felt the upgrade system for prosthetics was mostly pointless - an afterthought. I finished the game with almost all of the tree still locked.

This, if it came from another dev nobody would have blinked an eye at the lack of customization.

Nothing that cant be said about other souls games. The extra weapons and armors are not different enough in Souls games to be a negative for Sekiro. Truth is that Sekiro is the best parts of Souls games distilled down and a much better combat system. The only negative you can really say is the lore doesnt allow for as much autism as Soulsbornes.

So you didnt make it past Gyoubu.

>the best parts of Souls games
And what would those be?

it's like a souls game without anything that makes souls games good

No you cant.

Level design and atmosphere.


Everything is great except the UI

unironically neck yourself, your an affront to God and nature

Nothing, but souls fatige got me.
i'm probably losing reflexes and some bosses were super hard to me, i'm too old I guess to keep trying 40 times so I dropped it after 20h

They really aren't that far behind all things considered. The problem is that their development feels completely haphazard. It feels like each of their games advances on some aspect but outright just cut others completely. DS1 introduced poise then none Bloodborne and DS3 removed it. Bloodborne fleshed out the offensive options but removed the defensive ones. Sekiro simplified offense as much as it could and focused on defense and removed RPG elements. Now Elden Ring is going to roll around, it's going to focus on RPG elements and it's obvious many of the good parts of Sekiro aren't going to comeback.

From needs a game that has a clear idea of what it wants to be. All of their games have had unfinished shit. There's many elements that could make an amazing action game but they're all over the place. Sekiro is the closest they've been to that but it's not there yet.

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The translation. Activision fucked it up and the story and lore are really hard to initially understand because of it.
Modelswaps are a thing now, there's a 2B one on nexus.

Nothing went wrong.

>Activision fucked it up
[citation needed]

>that fully charged r2 stake driver on that shitter
mein neger

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>no waifu fashion
>no autistic builds where you have to beat the game before you actually get to play the build
>no ebin invasions for my viewers to SMASH THAT LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE BUTTON

Activision did the translation. There are a few great leddit posts talking about it and giving proper translations, as a lot of words/names/even entire phrases are changed or totally wrong.

too ard innit. i got stuck at monkey boss and quit

stealth was shit
most combat arts were shit, they should have just made a typical combo system t.b.h
mini bosses were reused too much
treasure was worthless aside from the few health and estus upgrades
I thought most of the arms were fun just unbalanced

>Stealth was shi-

Attached: sekirohasgoodstealth.webm (1136x640, 2.91M)

That's because in addition to having two different teams working on different games at the same time, most of their games are basically rebuilt from scratch 5 or 6 times over the course of a 2-3 year dev cycle. See Bloodborne for instance. Initially you showed up with your friend Lawrence to find a cure for a sickness in your town and most of the game you were tracking him down. Another version had you starting in Hemwick and journeying through the woods to reach Yarnham to figure out what they did to Cainhurst, which is the game -- they already made it, might as well use it. Not to mention the fact that Bloodborne at one point was supposed to be Demon Souls 2 hence the cut dialogue that frequently used the phrase Umbasa. If they could actually get their pre-production stage solidified enough that they didn't have to remake the whole game several times over they might not have some of these issues.

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Why do you say stealth was shit? Were you not using gachiin sugars or bloodsmoke? The latter is the most overpowered shit in the game.

This isn't how stealth should work.

Why did DS3 feel more like DeS than DaS?

>There's a bonfire in the room
>Walk past the room
>There's another one
>And someone left a misplaced catacomb there too

DS3 feels so lazy. I was so disappointed when fighting aldritch. Its just a ds1 reference. All that buildup for nothing, its like watching ep7 and notice its just a new hope hack. I pushed trough the gray ass sterile corridors wanting to see what grand revelation the game had for me, and just kept finding random swamps, then the game ends. Gael was nice, it should have been introduced from the very beginning.

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it was too far too easy you dont even need gachiin except to cheese certain parts

still loved the game btw

It was way too short.
When I thought I was getting to the middle of the game, it fucking ended.

Did you do the iron code ending? Because that ends it early.

Not him but had I not known that I would have instinctively done that. I wanted to make my papa proud.

But Owl was/is scum.

I only needed gachiin for the last seven spears fight. Fuck fighting him and a normal samurai at the same time

>too hard to be casually enjoyable(even though I beat ds1 and 3 up to ng++ solo relatively easy)
>boring ass generic setting/lore, level design is just 'muh samurai castle'
>no build variety/progression
>no coop or pvp
the last one is biggest for me; even to this day I still occasionally launch ds1 to shit on people in anor londo or sen's as a sl35 asshole

The enemy quality and difficulty is all over the place. The bosses are probably the best bosses in the series, but some of the mini-bosses are just complete gimmicks, and most of the mobs are complete push-overs. The endgame also has some encounters which feel impossible since they make you fight two or more mini-boss level enemies at the same when the combat barely can handle a couple basic mobs at the same time. The Okami warriors probably had the best balance in the game between being relatively complex and threatening yet being fairly numerous.

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I'm ready for DLC anytime, the game is absolutely starved of content in comparison to their other games
keeping that in mind though, gameplay is excellent

I didn't know that my first run.

>I cant dress my ninja up in pretty outfits
the only correct part.

no pvp no buy

Did you skip the cutscene where Owl wanted that immortality too?

there was no pvp so I bought 2 copies

Why would you ever want pvp in this game? Look at how fucked Souls pvp is. They can't even handle that but you want them to make pvp in a game based on twitch reflexes?

Nah, but I didn't pay that much attention. The story's kinda shite and I had checked out by then.

The Okami women were great. I wish they'd made an actual miniboss varient.

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They pissed me the fuck off when I first got there but after like 5 minutes I realized they're one of the easiest enemies in the game.

Someone give me a lore redpill on the people in Fountainhead Palace.

They tried to hard to make it difficult for the sake of difficulty.

You really weren't paying attention then. Also Owl has no respect for gullible bitchbois, he only cares about you if you kick his ass

The name is improperly translated like everything else, consult the leddit threads.

I loved Sekiro, easily my GOTY. The """problem""" for a lot of filteredfags who relied on summons and liked to play dress up in Fashion Souls was that Sekiro is meant more for the player who wants the intrinsic reward of getting better and better at the combat. There's not a ton of items or weapons and exploration isn't as important, it's just you and From's best combat system. It might seem easy to beat by sprinting around, cheesing bosses, or just mashing deflect but when you understand it more and learn there is ONE optimal reaction for every boss attack, it gets absolutely fucking based.

>dancing, having a good time
>some jap shows up and ruins everything AGAIN

Most bosses are utter shit and most of the areas are as well.


>Most bosses are utter shit
Demon of Hatred is the only boss that qualifies as 'utter shit'. Here's your (You).

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I summoned for every souls boss so it was nice how forgiving the combat in sekiro was

I liked how they managed to make not-lifegems actually useful because of how shit your not-estus flask is at the start. I was even using them toward the end of the game.

Tenchu was one of my favourite game franchises so I had a blast with Sekiro. I can see why people would be disappointed if they went into it expecting the same level of customization and variety as in Dark Souls but I honestly didn't mind. Favourite game of 2019 for me.

fucking this. I have a save file at the final boss in NG+3 that I will load up occasionally just for the thrill of creaming him after he pounded me raw for hours on end when I did charmless demon bell, and he's STILL a fun fight even though it's pretty easy now. Just nailing every single deflect and making all the right moves feels great.

Same, I always had some saved up for emergencies in the longer boss fights. The finite amount of items made using them quite strategic. Shit like the candies/sugars and the Bundled Jizo were real game changers when used well.

>Just nailing every single deflect and making all the right moves feels great
Absolutely. I did the same. It is so fucking satisfying to boot up a boss that original took you forever and pushing their shit in. SSI alone is worth the price of the game.

>complain about translation again

I don't know if you heard but the translation is really bad. You should learn nipponese so you can understand the full breadth of the lore you baka gaijin

well they're not wolves, that's for sure.


No option to fuck Ema or the Divine Child. Otherwise it's perfect. 10/10 game.

I'm talking about how the modder comes to Yea Forums and acts so elitist about his translation mod.

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Most bosses are utter shit and most of the areas are as well.

Why do people complain that most officially made subs lack flavor, quality, and flow?

According to user, they could represent the decadency of the Heian period. Interesting enough, some real life architecture from the period is looks exactly as fountainhead palace.

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The fuckawful combat system literally fucked up the nerves/tendons in both by index fingers.

Only 1 weapon, no armor/costume sets even if it doesn't add stats. Game feels short, both in number of unique areas and the size of areas.

The biggest praise I can give Sekiro is I love there being different boss fights for endings. An actual fucking reason to replay if you don't spoil yourself online, but even then you get boss fights

>So now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
You were a fucking shitter with shit taste.

Sekiro or should I call it seKINO is master piece.

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I have really bad carpal tunnel and general nerve damage in both of my hands and it still didn't bother me. Stop being such a puss user.

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damn i love these
been thinking about coming back to Sekiro, I never beat my NG+

I *CLANG* have *CLANG* no *CLANG* idea *CLANG*

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

>>every one has their own unique inputs
Every combat art is Block + Attack, because you can only equip one combat art.

You're a virgin, we get it.


>gameplay isn't actually designed around swordplay despite only having a sword
What does this even mean? Explain yourself, please, I'm genuinely curious.

Looks like someone hit a NERVE.

Sekiro is his own man, he doesn't need your input in fashion

It's GOTY.
Only people made are soulsbabbies

Imagine being such a pathetic malnourished gamer your hands fall apart.

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If it came from another dev, nobody would have blinked an eye at the game period.
The whole thing is fucking bland and the combat never changes from start to finish, you just get new pointless tools you can use a few times per checkpoint to break up the absolute monotony of tapping L1 to the rhythm of being attacked and then hammering R1 until the enemy starts blocking.

great game but a small game extended by fiddly controls and mind numbing grinding.

Nothing went wrong you faggots
It's going to be one of the goty contenders along re2 remake and fetus stranding

>pre-launch: huge threads all day everyday, everybody is hyped
>immediately post-launch: FUCKING SOULLESS
God, the threads the week of launch were so fucking tasty. So many absolutely filteredfags crying over the ogre and could not adjust in the slightest to the lack of enormous i-frames. Nothing will ever sum up nu-Yea Forums better.

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Nothing went wrong except reused bosses that about it

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its a game about sword duels
what were you fucking expecting
its like complaining that an fps is full of gunshots

its a decent game
>muh pvp
>muh different builds
>muh fashion souls
all irrelevant in a story focused game like sekiro

>The game itself is perfect
Divine confetti.
Most combat arts are useless.

Good golly, miss Molly. It sure it handy all these guards are dismally myopic.

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I miss this game but I already played it for probably 150+ hours and I don't think I can get any more out of it. Maybe I'll replay again someday.

People complain when the translation is localised for flavour, quality, and flow. People complain to complain.
Look at all the endless whining about DQ11 or FF14's English translations.

Make me a sandwich

i got bored pretty quick. im not a fan of the combat style. i want an onimusha game but with heavier feeling weapons.

literally the only possible way it could be improved is by including a couple of different colors of robe
wearing orange gets old after awhile but its because hes a baby orangutan

>filters a shit load of people with vacuum grabs
>filters people even after they kill him by training them how to play the game wrong
>is a literal troll
How can one man be so based?

Attached: how-to-beat-sekiro-chained-ogre-boss-fight.jpg (1600x900, 155K)

Combat arts are activated by R1+L1, but outside that they're not all the same. Whirlwind Slash is a simple attack, and High Monk and Spiral Cloud Passage are flurries, but Dragon Flash and Empowered Mortal Draw have holds for more power, Ashina Cross and One Mind have the whole seathing the blade thing, Nightjar Slash Reversal has a backflip attack which is inputted with the stick, Praying Strikes Exorcism has a final attack which can be inputted at any time by holding, and Shadow Fall requires you to hit the enemy first for the jump then the falling attack.

There's plenty of input and execution variety in combat arts.

The game is based on the posture system and deathblows. You deplete an enemies health and/or fill their posture until you can deathblow them. It's more based on blocking and parrying and countering than using your sword to attack. The basic attack options are pretty limited: a thrust (which is stronger than a normal attack but is rarely useful), a short (two hit) combo for meeting a block, and a longer (like five hit) combo when you manage to land some attacks; all of this is put on R1. In comparison the previous games had at least two dedicated attack buttons, with unique roll and backstep animations, more moves when having a tricked weapon or twohanding. Bloodborne and DS3 have the most moves per weapons by allowing you to trick weapons and giving you skill while two handing. This was all simplified in Sekiro. The game just offers less options.

If people weren't such fucking scrubs they would've eavesdropped and learned about the flame vent.

Keeping the estus flask mechanic.

Everything. This is the pinnacle of fromshit, stripped of all the things that made souls fun for the sake of MUH INTEGRITY and MUH COMBAT.
Hope Elden Ring doesn't repeat it's mistakes.
and from will make sci-fi Net Souls hiring Tsutomu Nihei for all the worldbuilding and desings

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only good for 1.5 playthroughs

> It's more based on blocking and parrying and countering than using your sword to attack
How many times have you played it? I don't mean to be a dick, I'm being sincere, because my first time through I felt the same way but on the subsequent playthroughs I realized just how much you can go on the offensive and bully a lot of bosses and enemies.
>This was all simplified in Sekiro. The game just offers less options
You're right, but it's honestly what I like about the game. It feels close to a boss rush because it is simplified and you don't need to worry about weapon upgrades, class builds, etc. At least in further playthroughs, it's just you and the combat. I fucking love how there is one optimal reaction to each enemy attack. It makes the fighting feel so high stakes and efficient. It might come down to just attack, deflect, mikiri thrusts, or jump over sweeping attacks, but that's honestly more complex than most situations in soulsborne and abusing roll.

So was he fucking the shota or not?

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youre sick user

honestly even after 100 hours in the game ogre is still one of the most unfair bosses, his grabs are bullshit plain and simple. i can go against ssi or true monk with a confident gait but i still clench my asshole and play like a pussy when it comes to ogre.

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raging bull
lightning rayquaza

i beat both of those guys on my first try
difficult and tricky, sure
bullshit? nah

DLC when

It wasn't set in the superior setting

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not bullshit, shit

I heard so much hype about DoH but didn't face him until NG+2 and he was easy as shit. Are people just bad? Some minibosses have a bigger moveset.

To better illustrate what I mean here are some Bloodborne weapons:

>How many times have you played it?
I think I'm up to NG+4 or +5 on my current save. I restarted it a couple times before.

>I realized just how much you can go on the offensive and bully a lot of bosses and enemies.
It's not that you *can't*, it's that the game isn't really based around being creative about it.

>I fucking love how there is one optimal reaction to each enemy attack.
We'll have to agree to disagree. I appreciate Sekiro a lot for what it is, but I prefer action games which allow me more room on how to deal with situations, which is something something Sekiro does have at times.

i suppose i can agree about the bull especially because hes recycled later but the battle with the dragon is fucking awesome and significantly different from every other encounter

Never, they've abandoned it in favor of Dark Souls: tax policy edition.

It could have been a unique experience,but it was still a souls style game.

7/10 game,but should have been its own thing instead of a harder more punishing souls game.

anyone who says Sekior wasnt souls formula is full of shit

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Is Chained Ogre /ourguy/?

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Raging Bull isn't a boss.

>fog gates
>shinobi execution

sure sounds like a boss to me

>Look at all the endless whining about DQ11 or FF14's English translations.

What's wrong with FF14's English translations?

No DLC. Also too many reused boss fights. Still a 9/10 and the second best Souls game after Bloodborne.

>no memory

>weak to fire, ash and firecrackers
>can even backstab him by using stealth sugar
>retards still get filtered by him

>is a literal white man
Also a reminder to download the boss rush mod after you've completed the game to enjoy boss fights anytime you want

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>No memory or achievement unlocked

Soulsfags not being able to handle anything that isn't a PvP dressup autismfest

>We'll have to agree to disagree
For sure, I think Sekiro does fit into a bit smaller niche because of its limited options. It certainly isn't the same as bigger action games or even others by From. Elden Ring sounds like more of their previous games, but I do hope they come back and make a sequel to Sekiro and keep refining and building on its combat.

its a mini boss
with exception of the ghost mini bosses all of them drop prayer breads

Meant for

muh memes
muh purple prose
muh flavor
muh spoilers
i don't think it's perfect but the people bitching are such fucking weebs they shit sushi

I want to say the combat in Sekiro is nonetheless the best of the Souls game, for me. Yes, it doesn't have a lot of sword moves, but the previous games didn't capitilize well on their larger movesets either. It has the most tight knit combat in the series, and had a clear idea of what it wanted to be and executed it well. I just think there's still a lot of room for expansion and refinement in its offensive options.

it was too hard for v babbies to beat

Never finished it, it got really frustrating how small most areas were when you'd have to fight a miniboss so half of the time I was fighting with the camera


Outside the mini-bosses the only bad boss reuse is Fake Monk. Owl 2 and Ape 2 feel different enough and Genichiro 1 and 3 aren't real. Only Fake Monk felt unnecessary.

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>I just think there's still a lot of room for expansion and refinement in its offensive options.
Most definitely. I'd love to see the skills better incorporated. For a first go at this type of playstyle they fucking nailed it though.

the only actual issue the game has is that you can't change between combat arts in middle of combat without going into the menu
the spirit emblem system is also flawed since it discourages you to use that shit because you can run out of them
prosthetic usage should have been like the gourd where they recharge each time you rest on the idol

Of your shit

Sekiro represents the classic Japanese values of enduring loyalty. From a certain point of view, wolf never ceased to be a child soldier who has been charged with protecting his master with his life.

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