For me, it's Cherami Leigh Kuehn

For me, it's Cherami Leigh Kuehn

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Talked to her at a convention last year. She's super sweet.

Somehow shes even cuter than all the cute girls she voices

>american voice actor or voice actress
>they're actually nice
Why is this so rare? And why are they always in the union? Is it because they know Funi is evil?

Cherami is cute! CUTE!!

Would she let me marry her?

Best girl

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I just want her to sign some Makoto shit while I tell her I appreciate her work.

Every voice actor I've met in person has been at the very minimum semi friendly, but I try to have a good eye of who is and isn't probably a prick in real life.

Yeah of course. When you meet them in person, they have to try to raise their PR levels. Although for some reason when they're on twitter they start acting as retarded as the average Yea Forums user, so it kind of gets thrown out the window. That's where you go to find out if the person's a douche or genuinely a good fellow. Also if they have youtube channels that usually means they're at least a bit passionate about something, like Baker and North.

Her husband is a lucky motherfucker

For me, it's Mela Lee.

He's newer, but I gotta say that Billy Kametz is probably the coolest, most friendly guy I've ever met at a convention. He's gotten a bit bigger recently. Hope he gets everything he auditions for.
Also got to meet Cristina Vee a few months before she went insane. She was nice.

For me, it's Cassandra Lee Morris


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>went insane
wat hapin

She's already married

Got divorced, got breast implants, acts like a thot. Plus she lost the role of edelgard because she couldnt keep her mouth shut. But I am sure I am missing a lot.

>Fiance dumps her a few months before their intended wedding
>This hurts her pretty badly
>InControl, who she dated for a bit but was still very close to, dies

You replied to the wrong post, dummy. He was talking about Leigh

Wrong VA

White women are the best

o-oh. That sucks.

I dunno who that character is but Cherami voices many best girls.
>Suzuha from SG
>Kazumi from Initial D (at least until she cucks Itsuki)
>A2 (Nier Automata)

For me, it's Laura Bailey.

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Market has been oversaturated with her, now I can't hear any characters she plays, I only hear Laura Bailey. Ruined.

At least the boobjob was 10/10

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Same with Robin Atkin Downs. Doesn't bother me for Kaz or Travis though, everyone else he does I just hear RAD.

She also voices Komaru from Danganronpa
I had the exact same problem with Kana Hanazawa

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For me, it's OP's mom.

That looks awful. Lmao.

At least each and every one of those characters is inherently better off for it. She's an angel.


There's a pornstar that looks a lot like her

Pretty sure that tattoo means she fucks black guys

>There's a pornstar that looks a lot like her
But does she SOUND like her too?

>There's a pornstar that looks a lot like her
If she escorts and the side can I get her to talk to me using Vee's Sailor Mars voice? Cause that gets me diamonds.

Oh shit, is she black owned?

You pathetic cucks don't even know the dumb meme tattoo you fucks spread.

For me it's Briana White in her debut as Aerith Gainsborough in Final Fantasy VII Remake

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I find it hilarious how many characters she does that get to do the perfect balance of cute girl and absolute nutjob.
>Patty Thompson
>Suzuha in S;G
>Komaru Naegi

Is it true that she is a lteral who youtuber who never voiced anyone?

It's her first voice role but she's got acting experience; FF7R is her big break.

I honestly prefer Michelle Ruff's voice and most of her characters end up being my favorite both Yea Forums and Yea Forums.

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>watching anime dubbed
Why. Still, she's the same chick who voices Yukari right? Her voice is pretty sexy, Leigh's voice is more about being overall cute than hot

Everyone knows her friend and fellow VA Christine Marie Cabanos is the better of the two

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Because there are some old school dubs I enjoy, like the OG MSG with Brad Swaile as Amuro. And yes, she voices Yukari.

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Is it weird her voice has made me cum more times then I count? Would it be awkward meeting her after fapping to Makoto so damn much and imagining her voice as I do?

Maybe you can convince her to record some dirty lines for you. I heard seiyuus do that sometimes in conventions

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You think thats an actual possibility? I think I might die from happiness if that happened. Or die from being drained

How deep are your pockets?

Already done. Had her sign some persona shit at a con but man, does she voice all the best girls for every triple A game and anime.

If thats all it takes I would seriously save up until I had enough.

>Red Blood Cell
Best girls, all of them

Nah she's like Christian or something so she'd be less likely to say them

>Red Blood Cell
Is the dub out already? I've been waiting for it so I can use it in class.

This scene didn't seem very Christian to me

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In class?

August 27, user

Teacher. I'm lazy and showing shit like this covers a fair chunk of the 8th grade bio curriculum. But like a quarter of my students have reading issues so subs aren't an option.

Best girl is Christian

She truly is perfect